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06x09 - Into the Woods

Posted: 11/20/10 01:13
by bunniefuu
Maybe we should go back?

That spot I told you about is just a little further.

You said that an hour ago.

Ok, so, here's where we are now.

I think we passed that.

Well, this is where we stopped for Sammy.

Wait, where is Sammy?


Sammy, quit fooling around.

Sammy, where are you?!

Boo! Ha!

Don't ever do that!

That's not funny!

All right.



Did you hear that?

It's not me.


[Snorting and chomping]

[Growls, grunts]


No, no, no.

[Snorts, grunts]

Stay here.

What is it, dad?

10-year-old Daniel Lanham was reported missing while on a camping trip with his father last November.

His remains were just discovered by hikers in Pennsylvania.

That's really close to the Appalachian Trail.

The Rangers are the ones calling us in.

The trail covers 14 states and is nearly 2, 200 miles long.

It's a miracle he was ever found.

I don't think he was supposed to be.

The unsub could have left him for the elements, but he wrapped him in plastic.


Think he bonded with the kid?

If he's an opportunistic offender, probably not.

What are the chances that Daniel was his only victim?

Not good.

Garcia, will you let the Rangers know That we'll be there within the hour?

Yes, sir.

We're gonna need some more wood, the drier the better.

Whatever you can carry.

How much?

I can help.

Great. You can get the twigs.

I can carry logs.

Yeah? You and what army?

I don't need one.

Keep an eye on her.

Hey, wait up, Ana.

I've got that stick.

Hey, come, come.

Hey, hold on, wait for me.

Here's one.


Ana! Ana, let's go!


♪ Criminal Minds 6x09 ♪

Into the Woods
Original air date on November 10, 2010

Morgan: Ralph Ellison said, "I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."

Reid: Guys, I started a geographic profile on the assumption that the Appalachian Trail is this unsub's hunting ground.

We got lucky with Daniel.

I doubt we'll find any more bodies.

Parents think their kids are lost, but what's worse, he has them.

Hiding out in the middle of nowhere.

The Pennsylvania police considered Daniel's father a suspect.

They interviewed him several times.

Without a body, they can't charge him.

Well, he appeared to be obsessed with finding his son.

He even went back into the woods dozens of times following Daniel's disappearance.

He claimed he was searching for him.

All right, we'll start with Daniel's life.

He's been exposed to a large suspect pool.

Community, school, family friends-- we can't rule anybody out.

Ranger Turner.

Agent Hotchner?

This is Agent Rossi, Dr. Reid.

Um, got out some of the maps that we use for search and rescue.

Just let me know what else you might need.

Do you have the M. E.

Report on Daniel?

Yeah. It got here just before you did.

Is Mr. Lanham here?

He's in my office.

We've had him in a half a dozen times.

Look what happened in March.

Mr. Lanham, I'm Agent Hotchner with the FBI.


I need to ask you some questions.

Mr. Lanham, you went back to the same spot where Daniel went missing every weekend from November until mid-March.

That's right.

And then you stopped going.

Why? What changed?

Mr. Lanham, Daniel d*ed sometime in mid-March.

You need to explain why you stopped looking for him at the same time that he d*ed.

I don't know.

I just...

I just had this feeling that he was gone.

You and Daniel went camping regularly in the woods?


His mother had full custody and we only had the weekends.

I wanted to make them special, something he'd always remember.

Daniel may have been his only human contact for months.

You think he's done this before?

It's difficult to say.

Most child offenders dispose of their victims immediately.

They become overwhelmed with reality and sometimes shame, until the urge builds up again.

This guy's moved past that, though.

He feels no remorse about his compulsions.

He's most likely had other victims.

If he's a preferential offender, they'd be about the same age as Daniel.

Garcia, look for prepubescent boys who went missing from the Appalachian Trail in the last year.

Better make that 5 years.

This guy's had a lot of practice.

It wouldn't have taken long for the elements to destroy the body.

He wanted Daniel preserved.

Maybe it isn't a disposal site, maybe it's a grave.

Then he'd have to leave a marker.

And he wouldn't want other hikers to notice it.

Well, he doesn't consider himself a visitor in the woods.

He feels at home here like he owns it.

And he'd want to show his dominance.

You know, animals make their mark as high up in a tree as they can possibly reach.

He probably used an a*.


He's got another body buried around here somewhere.

So the night he disappeared...

You set up camp, then fell asleep?


And then a man came in your tent?

No. No one came in the tent.

Daniel, he--he got up and he went out.

You ok?

Yeah. Just bathroom.

Be right back.

I should have followed him.

But I didn't.

I fell back asleep.

You and the cops and everybody, you think that I did it.

It doesn't matter.

Not to me.

The only thing that I care about is what my little boy was thinking...

That I wasn't there to protect him.

I was his hero and I failed.

How do I live with that?

You think he's telling the truth?

Yeah, I do.

We found another body at the disposal site, wrapped in plastic, roughly Daniel's age.

His clothing matches a missing persons report.

Boy's name is Tyler Stolts, and he was abducted 23 months ago.

When did Lanham move to the area?

Summer of '09.

Then we can clear him as a suspect.

Tyler went missing in October of 2008, Daniel the following November.

So he takes a kid off the trail in the fall and keeps him all winter.

It's like he's hibernating with him.


I need to go pee.

Go get mom.

Please, I really have to go.

Fine. Make it quick.

Go behind there.



I can't do it here.

All right. Come on.

I don't want you listening.

Then go back there.


[Twig snaps]


Ana, hurry up, it's freezing.


He said he'd k*ll mom and dad.



[Muffled cry]

What'd you find, Reid?

I went back 10 years, matching reports of missing children with Daniel and Tyler's victimology, and in my estimation, this unsub may have taken 12 victims.

How can you attribute all of those to the same offender?

The dates and locations of the abductions create an unmistakable pattern.

Then if he's been abducting children for 10 years, why weren't we called in before now?

The thing is, he walks the entire trail, end to end, and each way takes approximately 6 months.

His sixth victim was taken from Dawsonville, Georgia, in 2006, then he walked all the way to Manchester, Vermont, and he took a seventh victim in 2007.

He wasn't down South again until 2009.

When James Clutter's parents woke up from a night of camping, he was gone.

They just assumed he wandered off.

We didn't get called in because nobody knew he existed.

The crimes are years apart and across state lines.

The interesting thing is, 10 years ago he was a more aggressive hunter, likely on the move hunting and k*lling all 365 days a year, but 2 years ago he stopped traveling so far.

He's slowing down.

I think something's affected his mobility.

Old age or an injury from years of living on the trail.

But the odd thing is, for the past 2 winters, he's returned to this 30-mile radius.

He takes a victim with him in the fall to stay with him until spring somewhere within that area.

These are harsh winters.

He needs to find shelter.

And it would have to be heavy camouflaged.

Even the most experienced hikers haven't seen it.


Our parents will be looking for us.

They'll know we're gone.

We want our mom and dad!

If you let us go, we won't tell.

Promise. We won't.

Right, Ana?


You can't just leave us here in the dark.


[Ana crying]

We'll be okay.

Morgan: What do we have?

Unsub took two kids this time, 10-year-old Robert Brooks and his 8-year-old sister Ana.

Girls aren't his preference.

Not a lot of families camping out in November.

He took what he could get.

And Robert wasn't alone.

He couldn't risk leaving a witness.

The question is, how long will he keep her alive?

Robert, I'm scared.

What does he want?

I don't know.

What is he gonna do to us?

I don't know.

Just stop, please.

Do you think he's gonna-- mom and dad know we're gone by now.

So they're gonna send everybody to find us.

But what if no one ever finds us?

Don't say that.

We're gonna be ok.

Come on, come on. Shh.


It's gonna be fine.


He kind of looks like Mr. Binky.


Whose toys are these?

The kids wanted their own tent.

They're too big to fit with us.

We could hear them giggling.

I fell asleep to it.

Would it be possible for us to get a piece of each of the children's clothing to help in the search?

Thank you.


I want to go with them.

Mr. Brooks, I need you to stay in the camp in case Robert and Ana come back.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Mr. Lanham, can I help you?

I heard the news.

I know this area as well as anyone.

Sir, I can't have you on the trail.

I'm not out here for vengeance.

What those kids are going through, it's the same thing Daniel went through.

I understand.

I need to be here.

Maybe you can help out in some other way, but you can't be here.


Sir, I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

Go ahead, Reid.

Ok, worst-case scenario-- the children were taken at 9 p.m.

That gives him roughly a 12-hour head start at 3 miles per hour.

He's got two children.

At 2 miles per hour, that's roughly a 24-mile radius, the same ground we profiled last night.

But, Hotch, if he's an experienced tracker, he'll probably realize he's being hunted by now and discard all nonessentials.

Like Ana.

She's not his type.

Until we have reason to believe otherwise, we have to assume she's alive.

We'll deliver the profile and get search and rescue teams going.

[Door creaking]


No! What are you doing?

He could have poisoned that.

But I'm thirsty.

Come here. I want to show you something.

I don't want to leave my sister.

You want a flashlight?

He'll bring you one.

Robert, please don't leave me.




This unsub hunts for, abducts, and keeps his victims in the woods.

We believe he left civilization and forged a home for himself right here in the wilderness.

Which means he's lost any societal or moral restraints.

He's devoted his life to taking children, and he's found the perfect place to hide them.

He's found or made a shelter which is difficult to find.

It allows him to withstand harsh weather and is secure enough to keep his victims from escaping.

So it must be sizable, underground or on a mountainside.

Sometimes the voices of trapped children gets drowned out by search parties calling for them.

Which is why we're asking you to call out Robert and Ana's names but leave pauses in between to listen for their responses.

Ok, let's go.

[Dogs baying]



Let's see, iron deposits in McKee's pond, so the water's undrinkable.

So that would leave...

I always thought I had searched every inch of those woods.

Do you ever think he ever heard me calling his name?

Even if he didn't, I'm sure he knew you were looking for him.

I was.

I knew he was out there somewhere.

Mr. Lanham, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

You know this area better than anyone, and I think that you can help us find these children.


[Robert whimpering]

[Door creaking]

Robert, what happened?

What happened? Tell me.

Next time he comes to get me...

And don't stop.

No, I don't want to go by myself.


Ok, promise.



[Dogs barking]



[Dogs baying]


Hey, when do the temperatures drop below freezing?

By Thanksgiving at the latest.

They'd have to go where the food supply is.

And that saves us another 5 miles.

What about shelter?

Where did you stay when you were out there?

I was holed up in a cave mostly.

Caves have a natural temperature.

They provide their own heating source.

I need to go to the bathroom.

Me, too.

[Drops wood]

You wait.

I want to go to the bathroom.

Get back.

Down there.

Stay! Get back!

I said go! Down there.

Get back!

Get up!

Get up!

Get back! I said stay there!


Run, Ana, run!

Run! Run!




Get away from her!

Stay away from her!

Get off her!





Get up!

Get up!




[Dog whimpering]


It's ok. It's ok.

Come here.

My name's Emily.

You're safe now.

We've been looking for you for a long time.

Hey, Ana.

Where's your brother?

I thought he'd run after me, but I looked back and he wasn't there.

Ana, do you know which direction you came from?

I don't know.

I just started running.

Robert told me to run and not stop running no matter what.

It's ok.

You did the right thing.

Listen, this nice Ranger, she's going to take you home to your mom and dad now, ok?

Get up. Get up.

Get up!

I can't.

I can't go any further.

This is all your fault.

I told you I wouldn't hurt you.



[Dog baying]


No matter how bad things get, they can get worse.

I shouldn't have left Robert, but he told me to run.

He made me promise.

It's ok, baby.

But he still has him.

Sweetie, you did the right thing.

Ana, the man who took you and Robert, what do you remember about him?

He smelled.

He was dirty.

Anything else?

He was scary.

And he walked funny.

Like with a limp?



That helps us.

Prentiss: She must have come through here.

Morgan: He's gotta have a shelter nearby.

[Dogs baying]

All right, back the dogs up.

I've never seen this cave before.

It could be a den, or it could go deep.

This has gotta be it.

All right, let's go.

It looks like he was in a hurry.

He left some cash, a week's worth of rations, and some clothes back there.

Look at this.

Pills and flowers.

I don't see this guy as a botanist.

Do you think he smokes those?

Turner: This mine's been sealed for years.

The shaft goes about another 100 feet and collapses in.

I also found a box of a*mo but no g*n.

Reid, I'm sending you a picture of a flower this guy collects.

Reid: It's loading right now.

This guy's in survival mode.

If he's on the run, what does that mean for Robert?

Reid: It's devil's claw.

It's a homeopathic pain treatment most commonly used for swollen joints.

The little girl told Hotch that the unsub walked with a limp.

He could be using devil's claw as a pain treatment.

The unsub needs dr*gs?

It would explain why he's covering less and less ground each year.

You know, the thing is, though, that flower wouldn't keep him mobile for 8 months.

If he's suffering from a degenerative disease, he'd have a hard time getting around without painkillers.

All right, come on, let's get out of here.

I'm gonna tie you.

You make a sound, you run for it, you die.

Got it?

Let's go.

Come on.

All the trailheads in the area have been closed.

Rangers are processing everyone coming off.

He knows every inch of this place.

He'll get out on a route we didn't even know existed.

Guys, his first abduction off the trail was Jonestown, Pennsylvania.

What if he grew up around here?

He could have a friend or relative in the area.

The closest city is Harrisburg.

He needs supplies, medication, and a place to hide.

Yeah, I don't want to hear your sob story.

Just pay me by Monday.



What--who is it?

Let me in.

Shane, I told you if I ever saw you again--

Brandon, open this damn door before somebody sees me.

You stole my whole supply, you son of a bitch.

You know how long it took to buy back the number of pills you ripped off?

What I got's so good, we can talk another deal.

Ain't nothin' that good.

What's your name?

Garcia, cross-reference your list with men convicted of sex crimes against boys age 8 to 12 in the early 1990s.

Start with Pennsylvania.

He'd have stopped showing up to parole meetings in 2001 and he's been off the grid ever since.

Well, I've got about 2 dozen of those, so-- wait.

Oh, this is super weird.


11 of these men paroled in the early nineties have the exact same last known address.

A cluster of pervs?

That rules out areas that are near schools and parks.

Housing options are limited, to say the least.

Guess that makes sense.

The cluster would be the one place they feel safe.

Garcia, what's the address?

Sending it right now.

I need at least 3 months' worth.

That's it, Shane.

If that ain't good enough, find somewhere else to stay.

I know you got more.

I told you, that's all I got.

Where are you hidin' 'em?

Ah, come on.

Ah, please...

Ho ho. Ho ho ho ho ho.

Thought you said you didn't have any more.

What the hell is this?

Please, that's all I got left.

Since you've been so generous, I'm gonna give you an hour.

Play nice with him.

I don't want any bruising.

Garcia, we think the unsub might have suffered from a degenerative disease.

Can you check prison medical records?

Ok, I got him.

Shane Wyland.

He was incarcerated in 1994 for...

Jeez, raping a 10-year-old.

I have no idea why he's out now.

I'm sending you his mug sh*t.

Garcia, did any of the current residents of the cluster serve prison time with him, or did they share a parole officer?

I'm looking, but I'm currently dice-less.

He's got a kid with him, so he's gotta be going to someone he knows wouldn't turn him in.

Reid said he'd need painkillers right away.

He left his supply in the mine.

Well, there was a lot of money left in that backpack.

I don't know how much he's got on him, but those dr*gs aren't cheap.

But he's got Robert.

To some people, that's as good as cash.

You ok, buddy?

Oh, I know something that always cheers me up.

Want to watch a video?

Stay away from me.

Oh, don't play games now.


Stay away from me!

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


[Tires screeching]

You two take the front, Rossi and I will take the back.

Local P. D.'s standing by to go in on our say-so.

I'm sorry.

Get up.

Wake up, kid.

Look, I'm sorry.

Come on.

He's gonna k*ll me.

He's gonna k*ll me.

Yeah, yeah, that's fine, well, I'm not calling the exterminator.

You can go buy yourself some damn traps.

Whoever did it, just get them out of here.

Sir, do you know Shane Wyland?


Have you ever seen this kid?

Definitely not.

Anybody under 18 walks in here, I got the cops on speed dial.

Ok, so you want to score, who do you go to in the building?

I got nothing to do with that.

Come on, man, somebody in this building has the hookup.

Look, this place is full of lowlifes.

A lot of them sell on the side.

We're looking for someone who would have moved in here back in the nineties.

The only cat lived here that long is Brandon Stiles.

Room 408.

Thank you.

You tip him off, you're an accessory.

Don't make a mess.

Brandon Stiles!


It's clear here.


Robert was here.

Hotch, it looks like Robert was in the room.

It looks like there was some kind of a struggle.

If he managed to escape, they could be chasing him down now.

All right, you continue to search the building.

We'll cover the surrounding area.

Got it.


Officers cleared the surrounding blocks, showed Robert's picture.

No one saw anything.

We need to clear every dumpster in a 4-block radius.

If things went wrong and he k*lled the boy, would he take the body out in daylight?

He could get him out in a duffel bag.

East stairwell is clear.

Copy that. I'm on my way.



I'm not going back to prison.



Come back here!



Come here!

Don't move!

I didn't take him.

Shane brought him to me.

I--I didn't do anything.

It's ok, Robert.

You're safe now.

Get on your knees.

Get down!

Where's Shane Wyland?

Where'd he go?

I--I don't know.

He--he just dropped the kid off.

He said he'd be back in an hour.

Hotch, we've got Robert.

Shane Wyland is not in the building, but he may be in the immediate vicinity.

Let's go.

Get up. Get up!

He got away.

What about the kid?

He's headed to the hospital.

Uh... We, uh...

We found this in the mine shaft.

It's Daniel's.

I'm sorry, Mr. Lanham.

How often does that happen?

Not often enough.

Shane must have seen the police presence and just taken off.

It was easy for him.

Robert's a tough kid.

Knowing he fought back will help him get through this.

In my entire career, I've only brought back a handful of kids to their parents after the 24-hour mark.

This is not a loss in my book.

Before now, nobody knew that there was a pedophile hunting on the trail.

Now we know who he is and what he looks like.

His photo's been sent to all the Ranger stations.

Do you think he'll go back there?

Well, he can't function anywhere else.

He's got no place to hide.

We've taken that away from him.

It's just hard to accept there's no justice for the families he destroyed.

We'll get him.

Hotch: Elise Cabot said, "evil endures a moment's flush and then leaves but a burnt-out shell."