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03x08 - The Tale of the Guardian's Curse

Posted: 11/09/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
[Child laughs]

[Muffled heartbeat]

Ha ha ha!

Hey, come back here,
little toad.


Grab him!

Yo! Slow down,

He stole my ankh.

Your what?

My ankh.

What's an ankh?

Back off, Godzilla,
and I'll show you!

That's it.

I need it
for my story!

You stole it out of
my private drawer!

Stop! Stop!

Thank you.

Now, why did you
take... what is it?

It's an ankh.

You should have asked.
You're always taking my stuff.

Tucker, ask him.

Can I borrow
your ankh?

Don't make this
any harder.


All right.

Thank you.

I need the ankh

because it's an ancient symbol
everybody knows.

It means life.

My story's
full of ancient symbols,

but you have to know
how to read them.

Like the ankh...

It means life,
and that's good,

but you have to
be careful

because sometimes life
could be far worse

than anything
you could imagine...

Including death.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Back up! Back up!

Less than /" to the left.

Hold it.

Right through here.

That's where
it's supposed to go.

You're right.

There's not supposed
to be a wall here.

What is that thing?

Sweet mother
of Pearl!

Yeah, looks like it's
from Egypt or something,

some kind of tomb.

Ain't these things
supposed to have

curses on them
or something, huh?

Get out of here. You
watch too many movies.

I think we better
call someone on this.

Funny, it doesn't look
like mount snowbird to me.

Where do we buy
our lift tickets?

Five minutes,
no more.

Dad, we're really
going this time, right?

No last-minute

Just a quick peek,

then we're off
to the mountains

for a whole week--

He lies.

[Tucker] Josh and Cleo Dugan's
mom died when they were little,

so they were brought up
by their dad, the professor.

Don't touch it!

He tried hard
to be a good father,

but unfortunately, he knew
more about ancient stuff

than about taking care
of kids.

Professor Dugan!
Professor Dugan!

This is amazing!
In all my years--

I'm on vacation,
Dr. Capel-Smith.

Five minutes,
and I'm gone.

I believe
you'll think twice

when you see
what we've got.

Vacations come and go,
but a find like this

once in a lifetime.

And it was here
all the time,

right under
our noses!

[Professor Dugan] My god.
Where did you find it?

It was hidden
behind a false wall.

Must have been sealed
there for decades.

Unless I'm mistaken,

It's from the Egyptian
temple of light

that was robbed
in .

Uh... yes, quite.

We have to get this
to my lab now.

Ha ha ha!

[Cleo] You know what
this means, right?


No vacation,
no skiing...

No life.

I'll create an entire
Egyptian exhibit around it.

The publicity alone

will increase donations
to the museum tenfold.

Another vacation trashed.

"August , .

"The archaeological community
was shocked to discover

"that the newly unearthed
temple of light

was ransacked last evening with most
of its ancient treasures stolen."

The Egyptian

are going to go

when they find out

it's been in the
museum all this time.

the guardian...

And we've
got her.


Mina was a goddess. The
ancient Egyptians believed

that she used
her ring of eternity

to bring forth life from
the earth every spring.

She should have used
the ring on herself.

Maybe she wouldn't be
stuck in this old box.

[Capel-Smith] But there was
two sides to the legend.

Mina was beneficent
but vindictive.

She supposedly
had the power

to turn her enemies
into stone.


Got it.

You sure about this?


[Professor Dugan] All
right. Help me, quickly.






[Professor Dugan] There she is--
Mina the guardian.

Don't feed him.

Maybe we can starve
him out of there.

I doubt it.

Just because he
doesn't have a life

doesn't mean
he can ruin ours.

It's important.

It's, like,

Oh, yeah. Like
the important monkey bone

that nuked our vacation
last year

or the time he left us
alone for Christmas

to see some old pot
somebody dug up.

What can I say?
He lives to work.

He needs it.

What he needs
is a girlfriend.

Chow time.

Cleo, look at this.

I managed to translate
some markings

on the sarcophagus.

Apparently there were blood
sacrifices made to Mina

to ensure
a fruitful harvest.


Then I found this.


The legend...
Of the ring of eternity

was widely known,

but there's
also mention

of an elixir
of life.

See, the elixir
brings life,

the ring
brings eternity.

[Sarcastically] Wow!
I'm totally blown away.

There's also mention
of a curse.


The guardian's curse
-- that was fairly standard--

but the ancients
always threatened

horrible death
and t*rture

to those who
disturbed their tombs.

Which is exactly what
we did. That's... swell!

I need you guys to
get back to the museum

and pick up
that new set of photos.

My extra set of keys
are in the kitchen.

Uh, Dad, does this officially
mean the vacation's off?



We'll get
the pictures.

Josh, Cleo...

I--I'm sorry, kids.
It's just that...

It's OK, Dad.
We know.

[Cleo] Give him a
break, would you?

[Josh] Why? He doesn't
give us any breaks.

We only get a couple of
school vacations a year,

and we get dumped on
because of...



It's his work, Josh.

And what about us? I
mean, we don't rate?

We're here. We're alive.
I mean, that thing is...

I don't know what that thing
is, but it's really gross.

We'll go skiing
next time.

Next time
is all we ever get.

[Kicks tomb]


I can't believe
he missed this.

Don't touch it.
There's a curse.

It's an ankh...
The symbol of life.

Oh, we've got to
show Dad.

I'd better
carry this.

I can take it.

Well, it's safer
with me.

I can do it, Josh!


I'm not
picking it up.

You take the ring.
I'll take the vial.

Don't drop it.

I found these,

When the names
go in the paper,

remember, I made
the discovery.

Oh, wait. We forgot
the pictures.

I could, like,
go down in history.

Babes love fame.
I could...

[Papers rustling]




What are you...

Dad! Dad! We found
the ring of...





[Telephone beeping]

What happened?

[Hangs up telephone]

"I've got to go
to the museum after all.

I love you-- Dad."

He must have split
before all this happened.

[Object shatters]

What was that?


Somebody's out there.

You don't think
it was the...

Go away!
Leave us alone!

We got to get Dad!

The window!

Dad! Dad!

He's not here. It's the
curse. It's the curse!

Get out of here.
That stuff is made up.

Oh, yeah? Does this
look made up to you?

It's real, Cleo, just
like the legend said.

No way!

What about that bottle
you're carrying around?

That's real, too! And
where's the mummy?

I don't believe it!

No? It's gone, Cleo!

What are you saying?

That a ,-year-old mummy
just hopped off the table and--



That's exactly
what I'm saying.

We'll lose it
in the basement.

Forget it. We'll
get lost down here.

Now what?

There's a fire exit
on the other side.

that nasty smell?

I--I think we've
got to turn...


Oh, wait. Wait.

It's just stuffy.

Come on.



It's locked.

How can they lock
a fire door?

Oh, what
is that smell?


I'm going for the stairs.


It jammed the door.

We're trapped.



Dad, are you OK?

Oh... I think so.

is going on?


I think you're about
to see for yourself.

Dr. Capel-Smith?

Look out! The
mummy's on the loose.

Ha ha!
I don't think so.

What exactly is
going on, doctor?

Your children have
something I want.


I don't

Well, then you're not
as astute as I thought.

I want the ring
of eternity.

I didn't
find the ring.

No, but
your children did.

I thought you had discovered
the ring, professor,

and I wasn't about
to let it be claimed

by the Egyptian

when it was
so near my grasp...

So I searched
your home.

Dad! Dad! We found
the ring of...




[Dr. Capel-Smith]
As it turns out,

your children are
more clever than you.

"I've got to go
to the museum after all.

I love you-- Dad."

Knowing your plans,

I hurried back here
before your children arrived.

And so
now here we stand.

Now, if you would
be so kind

as to hand me
that ring.

You're not

Oh, yes. I intend to use
that ring for myself.

Now give it to me!

I wouldn't if I
were you, professor.

That odor you smell
is kerosene.

I've soaked most
of these crates.

One touch
of this torch,

and this museum
becomes a furnace.


You want to take
that risk?

I say we give it
to him.

I have to think.

There's nothing to think
about. We've got to do it.

Josh, give him
the ring.

But what about--

Just give him
the ring, understand?

Good boy.

Now, slide it
over here.

Come on.
Come on!

let them go.

I'm afraid I can't
do that, professor.

I'm sure you'd go right
to the authorities,

and I can't have
them tracking me

for the rest of
eternity, now, can I?

Don't do it,
doctor. Please.

At least let us see
if the ring works.

Why not?


It's wonderful.

Behold, you are now
gazing at...

An immortal.

Ha ha ha!

What's this?





Look out!

Save! And a beauty.

It's incredible.

I guess he got
what he wanted after all--


Very clever,
little sister.

Excuse me?

The translations--
they said,

"the ring brings

the elixir
brings life."

He knew
we had the ring,

but he didn't know
we had this.

The elixir.

It's real.


Um, we forgot
to tell you, Dad.

The mummy's missing.


My god,
it's alive.

The elixir
brings life,

the ring brings

Josh, don't!



I wonder if she
likes to ski.

So the true guardian's curse
was immortality...

And Dr. Capel-Smith...

was the final victim.

The end.

See? Wasn't that worth
letting him borrow it?

I guess his story
was pretty good.

Hey, the little toad
still has my ankh.


Here we go