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02x09 - Follow the Leader/Little Scarecrow Bear/Little Bear and the Bab

Posted: 11/12/23 14:03
by bunniefuu
[Birds singing ]

[Owl hooting... ]

[Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[All laughing ]

Cat: duck.




[Giggles ] that's me.


[Hooing, cat laughing ]


You always pick me!

I know.

And then I'm the goose.

I know.

That's the game, owl.

Well, I'm tired of this game.

[Clears throat ]


It's too hot to be running around in circles.

Duck: it is too hot.

[Duck moans ]

What should we do?

We could go for a swim.

That would cool us off.

Yes, let's go to hop frog pond.

It's too far.

But I know a fun way to get there.

Let's play follow the leader.

Okay.that sounds like fun.

Anyone who wants to play, follow me.

Oh, count me in. [Purrs ]

Me, too!

[Quacks ]


Coming, owl?

No, thank you.

I'm going to sit right here.

And nothing you say will convince me to go.


We'll see you later.

Everybody join hands.

What for?


We have a mountain to climb.

A steep, snow-covered mountain.

It will be really beautiful.

We better hold on tight.

Ready, team?

All: ready!


Oh, all right, I'll play.

But this better be fun.

Don't look down.

Duck: why not?


That's why not.

[Bleating ]

Hello, goat!

[Voice echoes ] hello, goat!

[Bleating ]

Hey, it's an echo.


[Echoing ]

[Meows ]

[Echoes... ]

[Hoots ]

[Echoes... ]

[Yodels ]

[Silence ]

[Quacks echo... ]


Come on.

We're almost at the top.

[Sighs deeply ]

Isn't it breathtaking?

Duck: it's beautiful!

Emily: look at all the colors in the sunset.

[Birds chirping ]

Cat: that was great.

That was tiring.

Aren't we at the pond yet?

Cat: not yet.

I'm the leader now; follow me!

Ooh, it's very dark in here.

Most caves are, duck.

This is a cave?

Cat: uh-huh.

It will be cool and mysterious.

Emily: oh, it's beautiful.

Look at the sparkly rocks.

[Duck shrieks ]


It's just a lizard.

[All giggling ]

Little bear: that was a good one, cat.

Who wants to lead now?

Me, me! I'm next.

Where to, duck?

Uh... Hmm... I know.

Follow me.

Everybody follow duck.

[Chanting ]: om.

[Duck giggles ]

[Croaks ]

[Moans ]


Everybody get on a rock.

What's so special about rocks?

Oh, these aren't rocks, owl.

A giant sea serpent lives here, and we're standing on his back.

All: oh?


And he's going to take us for a ride.

Hang on!

[Quacking ]

[Giggling ]

That was fun.

Cat: that was great!

[Cat purrs ]

Thanks, duck.

My, that was exciting.

Emily, you lead next.

Okay, follow me.

Don't stop, don't stop!

What are we doing?

Duck: are we dancing?

No, duck.

We're flying.


I'm flying!

All: whee!

As high as the clouds!

[Giggling ]

They're soft.

[Quacking ]

And fluffy.

[Loud hooting ]

[Chuckles ]

Well done, owl.

I really can fly.


So can i.

I forgot.

Now I'm the leader.

Follow me! [Hooting ]

Follow owl.

[All laughing ]

[Loud splashing ]

Hey, we're in hop frog pond!

[Loud spitting ]

[Croaks ]

That's how I planned it.

Duck: whee!

[Grunts ]


Ooh, the water's so cool.

Come on, follow the leader!

[Little bear giggling ]

[Cat meows ]

Come on in, owl.

[Hooting ]

[All laughing ]

Little bear: how does he look, no feet?

No feet: he looks great.

Like a scarecrow.



I think he needs more straw

In his jacket.

I think you're right.

How's that?


He'll scare away any crow.

I hope so.

I wish some crows would come

And just try to eat corn.

Little bear: I know--

Let's hide.

And when the crows come

We'll watch how he scares them away.

You two have fun, and let me know

If our scarecrow does his job.

Okay, mother bear.

See any crows, no feet?

Not yet.

Me neither.

Uh-oh, there's a wind picking up.

I can feel it.

Little bear: oh, no, the scarecrow!


I can't see!

There's a hat in your face!

He's losing his jacket!

Look out!whoa!

[Grunts ]

[Laughs ]

Nice catch.

Boy, that was some wind.


Well, there goes our scarecrow.

Little bear: poor scarecrow.

He didn't even get to scare one crow.

Not one.

Hey, you look good in that hat.

I do?


Do I look like a scarecrow?


You look more like a bear in a hat.

But if I tucked a little straw...

And put on the jacket...

And if I stood like this...

Now do I look like a scarecrow?

Yes, by golly, you look like a scarecrow.

He looks like a bear in a coat and a hat.

[All laughing ]

[Gasps ]


[Crows cawing ]

Come on, no feet.

Let's scare some crows.

[Crows cawing ]

[Gasps ]

I must ask you to halt.


We're halted.

We're tired.

You're a good chaser.

Uh, thank you.

[Clears throat ]

I am scarecrow bear.

And I'm his helper.

We've come to ask you to please go away.

Go away.

Go away?


We think you're here to eat corn.

Isn't that right?

Eat corn?


All: nah!

[All laughing ]

[Crows cawing ]

You can't fool us, you naughty crows.

If you're not here for the corn

Then why are you here?

For the view.

What view?

Look, over there.


Over there.



Little bear: stop eating our corn.


But, sir, it's delicious!

It's sweet!

It's our lunch.

Well, now, I see you've made some new friends.

[Crows cawing ]

They weren't friends, mother bear.

They are crows.

Little bear: just crows.


The scarecrow blew down in the wind.

But don't worry, mother.

I am scarecrow bear.


And I'm scaring these crows, aren't i?

All: well...

Ungrateful crows!

They're not scared at all.

No, I guess not.

Yes, we are.

We're scared.

You're an excellent scarecrow.

We've never seen such a scary scarecrow.


Oh, yes.

We'll be off now.

You're leaving?

It was fun playing chase.

We don't want to be a nuisance.

Thank you for the corn.

Crows[in unison ]: good-bye!

[Crows cawing ]

Well, I guess I scared them away.

Good work, little bear.

But, mother, they really weren't such bad crows.

Just silly--

And hungry.

[Sniffles ]

We have so much corn.


Maybe too much corn?


I wish those crows would come back and eat some.

Why don't we call them?

[Caws like a crow ]

Hey, crows!

[Caws like a crow ]

[Caws ]

[All cawing ]

[Crows cawing in return ]

[Giggles ]: look!

[Crows cawing ]

We heard you calling.

Is everything all right?

Thank you for coming back.

We were just thinking.

We have too much corn.

Too much corn?

Yes, we'd like to share our corn with you.

Our own corn?!

Just for us?

This can be your own little corner right here.

Our own corn?!

We wouldn't have to steal it?

And we wouldn't bother anybody?

If it's all right with mother bear.

I would agree to that, little bear--

I mean, scarecrow bear.

Oh, my!

Thank you.

You're both very kind.

But, scarecrow bear, may I ask you a question?

You may.

Aren't your arms getting tired?

Very tired.

Aren't you hungry?

Very hungry.

Why don't you relax

And have an ear of sweet corn?

[Sighs ]

That's better.

Much better.

Thank you, mother bear.

You've earned it.


Scaring crows is hard work.

Thank you, little bear.

[Caws ]


Chase me!

[Giggles ]

[All cawing ]

[Birds singing ]

[Baby fussing... ]

Mother bear!

I heard somebo... Oh.

[Fussing, gurgling ]


I see you.

[Laughs ]

Good morning, little bear.

We have a visitor.




[Giggles ]

Oh, he's talking to you.

He is?

What's he saying?


[Laughs ]

Can I play with him?

Yes, you can, little bear.

But first, he has to have his nap.

But it's morning.

Didn't he sleep last night?

Yes, but all babies have daytime naps.

Naps are when babies grow.

Here we go.

Where's his mother?

[Hushed ]: visiting his grandmother.

She'll be by later to pick him up.

[Gasps softly ] oh, look

He's fast asleep.

Eat your breakfast quietly, little bear.

We don't want to wake up the baby.

I'm going to tidy up.

[Cradle creaking ]


Are you up?

[Whispers ]: peek-a-boo.

[Louder ]: peek-a-boo!

[Gurgling ]

[Creaking ]

[Squeaks ]

[Squeaking ]



He's up, mother bear!

He didn't want to nap.

He wants to play.

Oh, he does, does he?[Duck squeaking ]

Mm-hmm. Can we go outside?

[Chuckles ]

Yes, you may.

But be careful.

He's only little.

Yes, mother bear.

Come on, baby.

[Coos ]

[Wings humming... ]

[Grunting ]

The hummingbird likes you.

Don't hurt him.

Hummingbird, meet...

I don't know your name.


Is "ick" the only thing you can say?


Then that's what I'll call you.

Little ick.



Flowers aren't for eating.

You must be gentle with nature.

There's lots to see out here, little ick

But you're getting kind of heavy.


Try walking by yourself.

[Cooing ]



Wait a minute.

You can't stay up there.

Oh, no.

No, I can't see.

[Laughs ]

That tickles!

Hey, get out of there.

[Sighs ]

All right.

If you like it up there, it's fine with me.

I know, let's play with my old toys.

I've got a whole box full.

Would you like that?


I haven't played with these in a long time.

See? My books.

Now, if you'll come down, I'll read you a story.


That's a sailboat.

And that's a train.

Hey, not so fast.


That's a balloon.

Hey, let go.

[Groans ]


You sit here andi turn the pages.

Now, see, that's a butterfly.

And... Hey!

Little ick!

Little ick, come back here!

Don't jump!

I'm coming to get you.

Now hold still, little ick.


Wait. Little ick.



You'll fall!


[Thud ] oh!



We better go inside.

It's dangerous out here.

Well... What do

You think of that, little ick?


[Sighs ] oh, well.

We might as well put these away.

[Starts crying ]

[Calls out ]: mother bear.

Mother bear

Why is he crying?

Oh, babies cry for all kinds of reasons.

Poor little ick.

You're tired and hungry, aren't you?

I'll get the baby his lunch.

You tidy up your blocks, okay?

Aren't you going to help me?

[Mother bear humming... ]

Could I please have some more syrup, mother bear?

Well, it's right in front of you.

But it's heavy.

I can't pour it.

You always pour your own syrup.

And I'm feeding the baby right now.

Never mind.

I don't want any syrup.

[Purrs ]

Shh. The baby is just dropping off to sleep.


[Starts humming lullaby ]

That's the song you used to sing to me.

[Loudly ]: ♪ hush little baby

♪ Don't say a word...

[Fussing ]

Oh, little bear.


[Resumes humming ]

I'm going to play with my train.

[Shuts door ]

[Wheels squeaking ]

[Sighs ]

[Snoring ]

[Door creaks ]

[Sighs ]

Did you have a good sleep, little bear?


Where's little ick?

His mother came for him while you slept.

Oh... I was going to teach him to play ball.

You were very good with the baby, little bear.

Thank you for helping me take care of him.

Babies are a lot of work.

They certainly are, little bear.

They certainly are.