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07x04 - The Tale of the Lunar Locusts

Posted: 11/10/23 06:16
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]

Man, what a downpour!

Uh oh, everything's soaked.

Hey, anybody here?

Just follow the
muddy footprints.

Oh, nice weather...

if you're a dolphin.

I wouldn't sit there, unless
you want to go for a swim,


Oh, right.

Try the ground, it's drier.

Hi guys!

It's pretty icky out.


Why are you guys
sitting on the ground?

Cuz the furniture is like...

I still wouldn't sit there.

Why not?

Do you know how many
things live in the ground?

Worms, slugs, bugs...

none of them are pretty.

They won't hurt you.

Ah, I wouldn't be
too sure about that.

My story's about
that very thing.

It's about what you can't see...

just under the ground.

Who knows what
you're stepping on?

Who knows if the very next step
you take is onto something that

DOESN'T want to be stepped on...

that has the power...

to step BACK on you!

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society.

I call this story...

Look, a full moon!

Not quite.

Probably tomorrow night.

It's still romantic.

Look at how your ring
shines in the moonlight.


Did you know John gave Liz
his varsity ring yesterday?

Yeah, I heard.

It seems like
everybody's hooking up.

Well, almost everybody.

Check it out!

Did you see that?

Ah, it was
probably a sh**ting star.

You should make a wish.

That was no sh**ting
star, that was a...

I don't know what that was.

Well, if it were
a sh**ting star,

you know what I'd wish for?

I'm sorry, did
you say something?

Ah, forget it.


What's the problem?
Julie's great!

I know!

But being exclusive is so...

Second only to death.

Don't be a fool, man. It's not
like you've got other girls

throwing themselves at you.

Can I sit with you?

Or at least not usually.

You wanna sit here?

I don't bite.

Uhh, yeah, of course.

Um, I'm Jake.

My name's Ellen.

I just transferred in.

Hi Ellen! My name's...

I bet you play football.

Uh, yeah!
I'm varsity quarterback.

Ah, I knew it!

Is there any chance of getting
the varsity quarterback

to show me around
my new school?

I mean, if you're available.

Well sure I...

He's not available.

Hi, I'm...

Great, thanks for
saving my seat.

Sure. I sort of lost
my appetite anyway.

See ya later Jake.

Bye Ellen!

What rock did she
crawl out from under?

You are not making points here.


You scared me.

What are you doing?

Looking up UFOs.

I saw this weird light
in the sky last night.

Nice ring.

Thanks, I found the
stone on the beach.

It's beautiful.

Can I try it on?

Uhh, yeah, sure.


Julie, hi, I was just...

We've got Spanish.


I'm comin'.

I gotta go.


I was, huh, hoping that
you could give me a...

a computer lesson,
today, after school.

Because I'm really
lost with all this stuff.

Uh, well sure, I guess but,
school closes up after class.


Well, do you have a
computer at home?

Like at my house? Yeah.

Then let's do it there!

That'd be cool.

After school, today, you and me.



She's totally strange.


Your new "friend"

I watched her on the
football field for over an hour.

She was measuring
and digging like a,

like a...

well I don't know
what it was like,

but it was weird.

You spied on her for an
hour and she's weird?

I don't know...

You and I need to talk.

What are you doing after school?

Nuthin'. We can... uh...

ah, hum...I can't, I've
got way too much homework.

Since when do you do homework?
[bell rings]

I gotta fly.



I am so outta here.



Let's go!

I checked registration.

There's no record of
any new transfers.

She's not even a student here.

Break time, I'm starving.

Me too.

My dad made me some sandwiches.


What's a matter?
It's PB and J.

Sorry I'm, uh, allergic.

Could you get rid
of that please?

No problemo.

You, huh, want something else?

No thanks.

Something to drink?


You OK?

I'm fine.

But it's getting late.

Can you take me home?

Yeah, okay.

I'll go get my keys.

You huh, live in the woods?

What're you doing?

Jake, I know you have a steady
girlfriend and everything.

Well, she's not
exactly steady...

And I don't want to make you
do anything you don't want to.

Like what?

Well, it's just that you're
so cute I could eat you up.


I mean, I think you're
pretty cute too and all but...

Jake, I'd really love
to be your girlfriend...

and wear your ring.

Will life always be this cool?

Let me try it on.


I think you're great,
but I have a girlfriend.

I mean, I like you, but
I couldn't do that to Julie.

I can't change your mind?

I'm sorry.

OK then, here we go.

Hey, the car door just locked!

I know.

But neither of us...?

Now give me that ring.




It's OK, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Just promise not to
scream and I'll move my hand.


I'm sorry I scared you,
but you left me no choice.

Who are you?
What are you?

You remember that
light you saw in the sky?

Yeah that was...
that was you???

I'm not from here, Jake.

I really don't look like
this, I'm much prettier

in my regular form.

Oh, yeah!
With bug eyes and foot arms?

That is not regular.

For ME it is.

Can I please get up?

Promise not to run away?

I swear.

Please don't try that again.
What do you want from me?

I need your help.

"Flesh eating
bacteria strikes again."

It's not bacteria.

It's a parasite that
travels from planet to planet,

eating everything in it's path.
Like locusts.

This stuff is
from another planet?

My partner and I are the
only survivors from my planet.

Those parasites
they ate everything,

and everyone.

It was horrible.

So why did you follow them here?

To try to stop them
before they destroy earth,

the way they destroyed my home

and... to find a new home.

So you're telling me you're like
a lizard-girl from outer space

on a mission to destroy a band
of intergalactic flesh eating

parasites that wanna earth
and then make this your home?

That's about it.

So why'd you pick me?

'Cause I'm like, a
trained athlete?

Well... no.


That was my partner's.

We need them both to
destroy the locusts.

What happened to your partner?

You found that on the beach...

he must have
crashed in the ocean.

I'm sorry.

So the only reason you
wanted to go out with me

was to get my ring,
not because you think I'm cute?

You're not really my type.

You're way too...

That's too bad...
I think.


It's okay!
I can explain...

I think.

she's a monster!

No! Well... yeah, sorta.

But she needs my help.

Everything is cool.
Trust me.

I... I'm getting the police.


C'mon, we've got to move fast.

The parasites are over there.
I don't see anything.

Because they're underground.

Under the football field?

Yes, that's where the
mother laid her eggs.

Like, they're gonna hatch?

Tonight, unless we stop them.

With the stones.

As soon as the full moon
rises over the school...

There thay are!!!!

Hold it right there kids.

We have to get into the school.

It's locked.

Not for long.


No, it's a dead end!

Come on!

How did we... stay... up...?



I'm really sorry I asked.

I hid my equipment here.

I figured that if
anyone found it,

they'd just think it was
part of a science experiment.

Put these on when I tell you to.


I'll explain later.
Come on!

We're running out of time.
What's the hurry?

The lunar light will be
strongest when the moon

gets fully over the school.

And if we're not set up by
then, it's gonna be too late.

They're going to stop us.

Not if we get a
little diversion.


What's going on??

I don't have time to
explain it all now,

but it's really, really
important that I help Ellen.

But there's something
that you gotta know.

You and I are the best.

I mean, together.

I really see that now, I
don't want to lose you.

You mean that?

What was that?

I felt something move.

There they are!

Come out of there, now!

Is that too loud?


They won't be gone for long!

When I give you the signal
put your glasses on and toss

the stone in the circle.
I'll do the same.

That's it?
What does it do?

You'll see.

Thanks Jake.

I'll never forget this.

Hold it right there young lady.

Let her go!


Jake, you're our only hope!


The other one!




Throw it in the hoop!

Put your glasses on!

Julie, throw it in the hoop!
Cover your eyes!

We did it!
We did it!


You were incredible!

Thanks, but, what did we do?

We k*lled the flesh
eating alien locust!

Here, read this.

You're kidding right?

No, read it!

I did.

This is about some
bacteria in Brazil

they stopped with antibiotics.
But... but no.

I mean, the mother
alien laid her eggs

in the field and we zapped 'em!

Mother alien?

What mother alien?


We zapped 'em, right?


The end.

Good story.

Now I know why you didn't
want to sit on the ground.

Well yeah...

and I also don't like
getting my bottom wet.


Ugh gross!

Ugh man!

I'm soaked!

I really hope nobody
else can see this.

This is definetly
the end.