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01x13 - Hocus Pocus

Posted: 11/16/23 08:58
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On guitar

- ♪ Kiki

- ♪ On keyboards

- ♪ Shout

- ♪ On drums

- ♪ Marina

- ♪ And the real mc

- ♪ Twist in the house

All: ♪ get on up

♪ Clap your hands

♪ When you hear the fresh beat band ♪

♪ Dance and move to our song ♪

♪ Join the band and play along ♪

♪ Get the beat

♪ Fresh beat

♪ Feel the beat

♪ Fresh beat

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la

- ♪ Fresh

- ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la

- ♪ Fresh beats

- ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la

♪ La

♪ Get the beat - ♪ get the beat

- ♪ The fresh beat band

- Check it out.

There's a talent show at music school today,

So people are gonna be doing all sorts of cool stuff, like--

Ooh--like playing the tuba or...

Roller-skating while playing the trombone

Or, you know, anything.

Back flips, for instance.

But I'm gonna do something really cool too,

Like juggling.

Huh? What do you think of that?


It's just , , .

, , ...


- Hey, twist.

Guess these are yours, eh?

- Oh, yeah. - , , .

So what can I do for you?

- Well, you see, there's this talent show

At music-- music school today,

And I'm gonna do something really awesome.

I just...

You have any ideas?

- Hmm... Something awesome?

- Uh, yeah.

- Something magical?

Something magical?

I have just the thing.

- Really? - Yeah. Watch this.

- Wow!

- I take my scarf... - Okay.

- And I cover the table with it. - Sure you do.

- Just like this.

- And--could I have a drumroll please?

On the congas?

- Oh, yeah. Of course.

- Every magician needs a drumroll.

- Really? - Thanks, twist.

And then I say the magic words.

Koogle flugel bugle strudel


- Ha!

You just made a magic kit appear

Like magic.

- Indeedy-do, twist.

Loads of great tricks in here.

Let's have a look.

- Okay.


- So we have a magic wand...

- Yeah.

- Top hat...

- Snazzy.

- And of course, the old magic scarf.

- Yeah.

- Loads of great magic tricks in there.

- Yeah, there is.

I could do magic tricks for the talent show today.

- Absolutely, twist.

- Thanks, man. Hoo!

- Oh, one last thing. - Uh-huh.

- Don't forget to say the magic words.

- Oh, yeah.

- Otherwise, the tricks won't work.

- Oh. Great.

Say the magic words. Got it.

- Bye, reed. - Bye-bye.

- Hey, listen, reed? - Yeah?

- Could you maybe repeat those magic words one time?

- Certainly.

Koogle flugel bugle strudel...

[Trombone drowns out words]

- Okay. Thanks, buddy.

- Listen, reed. - Yeah?

- Just to be on the super-safe side,

Would you repeat those one more time?

- Certainly.

Koogle flugel bugle strudel

[Bicycle horn drowns out words]

- Got it. Thanks, pal.

- Okay. Good luck.

Hey, guys!

- [Together] hey, twist.

- Okay, so guess what we could do

At the talent show at music school today.

- Oh, we're gonna sing and dance.

- Well, I mean, we are gonna sing and dance,

But we can also do...

Magic tricks!

- Whoo, that sounds cool.

- Yeah.

- But we don't know any magic tricks.

- Reed let me borrow his magic kit,

So now I can do magic tricks while we sing and dance.

- What if we just play music?

- Oh--and dance.

- And sing together at the talent show?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

We can do all those things, guys,

And we can do magic.


- We could do magic.

- But first let's get ready for school.

- Cool beans.

- All righty.

[Upbeat pop music]

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ It's gonna be a cool day

♪ Cool day

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ It's a music school day

♪ School day

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ Can't wait to get to school day ♪

♪ School day

- ♪ Hey, hey ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ It's a music school day

♪ Cool day

- ♪ At school we get into the rhythm ♪

All: ♪ that's the beat that moves your feet ♪

- ♪ Melody is the notes we are given ♪

All: ♪ that's the thing the singers sing ♪

- ♪ Hey, hey, yeah

- ♪ And then we make up some lyrics ♪

All: ♪ that's the words that you just heard ♪

- ♪ Mix it all, mix it all together ♪

All: ♪ turn it on and you've got yourself a song ♪

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

♪ It's gonna be a cool day

♪ Cool day

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

♪ It's a music school day

- ♪ School day

[Beat boxing]

[Electric guitar solo]

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ It's gonna be a cool day - ♪ cool day

- ♪ Hey, hey - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ It's a music school day - ♪ school day

- Hey, let's get ready to play music for the talent show.

- Yeah. - All right.

- Hey, guys. Now, listen.

I was thinking.

Playing music is awesome,

But I think we can be even more awesome

If we did something magically musical.


- Let's see what you got, twist. - Really?

- Yeah, show us an awesome magic trick.

- Yes! Okay.

One really awesome magic trick coming right up.

Watch this.

I will use my special powers,

And from this vase grow pretty flowers.

Huh? Okay.

Hey, marina, can I get a drumroll

On the snare drum, please?

- Oh, you got it, twist.

One drumroll for your magic.


[Clears throat]

- I like that part.

And now for the magic words.

Koogle flugel wah-wah strudel


- Twist, those aren't flowers.

- Whoo! - [Laughing]

- What? That wasn't supposed to happen.

- Pockets! Pockets!

- Don't worry. Aah!


- [Panting]

Oh, no!

- In here.

- Wow.

Cool magic trick, twist.

- It wasn't the trick I was trying to do, though.

I don't know what went wrong.

- But it was still really cool.

- Yeah, but what if I did a different trick?


Watch me grab it,

Reach into this hat,


Yeah, drumroll.

Okay, koogle flugel wah-wah strudel

Cha-cha choogle!


Well, I didn't expect nothing.

[Girls yelling]

I'm sorry, guys.

I don't know why my tricks aren't working.

- Don't worry, twist.

We'll help clean up this mess.

- Yeah, the tricks may seem tricky...

And a little messy...

Okay, a lot messy.

- But we'll help you clean up this room.

- [Together] no problem!

[Percussive pop music]

- ♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ What you say? Oh. ♪

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ Things are kinda tricky

- ♪ Got a situation that needs some resolving ♪

- ♪ You say you got a puzzle that needs some solving ♪

- ♪ What do you do when things aren't going right? ♪

- ♪ Put our heads together

♪ And we'll see it through

♪ When nothing seems to be going right ♪

♪ There's no problem we can't solve ♪

♪ If we put our heads together

♪ And get involved

♪ There's nothing we can't figure out ♪

♪ Just stay cool

♪ We'll work it out

♪ There's no problem, problem, problem ♪

♪ We can't solve

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ What you say?

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ Things are kinda tricky

- ♪ Got ourselves in a tricky little pickle ♪

- ♪ A real head-scratcher

♪ That gives your brain a tickle ♪

- ♪ What do you do when things aren't going right? ♪

- ♪ Put our heads together and we'll see it through ♪

♪ Soon everything will be going right ♪

♪ There's no problem we can't solve ♪

♪ If we put our heads together

♪ And get involved

♪ There's nothing we can't figure out ♪

♪ Just stay cool

♪ We'll work it out

♪ There's no problem we can't solve ♪

♪ If we put our heads together

♪ And get involved

♪ There's nothing we can't figure out ♪

♪ Just stay cool

♪ We'll work it out

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ What you say?

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ Things are kinda tricky

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ What you say?

♪ Uh-oh, oh, no ♪

♪ Things are kinda tricky

♪ There's no problem we can't solve ♪

♪ If we put our heads together

♪ And get involved

- I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I said the magic words.

- Well, are you sure they're the right magic words?

- I don't know.

I thought that reed said,

"Koogle flugel wah-wah strudel cha-cha choogle."

- Well, maybe you should try different magic words.

Okay. Hey, marina, wanna give me another drumroll?

- You got it, twist. - Okay.


You see this ball I have right here?

Watch me make it disappear.


Koogle flugel pizza strudel cha-cha-choogle.

Well, ball didn't disappear.

- But our instruments did.

- Whoa, twist.

Cool magic trick.

- Except that that wasn't

The magic trick I was trying to do.

I wanted the ball to disappear, not the instruments.

That didn't work at all.

- Um, then where did our instruments go?

- Honestly, I don't know.

But I can bring 'em right back, okay?

Um, koogle flugel-- I hope this works--

Spaghetti strudel cha-cha-choogle.

- You made instruments appear, twist...

- But they're not ours.

- Yeah, this is a keytar, an electric upright bass,

And a regular drum set.

- We need our instruments to play in the talent show.

- Right. Um...

Just gonna try some new magic words.

Hey, marina, what about a drumroll on the snare?

- You got it. Just one more.


- Whew.

Uh, koogle flugel boogie woogie strudel


[Kiki's voice] I don't believe it.

Everything's exactly the same.

- [Marina's voice] not everything.

- [Shout's voice] twist, you have....

- [Twist's voice] my voice.

- [Marina's voice] twist switched our voices.

- [Shout's voice] how can we sing...

[Clears throat]

How can we sing in the talent show

With the wrong voices?

- [Kiki's voice] hey, I mean, it could be kind of fun.

Give it a try.

♪ Sun is always brighter when there's music in the air ♪

♪ Step is always lighter

♪ When you got a song to share ♪

- [Marina's voice] twist, we need our voices back.

- [Shout's voice] and our instruments.

- [Kiki's voice] got it.

Voices and instruments.

Listen, are you sure about ♪ the voices ?

- [Twist's voice] twist!

- [Kiki's voice] right.

[Clears throat]


- [Shout's voice] you got it, kiki.

I mean twist.

I mean...

Here's your drumroll.


- [Kiki's voice] koogle flugel swordfish strudel


- [Marina's voice] whoa.

Twist's magic trick sent us to music school.

- [Together] cool.

- [Shout's voice] we still need our own voices back.

- [Kiki's voice] I'll switch 'em back.

Okay, um, marina, can I get a drumroll please?

- [Shout's voice] you got it, kiki.

I mean twist.


- [Kiki's voice] koogle flugel flapjack strudel


- Hey, we're at the talent show.

- Shout, you got your voice back.

Oh! We all got our voices back!

- But not our instruments.

- Well, that means the trick still didn't work.

- Marina, kiki, twist, and shout.

How did you get here so fast?

- Um, well, we just...

You know, popped in, ms. Piccolo.

- Well, get ready to pop back on to the stage,

'Cause you're up next.

- Guys, how am I gonna get our instruments back

If I can't even remember the right magic words?

- Okay, okay, let's think.

Um, maybe it was "koogle flugel apple strudel."

- Or "koogle flugel smoogle strudel."

- Or "koogle flugel jumping jack strudel"?

- No, those aren't it either.

- What are we gonna do at the talent show?

- Hey, I know.

Wouldn't it be cool if we found a giant claw machine

That had all sorts of really cool instruments in it, okay,

And then we played the game over and over

Until we won three instruments

That were just like your old instruments

And then we brought 'em right here to the talent show?


- That would be cool.

- Or, you know, we could just play a song at the talent show

With these new instruments that we have.

- Well, sure,

If you want to do it the easy way.


- Hey, cool beans.

This keytar has keys like my keyboard.

[Synthy riff]

- And you know, this bass has strings like my guitar.

[Strums bass line]

- And a drum set is still a drum set.

[Drum riff]

- Then let's do it.

- All right.

Oh, and don't worry about me, guys.

I won't be doing any more magic, so...

- But twist,

We want you to do your magic.

- Really? - Yeah.

- But, guys, I don't even remember the real magic words.

- Well, you have to keep trying, twist.

- Yeah, because until you find the right magic words,

We won't get our instruments back.

- I guess you're right.

- Just do your best, okay,

And let's all make this show musically magical.

- And magically musical.

- Yeah, but don't switch our voices again.

- Marina, kiki, twist, and shout,

You're on.

- [Sighs]

It's time to give it my best shot

And do some...

- [Together] magic.

♪ Magic, magic

♪ Oh, that special magic

- ♪ If you got a little magic that you wanna do ♪

- All right!

- ♪ Keep on trying, don't stop trying ♪

♪ Use all the tricks you got

- ♪ So come on, come on, come on ♪

♪ And give it your best shot

♪ Abra cadabra, presto chango ♪

♪ Got to believe

♪ That you're giving it your best shot ♪

♪ See what you can do

♪ When you try

♪ Once you know the trick

♪ You can do magic

- ♪ It could be easy, it could be hard to do ♪

- But you give it, but you give it,

But you give it what you got.

- ♪ But that doesn't matter

♪ That doesn't matter to you

- You can't give up.

You've got that abra cadabra stuff.

- ♪ So just keep trying

♪ Don't stop trying

♪ No, no

- ♪ No, no, you don't have far to go ♪

- ♪ 'Cause you know what you got ♪

♪ A special trick up your sleeve ♪

[Record scratching]

♪ See what you can do

♪ When you try

♪ Once you know the trick

♪ You can do magic

♪ Doo doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ You can do it

♪ If you just stick to it

♪ Your own hocus pocus

♪ Is sure to amaze us

♪ Show us your trick

♪ Wow, that's special magic, magic, magic ♪

♪ Oh, that's special magic

♪ See what you can do

♪ When you try

- You got that magic too. You know you do.

- ♪ Once you know the trick

♪ You can do magic

- You can do it if you know you can.

A la kazaam!

[Cheers and applause]

- Great job in the talent show, guys.

- Thanks, ms. Piccolo.

- That musically magical music performance

Was magically musical,

And you are quite the magician, twist.

- Oh, well, thanks, ms. Piccolo.

- Well, now it's time for me to disappear.

- Oh, yeah?

- ♪ Once you know the trick

♪ You can do magic

- Okay, now we just need to get our instruments back.

- Right. - Right.

- Well, don't worry, guys,

'Cause I think I got those magic words

Figured out.

Check this out.

Koogle flugel rut--

[Bugle playing]

That bugle sounds sweet, but he was bugling so loud,

I could hardly hear myself...

[Bugle playing]

Wait a minute.




Guys, that's the magic word!

- Are you sure?

- %!

- Marina, I think twist needs a drumroll, please.

- One snare drumroll coming up.


- I figured it out.

- I got the knack.

It's time to bring our instruments back.

And I should probably get that magic trick back to reed.

So koogle flugel bugle strudel


- Hip-hop and pop, those were the magic words, twist.

- I brought your instruments back!

- And you brought us to the good note.

- Hey, guys.

- Hey, reed.

- How was the talent show?

- It was a magical time, reed.

- Hey, and thanks for letting us borrow your magic kit.

- No problemo.

- [Together] oooh... Oh!

- What a great day.

♪ It goes a little something like this ♪

♪ Come on

- [Together] ♪ la, la-la-la

♪ La, la

♪ La

♪ La-la-la, la-la

♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ We had a great day

♪ The very best day

♪ And nothing could be better

- ♪ All the music we'll play

♪ It's always a great day

- ♪ And nothing

- [Together] ♪ could be better

♪ Any time we get together

♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ We had a great day

♪ The very best day

♪ And nothing could be better

- ♪ We'll sing and we'll play ♪

♪ We' ll kick it our way

- ♪ We'll hip-hop

- [Together] ♪ and pop

♪ The music party won't stop

[Upbeat hip-hop music]

- Guys!

I'm gonna really make a rabbit appear this time, okay?

Koogle flugel bugle strudel cha-cha-choogle.

- [Twist's voice] it worked!

- Twist turned into a rabbit?

- Koogle flugel bugle strudel cha-cha-choogle!

- [Laughs]

- [Together] ♪ we had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ We had a great day

♪ The very best day

♪ With friends, it's always better ♪

- It goes a little something like this ♪

♪ Come on

- [Together] ♪ la, la-la-la

♪ La, la

♪ La

♪ La-la-la, la-la