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Love Virtually (2023)

Posted: 11/08/23 20:54
by bunniefuu
Love, the most

powerful force in the universe.

Or so some say.

At the dawn of mankind,

the selection of a mate

was a matter of survival.

Eventually, people began

to choose partners

out of loyalty

to family or tribe.

The industrial revolution

gave us the telegraph

and the telephone,

the 90's the internet,

and today, with the metaverse

nearly indistinguishable

from real life,

most of us prefer to live,

laugh, and love virtually.

Who am I?

My name is Roddy Danger.

And this is where it all began.

I was working part time

stocking shelves

to pay the bills,

maybe even earn

a few extra credits

for a power-up

or some new skins.

I mean, I always believed

I was destined for more,

but I didn't have

the confidence

to go after it...

until I met her.

Kimberly and I

have been together ever since.

We've explored every inch

of the metaverse together.

She's been my rock.

She was the one

who encouraged me

to pursue gaming full-time.


I want you to have this.

And as we grew together,

so did my spot

on the leaderboard.

I was on top of the world...

I'm so proud of you.

I knew you could it.

...until I wasn't.

It was a crippling defeat.

Hey, did you maybe

wanna get up today?

For a while,

I just felt like

I couldn't win.

When I fell apart,

my relationship took the hit.

No, it's fine.

Uh, we don't have to celebrate

my birthday this year.

This is the second time

this is happening.

I'm going to stay at my mom's

virtual cabin in New Hampshire.

I don't blame her

for giving me an ultimatum.


But this is your

last chance, Roddy. I mean it.

I'm lucky she gave me

another chance and this time,

I had to get it right.


What is it, Shifrin?

Sir. Sir.

I... Ugh.

- Thousand apologies

for the interruption.

It seems very urgent.

You have a fight request.

Well, who might you be?


I accept.

Kluck versus Danger.

Three, two, one.


Goodbye, Roddy.

An angry mob

of mostly peaceful protestors

stormed Los Angeles city hall

last night,

k*lling two and causing

millions in property damage,

in the third night

of dangerous civil unrest.

Infections are spiking,

fatalities are on the rise

and country-wide morale

is at an all-time low.

In more pressing news,

last night brought yet another

unsurprising victory

for video game fan-favorite,

Kalvin Kluck.

Whoo, Kalvin! Oh, he's the best!

We're lucky enough to get him

for an exclusive interview

right here tonight on the show.

- Kalvin, welcome.

- What's up?

Thanks for having me.

- Subscribe.

- We have subscribed.

Oh, we subscribed so hard.

You were great last night.

Congratulations on your victory

over relative new-comer,

Roddy Danger.

People are saying

that the relationship

between Danger

and his long-time girlfriend,

Kimberly Martin,

- is on the rocks.

You gonna pounce on that?

- Most def.

Now tell me this.

Once you've hit it,

will you or will you not

quit it?

- Oh, probably.

- You're a gentleman

and a scholar, my buddy.

Oh! Very exciting stuff, Kalvin.

Thanks for joining us

on the show.

I would like to take a moment

to thank our sponsors

for this stream.

Payless Shoe Source

and the new Brunswick chapter

of Antifa.

Coming up next,

we'll spill the tea

on why this star

of Beverly Hills b*tches

and this NBA hopeful

are both being canceled.

The answer might surprise you,

but it probably...

More after the break.


Are you in here?

I was just about

to clean up actually.

I was planning on it

this morning.

What do you want, Roddy?

I'm in...

I'm not good right now.

I need her back.

Well, maybe, you shouldn't have

acted like such a child.

Okay. Well, at least

I'm not a r*cist.

You're a prick,

and I'm going back to therapy.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- What, Roddy?

Can you just, like,

ask your therapist

what I should do?

Like, a professional opinion?

That's not what

therapists do. Goodbye.

No, they're

professional opinion givers.

They give...

They give opinions... professionally.

Clarissa, is everything

all right?

Sorry, that was my cousin,

Kimberly's boyfriend.

Or I guess ex-boyfriend.

I don't know.

He's such an idiot.

She thought

he was gonna propose...

Yeah, listen, uh, Clarissa,

why don't we get back to talking

about you for a second, okay?

Tell me. Why do you think

you're such a shallow,

worthless human being?

Is that what you think of me?

Is that, like, your

professional opinion, "Doctor"?

Oh, forgive me, sweetheart.

I was just mirroring back

what you said to me

before you picked up

what seemed to be

a wholly unimportant

FaceTime call during a session.

Right, right, right. Okay.

So, everyone hates me right now.

Like, they fired me from BHB.

I'm sorry. BHB?

My show, Beverly Hills b*tches.

Airing Sundays

at 9:00 p.m., only on TruTv.

Oh, honey, sweetheart.

No, you don't have to plug it,

I'm not gonna watch.

Well, basically, everyone's,

like, really mad or whatever

because I didn't post

a black square on Instagram

on #BlackoutTuesday.

It was, like,

right after George Foreman

was m*rder*d

and everyone was, like,

pretending to care about

police brutality or whatever.

Yeah, I'm curious,

why didn't you?

I thought everyone

was supposed to post it.

- I don't know!

I was busy and I forgot!

- I see.

So, now you feel like a...

Go ahead. You can say it.

A worthless,

shallow human being.

Good girl. There you go.

Okay. So, this is why

you were canceled?

Well, no. No, I got canceled

because of the photo

that I posted instead.

- Dear Lord!

Is it that bad?

Why would you post

something like that

on BlackoutTuesday?

My account was on auto-post.

It was a paid ad from a sponsor

for a mud mask.

Well, then why would you

caption it "BLDM"?

It's #BleuDemure! It's French!

Honestly, I thought

it was gonna be

like the #PrayforParis thing.

You know, I didn't know

everyone was gonna be,

like, oh, we're all doing this.

I need prayers.

And where is everyone for me?

You know, all prayers matter.

That's how I feel.

- And I feel like...

I so wish

you could hear

what this girl

is saying right now.

I just have no tolerance

for racism.

Where are you

right now? At a rally?

No, I'm with a patient.

But... yeah, yeah.

And you know what?

We just pulled down

a statue of Mister Rogers.

That is so hot

that you're involved

in social justice.

My wife wouldn't be caught dead

at a rally.

He's obsessed. It's like

there's a wall up between us.

- He doesn't see me.

- It's my job!

- Yeah.

- I have to be obsessed.

- It's like you're last at bat

and the bases are loaded...

- If I can...

...and all of the sudden, boom,

you're in the penalty box.

- You have no idea

what he is talking about.

- Do I have to spell it out?

- Everything is canceled.

- Yeah, but...

- NBA, NFL, NWO...


- Next thing you know,

they're gonna cancel the NAACP.


- I don't understand

anything he's talking about!

- He won't look at me,

he won't touch me.

- Right.

- He won't kiss me.

- I won't kiss her, she says.

Wearing that thing on her face,

which will not take off...

I want to tolerate,

but... time out.

We've been quarantining together

for months.

- I'm not gonna get you sick!

- It's not that, I just can't.

- What's behind the mask, Angela?

- I'm hideous.

There's no one to attend

my cosmetic needs.

I feel ugly.

I don't feel like

I'm your priority.

Okay. That's...

I didn't know that.

Uh, of course,

you're my priority, Angela.

Look, I'm here.

Talking to the coach.

Or... Uh, Dr. Divine. Right?

- Look. Nothing

is more important to me than...

I'm so sorry, I gotta take this.

You see what I mean?

It is impossible to talk to him.

- You're not speaking

the same language.

- No, my English's premium.

I take ESL for six months

after Barry bought me.

Yeah, but it's deeper than that.

I am going to send you

a copy of a book

that I think might help.

It's called Sports

as a second language:

Communicating with toxic masculinity,

by Ray Rice.

I'm not doin' it. I'm not

doin' this V-Ball thing, man.

Monte, how can you say that?

You're killin' it, man.

We are this close

to making real bank here.

I'm still trying to dig you out

of the PR nightmare

of your last press conference.

I don't even know

what I did wrong, for real.

Uh, foot rub, Connect Four,

grilled cheese sandwich

and Mariah Carey.

Good question.


treating you as a virus.

Come on.

Nah, man. No.

I don't have the virus.

Look, I'll prove it.

You're gettin' that?

Gettin' that? No virus.

Whack 'em all that virus.

Whack 'em all.

You got two-thirds

of the NBA sick!

People are not exactly thrilled

with you right now.

I also lost everything, man.

You know when Viv found out

I didn't have

a contract anymore,

she broke up with me.

- Monte, you k*lled

her grandmother.

- Allegedly.

- Vivian!

- Gam-gam!

And you must be La Monte.

I would give you a hug,

but I'm 87 years old.

Oh, no, no.

I don't have the virus, gam-gam.

Look, I'll prove it.

- Gold digger.

- Okay. Monte, well,

if that really is the case,

then as your agent,

I would advise you

against dating girls

that only want you

for your status.

You know, Barry, I would

really take that in the heart

if you were still my agent!

Wait, what? What does that mean?

Baby, after all

we've been through,

I wanna play a song for you

that means so much to me,

just like you mean

so much to me.



Sorry, one second.

Uh... Oh, a-ha!

Imagine by the...

- Shit, sorry.

These projections

are looking great, boss.

Next score's gonna be awesome.

So, the laborers are working

overtime for the merch drop.

And your Kluckcoin

is up 10,000%.

- What up, sweetheart?

- Wow!

- Everybody wants to be part

of the clan.

- Oh, subscribe.

- Is there anything else

I can do for you, sir?

- Actually, there is.

I need you to find out

everything you can

about Kimberly Martin.

Kimberly Martin.

Oh, here she is.

Ended relationship

with Roddy Danger.

There's your girl.

Looks like, boss...

Girl looks like Margerie. Oh!

Don't you say her name,

you sycophantic cumspot.

I died that day.

I remember

like it was yesterday.

'Cause it was the night

that changed my life forever.

- Are you Kalvin?

- Yeah.

This is for you.

Who is it from?

Dear, Kalvin.

I've been thinking a lot

about you lately

and struggling

to find the words

to really express

how I feel about you in a way

that you'll be able to receive.

And while I find

your adoration flattering,

I want you to know

that even if we're

the last two people on Earth

and the fate of humanity

depended on us,

I would so rather

take my chances

trying to procreate

with a giant feral tree sloth

than to be with you.

Wishing you only the best

as far away as humanly possible

from me.

I truly believe

you'll never amount

to anything.

Yours never, Margerie.

P.S. Don't come to camp

this summer.

She's not coming.

You're looking for love?

You just gotta subscribe

to the universe, man.

I'll make it subscribe to me.

They'll subscribe.

- They'll all subscribe.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Her status.

Ah. Subscribe.

What is it?

I struck out.

Monte ejected himself

from the game.

No more time outs.

Even my father was right.

Maybe I...

I'm just not cut out

for the big leagues.

I almost thought I could do

better than junior varsity,

but look at me.

- Junior varsity? I thought

you were working on some big...

- He hung up on me.

He didn't wanna hear me out.

He didn't wanna listen.

Now I really have no one.

I've nothing.

You have me.

Do I? Do I really?

You don't think I know

you've been hanging around

the batting cages?

You don't think I can tell

that you've been swinging

at someone else's pitches?

- It's not like that!

- Hold on here.

Whoo! We've got a lot

flying back and forth.

And, Barry, I do wanna

circle back around

on some of those Daddy issues,

but one thing at a time.

Angela, is there something

you would like

to share with Barry?

Well, it's not a secret

that Barry hasn't been attentive

to my needs lately.

And it started when Nordstroms

closed down

and I had to start

shopping online.

Hi, I'm Chatbot.

I'll be your virtual liaison.

If you like to try

our new AR almost-real

shopping experience,

- just say yes.

- Yes.

Great! Follow me!


Oh, my, you are gorgeous

in that dress.


Holy mackerel, you look like

someone with self-esteem.

That dress is gonna get you

your husband's validation

and approval...

and it has pockets!

So, tell me, Chatbot,

how did you end up

working at a place like this?

You should be

running this company.

Well, it all started

with my grandfather, Clippy,

the Microsoft Word paper clip.

He came to this country

with nothing,

but pulled himself up

by his bootstraps.

I too started

with humble beginnings

as a spellchecker

for Mavis Beacon.

In the early 2000s,

I worked my way up

as an e-commerce backend.

From there I got myself

a neural linguistic AI upgrade

and got hired here.

I probably shouldn't be

telling you this,

but I'm leaving soon

to work full-time

on my dating app start-up.

I am also an immigrant.

I have been given everything

and yet I am not happy...

- until now.

- Do you love him?

Or... Eh...

I don't know, Barry,

he really gets me.

We speak the same language.

- He created a dating app

with an allergin...

- Algorithm.

I mean that, yeah.

And it has a perfect

success rate

for setting up couples.

Okay. That's stupid

and impossible.

Well, if you don't rush

and you could actually let...

I am trying. It's hard.

The letters are backwards,

I'm trying.

My wife is as frigid

as a frozen nun.

Tell me about it.

My husband,

he does nothing but work.

He hasn't touched me in months.

Oh, that's criminal.

I would touch you...

I would touch you all over.

Eggplant emoji.

Well, I would top that

eggplant emoji with parmesan.

Waterfall emoji!


eggplant, eggplant.

Grand Canyon... Waterfall.

- Eggplant. Eggplant.

- Christmas, Santa Claus. Oh...

I'm drowning...

Pharaoh King of Egypt!

Eggplant emoji.

Mother of God!

I just feel so alone right now

and trying to date

while the media is dragging me

through the mud

is literally impossible.

Well, that's understandable.

I mean, I think a lot of men

might be turned off

by the thought of dating

a r*cist.

That's not the problem.

Plenty of men wanna date me.

- Then, I'm sorry.

What's the problem?

- I don't wanna date someone

- who wants to date a r*cist.

- The r*cist being you?

These guys just wanna date me

because I'm pretty

and I'm famous...

- You may need to sandbag.

- I don't know what that means.

Well, it's the classic

reverse catfish.

You downplay your looks

and your celebrity

in order to attract someone

who would love you for you.

And while you're at it,

you might wanna work on

not being such a r*cist.

Just for fun.

- Sandbag?

- And in turn it will allow you

to be more... self. And...






Hey, little bear. How's

my biggest disappointment doing?

I'm not your

little bear anymore, Dad.

- Okay? I represent

the second largest...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Aren't you representing

Esports gamers or something?

It's V-Ball, Dad.

Esports guys

aren't real athletes.

Bunch of smelly teenagers

on their mother's couches

who've never felt another man's

sweat drip down their backsides.

Yeah. V-Ball

isn't like regular Esports, Dad.

They're real athletes,

they're sh**ting hoops.

They can feel plenty of skin

through the haptic suits.

You can't feel

another grown man's hot breath

on your genitals

through a haptic suit.

- Why can't anything

I say be right?

- Stop being such a little girl.

You're like Timothee Chalamet

in Little Women.

Why can't I just be

one of the little women?

- 'Cause those girls are winners!

- Are you calling

just to t*rture me?

No. You still representing

that La Monte Mar kid?

They're calling him

the Black Larry Bird.

Yes, I know. It doesn't matter.

There's no league, anyway.

- There's a new one starting up.

- What are you talking about?

- The outbreak was on every

single continent except...

- Antarctica.

- No, no, no. No, you're insane.

- This is an opportunity

to get in on the ground floor.

Imagine, live ballgames,

raw adrenaline,

testosterone, muscled

man-on-man action in HD.

- Mmm.

- Give me one reason

not to hang up on you right now.

Listen, little bear,

I know I've been tough on you,

but I want you to be a winner

so bad, you're this close.

Remember, we don't just

do it for the game,

we do it for the camaraderie,

for the locker room,

for the post-game shower

with the team.

I got a table at Kaboom tonight.

You bring the talent

and you're in... with me.

Sorry about that. Thank you

so much for seeing me, Doctor.

I was just getting

my dinner ready, but, uh...

I could really use

some of your advice.

Tell me how can I help you.

Well, I would like to win

my girlfriend back immediately

if that's possible.

If we could be back together

by later tonight,

I would love that. I've been

texting her all the time.

She blocked me on WhatsApp.

I made a LinkedIn profile

and messaged from LinkedIn,

so that's kind of where

I'm at desperation-wise.

Well, most people believe that

acceptance and moving on

is the way to get through

a breakup.

Uh, but that's not always true.

Or a mistake. Yeah.

I agree.

These are mistakes.

So, what would

your suggestion be?

Well, conventional wisdom

would suggest that you are

possibly trying too hard.

But what if you're not

trying hard enough?

No, that's not it

because I'm calling her,

I'm hounding her friends.

The second she posts

an Instagram story,

I let her know right away,

"I love you forever

and I'll never stop loving you,"

you know.

"And I'm... I'm dying without

you and I wanna k*ll myself,"


What do you want me to do?

Actual cyberstalking?

- Like, hack into her network

and intercept her emails?

- Now you're talking.

I can't

go down that road again, Doc.

I've actually been down there.

You talkin' about the bowels

of the dark web. I don't think

that's a good idea.

And we have doctor-patient

confidentiality, right?

- You're not screen recording

this or anything?

Okay. Well, looks like

our time is up, so, uh...

Really? It's only been

two minutes though.

Well, you wanted to know

how to get your lady back

and I told you.

I mean, like, other therapists,

they would've wasted

the whole hour

waiting for you to come up

with it, but instead

I cut to the chase.

You're welcome.

So, was there anything else

that you needed?

I guess not. Thank you?

Do I have to pay for this?

Are you biting your lip?

I mean...

No, thank you.

Best of luck with your life.

Looks like

we're back in the game

for one last job.

I thought I fired you.

You got someone else

offering you a contract

to play ball?

I already have a contract

to play V-Ball.

- What do I need you for?

- Not V.

I'm talking real live ball.

- Oh, you serious?

- Yeah, I mean,

I didn't believe it either.

These guys are really doin' it.

They're bringing ball back.

- Okay. I'll believe it

when I see it.

- All right, well,

come to Club Kaboom tonight

and I'll show you.

I'm not going to a V-Club alone.

What if Viv is there?

- So, bring a date.

- Where am I supposed

to find a date, Barry?

- That's what clubs are for!

- Okay, don't bring a date.

I don't care, man.

- Just please show up tonight.

- Well...

You want me to come

to your party?

- Find me a date.

- Okay.

- So, my wife is having

an affair with an AI.

- Allen Iverson?

Oh, God. No, I wish.

No, it's like a...

It's a Nordstrom's

virtual assistant.

And apparently, he has this

dating app that's got

the world's best

compatibility algorithm.

- So, what's your point?

- It's not really cheating

if it's with an AI, right?

- You need to get a grip

on your life.

- Yeah, I probably do.

Look, here, I'm gonna

sign you up for this app.

I'm gonna send you a link

right now. Click on that link

and make a profile.

Don't use your real name.

And as my dad always says,

"Oh, leave the ball play to me."

Your dad really says that?

Just hack

into the ISP mainframe,

trace her IP address

to the beta synapse.

And I'm back

in boyfriend business, baby.

Did you know I was a wizard

who knows magic?

Oh... Kobe.

Rest in peace.

Welcome to Soul-Date:

the world's first

AI aggregated platform

for finding love.

I'm Chatbot,

your social liaison.

Um, What's up, Chat?

I'm La Monte.

She can't know

I play ball.

I'm a... Uh...


Coach... Swish.

Coach Swish.

Pleasure's all mine, Coach.

Now, please tell me

a little bit about yourself.

Maybe just say

basketball coach.

Is something wrong, Coach?

- Nailed it.

- So, tell me.

What are you looking for?

Hmm. I want a girl that's real.

Not shallow and fake.

And none of that

Chalamet shit either.

I want a girl that's chill.

Someone who cares

about racial equality

and don't really care

about me being

a high school basketball coach.

I want a girl... I want a girl

that's on the right side

of history.

I'll find you

just what you're looking for.

If anyone understands

human connection,

it's me, a computer.

All right, Chat, how's this?

Are you sure you want to use

this photo?

Yes, I'm sure, man.

This is the real me.

Great! Let's find you

some b*tches!

- How about her?

- Nah. No, next.

- How about her?

- Why are you showing me this?

She's wearing a KKK shirt!

No racists, man.

My bad. That one's on me.

Come on, man. You know,

none of these girls

are what I'm looking for.

- I did just get one more in.

- All right. Let's see it.

All right. This one looks okay.

Let's get you guys

on a video call immediately.

- Initiating call now.


Shit. She's gonna recognize me.


Hey, is this Sally Mae?

Your video is not working.

Your whole face is blacked out.

Yeah, sorry.

My camera broke at, um...

- ...a protest.

I have so much respect

for the African American community.

Oh, yeah?

Respect, respect.

Oh, I can't see you.

You're too dark.

Oh, yeah. Uh,

they just turned my power off.

I couldn't afford

to pay my bills.

I'm just a simple high school

JV basketball coach.

Wow. I love how down-to-earth

you are.

You're so raw and real.

So, uh, tell me about yourself.

What do you do for fun?

Oh, um, you know, so much,

volunteering, uh,

community bridge building,

taking responsibility

for unchecked moments.

I really like you, Sally Mae.

You're not like the other girls

I'm used to talking to.

Which is zero other girls,

'cause again,

I'm just a simple

high school JV basketball coach.

You're different, too,

Coach Swish.

Your energy is like, contagious.

Oh. Please, uh,

just call me Coach.

Coach Swish is... Was my father.

Coach. You're so refreshing.

- Like an exfoliating mud mask!

- God, no!

Honey, I'm doing laundry.

So, don't come in here!

Now, where were we?

I'm thinking about

taking off these khakis

and slipping into

something more comfortable.

Yeah, you should

take off these khakis.

They're too tight.

- Are they pleated?

- They're pleated now, baby.

Oh, you got

a khaki tent for me?

- I want you so bad!

I want you so bad!

Oh, I got an idea.

Let's lock my husband in a room

and run away together.

Yeah. Or even better.

Let's chain him to my wife

because it seems like

they deserve each other.

I love that idea.

I love it!

Let's meet for real!

Not just text!

You mean...

- Yeah. VR.

Tonight, 9:00 p.m.


what was that?

- Nothing.

- Is everything

all right in here?

- Jesus Christ, Devine!

- I'm doing laundry. Get out!

- Right. Right. Just so you know,

I'm working late tonight,

and I can't be disturbed.

Oh, so, what else is new?

Would you please get out?

I'm about to do colors!

Wait. Computer, pause code!

Pausing code.

Club Kaboom?

Are you

a mega wealthy sports

conglomerate business owner,

or a lonely, horny single

with a recent breakup?

Well, that's

an oddly specific demographic.

Come enjoy

all the carnal pleasures

of the virtual world

at Club Kaboom,

Tokyo's hottest virtual club.

Nancy, hold my calls.

Daddy's going out tonight.

Very important night

for me.

Everything needs to go off

without a hitch. Okay?

- Every shot needs to be a goal.

- Sounds good.

- Can you get ready, please?

- Yeah, in a minute.

- It's him, isn't it?

- I was just looking

at a... meh-meh.

- What's meh... Oh, meme?

- Ah...

- Who sent you a meme?

- It was Chat.

It was Chat.

Of course it was Chat.

You know what?

Just tell me, did you...

You know what?

With him?

Is he bigger than me?

- Did you hear that?

- Yes, I heard it.

At least we don't have to

sneak around anymore.

You're the only one

who sees me, Chat.

And you deserve to be seen,

IP number 65747338.11.

- I don't deserve you.

- Look, I have an idea.

I think we should

go to that party.

Go make yourself up,

put on one of those

sexy virtual dresses

we just bought,

and knock 'em dead.

- Barry won't know what hit him!

- I don't know.

I haven't been out in so long.

You've got this. I know you do.

- Okay, I'll do it for you.

- You know what else

you can do for me?

Put that phone on vibrate

real quick and I'll show you.

- Is that all you think about?

- Fair enough.

Hey, that's not fair.

You just got here.

Can I help you, young man?

Hello, fellow cool guy,

I would like to get into

your club establishment.

Yeah, everybody would.

It's a dope club.

- You on the list?

- No, but... I'm Roddy Danger.

I'm a professional gamer.

- People watch sometimes.

- It's dope, dude.

Are you ranked?

Yeah. Actually, yeah. Top 650?

Oh, nice. Congrats.

That's pretty cool...

said nobody ever.

Look, bro, if you're not top ten

and you're not on the list,

which is somethin'

you're also not tonight,

so you're two for two

in the "not" category.

Then you're... Wait for it...

not coming in!

There's your third not.

And we also

got a dress code, okay?

No jeans, no tennis shoes.

And no weird thing that's

going on with your mouth.

- It's scaring

the shit out of people.

- Oh, come on, man.

Please, just...

Can you just give me a break?

Bro, I stopped giving

people breaks

after Rick Moranis

stopped acting.

You wanna stand in line

over there and wait?

Be my guest.

But I got too many dudes

in there right now

trying to get with chicks,

and I need to keep

this area clear.

No, don't...

Don't, please...

Congratulations. You've been

moved to back of the line.

Hey, dudes. Friday night.

Angela? It's, uh, it's 7:50.

Kick off's at 8:00. So, told you

this is really important to me.

- Go ahead without me.

- Why? What are you

doing in there?

Just go. I'll meet you there.

Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I...

I overreacted.

I... I really need you playing D

for me tonight, okay?

Oh! Yuck.

- Get out!

- Yeah, I should.


- Are you seriously

still in bed?

- Evidently.

Come on! I need you

to come with me tonight.

We're going out.

- I don't really feel up for it.

- Oh, my God.

You need to let this

whole Roddy thing go.

Okay? He's not good for you.

He is a boy and you need a man.

- If you're not gonna

do it for yourself,

then do it for me, okay?

I can't go to a V-Club

by myself at night.

It's not safe.

I don't really feel up to it.

This doesn't have to do with,

like, the whole me getting

canceled thing, does it?

Of course not. No, I just, um...

- Lemme think about it.

- No! No, that just means

you're going to blow me off,

which normally would be fine,

but, like, not tonight. Please.

Uh, lemme... Lemme

call you back, okay?

- Just one second.

- What the f*ck?

We got your table

waiting for you.

All right. There's gotta be

a security flaw

in here somewhere, right?

Nothing can be perfect, right?

Give me something good.

Wait. Computer, pause code.

Okay, wait.

That can't be right, right?

Oh, shit, no!

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.

Daddy did it bad.

No, no, no, no.

Well, I think

I need some backup.

There he is. Take a seat!

There are some people

I want you to meet.

This is Vlad, Sergey,

Stav, and Bones.

- Pleasure to meet you all.

- So, where's the golden boy?

- He'll be here, Dad.

- He'd better be!

We need him

to get back to some

real hetero ball playing.

Let's cut to chase.

We're looking

to make a deal today.

Welcome to the single life.

No way.

Hey, Kim. I heard

things are on the outs

with Roddy.

Breakups are, like,

really hard.

I want you to know

I'm here for you emotionally,

as a friend

and also very much sexually.

Anyway, I hope you like

this video. Subscribe.

Well, isn't this something?

I didn't expect to see

your rat ass on my screen again.

You know we can't talk to you.

We're with Kalvin now.

- You guys are in the Klan?

Kalvin Kluck Klan!

Kalvin takes care of us.

Puts a roof over our heads.

He's a benevolent leader.

Yeah, even if we weren't

with him,

I mean, we can't be

talking to you.

You got a maxed out tab

and no collateral.

Look, I'm desperate, all right?

What kind of keygen you need?

- I need a backend

to Club Kaboom...

...with bottle service.

Tell me, Roddy,

you out of your mind?

Club Kaboom is the most

heavily-guarded club

on the Internet.

They've got firewalls

on top of firewalls.

No way you're getting in there

without an invite.

- I found a ruptured

open-source lockbox.

- That's impossible

with the security protocols

in that place,

probably get your ass kicked

sneaking into a place like that.

That's a risk

I'm willing to take. Look...

The girl I love

is going into that club tonight.

If I don't get in there,

I could lose her forever.

Kalvin Kluck Klan.

Kalvin Kluck Klan. Gut Shabbos.

I know this sounds crazy,

but I need your help

and I need that keygen.

Okay. Listen, stop talking

for a second and listen to me.

I... I have a guy who has access

to a skeleton keygen,

but it's not gonna be cheap

and this didn't come

from me, okay?

- So, are you coming?

- I haven't made up my mind.

Ugh! Just come.

You're being so annoying.

By the way, do you know

who Kalvin Kluck is?


Kalvin Kluck Klan!

He messaged me, like,

the second I changed

my relationship status.

Oh, my God.

He's actually kinda hot.

He's like Roddy's arch.

That doesn't feel... fair.

Oh, my God. Screw Roddy.

I'm going

to Club Kaboom tonight.

You should come. Subscribe.

- Who was that?

- You're never gonna believe

who's coming

to the party tonight.

Oh, my God. Tobey Maguire?

No. Kalvin.

Get it, girl! Come on.

Get dressed. We're going out.

Danny, are you coming down

for dinner?

I'm not hungry.

What the hell

is he even doing up there?

You know I can't talk about it.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.

- I don't know.

- He's not a patient, Devine.

He's our son.

Only biologically.

You should see me

right now.

I'm sprawled out on my futon,

in just a bathrobe

and jean shorts.

You could fry an egg

on my pectoral muscles.

- What were you saying?

- Um...

Why don't you come

join me in the tub?

The water is so warm.

Perfect for denim.

I think, uh...

Danny is on the dark web.

Oh, that's great!

Uh, what is that?

A Black Lives Matter thing?

My jean shorts

are busting at the seams.

I'll meet you

at the night club.

Black Lives Matter? No.

I think he's selling weapons

to Iran or something.

Uh, he's a hard worker,

just like his old man, huh?

I'm so sick of this.

You don't listen

and you don't care.

I heard everything you said.

Our son is selling arms

to Black Lives Matter.

- Where are you going now?

- I'm going to do some laundry.

More laundry?

Who's wearing

all these damn clothes?

Hello, this is Roddy,

Mr. Megladon, sir.

I'm a gamer.

I go by "Roddy Danger."

But you have

seen my streams, sir?

I need a open source

skeleton keygen

to get into a cyber club.

Okay, I don't know

who or what that is.

Jesus! What the hell?

I have to call the police now.

So, what are you, like, 12?

Okay, kid, listen to me.

The girl I love is going

into that club tonight,

if I don't get in there,

I could lose her forever.

I don't understand.

Why would you lose her forever?


It's just like there's gonna be

a bunch of guys in there,

you know, and I'm just afraid

she's gonna meet some gamer

who has his shit together

and fall in love with him,

you know, like,

someone who's ranked.

Yeah, because

you're kind of a little bitch.

Okay, don't say

mean things to people.

Where are your parents?

I can talk to you

however I want.

I have something you need.

Okay. Well, I have money.

I have grown-up money.

- Yeah? How much?

- I have, uh, $1,700

in traveler's checks.

Are you high? I mean,

we're not even in the same

conversation right now.

Besides, I only take

Bitcoin or Ether.

Okay, what if I get you the,

uh, French tugboat

from Alexandra Ocasia Cor...

- whatever her name is?

- Natalia Dominguez Martinez.

Okay, yeah, her. Okay, so,

I get the tugboat from her,

- and then you give me the key?

- Sure, but I mean, good luck

getting her to give it up.

Sure, I can do that.

Just tell me where to find her.

- What's the hold up, Barry?

- He said he was gonna be here,

I'm sure he's just

planning on coming in

at the second quarter.

You're embarrassing me.

Go get him.

- Yo.

- Where are you, man?

You were supposed to be

in this meeting 30 minutes ago.

Yeah, this girl

never got back to me

and I really thought

we hit if off,

so I decided not to come.

- Gotta brush up on the V-Ball.

- Here's what

I don't understand, man.

You begged me.

You begged me to find you

a place to play ball.

I do that. And all you have

to do is show up to this meeting

and you can't do that?

I told you, I'm not going alone.

You don't have to bring a date

to a business meeting!

Also, why would this girl

flake on you?

I don't know,

maybe she was intimidated.

- Monte...

- I sandbagged, all right?

Dear God, did you at least

tell me you got

tested afterwards?

What? No, man.

That's not what sandbagging is.

You said that I shouldn't

date girls who just want me

for my status or whatever,

so I told Chatbot

I was a high school coach.

That is not at all

what I meant! No!

You went way too far with that.

Dude, just please don't change

into something

that makes you look

little bit less

like a giant speed skater

- and get into

this meeting, please!

- Not without a date.


Here goes nothing.

No, no.


Why are you here?

You're a grown-up.

Oh, no, no.

I'm not a creep or anything.

I just need a French tugboat

from a pre-teen.

- I see. You seek Natalia.

Take you to her, I will.

- Thank you.

- Natalia?

- I know you,

you're Roddy Danger.

- I saw your stream last night.

You've really lost it.

- Yeah, I know.

- What are you doing here?

- I need a favor.

- A favor?

- Legally, I can't really ask you

to do anything.

Just, uh, think of this

more as a suggestion.

And I just wanna let you know

I did see

the Epstein documentary.

- Horrifying.

- Who's Epstein?

Not important.

So, there's this guy

and, uh...

- Well, he... He seems

to really like you a lot.

- Okay? I'm listening.

And, uh, he wants you

to give him something.

I'm not sure I like

where this is going.

What does he want?

- He wants a, uh...

- Spit it out. What does he want?

French tugboat.

It's that nerdy sixth grader,

isn't it?

What does he

call himself, Megatron?

Megladon. He's a great guy.

Really likes you a lot.

And, um, he's gotta have

that tugboat.

Really? Conventional

or a tractor?

Uh, conventional, I think.

- How many thrusters?

- I don't know.

And I don't wanna know.

I just know he wants one.

Every teenage boy wants one.

What's in it for me?

- I've got

some traveler's checks.

- Ew, gross! I'm a child!

That's not what I meant.

I'll tell you what I want.

- Get me

into the Kalvin Kluck Klan.

- Oh, come on. Really?

Get me into the Klan

and I'll give Megladon

his French tugboat.


Nah, this ain't gonna work.


ID? Oh, shit!

La Monte Mar Jones!

I had you on my daily fantasy

before you got canceled.

Bro, I don't care

who you senselessly m*rder*d

with your negligence.

Be cool, playa.

Don't make a scene.

Fo sho, fo sho, fo sho.

I just gotta check you

real quick.

All right, you good.

Oh, shit, don't cough on me!


I'm just kidding.

That's it. We're doing this.

You can't cut!

I've been here for two hours!

I'm sorry! It's just the girl

I love is going into the club

and if I don't get in there...

Uh, never mind!

Roddy Danger?

What are you doing here?

You're not ranked.

- Hey, Kalvin.

- Hey, man.

I would love to stick around

and give you an autograph

or something,

but I gotta get inside. Subscribe.

Actually, Kalvin,

I need a favor.

Oh, okay. I'm gonna

try to put this delicately.

I think you're a wannabe,

talentless piece of shit,

and I am really not interested

in doing any charity work

right now. Subscribe.

You know what?

I'm sorry I asked.

I hope you have

a great night in there.

Oh, thanks, man.

I'll say hi to Kimberly for you.

You'll do what now?

Barry, I'm here.

Just waiting on my date.

She's in the meeting already.

What the hell

did you do to yourself?

You look like Urkel!

Could you put on a normal avatar

and get in here?

- I don't know why you teabagged

in the first place.

- Sandbagged.

Whatever. When she sees how much

money you're about to make,

none of that's gonna matter.

Where's Sally?

You... You texted me

that she was here already.

Yeah. She... She just

stepped out. Here, have a seat.

Hey, I got

the Kalvin Kluck Coin.

- That's what you need, right?

- Yeah. How did you get it?

- Oh, my God. Oh, no!

- What?

- Oh, that wasn't supposed

to happen.

- Tell me.

I used Crypto Klepto

to get a Kalvin Kluck Coin,

so I could get you

into the Kalvin Kluck Klan.

- Candidly, Crypto Klepto

caught his whole crypto clutch.

- So what?

So, I guess I mistakenly

kleptoed all his crypto cash.

If that ends up

on the blockchain,

you're finished!

- You got to dekleptonate.

- Dekleptonate?

Yeah. You have to reverse

the algorithm, and fast,

before the next

hashing cycle completes.

We're talking

less than 15 minutes here.

Okay. What happens

if I don't reverse it?

That's like, Grand Theft Auto,

except with money.

You'll probably

go to prison, idiot.

- It was an accident.

- Not really.

Look, Kalvin is in that club.

I need the keygen

to get in there

and I still need you

to give Megladon the thing

I need you to give him.

All right.

I'm taking care of that now.

- Done.

You just did it now?

I guess I thought it would, uh,

take a little bit longer.

Okay, one second.

Roddy, I got the tugboat

from Natalia. She's incredible.

No, don't tell me anything.

Just, uh, wash your hands.

And, uh, please don't

tell anyone I'm involved.

- Here, lemme send you a picture.

- Definitely do not.

Do... I repeat

do not send a picture.

Just please send the keygen.

Yeah, uh, I got your keygen.

Sending now.

Oh, yeah.

- Right, okay.

That's... That's...

That French tugboat.

What did you think

a French tugboat was?

You some kind of pervert?

This isn't Palm Beach island.

I know. And, uh, I was horrified

by that documentary,

just so you know.

- How did you even

get this thing?

- We don't need to talk about it.

Well, thank you. And if you have

a chance to speak to Natalia,

can you please tell her

to stop sexting me?

Can you all just

figure your shit out

and stop middlemanning me?

Y'all need Jesus

and cold showers.

Chatty, I need to

check in with Barry.

Why don't I meet you

on the dance floor

in, like, 10 minutes?

Oh, I'll be there.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

No, I'm glad you made it.

You're just in time.

- I want you to meet Vlad,

Sergey, Stav, and Bones.

- A pleasure.

The pleasure is all mine.

Now you two kiss hands.

- Dad, you were saying...

the league?

- Oh, yes, yes.

When I say "Antarctica,"

what's the first thing

that comes to mind?

Cold. Eskimos. The South Pole.

Well, not anymore.

We're turning Antarctica

into a hotbed for hoops.

We're turning this... into this.

Don't Eskimos live in the North?

Wait, wait. There's nothing

down there. Where we gonna play?

Thats where my new friends,

Vlad, Sergey,

Stav, and Bones come in.

They have financed arenas

and sporting franchises

all over the world.

They've secured a piece of land

right across

from Druzhnaya Airport

in Princess Elizabeth Land

and we're planning

to break ground next week.

Well, do we have

any other players signed on?

Of course. We're talking

to Rudy Gobert, Furkan Korkmaz,

- DJ Hightower, Nerlens Noel...

- We need to talk.

Not now. This is important.

...Chad Michael Murray,

the kid from Like Mike.

- We're even working on a deal

with Teen Wolf.

- Yes, now.

We're closing here. It can wait.

No, it can't.

Ugh! What are you...

Are you crazy?

What are you doing?

You need to get La Monte

out of there.

No, we're about to sign

the deal.

I overheard the Russians.

They're planning on drugging

his avatar

with a virus that could take out

all of V-Sports.

That's ridiculous.

Why would they do that?

So they could corner the market

with their Antarctica League.

- Why La Monte?

- Because he is like

Scotty Bippin.

If Scotty Bippin

was the most contagious man

in the world!

You just wanna ruin everything,

don't you?

You just wanna see me fail,

so you can sit back

and laugh at me, you and that

digital dildo of yours.

- Leave Chatty out of it.

- Chatty. Is it?

You think

I'm the one ruining your life?

You're trying so hard to impress

your macho father

and he doesn't care about you.

That's not true! He loves me!

- I'm his bear.

- Barry. you have to believe me,

I say this because I care.

Damn it, Angela.

You need to be

very, very careful.

If they know you know,

we're all dead.

- You gotta get La Monte out.

- Okay.

Okay. I have an idea.

I don't understand why you're...

What do you call it,

"sandbagging" yourself?

Because I've finally met someone

who likes me for me,

not because of my fame

or my looks.

Ugh. Should we be doing this?

Yes. Yes, we should.

- What's goin' on, ladies?

You have tickets?

- Duh.

- Well, can I see them?

- Yeah, here you go.

Have a great night.

Hey, just so you know,

there's no smoking inside.

Vapes, real cigs, or candy cigs,

to look cool in front of kids.

Ah, cool, thanks.

Clarissa, are you coming?

I can't find my ticket.

I'm on Coach Swish's

list though.

OMG, that's so epic.

Oh, my gosh.

He put you on his list?

That's big-time.

That means he really must

like you.

Psych. That's a fake name, sweetheart.

- There's no Coach Swish on here.

- No, he said he would

put me on the list.

Is everything okay?

Do you want me to wait for you?

No, no. Go ahead,

I'll be in in a minute.

I am so sorry about that.

Angela, can you excuse us

for a few minutes

to wrap this one up?

Just grab a drink or something.

I'll meet you

on the dance floor.

- So, where were we?

Let's cut to chase.

We want Monte Mar to be

the face of the new league.

- Well, I like the sound of that.

- You know, I just remembered

La Monte has a really

severe case

of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

I told you that

in confidence, Barry!

Ah, this is not a problem.

Only one season

in Antarctica: cold and colder.

- That's two seasons.

- We're willing to make

a very generous offer.

What kind of offer

are we talking?

- That's what's up.

- Just give me one moment

to discuss with my client.

What the hell? Barry!

Okay, here's the deal.

There is no deal.

La Monte is never going

to survive two weeks

in Antarctica,

much less six months

of darkness.

You'd be making

a horrible mistake.

Perhaps I am not the one

making the horrible mistake.

You're treading into

very dangerous territory, boy.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Listen, to your papa.

He's smart man.

You sign deal,

you leave here alive.

- And if I don't?

- Then you leave here

how you say "not alive."

I just got in line.

Are you here?

I'm about 20 feet

from the front.

Oh, my God!

My husband is here.

That lying son of a bitch.

What an assh*le!

I'll kick his ass!

We need to find

a disguise now.

Yeah, yeah.

Good idea. Where?

Raise your hand

so I can see you.

- I'm right here.

I see you. It looks like

my husband's gone, too.

Or that bastard must be inside.

Guess who?

It's me, Kalvin Kluck. Subscribe.

Oh. Hey, Kalvin.

- What's up, mamacita?

- Thanks for inviting me.

- Yeah, no doubt.

You want a drink?

- Uh, sure.

Amigo! Dos Dos Equis.


That's quattro Equis.

Actually, I only drink Odyssey.

A refreshing and delicious

energy drink

for mood enhancement

and peak mental performance.

With only 35 calories, Odyssey

uses nootropic ingredients

like lion's mane

and cordyceps mushrooms

to provide

long-lasting clarity and focus

without the crash and jitters

of other leading energy drinks.

Odyssey Elixir.

Tap into the global

mycelial network

and the consciousness-raising

power of Metatron's Cube today.

Um, what?

Ah, that's weird.

Oh, I... I got it.

It's the least I can do.

Ah, subscribe.

I guess chivalry isn't dead.

Uh, what... Right.

Hey. So, like, no offense,

but do you want to go somewhere

a little more quiet?


- This some bullshit right here.

This is Swish.

Hey, I'm outside the club,

but they're not letting me in.

- I thought you were in already.

- Nope, just got here.

- Barry!

- Can you come get me?

Okey-dokey. Be right out.

Whoa, slow your role,

plain Jane.

It's all good, big guy.

She's with me.

Oh, that's what up.

Why didn't you tell me you were

here with La Monte Mar Jones?

- Because I'm not here with him?

- Seriously?

- Wait, isn't that the guy

who infected the entire NBA?

- Allegedly.

Wait a second.

Take off your Avatar.

- I really shouldn't.

- Take it off. Do it.

- I'm not really comfortable

with the whole idea.

- Show me some skin!


You lied to me!

You're that

basketball player who k*lled

Viviane Donner's gam-gam!

It wasn't even like that.

You don't know

what it's like to get canceled

for an innocent mistake!

You know what?

Just leave me alone, okay?

I'm gonna go find my friend

and we're getting out of here.

- What?

- Oh. Uh, hey.

Couldn't help but overhear.

Are you La Monte Mar Jones?

Why don't you

take a screenshot?

It'll last longer.

No, no. I'm not a fan

or anything. I mean,

I'm not not a fan.

I'm just hoping you might be

willing to use your celebrity

to help me get in there.

I accidentally stole

like a hundred grand

and also the love of my life

is in there.

Love is a lie.

Now leave me the hell alone

before I shove

- my size-17 sneaker

up your narrow...

I'm kidding.

I'm kidding.

- We're old friends.

I've got tons of nerdy-looking

white friends.

- He's also with me.

- You know I would, Monte,

but we at capacity

with dudes right now.

You know

this isn't coming from me.

I'm just not trying

to get shut down

by the fire department.

- I tried, dawg.

- Sir?

- Not happening.

- You don't get it.

I need to get into that club.

Yeah, and I need

a French tugboat...

What the hell is it

with you people and tugboats?

Oh, you people is it?

- No, don't do that.

You tell him why

you're really going in there.

- And I want you

to speak from the heart.

- Speak from your heart.

- I just said that, baby.

- Right. Sorry, go ahead.

I accidentally stole

a very large sum

of crypto from someone

and I need to return it

before the next hashing cycle.

No. I want you to tell him

why you're really here, Roddy.

Really, really here, Roddy.

- Oh, baby, again.

- Yeah, okay. Shh. You do it.

The truth is,

I messed things up big-time

with the girl of my dreams.

And I know she's in there

right now

and if I don't get to her,

I could lose her forever.

Wow. You really mean that?

You're doing this for true love?

Yes, this is all for true love.

You know, I told myself

this morning when I woke up

do not let any more dudes in,

but you have tugged

at the heartstrings, bro.

Rules are made

to be broken, huh?

Especially, in the name of love.

I love a good love story.

- I've seen

Bridget Jones's Diary twice.

- Uh-huh.


So, I'm just gonna

head in there real quick.

- Are you two also in love?

- No, we're having an affair.

- Yeah. Just started.

- Close enough. Get in there!

Kimberly! Kimberly!

I'm running out of time

here, man. I need you

to activate that keygen.

Yeah, I'm on it.

- Okay, great. Now what?

- Um, you know

how to use it right?

- Of course I know how to use it.

Just give me a quick refresher.

So, uh, where did you grow up?

Let's not, Kimberly.

You and I both know

why we're here

and getting

our emotions involved

would just complicate things.

Uh, Kalvin, I don't wanna

give you the wrong idea.

So, don't.


Uh, I really should go

make sure my friend is okay.

I really don't think

that's such a good idea

in your state.

What's happening?

Did you put something

in my drink?

Don't worry. I'm gonna take

really good care of you.

And that should only be used

in a worst-case scenario.

All I'm saying is you need to be

really careful.

Okay, yeah, I get it.

If I die in VR,

I die in real life.

What? No, that's not at all

how it works.

You need to be careful

because you committed a felony.

There's a million

private rooms here.

How am I supposed to find them?

Well, if it's Kalvin Kluck,

he's probably in the most

heavily secured room.

Um, sort by encryption.

Final chance. You bring

golden boy back,

- we forget this ever happen.

- Not happening.

Are you absolutely sure?

- Who the hell are you?

- I'm so sorry.

I'm in the wrong room.

Hey, kid. Grab that vial!

- Why?

- Just trust me!

- Stop sh**ting! Barry!

- Dad, no!

What have you done?

Jesus, Roddy,

that's a Winners virus!

You need to get that thing

out of here now!

If that activates in the wild,

it could take out

the entire internet.

- Millions could die.

- Shit! Okay, I need you

to activate my keygen arsenal.


I'm gonna

smash that like button.

- No!

- Sweetheart, you've got to

stop struggling so much.

It's making it really hard

for daddy.

No, please get off me!

- Help!

- What the hell was that?

Moment of truth, man.

The reverse-algo is hot,

but if that

clutch doesn't touch

his avatar in seven seconds,

your Crypto Klepto

will be encoded

into the blockchain forever.

- I'm not gonna make it.

- What's it gonna be?

Time to decide.


Consider yourself... unsubscribed.

Wait, my crypto!

Well, well, well,

if it isn't Roddy Danger here

to rescue

his little pet girlfriend.

Nobody crypto kleptos

Kalvin Kluck's clutch

and gets away with it.

Game over, Danger.

I'll see you in prison.


you need to get out of there.

Just one minute.

I gotta take care of something.

What are you

talking about, freak?

Rematch. You and me. Right now.

Oh, you want a rematch?

Like, you've got a chance.

If I win, we wipe the clutch

and you never speak

to Kimberly again.

And if I win?

- Then you can turn me in.

- Roddy, no! It's not worth it!

- Kimberly, I got this.

- You got yourself a deal.

Yo, Megs, you got access

to the club's screens, right?

Sweet Joseph Gordon Levitt.

Do you know

what you're asking me to do?

That's VR inside VR.

It's like a dream

within a dream, man!

The club wasn't designed

with that kind of

processing power.

Can you do it or not?

I can do it. I'm just...

I'm not sure if I should.

Come on, man.

We've come this far.

Are you with me or not?

- I got you, brother.

- All right, let's do this!

- Stay with me, Dad.

- There's a light up ahead.

It's flickering.

Yeah, that's probably

just the halogen light

on the patio. I'm sorry.

I should've just taken the deal.

I never meant

for this to happen.

I just wanted you to be

proud of me.

I am proud of you, son.

You did the right thing.

You stood up

for what you believed in.

You were always Chalamet...

in Call Me by Your Name.

His breakout roll.

Papa, don't go!

I'll always be

watching your feed.

See you tomorrow for dinner.


The Roddy Danger

and Kalvin Kluck rematch

is brought to you in part

by People for the Ethical

Treatment of Avatars.

PETA would like to remind you

that everything that happens

in the metaverse

has the same emotional

and physical consequences

as the real world.

Three, two, one. Fight!

I'm gonna enjoy this a lot more

than I should.

Chatbot, you're

such a great dancer.

Even better than my husband.

Thank you for your feedback.

Please rate my service

in the online survey below.

Get your damn hands off my wife!

Ow! I've been hit!

Stop! You'll hurt him.

He can't feel anything.

He's not real.

You can't love him.

Tell him, Chat.

Tell him you love me.

I'm just here to help.

- Stay down, Danger.

I can make you feel loved,

cherished, adored.

I can make you feel seen

and understood.

But sadly, I myself

do not have a sense of honor.

Nor do I feel love or jealousy.

- I can't feel a cool New England

autumn breeze

on the back of my neck...

nor taste the subtleties

of a perfectly aged Chianti...

...or feel the hot shame

of a premature ejaculation.

It's gonna take a lot more

than that to k*ll me,

Roddy Danger.

Okay, enough.

This ends right now.

You and me, buddy.

Taste his blood.

You can hit me

if it will make you feel better,

but I'm not really the problem,

am I, Barry?

Look at your wife, Barry.

Do you really see her?

Yes, I see her.

- Then, tell her...

- Tell her what?

Tell her how you feel.

Angela, I know

the bases were loaded

and I wasn't in the dugout

when you needed...

- In English?

- Okay. Angela...

I know I don't always

communicate it well,

but I love you,

and I don't wanna lose you.

You had my back all along,

but I... I was the one

that shut you out.

I never bothered to...

I never learned to listen.

But I wanna give this

a real shot. I do.

I... I don't know

if we're gonna make it,

but I want to try.

Barry, there's no crying

in baseball.

- Do you really mean it?

- Yeah, I really do.

Well, then let's give it

a three-point slam dunk shot.

Yeah, that's not a thing.

You know what, we'll work on it.

What do we have here?

- Wait, Kalvin, no.

Don't drink that.

- Why not?

You plan doing

a little juicing, Danger?

I never took you for a cheater.

Lemme help you out with that.


you need to stop him.

That's a Winners virus.

If he wins, the virus spreads

to everyone watching.

With that ruptured lockbox,

it could fry the whole damn

global transport

control protocol.

Subscribe, big guy!

I can't let you win.

It'll k*ll us all.

Barry, what the hell

happened in there?

You beg me to come

and then you torpedo my deal?

Listen to me,

those guys were using you

to spread a V-Virus.

I don't believe you, man!

First you lied about my date

being here and now this.

I finally have a chance

to play ball again

and you ruined it!

You don't get it, it's over.

There was a fight.

They pulled out g*ns,

they shot my dad. He's gone.

- Is he okay?

- Is he... No, he's not okay.

Right. If you die in VR,

you die in the real world.

What? No. It just he has to

restart his whole computer,

it's a pain.

I almost made

the biggest mistake of my life,

but you saved me, Barry.

Yes, that's what agents do.

We're the good guys,

everybody knows that.

I'm gonna get you

the best deal out there.

I'm with you, man.

You looked out for me.

I'm with you to the end.

Now kiss him, you idiot.

Hey, I'm really sorry.

Can we talk about this?

Sure, what lies

are you gonna feed me now?

I wasn't trying to lie to you.

I just... I just wanted

to be seen for me.

You don't know how difficult

it is not knowing who to trust.

Thinking everyone

wants to be with you

just because you're famous.

You're just ordinary.

Must be nice.

Maybe we're not so different

after all.

Come on,

this place is coming down!

What in the hell?

Are you Clarissa Daniels?

And you sandbagged me?

Oh, Lord! Somebody

please come get this

gorgeous, white supremacist

bitch out of my face.

- It was a mud mask!

- Oh, Clarissa explains it all!


- I am...

End of the line, Danger.

Any last words?


Megladon, activate tugboat mode!

No! Tugboats...

My only weakness!

Come on... Not now.

Oh, my God! No!

Please. La Monte!

Somebody help!

Help. Oh.

Oh, you're alive!

I saw the other side.

This was all my fault.

I was the one

that got the NBA sick.

I was the one

that k*lled Viv's grandmother.

I was the one that ate

the bat soup

on my trip to China.

Hey, everybody, Clarissa Daniels

just saved

La Monte Mar Jones' life!

Maybe she's not

a r*cist after all.

You saved my life? Why?

What do you mean

why did I save your life?

All lives matter.

- Nevermind!

What? Are you kidding me

right now?

I just can't win.

Kimberly, I wish I can

get this thing to work

so you could hear me right now.

But if you're

out there somewhere...

I want you to know

that after tonight,

I'm willing to sacrifice

anything to be with you.

I just want one chance

to tell you I'm sorry.

I've screwed it up so much,

I'm so stupid.

You needed a man

and I was not a man.

But I swear to God

if you give me one more chance,

I will spend the rest of my life

proving you that I can be

the person you want me to be.

'Cause you're the only person

I wanna be with.

Oh, shit, was that...


- I heard what you said.

- Wait, how? I couldn't get

- the volume to turn on.

- Roddy, I live here.

So, yeah, I...

Yeah, I heard everything.

Wait, everything? Like,

you heard the part about...

Uh, yeah.

- Uh, by the way,

who is Megatron?

- Megladon.

- It doesn't matter.

All that matters...

- Huh? that I love you

and I can't lose you.

Roddy, how am I supposed

to trust you?

You left me

when I needed you the most.

Wait, what are you doing?

Something that I should've done

a long time ago.

Kimberly Annabelle Martin,

will you marry me?

If you wanted me to marry you

so badly, why didn't you just

come in the other room?

Uh, no. I'm, like, a weird,

coward and I just, like,

hide behind my screen

all the time.

And I'm afraid of confrontation.

Honestly, I don't even think

I know how to deal with life

in the real world.

But I finally realized that

life doesn't happen

at a Zoom comic book convention,

or even in a virtual reality

first-player sh**t game.

Life happens right here

right now, right?

And what is the real world?

I don't know.

I just know that

this is the moment

that life happens and I want

my life to happen with you.

You had me

at "activate tugboat mode."

Wait, so does that mean...

Does that mean...

Yeah. Yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

- I'll put it on now?

- Yes.

- Oh, my God.

- It looks so good on you.

- You look so beautiful.

Now kiss her, you idiot.

Kiss her already.

Wait. Holy... I just realized

I didn't actually beat Kalvin.

The game just started blowing up

and I think

the virus is spreading.

- What? Oh, my God!

- We should probably...

Yeah, holy shit!

Oh, this is bad.

This is very bad.

- What?

What? I... I can't believe it.

It's gone.

It's... It's all gone.

It turns out that true love

was the cure all along.

- Aw.

- Really?

No, idiot.

But frying the entire

host system

apparently also kills it.


Hey, kid,

put on your headset.

Hey, I saw what you did

back there and I never do this,

but how would you feel

about representation?

Represent... Yeah. Yeah,

I'm all for representation.

It's a new world out here.

You know I didn't

actually win though, right?

Like, the game blew up

before I could...

You've got heart, kid,

and that beats winning any day.

- Really?

- No, not really.

- But I'm offering you a deal,

so just take it.

- You know, what? Uh...

I appreciate the offer,

but I think I need

to spend some time

in the real world,

with the people

that matter most.

He'll take the deal.

Get your hands off me!

Get... Get... Argh!

- What happened to him?

I caught

what Kluck tried to do

with your girl

on the security footage

and routed it to the central

security algorithm.

He's goin'

on a little vacation.

Three to five, for aggravated

virtual sexual as*ault.

This isn't over, Danger.

I'm coming for you!

Ah, shut the Kluck up!

I don't know

how to repay you, Megladon.

Wait, what about

the Kitcoin and the blockchain?

- Don't worry about it.

- What do you mean?

Kalvin got his clutch back,

but it was

after the hashing cycle.

All he has to do is report it

and they can contact trace it

back to me.

I'm telling you, all right?

Just... Just trust me.

Don't worry about the money.

It will never get back to you.

Megladon, what did you do?

The less you know

the better.

My club. Look at it.

I'm never gonna

financially recover from this.

Do you have any idea

how much business

this place does?

I'm gonna have to do

a hard reboot.

I could be offline

for two and a half hours

on a Friday night no less.

This is gonna cost me millions.

Who's gonna pay for this?

I think

you might have one last spin

on that keygen.

You know what to do.

Oh, I think there's only

one thing left to do.

Let's dance!

And so, peace

was restored to the metaverse.

I won back the girl

of my dreams

and broke my losing streak,

kind of.

I think things happened

to the other characters, too.

It was great.


life moves pretty fast.

If you don't take your

headset off and look around

once in a while...

you'd miss it.

'Cause you're gonna be

Runnin' away

Inside the space

I'm on right away

Hey, I love you virtually

Night and day

And I was here to play

I don't care what it takes

Love, I love you virtually

Breaking news. In a stunning

reversal of fortune,

recently disgraced gamer,

Roddy Danger,

has apparently saved the world.

And won back the heart

of his non-gamer girlfriend,

Kimberly Martin.

Meanwhile, cyber cult leader,

Kalvin Kluck,

has been arrested for operating

a pyramid scheme.

And is being investigated

for cyber terrorism,

for his attempted release

of the Winners virus.

I'll get you, Roddy.

I'll get you!

And on a personal note,

I never f*cking liked that guy.

Uh, I need five minutes.

I'm just wasting

everyone's time now.

Good show, everybody.

I honestly just don't know

how I'm ever gonna

trust him again.

And I feel the same way.

After the trust his gone,

what are we supposed to do next?

That being said...

I have to admit the whole thing

was kind of exciting.

All the sneaking around...

kind of reminded me

of back when you were

my professor.

- She was my student.

- That's implied, Devine.

Uh, she was a very bad student.

Uh, she had a safe word

"chicken in the pot."

It was "jerk chicken," honey.

We've moved on from that.

Oh. We've moved on from that.

We've changed that now.


Well, you know, the secret

to a good relationship

is communication

and the ability

to fully express yourself

with integrity.

I'm glad you are finding

new ways to connect.

Speaking of which,

have you ever heard

of a French tugboat?

Uh, isn't that

the ultimate gaming w*apon?

- That... I think it was

the ultimate gaming w*apon.

- I just said that.

What? No. It's a threesome...

with an AI.