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01x08 - The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors

Posted: 11/09/23 08:14
by bunniefuu
Why do we always tell
scary stories at night?

I mean, if they're scary,
they should be just as scary

- during the day, right?
- No way.

Things are always scarier at night.

Yeah, but why?

Because you can't
see things at night.

Yeah, like some ghoul could
sneak up on you in the dark

and you wouldn't know
until it was too late.


- I am.
- Oh, man.

What's the matter?

You always tell
the same kind of story.

It's kind of gross,

but everyone always
lives happily ever after.

- Boring.
- So what's your problem?

You're kind of gross
and boring too.

- You, Kiki.
- Good one.

Things are scarier at night,
especially in my story.

You can be scared during
the day, but don't bother,

because the real terror
never begins until night falls.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

except for Eric...

I call this story...


- Boo!
- Aaaaagggghhhhh!


What's the matter,
did I scare you?

Not too funny.

You sit in front of the TV all day,
and you're gonna turn into dad.

Great. If that happens,

I'll send you to your room--

You're a zero.
You'll always be a zero.

You won't catch me
sitting around like some toad.

There's a ton going on
in the world, Dayday,

and I'm not going to miss any of it.

Hey, new neighbors moving in.

At night?

- What's with the black clothes?
- I think they look cool.

Maybe they're artists
or foreign diplomats.

Or maybe they got
dressed in the dark

and don't know they look stupid.

Whoever they are,

they don't fit this
boring neighborhood.


Tell me that wasn't creepy.

I think I'm going to
avoid our new neighbors.

- Need a hand?
- I need a new back.

What's in the box?

Whatever it is,
they got of 'em.

Know these people?

They just moved in Friday night.

We're coming over to say hi.

- What's their name?
- Um, Braun-- Mr. and Mrs.

Look at this.

Ravno, Ukraine.
They're from the Ukraine.

- That near Disneyworld?
- No, Dip, it's never Russia.

I knew that.

Must have wanted these
refrigerators pretty bad.

They ordered them in Russia.

That's what they are?


You just gonna leave 'em?

That's what the order says.

Nobody home,
leave 'em in the driveway.

See you.

Come on.

- That's weird.
- What?

Their car's here.
They gotta be home.

Why didn't they
answer the door?

What if they're KGB agents

who had to bolt when
the Soviet Union crumbled?

Or gypsies searching
for a new home?

Oh, get real.

Hi, Mom.

I'm late. Don't forget
to tell your father--

I'm sorry.

I'm late. Bye.

Sorry, Mr. Mitchell.

When Mom's in a rush,
she's a little crazy.

Oh, it's OK.

- I know the feeling.
- Are you OK?

Yeah. I just got a touch
of something.

I'm as weak as a kitten.

Well, the mail must go through.

Uh, have you met
the new neighbors yet?

Oh, yeah.

They stopped by my house
the other night

just to get acquainted.
That's the night I'll never forget.

Why, were they strange
or something?

No, it's the night
I started getting sick.

I hope I can shake it off.

Emma started paying close
attention to the Brauns.

She watched them
every chance she got.

And the more she watched,
the more she realized

the new neighbors were just
a little bit strange.

They didn't talk to anyone,

and no one ever saw them
during the day, only at night.

Even their kid, Lex,
was never seen during the day.

- Hello.
- [gasps]

Can I come in and play?

- Um, it's kind of late.
- Maybe some other time.

Lex never started school.

No one had even heard of him.

And the strange disease
that hit Mr. Mitchell

was spreading through
the neighborhood like crazy.

People were losing their energy.

It was like an epidemic
going around,

but no one knew what it was,

and it started the same night
the Brauns moved in.

Things seemed very strange indeed.

Emma had a great imagination,

but this was a little weird,
even for her.

Then one night, all the pieces
of the puzle came together.


Wake up, Dayday.
Come on.

I can't go to school, Mom.
I'm sick.

Get up now.

What? What?

Give me that.

I know what's wrong
with the Brauns.

Me too.
They have a crazy neighbor-- you.

Listen, why is it they're
never out during the day?

And where are they from?

Here. Ravno, Ukraine.

That's right in the middle
of all those e-ah places--

Rumania, Bulgaria,

And what about those people?

They're all getting sick--
weak and pale--

and they all have band-aids
on their necks.

- There's only one explanation.
- What?

- One neighbors are vampires.
- Ah, I'm dreaming.

No, you're not.
They're vampires, all right.

- They gotta be.
- There's no such thing as vampires.

Now go away.

Remember those big crates
that guy delivered?

I think I know what was in 'em.

Me too.

I'll bet it was their coffins.

And I'm gonna check tonight.

I'm gonna wait till they leave,
then get into their basement.

If I find refrigerators,
then I'm a jerk,

and you can bust on me all you want.

But if I'm right and I find coffins,
then our neighbors are vampires,

and we are in big-time trouble.

She's going into
a vampire's basement?

At night?
Adios, Emma.

But they might not be vampires.

Then why are all those people
getting sick?

Yeah, like blood was being
sucked from their necks.

- I love it.
- What happened?

Emma didn't know for sure
if they were vampires,

so she had to investigate.
And that night, she did.


What are you doing?

- Vampires don't like garlic.
- Neither do I.

Maybe I'm a vampire.

We're safe as long
as you remember one thing:

a vampire can't come
into someone's home

unless it's been invited.

So never, ever invite
the Brauns inside, got it?

Yeah, I'll try
and remember that.


You're not really going
into their basement, are you?

- What if you get caught?
- I won't. Don't worry. Look.

They leave the same time
every night.

Probably in search
of their next victims.


[doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

We are your new neighbors.

Might we come in?

Uh, sure. Come on in.

No, wait.
Um-- um, my dad's not home,

and maybe you should
come back another time.


- Who's there, Dayday?
- Uh, nobody. Wrong house.

Oh, hello.
You're from next door.

Come in, come in.


I'm sorry my husband isn't here.
He works late.

Ah, we know what
that's like, eh?

We both work evenings.

It's been hard on poor Lex.

He hasnt been well
since we moved here.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
What is it you do for work?

We've been studying your
emergency health care services.

Paramedics, you call it.

We ride with ambulances
to study different techniques

we can bring back to our country.

It's absolutely fascinating work,
although sometimes a bit, um...


It's a refrigerator.

Dayday's never gonna
let me forget this.

Why would they lock a refrigerator?

If I can crack 'em at school,
I can crack 'em here.

You've been most gracious,
Mrs. Toll,

but we only came
to introduce ourselves,

and we must get Lex home.

Well, I'm so glad we finnaly met.

Please drop by anytime.

No. I mean, don't leave yet.

- You just got here.
- I'm afraid Lex needs to rest.

But... we can play video games.
It'll be great, right, Lex?

Maybe not.

- MOM: It's getting late, Dayday.
- Don't worry, Dayday.

Now that we've been invited,
I promise you we'll be back.


[bottles rattling]


- What are you doing here?
- The Brauns are coming home.

- Come on!
- Wait. I gotta see something.

No coffins?

No. They've got these
refrigerators locked,

and I want to see why.

What is it?

- It's blood.
- [door slams]

Come on, Dayday.
Help me put that tarp on there.

no coffins, no vampires--
you said so.

Dayday, they had bottles of blood.

They're vampires, all right,
and you invited them in.

Did not. Mom did.

- It doesn't matter.
- I think they found their next victims.

- Who?
- Us?

They were invited in, remember?

We got to tell somebody.
Mom and Dad... or the police.

They'll never believe us.
We're the only one who know,

and we're the only ones
who can stop them.

Yeah? How?

Tomorrow after school,
before it's dark,

we got to get them
before they get us.

Here. Put this on.

What's in it?

Wooden spikes.
We have to find the coffins,

and drive the wooden spikes
through their hearts.

This is too gross for me.

Wear this, just in case.

Forget it.

I'm not going.

if we don't stop them today,

they may come for us tonight.

[engine running]

Watch your head.

Now what?

I think I know
where the coffins are.

- There.
- [panting]

- I think I'm gonna puke.
- Come on.


- Oh, it's locked.
- Don't worry, it's a cheap one.

I can open it.
Here, hold this.

- Hold it still.
- Well, I'm scared, Em.

Me too, but get a grip.


- Hurry.
- It's harder than I thought.

I got it.

[car horn honks]

- Who was that?
- I don't know. Let's bolt.

I thought vampires
couldn't go in the sun.

- They can't.
- Hello, children.

You must be Dayday's sister, Emma.

I thought you worked at night.

We did,
but the schedule changed.

Thank goodness.

What's that?

It's blood from the hospital.
They have a surplus,

and we've been storing
the extra units here for them.

Dayday, Lex is still
not feeling very well.

We thought having
a friend might help.

Would it be all right
if he came over to your house

to play video games
with you tonight?

- Oh, yeah. Sure.
- Oh, wonderful.

Maybe we'll see
you later too, hmm?

- Nice to meet you, Emma.
- Ciao.


They work in a hospital.
That's why they have blood.

And how was I supposed
to know that?

We better get them
before they get us, Dayday.

- Ooh, I'm so scared.
- All right, I made a mistake.

I'm never gonna
let you forget this.

Oh, give me a break.

You're a loser.
You're a big loser.

They were in here,
weren't they?

I'm afraid so.

No matter.
Tonight's the night.

Wake up, Master.
The sun is gone.

You'll feel better soon, Master.

You've been invited in
by new victims.


You were wise in coming
on this country.

There is so much more
fresh blood here.

And no one believe that
the little boy can be a vampire.

Ha ha ha.

With ghosts and ghouls
there are no rules,

but a vampire's bite
only comes at night.

The End.

I declare this meeting of
the Midnight Society closed.

Until next time.

Pleasant dreams, everyone.