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01x03 - Bus of the Undead

Posted: 11/09/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
Gentlemen, behold!

Moth monster-- oh, no!

Moth monster man, no!

Come back!

He has escaped.

Yes, through the hole.

My banana!

Oh, my god.

Oh, sweet, delicious light.

Shake, man, I'm trying to sleep.

How can you sleep when assisted living Dracula is on?

I know it seems a little slow,

but when you get into it--

I mean, when you see it from the beginning--

yeah, ok, I see it, Shake.

What's up with this light?

Oh, this? It's the Shake signal.

Whenever there is danger, it will turn on,

and we will follow it to justice.

And it's gonna stay on your lid the whole time?

Yes, I was thinking that. Yes.

So let me get this straight.

There's trouble downtown,

and you're in here

with that light on your head.

Well, naturally, whoever's in trouble

will have to...

Catch a bus and let us know.

Why don't we just put it downtown?

It stays on my head in here!

This is the Shake signal--

the Master Shake signal! You got that?!

I get it. You would get it,

and you will get it.

Trouble! On the roof!

Get my design scrim.


Sounds to me like someone's flapping wings up there.

It's the tooth fairy trying to beat its way in.

For your one precious tooth?

Take it! What's the point?

You're gonna lose it soon anyway,

when I kick it right out of your mouth

when you're asleep!

Shake, man, cool out.

Oh, I'll do it! Don't tell me to cool out.

It does sound like wings, Meatwad.

That's what I said.

Then it must be... Uh...



It is Dracula!

Yeah. No, it's not Dracula.

The blood drinker?!

Oh, yeah, Meatwad.

That blood sucker would eat a meat man like you.

That's a no-brainer.

They crave that...Stuff.

They eat meat?!

Oh, ferociously.

I mean, where have you been?

My light!

It stopped.

Oh, man.

Get the door, Meatwad. It's Dracula.

I'm gonna get it? You get it.

I'll get it.

Hey, Carl.

Carl, hey!

Good mornin', Carl.

Yeah, it is a good mornin' there, little man.

It's : in the mornin'!

Carl, did you see our flag?

Pretty boss, huh?

Look, all I know is

that this cord here was plugged into my house,

and your house was glowing like the frickin' sun!

So I put and together there,

and decided that you're pissin' me off.

Oh, we are truly sorry, Carl.

And it will probably never happen again.

Could we have our cord back?

No, no, there. I'm just gonna keep it there,

since it's mine anyways.

Carl, might wanna be careful.

Dracula's out there!


It's not Dracula.

Go back to sleep, you freaks!

Whoa, Carl.

Ease up, brother.

You try fallin' asleep

with a blood-sucker sittin' on your roof

waitin' to sink his fangs into your thangs.

Say good-bye to the aqua teens,

'cause they might not make it through the night.

Did they see you?

Shut up, and lock the door.

Gimme the funnies.

Here. You read the coupons. Look.

I ain't readin' no coupons.

Now give me the funnies.

Do what I say, 'cause I said it.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Hello? Look around.

Notice anything...



Uh, no.

Are you sure about that?

Definitely. Maybe.

No, no, no, no, no.

Why don't you go look at your flag?

It's ruined!

Yeah. It is ruined.

I did that.

Who is this?

Who this is is none of your concern.

Now, I suggest you turn on that light,

or something else might happen cloth-related.

Frylock, trace this call.

Now, you listen to me, you coozed up gypsy!

The call is coming from inside that school bus!

Inside the bus?

It is the bus!

The bus of the undead!


Vampires? On a bus?

Oh, yes, Meatwad, the bus of the undead.

Lubricated with -w blood.

Hmm. I'm not detecting any vampiritic activity.

Besides, it's : in the afternoon.

He's a-- he's a reverse vampire.

They-- they crave the sun.

Oh, really? Y-Y-Yeah.

They love it.

The love to get tans!

No kidding. Where they from?'s--


Oh, no. No way in the world.

No way on earth!

See the wheels?

Those are the markings.

Where do you get this stuff?!

Bring forth the holy water!

Where is my paper?

Here's the water.

Now, ordain me.

Does anyone know how to do that?

I do.

Wait. No, I don't.

There's no time.

I shall drive this wooden stake deep into the heart

of the crankcase of the vampire bus.

Master Shake is so brave.

Yeah, well, I got news for you, Meatwad,

that bus is not a vampire.

No, no. I know. I know.

It's a reverse vampire.

See, the thing you need to look at is the wheels.

'Cause those are the markings.

No, no, Meatwad.

It's just a bus.

Master Shake doesn't always know everything.

But he's a genius.

Well, I know he told you that, but--

let me in! Hurry! Before I'm sucked dry!

He was impenetrable.


Yeah, why did you throw molding at me?

What do you want from me?!

I want the light turned on.

I don't have the blood you crave!

Blood? I--it's--no, I don't want the blood.

I would--i really want the light turned on, all right?

If I don't have it on by nightfall...

I'll lay on this horn big time.

All right?

And I will probably call you back.

To suck my blood?

Yeah. Sure.

The vampire hung up.

Hmm. This looks like the work of a moth...Or a goat.

What are you doing?

You want a brownie?

I took a saliva sample from this flag,

and I'm going to genetically extrapolate the DNA

in my cloning device.

When did you get a cloner?

Then I'm going to regenerate the biochemical structure--

answer me!

And then transfer--

clone me!

And answer my clone. Do it. I command it.

It's not a toy, Shake.

I want the family I've never had.

I need descendants to carry my seed into the future,

because I am about to be sucked dry by Dracula bus...

The bus of the undead!

Listen to me. Ow!

Whoever's in that bus, is not Dracula!

He's not in the bus, Frylock.

He is the bus.

I'm a detective. Where are you going?

Dracula is dead and buried, Shake.

And I'm going to show you his grave.

Pack a bag.

We're going to Memphis.

Hey, will this thing clone brownies?



Ooh, I could use a vacation.

Aw, Shake, man,

you messin' up again, baby.

Just leave it...

♪ Cause it's vacation time, brothers ♪

♪ vacation time, brothers ♪

♪ vacation ♪

Ha ha! ♪ vacation ♪

Oh! This ain't no vacation.

This hurts.

Faster, Meatwad!

There it is.

I wanna see the king.

You are seeing the count.

Welcome. I am Dracula.

Can I listen?

This is my grave.

Can I listen?

The "d" on my grave--

can I listen?

Stands for "Dracula."

The "d" on the grave stands for "Dracula."

Guess what the "d"s for, huh?

It stands for "Dracula."

Shake, will you turn that down?!

You do not need to raise your voice at me!

Look, my point is Dracula is dead.

Yeah, I know. I know.

I rented the headphones.

So that bus outside of our house

is not Dracula.

I know. It's the ghost of Dracula.

It's a damn school bus!

All right! It's a school bus.

Hey, here's a fun idea.

Let's go get some catfish.

No, let's go nail ourselves to the cart

and pull me home,

'cause this vacation is over!

Whoo, if it's one thing I like,

it's a good -week vacation.

Being a detective, of course,

usually I'm out solving a lot of big mysteries...

Shake, look!

Oh, look, they just tossed the mail in the yard

like a pack of animals.

What happened to Carl's house?!

Hey, which one of you guys left the door open...

And tore it off the hinges and threw it in the yard?

What is going on in here?!

Oh, hey. Where you guys been?


Really? Yes.

That's awesome. How was it?

Oh, it was very nice. They light up the bridge.

We had fried catfish.

When did you have fried catfish?

Who are you, and what are you doing in our house?

Oh, um, I really had to get to this light.

It's been driving me nuts. Isn't it great?

Yes, it is great. Oh, is it--hey--

this is that movie.

Yeah, it's assisted living Dracula.

It's really good when you guys get in it.

And what is this?

That's Carl. You guys know him?

He's got a real mouth on him.

My stomach is vibratin'.

Oh, hey, Carl!

I didn't recognize you with all that...Silk.

Please, god, cut me down here, fry man.

What have you done to him?

Oh, just laid , of my eggs

inside of his esophagus.

You know, I need to propagate my species,

and he's being a baby about it.

Well, you know, I have a cloner.


Oh, no! The cloner!

The brownies! My brownies?!

Run to the pool!

Wait, you guys have a pool?

Oh, my god.

You put a brownie in my cloning device, didn't you?

No. Yes. I don't know.


Listen, that was weeks ago.

Look, I locked the door.

Just--just--let 'em just Duke it out.

You didn't lock that door.

It was out in the yard.