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35x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 11/08/23 09:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Casualty...

I got spiked the other week.

You got spiked?
Have you been to the police?

I'm trying to figure it out
in my head, still.

I'm just sick of men like that
doing what they want

and getting away with it.

And the abdominal pain suggests
a urinary tract infection.

Do you get a lot of those?

All the time.

I got a mesh put in but it's caused
more issues than it's solved.

Hi. Bay 3, please.

25-year-old female unresponsive,
CPR on our arrival.

VF in the ambulance,
shocked and supraglottic airway.

7ml of adrenaline.

Friends think her drink might have
been spiked last night.

OK. She's in VF again.

Jade, can you start compressions?

Let's get ready to shock, please.

Two-minute rhythm check?

No, OK.

We've considered all
reversible causes,

she's gone from VF to asystole,
she's been down for an hour.

I think we stop.

Yeah, are we all agreed?

OK, time of death 15:05.

Thank you, everyone.

Stop, stop.
Avery, stop.

OK, there was no eye contact, yeah?

And there just wasn't enough impact.


Watch this. Avery, walk.

Me, walk?

Yeah, you walk. Come on.

Let's go.

Right, so lots of space, see?


We're making her feel safe
and secure.

And then, "Hey."

Eye contact, body language.

I'm making her pay attention.

I'm high-energy, yeah?
I'm teasy, I'm flirty...

I feel like I'm getting the theory.

It's just the cold approach.

She could reject me, embarrass me?

Approach anxiety - it's real.

But this isn't about her, Avery.
It's about you.

Hey, you OK?

Do you think it was what
she was spiked with?

I suppose. It could have been an
anaphylactic shock, an OD maybe?

We don't even know
if she was spiked.

Just because her friends said so.

What, you don't believe them?

Well, no, I mean,
nobody will know for sure

until we've got her bloods back
and we've got a postmortem.

Right, so it's probably best to
withhold all judgment
until then, eh?

Where are you going?
Not now.

But we have the meeting,
you promised. Jade?

Rash, can you help me?
I'll take anyone.

Thanks. What for?

Basically, the place that
did my mum's mesh surgery,

they've agreed to have a meeting
with me here today,

but I just need to get them to
actually listen to me,

I don't want to mess it up.
Marty, I can't.

You've got this, OK?
You'll be great.

Do you mind watching
where you're going?

There are actually other people
in this world, Marty.


I'm going to let you
into a little secret.

I used to be fat.

So how did I get from that

to sleeping with 15-plus hotties
a month?

I used to look at myself
in the mirror every day...

..and I'd say, "You deserve to have
beautiful women in your life."

Say it with me, Avery.

Come on. I deserve...

I deserve to have beautiful
women in my life.

Come on.
Louder, louder.

I deserve to have beautiful
women in my life.

Believe it.

Believe it, Avery. Project value
and you know what'll happen?

What?Value will come right
back to you, yeah?


You OK?

As a nurse, I am astounded.

There's been very little - no, zero.

There's been no acknowledgement
towards the people that...


I didn't want to bother you.

No other reason for the

You had a good breakfast?

Breakfast was with a smoking hot
Brazilian girl, since you asked.

Not sure that I did, but all right.

Did you hurt your hand too?

Oh, no, that's a motorbike.

I skimmed it.

Lev's a dab hand
with the old motorbikes.

What do you drive?

Oh. Honda Firebird.

What engine is that?


300? Is that special edition?

The ladies must be falling over
themselves for that accent of yours.

You know that I could work wonders
with you, yeah?

Those muscle cramps again?

Do you know, I'm beginning to think
it just might be her cooking.

Surely you can send this
lot on a break?

It'll just be a quick in
and out jobbie?

Come on, you want to look after
those lady-k*ller looks, eh?

Just a quick look at the eyebrow,


I'm sorry if I said something
wrong earlier. What's that?


I'm fine.

I just wanted to be on my own.

You don't seem fine to me.

What's going on?

How do I even...?

My drink got spiked,
a couple of weeks back.

I was out with Faith.
She saved me, really.

I didn't want anyone to know
and the guy that did it got away.

Jade, I'm so sorry.

I didn't report it, Robyn,

and now someone's out there
and that poor girl...

It couldn't have been the same
person that spiked her drink.

It could. How would we know?

I just let him get away with it
because that's what happens.

I have to do something...

Well, like what?

I want to catch a spiker.

Someone will be with you
as soon as possible.

I'm waiting for a meeting.

Just a minute, please.

Oh, good.

People do work here.

I'm here for a meeting with
Marty Kirkby.

Right, with Marty?Yes.

And he's late, so could you please
tell him that the CEO

of the Harrington Street Clinic
is waiting.

He's probably on his way
but if I see him,

I'll be sure to let him know.

And I've been back to my GP
but he just prescribes me

more antibiotics for the UTIs.

I need a loyalty card
for this place, don't I?

Mum, where does it hurt?

Used to be my pelvis

but now it sh**t right down
my legs.

Right, and what about the clinic?
Have you been back there?

Another telephone consultation.

They put everything down to the

or it's my time of life.

Right, I'll come back, I promise.

There's just something that
I need to go and do, OK?

Stay there.

OK, so I bought these just after
it happened.

You dip it like this and if it shows
up red, it's positive.

That's it.
Your drink's been spiked.

If it shows up blue,
that's negative.

It can detect GHB, ketamine.

I'm going to go back to the bar
where it happened

and test as many drinks as possible.

Jade, the chances of you catching
the guy that did this to you...

It doesn't have to be him.
It could be anyone.

Anyone that spikes drinks deserves
what's coming to them.

What do you mean?

Report them to the bar, the police.

Bring them to justice.

You could come, you could help.

Don't you want to?

Even if I help you,
do you really believe

that we're going to catch someone?

Look, mate, you can either help me
or leave me to it.

Jade...With or without you,
I'm doing this.

Hi, Mark. I'm Dr Masum.

So you're a dating coach.

I used to be called
a pick-up artist

but times have changed.

It's an art, is it?

The ability to pick up
any woman you want?

Yeah, I'd say there's
an art to that.

You can look me up if you like.

Do you mind if I examine
your stomach first?

It's my head that needs checking.
Do I need stitches?

I'll tell you what, I'll get a nurse
to bring over a gown.W-wait.

The other guy said it was just going
to be a quick in and out job.

Yeah, it's just, whilst we've got
you here,

I think it's wise we give you
a quick once over.

I promise, we'll have you back
slaying hearts in no time, OK?

You've been most helpful.

Thank you.Faith, just leave me
a note on the fridge or something.

I don't know when I'll be home.

Stop calling.Come on, Lev.
There's no need to be like that!

She only wants to know what time
you'll be home for your tea.

It's none of her business. It's
no-one's business.Lev, hang on.

Has somebody from the Harrington
Street Clinic been here?

Ah, yeah, Marty.

The CEO was looking for you.

He just went that way.


Excuse me.

Marty. You're gracing me
with your presence.

Ciaran. Wait, you're the CEO
of Harrington Street Clinic?

I am indeed.I have been desperately
trying to get answers for my mum.

I came to tell you that we only deal
with patients directly

and I will not entertain
harassment of my staff.

My mum is waiting in a hospital
bed right now

because that thing is causing her
so much pain.

Mrs Kirkby's issues are not related
to any procedure at my practice.

Are you serious?

Now I would think carefully
before you seek to discredit us

without anything to back it up.
This is a joke, right?

Because things could get a lot
more unpleasant for you, Marty.

Ciaran, do you have any idea
what my mum has been going through?

Whoa, whoa. Lets keep the broken
bones in there, shall we?


but I can't see Marty, here,
breaking any bones.

No, but you might see me cracking a
few if you don't clear off, Coulson.

You know it's always such a pleasure
coming here, really it is.

Almost makes me miss
the dear old NHS.

Come on, love.

I'll make you a cup of tea.


Jade? Jade?

Oh, I'm so glad you came.
Thank you.

I'm just glad I could get
a baby-sitter this late in the day.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

Yeah, yeah, of course.

I'm thinking, we split up,
cover more ground,

and test as many drinks as possible.

Sounds good to me.



I'm sorry I was a bit snappy
with you earlier.

I didn't realise your mum
was in the ED.

Are you all right?

Yeah, me. You know, home stuff.

Hey, and don't let that jumped up
bloomin' idiot get to you either.

Yeah, but I mean he is the one with
the money and the solicitors so...

And what have you got on them?

The clinic are just going to say
that my mum's issues

are not caused by the mesh.

I mean, her consultation was 15
minutes, Jan.

they were supposed to make her
aware of the risks

but that didn't happen.
I need proof.

Maybe you could get someone
to pose as a prospective patient.

Jan, this is it.
This is brilliant.

I mean, anybody could book
a consultation, right?

And then they just record
the meeting and I have proof.

Glad to help.

I mean, it has to be you.

No, no, no!
I've got far too much on.

Come on, Jan, please!

We have a chance here to make
a real difference.

I've promised Ffion that I'm not
going to get involved

in other people's business again.

So do you actually care
or are you just pretending?

I'm not doing it, OK?

Because everybody's sympathetic

but nobody actually seems to want
to help me or my mum.

OK, so these are from the kids
over there

and the yummy mummies over there.

OK, great.

Did you get all the people
coming from the toilets?

Yes! I used my best nurse's voice

and people were surprisingly

Right, come on.

You've dragged me out,
so...let's dance!

That's it. I've got an idea.

What?Stand over there and look like
you're having a good time.

I am having a good time.
Yeah, but on your own.

Why do I have to be on my own?



I noticed you. I saw you.

And I just thought, your eyes,
so an ocean.

Not the ocean here
because it's a bit murky,

but like on a holiday advert
or something.

Please don't laugh.

No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I can't...

What is going on?

This guy...

Do you not think I know
how terrible I am at this?

Do you know how much pressure
there is on guys?

I have to be fun and flirty,
that's what women want, apparently.

They want you to just have
all the moves.

Well, I have zero moves.

Right, what's your name?


OK, Avery.
Well, let me give you one tip.

Be you.

Don't use some cheesy chat-up line.

You look like you need
a drink more than I do.

Let's get to the bar, I'm buying.

Robyn, but...?

Jade, come on.

We've done everything we can.

Lets just enjoy
the rest of the night

and we've got Avery for a laugh
now, as well.

You know, things might go
a lot more smoothly

if you stop treating everybody
like the enemy.

I'm sure Faith's
only trying to help.

She calls me like we're still
in a relationship,

saying Luka wants to know
when I'm back

and, "Can't we talk
like human beings?"

Well, can't you? You say this is
none of my business...

It's none of your business.

But carrying all this anger around,
it's not good for anybody, is it?

Maybe try and see
some of the positives?

What positives?I just mean...

OK, all this didn't happen the way
you would've wanted

but maybe that's a blessing?

Maybe now you can start to live
the life you were always meant to?

You're not having much fun, are you?

No, it's fine. You are.

Do you like him?

No! No, no, no, no, no.

Look, he's harmless enough

but I just haven't been
on a night out in so long.

I haven't danced like this
since my Uncle Philip's wedding.

I'm not kidding. He hired
a smoke machine, it was insane.

You haven't even touched
your drinks, ladies.

Ah, thank you.

Yeah, it's really kind of you,

You buy for me, I buy for you.

As I said, I'm done in.

We've both been on shift all day.

All right.

Well, you're not both going?

I can't seem to get in the mood.

Come on, this might be good for you.

Yeah, no.
I think I'm going to get a taxi.

I think I might stay for this one.


No, unless you want me to come
with you? It's fine.

No, it just doesn't feel right
leaving you.

She's not on her own.
She's got this guy.

Scout's honour.
And I won't be long after you.

I love this one, I love this one!

Make sure you text me
when you get home, yeah?


I'll look after her for you.



Catch you later.

Have you been signed out already?

I've got to get back.

You don't look right, man...

Have you got any laxatives?


You've got to have some somewhere,

What do you need laxatives for,

That'll sort it.


Little help, please?

Oh, my goodness, you stayed!

Yeah, just didn't want to
abandon your drinks.

What an idiot! You're a gem?

Well, we've got them now. Thanks.

You know what, I think I will
just stay for this one.

You're right, it's good to be out.

Let's get these down us.


To...unexpected friends.

Unexpected friends.

Unexpected friends!

OK, and any light exercise? Walking?

I know I'm supposed to...

..but the mesh,
the pain is just constant.

Like barbed wire inside of me.

I'm sorry, what's going on?

You can tell him.

Your mother's chest pains
have been getting worse.

After an examination, I found
the right calf is red and painful.

How long has your leg
been like that?

I should have realised. One pain
feels like the other, these days.

Marty, we've sent off a D-dimer
of her bloods.

What, a clot?

It's possible DVT.

We'll know more after
the chest X-ray, OK?

And I'm going to hurry that
through as quick as I can.Thanks.

ECHOING: Are you OK?

Avery, are you OK?

Yeah...not sure...

Is he all right?


Shall we take you outside, Avery?

I think you might have had
a bit too much.

Mark, your X-ray showed
a large gastric distention.

There seems to be quite
a substantial amount

of undigested food that
your stomach is struggling to empty.

So I might have overindulged.

You know, when a beautiful Spanish
girl cooks you up a paella...

I'm afraid this suggests
a binge eating episode.

Do you have a history of bulimia?

Of bingeing and purging?

Mark, you did ask me for a laxative

I get bloated sometimes, they help.

Can't you get me some of them?

Laxatives, they can cause
constipation, gas.

They can even lead to
an irregular heart beat,

which might actually explain why you
were light-headed earlier?

Could I have a few minutes with him?

It's called a Fireblade
not a Firebird.


The motorbike you said you owned?

And it only comes in 600
or 1,000cc.

Those marks on your knuckle?

I had a cousin,
she had knuckles like that.

Small lacerations from contact
with teeth.

It's not uncommon with an eating

Mark, you need help.

I don't need anything.

You have to let people help you.
What are you afraid of?

No, you've got the wrong guy, OK?
This is a massive mistake.


Look, just back off, will you?
Get away from me.

What are you doing?

DISTANT: What's happened to him?

Why is he like this?


Jade, talk to me, please.
You're scaring me.

Looks like ketamine.


I swapped yours and his glass.

That was supposed to
be for you, Robyn. Your drink.

So you, you've drugged him?

He spiked your drink, Robyn.

No, no, no...

No, he can't have done...
Look at him.

OK, so what do we do?

Strip him.

What, no?!Why not?

He should feel what it feels
like...Jade, no.

You said
we were just going to report him.

Isn't this better?
Strip him, humiliate him?


Oh, are you scared now?

Jade, this isn't you.

Look at him.

He needs our help.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for him?

DISTANT: Jade! Jade, he's going to
choke on his own vomit!


OK. Yeah, OK.


Your mum's X-ray is inconclusive,

but her blood markers
appear to be raised.

We need to send her for a CPTA
scan as soon as possible,

but with the chest pains, I think
you know what we're looking at.

A pulmonary embolism.

It's a distinct possibility.

You think that could have
k*lled her?

But she's in the right place.

OK, we can start her on the
thrombolytic therapy,

dissolve the clots.

Look, why don't you go
and sit with her?

I'll be there soon.

Marty? Just go and hold her hand.

I can't help her.

The ambulance is on its way.

Can't even get revenge right.

Hey, don't do that.

Don't put yourself down.

You've got no idea
what a badass you are.

I just need to get back to normal,

and I can't.

Maybe that's the point?
You can't go back.

Bad experiences,
they keep us moving forward.

Like it or not.

Thank you.For what?

Just... Just being here with me
in this.

You're a good friend.

Promise me one thing,

just don't let this
vile idiot change you.

I promise.

I just wish people knew what
a scumbag he is.

I know, babe. Me too.

Maybe they still can.

Glad to see you've really
taken on my advice today, Lev.

You have been
a ball of positive energy.

I tried being positive.
I level with this guy,

he throws it all back in my face.

Maybe he's just pushing people away.
Sound familiar?

Don't start with that again.

What?All this judo psychology.

You mean pseudo psychology.

What I said.

No, you said judo,
as in like...

Is everything just a joke to you?
Oh, Lev...

You think we can all just be jokey,
jokey, Iain Dean?

No, that's not what...
This is my life!

You think I can just solve
everything by being positive?

Some of us
are actually dealing with things

and all we want is just
to be left alone.

Stop looking at me.

Why are you all looking at me?



How you doing? You're still here?

You wouldn't believe my night.

These b*tches.

I really need your help, Mark.

Where am I going wrong, eh?

I just...

I want to be like you.


You're the man, aren't you?
You're the cool guy.

You're k*lling it.

You get them all, don't you?
All the girls...

I... I never said that...

But I deserve them too, don't I?
Don't I?

Why can't I be like you?

Come on.

I'll be back with a nurse.

Bibi? Hi, remember me?


Oh, yes, Jan.

How are you, love?

Oh, you know.

Can't seem to stay away.

Had a scan. Seems a clot in my leg
broke off and travelled.

Oh, love, it'll be OK.

I'm sorry.
Just so stupid.

What do you mean stupid?

I didn't do enough research.

I let them fob me off.

Even when I knew something
was wrong.

Even today, you know, I almost
didn't come here.

I almost didn't.

What would've happened to me, then?

I'm sorry.

I can't say all this to Marty.


I'm sorry about earlier.

No, no. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have pushed you.

It's up to you
when you want help from anyone.

Actually, it was good.


It's a long time since anyone tried.

I'm 48.

I live on my own,
I'm barely making rent,

and I do this to myself.

Bingeing and purging, eh?

I'm still this little fat
kid, inside.

You know?

He stuffs his face
whenever he's know.

Is there someone you can talk to?

I've alienated a lot of people.

I know, it's a shocker, right?
What, with my winning personality?


There must be someone left,
a friend?

Someone you can reach out to?

No, not any more.

What's wrong with me?
Ending up in here?


They spend their whole lives
looking after us,

then suddenly the roles
get reversed.

Why are you still here?

I know.

There's a large glass of red back
home wondering where I am,

but I can't let you have all
the fun, can I?

Fun?Well, it's got to be a little
bit fun, hasn't it?

Taking down Mr Smarmy Pants.

Wait, you're going to help me?

'Course I am.

He's not going to know
what's hit him.

I just still can't believe it.

I mean, I was ready to make that
guy my new best mate.

I thought I was really good
at weeding those ones out.

Mate, like, please,
don't beat yourself up.

Things like this,
it can happen to anyone.

I'll talk to the police.

You going to be OK from here?


Yeah, I think I am.

Goodnight, babe.

And I know how I've been,
how I've behaved.

So much has gone on between us,

but I just... I'd really like
to talk normally.

Could we ever do that?

Can I come see you?

Thank you.