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06x24 - Supply & Demand

Posted: 05/21/11 08:04
by bunniefuu
["Shattered" playing]

♪ Shattered ♪
♪ shattered ♪
♪ love and hope and sex and dreams ♪
♪ are still surviving on the street ♪
♪ look at me ♪
♪ I'm in tatters ♪
♪ I'm shattered ♪
♪ shattered ♪
♪ friends are so alarming, my lovers never charming ♪
♪ life's just a cocktail party on the street ♪
♪ big apple, people dressed in plastic bags ♪
♪ directing traffic, some kind of fashion ♪

[Honks horn]

♪ shattered ♪
♪ laughter, joy, and loneliness ♪
♪ and sex and sex and sex and sex ♪
♪ and look at me ♪

[Horn honking]

♪ I'm in tatters ♪
♪ shadoobie ♪
♪ I'm shattered ♪
♪ my friends, they come around, they ♪
♪ flatter, flatter, flatter ♪
♪ flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter ♪
♪ pile it up ♪
♪ pile it up ♪


♪ pile it high on the platter ♪


Sweetie, I'm sure it's nothing.

When was the last time you drove to work in the dark?


That's not my point.

He doesn't do this. He doesn't call us in at the pre-cr*ck.

Who the hell keeps texting you every day?

Him, but this is different.

He left a voice message.

It's gotta be life-altering.

Ok, that's dramatic.

Yeah, well, given this year, I'm allowed that.

It's gonna be ok.

That's where we met.

Right there.

Look, it's important to remember the good things about this place.

I know.

Because there's been a few.


I love you.

I love you, too.

Where's Hotch?

Any minute.

I didn't get a file sent to me.

Did a case go directly to him?

Rossi: Don't know.

When's the last time he called a meeting this early?

3 years, 8 months ago.

And what happened?

Gideon left.

Who's leaving?

Nobody's leaving.

[Indistinct chatter]

Come on, get it down here!

His skull is fractured.

If I can't get to him, he's gone.



We're gonna get you out of there, ok?

You're gonna be all right.


We gotta get him out of here.


Please, don't let me die.

We're gonna get you out.

What's your name?

Ok, Kyle.


Is there anyone you want me to call?

Where's your phone?

[Choking, gasping]

Hang in there, Kyle.

Hang in there.

I appreciate everyone coming in early.

What's going on?

The Director called a meeting last night to discuss budgets.

They skipped over Strauss?

She's away.

The Bureau is facing a lot of changes and this unit is no exception.

Over the next few weeks, each of you is going to be asked if you'd like to stay with the unit.

Why wouldn't we?

There are other options for you out there.

And while I want the unit to stay together, I understand completely if you want to see what the alternatives are.

Morgan, there's renewed interest in you from the New York office.

Nobody's called me.

They will.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna go.

Oh, I know.

Are you staying here?

It's my intention.

All I ask is if you are contacted by another division that you let me know.

[Cell phone rings]



Right. We can be there in 20 minutes.

Virginia State police believe they've uncovered a serial k*ller.

They need us at Zacha Road and Route 7 as soon as possible.

Morgan, you and Dave get out there.

What about this?

We can talk about it later.

They get anything from the driver before he d*ed?

Severe head trauma.

He stopped making sense.

State P. D. said they couldn't find any I. D. anywhere.

Ran his prints--nothing.

Well, the guy's gotta have a record.

They're both young and healthy.

Hey, Rossi, look at what he did to them.

This can't be his first time.

Just because he's bad doesn't mean he's been busted.

What about the VIN and plates?

Running them now.

Both victims seem to have on some type of uniform.

Shorts and tanks.

Are we dealing with a cult?

That usually ends in su1c1de, not t*rture.

I mean, he was beaten and strangled.

She was--oh.

Completely different injuries.

It looks like more than one offender.

They can't be more than 20 years old.

Somebody's gotta be missing them.

Here's the thing.

I can't get prints unless they're on the missing persons list.

Which they are. Jake Wattey has been missing since December and Paige Hawley since February.

Rossi: Local kids?

No. Not even remotely.

Jake is from Arizona, Paige is from Ohio.

Was he a junior at Arizona State?

Yeah. How did--wait.

We consulted on this case during Christmas.

Yeah, he was academically b*rned out.

We thought it might be a su1c1de.

His body was never found.

Until now.

So how did he end up 2,000 miles away?

He had been missing for months.

Why k*ll him now?

♪ Criminal Minds 6x24 ♪

Supply & Demand
Original air date on May 18, 2011

Hotch: Thomas Hardy wrote, "and yet to every bad there is a worse."

Rossi: Hey, Morgan.

Check this out.

Unsub depot.

He kills them, throws them in the trunk.

But why not use this wherever he's done the deed?

It's loud and time-consuming.

It'd leave a messy trail.

Forensic countermeasure.

Doesn't want to lead us to where he kills them.

Maybe he was gonna bury them in the woods or dump them in the river.

It's pretty damn secluded out here.

We need to figure out what happened before they got in the car.

When was the last time it rained out here?

Do I look like a weatherman?

Come here.

There's mud caked all over the tires.

That may be what was in the victims' hair.

They could have been dragged through it.

Let's find out where it was raining in the last 24 hours.

The only reason we have this case is because of an accident.

You know the odds of that?

Is that rhetorical?

Combined with the chance that this is his first time dumping bodies.

You think he's working alone?

What do you think?

Unlikely. It's high-risk to move one body out of state, but 2?

Paige was abducted months after having Jake in captivity, and he traveled with both, which means he's criminally sophisticated.

It seems more like an organized operation as opposed to an individual offender.

Then he's probably done this before.

You think there are more victims out there.

Impossible to say until we figure out how those two were targeted.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

[Door opens]

Hello. This is the information I have on the casualties from today.

I'm running open cases from last year now.

Is there anything else you'd like me to do?

No, that's all.

Thank you.


Um, sir, I'm worried that everything isn't ok, and if there's anything you want to talk to--

Garcia, well talk about it later.

Oh. Ok.

Garcia, you need to widen this search. Go back 2 years.

Really? That's a lot of people.

Is there any parameters to narrow that down?

No, not yet.

Unfortunately, transporting victims across state lines is not an issue for this group.


How do you know it's a group?

We've got different genders from different parts of the country.

This is not a traditional unsub.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Hey, Andi. Uh, Garcia, this is SSA Andi Swan.

She's the head of the Domestic Trafficking Task Force.

Andi, this is--

Penelope Garcia.

I went to your online trafficking seminar last fall.

You terrify me.


I do remember you.

Uh-uh. Really?

You asked great questions.

I thought you nicked my powerpoint.

I didn't, but I could.

So I've heard.

I will get you that list.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Very nice to see you again.

You, too.

She's not easy to forget.

No. So how are you?


Human trafficking is a growth industry and I've got half the agents I had last year.

How can we help?

I get notifications on body discoveries of 18- to 24-year-olds.

Paige Hawley and Jake Wattey.

I got a theory on what happened.

Can I fill you in?

Sure. We got case boards set up in the conference room.

Any chance we'll be passing a coffee pot?


Seaver: Do you know who did this?

I've been 2 steps behind an organization that abducts college kids throughout the U. S.

Seaver: How long have you been tracking them?

3 years. But this is the first time there's been an identifiable body.

Do you think this is their work?

It's definitely their type.

Stressed-out, vulnerable kids.

They're all from good families, making them low-risk for abduction.

Young innocents are worth more money.

And they're harder to lure, so they hold on to them for a longer period of time.

How many victims are they holding at once?

That's hard to say.

But from what I can tell, there's a lot of turnover.

Customers don't want to see the same faces twice.

We don't think they travel with more than a handful of victims at one time.

They hunt all over the country.

All they need is a car.

They might be low-tech, but they're organized.

And profitable.

The rumor is that they hold events for 2 days in metropolitan areas and then they disappear.

What kind of events?

Where top-paying customers can do things like this and worse to the victims.

It seems impossible to trace.

We study their behavior.

They're not a good breed, but they're still human.

They make a few mistakes.

We've also recently established an undercover unit.

Wait, how can you infiltrate them?

Wouldn't your agents have to commit a crime to be accepted as a customer?

Exactly. That's why we can't pose as buyers.

The entire system is set up to protect the customers, but there's no way we can trace them from that end.

Your agents go in as targets.

Do you have anybody under now?

Locally a few.

They're still establishing the backstories.

They might be able to help.

I'll call.

What did you do with Lucy?

What did you do with her?

Where is she?


Kyle should be back.

He missed the last 2 calls.

He likes that part.

Takes his time with it.

It never takes him this long.

Did he set up the scanners?

Not here.


What are you doing?


[Moaning and crying]

t*nk's 3/4 full.

Well, it says here capacity's 18 gallons.

15 miles per gallon.

So he used 1/4 t*nk.

He must have fueled up about 70 miles ago.

Ok, Reid.

What's the mileage?

33, 823.

On a 2011? What the hell's he been doing?

Crossing state lines.

Looks like he enjoys the long way.

Avoids interstates.


No cell phone.


Nothing traceable.

But if he's working with a group and he has no phone, how's he checking in?

[Cell phone rings]





Big storm.

You run the registration?

Of course I did.

And it's bogus.

Led to a guy who's been dead 3 years.

Do you really think these ratfinks that are dumping bodies in the middle of nowhere would leave a paper trail?

Hey, you ok?

No. Clearly I am not.

Ok, so talk to me.

I am sick of the sickos.


There has got to be more to life than being surrounded by this.

Ok, whoa, whoa, slow down.

Since when is Penelope Garcia gonna throw in the towel?

Since exactly now.

Baby girl, listen to me.

I know you're upset.

So am I. But what you're trying to do right now is distance yourself from any more loss, and I get it.

I do the same thing.

I am not some unsub that you can try to relate to and then break down.

You have every right to be angry, but there's really nothing you can do.

No, Derek, you do not understand me.

I don't like change.

I have major control issues.

No, say it ain't so.

Not you.

I just made you smile, didn't I?



I hate you.

This group needs space and solitude, especially if they're holding multiple victims.

These two lived thousands of miles apart but were somehow both targeted.

They send scouts to campuses, malls, clubs.

Yeah, they go with a shopping list, but rarely do they take more than one victim from a city.

The victims are assets.

Why would the unsubs k*ll their profit?

Maybe the victims are escaping, or their clients are adapting.


These clients are extremely depraved.

When the act of sex isn't enough for them anymore, they may be demanding more extreme forms of release.

Which was my fear.

And these two just proved it.

[Cell phone rings]


Change of plans.

We're starting early.

What is it?

One of my U. C.s missed her last two check-ins.

[Bangs cage]



No, no...


When exactly did you talk to her?

That's 34 hours ago and that's unacceptable.

This is why we have check-ins.

We're on our way to her place right now.

Don't. Trust me, it's better that you're not in front of me.

Andi, you don't know for sure that she was taken.

My job is to expect the worst right now, and that means she was.

And she's in there with no wire, no w*apon, and no backup.

What's her name?



She's only 25.

She probably asked the wrong person the right question.

There was no way of knowing she'd do that.

We had no indication from intel that this group was even in the area.

She had to be following her own lead.

Well, her initiative is why you hired her.

Probably reminded you of someone.

Yeah. Which is why I should have seen the downfalls.

Trying to be a hero.

It doesn't always work out.

Morgan: When were they k*lled?

Best guess is 8 hours ago.

Skin abrasions say he got a bare-knuckle b*ating before he was strangled.

What about her?

Shallow cuts look like t*rture, but the fatal one was quick.

Severed carotid.

They had bruising around both of their necks, their arms, and legs.

So they were dragged around.

No sign of other restraints.


This unsub's hands must be huge.

They've got mud and dirt on them, but no signs of being held for months.

I gotta tell you, they don't look like typical missings.

I usually see malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, but not here.

They were taken care of.

Preliminary blood results confirm he's got high levels of sildenafil citrate.

Commonly used for erectile dysfunction.

Not surprising. Probably uppers and downers, too.

Yes. And she has mifepristone and misoprostol in her system.

What's that?

She just had a medical abortion.

Can I ask what's going on here?

We think they may be victims of a trafficking ring.

Evidence points there, except...


Why would they take such good care of them and then turn around and k*ll them?

Here are the missing coeds since 2009.


Ok, uh, we still need to narrow this down.

Let's look at last-known locations.

Maybe there's an overlap.

They're from all over the place.

These guys hunt in target-rich environments.

Right. Clubs, malls, that kind of thing.

What are Morgan and Rossi finding?

Uh, a lot of mud on the car and the victims.

Mud? Did it rain here?

No, not here. South.

Morgan has a theory that based on the gas mileage, they must have filled up within 70 miles of the accident.

Gotcha. How many gas stations you find?


How'd you narrow that down?

I didn't.

Why not?

I didn't have any more parameters.

Never stopped you before.

I'll be right back.

Thanks, Reid.

Hotch: What was Renee's cover?

Uh, junior at George Mason University.

Worked the student union.

Just simple 9 to 5.

She needs her nights and weekends to go out and find these guys.

How many U. C.s do you have?

We got dozens all over the country.

You recruited them all yourself?


Hey, she was onto something.

Her internet history's been cleared.

It's just a habit of hers.

What was the last thing she said to her handler?

Uh, "home. Safe. All good."

That's it.

So something must have happened yesterday morning.

Is she a runner?


You see any running shoes anywhere?


Hi, sweetheart.

Dad and I are thinking about getting to Florida the weekend before Johnny's wedding.

I know it's a long sh*t, but we were hoping you could join.

You've been working so hard, and it's only a week.

Talk to your boss.

But if you want.

This isn't a pressure call, it's just, well, we miss you.

They get to see you all the time, and we...

Your brother's treatments will be over, and so it'd be a reunion.

Just us. Like old times.

What do you think?

Call me back.

Love you.
She's marked an article about upcoming marathons in D. C.

Maybe she was in training.

She's too cautious.

She wouldn't run alone, and she'd never run at night.

If she went, she went in the morning.

What are her brother's treatments for?


She might be running for the cause.

We could find out if she showed up for a group run yesterday morning.

All that from a pair of missing sneakers.

Garcia, find out everything you can about marathon training groups in Manassas.

Yes, sir.

And focus on any groups that fund-raise for cancer.

Thanks. Bye.


Reid says we have a missing undercover?

Yeah. Andi Swan's agent.

Her name's Renee Matlin.

She's 25.

She's been undercover for about a year.

Entry level. She couldn't have got that far into the world.

Yeah, then how'd she get taken?

Well, knowing Swan, she hired somebody just like her. Driven.

You know her, too?

We consulted a long time ago.

You got any leads on the gas stations?



But, the kind that sells this egg and cheese sandwich and Cramer's coffee-- there's only one.

Yes, there is.

You good?

Better now.

Thanks for visiting.

Most people pay cash nowadays.

I had to start charging more for credit cards.

Well, in these hard times, people pay what, 30-40 bucks?

That's about right, yeah.

Yeah, well, this guy would have filled up his t*nk, probably spent 80.

Your partner just did that.

[Bell rings]

What are you looking at?

I got a monitor down here.

They got cameras.


Morgan: Back it up.

He already paid.

Where's he going?

What's around this corner?

Bathrooms. They've been out of order for a couple days, though.

My boss won't give me any money to fix them.

It's a pay phone.


Hey, I need you, baby girl.

I need to be needed.

Can you pull outgoing calls from a pay phone?

Is that hypothetical?

Give me the digits.

Let me see. It's, uh, 703-555-0123.

Ok. Outgoing call at 6:04 a.m.

To a local number, which is a pay phone.

Is it close by?

Pharmacy's 3 miles away.

Well, these guys cover their tracks.

The don't even use disposable cells.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

No, actually, you did.

Local calls tell me that they're not in the middle of their journey. Those kids were k*lled somewhere close to here.

Thanks, mama.

Renee's group confirms that she was there yesterday, but she ran with a friend. She was late.

A woman?

Another brunette.

They may have taken her, too.



Renee, be quiet.

They're gonna hear you.

Lucy, can you see any of them?

No, I don't. Do you?


Where did you get that?

I found it. Go on.

I can't find a way out.

Yeah, I'm trying.

I--I think they're down the hall.

There are 6 of them and 7 of us.

Well, maybe we can take them.


No. That's why they're sedating us.

What do you think's gonna happen?

They're gonna sell us.

[Footsteps approaching]


Please, don't take her.

Don't take her.

Don't take her.

Renee's done a lot of homework.

These people have all been to clubs over the weekend and vanished within 3 days, including this morning's victims.

So why didn't she share her theory?

She's a perfectionist.

I'm sure she wanted to gather enough intel to prove it.

Using the club as a template, there are potentially 63 others who were taken by the same offenders.

There's no way to know which ones are still alive.

Andi Swan.

How you been?


Thanks for helping out.

Nice to see you again, Andi.

Hotch: What'd you find?

We tracked the driver to a gas station outside Culpepper.

He used a pay phone to call another one in the same town.

So they're close.

And careful.

What's their budget on location?

Not much.

They pay cash, no questions asked.

Security's top priority.

So this guy's found a place to hold, what, a dozen victims?

So we're looking for a secluded spot in rural Virginia.

Well, that shouldn't be hard to find.

Welcome back, everyone.

Rossi: I thought traffickers concentrated in port cities.

International ones do.

Unfortunately, domestic traffickers abduct all over the country.

It doesn't seem like they stay in one location long after an abduction.

They move quickly and efficiently.

My guess was in a nondescript car, and until this morning that was just a theory.

They've lost their driver now, so they're in jeopardy.

It's all about survival for them.

They'll move out tonight.

But they've got customers and victims lined up.

They don't want to lose the money.

And their location hasn't been compromised yet.

Who knows where they're gonna end up?

Based on Reid's theory, we need to see if Renee had been to any clubs before she disappeared.

She went to the local clubs.

She'd report back if anyone suspicious approached her.

We followed the leads, nothing panned out.

What was the last club?

Scotty's in Georgetown.

If they find out she's an agent, she's dead.

Lucy: Pretty impressive.

He's still standing.

Ha ha ha!



This team's got to be very well-coordinated to be pulling this off.

They're cohesive and loyal.

The promise of money motivates them to be efficient.

And so does fear.

What are your thoughts about who the leader might be?

She won't shut up.

She's got the others wound up.

Well, give her something.

How much?

You want her to walk, right?

Stay here.

We need to look at this from the leader's point of view.

A group like this requires a strong leader.

Yeah, this guy's in charge of some unstable personalities.

Do you have any theories?

I have always thought he led through fear.

This guy can blackmail his whole team.

Look at the progression of this network.

They started abducting victims for sex and then adapted to k*lling.

Because he saw the growth potential in his assets.

Instead of just disposing of them, he made it into a show.

And that's why the victims are so young.

The customers will pay top dollar to see them tortured.

The average guy doesn't have that kind of money laying around.

So they're successful.

And incredibly deviant.

That's their big secret.

If it was revealed, they'd be ruined.

Wouldn't they have to criminally prove themselves to join the club?

If they're upstanding citizens, how do they do that?

It could be a white-collar crime, like money laundering.

That's often done through real estate.

Garcia, who owned the clubs where the victims went missing?

Bruce Harmon owns the club in Arizona.

And in Ohio?

Bob Moore.

And Scotty's in Georgetown?

Bob Moore is a partner in that.

Do any of them own property in Virginia?

Moore also is a partner in the development of a private facility.

What happened to it?

It looks like bad guys go through hardship, too.

Financiers pulled all the money out in 2009, so it's not anything.

What was it?

It was supposed to be a tough-love rehab center, but now-- now it's just an abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere.

With a lot of acreage and mud.

How close to the gas station?

8 miles west of it.

Let's go.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Hey, how did you get out?

I think there's a door down there.

No, they keep that door guarded at all times.

We gotta use the other one.

What about outside?

No, it's not a big operation.

They've got maybe one guard for the whole property.

If we wait for him to pass, we just run like hell.

Wait, how do you know?

I watched their patterns.

And when they drove us in, I only saw one guard.

What are you?

You're some kind of cop.

So you--they know that you're here.

They might come and get us.


Nobody knows.

Don't you have a wire?

No, I have nothing.

We've got a special guest tonight.

Minimum bid just doubled.

How's it gonna go?

Get the money.

This one is mine.

You're sick.


What did you say?

How messed up do you have to be...

To sit in a cell and pretend you've got a friend?

They're gonna find you.

Well, you won't be here to see it.

It doesn't matter.

You're gonna lose.


Look at how brave.

You get off on it, don't you?

Betraying people.

What, it's a power trip?

You have all the control.

How did you know?

But, you know, this isn't about me or you, really.

This is about money.



They're gonna find all of you, and when they--



Take care of it.

We gotta go.

What about her?





Just give me a excuse to blow your brains out!

[Breathing hard, grunting]

Let me see your hands!

Against the wall.



She's alive.

Hotch: We need a medic downstairs.


How's she doing?

She's still out, but her vitals are good.

She's gonna make it.

This is the last one.

How many arrests?


And 7 victims rescued.

[Tires screeching]

Hey! Hey, stop that vehicle!

Stop! Where you going?!


They were gonna take me away.

We need to get you some help.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

We know what happened here.

No, you don't.

You're right.

I can't imagine.

I just don't want to get strapped down again.

Strapped down?

He's a lot younger than I expected.

This guy's our leader?

And how long have you been gone?

They got me when I was 17.


He was the only one who got out.


Lucy: But...

They go after older ones now.

And she's the only victim he took with him.

Why don't I give you a ride.

You don't have to come with me.

No, it's ok.

Renee was last seen with a brunette.

It's her.


You ever think of packing it all in?

Yeah. Sometimes.

We should live on a farm.


Land, fresh air, chickens.



Yeah, that's all a bad guy needs to t*rture you.

Ok, stop.

Well, it's true.

But what if you didn't see that anymore?

What if all you saw were acres and acres of--of green and, oh, a windmill and solar panels?

You, Kevin Lynch, would give up all things digital?

All I need is you.

And those sheep with the black heads and the white bodies.

But no wool.

I'm allergic.

What do you say?

Do you want to buy the farm with me?

Wouldn't that mean we're dead?

Excuse me.

I'm serious.

Think about it.

I will.


Hello, agent.

Hey, Kevin.

Is he all right?


Are you all right?


Yeah, I'm all right.


What happened to you?

That guy was huge.


You should start working out.


Oh, you got jokes now?

What is it, kid?

We only rescued 7 victims today.

What about the rest of these?

It never ends.

But today I think we did good.

Yeah, we did.

Yeah, if we weren't so exhausted I would toast us.

Good work, everybody.

Go home and get some rest.

Nobody needs to come in till 9:00.


We were supposed to talk ab-- has he ever left before us?

Baby girl, I don't blame him.

It's been a long-ass day.

Well, you heard the man.

Go home.

Morgan: You don't have to tell me twice.

Hey, is anyone hungry?


There's this super good Indian restaurant.

It's a little ways away, but it's open 24 hours and they have amazing chicken tandoori.

All right.

Rossi: "What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do."


You said we needed to talk, but at 2 a.m.?

I saw the lights were on.

And you couldn't sleep.

Which tells me you've given some thought to what we discussed.

I haven't stopped thinking about it.


I'm coming back.