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03x13 - A Whale of a Tale/Mitzi Arrives/Granny's Old Flying Rug

Posted: 11/13/23 08:29
by bunniefuu
(Birds singing )

(Owl hooting... )

(Hen squawks )

Cat: boo!

(Squawking )

All: whoa!

(All laughing )

(Buoy clanging )

(Gulls cawing )

Father bear: see any whales, little bear?

Little bear: I can hardly see anything in this fog.


Is that blue hill island, father bear?

Yes, it is.

We'll be there soon.

(Buoy clanging )

Maybe we'll see my whale friend.

We might.

You know, I have a whale friend, too.

You do?

Yes, I met him right around here.

Is your whale friend very big?

Oh, yes, very big.

I call him mighty.

And what does he call you?

Big bear.

Because you are a big bear.

I guess.

How did you meet him?

Well, it was many years ago

Not far from this very spot.

Mighty was cruising the ocean, munching on this and that.

(Groaning )

Mighty filled his belly

And dove deep down through a seaweed forest.

The seaweed was very thick

And he didn't see my fishing net.

(Groans )



Oh, no!

Well, mighty didn't like that one bit.

And started swimming as fast as he could to get away.



Ahoy there, whale!


I called and I called, but he couldn't hear me.

Little bear: so you caught a whale in your net by mistake?

And he was pulling my boat around like it was a toy.



You're headed for the island!

Mighty didn't hear you, did he?


He was going to get himself stuck on the beach

If he didn't stop.

(Grunting )

Did he get stuck on the beach, father bear?

Stuck fast.

Be calm, mighty whale, be calm.

I'm very sorry to have netted you.

(Groans )

Can you help me?

(Deep sigh )

I'll try, mighty.

What did you do?

I called on the seagulls for help.


Ahoy there!

They gathered seaweed

And dropped it on mighty's great back

To keep his skin from drying out in the hot sun.

I called on the sea lions for help.

They swam under mighty

And dug away as much sand as they could with their flippers.

(Laughing )

I bet that tickled.

I'm going to need your help, too, mighty.

What could mighty do?

He was stuck.

Well, I got back in the boat, started the engine

And slowly pulled away from the beach.

I had a plan for mighty.

Mighty, now!

Mighty slapped the water with his huge tail.


Once more!

That's it, that's it!

You did it, father bear!

Well, I had a lot of help.

What did you do then, father bear?

I took a knife

Dove under mighty and cut him free of my net.

(Taking deep breath )

Thank you, big bear.

(Sighs deeply )


So you saved mighty's life.

Now I've got to find a whale.

Oh, there's a fountain on the ocean!

That's not a fountain, that's a whale.

It is?


It sure is a whale.

Is that mighty?

He looks a bit small to be mighty.

That's small?

As whales go, yes.

(Grunting )

Little bear oh, my.

Hello, big bear.

You must be little bear.

Hello, mighty.

Good to see you again, mighty.

(Grunts )

Is that your little whale out there?

That's my little one.

He's a good jumper.

(Grunts )

Where are you going, mighty?


(Little bear laughs )

Look at that!


I'm happy to meet you, little whale.

Thanks for the show.

(Grunting )

There's a storm coming, big bear.

(Thunder rumbles )

You're right, mighty.

We'd better get back before it hits.

Oh, no.

The engine won't start

And we can't outrun the storm without it.

Big bear, I will help you.

Hang on, little bear.

This little boat is going to be moving pretty fast.

Little bear: whoa! Whoo-ooh!

Look at little whale go!


(Little bear laughing )

(Woodpecker tapping )

(Birds singing... )


(Squirrel chattering )

What's that?


(Woodpecker tapping... )


Hey, is that a... ?

No, they don't have branches on their heads.

Oh, I'm never going to find a bear.

Group chanting: black raisins, red raisins

Raspberry tart

Tell me the name of your sweetheart.

A, b, c, d

E, f, g

H, i, j

K, l

(Sighs ):m, n oh...

O, p, q, r

S, t

U, v

W, x

Y, z!

(All applaud )

(Tutu barks )

(Barking... )

Let's play again.


Shouldn't it be someone else's turn?

As soon as I miss a step.


You never miss a step.

Thank you, little bear.

(Branches rustle )

Ready, cat?

Ready, emily.

(Chants ): you buy butter

And I'll buy flour

(Listlessly ): and we'll have pudding

In how many hours?

Emily: butterscotch, blueberry, chocolate...

Others: one, two, three...




(Whimpers )

(Quacks )(hoots )

Oh, my.


I'm on safari.

I'm looking for bears.


You're not a bear.

Bears don't have beaks.

Bears have lots of teeth.

(Muffled ): I'm a duck.

Big teeth.

Uh, I'm a...

You're not

A bear, either.

(Meows )

Bears don't have long, skinny tails.

Excuse me!

(Barking )

Bears don't have wings.

You're definitely not a bear.

(Hoots )

No one said I was.

(Barks )

Bears have big, fuzzy ears.

(Whimpering )

(Barks )

(Growls )

That's tutu.

(Barking, little bear laughing )

My name is emily

And this is lucy.

Hello, lucy.

Excuse me.

I'm a... Wait a minute.

Big, fuzzy ears...

No wings...

Short, stubby tail...


And lots and lots of teeth.

Big teeth!

You're a bear!

Well, I tried to tell you.

I'm little bear.

Whew! (Laughs )

(Barking )

(Mitzi whooping )

(Laughing )

(Quacking )


(Quacking and whooping )

(Hooting )

(Duck laughing, mitzi chattering )

Duck: everything's spinning...

(Laughs )

I found a little bear.

You're the first little bear I ever met.

Well, you're the first monkey I ever met.

My name is mitzi.

What's yours?

Little bear.

Oh, yes--

You said that.

This is owl.

(Clears throat )


How do you do?

And this is duck.

Hello, duck.

You're a good dancer.

I know.

And this is cat.

(Purrs )

We've already met.

Would you like to

Play skipping with us, mitzi?


It's my turn!

Emily missed.

I didn't really miss.

Mitzi made me miss.

It's not the same thing.

(Sadly ): all right....

But I'm next.

Let's see

What rhyme shall we do?

"One, two, how do you do"?

We did that one already.

All right, how about "mabel, mabel, set the table"?

We did that one, too.

I know a few rhymes.

(Barks )

Mitzi is the guest

So let her choose the rhyme.


Roses are red

Violets are blue

Here's a rhyme, just for you.

I see london

I see france

I see emily's underpants.


(Giggles )

(All giggling )

Emily missed!

What's so funny?

(Laughing )

Little bear!


But you should have seen your face.

Duck: my turn

My turn!

(Clears throat )

Roses are red

Cabbages are green

Her face is funny

But yours is a scream.


(Squawks )

(Grunts )

What's wrong with my face?

It's only a rhyme.


Who's next?

(Barks )

Tit for tat

Butter for fat

If you miss

You have to kiss cat.

(Growls )


Soda cr*cker

Aca-baca boo

Mitzi is a monkey...

And mitzi is rude.

(Whimpers )


Well... She is...



I guess I'd better

Be going then.

(Yaps softly )

Tutu's right.

I'm glad I finally saw a bear.

Duck: aca-back

Soda cr*cker

Aca-baca boo...

Emily is sorry.

And I am, too!

I'm sorry, too.

You can't leave.

You just got here.

You haven't seen all of bear country.

All: aca-baca, soda cr*cker

Aca-baca boo!

Little bear: mitzi came to bear country

What's she going to do?

Will she stay, or will she go?

Yes, no, maybe so.

All: stay, go, stay, go, stay, go

Stay, go

Stay, go

Stay, go


(All laugh )

I think I'll...


I like it here in bear country.

Granny: careful now!

Look out for that last step.

Little bear: watch out!

Tutu, here we come.

(Barking )

Granny: just set it down over here.

(Whimpers )

One, two, three.

(All grunting )

Ah... Good work.



There we go.

(Yelps )

Let's give this dear old rug a shake.

Everyone take a corner.

(Tutu barks )

Oh, where's tutu?

(Barking )

(Giggling )

It's full of holes, granny.

It's a pretty old rug, you know.

Let's have a little rest, shall we?


Where did you get this rug?

I bought it from an old man in egypt--

A funny little man with a gleam in his eye.

He said...

(Whispering ): when this rug was young

It could actually fly.


(Yawns )


Oh, yes.

Now, wouldn't that be fun

To sit on this rug and fly high, high

Up in the clouds?

Emily: oh, yes.


Granny: oh, my.

You must be hungry.


Very hungry.

I'll scoot in and make us lunch

And we can picnic out here

In the sunshine.

(Whimpers )

(Sighs )

(Sighs )

Wouldn't it be great

If this rug could really fly?

And take us anywhere we wanted to go.

(Wind blowing... )

What's that?


It moved!

(Whines )

(Wind blowing )

It's just the wind.

You know what?

I bet if we knew the magic word

We could make it really fly.

I know one magic word.

What is it?


(Wind blowing... )

(Snarls )

Say that magic word again, little bear.

All right.

Abracadabra, cadabra, cadabra!

(Barks )

(Growls )

(Yelps )

Emily: oh, my!

Little bear: whoa!

Both: whoa!

Both: whoa!

Little bear: whoa-oh-ho-ho.

(Both laughing )

(Chewing )

(Rug whooshes )



(Both laughing... )

Little bear: whoo-hoo!

Emily: whee!

(Laughing... )

(Barking )

Little bear: whoa! Whee!

Both: whee!

Let's fly

To the north pole.

Around the world and back.

(Sneezes )

Look, this rug has windows.

(Giggling )

(All gasp )


(Barks )

What's wrong?

(All shouting )

Both: whoa!

What should we do?

I don't know.

(Barks )

Hang on!

(All shrieking... )

Both: whoa!

Both: ooh!

(Birds chirping )

(Tutu barks, whimpers )

We're stuck on an island, emily.


(Growls )

Come on, old rug.

You can do it. Up, up!

Hello, little bear.

Emily: oh, my goodness.

(Barks )

You two know each other?

Of course we do.

We're friends.

(Barking )

Hello, mermaid.

Our old flying rug is stuck.

It got too tired to fly anymore.


What you need is a needle and thread.

Where'd she go?

Little bear: don't worry, she can swim.

(Barking )


Take this.


A needle!

I think if we fix this old rug up a bit

It will feel better

And want to fly again.

There you go, good as new.

Thank you for helping us, mermaid.


Hop on.

(Barking )

Say the magic word, little bear.

Abracadabra, cadabra, cadabra.


Hooray! Hooray!

Happy landings.

Both: good-bye!

And thank you!

(Tutu barks )

Emily: whoa!

Little bear: whee!

Little bear: then we were stuck on an island.

Emily: and the rug wouldn't fly anymore.

And then the mermaid came and sewed up the rug.

With seaweed!

And it was good as new!

You look pretty fine, old rug.


Who's ready for that picnic?

I am.

Me, too.


Mmm... Peanut butter.

My favorite.

(Tutu barks )