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02x12 - Between Friends/The Blueberry Picnic/Lucy Needs a Friend

Posted: 11/12/23 14:06
by bunniefuu
[Birds singing ]

[Owl hooting ]

[Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[All laughing ]

How are you feeling, little bear?

My mumps still hurt.


Well, have some ice cream.

Ice cream is good for bears with the mumps.


Did that hurt?


I wish I wasn't sick, mother bear.

I want to play with my friends.

I know.

Why don't you shut your eyes

And that will help you feel better.


Oops... Sorry.

[Sighs ]

[Snoring ]

[Humming happily ]

[Knock at door ]

[Louder knocking ]

Oh, mother bear!

Someone is at the door.

Emily: little bear-- over here.



And lucy, too.

Hello, lucy.

How do you feel?

I have the mumps.

I know.

Do they hurt?

A little.

I have a present for you.

Something to cheer you up.

It's a book I wrote.

Can I see it?


Oh, wait, I forgot.

I'd better stay out here or I might catch the mumps, too.

Thank you, lucy.

What's the book called?

It's called between friends.

Will you read it to me?

Oh, but you're over there

And I'm over here.

That's okay.

I know it all by heart.

Are you ready, little bear?


[Emily clears throat ]

"I hope this book makes you feel better

"By remembering the times we shared together.

Do you remember the first time we met?"

I do, and I like the picture you drew, emily.

I flew down the tree.

Are you all right?

I'm all right.

Emily: are we still going the right way?

Little bear: uh-huh.

Let's run.

Both: yay!

[Laughing and giggling ]

That was fun!

Turn the page now, little bear.

Page two.

"There was the time emily met owl, hen, and cat

And duck's nieces and nephews needed to be baby-sat."

Little bear: remember little peep got lost?

Emily: and you found him.

[Quacks ]

[Peeps ]

[Emily and little bear laughing ]


Are you okay?

Oh, my mumps hurt when I laugh.

Ready for page three?

Page three.

Emily: "one day, owl had a party.

"We all went to play.

Then lucy fell down a tree."

All: oh, lucy!

Emily: "and what a good doctor little bear was."


That looks much better.

I like your present, emily.

Good-- I hope you feel better.

Mother bear: little bear?


Look at what emily brought me.

She made it herself.

It's very lovely, emily.

But I think you should go home now.

I don't want you catching the mumps.

All right, mother bear.

Thank you for the book, emily.

Get better soon, little bear.


Granny: how are the mumps?

They're a little sore.


And lucy?

She's a little sore, too.

Would some ice cream help?

Ice cream would be nice.

Could lucy have some, too?

Of course.

[Sighs ]

[Tapping at window ]

Hello! Emily, over here.

Sorry you caught the mumps.

Oh, that's okay.

I have a present for you.

Come inside, little bear.

Don't worry, you've already had the mumps.

Granny says you can't catch them again.

Oh, I forgot.

It's the book I made for you.

Turn to the end.

You added a story.

Is that you and me at hop-frog pond?

Do you like it?

You draw very well.

Mother bear helped me, but I told her what to write.

You can read it.

Page four.

"Emily is little bear's best friend.

He hopes she gets better soon."

[Both laughing ]

[Frogs croak ]

Hop, frog, hop!

[Frog croaks ]


Look out below!

That's a nice hat.

Now we match!

"The end.

P.s.-- Let's go to hop-frog pond again."

It's wonderful, little bear.

Thank you.

There's one more page left.


We should write something together.


Oh, I know.

How about...

"This story really has no end

Because this story is between friends."

Does that sound good?

Very good.

Now your turn.

I did the words, so you can do the picture.

What do you think?


Now the book really belongs to us.

[Birds chirping ]

[Owl hoots ]

Oh, hello, owl.

Hello, no feet.

Aren't you coming to the blueberry picnic?

I wouldn't miss it

But first there's the play.


The blueberry play.

It's a very old story we tell every year

About the troll who lived

Under the bridge.


Father bear: hello, everyone.

It's time to start the play.

Little bear: mmm... I can hardly wait until we can eat.

First we must choose our troll.

And this year it's going to be...

Little bear.


[All cheering ]

Come with me and we'll get your mask on.

Can you be a mean, wicked troll?

[Growling fiercely ]

I'm hungry!

[All gasp ]

[Little bear growling ]

If any of you want to cross over my bridge

Watch out!

Father bear: I think we're ready.

Now, the troll is under the bridge

Where he lives.

Our other players today will be hen, duck, cat and emily.

Places, everyone.

[Audience whispering happily ]

[Hen clucking ]

Here's a lovely little bridge.

I can cross over the river without getting wet.

And look at all those blueberries on the other side.

Isn't that nice?

No, no!

Watch out for the troll!

Oh, nonsense!

I don't see any trolls.

Who's that walking over my bridge?!

What was that?

That was me, the troll!

[Growls fiercely ]

[Growling ]

[All gasp ]

Who are you?

I'm hen, and I'm on my way to pick blueberries.

Ha! That's what you think!

[Squawks ]

You're going to be my dinner!

Oh, please, sir, let me go.

Someone else is coming that you will likemuch more.

Why can't I eat you and that someone else, too?

Because if you eat me

You may be too full for the next person

And they might taste better.


Should I let her pass?

All: yes, yes.

Hmm... You may go.

Hen: oh, thank you.

Thank you.

[All sigh with relief ]

That was close.

Hen almost got eaten.

I know.

But now we'll have to worry

About who else is coming.

Oh, no!

[Duck quacking ]

No feet: watch out, duck!

Troll: who's that on my bridge?

It's just me.

Hi, little bear.

Duck! I'm a troll.

Oops, sorry.

[Audience laughing ]

Come a little closer.

I want to have a look at you.

Watch out for the troll!


Roast duck with stuffing-- my favorite!

Your favorite what?

My favorite dinner.


[Growling ]

[Quacking ]

[Audience cheering ]

I'll tell you, that's one lucky duck.

And that's one hungry troll.

Whoever comes next

Is not going to get away that easily.

Oh, no, it's cat.

Look out, cat!

Watch out for the troll!

A troll, you say?

I can't see any troll.

But I can sure smell something awful.

Who's up there

Stomping on my bridge?

It's me, cat.

What do you think of that?


What I'm thinking about is roast cat.

And I'm thinking about scratched troll.

[Hisses ]


[Purring ]

I don't think I like roast cat.

[Audience cheering ]

I'll wait for someone sweeter to eat.

Then I'll really jump on them and eat them in two bites!

Audience: boo!

Go away, go away.

Go away, troll.

Bad troll.

[Barks ]

Oh, no, I can't look!

Now, now, no feet

You must remember that it's just a play.

There's really nothing to worry about...

Oh, no, it's emily!

[Thud ]

Audience: emily!

Oh, no!

Look out for the troll!

He's going to eat you!

Who's that on my bridge?

[Growling ]

Shame on you.

That's not very nice to scare people like that.

I'm the troll who lives under this bridge.

And now I'm going to eat you in two bites...

And two for tutu, too.

[Gasping ]

But you don't want to eat us; we don't taste very good.

How about if I give you something good to eat?

You're not tricking me.

I'm hungry and I'm going to eat both of you--

The little one first.

[Growling ]

I promise you

I'll give you something sweet and delicious.

If you don't like it

Then you can eat me and tutu.

Well... All right, but you better be quick.

I'm hungry and I'm not waiting all day.

Here, a blueberry pie.

All: blueberry pie!


Remember, if I don't like it...

I remember, you'll eat us both.

Just try that and see what you think.

[Little bear eats pie noisily ]

Mmm... That was good.

Would you happen to have another one of those?

Only if you promise to stop eating everyone.

I promise...

I'll never eat another hen...

Or duck...

Or cat...

[Purring ]

[Yips ]

Or little dog

Or anyone ever again.

Only blueberry pies.

All: yay, blueberry pies!

[Cheering ]

Isn't emily wonderful?

She fixed that old troll.

And the troll was true to his word--

He never ate anyone again.

And that's why we have

The blueberry picnic every year.


Very good, little bear.

[All cheering and applauding ]

[Gasping ]

No feet: watch out for the troll!

[Gasps ]

[Barks ]

Oh, tutu...

Let the blueberry picnic begin!

[All cheering ]

[Knock at door ]

Good morning, little bear.

Good morning, emily.

Want to come fishing?

Sure, I'll get lucy.


Come on, we can take a shortcut through here.

Um... Lucy might get all scratched and dirty.


Come on, the best spot is on the other side.

Oh, dear.


Lucy might get wet.


Emily: lucy likes watching you fish, little bear.

[Door opens and closes ]

[Sighs ]

Didn't you catch anything today?


And it was all because of lucy.


Emily doesn't want to leave lucy alone, and lucy doesn't want

To do anything that might get her dirty.


I know!

What if lucy had a friend?

A doll friend?

Yes-- then emily could leave her home

And lucy wouldn't be lonesome.

A friend for lucy--

What a good idea, little bear.

Could you help me make a friend, mother bear?

We'll make one together.

Just pick a color you like.

All right.

Not red.

Both: not blue.

Not yellow.

Not purple.


How about this?

Mmm, I like it.

So do i-- it's nice and fuzzy and brown

Just like you.

[Giggling ]

[Humming ]


What do you think?


Almost done, mother bear.


What's next?

The fabric.

I'll pin the paper so it doesn't move.

That's one side;

Now we need the other.

Two sides?

Front and back.

I'll cut the back.

They match.

Now we sew the two pieces together.

Can I thread the needle for you?


This isn't so easy.

Try wetting the end.

Like this?


I did it!

You did.


I think we forgot something.

What's that?


What next?



[Laughing ]

Not those.

There, that's better--

Brown eyes, like mine.

It's almost done.

Something's missing, though.

Can you guess what?

[Laughing ]

A nose.

We forgot something else.


That's better.

There's a hole here.

You forgot to sew it up, mother bear.

I didn't forget.

That's where we put in the stuffing.


So the doll will be soft.

What we need is some milkweed fluff

So we can finish making lucy's friend.

[Purring ]

Little bear.

Where are you going?

What's the sack for?

I have to find fluff.


To stuff lucy's friend with.

Lucy has a friend?

Little bear!

Wait up!

Who's lucy's friend?

Why does her friend have to get stuffed?

Lucy's friend is a doll.

Mother bear and I made it.

Now we need fluff to stuff it with.

Why didn't you say so?

There's lots of fluff down by the river.

Thank you, hen.

Little bear?

Cat: wait for us!

We want to help.

There's plenty of milkweed over here.

I've got a ton...

[Getting ready to sneeze ]

[Laughing ]

No, you don't.

[Laughing ]

Never mind.

This should be enough.

Thank you for helping me, everybody.

[Humming ]

There, little bear

Lucy's friend is done.

A fishing pole.

I hope he's a good fisherman...

Like you.

[Giggling ]


You were right, little bear

This is a great fishing spot.

Oh, I've got another one, too.

Lucy seems to be having a good time.

Yes, she is

Now that she has a friend.

What shall we call him?

We forgot to pick a name.

Let's call him "fisherman bear"

Because he likes to fish, just like you.

Good idea.