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07x13 - The Tale of the Night Nurse

Posted: 11/10/23 06:23
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]

Big fire tonight
guys, I'm freezing!

Man, it is cold!


Hey, point that someplace else!



You getting a cold?

Nah, just allergies.


You sure?

Didn't you get a flu shot?

No way.

You got a flu shot?

Every year.

Don't you guys?

Not me.

Me neither.

I have a thing about needles.

But it's just a little shot...

and it's better
than getting sick.

Nothin's worse
than gettin' a shot.


Well, I can think of something.

And it's exactly
what my story's about.

If you get really sick,
somebody's gotta

take care of you.

Somebody who knows
how to make you better.

And you have to
trust that person,

cuz they know
what's best for you.



what would happen if the person
who was taking care of you,

was the one person in the
world you should fear the most?

And nobody believed you...

nobody knew...

and nobody could help.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Bye mom, bye dad!
Have a good trip!

Bye mom and dad!
We're gonna miss you so much!

We love you!


A whole month with no
one to tell us what to do.

What about Gramps?

I can handle Gramps.

Pick up the suitcases.



My two angels!

Let's get you out of this cold!

I said grab the bags.

Why do I suddenly
feel like Cinderella?

Hey AJ?

You are dead and buried!


Where'd they go?

Inside, I guess.
Come on.

Don't you go tracking
snow into this house,


We just came in to apologize.

For what?

AJ almost hit that
lady with a snowball.

Gee thanks.

What lady?

The one who came in with a
little boy, carrying presents.

Birthday presents?

Where is she?

There's nobody here.

But we just saw a
lady and a boy...

I said, there's nobody here.

[child crying in the distance]

Who's down there?


What is your malfunction?

There must have been
a party next door.

It wasn't next door.

I saw people in the dining room!

What a shame, twelve
years old and already demented.

I'm NOT!

I know what I saw!

Hush up now, eat your breakfast.

You can't have that!


What now?

AJ's allergic to strawberries!

One bite and bloat city.
It's disgusting.

I am sorry honey.
I forgot.

It's okay.

I was going to eat around them.

Let me clean up that mess.

Don't gramps.
It's AJ's mess, she'll do it.



AJ, What? What is going on?

What's all the fuss?

I saw a girl, she disappeared.

Did you see the birthday girl?

You know?

I was hoping you girls wouldn't
be bothered while you were here.

I didn't want you
getting all scared.

Bothered by what?


the ghosts.

You see, a long time
ago, a little girl

-just about your age, AJ -

fell down the front stairs
during her birthday party.

That's what I saw!

She was carrying presents!

It was her birthday!

She died on her birthday?

She didn't die in the fall.

She hurt her leg and
had to stay in bed.

The girl's mother hired a nurse
to take care of her at night.

But, as the story
goes, the nurse was...

a little crazy...

One night when the
girl was asleep,

the crazy nurse filled a
hypodermic needle with poison,

and gave it her while she slept.

Poor thing never woke up.

She was m*rder*d?


Nobody knows.

The night nurse claimed
she was innocent

till the day she died

in prison.


Not cool, sad.

How do you know all this?

This trunk was up here
when I bought the place.

Family must have forgot it.

That's the girl I saw
fall down the stairs!

Her name was Emily.

It's her birthday dress!

Night Nurse
Convicted in Death of Girl.

What a creep.

Why do you think
she keeps coming back?

Unfinished business.

That's always why
ghosts come back.

Maybe she wants to
tell us something.

Now that you know, I don't
want you girls messing around

where you don't belong.

Let the dead rest in peace.

We shouldn't do this.

Grampa doesn't want
us messing with...

Stop being a wuss.

You're the one who
said the ghost

is trying to tell us something.

Yeah but...
-No yeah buts...

let's do it.

Happy birthday Emily.

Yeah Happy Birthday.
We've got a cake for you.

It's really good!

I put your name on
it and everything.

Suddenly I'm
feeling really dumb.

Yeah, me too.

At least we get to eat the cake.

Make a wish.

I wish we could make
that ghost appear.

Time for your medicine.


She was right here!

With a needle!

I knew you two were going
to scare yourself to death

with this ghost business.

But it's true!
It was the Night Nurse...

or her ghost.

The only ghost I've seen
in all the years I've

lived here is that poor,
harmless little girl.

But you could see her!

But nothing!

Forget about ghosts...

and clean up this mess.

You gonna help?

I've got a better idea.

Don't worry, I
cleaned up the mess myself.

What are you doing?

If the ghost is trying
to tell us something,

maybe we should try
to figure it out.

Any luck?


You know, this thing
needs a better...


Hey, check the pockets
to see if... AJ?

Nicki? Nicki,
Where are you?

Better question, where am I?


Emily! Bring your presents
downstairs so you can open them!


Who else, birthday girl? Look
at you all pretty in that dress!

It's the dress, I gotta get it...


What happened to you?!

I put this dress on and
went back in time!

-And people thought I was Emily!

They were having a
birthday party for me,

I mean for her, but I was her!

She was me!

It was unreal!

Get outta here.

I'm serious! The dress made
me go back in time...

to Emily's party!

Yeah right.

Was the nurse there?

There you are!

Uh oh.

Not afraid of a
little needle are we?

She wants to give us the poison!

Not us...

You're the one they
thought was Emily.

You want to tell her that?

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Don't make me
angry, open the door.


the dress!

What about it?

I can go back in
time and become Emily.

And what, open her presents?

No! I know
what happened!

If I go back in time, I'll
make sure I don't fall

down the stairs like Emily did.

If I don't fall, I won't
get hurt and if I don't get hurt

then I... I mean...
Emily, won't need a nurse.

And if the nurse never shows up
then she can't m*rder Emily.


No murdering nurse, no
ghost of a murdering nurse...

And we're saved!


I'm losing my patience.

You're losing
both your patients!

Gimme the dress.


I'm the one going back!

But I'm the one they thought
was Emily, not you!

This is too important, I
don't want you messin' up.


I'm not gonna mess up, and
the dress doesn't fit you.

I gotta go.

For once you've
gotta do things my way.

If you mess up
we're both history.

All I gotta do is

not fall down the stairs.

There you are Emily.

Come on down.
Bring your gifts.

Be careful coming
down those stairs.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Last chance.
Are you going to open up.

In your dreams, nursey-girl.

Uh oh.!

That's it!

That's why Emily fell!

I know you're hiding


Yes! I did it!


This won't hurt us much.

Well, maybe you a little.

Please, no!


Someone call the doctor!


It seems I'm needed elsewhere.

We'll finish this later.



Man, I just had
the weirdest dream.

Time for your medicine.

It seems we've had a nasty
little accident, Emily.

I'm not Emily!


We must have a
touch of a fever too.

Get away from me!

After we've had our shot, we
won't have any more worries.

I promise.

Let's not do that again.

You can't hide.

I know all the
secrets of this old house.

I gotta get outta here!

It's only a matter of time!


I told you, I know all the
secrets of this house...

and it's time for your medicine!

I am tired of this child.

Take your medicine!

I will not let you poison me!

This is for your own good.

Is that what you tell
all the people you m*rder?


Don't tempt me.

One little pinch, that's
all, and the penicillin

will make you better.

No! I won't let you!
Get away from me!



Emily's allergic...

I mean, I'm
allergic to penicillin!

No you're not!

Yes I am! See?
It says so right here.

Don't you ever take this
bracelet off again,

do you hear me?

I didn't know!

You might have been k*lled!

Well... yeah!


I'm so sorry.

No more sh*ts, alright?

Of course not.

Let's help you off
with this dress.

So Emily was allergic
to penicillin?


It was all a mistake.

Who's that?

Emily, grown up.
She didn't die.

I guess that means
you didn't mess up.

Awful quiet in here.

You two aren't still
ghost hunting are you?


Not anymore.

The end.

That was a great story.

So the nurse didn't
mean to hurt Emily,

she just made a mistake.


That's supposed to make
me want to get a flu shot?

I don't think so!


Would you please keep those
nasty germs to yourself?!


Uh oh.

Oh man, I hope I'M
not getting sick!


This place is like
a nest full of -



Nobody breathe on anybody.

We'll take
different routes home.


If they just got flu
sh*ts they wouldn't...



Oh man!