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02x02 - The Tale of the Midnight Madness

Posted: 11/09/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
[muffled heartbeat]


[child laughs]



Come on! Come on!
Let's go!

- Getting late!
- What's the rush?

Fright Night at the Majestic Theater.

Triple feature marathon.

We got free passes.

Cool. What's playing?

Who cares?
Let's go.

I've been to Fright Night,
and I'm never going back.

Why not?

Because Frank's afraid
of the dark, remember?

I'm not going back

because you sit in that
movie theater for so long...

you start to forget that
the real world even exists.

The only thing that seems real...

is the horror movie
up on the screen.

That's what my story's about.

You know when you get
really scared,

you can always tell yourself
that it's just a movie...

but sometimes a movie
seems so real,

that it's hard
to tell the difference

between what's make-believe...

and what's really there.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

I wanted to show you the view.

It's lovely, isn't it?


[one person clapping]

Oh! Enjoy the film, ma'am?


Everybody's a critic.

Let's go.
This place is depressing.

I got to clean the Aisles first.

Six bucks? That's it?

One popcorn, two sodas.

Pete bought the second soda.

Friday is supposed
to be a good night.

Six bucks is a good night.

Well, this job's getting tough.

Had to pick up two
of these things tonight.

Make jokes.

You going to laugh when
they shut this place down?

They'll never close the Rialto

- It's a landmark.
- Tell that to the owners.

They don't like losing money.

Is everything busted around here?

This place would fall
apart without you.

Well, it's falling apart anyway.

Hey, we can re-use these.

Hey, do you really think
they're going to shut us down?

I don't know,

but I'm applying for
a job over at the quad.

The quad?
That's a multiplex.

And it's got lines around the block.

- I need the job.
- Hey, uh...

you want to get something to eat?

Oh... no.
I got homework.

Thanks anyway.

[Frank] Pete couldn't stand
to see the Rialto die,

so he started a campaign
to keep it open.

It wasn't just his job
he was worried about.

Pete loved movies
and loved the old theater.

But it was no use.

Unless a miracle happened,
the Rialto was doomed.

No! Wait! Wait!

- Sorry.
- Thanks.

I guess I almost locked you out.

You know, um, don't bother.

No one comes in when we're open.

So how's the campaign going,
Don Quixote?

Well, you know,
I went to the zoning commission

to try to get landmark status.

It's not going to be easy.

I hate to break this to you, Pete,

but I think you're just dreaming.

- Why don't you just--
- [banging]

We're not open for an hour!



Yo! Come back in an hour!

Who are you?

Vink's the name.
Dr. Vink.

- Dr. Vink?
- Vink with a V-V-V.

Absolutely perfect!

We're not open yet.

- That smell...
- [sniff]

It's wonderful!

No modern theater
has that smell.

- It's stale popcorn.
- Look, what do you want?

It's not what I want, lad.

It's what you want.

- Is this your handiwork?
- Yeah.

Then I've come to the right place.

Ha ha!

The guy is a nut bag.
I'm calling the police.

No. No. Wait.

Marvelous! Marvelous!

I couldn't have designed it
better myself!

Uh, look, you're not
supposed to be here, OK?

What is this? Who are you?

Vink's the name. Dr. Vink.

With a V-V-V.

Whatever you're selling,
I'm not buying.

My good man, I've come
to save your theater...

and it won't cost you a dime.

And I am not a nut bag.

I am a filmmaker,
at least I used to be,

back when theaters like this
were commonplace,

back before wide screens,
before color,

before sound,

back when films tried
to stir the imagination,

not bludgeon it.

How old are you?

Old enough to know
that things have changed.

- Look, pal--
- my films were quite popular, you know.

They always had a certain...

- magic.
- How did you do that?

A film I made many years ago--

a horror film.

- Really?
- A vampire film, to be precise.

It's quite unique,
for in my story,

the vampire wins.
Ha ha ha!

What's your angle, pal?

My good man,
I'll make you a promise.

Show my film in your theater,

and people will flock to see it.

Your fortunes will turn,

and you will make for
more than six bucks a night.

A black-and-white silent film
is going to turn this place around?

That ain't a vampire movie.
That's a fairy tale.

You don't have to believe me.

Just show my film once,
and you'll see.

- As for payment--
- Ah! Here we go!

I don't want money.

All I ask is that once
your success is assured,

you give me one night
a week of your choosing

to show my other films
to the public.

If this film can do as you say,

I'll give you three nights
plus a cut of the vending.

I don't want your popcorn money.

Just one night a week.

Do we have a deal?


- You're a wise man.
- Look out!

Look, buddy,
maybe you'd better...

Where'd he go?

Back to Mars,
where he came from.

So do we show it?

The guy's loony.
Throw it out.

[Frank] Pete stuck the movie
in the projection booth

and forgot all about it,

but he didn't forget his mission
to save the Rialto,

though it was looking pretty bad.

Bills were piling up,
and tickets sale were going down.

It was only a matter of time

before the owners
would pull the plug

and shut the old theater
down forever.

Then, one Saturday night,
things took an interesting turn.

You wanted to see us?

[sighs deeply]

Something tells me
this is bad news.

- So?
- I just got the word.

We close in two weeks.

No way! They can't
close down a landmark!

I think maybe they can.

Oh, now what?
Come on.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I'll go handle the refunds.

No! Wait! Wait!

I got an idea.

Can I have your attention?

We've... ahem.

We've had technical difficulties
with tonight's film

and won't be able to continue
with the showing.

[audience groaning and mumbling]

But we've got a special surprise.

We're going to be showing
a classic film

from the golden age
of silent movies instead.

[audience groaning]

And if you stay for the showing
and aren't completely satisfied,

you'll still get a full refund
when you leave.

This better be good, young lady.

My time is valuable.

Enjoy the show.

- That was chilling.
- I was so scared...

So good I'll probably have
nightmares for a week.

Show more classics
like that, kid,

and you might get
a couple more customers.

See you tomorrow.

Good night.
Tell your friends.

They loved it.
No one wanted a refund.


- We got a hit!
- Yeah!

Let's hug again!

- Um, Pete...
- Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to...

Oh, no. Isn't this exactly
what that Dr. Vink guy

- said would happen?
- Yeah, I guess it is.


Let's tell Kristoph.
Come on.

Dr. Vink's movie was a smash,

so they started a Saturday night
midnight madness show,

and it became a huge cult hit.

They got so busy,
the owners decided not to sell.

Just as Dr. Vink predicted.

Just as Dr. Vink predicted.

[cheering and applause]

Good night.
Thanks for coming.

Come again. Good night.

Major popcorn sales.
The place is a mess.


Uh, hey, you know, I was
wondering maybe after, you know,

we clean up and everything,
uh, you know, you and I could--

- Evening, lad.
- Dr. Vink!

I thought I'd stop by and see
how things were progressing.

Well, your film's a smash.
It's unbelievable!

I mean, people are packing in
and staying for two shows

- and bringing friends.
- There you are!

Ha ha ha!

I want to shake
the hand of the man

who saved this theater.
Where you been?

I thought it best to stay away

until the success of
your theater was assured.

Success? Ha!
We're k*lling them.

And don't think I forget
who we can thank for that.

It's time we made a deal

for that, uh,
masterpiece of yours.

I believe we already have a deal.

You promised me
one night a week

to show my other films,
did you not?

- You were serious about that?
- Quite.

Look, Doc, I can't show
old movies here during the week.

Saturday night, midnight, maybe,

but I'm getting A-list films
in here now.

Why don't I just
write you a check--

I don't want your money.

I don't want your friendship.

I want your theater.

One shouldn't make a bargain

if they can't honor their commitments.

- Maybe we--
- Look, pal, it's not going to happen.

You want a rental fee
for your movie? Fine.

But you are not
getting this theater.

End of story.

Ha ha ha!

That's where you're wrong,
my friend.

This story is far, far from over!

Ha ha ha!

In fact, it's only just beginning.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, he doesn't want
to get paid for his film,

that's his problem.

The Rialto to continued to do well,

all because of Dr. Vink's
strange movie.

Pete wanted to study it to
figure out why it was so magical.

he was about to find out.

You know what?
I just had the weird dream.


I thought I saw Nosferatu
step out of the movie.

I think you've been
working here too long.

Uh... Katie...

I know you think I'm kind of a geek.

You're not a geek, Pete.

You're a nerd.

I'm kidding.

Well, uh...
you know, I guess you know

that I kind of...

- like you and stuff.
- It's OK, Pete.

I... kind of like you, too.

[man screams]

- [knock knock]
- Mr. Kristoph?

Mr. Kristoph?

- Are you OK?
- What's wrong with him?

I don't know. He...

- Ugh! Gross!
- I'll get an ambulance.

It's-- it's dead.

No way.

- We got to get help.
- I'll stay with him.

No. We're staying together.
Come on.

No. No.

- Pete, what is going on?
- It's Dr. Vink. It's got to be.

- He's trying to scare us.
- Well, he's doing a good job.


We know it's you, Dr. Vink.


Was that the vampire?

No! Yes! Maybe.
I don't know.

Maybe I did see him
come out of the movie.

Movies aren't real.

Well, that guy looked
pretty real to me.


Come on!

- What are we going to do?
- OK. Maybe I'm crazy,

but I think I saw that vampire
come out of the film.

- How?
- I don't know.

There's something weird
about that movie,

and Dr. Vink's using it
to get revenge.

- This can't be real.
- OK. I got an idea.

Thread up the last reel
on the projector.

What are you going to do?

Probably something stupid,
but I got to try.

Yell when it's ready.

Who are you?

How did you get here?




Hurry! He's coming!

Sorry, pal.
Got to finish what you started.

Pete, I'm going to stop the film.

I'll be trapped in here!

I saw this film,
and I know how it ends...

and I'm doing it right.

Aah! Aah!


What happened?

- Are you OK?
- Yeah. What a dream.

This movie's starting to get to me.

You have no idea.

Ha ha ha! Bravo!

- Vink.
- Good show, lad.

I couldn't have written it
better myself.

As for you, Kristoph--

Look, Dr. Vink,
I've been thinking.

A deal is a deal.
Forget what I said before.

You can have your one night a week.

That won't be necessary.
You see...

I've just purchased this theater.

- You what?
- Oh, yes.

Now I can show my films
every night, and believe me,

I've got many, many more

that are far better than this one.

Ha ha ha!

The End.

So who's going to fright night?

- Uh, it's getting late.
- Yeah. I'm kind of tired.

- See you later, Frank.
- Yeah, see you.

You can have my tickets.

I, uh, thought you weren't
going to fright night.

You kidding?
It's just a movie,

and I got two free passes.

- Let's go.
- Come on.