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07x01 - The Tale of the Silver Sight, Part 1

Posted: 11/10/23 06:12
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]


How about letting an
old timer sit in tonight?

It's cool, I'm Tucker's brother.

I used to run these meetings.

Looks like you've
changed things a little bit.

When I was here we'd...



I need your help!

[telephone ringing]


Hi Gramma.

No, it's okay I was a...

I was awake sort of uh...

What's up?

Oh no.


We were sitting
here just yesterday...

watching kids play
ball on the street.

Gene got such a
kick out of that.

It's amazing how
quickly things can change.

But Gramps wasn't even sick.

What happened?

He came home upset
about something.

I've never seen
him in such a state.

He... he was
angry and frightened.

I tried to calm him down
but, he was all wound up...

and his heart wasn't
strong enough to take it.

What was he so upset about?

I don't know!

But he said...

it had something to do with you!

He was desperate to
tell you something.

Your Grandfather Gene
was a wonderful man.

He loved to tell stories
and laugh at silly things.

He wasn't often
serious, but when he was,

I always listened.

And he was very serious about
making sure that you got this.

It's a piece of an old record.

"Listen to the music".

He wrote this to
go along with it.


I came as soon as I heard.

Ah Tucker.

I'm glad you did.

I don't know what to say.

It's alright, I
know how you feel.

It's my dream.

What dream?

Grandma I need some
time to figure this out.

I'll be back later alright.

C'mon Tuck.

Do you need anything?

No thank you.

Call me later huh?.

You got it.

What's with the note?

You have a
meeting tonight?

Yeah but
I'll cancel...


Why not?

Because I'll be there.


To deal with this.

It might tell us why
Grandpa Gene died.

So, your grandfather
started the Midnight Society.


He and four friends
cleared these woods,

made the fire ring, and
built the storyteller's chair.

There's been a Midnight Society
coming out here ever since.

Wow that's a lot of stories.

I'll bet your gramps
told great stories.

Just before he died
Gramps wrote down a story.

Go ahead!

His last.

And it's the most amazing story

The Midnight Society's
ever going to hear.

He began it over years ago,
and it's still not finished.

Not finished??

He wants US to finish it.

It's about five best
friends who got this

charm from a magic shop.

Like the Magic Mansion?

Yeah, sorta.

They thought it was
a good luck piece.

But they soon found out the
only luck this charm had...

was BAD luck.

Good start, keep goin'.

The charm was called "The
Silver Sight" and it held

a powerful, black magic.

When they found out, they
tried to get rid of it,

but they didn't know how.

And then horrible
things started to go down...

all because one of the friends,
someone they thought they could

trust, was using the
evil magic of the charm.

A traitor in the
group, excellent!

So one of the friends
took the charm and hid it.

He gave each of the
others one clue

to where it was hidden.

They'd have to put their
clues together to find it,

and working together was the
only way they could destroy it.


Like a treasure hunt!

What were the clues?

The guy made a voice recording.

They didn't have
cassettes or CD's back then,

so he made a record.

He broke it into five pieces.

On each piece he
wrote down one clue,

gave a piece to each of his
friends, and kept one himself.

So to find out where
The Silver Sight was,

they had to put the
record together,

get all the clues,
and listen to it.


That's cool.

Then what happens?

What happens is this
isn't a story, is it?


Yeah this is a story...

a TRUE story.

No way!

Gary, this really happened?

unfortunately, yeah.

Why don't you
tell us everything.

Alright, here it is.

The five friends were the
first Midnight Society.

They never got back together
so, the Silver Sight's been

hidden all these years.

Good, let it STAY hidden.

But yesterday, something
scared Grandpa Gene so bad,

he had a heart attack, it had to
do with this Silver Sight thing.

You mean, like it's come back??

I don't know.

This note is a plea for help.
He gave it to me because

he didn't think anyone
else would believe him.

What kind of help?

Gramps wants me to track
down the Old Midnight Society,

get their clues, find The
Silver Sight and destroy it

once and for all...

like they should
done have years ago.


So how come you're telling us?

Because we gotta move fast.

Gramps was afraid somebody
else might find it first.

And there's nobody we could
go to who'd believe us...

except you guys.

So, what do you want us to do?

I've got four names...

the rest of the Old
Midnight Society.

We'd split up, find 'em, get
their pieces of the record.

That's it.

Tuck and I will
take it from there.

What if we find the traitor?

I don't know.

Look, I won't blame you guys
if you don't want to help.

Gary, we tell stories here!

Made up stories!

This is like...



That's why we have
to do something...

because it's real!

Tell us about the
Silver Sight thing again?

It's a charm,
probably a small thing,

but has got some kind of power
that can really hurt people.

Oh man I'm not liking this.

Your gramps was a
good guy, right?

The best.

I gotta find out why he died.

Okay, give me a name.
Quick, before I change my mind.

Thanks Meg.

Why don't we just find

the guy that hid the thing?

He died the day after he hid it.

Oh man, this just
keeps getting better.

I'll help.

Me too...

but, not by myself.

No problem, how 'bout the
two of you work together.


Don't you think this is
a little out of bounds.

It's alright Quinn.

You don't have to help man.

You know I'll help.

Cuz if this thing gets
nasty, you're gonna need me.

Great man.

Alright Tuck and I'll take
care of the fourth name.

Now remember, it's the pieces
of the record that we need.

That's where the clues are.

We'll meet tomorrow in my dorm
room for a status report. Okay?

Let's hit it!


I uh...

well, thanks for doing this.

You forgot something.


Story needs a title.


I haven't done this in a while.

Submitted for the approval
of The Midnight Society,

I call this story...


That's kinda not normal.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha!


Hello in there!

Don't be a goof.

We're on TV!

Be cool.

This guy's a w*r hero.

This guy's a RICH w*r hero!

What's his name?

Laing Candle.

The oldest member of the
original Midnight Society.

Hey check this out.



Step in men, don't be shy!

Yes I can see your
grandfather in both of you...

except for the slouch of course.

I was very sorry to hear
about his untimely demise.

Never thought he'd go before me.


Mr. Candle we...


Excuse me?

You call me General.



you were part of The
Midnight Society, right?

Midnight Society.

Haven't thought about that
team for quite some time.

This way!

That was an exceptional group.

Every last one of them.

That's how I like
to remember them.

Take it I have another.

Aw, cool!

You're slouching again.

Uh, we're here because uh...

Speak up son!

If you got anything
worth saying, say it!


We're here about
The Silver Sight.

Why in the name of Sam Houston
are you asking about that?

It was Gramps' last request.

He wants us to find
it and destroy it.

You know what it is, right?

Question is, do
you know what it is?

Sort of.
It's like this...

little evil charm thing.

It's the devil's own tool.

Go home and forget
you ever heard of it.

We can't.

Grandpa Gene wrote...

Have you got his
piece of the record?

Well, we're...

We're tracking
down ALL the pieces.

We'd like to have
your piece, if we could.

I always thought something
like this would happen.

A part of me wanted to
pass on before I had to

face this particular
demon again.

I'll have to dig
it out of storage.

Come back in a few hours
I'll have it for you then.

Thank you.

I hope you know what
you've gotten yourself into.

No one who has touched
the Silver Sight

has emerged undamaged.

Generally speaking, I think
the general is a little wacked.

Doesn't matter, as long as we
get his piece of the record.



Who are you?

What are you doing in my house?

My grandson will be
back here any second!



P.U., what smells?

Alright, alright, I'm guilty.

You said this was
gonna be a dangerous

mission not a dirty one.

Well at least you're getting
closer to a piece of the record.

Oh, you stink.


Hey check this out.

Midnight Society .


So how'd you guys do?

Not good.

We've been to the
library, we've been on-line,

we've called everywhere, but we
can't seem to find any record of

Bruce McGorrill.

There's gotta be
some trace somewhere.

Keep looking alright.

[telephone rings]




There's someone's in the house!

I'm afraid he's...





What? Hello!! Grandma!




Where are you?

It's Gary and Tucker!
Where are you?




Are you alright?

Yes, I'm fine.

Someone broke into the house.

I locked myself
in the bedroom...

he destroyed my home.

Did you see him?

Yes, but I was frightened,
and he was wearing a mask.

What did he want?

It was horrible. He kept

pounding at the door,
I thought he was

going to break it down
and he kept yelling

that he wanted Gene's
piece of the record.

Oh my...


Uh oh.

This just got more serious.

I'll call the police and
stay with Grandma.

Tuck, go back and get
that thing we were after?

Yeah, yeah sure.


Hey, you sure...?

Go now.

Hey grandma.

What is so important about
a broken piece of record?

I think you should read this.

It's Grandpa Gene's last story.

Hey, it's me...

I mean...

I've come for the
record, General.

Let me try.

You SURE you want to go in?

Well, yeah.

He's expecting me.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Don't bother.
It's locked.

who are you?




This is getting creepy.


What're you doing here?

I came for...

But you're supposed to...

I'm looking for...


This is her, right?

Donna Tilton?

Looks like her.


Hey, you can't just take that!

Yeah I can, it doesn't
belong to him.

I'll tell you about it later!

I know why you're here.

You shouldn't be playing
the way you're playing.

What do you mean?

Cuz you're not good enough.

For what?

To handle the power.


But if you still want to try...

what you're looking for
is right... in... here.

What's in there?
The Silver Sight?

See for yourself!

The record!

Ha ha ha!

You better turn around!

Uh oh!

Not all the eyes are brown?

I warned you!

It only gets worse from here.