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05x12 - Little Bear Scares Everyone/The One That Got Away/Where Are Little Bear's Crayons?

Posted: 11/13/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
(Birds singing )

(Owl hooting )

(Hen squawks )

Cat: boo!

(Squawking )

All: whoa!

(All laughing )

(Wind blowing... )


Hello, wind.

(Mother bear humming... )

(Wind gusts )


(Laughs )

That's my leaf.

(Laughing... )

Thank you.

Look, mother bear.

Ah... Oh!

Which one do you like the best?

Hmm... I like the red one

Oh... But the yellow one is beautiful, too.

I just can't choose, little bear.

They're all wonderful.

I think so, too.

What are you going to do with them?

Um... I'm going to make something.

Well, I can't wait to see what you create.

I can't wait to show mother bear.

(Father bear humming... )

(Growls )


Little bear, you startled me.

I did?

Do I look scary?

You look very scary.

I bet I could scare everyone if I tried.

Well, you certainly scared me.

(Growls )

I look really scary now.


Oh! Oh... Ah!

(Laughs )


Oh, you!

You scary little bear.

Come help me up.

* I'm scary, I'm scary, I'm scary. *

(Laughs )

You certainly are.

Now off you go, you scary little scamp.

And scare someone your own size.

Hmm... I'll scare duck.

She'll be scared

But then she'll be happy again

When she know it's me.

(Humming... )


(Quacks )

(Quacking and sputtering )

(Laughing )


Oh, it's you, little bear.

(Laughs )

I scared you, didn't i, duck?

Yes, you did.

But just watch out.

I'm coming ashore!

(Quacks )

(Quacking )



(Both laugh )

I guess I deserved that.

What do you think of my mask, duck?

It looks just awful...

In a good scary kind of way, I mean.

Let's go scare someone else.

Are you coming, duck?


(Laughs )

Tea time, owl.

One lump of sugar or two?

Two, please.

I have a sweet tooth.

(Wind blowing... )

Listen to the wind.

Isn't it...

(Clucks )

(Squawks, clucks )


What is it, hen?

Oh, something awful.

I feel... Faint.

(Clucking )

Both: boo!

Oh, dear, dear, dear, it's back!

A monster!

(Deep voice ): and a duck!

Be careful, owl.

I think, from what I can see

That you belong to the bear world, little monster.

(Deep voice ): what is it that you see?


(Normal voice ): right!

(Laughs )

Did I scare everyone?

You certainly did.

Did I scare everyone, too?

You even scared the teapot.

Hen almost dropped it.

Oh, hen, I didn't mean to scare you that much.

That's all right, little bear.

This tea party is almost over anyway.

Well, if it's almost over, we can all make a leaf pile.

A wonderful idea, little bear.

Come on, everyone.


(Grunts, laughs )

It's so big, we can all hide in it!

Yes, but what then?

Well, if someone comes along

We can jump up and scare them.

Little bear knows what he's talking about.

He scared everyone today.

(Wind blowing... )

Duck: boo!

Others: duck!

Duck: I want to scare someone.

Little bear: I have a feeling someone will come along.

I'll peek out and take a look.

Duck: do you see anyone?

Not yet.

Now, remember--

If I see something or hear something

We'll all jump up and shout "boo!"

Duck: boo!

Others: duck!

(Duck giggles )

(Wind blowing... )

Little bear: I hear something.


Others: ready!

All: boo!

Duck: a ghost!

Hen: a monster!

Little bear: look, everyone!

It's not a monster.

I think the wind was playing a trick on us.

(Wind gusts )

(All laughing )


Oh, I like your crown of leaves, mother bear.

Thank you, duck.

Little bear made it for me.

I, for one, like it much better than your scary mask.

We all do.

What did you do with the scary mask?

Oh, I gave it to a friend.

(Wind blowing... )

Father bear, today I'm going to catch a really big fish.

That's good, little bear.

I'll make sure your line is on extra-strong.

What's the biggest fish you've ever caught?

Oh, it was big.

It was as big as you.

That's big.

It was so big, I couldn't hold on to it.

So it got away.


We're all set.

Thank you, father bear.

Now I'm going to catch a big fish.


Hmm, how long before we catch a big fish, father bear?

You can't rush these things.

You need patience to be a good fisherman.

(Yawns )

(Snoring )

I've got a bite!


(Grunting... )

Now I've got you!

(Grunts )

(Grunting )


(Grunting )

Whoa... Ooh!

Father bear!

Ooh... Ooh...



(Yawns )

What is it, little bear?

Did you have a bite?

I caught a big fish, father bear.

The biggest fish I've ever seen!

Bigger than me! Bigger than you!

I pulled him out of the water, but... He got away.

(Chuckling )

Well, keep trying.

I'm sure you'll get another bite soon.

(Sighs )

(Father bear snoring... )

(Gasps )

A pirate ship!

Ahoy there, landlubber!

Are you calling me?

Aye, matey.

Come aboard and let's have a look at you.

(Creaking )

I'm captain buckle

And these are me mates.


I'm little bear.

Welcome aboard, little bear.

Where are you headed for, captain buckle?

To sail the seven seas in search of treasure!

It's a sailor's life, lad.

And we could use another hand if you're interested.

Can we bring father bear along?

He's a sailor, too.

He's been everywhere.

(Snoring... )

Looks like a landlubber to me.

(Laughs heartily )

(Both laughing )

You're with captain buckle now, little bear.

Join us and we'll make for the high seas.

The high seas?

Aye, mate.

Now, if you could point us

In the right direction.

Find the river and follow it

Because rivers

Flow to the sea.

Right you are.

You're a smart one, little bear.

Raise the mast, mates!

Set sail to the high seas, me buckos!

I'm sorry, captain buckle

But I have to stay with father bear.

The winds are behind us.

It's too late to turn back.

I could make a swim for shore.

(Laughing )

You're a brave one, little bear.

Put out the plank!

Good-bye, captain buckle!

Good-bye, maties!

Good luck!

Aye, and good luck to you, too, lad!


(Snorts, gasps )

Are you all right, little bear?

Yes, father bear.

You'd better stay out of the water.

You might scare the fish away.


A good fisherman knows how to be quiet.

Let's see what I catch now.

I've got a big one!

It might be a fish

Or a sea horse

Or a whale!


A mermaid.

Hello, little bear.

I'm sorry you're caught in my line.

I was only trying to catch a fish.

Yes, I know.

But I think I scared them away.

If you help me get untangled

I'll swim out and send all the fish back again.

Thank you.

There... Good as knew.

Thank you, little bear.

You're welcome.

(Blows note on shell )

That sounds beautiful!

It's a present for you.

Good-bye, mermaid.

(Blows note )

(Snorts )


(Groans )

Well, little bear, any luck?

Today was a very lucky day, father bear.

First I caught a big fish.

It was as big as me.

That's big.

So big, it knocked me over

And I couldn't hold on to it.

I must have just missed that.

Then there was the pirate ship.

They were lost and wanted me to go with them.

But I said I should stay here with you.

I'm glad you did, little bear.

Your better to steer clear of pirates, anyway.

And then I caught a mermaid.

A mermaid? Oh, my.

You must be a very good fisherman.

She gave me this shell as a present.

(Blows note )

(Chuckles ) it sounds like I've missed a lot today.

No, you didn't, father bear

Because I told you all about it.

So you did.

Thank you, little bear.

(Water splashes )

(Rattling )

(Gasps )

I've got a bite!

Bring it in, nice and easy.

(Reel whirring )

Good job, little bear.

The mermaid said she would send the fish back.

And so she did.

That's a big one.

Not as big as the one that got away!

(Both laughing... )

(Chirping... )

(Humming... )

Mother bear, have you seen my crayons?

I found my crayon box

But all the crayons are missing.

And I want to make a picture.

Of what?

The sunset.

Look, mother bear.

Mother bear: mmm, that's a pretty sunset.

I can't find my crayons anywhere.

Oh, dear.

They're lost.

I'm sure they're not lost.

But where are they?

Wherever you left them.

But I leave my crayons everywhere.

(Laughs ) exactly!

And when you leave your crayons everywhere

Then you can't find them.

Here's a crayon.

(Crunch )


What are you doing in the fruit bowl?

Do you like apples, too?

Mother bear: oh!

Look what I see!

My black crayon!

What are you doing in there?

You're not a spoon.

You belong in the crayon box.

I bet there are crayons hiding all over the house.


I bet they're playing hide-and-seek.

I'm going to go find them.

Ready or not, here I come!

Where are you hiding, crayons?

Hmm, are you hiding under here?

There you are!

Green, black, red, brown...

Where's the blue crayon?

There you are!

You always like to hide in the toy box.

Have you seen the yellow crayon?

You haven't?

Ready or not, here I come!

I found you!


Mother bear: find your crayons?

I found the green and black and red

And brown and the blue

But I haven't found the yellow crayon... Not yet.

Now, where are you?

In here?


Up here?



The yellow crayon!

Father bear, I found my crayons!

You did? Where?

They were everywhere.

They were hiding under my bed and in the toy box.

The yellow one was hiding under my pillow.

Oh, that yellow crayon is a rascal.

I've got almost all of them.

Almost? Are there any still missing?

The purple one.

Purple crayon, where are you?


See anything?

Not yet.

Hello, father bear.

Hello, little bear.

See anything?

Just you.

Father bear, I see it!


Under your chair.

I caught the crayons, mother bear.

You caught them all?


They were all hiding, and I found them.

Now I can draw a sunset.

Here's red, here's yellow, here's purple...


What's the matter?

I forgot about orange.


He's still hiding.

Maybe he's in the pantry.

Come out, orange crayon.

I know you're hiding in there.

Do you see him?

I don't see him.

Where else could he be?

In the bread box.

Come out, orange crayon.

I know you're... In there!

Is he there?

He's not there.

Oh, ooh...

Father bear, what's wrong?

Ooh... There's something in my slipper.

What is it, father bear?

Will you help me, little bear?

What's this?


Father bear: a crayon.

The orange crayon!

How did you get in father bear's slipper?

Silly-billy crayon.

You belong in here.

Is that everybody?

Everybody's here.

Green, black, red, brown, blue, yellow, purple and orange.

They're all back where they belong.

Good work.

Now I can draw my picture of the sunset.

There's one problem, little bear.

What is it?

Look out the window.

Where did the sun go?

(Yawns ) the sun went to bed.

And that's where you need to go, too.

(Yawning ): but I'm not tired.

Come on, little bear.

There will be another sunset tomorrow.

Good night, little bear.

Good night, mother bear.

Good night, father bear.

Good night, little bear.

I'm glad you found your crayons.

The crayons need their sleep... (Yawns )

Because we've got lots of drawing to do tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night, crayons.

Good night, crayons.

(Laughs )