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04x06 - The Tale of the Quiet Librarian

Posted: 11/10/23 05:25
by bunniefuu


[Child's laughter]

Had enough,
big guy?

Oh, this is real fair.

You're pounds heavier.


I'm not hurting him.

I know. Just--shh.

What are you doing?

I want everyone
to be real quiet.

Uh, hello.

Everyone settle
and just listen.

What are we listening for?


Total silence.

That's impossible. Absolute
silence doesn't exist.

Yeah, there's always
something making noise.


So when grownups say
they want it quiet,

there's no way,

'cause there's
no such thing.

I'll remember that.

But what if there could be
total silence?

What if you could stop
every sound, every buzz?

Every breath?

You couldn't.

Where there's life,
there's sound.

Say that another way.

You take away sound,

and you take away...


Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Woman: Come along, children.

Don't lag behind there,

Come along, children.

Pay attention, and we're off
to the children's library,

where I hope you'll spend
many hours.

That's it.

Here are some
of our librarians

going all the way back
to .

Pay attention, children.


"Quiet, reading room."


[Screaming silenced]

[Alarm rings]

Listen up, everybody.

For your history project,

I've assigned teams.

Check this list
for your partner.

I got Barry Evans.


Who'd you get?

I'm with Jace Ellman.

Ooh, Jace the face.
Lucky you... not.

What's wrong with Jace?
I think he's kind of cute.

Yeah, he thinks so, too.

He's way conceited,

He's not.

Trust me. If his head
got any bigger,

they'd put him
in a parade.

Laurie "The Icicle"

Sorry, Jace.

Laurie's OK.

Come on. Her head's
got too many brains.

If it were
any bigger,

they'd put her
in a parade.

Check this out.

My name is Laurie Napier.

I may be a geek,
but that's OK,

because I'm way smarter
than you.


Oh, uh, hi.
We were just--

Talking about me.
I heard.

So, uh, it looks like we're
gonna be working together.

Wow. I feel so privileged.

What'd I tell you.
The ice queen.

¶ A, b, c, d, e, f, g,
h, I, j, k, l, m, n... ¶

Don't go too far.

¶ Q, r, s ¶¶



[Scream silenced]


Natalie, where are you?

[Computer game
sound effects]


We need these books
from downstairs,

if it's not
too much trouble.

I know how busy you are.

I'm just trying to get you
to lighten up.

Don't bother.
Get the books.

Why don't you get them?

Because I'm already
doing all the work.

Because you won't
let me do anything.

Because maybe I
don't want to flunk.

Let's flip for it.

Heads, I go,
tails, you go.

Aw, come on. Live
dangerously, all right?


out of ?



Very chilly.



[Both gasp]

you frightened me.

May I help you look
for something?

Uh, n-no, thanks.

It's about time.
Did you find...

I didn't know
you wore glasses.

Uh, I don't....



Why are you so jumpy?

I'm not jumpy.

What do we do now?

I do research.

You sit there
and don't bother me.

[Computer game
sound effects]

Do you mind?

Why are you treating me
like a kid?

Because you're
acting like one.

That's it.

I'm out of here.

Uh, hey.

Hey, you can't
take my books.

They're not your books. I
need them to write my report.

Our report.

This team thing
isn't gonna work.

Give me the books, and
I'll write the report.

Maybe I should write it.

One of has to, because we
sure can't do it together.

Fine. I didn't want
to work on a team anyway.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Jace? Do you have
my notebook?

Why would I have it?

I gave it to you
at the library yesterday.

Oh. Yeah,
that's right.

I must have left it
in the basement.

I need those notes for
the paper. Go get it.

I got practice.

You want to write
the paper?

You get it.

But you left it there.

That's 'cause I'm not
as smart as you are.

I forget things.
I act like a kid.

All right,
we'll both go.

You got to show me
where you left it.

I told you,
I got practice.

Jace, I got to write
that paper tonight.

All right.

I'll meet you
there later.


I can't get there
till : .

I'll see you at : .


Hey, Laurie. You really
got to lighten up.

[Disgusted sigh]

Why didn't you check
the closing time?

Hey, you said : ,
not me.

I'm gonna flunk. I've never
flunked anything in my life.

No? You didn't do too hot
in the teamwork department,



There's nothing else
we can do,


Maybe I can open
one of those windows.

Y-you can't be serious.
That's, like, illegal.

You got a better idea?

Jace, don't.

It's OK. I forgot the
notebook, I'll get it.

You don't have to.

Sure I do.

I don't want
to be responsible

for the only time
you ever flunked.

Doesn't matter, anyway.

We're out of luck.

The paper's
due tomorrow.

I can't write it
without those books.

You're a genius.

Can't you just make
it up or something?

You think I'm some
computer, don't you?



I must have
loosened it up.

Man, it's weird
in here at night.

Why'd you do that?

What happened
to the copy machine?

It used to be right there.


all the computers go?

And the VCR?



What was that?

The radiator,
I think.

Let's bolt.

We have to get
my notebook.

Right. That's, uh...
In the basement.

Where'd you leave it?

Over there, I think.

But everything's

What do you mean?

It wasn't like this

There were
a lot more books,

and that room
wasn't there.

Look at this.

It's got to be
some phony antique.

Hey, maybe we
shouldn't mess with--

Come on.
Live dangerously.

[Both scream silently]


What are we gonna do?

Let's get out of here.

It's Mrs. Hurley. Mrs. Hurley,
it's me, Laurie Napier.

No talking
in the library.

That's not Mrs. Hurley.

There's room for more.

[Both scream]

Who are you?

Get away from me.





Who was that? What
happened to your voice?

Come on.

Try the others.

What are you looking for?

The phone.

They're gone!

The fire alarm.
It's gone too.

Everything modern is gone.

Jace, what is going on?

Silence is golden.

[Laurie screams]

[Evil chuckling]


[Clattering silenced]

[Footsteps overhead]

[Heart beating]

[Heartbeat stops]

[Music plays]

I'm going
to teach you a lesson,

just like I do
to all loud children.

My reading room is
so peaceful and quiet.

You'll grow to like it,
just like all the others.



No, don't!
Leave him...


I think it's time
you joined me downstairs.

[Computer game
sound effects]

No, stop it.
Stop it now.

Stop it!

Stop it now.

Children who make noise
in the library

must be punished.



What are you kids
doing in here?

How did you get in?

What the...

It--that was a...

My voice is back!

Mine too.

The reading room.

We found the missing kids.

There's a door
behind there.


This door hasn't
been opened in years.

Are you guys OK?

Yeah, I think.

Look in here.

Wow. It's like
a tomb in here.

I got to call this in.

You kids stay put.

[Children laughing]

Whoever they were, I
think they're free now.

[Laughter continues]

They're never gonna
believe us, are they?

I'm not sure
I believe us.

You know, maybe we're not
such a bad team, after all.

Is this anybody's?

My notebook.

You kids can go now.

If we need you,
we'll call.

We still have to write
that paper.


Come on.
Let's live dangerously.

Cool story.

Yeah. I never
knew silence

could be so creepy.

I declare
this meeting

of the Midnight
Society closed.

Speaking of libraries,
I have books to return.

Does anyone want
to keep me company?

But it's way past closing.

I was gonna drop them
in the night slot.

I got to go.


Oh, and look
at the time.

Got to roll.
See you guys next time.

Hasta la vista.



Come on! Just leave me
at the corner.

You don't have to go
near the building.
