Search for Secret Santa, The (2022)

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Search for Secret Santa, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Give it to me.


Hi, I'm looking for Mr. McCoy,

the landlord.

He's not here.

Did you call about the apartment?

- Yes, I did. I'm Sophia Meyer.

- I'm the caretaker of this old place.

Name's Ernst Theodor Ammadiss.

But everyone just calls me Ernie.

Mr. McCoy told me

to show you the place.

- Just you?

- Yeah, just me.

It's just the apartment's

on the tiny side.

Well, I'm just looking for a place

to land for the holiday,

so "tiny" is just

another word for... cozy.

Cozy! I like that.

Well, let's go take a peek

at your cozy apartment.

This building is beautiful.

Vintage bones.

It was built

over a hundred years ago.

We're like a big family here,

so feel free to use this common area.

- Hey, guys.

- Hi.

- Hey.

- I'm a bit of a baking nut.

I... I share my latest creations

with tea every afternoon.

Ernie, these are delicious.

I think they're giving me

a little edge in this card game.

- Hi, Esther.

- Hi.

- Let's go check out the apartment.

- Great.

- Lovely to meet you all.

- See you around.

You know, it's fully furnished.

That's actually great,

'cause I don't even own a...


It is so legitimate cozy,

not just tiny cozy.

- How soon can I move in?

- Move in now if you want.


Nancy! Hi! I want you to meet Ernie,

the caretaker of the property.

Ernie, I want you to meet Nancy,

one half of my two best friends.

My other half Laura

is away on business.

Hi, half of besties.

Okay, so I love it.


What do you think?

- Be honest.

- So great.

I'll be right over with

the rest of your stuff.


But I do want to go

on record again

as saying that Laura and I

didn't want you to move out.

We love having you with us.

I know, but you guys have family

coming in for the holidays.

And besides, this is the perfect place for

me to land while I look for an apartment.

And I know I've said it before,

but I really cannot

thank you both enough

for just taking me in

after everything with Brad.

Oh, Brad is in the past.

You're making a new present here that

will lead to a happy-ever-after future.

I'll cheers to that.

You guys work fast.

Ernie, would you like some wine?

Never touch the stuff.

It's whiskey or nothin'.

- Got it.

- Here's your keys.

This one is to

the basement storage room.

You're welcome

to put things down there.

I live in the apartment next to the

laundry, if you need anything.

Great. Thanks.

It's my boss.

I gotta run, but do feel free

to stay and enjoy the wine.

I will for a few.

I could put away the housewarming gift

Laura and I got for you.


You didn't have to do that.

Love you. Break a pencil.

Hi, Diane.

This cocoa's delicious.

I got you one.

You never treat.

No, I always treat... myself.

But 'tis the season,

so here you go.

Thank you.

What's going on, Diane?

As you know, our numbers

keep dropping.

Subscriptions to the paper are down.

Even our online views are down.

With everything going down,

we need to downsize.

I don't need to be a savvy,

investigative journalist

to figure that since I'm

one of your more recent hires,

I'm one of the downsized.

You're a damn good reporter, Sophia.

You've made such impressive strides

since you started working here.

That piece you did on the social

influencer whose dog was kidnapped,

was fantastic.

Yeah. Well, people just love

stories about dogs.

I don't want to lose you entirely. If

you're willing to continue to work here,

I can pay you per story.

Would that mean that I get to pitch you

what I want to write

instead of you

assigning me stories?

Exactly. No more

running off to town halls

to cover another

city council meeting.

You remind me of myself

when I started out.

Minus the glamour.

But you've got gumption

and hustle, Sophia.

Go find me a good story.

One for Christmas

would be ideal.

A good Christmas story.

Got it. I will go snoop around

Santa and his elves.

You never know what you'll find.

- Excuse me. I am so sorry.

- No, it's okay.

My gingerbread man

needed a bath anyway.

- Can I buy you a new one?

- No. Thank you actually.

- My coffee is so much merrier now.

- Okay. Well, good.

I'm so glad

that I could be of service.

Yeah. I'm glad I could be of

service to you as well.

Really? How... how's that?


you could have bumped into him.

And what?

That would have been worse or...

Oh, yeah.

He's big and has a wide girth and...

probably has bad breath.

Okay, well, you better be nice or

you're gonna end up on his naughty list.

- Hi.

- Hey.

What happened with your boss?

Looks like I'm gonna have

another box to unpack...

my belongings

from my desk at the paper.

You've been fired?


I can still work as

a freelancer, though.

Well, that to me is actually

good news.

You should be writing

for bigger publications.

Well, thank you.

On the bright side, I did actually get

myself a Christmas tree though.

It's so adorable.

Wait, do I spy the Brad ornament?

I just found it in the Brad box.

I want you to close that box

and dump it in the storage room

like Ernie suggested.

That box should be taped and forgotten.

Brad box.

Storage room. Now.

Okay, okay.

I'm going right now. Okay? Bye.

Find me a good Christmas story.

"To Abigail.

Love forever, your Secret Santa."

Hi! My name is Sophia.

I just moved into Apartment 15.

I found this in the storage room.

Are you Abigail?

No. I'm Margie,

and this is Abigail.

Now, I do get my baby

Christmas presents,

but they're from me.

Not from Santa.

Okay. Thank you.

And have a very Meowy Christmas.

Like we haven't

heard that one before.

Who is Abigail?

Why didn't she receive

the present?

Who's her Secret Santa? Someone

she knows or a secret admirer?

What is the present?

Could this be my story?

Hey, Ernie. Morning.

Good morning, Sophia.

How was your first day?

It was rather interesting.

I found this in the storage room.

"To Abigail. Love forever,

your Secret Santa."

Do you have any idea who

Abigail is?

I'm afraid I can't help you.

I'm thinking that Abigail

is somebody from the past.

I mean, this present, it was dusty

like it had been sitting

in the storage room for a long time.

And look how fragile

this tape is.

And... and the wrapping paper

just smacks of 1970s groovy.

1970s groovy. It does indeed.

How long have you worked here?

I came here in '81.

Okay. And were there any Abigails

during that time?

Not that I recall.

Tenants sometimes leave stuff

down in the storage room.

This present's probably

long forgotten about.

I... I'll put it back

for you if you want.

- Actually, I'd like to hold on to it.

- Why?

Well, I'm a journalist, and I think this

could make an interesting story.

I would like to find out who Abigail is

and deliver this present to her.

Maybe try Esther.

She's been here the longest.

All right. Thanks, Ernie.

I don't remember any Abigail.

But if there is an Abigail,

she would be right here

in my binder.

See, every year, I send out

Christmas cards, Hanukkah cards,

greeting cards to all the

residents in the building.

And I've been updating my list

ever since I moved in.

So if there's an Abigail,

she'll be right here.


Wouldn't you like a cup of tea?

- Please. Thank... thank you.

- Of course. Of course.

- Here, you take this.

- Great. All right. I will start looking.

- Well, no Abigail.

- Oh, sorry.

Maybe we can

narrow down the timeline

by this gift card

and this wrapping paper.

Hm. Let me take a look.

It... it does look very old.

It really does.

Aw, such a sweet little note,

isn't it?


M.H! Of course! Marcy Harris.

Marcy Harris used to run a gift store

down by the Christmas corner.

She used to design all her very own gift

cards, greeting cards, wrapping paper.

- Do... do you know if she's still around?

- Oh, no. She retired years ago.

She moved to Arizona.

Her... her store is now,

it's... it's an antique shop.

Timeless Treasures.

Maybe they can help.


Excuse me.

Well, out of all the gingerbread joints

in all the towns in all the world,

she comes walking into mine.

Here's looking at you... Santa.

Welcome to my shop.

- Your shop?

- Yeah. Well, me and my sister's.

Knickknacks and collectibles

from yesteryear.

You come by looking for

something in particular,

or did you just want to

bump into me again?

Well, I'm actually looking for Marcy

Harris wrapping paper and gift cards.

Would you carry that here?

Yeah, sure do. Right this way.

And that's definitely Marcy

Harris wrapping paper. Abigail?

Oh, no. I'm... I'm not Abigail.

I'm trying to find Abigail.

I'm trying to discover when this present

was supposed to be given to her.

Marcy Harris would design

a new paper every season

and she would always discreetly

work the year into the design.

It's... right there.

1972. Great. Yeah.

And thank you so much.

Yeah. You're welcome.

Is that all you needed, or?

That's it.


Well, I guess we'll always have Harris.

You get it, right? Right?

I figured out the year that Abigail was

supposed to receive the present: 1972.

Esther moved in in 1973,

which means Abigail

could have lived here in 1972

and just moved out before

she ever received the present.

I believe that this present is from

somebody who was in love with Abigail.

How do you figure that?

Well, "love forever" is definitely

more of a romantic greeting.

And I don't know, the...

The handwriting seems masculine.

Are you really gonna

write a story about this?

I want to.

I want to find out

who Abigail is or...

or was, and I want to find

her Secret Santa.

Maybe after all this time

it's meant to stay a secret.

No, I don't think so.

I think that there's a

story here that needs to be told.

I mean, knowing what

the present is would help.

- I don't know.

- What the heck. Open it.

Gotta be really gentle with this paper.

I wanna preserve it.

It is so romantic.

You really think so?

Are you familiar with the story

of The Nutcracker,

the whole Christmas ballet

by Tchaikovsky?

The only thing I watch every

Christmas is Die Hard.

It's a great movie,

but this story takes place

on Christmas Eve

when a young girl gets a nutcracker

from her beloved uncle.

And that night, the Nutcracker turns

into a prince...

And the prince takes

the girl to a wondrous world

where they spin around

on their tippy toes.

That much I do know.

This nutcracker is handcrafted.

It's a work of art. It feels antique.

It's gotta have value.

You mean, money kind of value?

Well, I mean, now it has sentimental

and monetary value.

So this... this story has just

gotten so much more interesting.

Wait, do you have any files

on tenants prior to 1973?

Yep. In the storage room.

Keep digging

if you feel so inclined.

Good luck finding Abigail.

Thank you, Ernie.

Who are you, little guy?

What's your story?

That was fast.

What you got for me?

Okay, I have a Christmas mystery that is

just gonna blow your stockings off.

Well, my silk stockings

are very expensive,

so this better be good.

Let's hear the pitch.

Okay, so the story is about

an undelivered Christmas present

to a woman named Abigail from a Secret

Santa who loved her, and get this.

The present? Yeah, it's an antique

nutcracker covered in jewels.


They look pretty real to me.

Oh, keep going.

So I believe that this present was

supposed to be delivered in 1972.

This guy has

just been in the storage room

collecting dust for 50 years

until I discovered him.

Wow, not bad. You have any idea

who Abigail is or the Secret Santa?

Not just yet. But I mean, the mystery

is half the fun, right?

That's not an article, Sophia.

Oh, it's not?

No, it's a series of articles.

Give me part one ASAP.

Okay, great.

Yeah, I definitely will. Thank you.

The search for the Secret Santa.


Hey, sweetie,

how about Chinese for dinner?


I just gotta keep it quick

because I am on assignment.

You've lined up

an article since yesterday?

Way to hustle.

Well, taking your advice

landed me a contract

to write a series of articles

for the paper.

I share so much sage advice

you're gonna have to elaborate.

Well, I dumped the Brad box in the

storage room just like you ordered...

It wasn't really an order.

Well, I found a Christmas present

addressed to an Abigail

from a Secret Santa.

He looks fancy,

like antique fancy.

Yeah, I know. And so now I have this

whole other mystery to solve

besides who Abigail is.

Who is this guy, you know?

What? What are you...

What are you grinning at me

like that for?

I'm just glad to see

you've got your spark back.

Wait. I actually have a first draft of

the first story. Do you want to read it?


This isn't just a mystery.

This is a story about community,

forever love, and giving,

and Christmas...

the nutcracker legacy.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

And this is only part one.

You best get crackin'.

Okay. Looks good.


and send.

Why didn't Brad ever give me

a present as cool as you?

Probably because I always

pick the wrong guy.

Don't worry, little buddy.

We'll find your Abigail.

Welcome back, not Abigail.

So I opened the present.

"The Mystery of the Antique Nutcracker,

written by Sophia Meyer."

So now I just need to find out about the

nutcracker's history and its origin.

Well, I'd say

you'd come to the right place.

You're talking to Professor

Jackson Hawkins...

I happen to teach German history

and a class on Christmas folklore and

legends at the university.

- Yeah. Mind if I have a look?

- Certainly.

He's extraordinary.


You see how different he is than all

the other ones?

Wait, you made all of these?

Yeah, you could say

I'm nuts about nutcrackers,

and I've never seen one with two-carat

diamond buttons before.

- Wait, real diamonds?

- Yeah. I don't kid about treasure.

Treasure hunting used

to be a bit of a hobby.

You mind if we go get

a cup of hot cocoa?


Well, he wasn't made for sale,

that's for sure.

His staff and his crown are made

of 24-karat gold.

The fur on his cape is from the eastern

Alpine mink. It's now extinct. Feel it.

- Poor guy. k*lled for a nutcracker.

- Yeah.

These rubies are from the Mogok

Stone Tract mine in Myanmar.

Look at their clarity.

It's just absolutely extraordinary.

Can you tell when it was made?

World w*r I era,

if I had to guess.

Look at this crest at the bottom. It means

it was made by royalty or for royalty.

Well, if he's associated with royalty,

does that add to his value?

Yeah, you bet.

Where'd you say you found him?

In the storage room.

- From a Secret Santa?

- Yeah. Emphasis on the secret.

Look, if you want me to make

any inquiries into this wooden fella,

I'd be happy to do that.

You've really landed yourself

an epic mystery here.

I'd really appreciate that.

- You mind if I take some photos?

- Go ahead.

One more thing.

This nutcracker, it's worth somewhere

between super valuable and priceless.

What? Can you be

a tad more specific?

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say

there's seven figures in that number.

- Holy wow.

- Yeah. Yeah.

So just be careful about the information

you share with the public

and keep him

in a secure location.

Secure location as in locked up?

He's treasure.

There's treasure hunters

out there.

You sound like you know that

from experience?

I do.

I learned the hard way.

Hey, boss. I got your text.

What you need?

Look at the "Ashford Times",

page three.

I want that nutcracker.

Get it for me.

Where is it?

The journalist Sophia Meyer

has it.

I'm on it.

This nutcracker is priceless.

It doesn't matter how.

It doesn't it matter who

gets in your way.

Get him for me.

How did the Secret Santa

come into possession of

such a valuable nutcracker?

Did the Secret Santa

know of the value

when he wrapped

the present for Abigail?

The wrapping paper and gift card

suggest that this was a gift

from a man very much in love.

The men I like are like

stuffed animals.

They're sweet, cuddly at first.

But then they're ultimately just spineless

and full... full of stuffing.

Hey Ernie. This...

This guy needs a little patching up

and Esther

can't find her sewing kit,

so is there any chance that

you have one I could borrow?

Sophia, I am the caretaker.

I have everything.

Oh, great.

Oh, wow. I thought

I heard music playing.

- Did you?

- Yeah.

I loved your article.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

Oh, thank you.

Wow, someone's scoring big

this Christmas.

Those are for loved ones.

So you have family...

Do you have any grandkids?

Oh, no, no.

Tenants are my loved ones.

There might be a present with

your name on it, so no peeking.

Wow. Lucky me.

- It's just me.

- I'm sorry.

You just scared

the stuffing out of me.

Sorry. I was just

trying to keep quiet.

What are you... What are you doing

here? How did you even find me?

I found the golden arrow of Amareth, all

right? Finding you was a piece of cake?

What? Okay, well, I'm figuring that you

have important information for me.

No, I have crucial information

about your nutcracker.

Abigail's nutcracker.

You left him out in the open like this?

Didn't you hear a word I said?

Words are my living.

Why is he just sitting

out here for anybody to grab?

Okay. Well, the poor guy's been

boxed up for decades,

so I just figured, you know,

give him a little freedom.

And besides, I mean, he is really helping

me craft my second article.


just be careful, all right?

Yeah. Okay.

Okay, so what's... what's

your crucial information?

I did a little research.

The royal crest that's painted

on the base of the nutcracker

is from the House of Leopold.

It was a small kingdom in the Alps

between Germany and Austria.

Now, the kingdom dissolved in the 1920s,

and the castle is privately owned.

That's a dead end.

Not so fast.

I did find a distant relative.

She's a third cousin

twice removed,

but she happens to live

on the edge of town.

Okay, wow.

You really are a treasure hunter.

Do you think you could actually

get me her contact information?

I think I could probably

do one better than that.

What are you doing tonight?

Tonight? Like tonight?

Yeah. She might be expecting us

between six and eight.

- I'm sorry. Did you just say us?

- Yeah. Sophia, come on.

I'm a treasure hunter.

Like, this is my jam.

Yeah, I don't know.

Oh, come on.

You got to admit I've been

a little helpful.


Okay, first a test. I need to go back to

the scene of the crime, which is...

The storage room. Let's go now.

All right.

We need to look for file boxes

and see if there was an Abigail

who lived here in 1972,

and we need to look to see

if there were any single men

who were also living in

the building at the same time.

Bless you.


So you're really into nutcrackers?


According to German folklore,

nutcrackers are given as

keepsakes to bring luck

and to protect the home

from evil spirits.

So when did they originate?

Well, the ones that

look like soldiers and royals

first appeared in Germany

around 1800.

They were crafted

in the Erzgebirge region.

That's the mountain region of the country.

Near Leopold Kingdom?


Then, isn't it the Nutcracker

ballet by Tchaikovsky

that linked the nutcracker

to Christmas?

Yeah. Right again.

The ballet

first premiered in 1892,

but the original story written

by E.T.A. Hoffman,

"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King,"

was published in 1816.

ETA, as in

estimated time of arrival.

I'm so sorry, never...

Just please.


The original story

was darker and spookier

than the ballet version.

In it, the Mouse Queen casts

an evil spell on a prince

and turns him

into a hideous beast...

A nutcracker.

Tale as old as time.

Men always try to act like

they're Prince Charming

when in reality, they're rats.

Okay, not all men.

Some men are just... cursed.

Anyway, there's an epic battle

between the cursed prince

and the Mouse King.

The cursed prince fights


but the Mouse King gets the

upper hand.

He's going to k*ll the cursed prince.

- But just then...

- The... the young girl...

Yes! Clara!

She grabs her slipper

and tosses it at the Mouse King...

k*lling him.

And lifting the curse.

It was Clara's love that turned

the cursed beast back into a prince.

Her love, or her slipper?

The slipper k*lled the Mouse King

and her love lifted the curse.

I'm sorry that... That's rat poop.

You don't believe that the love of a good

woman can turn a rat into a prince?

No, I believe that it's

a man's personal responsibility,

whether he's a prince or a rat.

What about the magic of love?

I mean, love inspires,

provides comfort and support.

It catalyzes change

and inspires growth.

I mean, love spreads

joy and compassion.

I think that love

can cure curses,

especially ones

that we put on ourselves.


Love and magic.


Yeah. I mean, it's pretty magical

that we just found this, don't you think?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

It's a tale as old as time.

Maybe we should get out of here.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.


So to recap,

her name is Leonie Leopold.

- That's a great name

- I know, right?

Thank you.

All right.

Wait, what is the third cousin

of royalty?

Twice removed.

So wait... Is she

a duchess or a dame?

- Miss Leopold, hi. I'm...

- The professor and the journalist.

We were hoping

you could tell us about him.

Would you get

that thing away from me.

That thing is cursed!

I'm gonna go put him in the car.

Miss Leopold, we apologize.

The nutcracker is part

of a much larger mystery

that we would like to understand and we

need your help solving that mystery.

You're safe now.

You're lucky that you're charming.

It's the only reason I'm letting you in.

Thank you.

Family recipe.

Thank you.

I moved halfway

around the world to start fresh,

to get away from the Leopold legacy.

And now that thing

is in my yard?

How is this possible?

Why is the nutcracker

no longer with your family?

It brought us nothing but pain

and sorrow. It cursed our family.

How is the nutcracker responsible

for the pain and the sorrow?

World w*r I

hit the Leopold family hard.

Half of the family was k*lled fighting

the Germans, including two princes.

There were only

three royals left:

King Leon, Queen Nora

and their youngest son,

Prince Peter.

The king and queen were long past their

ability to have children,

so the king hoped for the continuation

of the royal dynasty

was with his 21-year-old son.

But Peter was not

the marrying type.

- I don't know.

- Peter loved Finn, a commoner.

A male commoner.

Peter showered Finn

with extravagant gifts

and Finn took some of the gems

and made a nutcracker for Peter.

Nutcrackers were considered


and protection for those

who owned them.

It's a hundred years later, and

we're still struggling to accept people

for who they are

and who they love.

King Leon

cared nothing about love.

The only thing he cared about

was the continuing of the royal line.

When the king discovered his

son's love affair with Finn,

he banished Finn from the kingdom

and forbid his son to ever see Finn again.

Peter was so distraught

he died of heart attack.

A broken heart?

And the king was so guilt-ridden,

that he saw the nutcracker as a sign,

a reminder of his own

tragic blindness.

But the queen couldn't get rid

of the nutcracker, could she?

I would assume that she saw it as a

representation of Finn and Peter's love

not only for each other,

but her love for her son.

Yes, she did.

But the king, he thought

the that nutcracker was cursed.

And as long as it existed,

the curse would prevail.

The queen gave the nutcracker

to her maid for safekeeping.

And that nutcracker passed

from the queen's sister

to a cousin to another cousin.

And at each stop tragedy

hit whomever held it.

And finally,

sometime in the 1960s,

it was donated to a ballet

company from Minsk

that will perform "The Nutcracker".

Do you happen to know the name

of the ballet company?

I do not, and I don't care.

I want nothing to do with

that nutcracker or its journey.

But it's so nice to meet you.

Thank you very much,

Miss Leopold.

Leonie, please.

Miss Leopold, I was...

I was actually wondering

if you would allow me

to tell Peter's story

and honor his love for Finn.

- It's never been told before.

- Well, I believe that it's time.

I think you're right.

You know, it's just a shame Peter

and Finn's love couldn't have been...

Been what?

Like the love that Leonie had for you?

I was gonna say honored,

but yeah, sure, that too.

The nutcracker is a piece

of Austrian history.

- It should be in a museum somewhere.

- Yeah, I agree with you.

As a treasure hunter,

did you hunt treasure

for personal profit or for museums?

Listen, Sophia, there's

something I should tell you.

- Wait.

- What?

I think I see

a light in my apartment.

- Maybe you left the light on.

- No, it looked like it was a flashlight.

It was moving.

I think somebody's been here.

Or is still here.

You really got to get this nutcracker

to a museum sooner rather than later.

No way. We are so close

to cracking this thing wide open.

Is this story really

more important than your safety?

I'm an investigative journalist.

Risk is on my resume.

All right, well, at least let me camp out

on your couch tonight.

- Just to be safe.

- What? Are you afraid to be alone?

I don't know. What do you think?

Should we let him?


What are we willing

to do for it?

To sacrifice for it?

To give for it?

Is the distortion of love a curse?

If love breaks us, can love fix us?

- Hello?

- Oh, hey, Thibb.

Still on duty.

That's Detective Thibb to you.

I know.

I'm sorry to call so late.

What do you need?

And does it have anything to do

with the stories you're writing

for the Ashford Times?

You read my stories?

I skimmed 'em.

I'm kidding.

They're great, kiddo.

Thanks, Thibb.

Well, I just need help finding out about

what happened to the nutcracker.

Nutcracker from your story?

Yep. The one that is allegedly cursed

and undoubtedly priceless.


Well, I'll see what I can do.

- Thanks, Thibb. You're great.

- Okay. Bye.

Good morning.


- Good coffee.

- A journalist's panacea.

- Did you pull an all-nighter?

- No, no, no.

I got two hours of sleep,

but I have information for you.

- Crucial information.

- Okay. Let's hear it.

- The nutcracker was stolen.

- What?

Yeah, it was stolen from the Pembroke

Playhouse on December 14th, 1972.

- Well, how'd you find that out?

- I have a friend in law enforcement.

Okay, impressive.

Isn't the Pembroke Playhouse

just the next town over?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm actually going there today.

You mind if I go with you?

- Yeah, I was kind of hoping.

- Wait, what's that?

"I have answers to your


"Meet me at the corner of

Elm and Rosedale roads.

"Bring the nutcracker.

Noon sharp."

- We should call the police.

- Oh, no.

I need to get the entire story

and I don't have it yet, and so I'm going.

All right. It's just...

At least let me come with you.

Well, okay. Just as long as

you keep your distance,

because I don't want

to scare this guy off.

All right. Aye-aye, captain.

Late again, Rizzo.

You just got yourself fired.

Looks like I gotta do everything



- Are you okay?

- Yeah. I think so.

Which way did he go?

The Ashford Lounge.

Let's split up. I'll meet you there.



You little sneak.

- Happy holidays.

- Thank you.

Excuse me.


It was him.

But he's gone.

That was a close one. I was really

hopping we were gonna catch him.

Thank you.

- Be right back.

- Yeah, sure.

You must be Sophia.

- Hi.

- Hi.

My brother has been having a blast

helping you with the stories.

He's really into that nutcracker.

Or maybe it's not

just the nutcracker.

Your brother has been

a really big help.

I'm glad. He really needed something

to pull him out of his funk.

His funk?

I shouldn't share anymore, but just as

much as he's been helping you,

you've been helping him more.

You two make quite a team.

Well... I just...

I can't believe that he made all of

those nutcrackers. It's... They're...

- They're wonderful.

- Excuse me, miss.

Sorry. Excuse me.

- That was wild. You okay?

- Yeah. I'm good.

You're a woman of surprises.

Tracking device?


Well, look, I gotta go to my class

but... See you later?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

You have got to be

more careful, Soph.

I am being careful.

I'm not just talking about the strange men

trying to rob you.

What about this Jackson guy?

What about him?

You let him sleep over?

The professed treasure hunter

you just met?

Come on.

Okay, look, I'm not being stupid, okay?

I put the nutcracker in a secure location.

And besides, Jackson has actually been

really, really helpful.

Treasure hunters hunt treasure.

What if he's using you

to get to the nutcracker?

Nancy, I...

You said the thing's like seven figures

and value, right?

I doubt there's a treasure hunter on this

planet who wouldn't do anything for that,

including acting like

a prince of a fellow.

Fair point.

I don't want to sound harsh, Soph,

but you don't exactly...

What? Have the best track record

when it comes to choosing men?

Yeah, I know.

It's your nature to snoop.

Have you snooped him yet?

- Not yet.

- Snoop him, Soph.

Thanks, Stan.

What is going on?

I'm trying to figure that out.

My gosh.

- Ernie, are you okay?

- You should see the other guy.

Yeah, yeah. I'd like to see the other guy.

What did he look like?

He was wearing a face mask.

Solid build. Looked like

he was in his early 30s.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. We're okay.

This is about

your stories, isn't it?

Yeah, I believe so. There's treasure

hunters that want the nutcracker.

Poor thing's had a rough

enough life already.

Keep telling your story.

Call me think of you need

anything else.

- So this is about your story?

- Yeah, I think so.

I need you to find out about

a guy named Jackson Hawkins.


Yeah, I arrested him three years ago.

He was a treasure hunter.

Avoided jail time by turning in his fences

and returning some stolen artifacts.

I think he may still be doing

community service.

Can you get me

that arrest report?

Sure. It's part

of the public records.

So you think he's involved?

December 1972.

Karen and Mark LaVallee

abruptly vacated apartment 5

on Christmas Eve

with their daughter Abigail, age 17.

I wonder why on Christmas Eve.

Wait, apartment 5

is Margie's apartment.

That means that Margie moved in

right after Abigail moved out.

Okay. Abigail, nicknamed Twirly.

Twirly? That sounds like a nickname

for a ballerina.

Maybe Abigail was a dancer,

and Tony wanted her to have

her own nutcracker!

So if they left

on Christmas Eve,

that that could explain why Abigail

never actually received the present.

But then how did Tony come into

possession of something so valuable?

And why would he

give it to Abigail?

Did she know that it was stolen

and therefore refused the present?

And knowing that her great love

was a thief and a rat

caused her to flee

with her parents? Or...

Hello, Ivana.



to the Pembroke Playhouse.

- Happy holidays.

- Thank you...

Another rat.

- It's been a long time, Jackson.

- Yeah, not long enough.

Your sister's lovely.

- Shame anything should happen to her.

- Leave her alone, all right?

Only if you help me.

I'm still on probation.

And I still have dirt

on you that could lock you up.

Hi, excuse me.

I'm looking for Ivana Sorokin.

She is over there.

I'm Ivana Sorokin.

Hi, I'm Sophia Meyer

from the "Ashford Times".

Is this you?

Such a long time ago.

Yes, that is me.

What do you think

happened to the nutcracker?

I don't care what happened to it.

I'm glad it's been gone all these years.

- Why? Do you believe that it's cursed?

- Without a doubt.

How so?

That nutcracker was given to our

ballet company back in the 1960s.

The next day, our lead ballerina

broke her ankle.

It ended her dancing career.

Oh, yikes.

It didn't stop there.

Sets fell on crew members.

Performances were canceled.

After Tony, the custodian,

stole it,

all the bad things stopped.

We realized it must be cursed.

- Tony?

- Yes. Tony.

He was such a nice young man.

Everyone loved him.


one December night,

Tony and the nutcracker


A g*nsh*t was heard on the stage

that night. The police were called.

- Was anybody hurt or k*lled?

- Not that we know of.

There was nobody here

when police arrived.

What do you think

happened to Tony?

Some in our troop

believed he had been m*rder*d

and whoever k*lled him

hid the body.

But you don't

believe that, do you?

I had little crush on Tony,

but it didn't last long.

Tony was in love with Carolyn,

in a local ballet class.

After that night,

I never saw that girl again.

I always had hope Tony

and she had run off together.

What if I told you that I could return

the nutcracker to you?

I'd tell you to flush it. Trash it!

Keep it.

Keep it away from my dancers.

It's worth quite...

Quite a bit of money.

Then please donate it

somewhere where it can do some good.

We don't want it.

Oh, thank you.

Hey, Diane.

Hey there.

What's the latest with your story?

I found out where the

nutcracker was stolen from.

Good job. Did you get help

from that Jackson guy?

No. Not this time.

At the risk of prying,

is there anything going on there?

You've been spending

lots of time with the guy.

I am working solo now.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Yeah, it turns out he's a scoundrel,

just like every other man I bump into.

But this time I thought...

I don't know. I thought...

Sounds like you've been

thinking too much.

It would be kind of reckless for me to not

assess his past and his motives.

Look, I don't know what

you think his motives are.

But in these matters, I've always found

it's best to listen to your heart.

What does your heart say?

I don't know.

Sometimes it's hard to be brave

enough to listen.

But as a reporter, you've always

been intrepid, Sophia.

Thanks, Diane.

Follow your heart

and get me that next story


Okay, I will. Bye.

Where'd you put

all my nutcrackers?

We sold them all.

Every single one.

Man, I really don't deserve

a sister like you.

You in trouble again?


I don't know

how to get out of it this time.

Is this about Sophia?

Sort of, but...

It's not really like that.

Merry, merry.

Come on in.

How you feelin'?

Pretty darn good

for my age and my stage.


Brought you a gift.

Would you like some?

Only if you'll join me.

What's on your mind, Sophia?

I think you and I

have a lot to talk about...


I figured we'd have this talk sooner

than later. How'd you figure it out?

Ernst Theodor Ammadiss. E.T.A.

As in E.T.A. Hoffman,

the author of

"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"?

I couldn't be Tony anymore.

I was a wanted man,

But I wanted a name

if Abigail came back, she'd know.

She'd know it was me.

I'll bet this plays something

from The Nutcracker, doesn't it?


And all these presents are

for Abigail too, aren't they?

One for each year

we've been apart.

So you left the nutcracker

wrapped in the storage room

because it was stolen?

I didn't want anybody to find it

and make the connection.

But it would

still be there even if she...

If she came back...

See, the storage room

was where we would meet,

where we could be alone,

away from her parents.

So what happened that

night at the Pembroke Playhouse?

The night I stole the nutcracker,

I k*lled a man.

I was young. Scared.

- I ran.

- No, no, Tony.

You didn't k*ll anybody.

There was no body.

I was confronted by someone.

I panicked. I hit him.

I saw him fall into the orchestra pit.

I mean, even if I didn't m*rder someone,

I stole the nutcracker.

But why? Why did you steal it?

I met Abigail in 1971

at the theater.

It was love at first sight

for both of us.

I was a high school dropout

and a janitor.

Her parents forbid her

to see me.

I wasn't good enough for her.

I figured those are

real diamonds on the nutcracker.

I thought we could use it

to run away together.

The night I stole it,

I wrapped the present and left it

where we used to meet,

hoping she'd find it.

Figuring I m*rder*d somebody,

I couldn't bring that shame

on Abigail, so I ran.

I tried to send her a message

but her parents had found out

that we were planning

on running away together,

so they moved.

So then you came back here

hoping that she might return one day.

I searched for her for years.

No luck.

I still love her...

every moment of every day.

Don't give up, Tony.

I won't.

Fifty years ago,

a real-life love story never

got a happy ever after.

True love doesn't die.

True love endures,

whether it's 50 minutes or 50 years.

This Christmas Eve...

"Tony will be waiting,

"his love for Abigail is as strong

today as it was 50 years ago.

"A love more valuable than any

bejeweled priceless nutcracker.

"Abigail, if you are reading this,

"your prince awaits your arrival."

Goodbye, Brad.

You no longer

hold any power over me.


what are you doing here?

Shouldn't you be finishing

up your community service?

Look, I never lied to you. Okay?

You withheld

pertinent information.

And I don't know

what's more offensive...

The fact that you just

didn't tell me about your past

or the fact that you think so little

of my investigative skills

that you didn't think

I would figure it out.

Look, I'm embarrassed

about what I did. Okay?

I really... I am.

You're right. I was a rat.

But I'm not one anymore, okay?

- I don't believe you.

- I tried to tell you. I did.

In the car on our way home

from Leonie's. I tried to tell you.

There was plenty of time that night

when you could have told me,

when we were sharing

a bowl of popcorn.


- Hey! Jackson, what is going on?

- Everything's gone wrong.

- I don't know what to do.

- What?

- Where's the nutcracker?

- It's in a safe place like you suggested.

- I'm sorry, Sophia, but I need it.

- Well, you know I can't do that.

Please, Sophia.

I'm begging you.

No. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feed

your criminal habit.

Sophia, I can't

leave here without it.

Well, then I'm gonna have

to call my detective friend.

Wait. Please don't!

Wait. I can explain everything.

Did you buy all my nutcrackers?

Yeah. Yeah, it was before I discovered

that you're a rat.

You're right, Sophia.

I am a rat.

But right now

I'm a cornered rat.

What do you mean?

I have to give that nutcracker to Simon

or he's gonna hurt my sister.

Wait, is Simon

the guy with the eye patch?

Yeah. Yeah, that's him.


Yeah, I saw you with him yesterday.

How long have you been playing me?

I'm not playing you, Sophia.

Look, I was a treasure hunter

and Simon was my boss.

I got arrested,

and I was afraid of Simon so instead

of giving his name to the police,

I gave them the names of everybody else

that I worked with.

And now he's threatening my sister.

And if we don't give him

that nutcracker, then...

I don't know

what's gonna happen.

It's him. It's Simon.

Do you have it?

Not yet.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Andrea. Don't hurt my sister.

Bring me the nutcracker

and she'll be fine.

Say okay.

- Okay.

- In one hour.

In one hour.

At the Pembroke Playhouse.

Dj vu. I'll meet you there

in one hour.

What about my sister?

Well, you bring me the nutcracker

and I'll tell you where to find her.

- Okay.

- What are we gonna do?

Very clever.

It's a good hiding spot.

We're gonna give

the nutcracker to Simon.

- We can't trust Simon. He's a...

- He's what? A beast? A rat?

A Mouse King?

A Gucci-wearing pirate.

I have a plan.

Who are you calling?

We're gonna need backup.

I'm gonna record this whole thing

just in case we get a confession.

- Good idea.

- Yeah.

- Tony.

- Wait, Tony's your caretaker?

You've been with him at the

boarding house this whole time?


Thank you for coming.

If I can help

in any way, I'm game.

You know what

you're supposed to do, right?

I know this theater

like the back of my hand.


Okay, little guy.

You are going to be in very good hands.

Okay, we got about 20 minutes.

You know, I really wish

you'd let me face Simon alone.

This isn't safe.

He's dangerous, all right?

This isn't just a story.

Yeah, no, I know. It's a group effort.

Give it to me.

You're a little early, Simon.

What did you do

to Jackson's sister?

She's a little

tied up right now.

Give me the nutcracker if you

ever want to see her again.

Wait, wait, wait. Wait, you tried to steal

this nutcracker 50 years ago.

Now you're attempting

to steal it again?

I'm not stealing it.

I was swacked in the face

with a flashlight

from the guy

who stole it years ago.


I think I'm owed.

Give it to me.

Not until

you tell me where Andrea is.

You're in no position

to make demands.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. All of this?

All of this, really, for a stupid doll?

It's not just a doll.

This doll is worth

25 million dollars.

Twenty-five million dollars?

And you're just, what?

- Handing it over to this jerk?

- It's for my sister, all right?

- How sweet. A lover's quarrel.

- Hardly.

You know, that whole prince

story that you fed me

about the love of a good woman

turning a rat into a prince.

What a bunch of rat crap.

You men are all the same.

He's out.


Get out of my way.

Not on your life.

- Sophia, run!

- You...

Come on.

Come here!



Come on!

I see you started without me?

Back up. Back away. Back away.

- Everybody okay?

- Yeah.

Good job.

We'll take it from here.

Come on. Let's go.

- Did he hurt you?

- No. I'm okay.

- Quite a plan, Sherlock Holmes.

- Yeah.

Yeah, well you... you make

a pretty good Watson.


I'm so sorry.

- I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

- You okay? Yeah.

Good job, Sophia.

You too, Tony.

Your friend's a really good guy.


Yeah, he is.

Thank you so much for joining us today

especially because it is Christmas Eve.

When I discovered this Christmas

present in the storage room,

I knew that there was an

interesting mystery to solve,

but I had no idea how big

the story would become.

And what are you gonna do

with the nutcracker?

So, my dear best friends

Nancy and Laura

are actually going to take

this historic nutcracker to Austria

next month on their honeymoon,

and there it's going to be

exhibited to honor the love

of Prince Peter and Finn,

a commoner.

So what's next for you?

For me?

Some studios have actually approached

me about optioning the story,

and I've been approached

about a book deal.

And starting next week,

I am going to be a weekly columnist

at the "Ashford Times".


What about Tony and Abigail?

There's no sign of her just yet.

But with true love, hope never dies.

- And Tony is going to be here waiting.

- I am.

And for the record, no charges will

be brought against him

now that the nutcracker

has been returned.

Folks, thanks for coming out

and have a Merry Christmas.

Thank you so much.

Excuse me.

Are you the woman

who wrote those articles?



But you're not here to see me.


Come here.



You're back.

You're finally back.

We were always together.

And so love conquered all.

Yeah. A happy ending.

I don't know.

I think there's one more chapter.

Really, Diane? I mean, how many

treasures can this basement hold?

You're the writer. I'm the editor.

- I know, and you never let me forget it.

- Your next story is down there.

Okay, bye.


Are you defacing the beam?

Well... yeah. I was in the process

of defacing the beam.

I just needed

your final approval.

My final approval for what?


This is a place of forever love

and I wanted to write

"Sophia and Jackson"

inside the heart.

Can I?

Oh, wait.


I made this for you.

It is beautiful.


I know you're not a ballerina

but you've been dancing circles

around my heart

since the moment

you bumped into me.

You lifted my curse.

Jackson, the real curse was me thinking

that true love had to be like a fairy tale

when the fact is, real life,

and the real you,

are far better.

Wait. I almost

forgot a key element.

Care to dance?

You know I'm not a ballerina.

Well, that's all right. I mean,

like you said, I'm not much of a prince.

Then we're the perfect match.
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