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01x02 - Birthday Soup/Polar Bear/Gone Fishing

Posted: 11/12/23 11:01
by bunniefuu
[ Birds singing ]

[ Owl hooting... ]

[ Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[ Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[ All laughing ]

[ Snoring ]


Today is my birthday!

Mother bear?

Good morning, mother b...




Mother bear, where are you?

[ Door creaks ]

Mother bear?

[ Humming... ]

Mother bear?

[ Humming... ]

Happy birthday, little bear.


[ Sighs ]

Mother bear has forgotten my birthday.

My friends will be over soon for cake and games.

I know, I'll be the host.

Let's see, we have carrots and potatoes...

Some peas and tomatoes...

These won't make a cake.


I'll make birthday soup.

[ Grunting... ]

Where could she be?

How could she forget?

[ Humming... ]

I'll make a very nice birthday soup.


Mother bear will wish she were here to have some.

[ Tapping on door ]


Many happy returns on your birthday, little bear.

Mmm, honey.

Thank you, hen.

You're very welcome.

Are we having that wonderful cake again this time?

Well, no, but there will be birthday soup.

How delightful.

[ Quack ]


Thank you, duck.

Happy birthday!

Where's the cake?

There's no cake.

This year we're having birthday soup instead.

Mmm, yummy.

Have you had birthday soup before?


[ Purring ]

[ Gasps ] cat.

You startled me.

I know.

Happy birthday, little bear.

Mmm, I love apples.

Thank you, cat.

We don't get any cake this year.


But I smell something.

It's birthday soup.

Is it chicken soup?

[ Squawks ]i like chicken soup.


Oh, is it duck soup?

[ Quacks ]duck soup will do.


It's just... Birthday soup.




Now we just have to wait for it to be done.

What do we do till then?

Let's play musical chairs.

Everyone get ready.

[ Music playing... ]

[ Hen squawks ]

[ Duck quacks ]

[ Hen squawks ]

[ Duck quacks ]

[ Duck quacks ]

[ Hen squawks ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Mews ][ squawks ]

[ Quacks ]

Does this mean I win?

No, duck, you're out.


[ Mews ]

[ Meows ]

[ Clucks ]

[ Purrs ]

[ Music playing... ]

[ Squawks ]

[ Squawks ]

[ Squawks ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Squawks ]

[ Squawks ]

Huh, I won.

What's my prize?

How about a... Ball of yarn?

[ Meowing... ]

[ Purring ]

[ Meowing... ]

[ Mewing ]

Now what?

Soup should be ready.

At least, I think it's ready.

Shouldn't we wait for mother bear?

No... I guess mother bear will just have to miss it.




Go ahead.

[ Slurping ]

[ Crunching, gulping ]

Ah... It's delicious!

[ Slurping... ]

[ Slurps ]

Yes... Divine.

I'm full.

I'm not.

Here, eat up.

[ Slurps ]

Where can she be?

[ Purrs ]


Well, I'm all out of things to do.

Why don't you try closing your eyes?

Closing my eyes?

Yes, and counting to three.



All: three!

Mother bear!

Happy birthday, little bear.

I thought you'd forgotten my birthday.

I wanted to surprise you with this cake

But it took longer than I expected.

I never did forget your birthday

And I never will.

How about some cake?

First little bear must blow out his candles.

And make a wish.


[ All cheer ]

What did you wish for, my little bear?

If I told you, it wouldn't come true.

Duck: I wish somebody would cut the cake.

All: happy birthday, little bear.

[ All laughing... ]

[ Birds singing ]

Thank you for coming to help me fix up my house.

What do you want to do to it, hen?

It just needs a fresh coat of paint.

What color?

White, of course.

I think pink polka dots would be nice.

Don't be silly.

I like blue.

I'd like a nice, clean, sparkling white

Thank you very much.

I have the paint right here.

Don't we need paint brushes?

Oh, yes. I'll go get them.

Why don't you bring the paint up to the roof?

How are we going to get the paint up there?

I know.

Easy. Now just hand me the paint.

Whoa... Oh!

It's too heavy.

[ Grunting ]

You better stay down here and hand it up to us.

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]


[ Gasps ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Meows ]


[ Meows ]

Thank you, cat.

You're welcome, little bear.

Yes, thanks, cat.



[ Gasps ]

Who's this?

It's me.

Little bear?

My goodness.

I didn't recognize you.

We had a little accident.

Oh, no!

My paint!

Little bear, are you all ri...

[ Giggles ]

Are you all...

[ Giggling ]

Are you all white?

[ Laughing hard... ]

There is something very impressive

About you in white.

Thank you, hen.

Are you all white?

[ Laughing... ]

You could be a different bear.

Maybe you are a different bear.

[ Duck keeps laughing ]

What should I do?

Maybe you should go home.

Bears dripping paint certainly don't belong

In a nice, clean hen house... least until you're dry.

Maybe I better go home.

[ Duck keeps laughing ]

Are you all white?

[ Laughing... ]

[ Growling ]

[ Sighs ]

Who am i?

You're a polar bear.

A polar bear?

Don't you know me, owl?

I-i don't know any polar bears.

[ Laughs ]

You're sure I'm a polar bear?

Yes. And you're obviously lost.

No, I'm not.

I'm going home.

Well, a polar bear's home is in the north pole

Which is... That way.

Couldn't I just live here?

No, it's too hot for polar bears.

You'd better go home as soon as possible.

Good-bye, polar bear.

The north pole.


[ Wind howling ]


[ Laughing ]

I'm a great, big polar bear.

[ Growls ]

[ Wind howling ]

Ooh, too much snow.

Hmm, that's better.





[ Cracking ]

[ Squeaks ]

Oh, hello, squirrel.

[ Squeaking ]

[ Squeaking ]

Hey, it's me.

[ Squeaking ]

It's a long way to the north pole.

I better go tell mother bear I'm leaving.

[ Humming ]

[ Door opens ]

What on earth has happened to you?

I've become a polar bear

So I have to move up to the north pole.

The north pole?

That's where we live.

Will you make me a fish sandwich for the trip?

Of course. A whole basket of fish sandwiches.

But don't you think

You should clean up before you go?

It's a long way, and who knows

When you'll see a bathtub again?

[ Laughing ]

In you go, polar bear.

Are you sure polar bears take baths?

I'm sure they must.

It's hard to keep a white coat clean.

[ Laughing ]

Now let's do your tummy.

[ Laughing ]

That tickles.

Almost done.

Close your eyes so I can rinse you.

Now there's a clean little bear.

I guess I'd better go now.

Little bear, maybe you

Should take a hat for the journey.


I'm not a polar bear.

It's me!

I can stay!

I'm very happy to hear it.

I wonder, though

If you could still eat a fish sandwich?

Yes. All this polar bear stuff has made me very, very hungry.

[ Laughs ]

[ Little bear laughing... ]

[ Sniffing ]

Mother bear, what are you cooking?

A nice fish soup for supper.

Fish soup!

Did you hear that, father bear?

We're having your favorite soup.

When's father bear coming home?

Soon, little bear.

But not soon enough to bring a fish for tonight's soup.

I'll have to go buy one.

I know.

I'll bring you a fish, just like father bear would.

[ Gasps ]

Little bear...

If you want to fish

Do it outside.

[ Sighs ]


If father bear can catch big fish, so can i.

[ Snoring ]

Little bear: hello, owl.

Why, hello, little bear.

What are you doing here?

I'm going to catch a fish for supper.

Oh, very nice, very nice.

I suppose it's time for me to think about supper as well.

Hmm, let's see now.

The winds are out of the south-southwest

And the tide is low.

Is that good?

I believe it is, nautically speaking.

Very well done.

Father bear taught me.

♪ Blow the man, oh, blow the man down ♪

♪ Hey, ho, blow the man down. ♪

What's that?

A fisherman's song.

Both: ♪ blow the man down, oh, blow the man down ♪

♪ Hey, ho, blow the man down.


I think I got one!

Owl: don't pull too hard!

Don't ease up.

[ Grunting ]


Pull! Push!

[ Grunting ]

Owl: you got him!

Whoa! [ Grunts ]


Is it too tiny?

Looks fine to me.

[ Chomping ]

[ Yawns ]

[ Burps ]

It's been a busy day fishing.

Don't you think you should...

[ Yawns ]

I mean, even though you already caught

A very nice fish

It, it might be wise for you to, uh

Keep fishing.

I know what.

I'll be father bear, you can be you

And we're fishing.

Where are we fishing?

On the ocean.

Both: ♪ blow the man down, oh, blow the man down. ♪

Look at all the fish!

What is it?

A trout?

Well, that's not a trout.

Maybe it's a flounder.

What did you catch?

Looks like a halibut to me.

What's a halibut?

My favorite kind.

[ Chomping ]


What is it?

I don't know.

There's something on my line that's big!

Don't lose it!

Keep pulling it in!

Throw it back!

An octopus can be dangerous.

That was close.

We'd better turn the boat around.

Hey, skipper.

I've got something, too.

What do you think it is?

I don't know.

It's real big.

Let me help.

[ Grunting ]

Pull harder!

Don't let it get away!

It's a whale.

Hello, whale.

Owl: it doesn't look too friendly.

[ Gasps ]

Throw it back!

Owl: oh, no...!

Mother bear: there you are.

What are you doing under the log?

We were just about to be eaten.


Yes, by a whale.

A whale?

Really? How exciting.

It was exciting.

Owl and I were on this big boat

I caught a trout, or maybe a flounder.

Slow down, little bear.

Then owl caught a halibut.

And then he caught an octopus!

And then, all of a sudden...

Say, where is owl?


[ Hoots ]

Right here, little bear.

Weren't you scared, too?

Scared, me?

Oh, no.

Oh, no, oh, no.

Not at all.

[ Mother bear laughs ]

And did you catch any fish?

Oh, yes, right here.

My fish, it's gone!


I had a fish.

A real little fish, one I actually caught.

There was a fish here, mother.

Of course there was.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Gulps ]

[ Splash ]

Owl: little bear!

Your fishing rod!

[ Grunts ]

There's your fish!

It looks like the perfect fish for my soup.

More soup, owl?

Oh, I couldn't, mother bear.

But thank you, it was scrumptious.

Little bear?

Yes, please.

It's a delicious fish, if I do say so myself.

Someday, when I'm as big as father bear

I'm going to go out on a big boat

And catch a big fish.

Yes, you will.

And I'll catch a real octopus, too.

And maybe even a whale.

I don't know about octopus and whales

But you will certainly sail in a real boat.

Little bear already fishes very well.

Yes, he's a real fisherman.

Just like his father.

Owl: exactly.

Just like his father.

[ Sighs ]


[ Laughs ]

[ All laughing... ]