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26x07 - Wild Horses

Posted: 11/08/23 11:17
by bunniefuu
No No! Ahhh! SHE SCREAMS AND WHIMPERS How's your head? Mm, it's heavy.

Didn't want to wake up.

When you're better, we'll go away.

Fresh start where no
-one knows us.

Soon as I'm better.

The police are on their way.

Have they found him? No, but they will.

I was scared.

Yeah, well, you're safe now Scared if we.



both came off smack together that you'd end up hating me.

So, that's why I went with him.

Don't be stupid.

One of us had to score.

Have you been here all night? Where else would I be? You need to have a scan.

I thought the doctor said she was stable.

A head injury has to be monitored I'll try and get away from work when they bring her down, OK? Employee of the month! Whose idea was that? I think it was Omar’s.


Why doesn't that surprise me? We never meet our targets and we both know who's to blame.

He's a good paramedic.

He's lazy.

Anything for an easy life.

People like him, they hold us back.

-minute walk, they said Not in these shoes.

Let's say I arrived at 8:15.

-one's any the wiser.

I'm tired of being constantly assessed.

'Pain Scores'.

'Performance initiatives'.


Since when did you take notice of CPls? Ah Since Tamzin and Jane joined the firm and nicked all our shouts.

Guys, this is Louise.


New controller.


Hello, Louise.

All right? just done my three months basic.

Putting some names to the voices Dixie.



And Tamzin, Omar are Don't worry about him.

We've all got his number.

There's no more chances.

Good to be out of the classroom.

My training will be on the job.

Yeah, it's the best way to learn.

Could do without these forms though.

'Off the shelf assessment'? Duty manager office.

Dixie, right? Yeah, that's right.

Couple more years.

You'll be in that chair.

Ah, I'm glad someone has faith in me.

Part of the job, Tamz.

Unlocking potential.

It's all there It's all there To experience a wide range of roles and levels within the service.

My nan always said if she was ever, you know, critically ill, she'd rather end up Holby than St James'.

Better standard of care She died in bed, so we never got to test that theory.

At St James' we delivered.

Day in.

Day out.

This station needed.



a new broom I Proficient.


I Organisational objectives.

I've seen the future.


Super hubs.

Emergency response points.

You're more informed than we are.

It pays to be prepared, Tamz, that's all I'm saying.


Who's going to talk me through Risk Assessment? Him.


I need a moment's peace.

It's important .

Less of your lip.

Go knock that kettle on.

Don't be making her a cuppa tea.

Your hair'll go up with all that stuff you put in it Ah, you should have seen the sky last night.

Never seen a sky like it.

I was dancing home I was.

Your man on the piano.

Where do you go to my lovely When you're alone in your bed? Mam! Sound asleep when I looked in on you.

Sleeping like a baby.

KNOCK AT DOOR Don't answer it.

I Hello, Ciaran.

I Ah, not working? Yeah, I'm aware of that.

I told you, it's fake.

It's genuine.

Yeah, genuine knock off.

Second hand.

I'm surprised it's got one.

50 quid! Very funny.

Ah, nah, can't be kosher at that price.

What, are you an expert on gentlemen's timepieces? Car park junkies.



Sounds like a band.

Preying on my stereo.

No, they got nowhere else to go.

I The clinic is closed today.

I Provisions have been made for the uninformed.

OK? Bars on the windows.

What's the place coming to? NFA? No fixed abode, love.


Not too clean.

I Sorry
- I Worse on inspiration, slight shortness of breath.

Right, deep breath, please.

He needs a chest X
-ray, Charlie.

Can you send him through to resus? Sure.

Let's get this off.

Scarlett, I need his eye cleaned up.

Believe me.

-one is going to steal your hat.

I Who is this, Scarlett? I I Oh, ah, this isFrank.

I I Hello, Frank.

Erno fixed abode.

I I Laceration above his right eye.

I That's reassuring.

You've been assaulted.

The needle was clean.

That's hardly the point.

You're 15 minutes late.

I know, I'm sorry, I had to go My office.

The Police.

They'd like a statement.

Welcome back, Linda I've spoken to the warden.

It might have been the prawns.

See? We knew it would be the prawns Right, watch and learn.

We'll get a stool sample, bloods, Us and Es, all right? Charlie.

Are we changing our policy on prescribed heroin? Should you be in today? The Medical Director's office would like to know.

Linda? OK, so, I'll tell them we are reviewing the policy, shall I? Chloe Trent.

Any news? Intensive care.

Go and see for yourself.

I had to shut the clinic on safety grounds.

And Chloe paid the price I'm telling ya, bloke's a walking trauma magnet.

All the best shouts.

All the glory.

It's not a competition.

We just look second rate.

Well, speak for yourself.

OK, this is William Obele.

Sunnyvale retirement condo.

Protracted vomiting for the last four hours.

Stomach cramps and diarrhoea.




This guy's good.

Two of his pals have already beaten him to it.

Pulse is 110.

BP is 110 over 70 I've got it.

Woooaahh! Yuk Your teacher says you've been missing lessons.

You been wagging school? There.

The teacher called you You calling my son a liar? Mrs McNeive, I have serious concerns You know what you can do with them.



about the welfare of your son.

Me and me son are fine.

just fine! I When did you last have a drink? I Six weeks.

Three days and counting.

If you're still drinking.

I am not still drinking! Coming round here.

Making accusations.

I think you enjoy it.

I'm doing my job.

H You're spying on people
- Ciaran.

Ciaran, we're not finished! Ciaran.

Come back here! Where do you think you're going? Get him! Dinner money.

Come and get it.

You want some? Urrghg Gimme a light.

No! Get off! Aaargh! You're marked, gypsy boy! Hey, Jeff.

I'm having drinks after work to celebrate my prize.

You haven't won it yet.

We're a small team.

We'll get to you eventually.

Listen, mate.

I'm good at my job.

I don't need a tin badge to remind me.

Ah, come on you two, give it a rest.

You have persecution complex.

No, I have a you complex.

Right! That's it! You're working with me.

I Right.

You two, you're a team.

I Ah, no way.

I can't work with him.

3006 from Control, return to base Oh, it wasn't a request.

I want this sorted.

'3006 receiving.

We're on that H Over.

' Dixie? End of shift.


You drive.

No, you drive.

I I'll tell you what, Jane, I'll toss you for it.

Excuse me? Never mind.

OK, I'll wait here.

OK Promise? Promise.

I I need some water.

I I When was your last fix? I A few days ago Where's the baby? She's with a friend.

What friend? You should save your concern for Chloe, OK? Why don't you go home? Try and get some sleep.

I I'll sleep when she's better.


HORSE NEIGHS Did you miss me? Look what I've got.


Are you hungry? 'Course you are.

Come on! Faster! Faster! Faster, Silas! Come on, Silas! SHOT FIRES HORSE NEIGHS Call centre.

Got repetitive.

I didn't like my boss.

So I thought, Ambulance Control.

Give it a whirl.

You're a good listener.

You empathise.

You're always on the phone.

How's it been so far? I've really found my niche.

I could see myself managing a team.

Want one? Have to watch the carbs.

Sitting in that chair all day.

Perfect weight for my height.

Perhaps Louise could hitch a shout with us? Check things out at street level.

Yeah, yeah, maybe.

But it'd have to be a non

We did role play, right I Reckognised question protocol.

'My daughter's choking.

' 'Do not leave the child.

' 'Is there anyone there you can call for help?' It didn't have the thrill of a real emergency.

I have to say, Tamz, I'd never have you down as a paramedic.

Well, the same thought occurred to me.

Ah 'Holby control to 3006.


Panton Street.

Motorcyclist in a collision with a lorry.

' 3006 received.


Now that sounds like Brian.

Those targets are pure fantasy, mate.

Long words.

You wouldn't understand.

You don't like me because I'm a better paramedic.

No, I don't like you cos you bad mouth me.

And you try and schmooze Dixie.

She likes to be schmoozed.

Maybe you should schmooze her more.

OK, young man.

We're here now.

just going to take your head.

Get off me.

OK, you need to keep still.

Can you, can you grab us a scoop please? Yeah, sure.

I Travellers.

They let them run wild.

I He ain't wild.

I need to find him.

Find who? Silas.

Silas your horse, yeah? He took off.

I'm sure he can't have gone far.

He'll be frightened.


Here, we'll get this around your neck.

I I'll keep a look out for him.

No! I'm not going.

You can't make me.

We can keep you here if you want Listen, mate, you have to calm down, OK? Now, I'll get you into hospital and get you to see a doctor.

And then I'll tell you what I might just come back here and look for your horse.

No wonder we miss response times.

Let's just lift him up and get him in, shall we? Yeah, sure.

Come here! Come here! He had it coming.

He busted my nose.

You touch my g*n again and I'll do more than bust your nose.

I Do you hear me? I I Give your brother a hug.

I You want to get someone to take a look at that.

There's a bit of a backlog.

Waiting for a neck injury She's in good hands, you know.

I I need some money.

I I I need some money.

I Ooh, well I think I got a couple of bob Fifty quid.

Ah, no, no, Annie, enough of that muck.

C'mon, Big Mac.

No, Annie! I I'll make it worth your while.

Clear! I I Chloe? Chloe! I The clinic closing down is very frustrating, I know, but Are you trying to give me a pep talk? Yes.


I just don't think we can afford to take it personally.

If we do, we've lost the battle.

It gets under your skin, Charlie.

In my case, literally.

Can we have some help in resus, please! I've got this covered.


Mind your backs! Um.

Excuse me! I I told them not to move her.

I Right.

Where do you want her? Here, please.

Let's get her intubated straight away.

She's got a subdural haemorrhage with a new bleed.

Lenny, can you start manual ventilations, please? Yes.

Careful, Scarlett.

Oh! Boy with no name.

Fell off a horse.

OK, get him into Paeds.

Wasn't KO'd.

Query fractured left clavicle.

Pulse 125 systolic.

He's had two and a half of morphine.

Where did you find him? Holby Pony Club.

Trevellan Estate.

I OK, talk to me.

I Subdural haemorrhage GCS I Dropped in CT.

OK, I've got this.

You go.

Sure? Yeah.




BP 220 over 138.

This is an ITU patient.

What's she doing here? I'll call them.

OK, team.

Let's get her stabilized, please.

Patients in resus.

Chloe Trent.

I Hi, I'm Dr Hannah.

What's your name? I Have to call you something.

Did you bang your head? No.

Airway's patent.


Do you know where he lives? We're heading back to base.

We can ask around.

Like we have nothing better to do.

Let's go.

Ok, primary survey.

Chest movements equal.

Vesicular sounds bilaterally symmetrical.

Obvious left clavicular fracture.

You've broken your collar bone.

That's this bone here.

I I'm not stupid.

Possible fractures.

I 9th and 10th ribs.

Left side.

HE GROANS We'll need lateral cervical spine.

Chest and pelvis.


Pulse Two lines.

Take bloods.

Got that? I More or less.

I Let's get up 20% Mannitol please.

I Chloe? What's going on? I Get her out please.

Let them get on with their work.

You just wait outside just wait outside.

Is she going to be OK? Pupils fixed and dilated.

I She's arrested.

I Begin VF.

Ok, let's shock her.

Put the defib in please, Wayne.

Quick as we can.

Dr Hannah? There's a burn on his face.

Well spotted.

He didn't get that falling off a horse.

Acute injuries first, Scarlett.

Let's get him X
-rayed, then we'll deal with any other concerns.

I Still asystolic.


I Another milligram of adrenalin.

Initial VF unresponsive to three shocks.

In PEA for ten minutes and now asystole.

Pupils? MACHINE BEEPS Both still fixed and dilated bilaterally.

Is it time to let her friend in? OK.

Forget the adrenalin.

I'm going to call it.

Time of death 11:09.

What? No.



She was talking.

I I Tell him.

Tell him.

She was talking.

I Sorry She's gone.

You should've never said you'd look after the horse.

I had to get him in the ambulance somehow.

You know where I come from, a man's word is his honour.

Pick them up.

I Drop them off.

End of story.

I Listen, mate, this lady's son's lying in hospital.

I think she has a right to know, don't you? You get too involved.

No, that's your problem.

This job isn't about stats, it's about people.

Hello! Ambulance service.

I Sure you got right address? I Well, you were there when I asked.

I Waste of time.

I Right, OK, listen.

We finish the shift, OK? We prove Dixie wrong.

Yeah, after that
- Ma'salama You said it.


What? I heard a noise.

Hello! All right, love, don't move.

We'll get you out.

What are you doing? What's it look like? No, no, no.


We call the police.

Follow procedure.

Forget procedure.

There's a lady lying on the floor.

Get onto control.

Tell them we've got a running call, OK? I Let me do it.

I I I must have tripped.

I I What have you done to me door? I Er, sorry, the watch.

SIRENS BLARE Don't mind me.

I'll be fine.



Now you find that little toe rag and you tell him to keep his mouth shut.

I Come here.

I Go on I So where do you keep this horse? I I Must be hard work.

I We should really call your mum.

She'll be worried.

The more you keep people guessing, the more questions they'll ask.


Me name is Ciaran.

Ciaran That's a nasty burn on your face.

It's nothing.

Doesn't look like nothing.

Well, I'm telling you it is.

We should notify her next of kin I She's already dead to them.

I You need to see a doctor.

I need a fix.

You need a fix! Annie, look at her! I Look at her! I What's it going to take? Horse Boy's X

Great I OK.

Let's have a look.

I I Cervical spine, I vertebrae , thoracic junction I All normal.


I Older cuts and bruises.

The boy's chest X

Oh, great.

Ah Fluid in the left costophrenic angle.

Ruptured spleen? Could be a slow bleed.

Right, Lloyd, we need a CT scan urgent.

Just keep your nose out of it.

I'm sick of people interfering.

All right, calm down.

Everything all right? This sling's too tight.

I It looks fine to me.

I I You wear it then.

His name is Ciaran.

I Clearly you two have bonded.

Can I go now? Not yet, sunshine.

Does that hurt? No.

All clear for Cl'.

Let's get him straight down there.

Quick as you can, please! He's scared.

Our priority has to be emergency treatment, Scarlett.

Dr Hannah.

Yeah? Shelagh McNeive.

Fell at home.

Possibly KO'd.

Lacerations to the head.

I want to see my son.

He fell off a horse.

He doesn't have a horse.

I keep telling you.

Have you fallen over before? I wasn't drunk.

If that's what you mean.

I didn't mean that.

Can I have a look? Yeah, OK, thanks Could you take her through.

I won't be long.

Yeah, OK.

Scarlett, she'll need a couple of stitches, LFTs glucose and bloods and a full tox screen.


I And how did you do it again? I Walked into a door.

I Right.

I Well, we'll wait a few days for the swelling to go down then get you in for an X

That's it? That's it.


Nah, nah, no way Oh, come on, Lenny.

We're not here to chaperone smack heads.

She's trying to get off it So she can get off it somewhere else .

Give her something to straighten her out.

You OK there? I'm Dr Lyons You have an obligation to treat her.

I Excuse me one second.

I This is an Emergency department.

Those are addicts.

I I don't need an ethics lesson from you.

You're all heart.

You know that? Oh, right, so should we invite them all in? Can we keep it down? Sorry.

But she is taking up a bed.

She has a name.

And you're out of order.

Linda! We will refer Annie to a pharmacy and she can get a dose of oral methadone there.

It's the other side of town.

She can barely cross the street.

Well, I'd give her the bus fare, eh, but oh, no, she'd spend it on smack.

Thank you, Dr Lyons.

Annie , please wait See! She's going back on the streets to score.


And you know what she'll do to pay for it.

Linda! If we gave her some morphine It is not going to happen.

I'm sorry.

Ciaran McNeive.

It's a child protection issue.

Shouldn't you be with him? Er Staff Nurse Conway.

Holby City ED.

What are you doing? Great.

As soon as you can, please.

Thank you.

Hang on.

Did Tess ask you to make this call? You should see his mother, jay.

Scarlett, there is a procedure for this type of thing, yeah? She can barely stand up.

Be cool.

Suppose you think it's funny? I didn't know you'd faint.

I didn't faint.

I came over a bit queasy.

Can't stand the sight of blood.

Maybe you should see a doctor? Hospitals give me the creeps.

I I've ticked all my boxes.

I They'll be missing me back at Control.

We can drop you off.

No! I've had my fill of ambulances.

Fresh air'll do me good.

Louise! You've got something on your Oh, no matter.

The bus stop's by the main gate.

Give her a break.

She's finding her feet.

Finding her feet? She's a liability.



One word and I'll finish.

Understand? Hey.

Hello, son.

Is he a friend of yours? Did you find him? Yeah, well, um Thing is You said you would.

Yeah, I know that.

I've been a bit busy.

I Someone shot him.

I What are you doing? Phoning the police.

I Not the cops.

I Well, I'm afraid you don't get to choose.

I He's not mine.

I I He never gets ridden l I just left there.

I I I wasn't hurting no

I Someone here to see you.

Ah, Ciaran.

I told you not to call her! What? Here? No No, I can't do this here.

Do you want to get clean? I'll ring around a few places and try and sort something out.

Come on.

Lie down.

Listen to music.

No, don't leave me.

I I'll be back to check on you.

I I Why are you doing this? I I Because you're too good to lose.

I She should have conferred with me first.

I Shelagh McNeive is an alcoholic.

I She was drunk when I went round there this morning.

Can you chase up the Cl' scan? I'm on it.

And get some theatre space booked.

I want to be covered.

Frankie! Ciaran is registered under the child protection scheme.

I'm not convinced his mother can take care of him.

And who called you? I did.

Why didn't you ring me? I knew you'd be drunk.

I wasn't drunk.

I fell over.

You've been telling me lies.


Missing school.

Stay away from that horse.

I won't.

You will.

I won't.

This really isn't the time for social worker intervention.

The wound on his face.

It looks like a cigarette burn.

And you think it was me? No
-one is making accusations.

You think I would burn my son? Somebody did.

With a cigarette? Ciaran.

How did it happen? This is what she wants.

Don't you see? I'll be recommending short term foster care.

I don't wanna go into care.

Ciaran, if I don't know what happened, I haven't got a choice.

I would never lay a finger on him.

What Ciaran needs right now is calm and quiet.

Who was it, Ciaran? I can't They'll take you away from me.

No! Then tell them! And why didn't you tell me? Cos they pick on me because of you.

Shelagh McNeive's tox results.

Thank you.

No alcohol in the blood or urine.

She hasn't had a drink.

Wouldn't listen.

HEARS VOICES: 'Didn't wanna wake up.

'When you're better, we'll go away, fresh start where no
-one knows us.

' Look at her, Annie! Oooh 'Look at her! D'you want to get clean?' What's it going to take? I need a fix.

'You need a fix? Look at her, Annie.

' Look at her! Oh, no.


I need money C'mon, Big Mac.

'No, Annie!' I'll make it worth your while.


Look at her! VOICES CONTINUE 'Let them get on with their work.

'just wait outside.

' 'Time of death 11:09.

' SHE SCREAMS Annie MacLean, she needs a place today.

Anybody seen my keys? How much? You're supposed to be a bloody charity! No, don't put me on hold.

There are procedures in place for suspected abuse and they're there for a reason.

You completely undermined me.

I was using my initiative.

Is that what you call it? You were dealing with a death in resus.


OK, I should've informed you when Scarlett called social services.

You were in on this? It had nothing to do with Staff Nurse Faldren.

I'm relieved, as he should know better.

She acted in the patient's interest.

She crossed a line.

I Do you know what? I'd do it again.

I The boy needs looking after.

Isn't that what we're here for? We work as a team in the ED.

We have to.

And if you want to get on, you'll do well to remember that.

I Cl' scan.

Thank you.

I Tess.

He is bleeding from the spleen.

If that bursts, the bleed will be torrential.

Can you page a surgical registrar? Jay? Yeah? You need to get him prepped for theatre.

Linda! What you doing in my office, man.

It's out of bounds.

I really need a fix.

Ah, sweetheart .

That's the last thing you need.

All right? I thought we were friends.

Yeah, well we are.



We were Help me out, Big Mac.

It's 30 quid.

Who'll know? Oh, love, you really don't want to do this, all right? I know you want me.

I've seen you look.


Do I look that desperate or what? I It's always men like you.

I Ah, no.


Come on, Big Mac.

Stop it.

I Help me out! Stop it! All right? I I Help me out! I'm going to be sick.

I I wasn't going to do anything, was I? Don't.

What? Hang on.

What about you?! Locking her in here, man? Look, Linda, love, you have to be careful.

Annie is an addict! She plays people! She needs me.

You have to let it go! I can't.

So what? Dropping me in it? How is that helping? I Annie? I I Annie? I Big Mac? What the? I OK Come on.

BIG MAC! I Get a trolley.

Now! Oh, no! Who's the Prime Minister? It's, well, the other one.


Can you look at my finger? I I'm staring at your finger.

I Vertical ophthalomoparesis.

I think you have enough.

Enough for what? A diagnosis.

You have three classic symptoms, confusion, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia? Yeah We think you're suffering from a condition called Wernicke's Encephalopathy.

It's particularly associated with alcoholism.

If left untreated, it can lead to anterograde amnesia, brain damage subacute degeneration of the spinal cord Thank you.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I I came here to see my son.

I I I came here to see my son.

I 97 over 67.

I I can't go in a home.

She needs me.

I I If they find out I've grassed.

I Mind your backs.

Coming through.

She vomited.

I found her choking, Diminished cough reflex.

I'll page Mr Jordan.

Acute heroin withdrawal.

Two days since her last fix.

Straight in.

Her 02 sats are through the floor Where did you find her? Toilet.

Recently admitted for a DVT.

She's on a course of heparin.


IV line in Let's get the suction in.


Get in there.


She's fitting.

Hold her still.

Hold her still! I Remove this obstruction.


That's it.

That's clear.

Um I can't find a vein.

Try her foot.

Let me take that.

Let's get the oxygen back on, Linda.


I think it's clear.


I 02 sats are nearly back to normal.

I Good.

Thank you.

Dr Lyons? How we doing? Yeah, got one.



Let's do an ECG, please, some gases.

Can we get a blanket.

Keep her warm.

Keep the oxygen on.

Thanks, guys.

Oh OK, and don't forget the date.

Hey, Tess.


This is Mandy.


Asthma attack I Peak flow zoo.

Sats of 94%.

I 5 mg of Salbutamol.

just shifting you over, all right? Four more hours.

End of shift.

Celebration drinks on me.

What's this? Employee of the month.

You win that prize, I'll bare my arse in Holby Cathedral.

Know what I mean? I'll look forward to that, Jeff.

You were watching him.

They were assisting me in resus.

What and he just walked away? What now? Ciaran McNeive's disappeared.

You're joking.

Do I look like I’m joking? Tess, get onto the police.

Where are you going? To tell his mother.

We need to find him fast.

Yeah, it's OK.

I know where he is.

Yeah, it's OK.

I know where he is.

I will call control.

Get it cleared.

If we'd looked for that horse in the first place That's what I need.

A guilty paramedic.

If I'm guilty, it's down to you.

Right, c'mon.


This horse.

Any distinguishing features? Four legs and a tail? C'mon! We still here? I Line them up then, bruv.

I I When can I have a go? Whoa.

l What have I told you about touching my g*n? I Now line 'em up.

I What are you doing? I Look who it is.

I I He's come home.

I I How are you feeling? I I How do you think I'm feeling? I They're keeping you in overnight.

An hour ago they couldn't wait to get rid of me.

I'll get you another blanket.

You should've left me.

It would've been better for everybody .

What happened to Chloe wasn't your fault.

If I'd have gone with her.

And if I hadn't have sent her away.

SHE SIGHS She never stood a chance.

The odds were stacked against her.

Ok, I'll give you an IV drip, B Vitamins infusion and something to stave off the DTs.

I'd forget where I lived if I didn't write it down.

Catch this illness early enough, and you'll often see a marked improvement.

Wait and see? I It must be hard coping on your own.

I Ciaran's a handful.

Hmm, and where's his dad? He left cos I drank.

I drank cos he left.

If you want to get better you can never have another drink again.

Crying shame.

Ain't it just? Come on, Tone.

That's enough.

I Go on.

Make him dance.

I I wanna go home.

just do it.

No! Do it! I Leave him alone! Oh, look who it is.

I Run along, chair boy.

I ain't scared of you.

Yeah? Well, you should be.

Maybe I'll finish the job.

HE GROANS What's wrong with him? He's drunk like his mother.

Oi, gypo, get up! HE RETCHES What have you been saying? SIREN BLARES I told you to keep him quiet I did.

I warned him.

We should wait for assistance Yeah, I know.


C'mon, mate, really? What will you do, son? sh**t me too? What? You think I wouldn't? I Listen, kid.

Walk away.

I He fell down.

I never touched him.

Get off! The horse is wounded.

Yeah, I know.


Ciaran? Can you hear me? Look after Silas.

I will.


I promise.

Ciaran McNeive.

Ruptured spleen.

GCS 13.

Pulse 100.

BP is 90/50 and resps are at 23.


Thanks, Jeff.

First bed, please Let's get a big peripheral line in.

Scarlett? I'm on it.

We'll need four units of group specific blood stat.

Ok, let's lift him on three One, two, three.

Can I leave this with you, Zoe? Yeah, got it.


I'll update surgeons ready to transfer him as soon as they call down for him.


You're OK.

He's OK, isn't he? Yeah.

He's been very lucky.

Hey! Luck had nothing to do with it.

Thanks for finding him.

That's all right.

It was a team effort.

Was that a compliment? No chance.


It's working again.

That's a day of your life you'll never get back.


To be honest, I don't think I want it back.

Hey! Well done, boys.

Part of the job, innit? Sterling effort.

So how is the kid? Ah, he's a little fighter, in't he? MOBILES RING You are joking! I don't believe it.

Well, it's not important anyway.

Get in! Employee of the month! I think this calls for a drink, young lady.

I think this calls for a few, Big Mac.

And don't I need one.

Meet you there.

Right! Your round, Collier.


There's something I have to do first.

I Nice lines.

Objects are easy.

I They don't answer back, eh? You didn't have to cover for me.

You're a good nurse.

You need to learn to do what you're told a little bit but So, break over.

I want to see you insert this catheter.

What if someone comes in? Funny.


You think I'm ready? I know you're ready.

Let's do it.

Did you see their faces? At least Jeff didn't win.

I thought you two were OK now? I A truce is just a lull in battle.

I All right.

So what d'you say? Quick change and down the pub? I First let's celebrate our prize.

I 'Our prize'? So what, now it's a team effort? You would never have done it without me.

Fair enough.

We'll make a paramedic of you yet.

Well, don't tell Omar.

You sorted it out? Well, let's just say we've reached an understanding.

Back to basics then.

Dream team.

Oh, I don't know.

Change is as good as a rest, innit? I think I might do a shift with the lovely Tamzin.

I don't think you will.

Jeffrey? I was beginning to get used to this place.

I You said you were missing the g*ng.

I Yeah, well, like Louise said H pays to be prepared.


That light was on red.

Light was not red.

You need to get your eyes tested.

I've been tested enough today, thank you very much! Are you still here? You see? He had to gloat.

Sorry, not with you.

We thought you'd be getting the drinks in.

They're sending us back to St James’s.


This isn't down to you, is it? No.

No, I don't know anything about it.

So when you off? End of week.

That soon? There's no point hanging around.

Well, this could be like a leaving do then.

I Double celebration.

I Right, well, I'll just pop these in the office.


I'll, er Didn't see that coming.

Well, it's dog eat dog, Jeffrey.

Dog eat dog.

Are you discharging yourself? I I need to check on Evie.

I And then what? Do you want me to spell it out for you? Annie, you're in no fit state to go anywhere.

So what are you going to do? Lock me up again? Did you ever really want to stop? I want to feel nothing.

I I just want to forget.

I Annie, wait