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01x05 - The Tale of the Hungry Hounds

Posted: 11/09/23 08:11
by bunniefuu
- [yelp]
- What was that?

- What?
- I thought I heard something,

- like an animal or something.


- Nobody here but us chickens.
- Very funny.

Here, let me do it.

I can do it.
Give me the matches.

- Where's Kristen?
- She'll be here.

Don't get your shorts in a knot.

Yeah, after the work is all done.

She wouldn't want to break
her fingernails.


We're going to have to
make a rule about latecomers.


- What was that?
- Sounded like a hound dog.

- Maybe it was Kristen.
- She's no dog.




Sorry I'm late.
I had to pick up Elvis.

- And who's Elvis?
- He ain't nothing but a hound dog.

My dad says Elvis the King.

Kristen, are you going
to tell us a story,

or are you just going to sit there
scaring us with Elvis?

I have a tale that will have you
shaking in your little booties.


Elvis is here for the sound effects.

I'll need some help
with the dust, Dave.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

On rainy days,

Pam like to rummage around
in her musty old attic.

Her mother never threw
anything away.

There was stuff
from Pam's grandparents,

from relatives and ancestors
who'd been dead for years.

One summer, Pam's Cousin Amy
was visiting from the city.

Amy, come here.

Look at this.
Isn't this great?

Grandpa wore this at his wedding.

Just think--
My mother and your father

were just a twinkle in his eye.

- But I guess Aunt Dora came first.
- [thump]


Come here. Look at this.

Amy, where are you?


Hello, Charles.

- Who's Charles?
- The guests are arriving, dear.

It's nearly time for the wedding.

This isn't funny.

There are more things
on heaven and earth

- than you ould ever dream of.
- Says who?

Hamlet-- his father's ghost
made him do things

- that he didn't want to do.
- Like what?

Like k*ll his uncle
for marrying his mother.

- Nice.
- Glad we're not in that family.

I don't believe in ghosts anyways.

What's this?

I didn't know you could ride.

I can't.
Mom won't let me.

This is Aunt Dora,
and that's her horse-- Mirage.

- She sure looked like you.
- [squeaking]

- Let's go.
- No, no. It's coming from in there.

Well, come on. Help me.

Look. There's a name.

Dora Pease, .


Come on.
This is to creepy.

It's probably just a mouse.

No. We shouldn't touch it.

Mom says
"Let the dead rest in peace."


There's a little mouse hole.

- [ahem]
- Hey, in there.

Tell us the combination,
and we'll let you free.

Pam! Amy! Come on down now.

It's time to feed the dog.
Let's go.


I can't believe that I have to
spend my entire summer here.

What do you do for fun,

Promise you won't tell?
Let's go.

His owners live in the city.
The only come here on weekends.

- Does it bite?
- Nah, he's just a big baby. Watch.

Come here.

- Oh, good boy.
- So he's like a big dog. So what?

Watch this.

[engine approaches]

[car horn]



Are you all right?

The animals are dangerous.

I told you never to go near them.

It wouldn't be dangerous
if I knew how to ride.

Can't I just take some lessons?

No, and I wish you wouldn't
bring the subject up again.

It's dinnertime.
Let's go home.

But it's safe in a ring.

- I don't want to discuss it.
- Mom, it happened years ago.

Seems like yesterday to me.

I think you better give it a rest.

Won't work with just one person.

This is feeble.

Don't you do anything around
here except play games?

What are we going
to do next, Jethro?

Shuck some corn?

Come on. Humor me.

I found it in the attic.

The spirits are supposed to give us
messages from the other world.

Maybe they can tell us
where to get pizza.

- Amy.
- I'm sorry.

Let's visit the far side.

Mom said that she
and Aunt Dora

used to do this
when they were kids.

- You're doing this, right?

L... E...



E... O...

U... T...

- No. It spelled "Let me out."

Let me out?

Maybe it's that rodent calling
from Aunt Dora's box.

... ...


What if it works?

We're just going to open it up
and tak a look.

What's the big deal?

Yeah, but you saw
how upset my mom got.

It's like she's haunted
by her sister.

- If she catches us--
- [squeaking]

If it can fit through
that mouse hole,

it's not big enough to hurt us.

Yeah, but what if
it's something else?

Like what?
Now, what were those numbers?

--. I'm telling you,
this isn't going to work,

and I don't even believe
in this stuff.

Then you shouldn't be scared.


Whoa, wait a minute!
Wait a minute!

What are we running from?
A mouse?

You're the country cousin.
What are you scared of?

Ohh... Cool.
It's all her riding stuff.

It's all covered
with dirt and grass.


Looks like they never washed it
after the last time she wore it.

What are you doing?

Are you...


It's not night.

What is this?


Pam, come on.
Let's go back, OK?


It must be time for dinner.

Don't you have to
feed the dog or something?

OK. Ha ha! Good job.

You've totally creeped me.

OK. I deserve it.
I've been a pain.

Now let's go back.

Oh, no.

Paul Pease.

Noel Pease.

It's all our family for years.

"As you are, so was I.

As I am, so will you be."

Nice thought.

Aunt Dora's grave.

Why did you bring me here?

What is that? A bone?

- Mon Petit Rouge.
- What?

- Mon Petit Rouge.
- What is happening to you?

It's a gift from the fox.

He leaves me presents.

Very nice. Now...

let's go.

I called him Mon Petit Rouge--

my little red one.
I fed him each day.

He looked at me through the cage
with his little golden eyes.

I know. Let's travel
back to earth now, OK?

I didn't want the hounds
to tear him apart,

but they were ravenous
and howling for the hunt.

The day of the hunt,
I got up before dawn

to see Mon Petit Rouge.

He was shivering in his cage.

I opened the door, and
I let him run free in the barn.

The hounds could hear him,
and they could smell him.

- They were going crazy.
- I know the feeling.

I opened the barn door,
and he seemed to smile at me,

and then he ran away.

The hounds were furious.

I wanted to ride after him
before the hunters came,

so I saddled up Mirage,
and we raced over the hills.


but then something startled him,
and he shied before a jump...

And he tripped.

and we fell together.

Pam, your imagination
is running away with you.

You are Pam.
You're not Dora.

Hello, Dora.

I was wondering when
you'd get around to your chores.

I've come to feed the hounds.

You should have fed them
while they were alive.

- I couldn't get back until now.
- I was all torn up when you died.


My little Dora.

She is not Dora.

When I found them,
they were nearly starved.

They leapt at me.
I couldn't keep them down.

I... I got away,
but my heart...

- my heart!
- I'm sorry, Giles.

Why didn't you feed the hounds?

The barn! Run!

- [growl]
- What was that?

I can't see a thing!


What was happening
to you back there?

- Who was that guy?
- Giles was the stablekeeper.

[door locks]

[dog barks]

What's the matter, Elvis?
Smell a fox?

Maybe he's scared.

- Maybe he's hungry.
- Ha ha ha!

Who locked the girls
in the barn?

It might have been Giles, or
it might have been another ghost

from the family graveyard.

[rattling door]

There's got to be
another way out of here.

I have to feed the hounds.

Don't get strange on me again.

They're trapped in there,
starved, and it's all my fault.

You listen to me.

You are not Dora.
You're Pam.

It's not your fault,
and it wasn't her fault, either.

It's that jacket.
Take off the jacket!

Dora, listen to me.

- [barking]
- We're your nieces.

- You're inside Pam's body.
- Nonsense. I have no nieces.

My brother and my sister
are years old.

Now, I've got to feed those hounds.

They're starved
before a hunt, you know.

- What if they attack us?
- They must be fed.

Dora, don't open that door!

Let me go.
I have to feed the hounds.

Not until you let Pam
back into her own body.

Forget it.
I'm going for help.

- No!
- You don't know the way.

I'll show you if you
let me feed the hounds.

What are you going
to feed them? Me?

Kibble. Now let me out,
and I'll get it.

No way.
Tell me where it is.


If you don't tell me,
we're both dog meat.

Over there by the ladder.

The ladder.

Pam! No!

- They're so hungry.
- [dogs whining]

Wait till I get
the kibble over there!

- We'll throw it to them.
- [growling]

Bounder, Rexy, Helga,

Brutus, you can come out now.

I have something for you.


Dora, don't open that door!


[door opening]

Mon Petit Rouge!
He saved us!


Pam, where are you?



Come back!

What am I going to tell Aunt Beth?

- Tell her about what?
- Pam! Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just my allergies
and all this dust.

Let's go downstairs.
This place is haunted.

I thought you didn't
believe in ghosts.

Come on.
I got to go feed the dogs.

What dogs?
You only have one.

That's what I said.
I have to feed the dog.

You said dogs.
You said, "I have to feed the dogs."

- Did not.
- You did too.

- Did not!
- Did too!

Who cares what I said?
What's wrong with you?

Nothing. I'm fine.

I'm OK.

OK. Rexy's hungry,
and I'm going to go feed him now.



I have just the thing.

After that,
Pam tried one more time

to convince her mother
to let her take riding lesson,

and it finally worked because
her mom no longer haunted

by her sister Dora,

and Dora's ghost
was no longer tormented

by the howling
of the hungry hounds.

The End.

[Elvis whimpers]

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed,

and don't forget
to feed your dog,

or he may have a bone
to pick with you.
