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26x11 - Pound of Flesh

Posted: 11/08/23 11:21
by bunniefuu
SINGING How great thou art How great thou art.




It's quite calm in here today so if you want a bit of time to yourself, you know, it's fine.

You OK? Not so bad.

Steady! I'm knackered, and I'm starving.

I only had toast for breakfast, and it's well past lunch.

You know, it's not on sending us out on our break.

Not unless they're going to pay us .

Especially for a green call like this.

Fond of him as I am.

Oh! I need one of those.

You got one of those.

Don't be disgusting, Jeffrey.


Come on, you, let's get you out.

I'm feeling a lot better now, actually.

I think I should discharge myself.

No, you know the rules
- if you call with chest pains, we've got to bring you to the hospital.

I don't want to waste anyone's time.

You should have thought of that before you called us.

I'm OK.

And you people are under a lot of pressure.

Tempus fugit and all that.

You what? Latin.

Er, double first in Classics.

Believe it or not.

Did you call your GP? Like you were told to? Well I
-I, I was getting round to it What good's a degree if you can't even organise your own life? I thought I was having a seizure! For which the well
-known cure is a shopping trip into town? Well, it happened on the way out Well, next time, just make sure it's when I'm not on a break.

Let's get you out of here.

Come on handsome, up we get.

Go on If someone answers, just say you're a friend ofjamal's.

And when's he back? DOORBELL RINGS DOORBELL RINGS There you go.

Thank you very much! For you.


Pakistani stamp.

Could be from Mads.

Who's Mads? A nurse that used to work here A nurse that used to work here Well, come on, share! Wow She's getting married in Pakistan.

Oh? Does that mean she's not coming back? Yeah.

Eh, we could go! I don't think we're invited.

Who rattled his cage? I think he held a bit of a torch for her.

doctors' and nurses' time when I'm feeling as right as rain! Malcolm Stroud, 70.

Complaining of chest pains.

He's had Aspirin.

His ECG's normal.

He's been in several times in the past, but he's never been admitted.

It's the second time this month, innit, Malc? Maybe I could just have some painkillers on prescription.

Chest pains are a bit serious.

We'll need to do some tests.

Right, it's a bit busy in cubicles, let's get him to CDU, I
-I don't want to be a bother.

D'you know what, can I leave you with him? The bloods and ECG you mean? Yes, is that a problem? I know Jay's not here so if you don't think you're up to it That's fine, Dr Lyons.

Leave it with me.

Thank you.

Ken, could you take him to CDU? Right, lovely, I'll go and get some grub.

You say this is the second time this month? I wouldn't waste too much time on him .

He's a regular
- charming, but devious.

Maybe there's something else going on.


Could be the company? A free lift into town? Who knows? I'm a paramedic, not a social worker.

The voice of scepticism.

The voice of experience.

It's not the first time he's blagged a lift into town.

A mini cab would have cost him, what, a fiver? Instead, this trip's cost the tax payer £500 quid and me my lunch break.

That's a bit harsh.

Because some poor soul in real danger might not get an ambulance on time.

Look, you find out what the problem is and fix it and maybe he'll stop calling us up! And I bet ya, he discharges himself before you make a diagnosis.

Some people think I'm bonkers But I just think I'm free I'm just living my life There's nothing crazy about me Some people pay for thrills But I get mine for free I'm just living my life.

SHE HUMS What d'you think? Eh? Did you know her well? Probably more that most, yeah.

Oh, right, you mean you? What? Nothing.

She's just a pretty girl.

Tea, doctor? Would you watch what you're doing, please?! For God's sake! Come on, Ketzia, let's go! No.



not yet.

Ah, that is sick.

He's going to be well afraid! Oh, my God.

There y'are.

Grub's up! Oh! Caffeine and carbohydrates! Woo
-hoo! I was right.

Have a look at that.

Champagne, mayonnaise, avocado, prawns.

Blimey, I like a man who knows his prawn cocktail! Two steaks!? Bottle of red wine, bottle of white wine? Cheeky bugger.

I know, a little dinner a deux on the NHS ambulance service.

It's not on, Jeff.

We're not Help the Aged! Holby Control to 3006.

Emergency call 'to 6 Rose Avenue.

Elizabeth Estate.

' Injuries unknown at this stage.

I need a break.

Even if it's just for ten minutes I need a break.

Come on.

No, she's gotta get organised, she's got to make sure that the jobs are equally shared.

3006 to Holby Control.

We're not available.

We're on a disturbed meal break.

You're going to have to find someone else.


I have looked, but I'll see what I can do.

I've not got a problem if it's a red call.

But if it's non
-life threatening You know it doesn't work like that.

We don't know what we're going to get till we get there.

Holby Control to 3006.

You're the only vehicle available.

Emergency call to 6 Rose Avenue, Elizabeth Estate updated.

'A child with a head injury.

Red 2 call.

Reduced level of consciousness.

' Can't ignore a call like that, can we? No, no, no! It'd be inhuman.

They've got us, Jeffery, and they know it.

3006 to Holby Control.

We're on our way.





oh, they're not sticking! This is all a bit more trouble than it's worth.

Not as much trouble as I'll be in if I don't provide the doctor with all the information he asked for.

Can you just stay still a moment, Mr Stroud? We have to get this done before Doctor Lyons is back.

I know.

OK, right.

I'm going to have to ask you to get undressed and put this on, Mr Stroud.

We need your legs and chest exposed for better access.

Nemo liber est qui corpori servit.

-one is free who is a sl*ve to his body.

' I ma
-massively appreciate the trouble you two are going to, but I'm going to call it a day.

We have to run these tests, Mr Stroud.

It's the rules.

OK, er, how about I ask my colleague to step outside a moment? Sure.

No problem.


Thank you All right, let me give you a hand with these buttons? No! Sorry! Leave me alone.

One moment alone.

I'm just trying to help.

Why do they call them unpaid breaks? We're working.

Call them what they are
- 'management money
-saving exercises.

' Chillax! Getting all aereated's not going to help, is it? I'm not 'aerated'.

I'm just knackered! It should be here.

Yup, there! All right, young man.

What's happened to you, then? Eh? Ooh.

What they doing? What is he doing? I don't know! That's a nasty bump you got on your head there.

How'd you do that? Excuse me! Can you help us? We're trying to work out what happened here? Did you see anything? Is he going to be OK? Do you know him? What, d'you live round here? Go away.

Go! Go away.

Go away! Oh.


you don't.

All right, call the police, Dixie Ah, argh! Ooh 3006 to Control, can we have a police officer on the Elizabeth Estate, please? Little tyke! You all right? Ohhh! I think the chest pains are a red herring.

Anything obvious on the 12 lead? He wasn't co
-operating very well.

It was quite difficult for us to So you didn't do it? We think there must be other pain, he's desperate for painkillers.

He's after the morphine.

He's not a druggie.

I'm sure of it.

He's a sad lonely old man living out his last chapter in the back end of nowhere! Morphine is everyone's favourite reality softener.

Ah, Lenny.

Won't be a minute, have you looked at this? It's just a gesture, from the department.

Actually, no, I'll er, sign it later.

Yeah, well, don't forget Cos I want to get it off by the end of the day, all right? You left him unattended? You had two simple tests to run on that guy
- the ECG and the bloods.

You managed to complete neither.

That means the system has failed him.

YOU have failed him.

I know what it looks like, but I was actually making progress.

I think he was ready to open up.

This is a hospital, not a day care clinic! Our job is to patch up peoples' bodies, not their lives.

If his heart packs up on him out there, then that is our fault.

And me being the doctor in charge, that's my responsibility so thank you.

Well done(!) Don't take it personally.

He's in a mood cos that nurse is getting married.

I think they had a thing.

What is this? Er, geriatric S and M? SHE LAUGHS Oh, God! Er, so sorry to be a bother, the, er, the doctor asked me to ask you if you could possibly fix me up with a lift home in an ambulance? I'm not too mobile.

I'll be ready to go in an hour.


I'll see what I can do.

Much appreciated.

Just try and stay calm for us.

We found him collapsed on his doorstep.

We couldn't get a name.

Get off me! Get off He's got an isolated head injury which we've treated.

GCS was 14.

May have been KO'd.

BP's 120, pulse 90.

Sats are at 97%.

OK, Paeds, please.

Police are on their way and we're trying to locate the parents.

Get off! Has he been like this all the way? Kicked off as we came in.

Lenny, why don't you get this one? I know him.

You do? Well, do you know his mum, or someone we can call? His mother is Denise Lewis.

They live at 6 Rose Avenue, Elizabeth Estate.


Look, do you think you might be able to calm him down? He could do with a friendly face.

Cheers, thank you.

Lamorna, can you take this over to Paeds resus? Listen, if you keep moving like this, you might make your injury worse! Let me go! One, two, three.

Tyreece? Would you just stop that? That is really not helping, OK! Tyreece.

Sorry, could you get out, please? We're a bit busy! OK, come on.

Calm down! Tyreece! You don't know me, but I am a friend of your mum.

And I am going to stay with you until she comes.

Huh? Thank you Rosa.


Thank you, Rosa.


Let's get some IV access and start neuro obs.

Can I see? Your brother is coming out today, is he? 'Welcome home, Jamal.

' Here you are.

Thanks, darling.

I've been desperate for that.

I reckon the docs are going to suggest a course of co

Human bites can infect quickly.

Really? Thanks for that(!) You should really take the rest of the shift off.

Chance would be a fine thing.

We're short staffed and we haven't got any cover.

Well, definitely no more driving.

How'd you get on with my mate Malc? Did you sort him out? He legged it.

I told ya.

I would've got there.

He knows saying chest pains will always get him a lift in, but I think he does actually need a lift in because he's in too much pain somewhere else to manage alone.

Well, why would he bother hiding something that we can fix? Maybe he's scared, or shy, or ashamed? Where is he!? How did they find him? Someone called the police Who?! I don't know.

I can get a paramedic to talk to you and the He left this.

Dirty old man.

Told you Dix, could you give us a hand, love? There's trouble in reception.

The mother of your patients wants the full story.

And can they have another nurse in resus? What kind of a world do we live in when you can't leave your eight
-old son at home without the house being att*cked?! It's like we're in bloody Afghanistan.

I know who did it! Where are the police? They are on their way.

My son is coming out today.

That's why they done this.

As if he hasn't suffered enough for what he never did anyway.

I see.

No, I don't think you do.

I don't think you people have any idea what it's like.

If he hadn't of defended himself, he'd have been he'd have been What was he meant to do? This is Dixie, she brought your son in.

It's a brave little boy you've got there.


Was anyone hanging round there? Yeah, a girl.

Black? About 15, 16? Yeah.

Staff Nurse Conway, could you take Mum through, please? This way.

OK, then.


Jamal, if you get this call me.

I'm at the hospital with Tyreece They only smashed his head in, didn't they? The brick was probably meant for you.

You get out there.

ROSA HUMS THROUGHOU I've got Tyreece's mum here.

Is she OK to come in? Yeah.

What is she doing here? What is she doing here? She was just here to calm down your son.

What are you doing with my son?! He was upset.

I was helping.

You've got to be joking! Do you know who this woman is?! Do you know what her family have done to mine? You have no right to talk about my family.

Get out! Get out of here right now! If she stays in here, I can't trust myself! Let's leave Tyreece and his mum alone.

Get away from my son.

Get out! You're not helping your son like this, come on.

They trashed my house.

Who? I don't know what you're talking about.

Don't lie.

Do not call me a liar.

You tell her to do it, did ya? Coward as well.

Happy to duck out and let your daughter take all the blame.

Ketzia has nothing to do with this.

Ketzia did this! She is at school.

No, she's not.

She never in school.

Oh, you don't know anything about her, do you? Kids don't just raise themselves, you know.

No wonder she's turned out the way she has.

Come back here! Hey, hey, hey, hey! You better get to your daughter quickly before someone else does! My Jamal won't stand by and let this happen to his family! You can't take any calls in here, you have to take it outside.

Nurse Conway, could you show her the way? We have rules here.

You heard what my coll OK.

Let's get him on his side and suction, please.

What's happening? Tyreece? Could you back up, please, give us a bit of space? You have to wait outside, OK? Come on.

OK, let's intubate, and we need a CT scan ASAP.

Can I get you a cup of tea or anything? Mum? Mum? Where are you? What's going on? I'm in hospital.

They hurt Tyreece.

You got to get out 'ere, Jamal.

Well, is he going to be OK? What happened? Your uncle and cousins are on their way over.

I want you to join them.

Jamal, are you there? 'Mum I
-I've just come out.

I've done nine months.

I'm on parole.

I can't get involved.

I'll be right back in there again.

They can't get away with this.

Here's the doctor.

He'll tell you what they done.

Not now, I can't.

Leave the doctor alone.

He's busy.

I'll come to the hospital.

I don't need you here, I need you out there! Tell him, doctor.

Would you let go of me? 'I don't know the medical terms.

I want him to understand!' Tell him.

Tell his brother! You deal with this, I'll take him through.

Tell him.

Listen, Jamal.

This is the doctor.

Your son suffered a blow to the head.

'He started to deteriorate whilst we were assessing him and now he needs an urgent brain scan.

' It's to determine whether there's bleeding inside the head or any internal damage.

Did you get that, Jamal? What internal damage? What?! Would you get that phone out my face! I'm sorry, you need to leave the doctor alone.


Mum, please! WE DON'T KNOW YET! It's too early to tell.

What's the worst that could happen? 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know you're upset.

' But we cannot have you physically manhandling the staff, OK? D'you hear that, Jamal?' They won't even say.

So it's got to be bad.

'You get out there.

Give them what they deserve.

' You did well, sir.

Are you all right? Why don't you take a seat, take it easy.

I'm fine! Good afternoon.

Holby City ED.

I Er I found it in the bin.


Someone must have put it there by mistake.

Look, she clearly cared enough to write, so you ought to read it.

Even if you don't want to reply.

Holby Control to 3006.

Emergency call to Westmeadow Shopping Centre.

'Incident and injuries unknown at this stage.

Will keep you updated.

' Come on then, Nelson, I'd better drive.

Remind me to do this more often, eh? Thank you very much.

What? We got a stowaway.

Afternoon The Emergency Department requested Transport After Treatment.

But then no
-one could find him.

Well, he's in our ambulance.

And we're on a shout.

We can't take him with us! My Control Manager isn't here.

I haven't dealt with a case like this before.

I don't know the regulations.

Can you hold on a moment, please? Fine.

just get back to me as soon as you can please, thank you.

Er, couldn't you drop me off on the way? I promise I won't be a bother.

You ARE a bother.

You don't get it, do you, Male? We're not a new form of public transport! Previous call cancelled.

Hooray! You CAN do it.

Holby Control to 3006.

Take Mr Stroud to 6 South Brewham Lane.

No! No way.

He's not a shout and he's not a patient.

He didn't even finish his treatment.

He just walked off.


I don't know what else to do.

Holby City ED requested it.

I'd be indebted to you.

You already are! 3006 to Holby Control, we'll take him, over.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Omnia causa fiunt.

Cut the classics! Carpe Diem.

Seize the day.

I know that one.

Sums him right up.

Cheeky chancer MOBILE RINGS Can't we go back to yours? Or mine? Inside somewhere.

Yeah, after Can you see him? I ain't fighting.

You ain't fighting either.

I don't have a Kn*fe.

Have they got knives? I Distract them, yeah? Get out there! Go on! Where have you been? Nowhere.

Haven't you been at school? Mum, I don't have time for this! What is going on? Go away from here! I don't want any trouble, you hear me! There will be no fighting, no fighting here.

Get back inside, Mum! This is my business, it's not yours! Ketzia! Go back inside.

Where is he?! Where's Jamal?! Give me this.

Hasn't there been enough?! Hasn't there been enough?! Go.

Go! CAR SPEEDS OFF Mum?! How's Tyreece? Er, it's not good news, I'm afraid.

Um, he has an extra dural haematoma.

A what?! Right.

A what?! Right.

It's a blood clot compressing one side of the brain.

It's getting larger, it's going to exert more pressure on the brain which unfortunately makes this a life
-threatening injury.

He needs an operation.

Surgeons will have to open up the skull so that they can suction off the clots from the brain.

You should have turned left back there.

There's a much more scenic route.

You again! You are in big trouble.

It's my mum! She's been stabbed! I think she's dying! Jeff, call the police, please! All right, I'm on it.

3006 to control, could we have a police officer down to All Saints Road, please? Potential stabbing.

Right, you, you wait here.


Don't worry Holby Control calling 3006 Can I get an update on the delay to 6 South Brewham Lane? Will she get off our case? Haven't we done enough? 3006 to Holby Control.

We've come across a running call, female patient with s*ab wounds.

We're taking her to Holby ED.

ETA about 10 minutes.

Mum, are you OK? All right, sweetheart.

We're just going to settle you in the ambulance.

Decision reversed.

I'm sending another vehicle.

Stay put until it arrives then continue with your assigned job.

Negative, Holby Control.

We're going to take her in now.

I have to overrule you.

I think it's better you wait.

It's in the best interests of the sector.

Overrule? How's about this for overrule? We're bringing her in now! Over! Hello? That's better, isn't it? A bit of peace and quiet.

Right, do you want to sit over here for me, love? Can you tell us what happened to your mum? Hey! Where d'you think you're going? You're very busy.

I don't want to cause any trouble.

Listen, you've come this far, son, you may as well stick around.

I've got to get home! I've got an important guest coming.

HE WINCES You're in pain, aren't you? Look, we need to get you looked at again.

Come on! We gotta get woman in sharpish! Not good news? She did what she had to do.

She looked out for number one.

I'm looking for Tyreece Lewis.

He's here with my mum.

Where are they? Are you a relative? He's my brother.

I'll get one of the doctors for you.

Doctor Lyons, this is Jamal Lewis.

Tyreece Lewis' brother.

Oh, right Yeah, your mum tried to get me to talk to you on the phone, right? I want to see my brother.

You can't, he's in an operation at the moment.

They're fixing him up, yeah? He's in the best hands possible.

Can I see my mum? Lenny, I need you in Resus.

We've got a stabbing coming in.

Staff Nurse Conway, could you take Mr Lewis up to the relatives' room, please? I'll find out what's happening and get in touch with you.

This is Rosa Onwukwe.

Mid forties.

She's got a s*ab wound to the left side of her chest.

GCS was 14, BP stable at 100 systolic, tachy at 125, she's had 500 of saline, 10 mgs of morphine and sats maintained 95%.



Do you know her? What happened? Can you find out what happened for me? Any idea how long the blade was? No.

Rosa? Rosa! Um, you must be Ketzia? How do you know my name? Well, I'm a friend of your mum's.

Ah, Staff Nurse Asike.

Mr Malcolm Stroud.

I believe you two have met.

If you don't let him slip off this time, you might just win that bet.

Come again? He's in pain and he's limping.

Check out the groin area.

You know that "thing" you found.

That could have something to do with it.

Can we cross match bloods, please? I need a second IV, Lenny.

Let's get on to X
-ray ASAP.

She's one of the cleaners.

No, she's not a cleaner, no.

No, she is, I saw her in the staffroom.

My mum don't work in this hospital! Ketzia! She's right, you're not.

You do it voluntary.

Can we have some space here, please! Sorry.

I dunno if you remember, but about a year ago, we had a boy in? A s*ab wound, didn't make it.

Now, that was Ashley Onwukwe.

That was her son.

How do you know our business.

You don't know us! Yeah, I do, I'm a good friend of your mum's.

You're a liar! Ketzia, don't talk to Mac like that.

It's all right.

Did they find whoever did the stabbing? You mean the kid who k*lled my brother? Yeah.

They did.

But they didn't punish him enough.

How are we getting on with the IV? Jamal.

Jamal Lewis! OK, let's get you on the trolley and take a look at you.

I appreciate your professionalism, but I need to get home.

I've got a guest tonight.

Ooh! You forgot this.

You're clearly in a great deal of pain, Mr Stroud.

We're nurses.




not much that shocks us.

Why don't you let me take a look? No.



it's, it's a private thing.

If you don't let me examine you, I'll have to refer you.

In which case, I doubt you'll get home tonight at all.

Why don't you call your "friend" and explain that you're not going to be able to be there? No, no, no.

I haven't got his number.

No, no, it's complicated.

Er, he lives abroad.

Well, it's not easy.

I don't know when I shall, when I shall see him again Eheu, fugaces labuntur anni Oh, how the fleeting years slip away.

All right, let me examine you quickly.

There may be a short
-term solution for the pain and discomfort.


That is impressive.

I'll do a swab and see if I can get some antibiotics organised.

You can get medical versions, you know.

There's no need to do a DIY.

You should have said.

Well it's not the sort of thing one would like to share now, is it? Sorry to ask, but did you see which way the blade went in
- up or down? Or how long the blade was? Do you know who the little boy is? Tyreece? The little boy from this morning? He's being operated on.

Was some internal bleeding after the head injury.

Will he be OK? They're doing their best.

Ketzia? Was it you? What? Did you hurt that little baby? Tell me the truth! Ketzia? No, no! Back down.

Lie down.

That's ruptured Come here.

SHE GASPS You find his mother, or you find Jamal, and you apologise for what you have done.

You will ask forgiveness for your actions.

But they k*lled Ashley! Have you forgotten? SHE SOBS I don't need v*olence to help me remember! What have I let you become? I'm losing you, too.

You're not, you're not losing me.

MONITORS BEEP You need to wait outside now, OK? Get her down.

Just who I was looking for
- I solved the Malc mystery.

A huge inguinal hernia! I was wondering if you could run him home if you're not busy.

No way! Absolutely no way! You all right? You said you knew my mum.

How do you know her? Well, she's been coming here every day since your brother d*ed.

She says it helps her feel closer to him.

Then one day she asked if she could make herself useful so I said fine.

And she does a bit of cleaning, tidying, often brings flowers for the relatives' area.

And, er, and sometimes she prays there.




would you like to see? I don't think that's a good idea.

Oh, er, fair enough.

No, please.

I want to see Well, maybe it is a good idea.

Come on.

Let's take her together.

Come on.


She's tachycardic, her resps are up and her pressure's dropped.

She's bleeding from somewhere.

Well, it's not her chest.

A left
-sided haemothorax isn't big enough to explain the shock.

Rosa? Does your belly hurt? Yeah.

She's still dropping OK, let's see what's going on in there.

OK, Rosa.

There's no free fluid.

So where's she bleeding from then? Pericardium? There.

Cardiac tamponade.

Right, let's prep for a pericardiocentesis, please! Rosa, you've got a collection of blood round your heart.

I'll need to drain it.

I'll ask you to hold your breath briefly.

I'll tell you when.

So, pericardiocentesis when she's awake? It can be done.

Stand by with the Lignocaine.

OK, thank you.

OK, Rosa, this is just a short, sharp scratch.

There you go.

OK, Rosa, I'm going to ask you to hold your breath.


OK, you're doing really well, Rosa.

Nearly there.

OK, you're doing really well, Rosa.


You can breathe out now, Rosa.


Radial pulse back Your mum brought those roses in this morning.

We've got Jamal Lewis, in the relatives' area and Ashley's Onwukwe's sister is Noel and Ashley's 0nwukwe's sister.

Where is she? I believe that, er, Staff Nurse Conway took her to the relatives' area.

She? This way (What were you thinking?) (It's fine.

) Can you draw up some RSI dr*gs, Tess? We'll intubate her here to save time, then get her up to theatre.

Erm, sorry to interrupt.

We have a special request.

Can her daughter see her? I don't think that's such a good idea, Lenny.

Please, Mum.

Mum! They're going to take me away I told them the truth.

And I apologised! OK.

Is she going to be OK? She has to go upstairs to have an operation.

We're going to put her to sleep here first.

Mum, don't be scared.

SHE HUMS HOW GREAT THOU AR That God his son not sparing # Sent him to die # I scarce can take it in That on the cross My burden gladly bearing SHE SOBS He bled and d*ed to take away my sin SHE SOBS We're going to put you under now, Rosa.



Then sings my soul My saviour God to thee How great thou art # When Christ shall come With shouts of acclamation And take me home What joy shall fill my heart # And I will bowl In humble adoration And there proclaim # 'My God How Great Thou Art'.



How's it sounding, Lenny? Good equal air entry.

Sounds good.

Great, let's change the vent.

# .


How great thou art Then sings my soul # My Saviour God to thee How great thou art How great thou art.

I can't accept this.

Pay me back another time.

Come on.

Let's get you a cab.

I think we deserve a drink.

Good idea.

First round's on me.

Can it wait 15 minutes? Oh, no, come on, we don't have to do that.

I know.

I know, I know.

But I want to.

It's your lucky day, kid, do you fancy a ride? Mac? Erm, I don't suppose you've got the card there? I forgot to sign it.

Oh, right Er.



let's look here.





here? Ah, well done.


ls Tyreece OK? Yeah.

We got her.

We got them both.

Aw, welcome home, son! It's good to have you back! Tell him I'll be in touch soon.

Where you going? Jamal? Come back! Jamal! HE HUMS HOW GREAT THOU AR