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02x24 - The Last One

Posted: 11/09/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
How did, uh, how did you get here?

, , , , , , , , , zero.

I came across , then I came up the .

, , , , , , , , , zero.

This is, uh, this is asinine.

, , , , ...

Hey, brownie monsters. Ha ha! You guys are weird.

Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink...

That's it for this one.

He floated it by himself!

What else you got? Dude!

My dad bought me that keg! My dad owns a dealership!

His dad own dealership!

Oh, yeah? Well, my dad bought me

this magic talking knife.

Ooh! What it say? What knife say?

Hey! Aah!

Dude, walk away, dude. It's not worth it.

Is there a hole back here? Is this noticeable?

Oh, yeah.

This is great. Thank you so much.

Oh, we'll look so cool.

I bought a house in Belize.

Oh, me always want go there.

For, like, dirt cheap.

Belize is a very expensive city, actually.

It's a country.

Excuse me. Is this the baby shower?

I made lemon squares.

Mine says, "sweaters. All you can eat."

I was in the future. It was too late to rsvp.

What, did you two call each other last night?

Ha ha ha ha! Check that out!

Silence. Silence, everyone, please.

You heard the man! Shut up!

Ignignort, what's up?

We need complete silence

so your digital ruler can approacheth.

Look at him and beholdeth.

You have all been brought here

to celebrate the bruising of the aqua teens' asses.

Now, that's the reason for the season!

Now, roll call.

Prepare to kiss ass.

When I say your dumb name, please stand up briefly,

but then quickly drop to your knees

and forsake all others before me.

Here's a dumb name-- mothmonsterman.

Right here.

Ah, did someone leave a window open?

I think I heard the wind.

Boy, you better drop to your knees and do it right!

So who am i-- who am I doing it to?

Hang on.

Who's he doing this to?

I mean, 'cause no one told me. I didn't get to read the manual.

All right, fine. It.

Yeah! It!

Just say, "here," and let's consider the word "here"

to be short for "here I am,

rock you like a hurricane."

You do as the scorpions have before you.


Here I am, rock you like a hurricane.

Happy time Harry.

To Klaus! The trees.

Did anyone see a large tree in the bathroom?

Oh, yeah. They left a message

they were running late.

They're catching a ride with flargan and dingle.

Flargan and what?

I told you, this wooden ship ain't going anywhere!

Shut up, merle! Light it! We're late!

Fate. Flargan! No!


Who is th-- zarnold Edward--


What kind of name is zarnold?

I never heard such--


Oh, dude, you gonna take that?

Zarnold Edward quig--

whoa! Bros call me Skeeter, dude!

Where are the chi os? I thought this was a mixer.

There's one right now,

and she's eyeing you like she wants it.

Somebody be doing some meat-slapping tonight.

Hey, my dad owns a dealership!

Dude, she was eyeing me!

Oh, what? Is it a little cold out there, honey? Aah!

Whoa-ho-ho! Shot down, dude!

Dealership! Aah!

Sloppy seconds. Aah!

Cybernetic ghost of Christmas past from the future.

Thousands of years ago, before sigourney Weaver--

"here" will work just fine, thank you.


And no smoking! Give me a smoke,

give me a smoke, give me a smoke!

Err, stay with the patch. Your blood pressure.

You tell another story.

Thousands of years ago, I survived the quickening...

Smooth and mentholly.

I know, I know. We're getting to you.

Just wait your turn. You're coming up on the list.

Ok, brownie monsters.

Emory and oglethorpe...

Ha ha ha ha!

"Were not invited" is the end of that sentence.

Damn straight! Put a period on that!

Plutonians are teh s uck.

Maybe the invitation got lost in the mail.

Maybe we weren't invited.


We went to high school together!

Did you not see the yearbook?

Yeah, I know. You told me all about

the bus stop, but--

look at that. Looks like they're having fun in there.

Ignore them! We are having fun in an important meeting

with our own league!

Vice chairman, tell us about the new pledge class.

Hi, everybody! Commence to jiggling!

I like jiggling.

Stop vibrating, Emory!

He's just trying to control us!

Did anyone see an -foot spider wearing a diaper

in the parking lot anywhere?

I did see that spider,

but when I was in this parking lot,

it was about , years ago...

Down here, my negroes. It's me, mc to the pee!

Never mind.

Hmm, you look smaller in real life.

Yeah, I know, man.

I been through lots of changes.

I'm in hell, right? Satan says, "go fish."

I'm like, "I don't see any cards!"

And next thing I know, I'm a worm!

Mm-hmm. Err, step directly on that.

No, no, no. Wait a minute.

Wait. I--i got a plan, see?

See, we take these monsters, right?

We start a haunted house.

Yeah? Yeah? You feeling me?

Yeah, we invite everyone

to that haunted house

and they come thinking it's gonna be

all scary and .

But in fact, that house is also for sale,

'cause it's a condo. Get it?

Like in Hilton head. And people gonna pay

big-ass cash money to live there, right?

And then we take all that money

and buy more psychedelic mushrooms.

You feel me? More?

Yeah, I already ate a bunch of them.

So what do y'all think?

I mean, what are we trying to do?

Get me a record deal?

'Cause my label keeps on on me,

'cause I keep on getting k*lled,

but I'm like, "I'm gonna come back.

"I'm gonna come back. Come on.

I need this job, man."

Squash him, err.

I will be back, man. Aah!

There is only one plan,

and it involves this--

the screw of damnation.

I found it behind the armoire...

Of despair!

I know where y'all live. Aah!

The aqua teens shall suffer deeply,

as this is bored within each and every one of their skulls.

One screw, good-bye!

And everyone understands how this will come about?

Remember, there are no dumb questions.

Um, yeah. Right here?

In the back. Yes?

The ret*rd with the dumb question?

How are you going to get that into their heads?

Are you just going to say, "stay still" or something?

No. You will say that, while major Shake

utilizes his Phillips head deathdriver.

My what? You better have it.

What is a deathdriver? I don't know what that is.

Oh, god.

Ok, does anyone have any money?

Excuse me. I have a plan.

Cans go in one bag, trash in another,

and be sure to split up the brown and green glass.

There's the can in front of you. Do it. Pick it up.

I have a can that's full.

I'll take that, thank you.

Mm-hmm. Mmm, mmm.

And we'll use this glass to remove all hair

from the planet?

What? No, man, we're not. He said, "save the world."

I was there, and he said, "shave the world."

No, he said, "save."

He did.

Mutiny! And who named us click-click-click-click?

Hey, hey! There's a snake over here--

Ok, what have we all learned today?

Uh, me hungry. When we break for lunch?

Well, if you're hungry,

there's some sun-dried tomatoes next to you.

They're huge in Europe.

Not bad. I mean, they're not the real deal, but--

heh heh heh! He disappeared.

It's about damn time.

Ok, look. Um, me feels no agenda to meeting

and vacuum in leadership positions,

so me has composed -point plan for good, happy success.

How childish.

Look, an animal bone.

Bone! Good! Aah!

Well, does anyone else have any other...Plans?

Excuse me. I have another plan.

Mooninites duplicate, reunite, and you-nihilate.

Plug in!

Was this in your plan?

Don't think it was.

Square the quad laser and you have--behold--

the quad glaser.

I thought it was "glacier," man.

Yes, the quad glacier. That's what I said.

Will you just hurry up and fire it? It's getting heavy!

You, with all the great plans.

You shall not see the next decade.

You shall never know that turtlenecks

will come back in a big way.

I can't hold it much longer. My legs are going--

aah! Damn!


Why do they call it the glacier?

Do you want it done fast, err,

or do you want it done right?

I just want it done, and damn! My legs!

Ok, we're moving the podium over here.

You sta--you! Stay in your seat.

The rest of you,

we're going to pass out trophies now.

Err, get the participation trophies.

Yeah, right. My legs are broken.

Well, I'm not going to get the trophies.

I'm the digital ruler.

You get a sl*ve to do that.

Who would like to join our sl*very program?


You'll get college credit.

So, sh**t. What else?

What else, what else, what else?

Look, are we gonna do something here?

I'm supposed to get this tattoo done at :,

I'm supposed to go hunt--

yes! Tattoos!

We shall all get tattoos of our rad name.

What is our rad name?

Oh, oh, oh! I got one.

Why don't we call ourselves

"let's get off our asses and do something

"because my parole officer really loves it

"when I don't tell him that I spent my one day off

dicking around on the moon"?!

No, we have an idea now,

and we're not moving until we come up with a rad name.

Who's got a rad name?


Super awes-- super awesome villains forever.

Wait. Um, gigliowanananacom.

Bon Scott. No, that sucks.

Banner Thomas.

The evil g*ng of .

Super awesome villains forever.

That's mine. Hey.

Uh, how about the midnighters?

The Dylan-- the Dylan villains.

You know, we're out at night.

How about "got villains?"

Nasty midnighters.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...

Typical. Robots.

I like that name. It's identifiable.

Aqua teens, come out and meet your doom,

for we are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday--

Sunday, Monday, tues--

no, it's just one week. Please, stop.

Hey. Throw the screw at them.

Yes, launch the screw.

Yeah, they're in, uh, Honolulu.

Oh, sh**t. Really?

Well, when will they be back?

What, you looking at me, here?

Heh! What do I look like to you?

Brother, you look like a fat man

in dire need of an ass-bruising!

Heh heh heh! Nice.

If you see them, give them this note.

H-hang on a sec.

Don't--get your mouth off of me!

We haven't moved to Honolulu! And i--

hey, you know what?

They actually moved to Honolulu. You believe that?

I just found this out.

Oh. Well...

Then give me my note back.

Hey, did you hear--aw, jeez! They're in the house!

That's impossible. They moved to Honolulu.

We didn't move to no Honolulu.

Shut up!

Uh, can I help someone?

'Scuse me, 'scuse me, 'scuse me.

I feel safer parking this in a garage.

Kick some ass.

Oh, man, you can't leave me here!

Get back here! I got no legs!

Ok. Who's driving me to the mall?

Hey! Satan! My man! What's--aaah!

Just shut up and fish! Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha! Satan like funny box!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...

Flargan and dingle.

Flargan and what?

Flargan and dingle.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...

Flargan and dingle.

Flargan and what?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...