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04x05 - The Tale of Cutter's Treasure Part II

Posted: 11/10/23 05:23
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

So let's go. Don't
leave us hanging.

Come on!

I wanna know
what happened!

I think we got 'em.

So who's the guy that
brought the chest to Sardo?

Yeah. And where was
the cemetery?

And how come only Rush
could open the chest?

Let's have
a little recap here

to get you
back up to speed.

OK. Rush and Max
were brothers

who didn't really
get along.

All rich wanted to do
was grow up,

but Max was always
keeping him down.

Rush and Max had different
ideas of what fun was.

Rather than pound
Max in the dirt,

Rush bought him a magic
set to keep him busy

and far away.

But there was an odd treasure
chest at the magic mansion

that no one could open
except Rush.

was a strange spyglass

that showed Rush images
of a spooky cemetery

and played tricks
on Max.

The spyglass was haunted,

and it lured some
horrifying ghosts.

One of the ghosts
kidnapped poor Max,

and only Rush knew.

Rush didn't know what
to do. Max was gone,

and he couldn't
contact his parents.

That's where
we left off.

Kick it.

for the approval

of the Midnight

we call
this story...

Mr. Sardo?

Mr. Sardo,
you in there?


Sardo. Sardo!

Oh, this is hopeless.

Go away!
We're closed until--


I knew you'd be back!

Look, buddy, I don't
know what this thing is,

but it's making ghosts
show up in my house.

Ghosts? Yes, well, they're
probably just illusions.

Yeah? Then illusions

just snatched
my little brother.

Either you tell me
what's goin' on,

or I'm coming back
with the cops.

I'm not so sure
the police would believe you

any more than I do.

They don't.
I've already tried.

Look, Mr. Sar--

I mean Sardo.

All I want is
my brother back.

I'm afraid
I don't know

much more than you.

But there's someone
who does.

"The Wild Boar

A barber shop?

It's run by the same man
who gave me the chest.

I suggest you go
and talk to him.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for
the guy who--

You found him.

Vink's the name.

Dr. Vink.

Dr. Vink?


I've been waiting
for you.

You have?

What do you think of
my latest endeavor?

Of course, patrons are
less interested in coiffure

than they are in my
unique hair tonics.

They have such
interesting properties.


Shall I...

Massage a few drops
into your scalp?

Uh... no, thanks.

Of course not.

We have work to do.

Look, my little
brother's in trouble--

I know all about
your brother,

and I can help you
find him

as long as you
understand one thing.

What's that?

I am not a nut bag!

How do you know about--

Jonas Cutter.


Captain Jonas Cutter,
he called himself.

A murderous
galley sl*ve.

Who led the bloodiest
mutiny in maritime history.

They say he took
the name Cutter

because of his love
for the blade

and what it could do
to flesh.

History says he concealed
an immense treasure

in a secret vault
that, to this day,

has never been found.

Why are you
telling me this?

Because I do believe

I've tracked
the beggar down.

That's the guy!

We gotta tell
the cops!

The police
can't help you, lad.

W-why not?

Because Jonas Cutter has
been dead for years.

I don't believe this.

This chest belonged
to the one man

who tried to defeat

but instead met with
a grisly death.

That's from
the Magic Mansion!

I left it there

hoping to find
the champion.


Before he died,

this brave soul
vowed that one day

a champion would come

to avenge the deaths
of all of Cutter's victims.

These tools...

Were empowered by the
souls of those victims.

Legend says that whoever
opened the chest

to retrieve them

would be the one
to do battle.


You opened the chest,
didn't you?

Y-yeah, but--

What's your name,
your full name?

Russell Ian Keegan.

So what?

This belonged
to your ancestor.

You are the one, lad.

You have to finish
what he began years ago!

Forget it.
I'm just a kid.

Perhaps you're right.

I suppose it's easier to
hide behind the veil of youth

than to face
the responsibility

for a brother
you despise.

I don't despise Max!

I want him back!

Then accept
your destiny.

A cemetery!


Now what do we do?

The spyglass
brought you here.

You'll need these...

To continue.

What do I do with them?

You'll know...

When the time comes.

Why are you
doing all this?

If all goes well,

a few pieces of treasure

will help to fund some
of my unique endeavors.

And if all doesn't
go well?

It must!

It's your destiny!

I've done this before.

It's like my dream.

That means--



Who are you?

Sir, you know
who I am.

Ian Keegan?

[With dread]
Oh, man.

Look, I don't know
about any curse.

All I want is
my brother back.

The dagger
has the power.


Do not be fooled.

What he wants

is not what
he desires.

What does that mean?

All our hopes
go with you.

Don't go.
You gotta help me!


Look everywhere.


Welcome aboard,

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!



Man: Not leavin'
so soon, are ya?

You just came aboard.

Uh...I know who you are.

Do ya, now?

Heh heh heh heh heh!

Then let's see
if you can find me.


Your first choice
was a poor one.

Not a good start.

Oh, careful, now.

Get the point?
Hee hee hee!

Look, I'm no hero.

I don't wanna
hurt you or anything.


Heh heh heh!

Does I sound afraid?

Mmm. This is gettin'

Heh heh heh!

Let's see what other fires
we can stop.

Heh heh heh!


Max! Are you OK?

Come on, let's go!

Come on! What's the--


Just... doin' me job.


I-it's really you,
isn't it?

Yeah! Get me
outta here!

I didn't think
you were gonna come.

What are you
talking about?

You said you hated me.

Look, Max, I said a lot of
stupid things I didn't mean.

I'm sorry.

Can I be on your
team again?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Very touching.

Ha ha ha.

I am so moved,
I can almost die!

But then again...

I am already dead.

Look, I don't want
any trouble.

But you went through all
that trouble trackin' me down!

You went through all the
trouble running my gauntlet

and dispatchin'
Mr. Noise!

You went through
all the trouble

breaking into
my treasure room!

Yes, I think you're
looking for trouble,

and, skipper,
you found it!


I didn't want
any part of this.

You were the one--

I've stood guard here

for centuries,

waitin' for ya to come,
waiting for a grand battle!

I don't wanna fight.

Then you've come
to the wrong place!

The fight will be
a fair one.

I think swords
will do just fine.

I--I don't have
a sword.


Then you really
are in trouble!

I have looked
forward to this.

I haven't skewered anyone
in nearly years!

I'm enjoying this!

Ha ha ha ha!

You're forgetting, lad.
The dagger.

Use the dagger!

Is this it?

Is this
the grand battle

I've been waitin' for?

Get up and fight!

I can't. I don't
know what to do.

Then there's nothin'
left for me to do...

But to put ya out
of my misery.

I don't think so!

Leave him alone!

Oh, boys!


dead little boys!

Who wants to go first?

You do.

How'd you do that?

Good show, lads!

There's only one thing
left to do.

Who are you?

You must run him through
with the dagger

and fulfill your destiny.

Come on, skipper!

Use the bloody dagger!

Ha ha ha!
You cannot hurt me!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm already dead!

Go on, lad.

Use it.

You won't do it,
will ya?

Yer just a scared
little boy.

How you fear the dagger!

But your fear
should be of me!

For I'll be comin'
after ya, skipper.

But before that,

I'll get your
little brother!


Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

What's the trouble, lad?

What he wants

is not what he desires.

That's what Ian's ghost

He was a fool!

Finish the deed!


This isn't right.

You're afraid,
aren't ya?

Yeah, I am.

And I think
you are, too.

You've been guarding
this treasure,

but there's no one
to guard it from.

That's why you took Max.

To make sure
I would come.

You wanted
one last battle.

Nonsense talk!

Use the dagger!

This treasure's no good
to you anymore, is it?

But you have to
guard it forever.

I believe
you're right, lad.

Use the dagger, and
Cutter's wretched soul

may be released
from this prison!

No, it's not true!

What do I do?

for Cutter's victims

is in your hands.

Use it wisely.

Use it, blast ya!

Use it!

Curse ya!

Curse ya all!


It's caving in!

Where'd he go?

Come on.

Ah, you cowards!

Cowards all!


No, don't leave me here!



Please don't
leave me alone!


Come on! Hurry!

Grab my hand!


I gotcha! Come on!



I'm proud of you.

Did I do
the right thing?

The dagger was meant to punish
Cutter for his evil ways,

and that's what
was done.

Aye, ya did
the right thing.


Thank you.

No one's ever
gonna believe this.

Good show, lads!

What happened to you?

I thought it best to leave
you to your own devices.

After all,
this is your adventure.

Sorry you didn't get
the treasure you wanted.

No matter!
Treasure doesn't last.

It's the adventure,
the excitement,

the game!

That's what stays
with you a lifetime.

Remember that.

Though a little treasure
never hurt, right?


I guess you didn't
come away empty-handed.

No, but I did!

We had a deal.

I delivered.
Now I expect you to.

Please. I intend
to double your fee.


Oh, well.
That's different.

Uh... maybe we
could, uh...

[Horn honks]

Mom and Dad!

I don't know who
you guys are,

but I don't think
I'll ever forget you.


What other little

do you think we might be
able to cook up together?

Mom, Dad!

What's this about?

You're never gonna
believe this--

You're never
gonna believe this.

We had the most
amazing weekend.

Wait'll we tell ya. It's the most
unbelievable thing you ever heard.


Are we gonna
tell them?

I don't think so.

Rush and Matt never told
anyone their adventures

they were afraid

someone might look
for Cutter's treasure.

If they found it,

they'd also find the ghost
of the pirate captain,

lying in wait
for one last battle.

The end.
The end.

Awesome story.


That was a really
awesome story.

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society
