King's Speech, The (2010)

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King's Speech, The (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

In 1925, Jorge V is the sovereign of
a quarter of the world's population.

The King asks his second
son, the Duke of York,

to make the closing speech

of the Empire Exhibition
at Wembley, London.


Come live in 2 minutes,
Your Royal Highness.

Your Highness?

Thank you very much.

Let the microphone do
your part, Your Highness.

I'm sure it will be fantastic.
Take the time you need.

It's time to go.

Good afternoon.

Listen in simultaneous emission

the Empire Service and the
BBC National Program,

which takes you to Wembley
Stadium for the closing ceremony

of the Exhibition of the Empire,

where His Royal Highness,
the Duke of York,

will read a message from his father,
His Majesty, King George V.

58 colonies and British
possessions participated,

making this the largest
world exhibition ever.

Remember, Your Highness,

three winks and when the
red light sets, it's live.

Using the new invention of radio,

the opening ceremony was the first
time that His Majesty the King

addressed his subjects
using radiotelephony.

At the close of season one,

the heir to the throne, His Royal
Highness, the Prince of Wales,

made his first broadcast.
And today, his younger brother,

His Royal Highness, the Duke of York,

will make its debut, transmitting
to the nation and the world.

I was commissioned...

by His Majesty the...




Take a deep breath into your
lungs, Your Royal Highness.

Relax your larynx, is not it?

Cigarettes calm the nerves
and give you confidence.

Kindly open your hand,
Your Royal Highness.

They are sterilized.

One two,

three four,

five six...

Seven. If I'm allowed freedom,
insert them in my mouth.

Sorry, doctor, what's
the use of this?

It's the classic approach.
Healed Demosthenes.

That was in Ancient Greece.
Has it worked since then?

Kindly read.

"A Wealth of Words".

Fight against these marbles,
Your Royal Highness.

Say it!

A little more concentration, Your Highness.

He almost swallowed
the damned marbles!

Thank you so much, Doctor.
It was a lot...

Your Royal Highness.

Insert berlindes.
He who inserts his!

Tick, tick.

You know you can not do
this anymore, Bertie.

I know.

Promise me...

Promise me it's all over.



Is anyone here?
I'm in the little house.

Mrs. Johnson, there you are.

Sorry for not having a receptionist,
but I like simplicity.

"The poor man is rich,
and rich enough."

Shakespeare. How are you doing?

How's it going?
Let's walk.

This is a bit unpleasant,
but I think you're late.

Yes, I'm afraid so.
Where's Mr. Johnson?

He does not know of my coming.

It's not a very
auspicious start there.

No. No, listen...
My husband already consulted with everyone.

It did not do any good. I'm
afraid I've given up hope.

You did not consult me.
He is very sure of himself.

Just like anybody
who wants to heal.

Of course he wants to heal himself.
My husband has...

He has to speak in public.
Maybe I should change jobs.

Can not.
Contract easement?

Anything like that, yes.

Well... you have to show up
here with your little boy.

Tuesday would be ideal.

He tells me a little of it,
I do a frank evaluation,

and we will depart from there.
"Please excuse me, Doctor..."

I do not have a "hubby",
we do not "show up"

nor do we talk about
our private lives.

You must come to us.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Johnson, I'm the one
who dictates the rules in my field.

You'll have to talk
to your husband,

and then you can talk
to me on the phone.

Thank you so much for coming.
Good afternoon.

What if my husband was
the Duke of York?

The Duke of York?
Yes, the Duke of York.

I thought the appointment was for a Johnson.
I'm sorry, Your...

Royal Highness.
Royal Highness.

He used this nickname in the Great w*r.
The Navy did not want the enemy

I knew he was on board.
"Am I considered an enemy?"

It will be, if it continues
to be obsequious.

It will take into account the
need for total discretion.


How did you find out,
Your Royal Highness?

Through the President of the
Society of Speech Therapists.

Eileen McCleod?
She's a comrade.

She warned me that her
antipodal methods

were controversial and unorthodox.

I told him these words
were not my favorites.

I can heal your husband,
but for my methods to work

I need trust and total parity,
here in the safety of my office.

No exceptions.

Very well... in this case...

When can you start?

It seems to me that it
is still not well, mate.

Daddy makes me drive too slow.

Did you get your mother to bridge?
Yeah. I barely got out of the car all day.

I had a special visit
this afternoon.

Can I get up, please?
What do you mean, "special"?

No. You have to be dying of boredom
listening to this futile conversation.

Thanks Dad.
It's mom...

It's mom.
I'm going too.

Are you going to see Jean?
No. With someone else.

Doctor? Doctor?

Go help your brother
do the dishes.

I'm right here.
A visit from who, Lionel?

Why did you approach the
subject if you can not talk?

It was just a woman wanting
to help her husband.

And I got a call...
for a hearing.

It's one of my favorites.
Are not they all?

It can be a lot of fun.

I'm sure you'll look fantastic.

Among the amateurs, they are
even a prominent group.

They're from Putney.

No, that's enough, girls.
Tomorrow will be Chapter IV, "The Flight".

I'm anxious to know where
the flight is, Mom.

Can not wait!
Well... fly away...

Were not they lucky?

Now it's daddy telling a story.

Can not I just play penguin?

No. I want a penguin story.

Very fast.

Once upon a time there were...
two princesses.

Princess Isabel and
Princess Margaret,

whose dad was a penguin.

This was because she had been
transformed by a bad witch.

For him, this was a big
bummer because he loved...

to wrap their princesses
in their arms.

But that's impossible when
you're a penguin, because...

if it has wings like herring.
Herrings have no wings.

Penguins have wings that have...
which are shaped like herrings.

And what made things even worse,

was she to have sent
him to the South Pole,

which makes the way back
extremely long when...

when you can not fly.

When he reached the water...

plunged into the depths

so fast that by lunchtime it
was already off Southampton.

And from there, he picked up
the 14:30 train to Weybridge,

changed in Clapham
Junction, asked a...

Mallard duck that was going to
pass the way to Buckingham Palace,

swam the Thames,
went down the drain

and preached a brave scare to the
cook, Mom and Mrs. Whittaker.

When the girls heard
that whole commotion,

they ran to the kitchen
where they gave her a...

a good scrub, a
mackerel and a kiss.

And when they kissed him...

Guess what he's become.

In a beautiful prince.
In a short-tailed albatross.

With such large wings

who managed to get the two girls
involved at the same time.

Okay, girls. It's time for the walk.
Come on.

And take the horses to the stable.
Let's dispatch.

You have exactly one minute.
Good evening.

Feed them, brush them
and go to the road.

Is Mrs. Simpson going to be there?
My brother makes a point.

Is that serious?
Her coming to dinner?

Do not.
The case with her.

A married woman?
You can not be serious.

But for her, she can.

By the way, I think I found
someone quite interesting.

On Harley Street...
A doctor.

It's out of the question.

I will not have this conversation again.
Tidy subject.

His approach seems to
be quite different.


You can start.

"The winter of our
discontent has come,

"made glorious summer
by this York sun.

"And all the clouds that
threatened our house

"are in the deep bosom
of the ocean buried.

Now our foreheads are marked
by the crowns of victory... "

Thank you!

Beautiful diction, Mr...
Log in. Lionel Logue.

Well, Mr. Logue,

I can not hear the screams
of a deformed creature.

who yearns for the throne.

Nor had I realized that Richard
III was king of the colonies.

I know the whole text by heart.
I already played the part.

In Sydney?
In Perth.

A city very attached to
the theater, is not it?


There is...
I had a good review.


Well, Lionel, I think
our dramatic society

is looking for someone
slightly younger.

And a little more regal.

There you go.
Thank you.

No. You have to close the other first.

Close that first.
That's it.

Where did you disenchant this...

In the ads. Following:
"French model, Shepherd's Market."

No, it is very well recommended.

It charges handsome
sums to help the poor.

Oh my God!
Maybe he's a Bolshevik.

There is no receptionist
because he likes simplicity.

Here are the Johnson...

You can come in, Mr. Johnson.

Lionel says if you want, you
can wait here, Mrs. Johnson.

Or that...

being such a nice day

maybe you can go for a walk.

Do you think I've been well, Lionel?

Magnificent, Willie.

You can wait here for your mother.

Mrs. Johnson...

Mr. Johnson, please come in.

You want some candy?

He's a good boy, Willie.

I could barely make a sound when
it came here the first time.

This is my children's work.
They're good, are not they?

Please, be at ease.

I was told not to sit too close.

I believe that when
talking to a prince,

he is expected to
choose the subject.

Expect it to be me...

to start a conversation, can
give rise to a great wait.

Because. Good...

Do you know any anecdotes?

Timing is not my forte.
Have some tea?

No thanks.
I think I'll have one.

Are not you going to start treating me, Dr. Logue?

Only if you are interested
in being treated.

Treat me for Lionel, please.

I prefer "doctor".

I prefer "Lionel".

How do you want me to treat you?
By "Your Royal Highness."

And then... by "Highness."

That's a little formal here.
I prefer names.

Prince Albert Frederick Arthur...


What about Bertie?

Only my family treats me like this.

We'd better be the same here.

If we were the same,
I would not be here.

Would be
at home with my wife,

and no one would care.

Please do not do that.

Excuse me?

I think that inspiring smoke into
the lungs will eventually k*ll him.

My doctors say that you relax...

the throat.
They are stupid.

They were all armed knights.
Which makes it official, in that case.

In my castle, I said the rules.

Thank you.

What is your oldest memory?

What do you mean by that?
Your first memory.

I did not come...

here to discuss personal matters.

So why did you come?
Because I stutter, dammit!

He has a complicated temperament.
It's one of my many faults.

When did the problem start?
I've always been like this.

I doubt that.

tell me that The stutter is mine.
But it's my area.

I assure you that no child
starts talking stuttering.

When did your stutter start?

At four or five.
It's typical.


I do not remember not stuttering.

I already believe that.
Hesita when you think?

Do not be ridiculous!
And when you talk to yourself?

Everyone talks to themselves
once in a while, Bertie.

Stop calling me that.

I'm not going to call you anything else.

In that case, we do not speak.

Are you going to charge yourself for this, Doctor?

A fortune.

I'll let the tea set.

So... when you talk to yourself, do you stutter?

of course not.

This proves that your problem
is not a permanent part of you.

What do you think the cause was?

No... I do not know.

I do not care.


No one can solve this.

I bet you can read without
fail, here and now.

And if I win the bet, I have the
right to ask more questions.

What if I win?
You do not have to answer them.

Usually... you bet money.

A shilling to each, not to regret?

Let me see yours.
I do not... I walk with money.

I had a strange feeling
that this was the case.

I'll put it on you and
pay me next time.

If there is next time.
I still did not agree to treat him.

Stand up, please, and
take a look at this.

From here.

I can read this.

Then you owe me a
shilling for not trying.

"To be...

or not to be, here... "

I can not read this.
I'm not done yet.

I'll record your voice and then play
it back for you on the same machine.

This is fantastic.
It's America's latest news.

It's a Silvertone.

Put this on.

We bet a shilling, my friend.
You can go home rich.

Put some music to play!
I know.

So how can I hear what I'm saying?

I imagine a prince's brain
knows what the mouth is doing?

You're not... very familiar
with royal princes, are you?

It's useless.

Not worth it!

It was splendid.

Do you think he was lying to a prince
of the kingdom to win 12 pennies?

It does not even cross my mind...

what an Australian could
do for such an amount.

Let me reproduce this to you.

Do not.

In that case, I have the right
to ask you the questions.

Thank you, doctor.
I Think...

This is not for me.

Thank's for your time.


Your Highness.

Recording is free.
Take her as a souvenir, please.

Do not.


What bullshit!


For now, the work on which
we are all equally committed

is to achieve the possible
tranquility within our borders

to regain prosperity in
these times of crisis,

without seeking their own
interest, not forgetting

who is subdued or discouraged

by the burdens of recent years.

To each and every one of you,
I wish you a Merry Christmas.

God bless you.

We left the air.

When you know what to do, it's easy.

Your Highness?

Try the boy now.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.
Mr. Wood!

A great person!
The man who taught me everything I know.

Let the microphone do the work.
Your Majesty.

Thank you.

Put yourself up.
Straighten your back.

Face the radius of the device
with courage and face it

as any decent Englishman would.
Show him who's in charge.

Dad, I do not think so...
I can read this.

If you do not, this devil
apparatus will change everything.

In former times, it was enough for a king
to have a respectable air of uniform

and not fall from the horse.

But now, we must invade the homes of the
people and fall to the good graces.

This family was reduced to the lowest
and most basic type of creature.

We became actors.

We are not a family,
we are a company.

And any time, some of
us may lose our job.

To your dear brother and future king,

the only woman who seems to be interested
is invariably the wife of another.

He ended everything with Lady Furness.
And it started with Mrs. Simpson.

A woman with two living husbands.
He said it directly:

"No one divorced could ever
be received at court."

He replied that this made
him sublimely happy.

I guess it was because
she slept with him.

"I give you my word," he told me.

"I give you my word, that we have
never had immoral relations."

He looked at his
father's face and lied.

When I die, this boy
will ruin himself,

to this family and this
nation within 12 months.

Who's going to get the shards?
With Hitler intimidating half Europe

and Marshal Stalin the other half?

Who will be among us,

the totalitarian and the
abyss of the proletariat?

The boy?


with his older brother
avoiding his duties,

You'll have to do this
a lot more often.

Try there again.


Come on, boy!

"one of...

"Wonders of the...

"Science." Take the time you need.
Form the words carefully.


"I have the possibility...


Try there!

"on this Christmas day...

talk to all my

Come on!

Damn... liar!

- He played music!
- I know.

So how can I...
hear what I'm saying?

I imagine a prince's brain
knows what the mouth is doing?

You're not... very familiar
with royal princes, are you?

"To be or not to be,
that's the question:

"If it is more noble in spirit to suffer

"The purses and arrows
of outrageous fortune,

"Or wielding weapons
against a sea of evil,

"And, opposing them, make them cease?

"To die... to sleep, nothing else;

"And in a sleep saying that it has ceased

"The winch in the chest and
the thousand natural shocks

That the flesh is heiress.
Here's a consummation... "It's useless!

Not worth it!

This is strictly professional.
Nothing of...

Yes, I thought I made that clear.

in our conversation.
"You have the shilling you owe me?"

No, I do not.
I saw it.

Besides that, you...
deceived me.

Tricks and physical
exercises are important,

but what you're asking will only
solve the problem superficially.

Is it enough? Do not.

From my point of view, my husband has
mechanical difficulties with speech.

Maybe we can sort this out.


I'm willing to work hard, Dr.


Are you...?
Will you be willing to do your part?

It's ok.
Want to approach mechanics?

We have to relax the muscles of the
jaw and strengthen his tongue,

repeating tongue-twisters.
For example,

"This dumb pie trots.
Trot, trot, the dumb crooked.

It cracks the myrtle, the myrtle grows.
The myrtle groweth at the foot of the gate. "

It's ok.

And you have a flabby belly,
so we have to spend some time

to strengthen the diaphragm.
Simple mechanics.

That's all we asked for.
All this is well worth a shilling.

Forget the shilling ray!

Maybe, at times...

can be asked to help me...

to deal with...

some minor events.
Do you think it could be?


Yes, and that would be the
scope of his services.

See you next week?
I go to see him every day.

Feel the jaw relax.

Very well.
Little fucks. Jumps.

Shoulders loose, shoulders loose.

Pretty pretty pretty.
Now, relax.

Take a deep breath.
Expand the chest.

Put your hands close to your ribs.

Deeper. Good.

How it feels?
Full of hot air.

Is not that what public
speaking consists of?

My wife and I are happy to
visit this important...

Take a deep breath, and go
up to Your Royal Highness.

And breathe out slowly, and
down to Your Royal Highness.

Feeling good, Bertie?

Actually, it's really fun.

Mmm... Mother.

Go reduce the "mmm" with each try.

Mmm... Mother.

industrial zone...
Re-inspire background.

And... Jack and Jill...
Jack and Jill...

They climbed the hill.
They climbed the hill.

Now, balance.


that does not allow us...
Let go of the shoulders.

"Brown sparrow, why the hell?

I always go there and I will talk because
I am the elf king's golden sparrow. "

You have short memories, Bertie.
Come here.

A cow, a cow...
A king.

a king...

Who can shout vowels at the
window can learn to speak.

Fourteen, fifteen!
Good. Take a deep breath and...

IT IS...

Let the words flow.
No, it's not working!

Come on, one more time, Bertie.
You can.

"This dumb pie trots.



Point to the "ouch."


Father. Father.


Hi, Bertie.
Hi David.

It was nice of you to come.

Do not think about it.

Did you wait long?

My God, there's an ice.

Where have you been?

I've been busy.
Me too.

Isabel has pneumonia.
I'm so sorry.

She recovers.
But the father did not.

I lead.

The boring old man is
doing it on purpose.

Leaving prematurely.

To complicate matters with Wallis.

For God's sake, David.
You know she's been sick for a long time.

Wallis explained to me.
She's very clever at these things.

Having regard to the Patent
Charter under the Great Seal,

dated the eleventh day of
June, 1912, at Westminster,

His Majesty, King George
V, instituted, ordered

and stated that there
should be a guardian...

What's going on here?
Regni Costs

I can not keep up with him.
I'm confused and I do not understand...

It is the order of the
Council of State, Majesty.

So we can act on your behalf...

I'm afraid you have to
clarify me, Lord Wigram...

Well, I'm so confused that...

Thank you.

Let me help you, Your Majesty.

Thank you, Your Majesty.
Thank you.

Feeling a little better, Majesty?

No, I do not feel any better.
I'm terrible.

Were you skating on the ice?
To skate

Do not.
No, Jorge.

Very well indeed.

I know honey. A conversation,
however long and lovely,

is a poor substitute for our
hugs in falling asleep.

We can not even fall asleep
together as we have so many times.

David, the dinner.
I'm talking to Wallis.

It's Bertie.

No. No, it's not important.

I do not want.

Do not.
Will you call me later?

All right, bye.

Wallis really misses me.

Mom says you're late for dinner.

She forgets that the ray of Daddy's
watches is half an hour early.

How is the King?
I hope you're not suffering.

No, no, Your Highness.
Your Majesty is quieter now.

Thank you.

David, if your father were here,
no delays would be tolerated.

None of these annoyances
would be tolerated.

Your Highness knows that I deeply appreciate
your being different from your father.

Both in points of view and in...

I want you to know that whenever
the King questioned your conduct,

I intervened in your favor

so that he saw things from a
more favorable perspective.

I know I always count on you
to care for my interests.

I'm afraid our vigil
will not be long.

Please continue.

We commend our brother
Jorge to the mercy of God,

our Creator and Redeemer.

Long live to the king.

I hope to be as good a monarch as he is.

What the hell was that?
Poor Wallis.

Now I am between the sword and the wall.

And in these 25 years filled,
agitated and glorious,

if there is something that
King George taught us,

was the mister of a leader,

who is also a brother
to his followers.

As long as she lived, she was the
leading star of a great nation.


When died...
Are we going to a Shakespeare, Father?

Little children cried
in the streets.

You are sure?
Let's do it.

Let's get our little heads to work.

I bet it's the Scottish play.
No, it's Othello. It's always the Othello.

"Are you afraid?

Do not be afraid".
- It's Caliban.

For God's sake.
It was a lucky guess.

Do not listen to the egg head.
Go on, Dad.

"The island is full of noises,
Sounds, sweet melodies,

"Who delights without hurting.

"Sometimes sharp sounds of a thousand
instruments buzz in my ears;

"At other times they are voices
that make me fall asleep

Even when awake after
a long sleep. "

Come on bullshit, what next?

"And then, in dreams, It seems
to me that the clouds s'abrem...

May the clouds open...
"That the clouds open

"Showing riches about
to fall on me,

And when I wake up, I'm desperate
to fall asleep again. "

It's such a sad thought.

My patient must be early.
You better get out, boys. Sorry.

I will not be long, Clifford.


They told me not to count on you.

I'm sorry about your father.

I do not want to intrude.
Of everything. Please come in.

I have practiced.
One hour a day.

After all.

What's going on there?

I was... sorry.

I was joking with my kids.

Do you feel like working?

A Curtis biplane.
I'll get the milk to warm up.

Log in. Log in.

k*ll for something stronger.

I was not present
when my father died.

It still saddens me.
I think so.

What was your father doing?
He was a brewer.

At least there was free beer.

I feast on your father's memory.

I was informed, after he died,

that the last...

That my father's last words were,

"Bertie is braver than all
the brothers together."

He could not tell me that in his face.

My brother.

What about him?

Try to sing.

Excuse me?
What songs do you know?

Yes, songs.

The "Swanee River".
I love this one.

By chance, it's my favorite.
Sing the chorus.

No. Do not even think about it.

You know...

always wanted to build models.

the father would not allow it.


collected stamps, so we
had to collect stamps.

You can finish it if you sing.

* "My brother David..." *

I'm not going to hum myself.
With me you can.

Because you're peculiar.
I take that as a compliment.


Rules are rules.

I will not go...
I will not sing the Swanee River.

In this case, it could be "Camptown Races".
* "My brother David told me... *

du-da, du-da... "

A continuous sound gives you fluidity.
Do not.

Does it feel strange now
that David is on the throne?

To tell you the truth, it was a relief...

to know that I...

would not be...

But unless he produces an heir,

Bertie is next in line.

And in that case, his daughter
Isabel, it happened to him.

"Now you're taking the
risk, doctor, doctor."


You see? He did not stutter.

Of course I did not
stutter, I was singing.

Well, as a reward, you
can glue these brackets.

Does not your child care?
Not at all.

David and I were very close.

Guys, see?

Were you following the same girls?

David was always very helpful
in what he played...

to arrange presentations.

We shared the...

professional help...

of Paulette in Paris.

Of course it was not at the same time.

Has David ever enjoyed it?
Yes, everyone did.


His father encouraged.

It said, "Come on, boy!"
Said it would stop me.

It said, "I feared my father,

"and my children too...

they will fear me! "

Is it naturally dextro?

I'm southpaw.


punished and now I
use the right hand.

Yes, this is very common for stutterers.

Any other corrections?
His knees were inward.

They made me some metal splints.

I used them...
He used them day and night.

It must have been painful.
It was a tremendous agony.

Now my legs are straight.

Who was closest to your family?

Of the mistresses.

Not from my first mistress.

She loved David, and
I hated myself.

When we were...

presented to my parents for
the daily magazine, she...

she pinched me,

so that I would weep and
be returned immediately.

And then she...


Then she did not feed me

for a long time.

My parents took three
years to repair.

As you might imagine,

caused me some stomach problems.

I still have them.

And your brother, Johnnie?

Was it coming to him?

Johnnie was sweet.



And it was... different.

He died at age 13.

Far from the looks.

They told me it was not contagious.

Want another drink?


You know...

Lionel is...

is the first common English...

with whom I have ever spoken.

When I'm driven through the streets

and I see an ordinary
man looking at me,

I realize how little I
know about your life.

and how little he knows about mine.

Thank you.
What are friends for?

Do not know.

"This dumb cake...


Trot, trot, the dumb crooked. "

"This dumb pie trots..."
Enough, dear.

Look, I gotta keep doing this.
It's awful. "This dumb pie trots...

I can not...!
Trot, trot, the dumb crooked. "

Cutting age-old spruce
to improve eyesight?

Who does she judge herself?

However, we must try to be nice to Mrs.

She calls me a "fat
Scottish cook."

You are not fat.

I'm getting plump.

Rarely cooks.

"This dumb pie trots...
Shut up.

Trot, trot, the dumb crooked.
This dumb cake trots... "

Three, two, one, and...

His Royal Highnesses,
the Dukes of York.

It's good to see you.

Welcome to our simple
country cottage.

I came at the invitation of the King.

Your Majesty.

Feel good?
I apologize for the delay.

It's a pleasure to see you...

Mrs. Simpson.

Is a pleasure.

Hi David.

You're doing...

some changes to the garden,
from what I can see.

Yes, but I have not finished yet.

Do not say I did not get hurt, Mr.

On the contrary, Your Royal Highness.

It sends the label that the royalty
should be greeted by the official host,

which in this case is the
King, and not by a commoner.


What is her ascendant over him?
I have no idea.

He seems to have certain gifts,

acquired in an
establishment in Shanghai.


It's only a second, my dear.
Would you excuse me?

David, I've been trying to contact you.

I've been so busy.

Doing what?

To reign.

Reigning today is a
precarious business.

Where's the Russian czar?
Where's Cousin Guilherme?

You're being dingy.

Reign involves dispensing 80...

officials and buy more
pearls for Wallis,

while people march
through Europe to sing

"The Red Flag"?
Stop worrying.

Hitler deals with them.
And who treats him?

Where's the 1923 thunderbolt?

And you put that woman
in our mother's room!

Mom is not in bed, is she?
This is not funny.

Here it is.
Wallis just likes the best.

I do not care what woman
you go to at night,

as long as you present yourself
for your morning duties.

Wallis is not just a
woman I sleep with.

We intend to get married.

She asked for a divorce.

Oh my God.

Can not you just give him
a good house and a title?

I will not make her my mistress.
The Church does not recognize divorce,

and you are the head of the Church.
Do not have rights?

You have many privileges.
Is not the same thing.

Your dear common man can marry
out of love. Why not me?

If you were an ordinary man,

with what foundation could
you aspire to be king?

You seem to have studied our
worthless Constitution.

Looks like you do not.
That's what it's all about.

To refresh the memory.
Hence, the classes of diction.

That's what the city says.
I'm trying...

Do you aspire to a larger
audience, "B-B-B-Bertie"?



I'm sorry...

The younger brother trying to get
the older brother off the throne.

Medieval "D-D-D-Deveras".


Where have you been until now?

Who were you talking to?
It does not interest you.

What a complicated "little guy" you are.

I try to be.

All that work went down the bar.

My own brother.

I could not answer a single word.

Why do you stink a lot more
with David than with me?

Because you are very
well paid to listen.

Bertie, I'm not a geisha.
Stop trying to be so smart.

What about David that
keeps him from talking?

What the hell is the matter with you
that you want to talk about him?

all the time?
- Vulgar but fluent.

Does not stutter when cursing.
f*ck you!

Is it the best you can do?
Well, go to...

damn you, you unbearable bastard!

A cupcake from a public
school did better than that.


Shit, shit, shit.

Shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit.


Defecation flows naturally
from the mouth.

Because I'm angry!
Do you know the word beginning with "F"?

Please, Bertie...

f*ck you.
f*ck you!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!
f*ck, f*ck and bake!

Bake, bake, fornicate!
Get committed! f*ck you!

f*ck you, fart!

Tomatoes, tomatoes, f*cking shit.
You see? Without a hesitation.

Shit, shit and f*ck!
And breasts.

Dad? What is up?

Finish your homework.

There's a side of you that
you do not see regularly.

May I help.

No, actually, we should not.
Not in public.

Let's get some air.
No, I do not think that's a good idea.

What is the problem?
Why are you so worried?

No way, Logue.

my brother

You're hiding for a...

wife who has been married twice.

You're getting divorced, and he's...

determined to marry her.

Mrs. Wallis Simpson...

of Baltimore.
This is not right.

Queen Wallis of Baltimore.

Can he do it?
Not even think about it.

But it will do it the same.

It's going to be a hell of a mess.

Can not continue in private?
If only they wanted...

In what position
does this leave you?

I know my place.
I will do...

I will do everything...

what I can to keep my
brother on the throne.

Is it that serious?

Your place may very
well be on the throne.

I am not an alternative to my brother.

Could be better than David.
Do not abuse!

This is almost high treason.
I'm just saying I could be king.

I could do it.
This is high treason.

I'm trying to make you realize
that you do not have to be afraid.

I've heard enough.

What are you so afraid of?
Of your poisoned words!

Why did you come to me?
Not a middle-class banker

who wants diction classes
to be able to chatter...

Do not try to teach me my duties!

I am the son of a... king.

And brother of a king.

You're a failed brewer's son.

A pretentious beggar from
the Australian outback.

He's a "Nobody".
These sessions are over.

This way, Your Highness.



It's not because she's American.

That's the least.

It's because she'll soon be
a double-divorced American.

And the King, as head of
the Church of England,

can not marry a divorced woman.

And, Your Highness, I apologize
for the nature of this,

according to Scotland Yard,

the King did not always
have exclusive rights

of the preference and affection of Mrs.

sharing them with a used
car salesman married,

one of Mr. Guy Trundle.

In addition, it is also reported
that Hitler's ambassador,

Count von Ribbentrop, sends
you 17 blackheads every day.

If His Majesty continues to ignore
the councils of government,

must give up the crown.

Otherwise, the government has
no choice but to resign.

Mr Prime Minister, I would
leave a country without...

a government?

Does the King do what pleases him?

Or do what the people expect of him?

While the people in Downing Street watch
the entrance and exit of ministers,

highlighted is an old problem:
can a king separate his personal life

of their public duty...
"What's the matter, my love?"

I'm having trouble with a patient.

It does not even look like yours.

He is afraid.

He is afraid of his own shadow.

Is not that why they consult you?

This guy could be
someone remarkable.

You're offering me resistance.

Maybe it does not want to be remarkable.

Maybe that's what you want.

I may have passed the marks.

Excuse me.
It will be good for both of us.

I am very sorry, Mr. Logue,
but the Duke is busy.

I do not mind waiting.
Or I can come back later.

As I told you, the
Duke is very busy.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Parliament does not support marriage.

But there is more cause for concern.

He has neglected official documentation.
He lacked commitment and determination,

and some are worried
about his position

when we go to w*r with Germany.

Will we get there?
You can be sure, Your Highness.

Prime Minister Baldwin
may even deny,

but Hitler's intention
is clear as water.

We will end up at
w*r with Germany.

And we need a king around
whom we can be united.

I'm afraid my...

brother is not in
his right mind...

this time.

Have you considered the name you will use?

Albert, of course not.
It's too Germanic.

How about Jorge, like your father?

Jorge VI expresses a
certain continuity.

Do not you think?

David. Thank God.

You look exhausted.

How are you holding up?

Bertie, the decision is made.
I am...

I'm just leaving.

I do not accept this, you do not...
I fear there is no other way.

I have to marry her.

My decision is made.
Am sorry.

It's terrible to have to hear that.

Nobody wants that.

I much less.


I can say a few words of my own.

It was never my intention
to hide anything,

but so far I have not been
constitutionally able to speak.

A few hours ago, I
did my last duty.

as King and Emperor.

And now that I was
succeeded by my brother,

the Duke of York,

my first words have to be

to declare my loyalty to him.

I do this with all my heart.

Everyone knows the reasons that
forced me to give up the throne,

But believe me when I tell you

that it seemed impossible for
me to carry the burden so heavy

of the responsibility and the
fulfillment of my duties as King,

as I would like,

without the help and support
of the woman I love.

And I want you to know

that this decision has
become less difficult for me

for having the absolute
certainty that my brother,

with his great training in the
public affairs of this country,

and with its excellent qualities,

will be able to take
my place right away

without interruption or loss

for the life and progress of the Empire.


12 OF DECEMBER, 1936"

We are gathered here today...


in circumstances that are...

I'm sure you'll like it.
There you go.

Thank you dear.
The saddles. Daisy.

Here's Montezuma.
Here is one.

Here's a horse and a saddle, Mom.

Do not worry, Snowy,
you'll have it back...


We have room for horses

in our new home?
Of course darling.

Let's have a palace full of rooms.

The bow.

Your Majesty.

How did it go?

I was trying...
to familiarize myself

with... the aspect
of a state document.

It is a...

Mr. Baldwin's order, which
I do not understand.

David's finances.

The transmission of... Christmas.

I think it would be a mistake.
Do not worry about it.

Plans for coronation.

I think it will be an even bigger mistake.

I am no king at all.

I'm a naval officer.
That's all I can do.

I am no king, I am no king.

Excuse me.
Do not.

Excuse me.
Do not be silly, please.

My dear.

My dear, my dear husband.

Excuse me.
You know...

I declined his first two
requests for marriage,

not because I did not love him,

but because he could not stand
the idea of a life in royalty.

I could not bear the idea of a life
of travel and public duties...

A life that would cease
to belong to me.

But then I thought, "He stutters so
well that they will leave us in peace."


Waiting for the apologies of a
king can lead to a long wait.

I'm afraid we're a little late.

It's my house.

Myrtle's on bridge.

I made sure the
boys were not here.

It's lovely.
Absolutely lovely.

Can I sit down?
Yes for sure.

Have tea, My Lady?
Yes, I will.

Go there, or do I have
to force you to do it?

Here's your shilling.


I understand...

what he tried to tell me, Logue.

My approach was not the best.

I apologize.

So, here I am.

The nation is prepared for two...

minutes of radio silence?

All stutterers are afraid
to go back to square one.

I will not let that happen.

If I fail in my duty,

David will be able to return.
I've seen the posters.

"God save our King."

They do not refer to me.

All the monarchs of History,

succeeded to someone who passed away,

or that he was about to die.

My predecessor is not
only alive, but...

is very much alive.

It's a hell of a mess.

I could not even give
them a Christmas speech.

Like your father used to do?

He is not here already.

Yes it is.
It's in that shilling I gave you.

It's easy to rule out.

You do not have to walk with it in your pocket,

nor with his brother.

You need not be afraid of the things
you feared when you were five.

You are now master of yourself, Bertie.

Am I?

The effigy that follows is yours, my friend.
Lionel, my dear?

A Myrtle.

And your wife?

Get here, Bertie.

Feeling good, Logue?

Should not we continue?
Trust me, it's important.

What is?

You are...
It's "Your Majesty," the first time.

After that, it is "My Lady".
But it is "SEnhora"

and not, "SInhora".

I did not tell her about us.

Sit down, relax.

They told me that your husband
treats mine for Bertie.

And that my husband
treats his by Lionel.

I hope you do not treat me for Liz.

Your Majesty, may you treat me as Mrs.
Logue, My Lady.

Nice to meet you, Mrs. Logue.

We can not stay here
all day, Logue.

Yes we can.
Log in!

I have to wait for the right moment.

You're being a coward, Logue.
You are absolutely right.

Come on, man!

Hello, Myrtle, my dear.

You're early.

I think they've met, but I
do not think you know...

the King George VI.
Very pleased to meet you.

Your Majesties stay for dinner?

We loved it. It would be a pleasure,
but unfortunately we have...

A commitment.
What a pity.

Welcome, Your Majesty.

What a wonderful
transformation, Majesty.

I hope you do not mind if we
continue with the preparations.

Now, let me lead you through the...


We started, of course, with the
entrance through the Poente...

to the ship.

I see that all your interventions
will be transmitted, Archbishop.

Yes, by radiotelephony.

It's really a Pandora's box.

And I'm afraid I'm going to have to

the cameras of the
cinematographic news,

and I will personally take
care of your edition.

No momentary hesitations.

This is Dr. Logue from Harley Street.

IT IS...
my speech therapist.

Your grace.
If I knew that Your Majesty

I was looking for help, I would
have made my own recommendations.

Dr. Logue will...

will be present at the coronation.

Of course, I'm going to talk to Dean,
but it will be extremely difficult.

I would like the...

Doctor sat at the...

King's cabin.

But the members of your family
will sit there, Your Majesty.

That is why it is appropriate.

And now, if you do not mind,
Your Grace, we need the place.

My dear friend, this
is Westminster Abbey.

The Church must
prepare His Majesty.

My preparations are
equally important.

With total privacy,
if you do not mind.

That is my wish, Your Grace.

I will place the Abbey at the
disposal of Your Majesty,


Your Majesty.

I can not believe I'm walking over
Chaucer, Handel, and Dickens.

It's all right?
Let's get to this.

I'm not here to rehearse...

Dr. Logue.

Treat me for Lionel.

No doubt that...


he referred to himself as a doctor.
Who did this for you...

It was me.

It has no training,

do not have a diploma, do not have...



a large dose of tin.

Is it a summary
inquisitorial judgment?

He asked for trust and...

total parity.

Bertie, I heard you at Wembley.
I was there.

My son Laurie said, "Father, do you
think you could help that poor man?"

As? As a failed actor?
It is true.

I'm not a doctor.
And yes, I represented, a little.

Well, I declaimed in bars.
I taught diction in schools.

When the Great w*r arrived,

all our soldiers returned to
Australia from the front,

many of them traumatized,
unable to speak.

Someone told me, "Lionel, you're
very good at this thing of speech.

Do you think it would be possible
to help these poor people? "

I did muscle therapy,
exercise, relaxation,

but I knew I had to go further.

These poor young people
screamed in fear.

No one could hear them.

My job was to give them back their
confidence in their own voice,

and make them feel that they had
a friend who listened to them.

That should tell you
something, Bertie.

You convey a very noble
image of yourself.

Investigate. It's all true.
It has already been investigated.

You have no idea who I have
to harass my judgment.

I gave you my personal endorsement,
and you do not have...

But many successes.

I can not show you a degree.
At the time, there was no training.

Everything I know, I
know from experience.

And that w*r was
quite an experience.

My card says, "L. Logue,
Speech Problems".

Does not say, "Dr."
There are no letters after my name.

Hold me in the Tower.
If he could, he would.

With what accusation?
For fraud.

With the w*r approaching, he
equipped this nation with a king...

no voice. It destroyed the
happiness of my family,

everything to seduce a patient...

famous that could not...

even help.

It will be like the...

King George III, "the Fool".

I'll be the...
Crazy king

Jorge, the Gago...

who so much disillusioned his
people in their hour of squeeze.

What are you doing? Get up!
You can not sit there! Get up!

Why not? It's a chair.
No! This is not a chair!

That is...
This is the Santo Eduardo chair!

People recorded the names on it.

chair is the place
where all the kings

and queens...
It is secured by a large stone.

This is the Scone Stone!
The stone of Destiny.

You are vulgarizing everything.
How can you believe these things?

I want to know how many real cus

they sat in this chair.
- Listen me! Listen me!

Do you hear him? With what right?
By divine right, if it has to be.

I am your king!
Is nothing.

You said it yourself.
He said he did not want to be king.

Why waste my time
listening to him?

Because I have the right to be heard!
I have a voice!

You have, then.

You have such perseverance, Bertie.
You're the bravest man I know.

It will make a beautiful king.

But what is the matter, Majesty?
It's all right, Archbishop.

Mr. Logue, I must tell you

that I found another English
specialist with impeccable references.

Therefore, your services
are no longer necessary.

Excuse me?
Your Majesty's Role

is to consult and be advised.
He did not consult,

but it was just advised.
"And now I advise you."

In this personal matter...

I will make my own decision.

My concern is for the head where
I'm going to put the crown.

Thank you, Archbishop.

But it's my head.

Your humble servant.

Thank you, Bertie.

We rehearse? Come on.
Jump onto your perch.

When you and Isabel enter
through the west gate

will be greeted with the song,
"I was glad when they told me."

In fact, it will not
rejoice so much,

because they sing it
for a very long time.

Then his friend Archbishop

up the stairs toward you,

and says, "Lord, Your Majesty
is willing to take the oath"?

"Yes I am."
Of course it is.

I'll see how this
sounds in cheap places,

so that even your old
mistress can hear you.

"It shall govern its peoples of
Great Britain, Ireland, Canada,

Australia and New Zealand,

according to their
lands and customs? "

"I solemnly promise to do so."

I can not hear you back.
"I solemnly promise to do so."

Very well. "And he swears,
within the scope of his powers,

promote law and justice, using
piety in all its judgments "?

"I swear, I swear!"

Then there is a good chunk of the
defense of the faith. To be continued,

bullshit, bullshit, bullshit,
until finally he says...

"The things that...

"here I promised,

I will fulfill and defend.
So God help me. "

And that's all it says.
Four short answers.

Kiss the book, sign the
oath, and be king.


He almost crowned him
in reverse, Archbishop.

Someone removed the wire that marked
the back of the crown, Your Majesty.

We must never try to
lose heart, Archbishop.

Archbishop, we're losing Dad.

God save the King.
Very well.

Very well, Archbishop.

I hope Your Majesties are
happy with the result.

You can turn off the machine.
Do not wait. Continues.

The great convention
of Nazism took place.

Sit down, Archbishop.

A large number of uniformed
men, an astounding sight

and unbelievable for the imagination,

integrated the Fuehrer's
fascinated assistance.


What is he saying, Dad?

I do not know, but he seems
to be saying it quite well.

asked you to see me today

to present my resignation to
the post of Prime Minister.

I'm very sorry to hear that, Mr. Baldwin.

Neville Chamberlain will take
my place as Prime Minister.

It is a matter of principle.
I was mistaken.

I found it impossible to believe

that there was someone in the world

with as much lack of moral
sense as the Hitler,

and that the world could be
thrown for the second time

to the devastating
catastrophe of w*r.

Churchill was right
from the start.

This was always Hitler's intention.

I am very sorry to leave you
in this time of great crisis.

I'm afraid, Your Majesty... that
your greatest test is yet to come.

I turn to you...

of the Government Room, at No.
10 Downing Street.

This morning, the British
ambassador in Berlin

delivered a final
communiqu? to the German

stating that unless
we knew by 11:00

who were ready to withdraw
immediately the troops from Poland,

would be declared a state
of w*r between us.

I have to tell you now
that we have not arrived

any such initiative,

and that, consequently, this
country is at w*r with Germany.

Finally, Your Majesty,
here is your speech.

It will be airborne at six o'clock.

I calculated the duration for
a little less than 9 minutes.

The wording has been fully approved.

The Prime Minister will come
to meet you for the issue,

which will be broadcast live to
the entire nation, to the Empire

and our armed forces.
- Logue to come immediately.

There are the balloons.

They put them there in an instant.

Did we hitch-hike and look for shelter?
No, no. Let's go straight there.

Everything will work out.

Do a favour.
Lionel Logue.

Major Hartley is waiting for me.
This is my son, Laurie.

Thank you, Laurie.
Good luck, Dad.

The king's speech.
Thank you.

We have about 40 minutes
until the issue.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

"We may have sombre days ahead...

Try again.

"We may have sombre
days ahead, and..."

Turn the hesitations into pauses and
say to yourself, "God save the King."

I say this continuously, but
apparently no one is listening.

Taking long breaks is good.
It gives solemnity to great occasions.

So I'm the most solemn
king of all time.

You know, if I am a king,
where is my power?

Can I... can I form a government?

I can... I can...
to charge a tax?

Declaring... a w*r? Do not.

And yet I am the center of all power.
Because? Because...

the nation thinks that when I...
that when I say,

I tell them.
But I can not speak.

Let's go there again from the start.
"In this grave hour."

"At this terrible time...",
f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,

"perhaps the most decisive of our
history...", f*ck, shit, shit,

"sending to all the
homes of my..." *

You see, the "P" is always
difficult, even when I sing.

Earn balance before.
Say, "A-people."

"A-people, a-people."

"homes of my a-people,
both domestically,

as well as beyond. "
- Beautiful.

"This message..."
Du da

"said with the same depth
of feeling," du-da-dei...

"for each one of you,
as if I could..."

Shit, f*ck you! "...
enter through your threshold

and talk to you... "

Now in your head, "I have the
right to be heard well, dammit!"

Be well heard, be
well heard, damn it!

Now, waltz step. Dance!
Make a continuous movement.

"For the second time in
most of our lives...

we are in...?"
"We are," pause.

I can not do this, Lionel.
Yes, sir, Bertie.

Let's see the last paragraph.
Bertie. It's time.

Your Majesty.

A great moment, Your Majesty.

Prime Minister.
Your Majesty.

It's good to see you...
again, in such a short time.

It was very nice of you to come.
I do not doubt that you have a...

Busy day.
I hope there are no more interruptions

of those damn sirens, Your Majesty.
"Or the mangy dogs."


First Lord of the Admiralty.
Your Majesty.

Great... hike.

Good luck, Your Majesty.

I also hate these gadgets.

I also had a speech problem, you know?

Did not know.
It's family secret. Tongue stuck.

The operation was
considered too dangerous.

I ended up making it an advantage.

Thank you, Mr. Churchill.


How long, Logue?
Just under three minutes.

Mr. Wood.
Good luck, Your Majesty.

Mr. Wood.

Redecorated this, Logue.
I made it more welcoming.

A little fresh air.
Here you go, dear.

"This dumb pie trots..."

"This dumb pie trots.
Trot, trot, the dumb crooked.

This dumb pie trots.
Trot, trot, the dumb crooked. "

Because I...
Bertie, my dear.

Make sure it is not turned on.

Do not forget that the red
light flashes 4 times,

and then I asked them to hang up.

We do not want that fiendish
eye fixed on you all the time.

One minute, Your Majesty.

I am sure it will be splendid.

Forty seconds, Your Majesty.

Log in.

Run this like running...

I do not know how to thank
you for what you have done.

Arm me a knight?

Twenty seconds.

Forget everything else,
and tell me that.

Tell me, as a friend.

"In this serious...


"perhaps the most decisive
of our History...


"to all the homes of my...

"to people...

"both domestically...

"as well as beyond...

"this message...

"said with the same
depth of feeling...

"for each one of you...

"As if I could cross
your threshold...

and talk to you...
in person.

"For the second time in
most of our lives...

we are...

f*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you!

"in w*r."

Very well.


"We tried to find...

"a peaceful solution
to the differences...

"among us...

"and those...

"which are now our...

"But all this was...
in vain.

"We were drawn into a conflict...

"for we are called to
contend with a principle...

"that if it were to prevail...

"would be fatal to any
civilized order...

"in the world.

"Such a principle...

"naked of all disguise...

"It's certainly the...

"primitive precept... of the law...

"of the strongest.

"In the name of
everything we value...

"It would be unthinkable...

"that we could refuse to face...

"the strife.

"It is to this high design...

"What do I call now...

"My domestic people...

"and my peoples from overseas...

"who will make our cause our own.

"I beg you...
keep calm

and firm
and united

"in these times of trial.

"The mission will be difficult.

"We can have dark days ahead...

"and the w*r can no
longer be confined...

"to the b*ttlefield.

"But we can only do good...

"in so far as we
conceive it as such...

"and we surrender reverently...

"our cause to God.

"If we all stay...

"firmly faithful to this...

"then, with the help of God...

"we shall prevail.

It was very good, Bertie.

Even so, he stuttered at the "P".

I had to let out a few,
to know it was me.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.
A real announcer.

Thank you, Mr. Wood.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.
Thank you.


It's ok?
Perfect, Your Majesty.

Your first speech in time of w*r.


do enough more.

Thank you, Logue.

Good job...

my friend.

Thank you...

Your Majesty.

I knew it was going to be okay.

Thank you... Lionel.

Come on.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.
Very good, Your Majesty.

I would not have said it better, Majesty.

Your Majesty, I'm speechless.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.

How was the father, Isabel?
Hesitant at first...

but then it got better, dad.
God bless her.

And the girl, Margarida?
It was splendid, Dad.

Of course I did.

Are we all ready?

Lets go Girls.

In 1944, King George
VI made Lionel Logue

Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.

This high distinction
of a grateful king

joined Lionel in the
only order of cavalry

which specifically awards acts of
personal service to the monarch.

Lionel was with the King in
all speeches in time of w*r.

These transmissions made Jorge VI
a symbol of national resistance.

Lionel and Bertie became friends
for the rest of their lives.
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