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02x05 - The Tale of the Dream Machine

Posted: 11/09/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

It's about time!

Where were you?

[Hoarse voice]
Writing my story.

Are you sick?


Yo-- I don't want
your germs.

What is that?

A typewriter.

I found it
in the attic.

[Frank] Shoulda left
it in the attic.

Hey, it works.
I typed my story on it.

What for?

'Cause my throat's k*lling me
and I don't want to tell it.

Can you read it
out loud for me?

Uh...I'm not sure.

We've--we've never
done that before.

Go ahead, Gar.
Be crazy.

Throw away
the rules.

Start from the top.

Yeah...I figured that.


"Writing a story
down on paper

"is very different
than telling it out loud.

"When a story's
on paper,

"you can feel it.
You can see it.

"And others can
read it as well.

"But beware:

"For once a story's

"it no longer belongs
to the author,

but has a life
of its own."

"And for some stories,

"that can be
a very dangerous life...


[Scratchy voice]
Submitted for the approval--

ahem--of the Midnight

I call this story...

"Now it is the time
of night

that the graves..."

Sean Hackett
had one passion in life:


he had passions:


And Jennifer Johnson.

Every other story in
Sean's notebook was about her,

but Jennifer only
thought of him as a friend.

Too bad.

"...this hallowed house.

"I am sent
with broom before

"to sweep the dust

behind the door."

[Bell rings]

Great story.
I was moved.

Hang on! Hang on.

Hang on.

Your assignment is to
write a short story.

Your topic,

but it's got to be
at least pages long.

Now, go away.



Oh, man, sorry.

It's OK.



Really swept her off
her feet there, Romeo.

What are you
gonna do next,

run her down
with your bike?

I think
she likes me.

Yeah, right.
Bet she can't wait

till you get your
driver's license

so you can hit her
with the car!

This place
is a disaster.

I know. My parents thought they
were getting this great deal,

but they spend a fortune from
keeping it from falling down.

Boy, is this place

Remind me not to
come over

if there's thunder
storms or something.


You got a detour?

Oh, no. How am I supposed
to get up to my room?

How dangerous
could it be?

Be careful.
The stairs are kinda--




Wait a minute.

Yo, what's down there?

I dunno.

I'll get a flashlight.

Whoa! This is wild!

Cool! It's like
a secret stash.

"October , .

"The new mystery novel
by the late James Ellington

is a spine-tingling

Must be the guy who
owned the place before.

Check this out.

"James Ellington,
writer and inventor,

"disappeared in

"and was found dead
one year later...


A secret room
just to hide this?


No, it's a classic.

They don't make 'em
like this anymore.

That's 'cause
it's junky.

I gotta go. Later.

Yeah, later.

It was the night

of the school
Halloween dance,

a night when
anything could happen,

and it did.

[Upbeat music plays]

Vat is your name,


Good evening,

I am Count Sean.


[Fast music stops]

[Slow music plays]

We danced for hours.

Nothing could have
ruined the night.

Then slowly, we moved to
a dark corner of the room.

And with that fatal kiss,

she will be mine forever.



Excuse me.



What's wrong?


You sure?

Yeah. I'm just
being strange.

Don't worry
about it.

I, um...

I had a nightmare
last night.

Can you believe that?

I'm still having
kids' nightmares.

Everybody does.

But this was, like,
so real.

I was at
the school dance,

and a vampire
shows up.

Weird thing was...

Don't laugh.

The vampire...
was you.

So she saw a
vampire movie on TV,

thought of you,
put the together,

and bingo--
nightmare time.

But it was exactly
what I wrote.

What are you
trying to say?

You think she's
a mind reader?

No. I don't know.
It's just weird.

I gotta do
that story for English.

Do yours yet?

No. I'm a last-minute
kinda guy.


[Sean] One cold
and foggy night,

Billy snuck into a crumbling
old graveyard on a dare,

searching for the grave
of...Blind Paul.

He didn't believe
the stories

about the graveyard
being haunted...

But he should have.

No way!

[Twig snaps]

[Heavy breathing]

W-who--who's there?


Who are you?!

What do you want?




Let me out!

Billy never found his way
out of the graveyard,

and nobody ever discovered
what happened to him.

As far as anyone knew,

it was Blind Paul
resting below.

The end.

Aah! Let me out!



Then the lid slammed,
and I was buried alive.

It was so real!
Talk about weird.

More than you know.

Does this sound

"One cold and foggy

"Billy snuck into a
crumbling old graveyard

on a dare, searching
for the grave of--"

"Blind Paul"?

No way!

I'm not buying it.

Does this sound

"Billy pounded on the
closed coffin, shouting,

no, let me out!

I think this is what
happened to Jennifer, too.

I wrote it,
and you guys dreamt it.

It's the typewriter.

That's why it was

It's got
some kind of power.

Is that possible?

Could this be a...

Dream machine?

Oh, baby!

This is like power!

Whose head do you want
to get into first?

We gotta think
about this.

What's to think? We can
terrorize everybody!

We can--no! My mom's
gonna kick my butt.

Don't tell anybody
about this, all right?

Don't worry. I don't
want to get locked up.

Cool. Sean, my man, this is
gonna be an amazing adventure.

Sweet dreams.

Will you come with me

to the most private
place on earth?

[Typing sound]


Where are we?

The most private
place on earth:

Your dream...I hope.


Do you remember that
vampire nightmare you had?


I think I wrote it.

What do you mean?

Well, I made it up...

Like I'm making
this up right now.

This isn't real.

It's a dream I'm creating
for you with this.

I don't get it.

It's a dream machine.

If I type out a story about
somebody, they'll dream it.


Look familiar?

Anything I imagine
can happen.

Hold out your hand.

It's wonderful.

But it's scary.

I need to find out
if it's true.

When I end this, I want
you to call me, OK?



The white cloud rose up
around them...

And the dream was over.

The end.

Oh, I knew
this was bogus.


[Bell rings]


OK, kiddies.

Turn them in.


Let's go.

This is it.

And, uh...

This is it.

Lemme read
this masterpiece.


"The Halloween Dance,
by Sean Hackett."

"It was the night
of the school dance,

a night when anything can
happen... and it did."

Whew. Ha.



What is your
name, Princess?

What's going on?
This is my dream!

I know! It's the
story I wrote, but--

But this is real!

It's really happening!

"We danced for hours.

"Nothing could ruin
the night.

Then slowly we moved
to a dark corner of the room."

Hey! This is pretty good.

Sean, I'm scared.
How is this happening?

It's the story.

Billy's reading it, and it's
coming true just the way I wrote it!

Wait. If this is all
coming true, that means--


"The vampire
opened his mouth,

bearing his
razor-sharp fangs."


Man, this is
pretty gruesome for--





What was that?
What happened?

That wasn't
a dream, was it?

We were really
there, weren't we?

And I was gonna bite you on
the neck for real, wasn't I?

Guys... what is this?

I think we
just discovered

another feature for our
little dream machine.


"The Halloween Dance,
by Sean Hackett."


What does it mean?

It means that it isn't
just a dream machine.

If you read a story written on
this thing, it's gonna come true!

So if I didn't
stop reading--

I would have bitten Jennifer
on the neck like the story said.

This is too weird.
We have to tell somebody.

We--we have to--


What's the matter?

Guys, this isn't the
only story I wrote!

Wait a minute.
What other story--

Oh, man!


We gotta stop her!



So what happens
in the story?

You don't wanna know!

Hey, I don't wanna know.

"Trapped, by Sean Hackett."



It's not here!

It's gotta be!

She must have it
with her!

She's still here.
Her car's outside.

Guys, if we don't
find it, I'm--

"Billy snuck into a crumbling
old graveyard on a dare."


He would.

Oh, no!




We gotta find her!

Where would she be?



This is nuts!

Stop reading!

Oh, great!

Mrs. Dodds?

Mrs. Dodds!

She was here.

Come on!

"Billy tried to escape,

but the strange shadows
surrounded him."

Mrs. Dodds?!

Where is she?

Mrs. Dodds!

"The ghost of Blind Paul

was creeping closer
and closer."


I'm not going into
that grave.

I'm not going into
that grave!

I'm gonna stay
right here and--


It's too late. We're
not gonna find her.

We can't give up!

When that story ends,
Billy's going to--

The story.

The stories come true!


What are you doing?



Let me out! Stop!

"Bill never found his way
out of the graveyard,

and nobody ever discovered
what happened to him."


Yes! Yes!

"As far as anyone knew,

it was Blind Paul
resting below."


Read it.

Read it!

"The typewriter
stopped glowing,

and all the stories ever
written on it never came true."

Aah! Aah!

Welcome back, dude!


I don't know
what you did,

but you did it!

Sean wrote
his best story yet.

Man, I say
we trash that thing.

I don't think we have to
worry about it anymore.


Is there something
I can do for you?

No, I think
we're fine.

The end."

That was great!

What happened to the--


What's it say?

"The headless warrior
chased down

"each one of the Midnight
Society one by one,

until they were
too tired to run."

Yeah, right.