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02x05 - Building A House For Emily/Emily Returns/Little Sherlock Bear

Posted: 11/12/23 14:00
by bunniefuu
[Birds singing ]

[Owl hooting... ]

[Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[All laughing ]

[Birds chirping ]

[Sighs ]

Hey! Ouch.

Oh, sorry.

What are you doing?


Uh, what are you waiting for?



For emily's house.

Who is emily?

Emily is my friend

And she will live in the forest with her granny.

I'm going to build emily a big, log house.

Father bear and grandfather bear are going to help.


What's that?

Men: pull!

A moose?

[Bellowing ]

[Laughs ]

That's them!

They're here!

Grandfather bear!

Father bear!

Father bear?

Oh, my!

I'm your uncle rusty.

You must be little bear.

Your uncle rusty is my little brother.

You're the biggest little brother I've ever seen.

[Laughing heartily... ]

[Sighs ] well, let's get to work.


[Little bear giggling ]


[Giggling... ]

[Grunts with effort ]

One, two, three.

[Grunting... ]

[Grunts ]

[Little bear grunting... ]

[Saw sawing wood ]

[Grunting ]


We did it.

These logs must have come from really big trees.

Where I come from, the trees are so tall

The roots go all the way to china.


I once saw a tree that was so tall

Its top was covered with snow, like a mountain.

That's really tall.

You think that's tall?

I once saw a tree that was so tall

If you climbed to the top

You could have touched the moon.


I climbed on the moon once.

[Both grunting... ]

[Squeaking... ]

[Groans ]

[Hinges creaking ]

[Giggling ] whee!

[Hammering in distance ]

Little bear: mother bear, grandmother bear.

Look at me!

I'm building a house.


Uncle rusty: that was the best meal that I've had in ages.

Thank you, rusty.

I'm glad you liked it.

That was the best meal that I've had in ages, too.

[Adults laughing ]

Uncle rusty?

Do you live in a log house like the one we built for emily?

Nope, I sleep in the woods where it's nice and quiet.

I love the woods.

I love the woods, too.

I have my bedroll and my tent, and that's the life for me.

Do you ever get lonely?


That's why it's nice to know

I always have a family to come home to.

[Playing lively tune on harmonica ]

[Others begin clapping ]

[Little bear and beavers cheering, laughing ]

Play another one.



I'd like to, but it's getting late.

Time for this old logger to get back on the river.

It was good to see you again, little brother.

Good to see you, too.

It's a perfect house we made, isn't it, uncle rusty?

Couldn't have built it without you.

When I grow up, can I go logging with you?

I'd like that.

Good-bye, little bear.


[Harmonica squeaks ]

You'll get it.

Next time I'm back, you can play it for me.

We'll play together-- deal?

It's a deal.

Good-bye, uncle rusty.

[Plays squeakily ]

[Squeaking ]

[Light hammering ]

Little bear: well?


[Creaking ]


Little bear: well?

Which is it?

Both: that's it!



Let's go wait for emily.

They should be arriving any time now.

[Sighs ]

What's taking them so long?

Well, it's a long trip by boat.

Or maybe they're coming by wagon.

Or train.

Maybe they're walking.

[Wind blowing... ]

Emily: hello, little bear.

It's emily!



Little bear: oh, my!



Hi, everybody!


All: hello, emily!

We're here, granny.

Land ahoy!

Oh, my!

My goodness.

Prepare for landing.

Land crew alert!

Land crew alert!

Little bear!


I see lucy!

[Hoots ]



Somebody catch her!

Here I am, lucy.

My goodness.


I've got her, I've got her.


Got her!

Hello, lucy.

It's duck.

Remember me?

Granny: prepare for landing.

Emily, pull the red line.

Quick, everyone grab ahold.


Grab it!


Both: whoa!

Emily, let out some sand.

Both: whoa.

[Both grunting ]

Granny: tie them down.

Emily, pull the ripping panel.

[Tears, hisses ]




Hi, little bear.


Hello, emily.

Here's lucy.

Thank you, duck.

She remembers me.

Of course she remembers you.

And so do i.

Hello, cat, hen...

[Hoots ]



Hi, emily.

[All giggling ]

This is my granny.

You must be little bear.

How did you know?

Emily has told me so many stories about you.

And cat, and owl, and hen

And you must be duck.

She remembers me, too... And she never even met me!

[All laughing ]


[Dog barking ]

Emily: that's tutu.

[Barks ]

[All laughing ]


[Barks ]

That means "thank you."

Tutu speaks french.

Granny and tutu are world travelers.

Oh, I want you to meet

My mother bear and father bear.

This my mother bear

And she makes good cookies.

Pleased to finally meet you.

And this is my father bear.

He's a fisherman.



And this is my grandmother

And grandfather bear.



Grandmother bear makes good cookies, too.

Mmm, I love cookies.



And here's the house we built for you.

I hope you like it.


[Creaking ]

Granny: it's perfect.

Now, let's make this house a home!

Owl: careful, careful.

That's it.

And this is my magic carpet.

We'll all have to go for a ride someday.

[Granny laughs ]

But right now...

[Yawns ]

It's time for my nap.

[Purrs ]

[Barks ]

Pardon me?

[Barks ]


Shh! We're taking a nap.

Come on.

Your room is upstairs.

Mother bear made the quilt.

It's beautiful!

You've been gone a long time, emily.

I know.

I missed you, little bear.

Even if I went

To all the places in the world

Like granny and tutu

I'd never find such a good friend as you.

I know.

[Tutu barking ]

Sorry, I don't speak french.

[Barks ]

Okay, okay.

Like this?

[Barks ]


[Both laughing ]

I missed you, too.

Welcome home.

Thanks, little bear.

[Tutu barks ]

[Owl hoots ]

Okay, let's play.

Everybody ready?



Ready.... Ready.


[Purrs ]

[Purrs ]ah.

[Giggles ]

Nicely done.

[Owl grunts ]


[Squawks ]

Watch it!

[Thumps ]

I'm tired of leapfrog.

Let's play something else.

[Humming ]

[Sniffs ]

[Sighs happily ]

We could play ball.


Uh, or something else.

What about hide-and-seek?

I'll be the seeker.


Now, everybody remember the rules.

You can hide in the yard and woods

But no hiding in the...


Owl: no, duck, not pie.

No hiding in the house.


On the windowsill-- pie!

All: ooh!

Cat: wow.

That certainly is a beautiful pie

Mother bear.

Might I ask what kind it is?

It's cherry.

All: cherry!

My favorite.

[Someone's stomach rumbles ]


The pie is making my stomach growl.

Mother bear: sorry, everyone

But this is a special pie

For father bear's dinner.

Now I have to work in the garden

So no one touch the pie.

It's very hot.

All: okay, we won't.

Okay, let's play.

Everyone run and hide.


[Squawking, warbling ]







Eight... Owl!

[Hoots ]

Hey, no fair, you're peeking!

That's father bear's pie!

I, i...

I was just checking

To see if it was cooling properly.

Yup. [Laughs ]

Seems to be right on schedule.

Hmm. Well, you'd better hurry and hide.

I'm almost done counting.

You have to start over if you peek.

Okay. But leave the pie alone.

One, two...


Four, five, six, seven...


Nine, ten!

Ready or not, here I come!

[Gasps ]

Oh, no!

[Hoots ]

The pie is gone!

What? Who?

Well, someone else must have taken it

Because it wasn't me.

Hmm... Then we have to find out who did.


Let's look for some clues.

Clues? Like finding

Someone hiding next to where the pie was?

That's a good clue--

Except I didn't take it.

Okay. Let's look for some more clues.

Owl: we should be looking for a trail of crumbs

Or footprints, or...

I found a feather!

Could this be a clue?

What does a feather prove?

Here's another one!

[Squawks ]

Oh, sorry, duck.

I thought you were a clue.

A clue?

Yes, there's a clue on your face.

A clue?! On my face?

Does it bite?

Get it off!

Quick, get it off!

It's okay, duck.

A clue doesn't bite.


Especially if it's cherry juice.

Cherry juice?

I think we found who took father bear's pie.

Somebody took father bear's pie?



I did?

No, I didn't.

Maybe duck didn't eat the pie.

Huh? How do youknow?

Where were you hiding, duck?

In the raspberry patch.


And were you eating raspberries, duck?

Oh, yes.

I love raspberries.

Maybe that's why you have juice on your face.

[Giggles ]

Yup! It's raspberry.

I know.

So, duck didn't steal the pie.

Oh, thank goodness.

But... Then who did?

[Whining meow ]

[Relieved ]: oh...


[Gasping meow ]


You found me.

I've hurt myself.

What's wrong with your paw?

Owl: he burnt it

Stealing father bear's pie!

I did not!



Let's see, cat.


Look, cat has a thorn in his paw.

It's out.

Thank you, little bear.

[Purrs ]

Now, what's this about father bear's pie?

We're trying to find who took it.

Oh, no.

Owl: if it wasn't duck or cat

That leaves emily or hen.

Duck: I see something!

Oh, it's just a shoe.

But not just any shoe--

It's emily's shoe.

Good work, duck.

You found a clue.

I found a clue.

Cat: but where is emily?

And why doesn't she have her shoe?

Maybe emily stole the pie

And while she was running away

She lost her shoe.

Emily: or maybe it fell off when I was climbing a tree.

Little bear: emily!

Someone took father bear's pie?

Yes, you.

No, I didn't. Why would i?

You seemed a lot hungrier earlier.

[Stomach growls again ]

And I still am.

Yes. If emily had eaten the pie

Her stomach would not be growling.

Here's your shoe, emily.

Thank you, duck.

Look, another clue!

Hen tracks.

If we follow these

They'll lead us to hen.

Duck: follow the tracks and we'll find hen.

Follow the tracks and we'll find hen!



Owl: aha! The tracks lead

Right to where the pie was.

I think we found

The thief at last.

But you thoughti was the thief.

And me.

And me, too!

Little bear: yes, owl.

Let's wait and see what hen says.

Cat: little bear! Owl!

The tracks lead this way!

Duck: oh, dear!

The tracks stop at the door.

Oh, hello, everybody.

You see? There's your pie thief.

I beg your pardon!

Hen, that was father bear's pie.

Well, I knew that.

Then why are you eating it?

Because I offered her a piece.

Father bear, you're home!

Hello, my little bear.

We thought someone had stolen your pie.

Oh, no.

I found it

On the windowsill when I came in.

It looked so good

I had to have a piece right away.

And he gave me a piece, too.

I wonder, would anyone else like some pie?

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

All: yippee! Oh, yes! Please! Yummy!

[Father bear chuckles ]