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03x01 - The Tale of the Midnight Ride

Posted: 11/09/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
[Child laughing]

Well, friends come
and friends go.

And I'm sorry to say

that of our good friends
have gone.

David and Kristen's
families have moved.

We won't be hearing
their stories anymore,

but they'll always be
a part of the Midnight Society.

We'll miss them.


That means
that we have room

for new members.

Betty Ann?

My friend Sam
wants to join,

but needs time to work
on an initiation story.

Well, that's cool.
No rush.

I've got someone
I want to sponsor,

and I brought him
here tonight.

He's ready.

So bring him on.

Kinda small, isn't he?

I'll show you small!

Oh, man,
not a chance.

No way.

Come on, man,
not your little brother!

I've got no choice.

I've either gotta
bring him,

or I can't
come anymore.

You're kidding.

Hey, we're not
baby sitters.

You know, members
gotta tell stories.

If you scabs
would lighten up,

maybe I could
tell one.

give him a chance.

You'd really
have to quit?

Yeah, yeah,
I know.

this better be good,

or I'm gonna let
Frank pound you.

Tucker: OK.

You guys make up ghost
stories all the time.

But, there are
some ghost stories

that have been
around for so long,

that it makes you wonder
if maybe, just maybe,

they might
not be made up.

My story's about
a famous ghost,

and about a legend
that's so popular

it just won't die.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Tucker: They called him

the Headless Horseman.

Legend says he was a soldier

who had his head ripped off

by a stray cannonball.

Night after night,

his ghost would
ride through the countryside

near Sleepy Hollow
searching for a new head

and a victim
to steal it from.

Then, one Halloween night,

a lonely schoolmaster
named Ichabod Crane

took a wrong turn
in the woods

and was chased down
by the demon ghost.

[Horse whinnying]

Ichabod rode like crazy

to get to
the Bridge of Souls,

a bridge the Headless
Horseman could never cross.

But he didn't make it,

and poor Ichabod
was never seen again.

Ever since then,
on Halloween night,

the ghosts of
the Headless Horseman

and Ichabod Crane
return to Sleepy Hollow

to ride again.

Or so the legend says.

Ian Matthews
just moved to Sleepy Hollow

and was trying hard
to make friends.

But like everything
Ian did,

sometimes he tried
a little too hard.

Heads up!


I'm sorry, babe.

please allow me.

Oh, thanks.

He really
burns me sometimes.

Hi, um--I'm Ian.

I'm Katie.

Um--aren't we in
the same lit class?

I sit by the...

Uh--yeah, we are.

What is all this stuff?

Oh, it's decorations for
the Halloween dance tonight.


Hey, I'm available
if you need any help.

That would be great.

I could use all the...

Oh, look what he did.

I was gonna help.

If you want to help, you
can get this fixed pronto.

And bring it inside,
because we'll be

setting up
for the dance.

Lead on.

Hey, is he putting
moves on Katie?

Not if he wants to live.

So, how do you like
Sleepy Hollow?

It's nice.

But you know, kind of
boring compared to the city,

but it--it's nice.

You're from
the city?

Yeah, I just
moved in this summer.

Need some help, babe?

No thanks, babe.

We're almost done.

So are you going to
the dance with me tonight?

Brad! How many ways
do I have to say it?!

It's over.

We don't
go out anymore.

Look, I'll say when
we don't go out anymore.

Good thing you've
got such a hard head.

Sorry about that.

So are you going
to the dance tonight?

Why, are you asking?
Ha ha.

You stay away
from her,

unless you want to
walk around toothless.

I don't believe it.
I'm sorry.

He can be really
juvenile sometimes.

He can be
really scary, too.

Don't let him
bother you.

Are you coming

Wouldn't miss it.

Save a dance for me.

Well, this is
gonna be interesting.

[Dance music]

Hey, we're twins.

Great minds
think alike.

Hey, I love bumping
into old friends.

Come on.
You owe me a dance.

A debt I'd be most
happy to pay, my lady.

Tucker: Ian was
kind of a goofy guy,

and everybody thought
he was pretty funny.

Well, almost everybody.

Ian didn't know it,

but he was walking through
some very dangerous territory.


Would you just listen
to me for a second?

Hey, guys,
how are you doing?

Take off, geek.


Call me crazy,
but I don't think

she wants to
talk to you.

It's OK, Ian...

Excuse me?

I think you should
leave her alone.



All right.

You, outside.

don't do this.

Put your fists down,

Uh--I'd rather not.

Look, I don't want
to fight you.

I'm gonna
do you a favor.

I think.

Brad, cut the macho stuff.
It's old.

You know the Legend
of Sleepy Hollow?

Uh--yeah, sorta.

Well, let me
refresh your memory.

It was Halloween night
back in whatever,

when Ichabod Crane
came to a fork in the road.

He should have gone left,

but he went right.

So, instead of getting
to the Bridge of Souls,

a bridge the Headless Horseman
could never cross over,

he went deeper into the woods.

Yeah, I know,

the Headless Horseman
threw a pumpkin

and took his head.
So what?

So, it's Halloween,

and we have a tradition
here in Sleepy Hollow.

When some
new guy shows up,

he's gotta
be initiated.

Oh, please.

Whaddya gonna
take my head?

Not exactly.


See, the old bridge
is still there,

just like in the story.

It's through the park
and into the woods.

Yeah, so?

So what
you gotta do

is go to the bridge,

get the Headless
Horseman's pumpkin,

just like
we all did.

Come on, Ian,
you don't have to.

You're kidding,

You got a choice.

Go get the pumpkin,

we'll cut
you some slack.

don't get it,

and you can put
your fists back up.

Well, uh--since I don't
believe in ghosts,

I'll uh--take my chance
with the pumpkin.

Have fun.

Look, this isn't
a tradition.

You don't
have to do this.

It's OK. I'll
play a little game,

get it over with.

Save a dance for me.

[Ian whistling]

Fork in the road.

OK, Ichabod,
which way to the bridge?

You went right.
I'm going left.

[Sound of horse whinnying]

[Sound of horse whinnying]

OK, guys,
where's the pumpkin?

Nice touch.

[Crackling sound]

[Male voice in the distance]

Yeah, ha ha, Brad.
I know it's you.

[Sound of
footsteps running]

Gimme a break!

You guys aren't...


No, no!


No, don't take
my head!



Oh, man, this is gonna
go down in history.

Help! Help!
Don't take my head!

are you OK?

Don't mess with me,
you little weasel.

I'll take
your head off myself.

Let's go, Katie.

I'm staying with Ian.

Would you forget
this loser?

Brad, I'm sick of
your stupid games!

Why don't you just take
your traveling circus, please,

and leave me alone?

Do whatever you want.

Just remember,
it's Halloween.

I don't think
your pal here

has the guts to stand up to
the real Headless Horseman

if he shows up.

Ian, I'm really sorry.

No, no. Hey, I
like ridicule.

I can't wait
for school on Monday

because I'm gonna
get tons.

would you walk me home?

'Tis the one thing
that would make

this horrible night
worthwhile, my lady.

Take thee
my muddy arm.

I am really glad
this night is over.

I think
you're really great.

You know, Brad never would
have come out here by himself.

Hey, you're shivering.
Take my jacket.

No, I'm OK.

[Horse sounds]

It was brave
how you stood up

to Brad at
the dance, too.

Yeah, right.
Brave and stupid.

No, it's about time
someone stood up to...

[Horse whinnying]

You hear that?

It's a horse.

Does Brad ride?

I don't think so.

I uh--
think we'd better--ah!

Good evening,

Oh, I didn't mean
to startle you.

I'm afraid
I've lost my way

in these
wretched woods.

Would you be so kind

as to direct me to
the Bridge of Souls?

Uh--yeah, sure.

Uh--take a left
at the fork.

Oh, lucky thing.

I surely would
have taken a right.

Thank you kindly.

Who are you?

Crane, Ichabod Crane,
the new schoolmaster.

Good evening.

Ichabod Crane?

You gotta be...

Where'd he go?

Let's get you home.

Ian, I'm really
glad I met you.

Me, too.

I--I mean,
I'm glad I met you.

Uh--at the risk
of needing dental work,

I--uh--I'd like
to see you again.

Me, too.

I mean, I'd like
to see you again.

[Dog barks]

I just remembered my bike.

Um--I left it
at the school.

Good night.

Good night.

[Sound of horse whinnying]

You're spooking yourself,
Ian, old boy.


[Horse whinnying]

Aw, come on.


Brad, I'm not
buying it.

[Sound of horse gallop]

Man, this guy is good.

Oh, no, the key,
I forgot it in my jacket.

[Laughter from a distance]

Forget it.
I'm outta here.


It's just me.

What are
you doing here?

Thanks, but I could have
gotten it tomorrow.


Come on,
I'll ride you home.

Relax. Why are
you so nervous?

You know,
Brad, the bridge.

You know, that real wacky
guy in that costume.

Let's just pretend none
of this ever happened.



That's it.
I've had it.

Enough's enough,
Brad, all right?

She doesn't
like you anymore!

You want to fight,
we'll fight.

But stop with
the stupid games.

Say what?


[Horse whinnies]


Run for your life!

What is this?
What's the matter?

The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow

just stopped being
a legend. Look.


Meet your brother, pal!

Don't take my head!

This can't be,
can it?

Katie, the thing
came out of the wall.

This is no joke. It's
the Headless Horseman.

I thought he's supposed
to be after Ichabod Crane.

Yeah, except we told old Ichabod
how to get to the bridge.

We changed
the story.

No, it's after us.

There's only
one thing we can do.


We've got to
play the story out.

We've got to get to the
bridge. He can't cross it.

If you think
I'm going...


Ha ha ha ha!

I think we lost him.

He'd never think we'd be
stupid enough to come back here.



Turn right!


Now what?

He can't get
both of us.

I'll distract him.
You run for the bridge.

He'll get you!

Have you got
a better idea?

I'll distract him.


Ian, go!


[Katie screaming]


You supernatural air head.

It's me you're after.
Come on.

Come and get me!

I hope this legend
works both ways.

Guess not.

The bridge!




And I thought
this place was boring.

It worked.

We set the
story straight.


You children should
not be out so late.

And on Halloween
to boot.

They say these woods
are haunted, you know.

Why are
you coming back?

Oh, I'm afraid
I've totally lost my way.

I think it best
to go back to the fork

and take the right path.

That should
set things straight.

Uh--yeah, I think
it probably will.

Take care.

Beware of
the Headless Horseman.

Happy Halloween.

[Horseman laughing]

The end.


You'll do.


Just keep him
out of my face.


Nice going, bro.

Welcome to
the Midnight Society.

You put out the fire.
I'm gonna catch up.


I hope I'm not
gonna regret this.