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07x03 - The Tale of the Silver Sight, Part 3

Posted: 11/10/23 06:14
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]

Gary: Gramps wants me to track
down the Old Midnight Society,

get their clues, find
The Silver Sight

and destroy it once
and for all...

like they should
have done years ago.

Tell us about the
Silver Sight again?

Well it's a charm,
probably a small thing,

but it's got some kind of power
that can really hurt people.

Oh man I'm not liking this.

Your gramps was a
good guy, right?

The best.

I gotta find out why he died.

Okay, give me a name quick.
Before I change my mind.

Thanks Meg.

Why don't we just find
the guy that hid it

in the first place?

He died the day after he hid it.

Oh man, this just
keeps getting better.

I'll help.

Me too...

but, not by myself.

No problem, how 'bout
the two work together.


Don't you think this is a
little bit out of bounds?

It's alright Quinn, you
don't have to help man.

You know I'll help.

Cuz if this gets nasty,
you're gonna need me.


Alright, Tuck and I'll
take care of the fourth name.

Now remember, it's the pieces
of the record that we need.

That's where the clues are.

We'll meet tomorrow in my dorm
room for a status report, ok?

Let's hit it!

Boy you stink!


Hey check this out.

Midnight Society...


So how'd you guys do?

Not good.

We've been to the
library, we've been on-line,

we've called everywhere, but we
can't seem to find any record of

Bruce McGorrill.

Well there's gotta be
some trace somewhere.

Keep looking alright.

[telephone rings]







Yo, easy!

Why are they...

whoa, what's with that smell?

Megan's been in the sewer.

Nah, smells more
like bad perfume.

That's it.

If anyone wants me I'll
be hangin' with the

stinky mole people.


Hey, what's this?

The original Midnight Society.

Which one's Donna Tilton?

I think that's her.

I can use this!

We have the worst
assignment, you know.

Lemme try.

A guy can't just
vanish without a trace.


But this guy's been
dead for what...?

Like, fifty years now.

Even so, there's gotta
be some record of him,


We've tried the town hall,
we've tried the hospitals,

we've tried the schools...

There's nowhere else to look!

It couldn't be
that easy, could it?


M C.

McGorrill! B!

His name's Bruce!

He's dead, why would he
be in the phone book?

I've got another one for ya.

Look at the address.

Who would live there?

Kinda eerie when it's empty.

Look at that.

Nah, those things creep me out.

Don't be chicken
it's just a goof.

Want to hear your fortune Vange?


We don't have much...

Whoa there, I
didn't mean to spook ya.

Are you Bob McGorrill?

Far's I know.

Bruce McGorrill's brother?

Right again.

You okay now?


Thanks for seeing us.

Oh no, thank YOU.

I've been waiting a
long time for your call.

You have???

Ever since my brother died.

How DID he die?


it's right over there.

Bruce loved this place...

he loved having fun.

That's the kind of guy he was.

You know he bought Playland?

He did?


Youngest amusement
park owner in the world.

Then he...

passed it on to me.

I suppose I should retire, but
being here makes me feel as if

he's still around.

This was his favorite ride.

One day he climbed
up to fix a cable...


and he fell.

So it was an accident?

That's what they think.

What do YOU think?

Bruce knew this ride better'n
a spider knows it's web.

There's no way
he'd fall on his own.

Somebody or, some
thing pushed him.

So... we came
to get something...?

Oh, yeah, right.

C'mon, this way.

Bruce told me that someday,
somebody'd come looking for this

thing, and I should only give
it to 'em if there was more

than one person.

Why do you suppose that is?

No clue.

My brother was a good person.

A long time ago he took
something terrible and hid it so

his friends wouldn't get hurt.

I don't know what it was, but
I think it had something to do

with his death.

You still want this?

Not really.

Yes we do.

What IS this?

Just like Bruce.

He was a riddle-man.

He loved puzzles,
brainteasers and what not.

I don't get it.

nd street.

Well that's the
house we grew up in.

I don't know what
the picture is,

my guess is, whatever it
is you're looking for,

you'll find it in our old house.

I told you we had
the worst assignment.

Thanks Mr. McGorrill.



Bruce and those Midnight Society
friends of his got mixed up

in something ugly.

Do what you gotta
do just, be careful.

This house is right by mine.

Lets call Gary and tell
'em we're on our way!

Wait, my shoe lace.



Nobody's home.

I don't think anybody's
lived here in a long time.

Come on.

I don't get it.

There's not enough information.

Hold on.


Aww, cool!

This is it!

He hid the record in here.

Yeah but it says he hid it...


Ohhh no!

You okay?

If you are.

I got you, no sweat.

It must be behind
one of these rocks.

[gurgling sound]

Was that your stomach?

Gimme a break.

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

Andy, there's something in the

Then hurry up!


I found something!


Pull me up!

It's caught!

Andy get me out of here!





What was that?

I don't think I want to know.


But we got it.

"Know your true enemy"?

Gary: After what we've
seen, I'm convinced,

that we've got to
find the Silver Sight

and destroy it.

We can't ask you
guys to keep going.

You should take off.

We still don't get
what The Silver Sight is,

but we've seen it
hurt a lotta people.


I think we all want to be there
when this bad boy goes down.


All of you?

Spin the disc, man.


We've uncovered a long
trail of terror and sadness.

Let's hope this helps us end it.

If you're listening to this it
means you're working together,

and that's good.

I hope I'm with you, but I'm
afraid I might be the next

victim of The Silver Sight.

This thing has
got to be stopped!

Whatever it promises, the
evil it delivers is far worse.

Remember, it was the power of
the group that raised the de,

it'll take the power of
the group to destroy it...

but you have to know
who your true enemy is.

Don't give in to
it's dark promises.

Good luck...
good bye...

good bye...
good bye.

He was k*lled the next day.

So what should we do?

Let's look at the clues.

Listen to the music.

Not all the eyes are brown.

It's a race that has no winners.
Many ups and downs.

Know your true enemy.

Who's the true enemy?

The traitor that
used the Silver Sight?

Well that's Laing Candle.

It has to be,
everyone else is gone.

He put Vince in the hospital
to try to get to Donna Tilton.

And nearly k*lled
me in the sewer.

He could have been at Grandma's

looking for the record.
-I got it.

He wants The Silver
Sight man, no doubt!

Maybe we should go...


What did you say?

I said I got it.

Got what?

I know where he hid
The Silver Sight.

It's all right there.

Listen to the music.

A race that has no winners
with many ups and downs.

I'll bet it's all right here.

The music on the record!

Merry go round music!

And Bruce
McGorrill owned Playland.

So where is it?


Yeah, oh yeah.


The last clue.
Not all the eyes are brown.

I'm seeing a lot of
brown eyes here, man.

The Silver Sight!

One of the eyes must be silver!


Hey guys.

I think I got something.


That's not silver it's blue.

Blue paint.

It's silver!

Oh man that's it!
That's The Silver Sight.

It's warm.

Like it's alive.

Did you see that?

What's up with that?

It's like the more
people who touch it,

the more it responds.

That's what the record said.

It's all about
power of the group.

Of course.

Maybe we should all
touch it, together.

[calliope music]

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!


You win!

I tried to scare you off,
but you were all too good.

And now, The
Silver Sight is yours!

Then tell me what it is.

Don't you know?

It's the power to conquer.

Armies have won wars with it.

Kingdoms have toppled,
cities have fallen...

and now, it's all yours.

Uhhh... we're not exactly
at w*r with anyone.

Sure you are!

Everyone has enemies...

a mean parent, a
bad teacher, a bully,

anyone who stands
between you and what you want.

Just tell The
Silver Sight and POOF!

They're gone forever!

And who are YOU?

I'm here to help you along.

Uhh ohh.

Put that thing down son.

You're playing with fire.

Here's your first chance.

Tell The Silver
Sight he's your enemy.

He's not trying
to help you Gary.

Then what IS he doing?

He is a demon
that's collecting souls!

That thing may get rid
of your enemies for you,

but their souls end up
trapped forever in that

vicious little charm.

Who are YOU to talk?

You're the traitor who
used The Silver Sight!

Don't you get it?

It wasn't just me.

We ALL used it!


No way!
-It's true!

It made Donna popular,
it made Eleanor rich,

it even helped Bruce
buy this Amusement park.

But it wasn't just one person,
we all used The Silver Sight.

Not Grandpa Gene.

Yes, Gene too.

But we didn't know it was evil.

We didn't know what
horrors it would bring.

By the time we
realized it was too late.

I don't believe you!

Now, Gary.

Tell The Silver Sight he's
your enemy and he'll be gone.

What happened to my Grandfather?

He was a good man.

He tried to find the
charm and destroy it,

but something happened.

He got scared, his
heart couldn't take it.

I think he got too close...

he got burned by that demon.

Who are you going to believe?

A kid like me?

Or the guy who broke
into your granmdma's house?

I was just trying to put the
clues together before you did.

I was trying to
protect you kids!

Please Gary...

give it to me.

I don't know what to do.

The last clue,
know your true enemy.

That's the only way to beat it.



Whatever happens, we're in
this as a group, right?


You lied to us from the start.

I was trying to protect you!

You broke into my
grandmother's house,

and you nearly got Megan k*lled.

I was looking
for clues, I swear!

He's your enemy Gary.

Call him your enemy.

You should have
told us the truth.

You wouldn't have believed me!

Do it Gary, this is
just the beginning!

Yeah, I know who
the true enemy is...

and I'm going to stop him.

Use it!
Use it!

The true enemy...




You can't do that!




They've all been released!


It's over Grandma.

Where's The Silver Sight?

It disappeared.

I think when it lost the
souls, it lost its power.

What about HIM?

You alright?

Yes I am now.

Your grandfather would have
been proud of you, son.


Does this end the story?

Yeah, the story ends here.

So the demon boy never
trapped another soul,

because The Silver Sight
was destroyed forever.

The end.

Good story, Gene.

Thank you Eleanor.

Laing, could you
put out the fire?

Sorry, gotta run.

It's okay, I got it Gene.

Thanks Bruce.

Nothing like that
could ever happen to us...

could it?

Not in a million years.