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05x08 - The Tale of the Unexpected Visitor

Posted: 11/10/23 05:40
by bunniefuu
[Child laughing]

What's up with her?


She's sleeping.

The water's
nice and warm.

Let's stick her hand
in it and see if...

Don't even
think about it.

Hey, hi.

When did you guys
get here?

Just now. Why
are you so tired?

I haven't gotten
any sleep in days.

Aunt Stephanie
is in town.


The snoring machine.

It's unbelievable.

The sound comes
right through the wall.

It's like a lawnmower
in my head.

There's a cure
for that.

There is?

Sure. Stick
cotton in her nose.

It'll stop her
from snoring,

or make her head


Well, at least I got
a story out of it.

You have a story
about a snoring au?

No fool,
about house guests.

It's fun havinvisitors,

but when you invite
someone over,

you'd better make sure

you know what
you're getting into.

'Cause even a cool visitor

can overstay their welcome.

But there's
another kind of guest.

The kind that comes
by surprise.

The kind
that comes uninvited,

and totally unexpected.

That's the worst kind.

And in my story,

there's a guest
who won't leave

until it gets
what it wants.

Submitted for the approval

of the Midnight Society.

I call this story...

[Loud rock music]

Whoa, eclectic riff.

No. Play it like this.

[Soft piano]

That's cool,

if you're writing
elevator tunes.

Perch, you gotta
hear the music.

No, man, you gotta
feel the music.

How do you feel
music with no beat?

Jeff and Perch
were best friends

who decided to form a band
and write music.

Only problem was

they had different ideas

about what good music was.

Just 'cause
you've got a guitar?

[Alarm goes off]


Where's your little
brother, dude?

Upstairs in his room
playing a video game.

I hope.

this is awesome.

Your dad must be
some kind of genius.

Yeah, right.

He's a research egghead.

And don't call me Sherman.
I hate it.

What kind
of research?

Stuff with satellites.

He doesn't
talk about it much.

It's all top secret.

Top secret?


Well, believe it.

'Cause tonight,
it's gonna get us this.

World w*r Four!

The battle
of the century.

And we're pulling
it down for free.


OK, we're online.

Now all I gotta do is jump
a couple of security gates,

and up into
the satellite.

Man, my father could access
any satellite in the sky.

He could probably dial
up the space shuttle.

Yo, Sherman.

the peabody project?


My father
will k*ll us

if he finds out
we're doing this.


I was just
looking at it.

What is it?

It's dad's
big project.

Something about deep
space communication.

Deep space?

You mean like, we could
dial up Captain Kirk?

Jeff, you down there?

Oh, man. If he
snitches, we're dead.

Don't touch anything.

You're not supposed
to be down there.

You're not gonna tell
Mom and Dad, are you?

I'm kinda feeling
like a banana split.


by a -year-old.

I guess you want
some too, Montana?

"To engage, type peabody."


Where's the chocolate sauce?

Enter coordinates?

What coordinates?

"Once coordinates selected,

input message."




I got a message for you.

[Musical tones]


Message received.

Yeah, right.

You're not gonna tell
Mom and Dad

about Perch and me
in the basement, are you?

Not if you put
some cherries on it.


How do I turn
this bad boy off?


Incoming message?

No way!

[Loud musical tones]

What was that?

I don't know.

Finish your sundae.

What did you do?

I told you
not to touch anything!

I made a call, man!

Across the universe.
Somebody answered back!

I told you not
to touch anything!

I didn't think
it would work!

You think, like...
I had a close encounter?

No. It was probably
just an echo

off an asteroid
or something.

[Horn honking]

Oh, man! My parents!

Put this away.
I'll power down.

Guys, we're home.

Is everything OK?

Yeah. Sure.

Why not?



Except you did
the one thing

we asked you
never to do.


I know we shouldn't
have done it, but...

Hey, Mom.

If you give him ice
cream before bed,

he'll never get
to sleep.


Right, ice cream.


That was kind of
a bad move.

Come on, sweetie,
let's clean you up.

Life on the ed.

[Rumbling sound]


We should write
a love song.

We can't miss
with a love song.

We've never been
in love, Sherman.

It's not real if
you gotta make it up.

At Dyont
to write about?

Life on the road,

leads you.

You've never been
out of this town.

Hey, I'm going to my
aunt's for Thanksgiving.

What a rebel.

Hi, honey.
Hi, Perch.

Where you going?

Your father's banquet.
I'm already late.

Dinner's ready.
Just nuke it.

Make sure Bobby eats.

Oh, I can't seem
to find Montana.

Probably got sprayed
by a skunk again.

See if you can find him.

Yeah, sure.

Bye. Be good.

No wonder you can't
write music, Sherman.

Your life is, like,

A love song.



Let's go find him.

You're gonna stay here
and play t-ball.

Perch and I'll
go find Montana.

How come?

Because if
he comes back

and no one's here,
he might leave again.

Oh. OK.

Come on.

Why can't I stay
and play t-ball?



Know what our
problem is, Sherman?

Yeah. We can't
write music

'cause our lives
are so dull.


¶ I ate spaghetti
nights in a row ¶

¶ I stopped at
study hall today ¶

¶ Da da da da ¶

¶ My mom made
me breakfast ¶

¶ I ate and went
to school ¶

We're lost, sherman.

Lost in a dweeb-like
comfort-zone wasteland.


Homerun! Yes!

This is Montana's.

Are you sure?

It's not all slobbery.

[Leaves crunching]




Is that you, boy?



No! No!

Get away!

Jeff! Help! Help, Jeff!




Here, poochie.

He's never been gone
this long.

I hope nothing--

[leaves crunch]

What was that?

[Leaves rustling]

Better not
be that skunk.


[Computer voice]

Who's there?

Who's there?

That's not funny, man!

That's not
funny, man!

Whoa! Sherman!

You got some serious
spiders here.

[Musical tones]

What is that?

I don't want
to be a bummer,

but that sounded
like the music...

From last night.

Like from outer space.

Whoa! The light's on,
but nobody's home.

[Tinkling sound]

I guess that's
the doorbell.

It's gone.

M-m-maybe it was,



Where is he?

Maybe he's inside.

Dad's home.

Dad, there's this thing
in the woods--


He never leaves this on.

What's that?

It's the peabody

That's us, and that's where
I sent the messages.

It's clear across
the galaxy, man.



What's that mean?

[Musical tones]

They're messages
stored in memory.

Those dots show where
each one came from.

They're getting closer.

The last one
came from earth.

Whatever it is...

It's here.

You find Bobby. I'll
call on the cellular.


Yo! You in here?

[Computer voice]
In here?


You in here?

You in here?

Come on, Bobby.

Don't fool around.

Come on, answer!


This isn't a game, Bobby.

Come on out!

There's another
one coming!

Aaah! Aaaaahhhh!


There's another one

Some kind of invasion!





Are you OK.

The air is bad
in here, man.

You gotta
get us out.

Cover up.

It the m,


They do everything
in tones.

If you play d-sharp,
the tubes will open.


OK, you got it.
Hang on.


Watch out for
those webs.

[Plays d-sharp tone]

Avering tone]

[Plays d-sharp tone]

Come on, guys,
we gotta get out of here.

The other one just landed.

Nobody move.

This doesn't look good.

Stay still.
Don't touch anything.

Here it comes
again! Get away!

What happened?


[Computer voice
speaking foreign languages]

Parlez vous francais?
Entiende de espana?

Your language is English.


What do you want?

I came to take
my child home.

He came to your planet
whe heard your message.

[Musical tones]

That's our song!

In our language,
that means "we're toys."

He came to play
with toys.

He's a kid?


Who knew?

[Musical tones]

That means "I've
come to play."

We are not toys,

We are people.

I am sorry.
We will leave you now.

Please don't think
badly of my son.

He only came to play.

You guys OK?

Let me check if
my molecules are like...


You OK?

Yeah. I think so.

You're our hero,


You thinking
what I'm thinking?

What are we
waiting for?

The guys didn't
get in trouble

because Jeff's dad
was so happy

the peabody project
actually worked.

As for their songwriting,

Jeff and perch
finally found something

interesting to write about.

And they played their song
for the first time

to a very special audience.

You ready?

Let's rock!

[Rock music plays]

¶ We are the toys ¶

¶ We are the toys ¶¶

The end.

Good one!

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society


Hey, Sam, could I
sleep over tonight?

Uh, sorry, my parents
are painting.

The place is a mess.

Hey, Bet.

Sorry. My cousin's already
sleeping over.

Ah, come on, Gar.

I gotta get some sleep.

My dad snores worse than
your aunt. Guaranteed.

Yeah, he keeps
me up, too.

Ah, gotta find a...