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04x01 - Glasnost

Posted: 11/12/23 04:54
by bunniefuu

[ELLEN] The desire to go further

has been a part of the American dream

since the founding of our great nation.

We saw the impossible,
and we made it possible.


But there are those few among us

who would try to pull us backwards.

They underestimated us,

- our resilience, our resolve...
- [ANNOUNCER] Five, four,

- three, two, one.
- ... and our desire to look up at the heavens

and never look back.

one of the most sensational

come-from-behind victories
by a presidential candidate...

[NEWSCASTER ] ... called
the Mars Seven Alliance.

The agreement aims to end the
competition and distrust that has...

loses its antitrust lawsuit

brought by Exxon, Shell and Halliburton.

- The companies claim...
- Show me the money!

President Wilson was sworn in,

officially beginning her second term.

The Republican president

is the first openly gay
person to hold the office.

Helios CEO, Richard Hilliard,

called their plasma propulsion
technology a "game changer"

because missions will no longer

have to wait for the
so-called Mars window...

[NEWSCASTER ] Survivors of the mission

have safely made it back to Earth.

Stranded on Mars for over a year...

Jung-Gil, first man on Mars,

greeted crowds celebrating his return.

Lee spent months alone on Mars
after his capsule crash-landed...

[NEWSCASTER ] Your lunar suite awaits.

The first hotel has opened on the moon,

available to the general public...

[NEWSCASTER ] James Stevens
testified against the defendants.

Stevens struck a plea bargain agreement
with prosecutors last year.

[NEWSCASTER ] The ABC comedy
Ellen has been renewed...


[NEWSCASTER ] Today, President Wilson

signed the Marriage Inclusion Act,

legalizing same-sex marriage...

[NEWSCASTER ] The Race to Mars
had its premiere tonight

starring Clint Eastwood as Ed Baldwin,

Jada Pinkett as Danielle Poole...

[NEWSCASTER ] New breakthroughs
in fabrication on Mars

will enable Happy Valley Base
to manufacture aluminum

from materials found
on the Martian surface.

"the successor to the Concorde",

the aircraft is capable of reaching

low Earth orbit and
shortening travel time...

[NEWSCASTER ] Director
Stanley Kubrick d*ed today

in England at the age of .

[NEWSCASTER ] The autobiography,
written by CEO Eli Hobson,

describes how he saved Chrysler

by leaning into
the boom in electric vehicles.


is wreaking havoc in Earth orbit today

after clocks aboard
the International Space Port reset to...

[LAUGHS] Fire!

[NEWSCASTER ] The question
on everyone's mind is,

"Will Vice President Bush

be able to keep together
the Wilson Coalition?"

In a tightly contested election,

Al Gore has defeated George Bush

to become the nd president
of the United States.



reigns in Riyadh tonight

after insurgents seized

key government buildings
in Saudi Arabia's capital.

[NEWSCASTER ] The Osbournes
and Moon Miners are leading the way

for a new kind of television.

It's being called reality TV,

and it's dominating the nightly ratings.

[NEWSCASTER ] Glasnost
and perestroika has transformed

the once dour Russian capital
into a city of light and even...


[NEWSCASTER ] The alliance
between Gore and the Soviet leader

shows no sign of slowing down.

[GORE] As we usher in a new decade,

the growing partnership between

the United States and the Soviet Union,

both on Earth and on Mars,

is bringing a new sense of optimism
to the nations of the world.

Tonight, I can proudly say
that the Cold w*r is over.

Those we once thought of as our enemies
have become our friends

and a new era of peace
and prosperity is before us.


Commander Peters.

Remote thermal sensors confirm
temps have returned to nominal.

Good. Alert me at once
if they start trending up again.

Ranger- , Happy Valley actual. Sitrep?

[ED] Happy Valley, Ranger- .

Holding at meters from XF Kronos
with good viewing conditions.

- And what a view it is.

[PETERS] Status report
shows all green. No flags.

[KUZNETSOV] Copy, all green.
Zakharova, we're good to go out here.

[ZAKHAROVA] Commander, EVA teams
report stage and checklist complete.

Kuznetsov's ready to go.

Very well. Disabled forward
RCS thrusters for EVA.

Let's just hope
this doesn't get to his head.

I'm surprised he still
fits in his helmet.

How are we doing out there, Grigory?

The most beautiful thing
I have ever seen.

[ED] Relax. Your wife
might be listening.

- [ED] Let's just not forget

that the only reason it's
you out there and not me

is because of those two
g*dd*mn queens you drew.

Yes. But by now, you must be
used to coming in second, Edward.

[CHUCKLES] Easy, Grigory. Don't
forget I'm sitting by the controls.

[KUZNETSOV] Must be nice
to be XO of Happy Valley.

Assign yourself to
whichever mission you desire.

[ED] Oh, that's a long and storied

tradition in the Baldwin household.

[PETERS] Ranger- , Happy Valley.
XF Kronos EVA approach.

Go-no-go flight rule check is complete.

You are go for EV departure.

Good luck, Colonel.

[ED] Kuz, you ready to make history?

Always, my friend.

Commencing separation from Ranger- .

[LENARA] Today, we all make history.

For the first time, man
will set foot on an asteroid.

A Soviet cosmonaut on an American ship,

wearing a suit manufactured
by private company.

This is the fruit of our Mars alliance.


I couldn't agree with you more, Lenara.

Today, along with
our partners in Moscow, Helios,

as well as the rest of the M- nations,

we take the next step towards
a self-sustaining Mars colony.

After Ranger- hauls
the Kronos asteroid into Mars orbit

and we begin mining
its valuable resources,

Happy Valley will only continue to grow.

Today, we embrace the st century,
the beginning of a new era,

and none of it would have been possible

without all of you.

The sacrifice, the amazing
work you've done here.

Every single one of you.

- Even you, Dan. [CHUCKLES]

Well, Miss Hughes, I suppose Lenara
and I should get out of your way

and let you get back to work.

Thank you, Administrator Hobson.

All right, everyone. Let's
keep our eyes on the ball.

Props, make sure that
consumption numbers

are within the pre-flight estimates.

Yeah, tracking pretty close, Flight.

[HUGHES] Thrust, check on
the despin thruster telemetry.

Copy, Flight.

Star City, Houston.

What's the status of the
stability platform command?


Remote PMU link has been fully restored.

Flight, Colonel Kuznetsov

commencing EV departure.

[ED] Kuz, you ready to make history?

[KUZNETSOV] Always, my friend.

Commencing separation from Ranger- .

Range now meters.

Rate: . .

[ED] Relative lateral velocity
is within limits.

You are a go to proceed
with your approach.

[KUZNETSOV] Copy. Go to proceed.

Three meters to asteroid contact.









[IN RUSSIAN] A little
something extra today.

No, thank you.

You cannot say no, these
are straight out of the oven.

Thank you.


[VENDOR] You need to stop
complaining all of the time.

It's bad for your health.

I am in good health. What we
need to worry about is Gorbachev.


Another new tax, and
prices rising more every day.

The Marked One thinks he's a Westerner.

He should focus more on issues at home.

[VENDOR] If only you weren't
too young to remember

how bad it used to be,
you wouldn't complain

about how good we have it today.

And I have more than
one paper to sell now.

Good morning, Artem.

Hello, my dear.

Well, thank you.

- Until tomorrow.
- Goodbye.




Hey, baby girl. Give us a hug.
[GROANS] Squeeze.


[MILES] Hey, Sar.

Miles... [SIGHS] ... what
are you doing here?

I know. I'm sorry. I just... I'm
in a rush. I have an interview.

Have you seen my good shirt?

I can't find it at my place anywhere.

Uh... [SIGHS] Look, it's probably in

one of the boxes out in the garage.

You can go look if you want.

- See you later?
- See you later.

- See you, Sar.
- [CHILD] Bye.


- Miles.
- Yeah.

They said you still haven't
signed the papers.

- [MILES] Find the damn thing.
- Papers?

No, my f*cking shirt.

Well, it's probably in that
box you're looking in.

- Well, it's not.
- You said you'd sign 'em.

No, I said I'd look at them.

Mandy, I just need some time.

If I can get this job,
I can make us flush again,

take us right back to where we were.

You could move out of your dad's.

We could rent a house
just like the one we had.


It's not some switch you can just flip,

and suddenly everything's okay with us.

Why can't I find this f*cking shirt?

Thanks. Thank you.

So, what's this interview? [SIGHS]

You're not gonna believe it.

Uh-oh. I know that look.

- What look?
- Last time you had that look,

we wound up on the hook for
three grand of Amway shampoo.

First of all, that was not my fault.

There was a downturn
in the personal care market.

Second, it's not like that.

- You remember Cal from Bruce II?
- Mmm.

Ran into him this morning.
Guess where he's working.

He's going to the moon?

Says they're looking
for guys just like us,

with offshore rig experience.

Isn't that wild?

I mean, I could be doing something
that I never even dreamed of.

Could you imagine me on the moon?

No, not really.

Well, get used to it... [STAMMERS]

... 'cause apparently we're just what
they're looking for up there.

Drilling, building out mine shafts,
big-scale construction projects.

You haven't worked a rig in five years.

Yeah. Well, Cal says it's
a couple months training,

then it's four months on.

Be just like me working on a platform.

[SIGHS] It's just...

Maybe you shouldn't go
getting your hopes up again.

- You don't think I could get it?
- No, it's not that. It's...

I've just seen how hard you take it
when things don't work out.

It will work out.

I can get this, Mandy.

Well, not with all those
wrinkles, you can't.

[GROANS] sh*t.

Just take it off. I'll get the iron.



[DANIELLE] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

[ALL] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Avery ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


Aunt Danielle, can I have
the piece with the castle?

You got it, kid. [CHUCKLES]

Who else wants a slice?

- Me, me, me, me!

Hmm. Look at her,
happy as a little clam.

- [SIGHS] I bet.

All that sugar she just had.

Why do you think
I'm getting another slice?


How you doing? I know birthdays
are always tough for me.

I'm doing okay, you know?

Every year gets a little easier.

But thank you so much for coming.

It means a lot to Avery and to me.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

- Mmm.

- [MOUTHING] Oh, my...

Avery, put that down.

- She's never gonna hear me in here.

[AMBER] Avery!

[KELLY] I know you won't be here
for another two months,

but we can't wait to
finally have you home.

Your room is waiting for you.
Alex is really excited.

wanna say hi to Poppy?

- Yeah. Hi, Poppy.

- Say hi to Ed, Olga.

You better be coming
back this time, Dad,

so I can send Alexei's mom back to Omsk.

[SIGHS] Anyway, I love you.


[ZAKHAROVA] Commander Baldwin,

Team One signals anchor and
cable harness install to commence.

[KUZNETSOV] Despin of asteroid complete.

Proceeding with anchor
and cable harness installation.

[ASTRONAUT ] Approaching
anchor site .

[KUZNETSOV] Copy. Cable tension
looks good. I'm at site.

[ASTRONAUT ] We're gonna
attach it to our cable.

We've got a sister anchor installed.

Inserting the anchor.

[KUZNETSOV] I see a good seal
at the interface. Stand clear.

- [ASTRONAUT ] Clear.
- [KUZNETSOV] f*ring.

Ranger, Team One, anchor installed.

[ASTRONAUT ] Proceeding with
cable connection at anchor .

Cable connected. [GRUNTS]
Install procedure complete.

[KUZNETSOV] Translate to site .

- [ED] Roger, translate to site .

[ASTRONAUT ] Truss element
echo is nearly complete.

Two more bolts and we
move on to echo .

[ASTRONAUT ] Proceeding
with power connector .

Engaging lockpins.

[ASTRONAUT ] Yeah, looking good here.

Proceed at green light. We have conduit.

[ASTRONAUT ] Here goes,
with the PGT. Torquing bolt.

One, two, three, four, five turns.

I bet it feels so f*cking great
flying around free like that.

[SCOFFS] Screw free.

I prefer being hooked
to something nice and solid.


[KUZNETSOV] Helios , Kuznetsov.

Let's pick up the pace.

[ASTRONAUT ] Copy, Colonel.

Comrade Stalin sure is feeling himself.

No North Koreans around
to steal his thunder this time.

He gets the glory and
we do all the work.

Yeah, he can have all
the glory he wants,

as long as we get our bonus.

Well, we won't get sh*t if we
don't finish this f*cking thing.


[KUZNETSOV] Translate to site .

[ED] Roger, translate to site .

[CONTROLLER ] Copy that, Team Two.

Winch ops and work.

Hey, really nice you brought
your kid in for the big day.

He's being a real sh*t.

I'm sure he'd rather be
at home playing video games.

Uh, maybe now, but he will
remember this day forever.

I still think about the first
time my dad took me to work

to show me the assembly line.

How everything works. Soup to nuts.

And of course, I was more interested

in the vending machines. [CHUCKLES]

But it did instill something in me.

You know, seeing my dad in his element.

All those other men alongside him.
Making something together.

Really gave me a sense of pride.

And I got to skip school,
which was a double bonus.

Yeah, I think that's
why he agreed to this.

He'll come around. I did. [CHUCKLES]

Anyway, while they
are lassoing this rock,

I have got my weekly budget meeting.

And they say astronauts
have all the fun. [CHUCKLES]

[ASTRONAUT] Houston, Ranger- ,
we have an update on the RCS thruster.

Standby for data downlink.

[CONTROLLER ] Copy that,
Ranger- . Standing by.

[ED] Happy Valley, all of the tether
cables have been fully secured.

Activating ion transport
engines at % power levels

and commencing transport of
asteroid XF Kronos into Mars orbit.

Everybody, hang onto
your butts. Here we go.

Holy sh*t.

[COMMANDER] Ranger- , Happy Valley,

how's the acceleration profile looking?

[CONTROLLER ] Commander Peters,
accel curve right down the middle.

All nominal.


Afternoon. I had an interview with...

Fill out the application form and
bring it back to the desk. Thanks.

Cal Harris speaks very highly of you.

Said you're a guy who knows
his way around a rig.

You two were derrick hands
on the Bruce II platform. That right?

Yes, sir. I was nine years
on that beast.

Best years of my life.

I've been getting a lot of
you offshore rig guys in here.

Well, yeah, I'm not gonna lie, it was

a bit rough when the
rigs all closed down.

I'm hanging in there,
but something like this,

getting to work on the moon,
that would be life-changing

- for me and my family.
- Hmm.


Huh. FSU, huh? Go 'Noles!

Right... [CHUCKLES] ... yeah.
That's right. Uh, FSU. Yeah.

Brother was class of ' .

- You?
- Uh, ' ... ' .

What dorm were you in?

Uh, what dorm was I in?
Uh... Uh, well, Tom, I, uh...

What dorm wasn't I in?

[CHUCKLES] You know what I mean?

There's a lot of beautiful
women in Tallahassee.

I hear that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Well, Miles, you have the qualifications,
the experience,

and with a little bit of space training,
clearly you can do the job.

Oh, I'm happy to hear that, Tom.

After our intensive training course,

we should have a slot
for you to go up in...

summer of ' .

Uh, two years?

Oh, I'm sorry. It's the
earliest slot we have.

Folks from all over the world
are lining up to go.

Especially with that Moon Miners
reality show being so popular.

I'm sorry, I-I can't wait
that long, Mr. Gamon.

I-I really need this.

Um, is there anything that...
[STAMMERS] ... that I could do?

Um, I mean, I... [STAMMERS]
I can't lose my family.

And this job, it would really, uh...

It'd make things right
again, you know? And...

[STAMMERS] Sure am sorry, Miles,

but there's really nothing I can do

to move you up the list at this point.

Yeah, I understand.


[TOM] Unless...

I could maybe squeeze you
onto a Mars crew sooner.


It is a bigger commitment.
Two-year tour minimum.

A lot of folks don't want
to go up that long,

but that's why the upside's bigger too.

Would you be interested in that?

[CONTROLLER ] We're seeing fuel
depletion rates within predictions.

[CONTROLLER ] Harness holding nicely.

[ED] All systems nominal.

Vibration within tolerances.

all within stress margins.

- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Cable tension warning.

I'm getting a high side RCS
thruster f*ring rate warning.

I'm seeing the same.

RCS propellant quantities are falling.

[CONTROLLER ] Commander Baldwin,

we're getting the same
readings back here.

Looks like we're losing
tension in cable seven.

It's causing some instability.

[CONTROLLER ] Still climbing.
Can you give us some slack?

[CONTROLLER ] I'm trying.

Happy Valley, the asteroid
has begun to wobble.

I'm shutting down
ion transport engines now.

[PETERS] Copy that, Ranger- .
Standing by.

I'm gonna manually fire
the thrusters out of phase.

See if I can reduce the wobble.

[AUTOMATED VOICE] Cable tension warning.

Cable tension warning.

[ZAKHAROVA] The asteroid's
wobble is getting worse.

[PETERS] We're seeing
more cable instability.



[IN ENGLISH] It's coming loose.

[PETERS] Prepare for
emergency disconnect procedure.

And I wanna know the
second Ranger reaches

the last % of her RCS props.

We run them dry, they're gonna
be in a world of sh*t up there.

consumption is very high.

errors in pitch and yaw,

both exceeding five degrees.

[ZAKHAROVA] Altitude control
is making the oscillation worse.

[ED] We can't shut down the RCS,
or we'll start tumbling.


Kuz, what the hell are you doing?

I'm going back out
to re-tension the cables.

That's risky.

[KUZNETSOV] I know, but what
other choice do we have?


All right. You got minutes.

Then I'm pulling the plug and
you better get your ass back inside.


Happy Valley, we are performing

a contingency EVA to
resecure the asteroid.

Negative, Ranger- . Stand down your EVA.

Everyone is to remain in the ship
until we assess the situation.

[IN RUSSIAN] Sorry, Commander...

I cannot understand you.

[IN ENGLISH] Parker,
where are you going?

You're low on O . You don't
have time to refill the tanks.

It'll go quicker with a
second set of hands.

Good man.

Hey. Hey, what are you doing?

Peters told us to stand down. We're
not trained for this kind of sh*t.

If we don't get that asteroid back
to Mars, we don't get our bonus.

- You know I need the money.
- Here I thought you were a hero.

Takes all kinds.

[AUTOMATED VOICE] ... tension warning.

[ED] Grigory, the shaking
is getting a lot worse.

What's your status?

[KUZNETSOV] We're on the truss,

ship side of the quad junction
translating towards the platform.

Parker, when we get to
the bottom of the truss,

I'm going to reactivate
winch number four

and restore the cable tension.

You do the same with winch number two.





[PARKER] Jesus, the
whole truss is flexing.

[KUZNETSOV] Ranger- , there's
structural failure of the truss.

Parker, get away from there.

[PARKER] I'm trying. [GRUNTS]

It's coming apart! [GRUNTS]

[KUZNETSOV] Parker! Parker, move!

[GRUNTS] Parker, watch out!

Move out of the way!


- Grigory, Parker, do you read?

What's your status?


Ranger, Parker is gone.



Grigory, get back inside the air lock.

We're cutting this rock loose.


The truss has collapsed around my leg.

- Can you get it free?
- No.

Start emergency disconnect sequence now.

I'm cutting this f*cking rock loose
once Kuz is back aboard.

Tommy, assist me with emergency
suit donning and egress now.

What are you...

I'm going out there. Take my seat.

No, you cannot.



No. No, no. It is too late.

There is no time. You must cut me loose.

- I won't, Grigory.
- Your duty is to your ship.

I'm not losing anyone else today.
I'm coming out there.

Edward, listen to me.

There is a hole in my suit.
My O is nearly gone.

You must do what needs to be
done before everyone is lost.

- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Collision warning.

Collision warning.

Goodbye, my friend.

Tell my wife and daughter I love them.

Goodbye, my friend.

Flight, we have a structural
failure on one of the truss.

Ranger- approaching
altitude control failure.


- [HUGHES] Give me numbers, people.
- Come with me.

[KUZNETSOV] Parker, when we
get to the bottom of the truss

I'm going to reactivate
winch number four

and restore the cable tension.

[PROPS, ECHOING] Ranger- ,
switching to secondary feed.





[HUGHES] Aleida. Thrust!

Upload a sequential diagnostic
to Ranger- .

We need to make sure that
each thruster is undamaged.

Uh, I'll be right back. Send these up.

[HUGHES] Where are you going?

Aleida. Aleida.


[DANIELLE] So we're gonna put this
into a little mixing bowl.

[AVERY] Mm-hmm.

- And then all we have to do is add water.
- Okay.

- That's right.
- You get the water.

- The little mix can go in there.
- [AVERY] Okay.

- [COREY] Babe.
- Now put it in here?

You need to come see this.

On a day that should have symbolized

the best of human achievement,

instead the world is
reacting to tragic news.

The joint M- mission
to haul an asteroid

to Mars has gone tragically wrong

and Russian hero Grigory Kuznetsov

and one other man have been k*lled.

Kuznetsov is best known as the
first Soviet to step foot on Mars,

hand in hand with now-retired
NASA commander Danielle Poole.

Questions are already being asked

about how this tragic turn of
events could have happened.

We're getting conflicting reports

from inside NASA about
exactly what went wrong.

[IN RUSSIAN] Kuznetsov,
a recipient of the Order of Lenin

for being the first Soviet
on Mars, was revered

in the Soviet Union and across the world

even in the United States
where NASA head

Eli Hobson spoke to reporters.

[IN ENGLISH] We here in Houston
are truly heartbroken...



We've been in close contact
with our partners in Roscosmos...

Roscosmos, how may I help you?

Hello, this is Margaret Reynolds again.

I'm trying to get in touch
with Director Catiche.

She has received all of your messages.

I only need five minutes.

I do not understand
why I can't talk to her.

She will return your call
when she is able to.

- Thank you.

[NEWSCASTER] ... praising Kuznetsov

for his service to the nation and vowing

to devote the entire
engineering team at Star City

to analyze every aspect
of the Kronos mission.

Devils when they're up,
angels when they're down.


Look at her. [CHUCKLES]

I still remember when I
used to hold her like this,

and her head was in my hand.



When you were out on Bruce II
for those long stretches,

Sarah and me,

sometimes we'd pretend

you were just camping
out in the backyard.

I was so worried about something
happening to you out there

in the middle of nowhere.

No one to help.

And that was only a hundred miles away.

Mars is...

million miles away.

I know.

Those people that d*ed
today, they had families.

[STAMMERS] Families that
are never gonna see 'em again.

Just... Don't go, Miles.


It's gonna be okay. I promise.



[STAMMERS] This doesn't mean
we're getting back together.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah. [MOANS]


Margaret Reynolds.

[IN RUSSIAN] I need to
speak to Director Catiche.

[IN ENGLISH] She's not available.

Oh, you speak English.

And French, German and Italian.

Would you like to see my credentials?

I would like to see the director.

We will hear anything
you want to discuss

at your regularly scheduled
appointment in nine days' time.

When I first came here,

I was promised consultations
on all space matters,

and all I have been is
kept at arm's length.

I need to see what caused the accident
and how the crew responded

so I can help you work the problem.

It has been almost years
since you ran NASA.

Most of the technology
of that day is obsolete.

So what exactly do you think
you can provide

that we are not better
equipped to handle?

Well, in your case,
just about everything.

Thank you for coming in.

Please do not come unannounced again.

[ED] Hey, kiddo. Uh, hope
you and Alex are doing good.

It's been a rough couple
of days up here.

Losing Grigory was... That was tough.

[STAMMERS] We'd gotten pretty close.

They've grounded any
further asteroid missions

until the Mars commission
releases a report,

and they're supposedly sending up
a new commander

- to get things back on track.

I don't know who it is yet,

but probably best for me
to stay here a little longer.

- Dad...
- It's just a bad time to leave right now.

You know, I'm the XO, and
everyone depends on me up here.

I-I just need to make sure that things

have a smooth transition, you know,

and... [STAMMERS] ...
I promise I'll come home

as soon as the new commander settles in.

I'm sorry.

Talk to you soon, okay? I love you.

What did Poppy say?

[KELLY SIGHS] Sweetie.

Grandpa, he... he can't come back yet.

He's gotta stay on Mars
a little while longer,

but he promised he would
come back very soon.

- Okay?
- Promise. Promise.

[IN RUSSIAN] What good is his promise?

He promised to come
back in ' . In ' . .

[IN ENGLISH] He's not coming back.

Olga, please. Not in front of Alex.

I'm done holding my tongue
about that man.

He's a selfish man.


- [ASSISTANT] Sir, she's here.

- Administrator Hobson?
- Eli, please.

Thank you so much for coming
in on such short notice.

I couldn't be more honored.


Please, come in. Come in.


- My boots.
- A proud moment for America.

For the world really. What a journey.

I mean, could you ever have guessed
when you first came to NASA

that you would end up
being the first American

to set foot on Mars?

All I remember is landing on my ass.


Well, what is it
you wanted to see me about?

Yes. Uh, well, as you've probably heard,

we have grounded
the asteroid mining program

until we can get to the bottom
of what happened up there.

- I did.
- We're working up a report.

The Soviets are doing the same.

But what we do already know is
that certain decisions were made

in the run-up to the accident.

Breaking of protocols. And,
uh, Colonel Peters' position

as commander of Happy Valley
has become untenable.

Well, it's easy to blame
the guy in charge.

It always is, but that's
part of being in charge.

Taking responsibility
when things go south.

You know that better than
anyone. [CHUCKLES]

Which is why I want you to replace him.

But doesn't command pass
to the Russians next?

Well, since Peters is leaving midterm,

they're allowing us to replace
him with an American.

I don't even work for NASA anymore.

I know it's a lot to ask.

You chose to pursue a private life,
and God bless you for it.

I probably should have done
the same thing after Chrysler.

But, uh, when President
Gore asked me to serve,

I felt I had to repay
my debt to my country.

And you did that by slashing
NASA's budget by %?

When I got here, over
% of the projects

were over budget or behind schedule.

Look at the asteroid mining project,
even before this fiasco.

It was a sh*t show. I heard.

But it was finally headed
in the right direction.

The M- nations have sunk

untold resources into
building out Happy Valley

for this asteroid mining program,

and they expect a return
on that investment.

- And now with the accident

and all the questions it's raised,

the president is about
a red ass hair away

from canceling the
whole thing altogether.

That is incredibly shortsighted.

[STAMMERS] After all the
work we've done up there,

to just give up on it now?

I know. I know.

That's why I want you to go up
there and turn things around.

I haven't been to Mars
in almost seven years.

- A lot has changed.
- True, but people respect you.

They look up to you. Americans,

Russians, heck, even the North Koreans.

You know how things work up there.
You know the pitfalls.

And they'll all listen to you.

Especially Ed Baldwin.

- Ed Baldwin doesn't listen to anybody.
- Yeah.

That's a big part of the problem.

He has been XO up there a long time,
set in his ways you might say.

I hear you, Eli. I really do.

And I wish you well.

But I'm sorry. I just...

[SIGHS] I just can't do it
all over again.

You accepted my invitation
to talk this time.

Something must have changed.

Kuz was my friend.

We grew very close up there
those months.

Ed, he was just...

He was a wreck after
what happened to Karen.

But Kuz was my rock.

I am here because of him.

I... I can't begin to imagine
how difficult that was.

The nine of you up there putting
your lives on the line for Mars.

But all of that...

All of that will have been in vain

if we don't get this thing
back on track now.

Hey, n-no, no. These are mine.

You want some? Well,
I don't know about this.

- You're gonna have to get it.

Come on. Get your backpacks.
We're leaving in five minutes.

- And no back seat deejaying. Hmm?
- [JAVI] Fine.

Can we listen to music, please?
I'm sick of Howard Stern.

- What'd I just say?

Aleida. It's work.

- You good?
- Yeah, I'm good.

I'm just gonna work from home today.

All right. We're gonna head out.
I'll see you tonight.

- [KISSES] Love you.
- Love you too.

[JAVI] Dad, let's go.





[IN RUSSIAN] They are from the North.

They fly down for the winter.

I do not blame them.

They're called Northern Bullfinches.

[IN ENGLISH] They're patient birds.

They know they have to wait for
the soil before the flowers bloom.

Do we know each other?

I know you.

Who are you?

Someone with your best
interests at heart.

And those interests are not served
by making waves at Star City.

It is winter now, Miss Madison.

But soon it will be spring.

You must be patient like
our friends here.

Well, look who decided
to grace us with a visit.


See, that ain't fair.

How is it that you manage to get
more and more handsome with age?

- Come here. Hey, Cap.

- Um, what?

- William Joseph Tyler.
- Oh, uh, this little thing? [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] So Rob finally decided
to make an honest man out of you?

Hmm, he's trying.

Well, I am so happy for you guys.

Really. Congratulations.

So, when is the big day?

- Next spring. Mark it down. Mm-hmm.
- Okay. I will.

And, uh, I heard you've been kicking ass

- over here at Astronaut Affairs.
- Keeping tabs on me, huh?

I'm just making sure
my tutelage paid off.

- And then some.

So, uh, what... what
brings you to the ranch?

[SCOFFS] Hobson.

He, um... He wants me to head
back up to Happy Valley.

Take over for Peters.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.


I told him I'd think about it.

I mean, they could really use you
up there. It's a mess.

I suppose so, but I don't know.

Heading back up there again

after everything that happened
with Danny in the end.

I just... I don't know if I could.

Hey, that wasn't on you, Cap.

You gotta know that. We all do.

There was just no other choice.

You know, you did what
you had to do for all of us.

I've been telling myself that
for the last seven years.

Doesn't help me sleep
any better at night.

You gotta move on.

Get back in the saddle.
It'll be good for you.

But that's the thing, is you
don't ever really move on.

The people you've hurt,
the people you've lost,

you just carry 'em around
with you wherever you go.

"Through the shining gate
where the angels wait".

I will see you around, Cap.

Or maybe not.


[ANNOUNCER] We are a go
for a plasma drive start

and Trans-Mars injection

in five, four, three, two, one.