01x03 - The Tale of the Lonely Ghost

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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01x03 - The Tale of the Lonely Ghost

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm sorry.
I-- I didn't mean to scare you.

- David, don't do that.
- I'm sorry.

I just wanted to catch you
before the meeting, to, uh...

To what?

Happy Birthday.

Oh, David, how did you know
my birthday is next week?

I don't know what to say.

thank you.

- Um, we're late.

- I'll open it after the meeting.
- OK.

OK. Come on.

- Ta-da!
- You're such a talent.

You jerk!
I could have choked.

Go ahead.
Take your best shot.

Come on, guys,
lighten up.


What happened?

You should have wanted
two more minutes.

Eric was going to deck Frank.

Yeah, in his dreams.

Start fast.
The natives are restless.

My story's got to do with
two kids who don't get along

because they're so different
from each other...

and a love that is so strong
it can survive anything,

even death... forever.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

[DAVID] It was the beginning
of summer vacation,

and every kid in town
was psychoed--

every kid except
Amanda Cameron, that is.

We're here.
Everybody out.

[DAVID] Her mom and dad
were some kind of scientists

who had to travel up north
to study unuit stone carvings,

so Amanda was shipped off
to her Aunt Dottie's place

for the summer.

Oops. Oh, sh**t.

Sweetie, what in the world
did your mother put in here?


Feels like you've got

a whole set of encyclopedias.


Beth, Lovey,
your cousin Amanda's here.

Could you give us a hand?

She must be on the phone again.

We'll just do this ourselves.

Unfortunately for Amanda,

spending a whole summer
with Cousin Bethy

was going to be even less fun

than staring at a bunch
of old rocks.

with her mom and dad
for two months.

I'll get this.


- What was that?
- What was what?

It's like banging coming
from over there.

Oh, not that place, sweetie.

No one's been in there for years.

I should know.
I'm the real estate agent.

I can't even get people
to look at the place.

I wish it would just--


Sometimes I think this house
just doesn't want to be sold.

Come on. Let's get you
inside and unpacked.

You should see
what she's wearing.

My mom better not expect me
to babysit that dweeb all summer.

- Uh, she's here. I got to go.

Look who's here, honey.
Come on in, Mandy.

- Hi, Beth.
- Hi.

You'll be sharing Beth's room
so the two of you

can stay up all night
giggling and talking.

This is where Nanny used
to sleep when Beth was little.

Well, I'll leave you two
alone to get reacquainted.

Have fun.

I suppose she told you

we're going to do
all sorts of fun stuff together.

- Yeah.
- Wrong.

If you think I'm going to
hang with you all summer,

you're nuts.

I don't think she means for you
to hang with just me.

We could do stuff
with your friends.

You don't even know my friends.

They could get to know me.

Why? It's not like just
anyone can hang with us.

You have to prove
you're not a zeeb.

How does one prove
that they're not a zeeb?

OK, look.
You want to hang with us,

- you got to follow the rules.
- What rules?

OK, first off...

I don't even want to
know that you're here.

That means putting
my animal collection back

every day in the exact right places.

In fact, I don't feel
like having my room

look like a disaster all day,
so do it now.

And you can't go crying
to Mom or Nanny ever,

no matter what happens.

I'll put everything back

in the right order every day,
and I won't snitch.


Then there's the most
important thing.

What's that?

The initiation.

- Initiation?
- Oh, yeah.

Anyone who hangs with us
has to spend a night alone

in the place next door.

It's haunted.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope you're having a good time.

I am, too.


You must... be Amanda.

I'm Nanny.


If you touch her conteminated,
wrinkly old hand,

I'll never let you touch
my things again!

- Don't you ever talk to her!
- Who is she?

My nanny,
and I want her gone.


Because I'm too old for a nanny,
and she's so weird.

I hate how she's always
watching me.

She seems kind of sad to me.

She's crazy-- really crazy.

I know for a fact there's
something funny with her

and the haunted place next door.

I heard my parents talking once.

I think she must have been
driven insane by the ghost.

Which reminds me--

there's a pool party
at Sally's on Saturday.

I suppose you want to come.

- Sure.
- Don't get too excited.

You can't come unless you
go through the initiation.

- The night in the haunted house?
- You got it.

Tomorrow night.
Pleasant dreams.

Are you OK?

You dropped this.

Thank you.

Is that Beth's laundry?

Oh, that's OK.
It won't take me long.

Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone.

She's so weird,
and I'm too old for a nanny.

Why doesn't she just leave?
I'm not going to argue.

I told you before,
she has nowhere to go.

I wish she did,
but she doesn't.

There you are, honey.

Sleeping in?

Now. Beth, I don't want
to hear any more rudeness.


I'm going roller-skating.

Don't touch my stuff.


[AMANDA] Why does everyone
think it's haunted, anyway?

They don't think it's haunted.

They know it's haunted.
And this is why.

A long, long time ago,

there was a little girl
who lived there.

All the kids made fun of her
because she couldn't talk.

Why couldn't she talk?

I don't know.
She just couldn't.

Maybe she was deaf.

It doesn't matter.
Just listen!


Anyway... one day,
her mom got a letter

that her dad,
who was away in the w*r,

has gotten sick,
so she sent the little girl

to stay with her grandmother

while she went away
to take care of him.

- Only the little girl

didn't make it to her grandmother's
because on the way,

some mean kids surrounded her
and teased her.

She ran back home
to get away from them,

and they followed her,

followed her right to
her very own home.

They locked her in her bedroom,
and she didn't escape alive.

What happened?

No one knew she was there.

her mother didn't come back
for weeks,

and her grandmother didn't
even know she was coming.

When they found her,
she was dead.

And that's where you have to go--
her bedroom.

We'll know you're in there
by the light from this.

The keys to the front door.

- Won't Aunt Dottie miss them?
- No way.

No one ever calls to see the place.

It's just too scary.

You could turn chicken

if you'd rather spend the
whole summer alone... reading.

No. I'm going in.

I don't believe in ghosts anyway.

Neither did we, until
we spent the night in there.

She really thinks we all did this.



Very funny, you guys.

I know that's you
trying to scare me.


- What was that?


It's backwards.

Help me?


Aah! Aah!

Very creepy.

Where did Beth go?

Beth went to Sally's
for the whole night.

Aunt Dottie was working late.

That means Amanda was
home alone with Nanny.

She should have stayed
with the ghost.

- Now she's alone with a lunatic.
- Nanny isn't a lunatic.

Beth just told Amanda
that to scare her.

But you probably didn't get that.

Guys, come on.
So what happened, Dave?

When Aunt Dottie came home,

Amanda told her everything
that had happened.

- What are those for?
- I'm very disappointed in you girls.

I don't know who did
the writing on the wall--

I didn't.

And I don't want to know,

but you two girls are
going to go over there

and scrub it off before I get back.

Will you come with us?

I will not. I have
two open houses today

and a closing at :.

If you two girls went
over there last night,

you can go over there now.

- But there's a ghost.
- Oh, please.

You can do better than that.

Now, come on.
Come on, let's go.

This is all your fault.
You're such a chicken.

I'm not, and I don't want to be
in your lame old group anymore.

Good. I wasn't going to
let you in anyway.

And you're a snitch, too.
You're a chicken and a snitch!

I couldn't stand being you.

Oh, give me a break.
It's not even dark.

You can't be scared now.

One thing's for sure--
I'm never inviting you

to do anything with us ever again.


No wonder Mom was so mad.

You did this just to get me
in trouble, didn't you?

I didn't do it.
It wasn't like this last night.

Yeah, right. If you think

that I'm going to clean up
a mess that you made--

Now what?

Beth, come on, let's go.

Look at all the dolls and stuffed animals.

What an awesome collection.

It's even bigger than mine.

Beth, no!


Aah! Oh, my--

Open the door!

Open up! Help!

Someone let me out!

No! Leave me alone!
Open up!

Leave me alone!


Leave me alone.


Who are you?

It's-- it's Nanny.

Your-- your mother?

Nanny's your mother?

"Help me"? Help you?

I... I...

I can help you, yes.

Please open the door,
and I can help you.

I'll get her. I will.

Please open--

Thank you. I'll get her.

No, don't go, Amanda!
You have to help me.

I'm stuck in the mirror!
Amanda, can't you see me?

How am I going to
get out of here?


Nanny, where are you?



Oh, no. What--

No, Nanny, no.
Don't leave!

Nanny, wait!

Please don't go.

You have to come with me.

What are you saying?

Over there. Come on!

Oh, no.
I'm not going in there.

Too many bad memories.

You girls can go and
play your jokes on someone else.

No, it's not a joke.

No, I'm leaving.
I'm not wanted here anymore.

Yes, you are. Look!

Where did you get this?

No. No, no, I can't.

You can. You have to.

No, it's too hard. I can't.

I can't.

- You can.
- No.

Yes, it's OK.


My baby!

My poor baby!

I didn't know you were here.

All this time...


Oh, nothing bad will
ever happen to you again.

Yes. Yes, I'll go with you.



Amanda, help me!


Amanda, help me.
I'm stuck in the mirror.


Where's Beth?

Her mom said you guys
were both over here.

Please, Amanda, help me!

Are you going to stop
bossing me around?


Are you going to stop
bossing your friends around?


Well, OK.
I'll let you out.

You know, Beth,
I think we're going to have

to make some changes
in this group.

The End.

So what happened
with Amanda and Beth?

Amanda had a great summer.

She even let Beth
hang with the group.

Good story, Dave.

Really cool.

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed.

Next week, everybody.

See you guys later.

Come on, Zeeb.

I'll buy you a soda
to cool you off.

Ow, ow, ow!

- Kristen?
- Yeah?

Aren't you going to--

The present!
Oh, I'm sorry, Dave.

Your story was so good.

That's OK.

A locket like in your story.

You like it?

I love it. It's beautiful,

but you shouldn't have gotten this.

What do you think?

I knew it would be.

I'll think of you
every time I wear it...


Let's catch up.
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