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06x22 - Out of the Light

Posted: 05/07/11 07:39
by bunniefuu
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Come on.

Come on, baby, breathe!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Come on, breathe!

Come on, I'm not losing you.

Ambulance is on its way.

Come on, stay with me.


There's no pulse.



Hey, you ok, buddy?

You all right?


Good. Ok.

Get back in there.

Go on. Good job.

Hotch: Good morning.

Rossi: How was your weekend?

Good. Jack had 2 soccer games yesterday.

They win?

Oh, we don't keep score in Jack's age group.

That bad, huh?


And now they've asked me to coach.

You're kidding.

Why'd they ask you?


Don't doubt that.

You can't get half the parents to look up from their phones during the game.

At least I participate.

It's not like you're too busy.

Let's get started.

Garcia: Yes.

Unidentified young woman plunged off a roadside cliff in Lake Worth, North Carolina.

That is 200 miles outside of Raleigh.

Most of the people who live there are retired or have moved there for a slower pace and now work in the tourism industry.

This woman survived?

Yes. Local sheriff found her.

No one her age was missing from the town?


So why do they need us?

Here's the thing--

3 years ago, some coyotes found the torso of a Jane Doe in the woods nearby.

She sustained similar injuries.

Both women had s*ab wounds all over their bodies from various weapons.

New girl's fingerprints didn't lead anywhere.

Her wounds haven't scarred.

He probably didn't have her for very long.

She's got dirt on her clothes and under her nails.

She'd been r*ped repeatedly and tortured.

Sadists usually restrain their victims on their own turf, don't they?

That's right. It means he's from Lake Worth and didn't mean for her to get away.

She probably saw an opportunity to flee and she took it.

If the unsub has a t*rture chamber in the area, he's not gonna leave it empty for long. Let's go.

[Insects buzzing]


♪ Criminal Minds 6x22 ♪

Out of the Light
Original air date on May 4, 2011

Rossi: Agathon said, "of this alone even God is deprived--

"the power of making things that are past never to have been."

Doctor's report says our critical victim's in her late teens.

Morgan: Just like the first Jane Doe.

No one from town is missing, which mean he most likely picks his victims up outside Lake Worth.

The 2008 Jane Doe was found in the woods over here, and the most recent victim was found on the south side of the lake heading out of town.

Rossi: So the unsub most likely holds them somewhere in between.

How long do we think he held his new victim?

Reid: The bruises are still green, which means they're no more than 8 days old.

Her body's dehydrated, suggesting he wants to keep them weak.

But he underestimated her.

When she had the chance she ran.

Is it possible the 2008 Jane Doe was his first victim?

80% of sexual sadists have a dozen or more victims in their past.

They lead normal lives and eventually develop God complexes.

They usually have a ruse that helps them abduct the victims as well.

Garcia's looking for missing persons in the neighboring states.

Good. Dave, you, Reid and I will go to the hospital, see if we can talk to the victim.

Seaver and I will hit the crime scene.


[Monitor beeping]

Hotch: What are her injuries?

The fall caused a C-4 spinal fracture, paralyzing her from the neck down.

She had an enormous amount of internal bleeding and an elevated heavy metal count in her blood.

What, uh, what is he doing?

Rossi: He's profiling her.

We have an unconscious Jane Doe, yet we can still learn a lot about who she is by studying her body.

[Door opens]

This wasn't a high-risk victim like a drug addict or a prost*tute.

Orthodontic works shows she was cared for, most likely from a middle-class family.

Tan lines are fading, which means she's probably from a warm climate or spent a lot of time outdoors, probably playing sports.

Shin splits on the right leg further supports the theory that she's an athlete, which means if she escaped from her captor, she could have run for miles.

What about the patterns in her wounds?

I'm not sure what he used to cut her with, but it definitely wasn't a Kn*fe.

Dr. Boyd, she's opened her eyes.

I've been on the job for about 2 weeks.

Did you think it was a sadist back then?

Most definitely.

We opened an investigation in '08, but it quickly became a cold case.

Well, the new girl must have surprised you.

Oh, when we found her body on the road, I thought the two cases were related, so I called you guys.

You must have seen this kind of thing in Philly.

That's exactly why I left.

I thought here I'd be ticketing tourists or citing locals for growing pot.

But never this.

What do you think she was running from?

Well, there's nothing but acres and acres of forest up there.

The dogs picked up her scent going this way.

That's towards town?

Yeah, but her scent soon tapered off.

All right, why don't we go this way.


If the unsub knew Jane Doe escaped, he may have taken forensic countermeasures to make us think that she headed in the opposite direction.


[Speaking softly] Hi.

I'm Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI.

Can you tell me your name?

Can you tell me who did this to you?

He hurt...

Who hurt?

He has...




Who is "he"?

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Nurse: Doctor, her stats are dropping.

It's intracranial bleed.

Call the O. R.


BP 62 over 43.


No pulse.


Move her gown.

[Paddles discharge]

[Indistinct police radio]

Rossi: "He has mercy"?

That's what it sounded like, our unsub must be a master manipulator to have her thinking that.

He probably didn't have her for more than a week, but she learned to adapt.

[Dogs barking]


Do you smell that?




Oh, God.


It reminds me of Elizabeth Smart and Jaycee Dugard.

Their captors forced them to play out their fantasies

[cell phone rings]

and they obliged to stay alive.

Yeah, Morgan.

Yeah, Hotch.

You gotta get down here.

There's something you gotta see.

What did you find?


First we started smelling ammonia and then we came across this.

Hotch: How many bodies?


Seaver: That shallow grave was empty.

Rossi: You think our victim was in it?

It looked fresh.

So he probably took her down to be buried.

And that's when she escaped.

Forensics thinks some of these graves may be up to 10 years old.

Man: Got another one!

What the hell? Jeez.

Garcia needs to check missing persons cases going back at least 10 years.

Garcia said 8 teenage girls have gone missing from the Carolinas in the past decade.

The hospitalized Jane Doe was blond.

3 of the 8 are blondes.

What about the recent missing person reports?

Nothing came up.

I'm going to put you on speaker, Garcia.

So, your girl wonder just got a call from Raleigh P. D.

Who heard we were looking for for a missing person.

It turns out that Shreveport police found an abandoned car today that is registered to a Mr. and Mrs. Linda and Don Owens of Raleigh, North Carolina.

What's that got to do with this?

Ok, this is why this is important.

It turns out Mr. and Mrs. Owens let their daughter, who goes to North Carolina College, borrow their car so that her and her best friend could drive to Tampa for spring break.

But they never made it there.

What are the girls' names?

Angela Proctor and Marcy Owens.

Both are 19 years old.

Are they blond?

Marcy is, Angela's a brunette.

Do you have photographs?

Yeah. That's why I've already sent them to your phones.

If the girl in the hospital is Angela, she probably wasn't saying "he has mercy, " she was saying, "he has Marcy."


Dad, can I come out?

Honey, daddy's really busy right now.

I have to use the bathroom.

I'm making you a gift.

Hurry up.

Where's Angela?

You're all alone now.

So this guy dyed Angela's hair?

It's not unusual for an unsub to manipulate his victim to fit his fantasy.

And you don't think he's k*lled Marcy?

Hopefully she fits his delusion and he's continuing to play it out with her.

It's imperative we alert the community.

Well, you do what you gotta do.

When this gets out, it's gonna k*ll tourism.

My only concern right now is for the girl.

The lab confirmed that the 3 graves contained blond women in their late teens.

So the unsub does have a type.

He was probably hurt by one or in love with one.

Sexual sadists have rage, and based on Angela's wounds, my money's on hurt.

You know, Raleigh's 4 hours away.

That's quite a distance to go to abduct the girls.

Well, he must feel comfortable in that area.

Where's our list of locals with sexual records?


[Beep, ring]

Speak and be heard, my superfriends.

Garcia, check to see if any of our suspects with sexual offenses had any priors outside of Lake Worth.

Sam Edmann. He was booked in '65 for... Fondling his girlfriend's 6-year-old son.

More recent.

Mark Hillman was busted in 2009 for flashing a girl.

Flashing doesn't really say sexual sadist.

Right, right.

Ok, what about--eew--

Marcus Talbot.

He was nabbed for peeping into holes in the walls in the girls bathroom at the art institute 15 years ago.

What does he do now?

He is...

Oh, jeez, really?

People do not do their homework.

He is currently the art teacher at the high school at Lake Worth where you guys are right now.

He spends a lot of time with teenage girls.

Seaver, stay here and wait for the parents.

Reid and Morgan, go to Talbot's house.

Dave and I will go to the school.

Man: The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subjects to change the photographer.

What do you think this picture is saying?

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, Morgan.

Hotch, it's him.

I just found a small NCC sweatshirt with blood on it hidden in the shed.

There's no sign of the girl, though.

If the eyes are the windows into the soul, what is she thinking?

Was she asked a question just as the picture was taken?

Is she happy?



Mr. Talbot, may I see you for a second?


Uh--uh--think about your answers.

I'll be right back.

Marcus Talbot?


You're under arrest for the kidnappings of Angela and Marcy Owens.


You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You're making a mistake!

You're making a mistake!

It's only been an hour and there are people outside already.

The beauty of a small town.

I assume Talbot's not married?

Guys like Talbot are loners.

They like to operate without a spouse looking over their shoulder.

Don't we all.

How's it going, Reid?

I don't think he had Marcy or Angela here.

Maybe he has a secondary location.

You know, trophy or not, it's pretty careless to keep Angela's clothes.

He's plagued by a fear of chaos and obsesses over any disorder.

Well, welcome to 1992.

Yeah, music's his only entertainment.

He doesn't have a TV or a computer.

Just your type, isn't she?

You can't just hold me here.

I did not kidnap those girls.

I love kids.

I mean, I'm a teacher.

And, uh, speaking of which, I have another class starting in an hour.

Yeah, well, class is canceled.

Then I want my phone call.

The phones are down.

What are you gonna do to me?

What am I gonna do?

I'm gonna wait!

Until you tell me where that other girl is.


Excuse me, may I have a word with you, please?

If Talbot has her, it's critical the way we talk to him.

I've broken tougher scumbags than this perv.

I'm sure you have.

But we found a burial site, so this is no longer just about Marcy and Angela.

So you don't want me in there?

No, not now.



I don't get it.

You got Angela's parents in there?

They're devastated.

Ok, stay with them.

I'm gonna go talk to Marcy's parents.



I don't know this girl or the other one.

How many times do I have to tell you that?

This is Angela .

She's dead.

And the other one is Marcy Owens.

Now, it makes sense that you wouldn't know their names.

I swear to you, I didn't kidnap them.

You know, the other thing I've learned about you guys, it's never just one secret.

Wow, this guy's old school.

He sh**t on film.

He's too controlling to let anyone else develop it.

Looks like Angela wasn't his only secret.


[Cell phone rings]


What have you got?

It looks like this guy Talbot had another hobby.

The girls in these photos can't be more than 16 years old.


Morgan, how many are there?

I'm thinking 30, 40.


Excuse me. That's 54.

They're my students.

First you put a hole in the girls bathroom wall, and now this?

I don't even take the pictures. They do.

You think that matters?

You know, at first the pictures are enough.

But then those urges come back.

You have to touch one.

And that's why you took Marcy and Angela.

It isn't like that.

I don't hurt those girls.

I teach them.

I would never hurt them.

I love them.

You love taking pictures of them.

It's a hobby.

It's a ruse!

You prey on the vulnerability of young women.

You take them alone into your house, alone in the dark.

You have them all to yourself.

That's not true.

Now, you tell me where Marcy is right now, and as much as I hate it, I'll make things easier for you.

I told you, I don't know her.

♪ Go, babe ♪

I have to pee so bad!

Hurry up, Angela.


[Song continues indistinctly]

Hurry up!

♪ Just take me all the way... ♪

You girls having car trouble?

Ah, it's just nature calling.

We're fine, thanks.

♪ And I can't wait to finally explode ♪
♪ the big, big bang ♪

Marcy Owens?





Help me!

Somebody help me!

♪ The big, big bang ♪


We've been coming here every summer for the last 10 years.

Is this where this freak first saw Marcy?

When was the last time you spoke to Marcy?

She texted me a few times during the trip.

But you didn't actually speak to her?

Uh, it's her first year in college.

It's not unusual that we go for a couple of days without talking.

I understand.
Earlier in the trip, she uses text abbreviations, but later on she spells out some of the same words she abbreviated.

Mr. Owens: You think he was texting us, pretending he was the girls in Tampa?


Mrs. Owens: My God.

So this guy sees Marcy here on a family vacation, then follows her to school?

Who does that?

He's a resident of Lake Worth with a history in Raleigh, but chances are he met the girls here.


He met Marcy.

Angela's never been here.

We saw what he did to her body.

Do you think he did that to her every day?

We're not sure, ma'am.

I am so sorry.

When you vacationed in Lake Worth in the past, did Marcy ever go to summer camp?

Uh, a few times, at the community center.

Do you know if she ever took a photography class with a man named Marcus Talbot?


She loved it.

Do you know if they were ever alone together?

Why are you asking?

Is he a suspect?

He's someone we're talking to.

Do you know if she was alone with him?

We don't know.

She was gone all day.

He held the class at his house.

His darkroom was there.

It was?

Marcy was in your summer camp in 2006.


She was 14. She took it again for the next 4 summers.

Students like me.

Come on, Talbot, you groomed her!

You just couldn't wait anymore!


If you're telling me she was in my house, I believe you, but I didn't touch her.

I didn't do it.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey, Rossi, I think the dog just found something else here.

Well, this just doesn't look very good for you, Talbot.

I want my damn lawyer.

Morgan: This doesn't make any sense.

The grave's fresh.

He either dug it quickly because he knew we were coming-- or somebody else did.

We just found that burial site that was off the property.

The guy uses countermeasures.

Here's there's just evidence lying all around.

Reid, he wouldn't operate like this.

Someone's framing Talbot.

Yeah, but who?

[Footsteps above, trapdoor opens]



How are you?

Oh, God.

It was so busy at the restaurant today.

Are you happy to see me, Rose?

I could nail Talbot right now on physical evidence alone.

But it doesn't fit the unsub's actual behavior.

This guy uses forensic countermeasures.

He doesn't leave evidence all over the place.

Our unsub's attempting to frame Talbot.

When Angela got away, he probably panicked.

And he thought he could pin it on him.

He must have known Marcy had a connection to Talbot's photography class.

And that Talbot has a proclivity towards girls that age.

We're on the right track.

We're looking for somebody with a similar story to Talbot.

He's a resident of Lake Worth even if he's not a native.

And it's likely he has ties to other parts of the state.

He's running away from something.

Our unsub must have known Talbot had a secret because he has one, too.

Yeah, but how do we find it?

Talbot's got a lawyer on the way.

If I don't book him now, he walks.

Then the longer we can keep Talbot in custody, the better chance we have of finding Marcy.

And if he's released?

The unsub will do whatever he needs to do to survive.

And we lose Marcy.

Seaver, go to the Owens' cottage, see if you can take a look at Marcy through the unsub's eyes.


Angela's autopsy is almost finished.

Reid, look at the report when it comes in.

Dave, you and Morgan stay on Talbot.

He knows who this guy is even if he's not aware of it.

[Sobbing] Please!

I'm not done yet, Rosie.

Please, no.


I don't get this.

First you were grilling me about kidnapping and m*rder, and now you want me to help you.

Someone had access to your house that saw what I saw.

I don't have to help you.

You humiliated me for nothing.

I thought you cared about the girls.

I do.

Then start talking.

We want the names of everyone who's stepped foot in your house in the last 5 months.





What's wrong?



What is it, Rosie?

Why are you doing this, dad?

I have a mom and a dad who are probably worried about me.

It's ok, Rosie.

Things are gonna get better.

I'm not Rose.

I'm Marcy Owens from Raleigh, North Carolina.



I told you not to lie.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.



Ok. It's ok.

It's ok.


Marcy wore a lot of NCC stuff.

She practically lived in it.

She advertised where she was going to school.

Is that how he knew where to find her?

We don't know that yet.

Add Barbara Shuller and Ben Holtzman.

They all developed their film at your place?

I'm the only gig in town.

Everyone's gone digital.

Who else has access to your darkroom?

Repairmen? A friend?

Mr. Owens: We bought this place when Marcy was 10.

[Chimes tinkle]

One for every year?

There's an art festival every summer.

That's where she gets most of this stuff.

I'm sorry, I just don't know how this is going to help.

Knowing your routines can be very useful.

What else did you do?

Sometimes we go to church.

Marcy loves to sing.

Was she in the choir?

She's amazing.

Everyone was in awe when she got up and did her solo.

Ok, so I cross-checked Morgan's list of people who may have seen Talbot's darkroom with church membership.

I've got 5 matches.

You run backgrounds?

Sure did.

None of them have records.

I found something that might be helpful.

Autopsy report revealed fragments of glass in some of Angela's wounds.

Were they able to identify the blades used?

Only that there were a number of them.

The doctor mentioned she had heavy metals in her blood.

Yeah. The highest one being lead.

Well, add that to the unique patterns of her wounds and the glass in her cuts, maybe this guy worked with stained glass.

Talbot had stained glass in his front door.

The Owens had stained glass window chimes in their condo.

Lead fumes can get into your system during the soldering process.

What? My second wife was crafty.

Garcia, anybody on the list work with stained glass?

Yeah. Robert Bremmer.

Bremmer. Talbot said he met him only once.

Well, Mr. Bremmer's been a member of the church for 16 years.

He travels all over the state doing craft fairs.

He also owns the Rose Cafe.

Bingo, strange man voice.

It looks like he's from Wilkesboro.

He moved there to Lake Worth in '91 after his wife and stepdaughter were k*lled in a car accident.

Was he a suspect?

There's no record of that, but...

Wait till you see the picture.

They look a lot alike.

Where's the restaurant?

Real close.


Excuse me, is Robert Bremmer here?

Yeah. Robert?


That's weird.

He was just here.

He's gone.



It's time.

Time for what?

It's time to leave.

I have a plan. Listen.

I have a plan.

And we will be together forever. Ok?

All right.

Where are we going?

Let's move.

What do you mean by forever? No.

Let's go! Move it!

Move. Move, move!

Good girl. Yeah.

That a girl.

Garcia: So here's the deal.

Robert Bremmer married a woman who had a daughter from a previous relationship who was 10 years old named Rose.

Now, this woman was super mentally unstable.

She goes into the hospital for depression.

When she does, the only person watching Rose is her stepdad Robert and he is accused of abusing her.

That's why women with daughters seldom remarry.

They fear men will prey on their young.

So the wife is released from the hospital, the first thing she does is try to leave Robert with her daughter, but every time she tries that, he tracks them down.

The mom is so out of her head that in some sort of act of desperation she takes her life and the life of her daughter Rose.

According to police records, she drove her car right into a lake somewhere around Wilkesboro.

[Wind chimes tinkling]

Hey, Hotch.


These chimes are just like the ones I saw at the Owens condo.


Sheriff: All clear down here.

He's not inside.

He's executing his end game.

Sheriff: How do you know?

It's taken him 20 years to find a replacement.

This time he's gonna die with her.

In the lake. Let's go.

Garcia, I need the make and model of Bremmer's car.

Sending it now.

What are we doing?

Where are you taking me?

We can all be together now, Rose.

I know mommy's missed you, and she would love to see you.

Hotch: Morgan, you head towards the south end of the bridge.

We're coming in from the west.

No, no, no, no.

Don't you say a word.


It's ok.

It's ok.

It's ok. Shh.

It's ok.

We're almost there, Rose.



What's up, Ted?

Sorry, Henry.

We gotta check everyone.

That's his car.

Call Hotch.

Hotch, we have a visual on Bremmer at the Lake Worth roadblock.

Robert Bremmer, get out of the car!

I won't let them take you from me, Rose.

I won't let them take you.

No, dad, don't!


Help me!

Hotch, he's on the move.

Head him off. Head him off!




Hey. Hey.

She's got no pulse.

Come on, I'm not losing you. Come on!


1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

1, 2, 3...


1, 2...

2, 3, 4...

Come on, stay with me.

1, 2, 3...

1, 2, 3...

Come on.

Come on!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.



[Gasping, coughing]

You're gonna be ok.

Appreciate it, thank you.

Best of luck to you, sheriff. Thank you.

Time to go.


Hotch: Domenico Estrada wrote, "bring the past only if you're going to build from it."

I know you're gonna do that coaching thing.

So I thought maybe this might help.

Soccer formations?

I'm Italian.

[Laughs] You've been holding out on me.

I, uh, I could use an assistant.

How early do they start their games?



[Rock music playing]

Hotch: Guys, don't bunch up!

Don't bunch up!

Rossi: Take it down.

All right, pass it.

Pass it to Travis, Jack.

Now back to Jack!






Yeah, Jack, good job!

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

All right, everybody, let's huddle up.

Come on, let's go.

All right, let's go, let's go.

♪ Gimme some lovin' ♪
♪ some lovin' ♪
♪ Gimme gimme some lovin' ♪
♪ Gimme gimme some lovin' ♪