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07x02 - The Tale of the Silver Sight, Part 2

Posted: 11/10/23 06:13
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]

Gary: Gramps wants me to track
down the Old Midnight Society,

get their clues, find The
Silver Sight and destroy it

once and for all...

like they should
have done years ago.

Tell us about the
Silver Sight thing again?

It's a charm,
probably a small thing,

but it's has some kind of power
that can really hurt people.

Oh man I'm not liking this.

Your gramps was a
good guy, right?

The best.

I gotta find out why he died.

Okay, give me a name quick.
Before I change my mind.

Thanks Meg.

Why don't we just find
the guy that hid it

in the first place?

He died the day after he hid it.

Oh man, this just
keeps getting better.

I'll help.

Me too...

but, not by myself.

No problem, how 'bout the
two of you work together.


Don't you think this is a
little bit out of bounds.

It's alright Quinn.

You don't have to help man.

You know I'll help.

Cuz if this thing gets
nasty, you're gonna need me.


Alright, Tuck and I'll
take care of the fourth name.

Remember, it's the pieces
of the record that we need.

That's where the clues are.

We'll meet tomorrow in my dorm
room for a status report, ok?

Let's hit it!

No chance this is right.

Waste of time.


Anybody here?

I'm looking for...

[dog barking]

Oh man.

If you wanna bite me...

you're gonna have to catch me!

Help me!


Somebody help!
Get the dog!!!


Mister! Help!
Get the dog!

What's your problem?

Whatever it was, it's gone now.

How come you don't have a
"Beware of Dog" sign out front?

Cuz I ain't got no dog.




Where's ?




I know where she went.

Where did you come from?

Good question.

You look lost.

Actually I'm looking
for Walker Court,

it's not here anymore.

Sure it is.

He-llo?? You're standing
right on it, nothing there.

No, YOU'RE standing on it.

She's down there.

Yeah, sure.

I know what you're looking for.



The Silver Sight.

If you want it, follow me.

No way! Forget it!

I can't believe I'm doing this!

Yo, Bud.

I'm looking for somebody.

Here? Ha ha! Good luck.

This is Carroll
street, right?

Kid, I got any piece of junk
that's been made in the last

fifty years, but I'm
fresh out of people.

Now git!

Her name's Donna Tilton.

Why're you looking for her?

Uh... see I'm part of this club

and we're looking for
all the old members.

It's cool, really.

I'm not trying to
make any trouble.

You talking about that Midnight
Society something-or-other?

That's it!

Unless that's a bad
thing, then I'm not.


This is disgusting.

I'm here kid!

[creepy laughter]


Hey wait!

Don't run!
It's alright!

Please stop, okay?

I wore my best outfit
cuz I thought I'd be

visiting some
really nice house!

I didn't plan on
being in some really,

strange house.

When did I step
through the looking glass?

Step into my office.

Sorry 'bout the mess...

secretary's day off.

So uh...

How'd you get this address?

I, talked to people, you know.

Smart kid, huh?


On what?

On if you know Donna Tilton.

I know her alright.

Back in high school, Donna
and I were the golden couple...

homecoming king,
queen, the works.

She was a beaut.

Never seen anyone
since even came close.

So did you marry
her or something?


Ran into the worst string
of bad luck you ever saw.

I was a star athlete...

broke my leg.

Got in a car accident,
nearly bought the farm.

Then a fire hit our house.

Family got out but, I
ended up in the hospital.

It was as if this dark cloud of
bad luck settled in over me and,

decided to stay.

That's pretty tough.


but the worst was still to come.

What have we here?

Were you announced?

Five miles.

I beat the
eleven-o-two out of...

Whoa, who is this?

We don't know dear.
She hasn't told us yet.

Peggy dear, did you leave
the manhole open again?

No matter, she's here now.

We were just about to
have some refreshments.

Would you care to join us?


While I was in the hospital,

Donna started seeing
another guy.

No way!

While you were sick?

Well I can't say I blame her.

I mean nothing was
going right for me.

Still, that's
pretty cold.

See that's...

That's her.

Pretty as can be.

I was going to try
and get her back,

but before I got out, she went
driving with her new boyfriend.

There was an accident...

only one of 'em made it.

Please tell me it was Donna.

Tragic, huh?

This is gonna sound
nuts, but I gotta tell you,

it almost felt like there
was some kind of force at work

trying to keep us apart.

Sorry to bring up
bad memories man.

Where you going?

I gotta go tell my
friends that Donna's gone.


You haven't heard
the whole story.

I don't need to, I gotta...

What's that?



I know what this is!

It's coming after me again!

What is?

The Silver Sight!
It's back!



You know about The Silver Sight?

That's what I'm looking for!


Don't even go near it.

I'm telling ya pal, every
bit of bad luck I had was

because of that monster!

Leave it alone!

Did Donna ever tell
you about a record?

I mean, a piece of a
record that somebody gave her?

It's real important man.

That's it!

That's the record!

Oh no.

It's the only thing I
got left of Donna's.

But I gotta have it!

What for?

Cuz we're trying to
find this Silver Sight

thing and destroy it!

If it's still hurting
people, I mean,

maybe you ought to help me out!

I'll make you a deal.

You do something for me,
and I'll give this to you.

No sweat.
What do you want?

When I was in the hospital,
I drew a picture of Donna.

You want me to get the picture?

Where is it?

It was stolen from me by the
same guy who stole Donna...

Laing Candle.

Laing Candle?
He was in The Midnight Society!


Get me back that drawing.

I'll give you the record.

Eleanor Gregory was my
mother, she passed on years ago.


Oh no that's okay,
that's ancient news.

I don't mean to be rude,
but don't you find it odd...

That we live down here?

It is a bit dank,
but we have no choice.

Mother made a fortune
in the stock market

before she was twenty.

We always had the
finest of everything...

until it all went sour.

Wondeful tea, dear.

So what happened?

Suddenly every decision
Mother made was the wrong one.

It's as if she were cursed.

Eventually her empire crumbled.

What you see here is
all that we have left.

You're very pretty.

Why are you down here?

Well you can't make a fortune
without also making some enemies

along the way.

They took everything they could.

Our clothes, most of our cars,
the mansion that used to stand

right above us...

if we didn't hide down here they
would have taken everything.

But we'll be back, oh yes.

The Gregory empire will rise
from the ashes and we'll be back

on top again!

Ha ha ha ha!


I don't know.

I'm working on it.

Why are you so
interested in Mother Eleanor?

My friends and I are
looking for this charm

called The Silver Sight...

Uh oh.

Please dear, don't...

Get out!

What'd I say?

That thing is what
caused mother's ruin!

If it wasn't for that horrid
charm we wouldn't have

to live down here like rats!

What do you want it for?

To use it's vile magic?

My mother did and
look where it got us!

No, but we're gonna destroy it!

Ha ha...

You can't destroy it,
it can only destroy you!

Now get out!

Finish your tea dear.

Thank you sweetie.


Back off buddy!

It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

We're not as
weird as you think.

at least I'm not.

That's nice, I'm glad, goodbye.


You're looking for that broken
piece of the record, right?

Well yeah.

I can get it for you.

But you have to come back later,
once my father's calmed down.

Why would you help me?

You think I like
living in the sewer?

If destroying the Silver
Sight gets us outta here,

I'll do whatever it takes.

I wouldn't mind
seeing the sun again.

Okay, I'll be
back in a few hours.

Jim! Supper time!

Whoa, you stink.


Hey check this out.

Midnight Society...


So how'd you guys do?

Not good.

We've been to the
library, we've been on-line,

we've called everywhere but, we
can't seem to find any record of

Bruce McGorrill.

Well there's gotta be
some trace somewhere.

Keep looking alright.

[telephone rings]








Why are they...

whoa, what's with the smell?

Megan's been in the sewer.

Nah, smells more
like bad perfume.

That's it.

If anyone wants me I'll be

hangin' with the
stinky mole people.

Hey, what's this?

The original Midnight Society.

Which one's Donna Tilton?

I think that's her.

I can use this!

We have the worst
assigment you know.

Lemme try.

A guy can't just
vanish without a trace.


Hello Quinn.

Uhh, hey.

My name's...

wait, how do you know my name?

I know a lot of things.

Looking for a picture?

Well, yeah.


Hey yo, weird little kid?!

[door closes]
'Cmon, stop messin' around!


What're you doing here?

I'm looking for...

But you're supposed to...

I'm looking for...


This is her, right?

Donna Tilton?

Looks like her.


Hey, you can't just take that!

Yeah I can, it
doesn't belong to him.

I'll tell you about it later!

Man, stop doing that!

If you keep going, you'll
look like that picture.

Say what?

[creepy laughter]



Mr. Gregory?

Are you...

Laing Candle?

General Laing Candle.

Where are the Gregorys?


I threatened to call the police

and they scampered
off like rats.

What are you looking for?

The record.

You want their piece of the
record! You're the traitor!

How many pieces of the
record have you found?

None of your business.

I can MAKE you tell me.

What're you gonna
do, run me over?


Come back here!

Go home girl, you hear me?

Leave the Silver Sight to me!

Help! Help!



Somebody, please help me!

My foot is stuck!

Who are you?
What're you doing down here?

I'm scared!
Help me out.

Your foot is stuck.
It won't budge.

Pull it out, 'cmon.

Uh oh!


I'm trying!

It won't budge!

Your boot is totally wedged!

Take your foot out!

You gotta pull!

It won't budge!

You've gotta pull!

Ohh it hurts!

Leave The Silver Sight alone...

or you might get hurt.

"Please help us. Jim."

It's a race that has no winners.

You be careful kid.

I don't know what
that Silver Sight is,

but it hurt me...

it hurt Donna.

Don't let it get to you too.

"With many ups and downs."


Help me!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!