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01x11 - The Tale of the Dark Music

Posted: 11/09/23 08:16
by bunniefuu

- Where were you?
- It's OK, Frank.

We're waiting for you.

We were supposed to
come together.

Oh, yeah.
I forgot. Sorry.

Forgot? Great.
You know, thanks a lot!

Be careful with that.
It's my father's.

I ought to make you eat this!

- What's the big deal?
- Well, you see--

All right. Just forget it.

- Poor Frankie lost his flashlight.
- Let it go, Eric.

- And what?
- And he's afraid of the dark.

- What?
- Not Mr. Tough Stuff.

It's OK.

I get scared in the dark
sometimes, too.

I'm not afraid of the dark!

I just wasn't sure

I could find the clearing
without a flashlight.

- You're gonna pay for this, man!
- Don't k*ll him yet.

- He's telling the story tonight.
- Yeah, and it's a good one.

There's a little boy in it
who's afraid of the dark.

You're dead meat.

Sit down, Frank.
Don't be strange.

- No. I'll stand.
- Just tell the story.

Well, everyone knows

that there's nothing in
the dark that can hurt you...

most of the time.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society...

I call this story...

[fire hisses]

Andy Carr wasn't doing so hot.

His folks got divorced, and
his mom wasn't making much money.

He tried to help her
as beat he could,

like with his paper route.

It gave him money
to buy lunch at school.

Things were pretty tough.

Then, one day, it looked like
his luck changed.

His mom inherited
a big old house

from some uncle
she could hardly remember--

Just like that.
Didn't cost her a dime.

It was kind of old but a lot
better than the puny apartment

they lived in.

It really looked like
the Carrs' luck was changing,

except there are
two kinds of luck,

and you don't always get
the kind you want.



You mess with me, kid,
and I'll deck you.


Everybody was glad when
your nut-bag uncle kicked.

- Then you had to show up.
- I never even met the guy!

You're his family.
It's the same thing.

If you get in my face
again, you're history.

- Who are you?
- I'm your new neighbor.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

[video game beeping]

Oh, I hate these things.
They're so stupid.

- Mom?
- Yeah?

- What was Uncle Niles like?
- I don't remember.

Last time I saw him,
I was Christina's age.

This is useless.
Do me a favor.

Go down in the basement
and see if he had a ladder.

The basement?

Yeah. There's a bunch
of junk down there.

Uhh... I don't know.

What's the matter, Andy?
Afraid of the dark?

No, I'm not afraid of the dark.

Be careful down there.
It's a real mess.

Hey, somebody
at the wall switch up there,

I need some power.

Do it yourself.

- [static]
- How's that?

- Good. Thanks.
- [tuning stations]

[lively music playing]

[door rattling]

[music stops]

[tuning stations]

- [creaking]
- I heard that.


[tuning stations]

- [rock and roll playing]
- Yeah.

Who's there?

Hello, Andy.

- Come on in.
- Aah!

- [crash]
- Aah! Mom!

Bogeyman in the basement.

I love it.

Uncle Niles may be dead,
but he's not forgotten.

- Ooh!
- Yeah!

You OK, Frank?


- Where'd he go?
- I didn't see him leave.

He couldn't take it.
I told you he was chicken.

Keep going.
He'll come back.

So, anyway, Andy freaked
and ran up to get his mom,

and his worst nightmares
were coming true.

[Andy] It was in there!
It talked to me!

It said, "Come in,
and I'll suck your blood,"

- or something like that.
- Get lost!

Get back upstairs... now!


It... it was probably
a rat or something.

- Rats don't talk.
- Good.

I hate rats.


Honey, come over here.

It's the root cellar.
Ha ha ha!

I swear, Mom.
There was something in here!

Well, maybe it was a rat...
or the leaky old plumbing.

This house is falling apart.

What's this?

Oh, I was playing
with the old radio and...

Well, there's your bogeyman.

Must have been something
on the radio.

- [sigh]
- I don't know.

Oh, honey, I know it's been tough,
but I really need you

to be strong for me right now, OK?

- OK.
- Yuck! That's my guy.

Let's get something to eat
before Christina gets it all.

And don't give me no lip!

You want an allowance,
you earn it!

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, man.
You're gonna die.

Man. Oh, man.

You're mine!

- I got you!
- [rattling]

I'm gonna get you, man!
You can't stay in there forever!


I got to be strong.

What's the matter?

I thought you weren't
afraid of the dark.

What are you doing down here?

Boy, you're such a wuss.

Don't come down here
alone anymore.

The bogeyman might get me.

[video game beeping]

And now... the fireplace.

- Mom?
- Yeah?

Who was Uncle Niles?
Like, what did he do?

Oh, he was a stranger guy.

He never left the house
but somehow got filthy rich.

Nobody knows where
the money came from.

From what I hear, the neighbors
didn't like him too much.

They thought he was
kind of looney.

- How did he die?
- He was old and just stopped living.

They found him in the basement
at the bot--

Ha ha ha.
Let's chance the subject.

Chris, go down and put the
clothes in the laundry for me, OK?

- [video game beeping]
- Christina.

- Mom! I'm busy.
- [sigh]

- Oh, Mom.
- I'm filthy.


Remember, there's
nothing down there.

[rock and roll playing]


Hi, Andy.
Won't you come play with me?

We can have lots of fun.

Just come with me.


[Mrs. Carr]
Everything OK?

Hurry. Please hurry.

Hey, you.

What are you doing?

- [music stops]
- Aah!

[echoing] Andy...

- What?
- Are you OK?

Yeah. Sure.

Andy was, like, hypnotized.

He didn't remember
anything that happened,

which means
he didn't know enough

to never go down
in the basement again.

[unlocks door]

"Hi, honey.
I'll be at the store till :.

"Do me a favor and throw
these traps in the wash."

[guitar music playing]


[carnival music playing]

[tuning stations]


[carnival barker]
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Step right up
for the time of your life.

We've got games.
We've got rides.

We've got prizes
like you've never seen.

That's right, son.
Don't delay.

We've got all kinds
of surprises in here.

[carnival music continues]

Oh, don't stop now, son.
You're almost...

- here!
- No!

What's the matter, Andy?
Don't you want to have some fun?

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, yeah!

This is going to be some show!
Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!



It's music!

[music playing]

[turns music off]

[music playing]

- I got to tell Mom!
- [turns music off]

Nice day for a ride, isn't it?

I've got to go find my mom.

Your mom's not going to
help you now, kid.

Uh! Oh!

Get used to it, kid.

I'm going to beat on you
for the rest of your life.

[truck horn honks]


- Don't!
- [honks horn]

Now you've got to deliver
your stupid papers by foot,

and you'll never get away from me.

Howdy, neighbor.

When you're done,
come over and clean my house.

- You make a good maid.
- You're dead!

Kid, you are toast.

Hey, let me out!

Let me out, you little freak!

Let me out!
I'm gonna k*ll you!

You're gonna die!

- [knocking]
- What's the matter, Koda?

You're not afraid
of the dark, are you?

I'm gonna kick your butt,
Carr! I swear!

I don't know.

I think your butt-kicking
days are over.

[heavy metal music
playing loudly]

Aah! Oh!

- Aah!
- [music continues]

Aah! Aah!

[music stops]


[door creaks]

Had enough?

You mess with me,
I'll do this to you again.

[guitar music playing]

[deep voice]
It's yours, Andy.

I'll give you anything you want,
just like I did for your uncle.

- Who are you?
- [deep voice] Anything you want.

You only have to do one thing.

What's that?

Feed me. Feed me.

Andy, I'm home.

Mom says you have to
make me dinner,

and it better be good,
or you're gonna get it.

[deep voice laughing]

He didn't feed his own sister
to the thing, did he?

No, but he made sure that
she didn't bother him anymore.


I'd have done it.
The little brat deserved it.

Great story, Eric.

Well, it's getting late.
We got to go.

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed.

Hey, where's Frank
with my father's flashlight?

I got to take that thing home.

So wait for him.
He'll be back.

Wait? Here? Alone?

Why can't you
wait with me, Kristen?

What's the matter, Eric?
Afraid of the dark?

Hey, no problem.
I'll wait.

I am not afraid of the dark.

I'm not afraid of the dark.

Frank, let's go!

It's getting late!
Come on!

♪ I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not afraid of the dark ♪


Paybacks are sweet!

[Frank laughing]