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34x25 - Episode 25

Posted: 11/08/23 09:52
by bunniefuu
You'll have to find
somewhere else to live.

I can't have drug use in my house.
You're an addict, Violette,

and even pregnancy couldn't
change that.Megan, I didn't

realise you were back.
I haven't been for long,

but Dr Hudson's
extensor tendon repair

is the talk of the town.

Is it?Luka's pre-op scans
indicate that he most likely

has a malignant brain tumour.


I'm phoning Social Services

and I'm filing for Harmony's







I'm sorry.









Little sips.

Put loads of sugar in.

Oh, are you sure?Yeah.

Oh, thanks.

I'm Raquel. I'm down the corridor.


Is it your first time here?Yeah.


Bit of a frequent flyer, me.

You know, at least you haven't

vommed all over yourself.
That's what I used to do.

Yeah, well, every cloud...Huh!



Sorry, it's my back.Yeah, it feels
like everything hurts, doesn't it?

Yeah.This'll perk you up, trust me.

Thanks.No worries.

If we don't have each other's backs,
then who will?

Er... No, no.

I've not made a decision yet.

Erm, Megan, I've really got to go.

OK, thanks. OK, bye-bye.

Oh, come on!

Sorry. Do carry on.

Sorry, it always does this.Mm-hmm.

Argh! Well, if it's stuck,
then it's not going to take

your money either,
so there's no point waiting.May I?

Yeah, sure.

Sometimes, the gentle touch
can do so much more.

Just some people can be

a bit limited in their...





As if by magic!Exactly.

Ah, thanks.

Er, well, I'd better get on,

patients to see and all that,
but thank you.

Hey, how was, er, last night?


Last night. Er, OK, so this is
my luck with dates -

it's going really well
and then, about 20 minutes in,

she gets a phone call
from the baby-sitter.

Ah, you got hit with
the old sick kid routine!

Happens to the best of us.
No, she...

That's not a thing, is it?Yeah.

Charlie's office, it's a total
bombsite.Hey, Jacob,

have you ever been out on a date,
everything's going great -

next thing, she gets a phone call
from the baby-sitter and...?

Oh, yeah, yeah, the old, er,
"My baby's sick,

"you've got to go home" routine.
Oh...Baby's sick, got to go home!

Oh.Come on, mate,
read the signs, yeah?

I'm sorry, what?

What, today?

What time?

No, I didn't know.

Right, well, there must have been
some kind of mix-up, I...

No, I can't! You have to give
at least a week's notice.

Do you want some extra green
cannulas?You do realise

I'm a paramedic...
Week's notice for what?Dunno.

On the phone to Rehab.

Oh, dear.Yup.

I don't get families in this
country.What do you mean?

Parents flying around the world,
paying for the sister to get clean.

While they're away,
Ruby left holding the baby.

Everyone does their own thing.

They're not all like that!
..Right, yes, thank you.

Sorry.Everything OK?

Violette?Yep, it's fine.

Apparently, there was a family
therapy session scheduled for today.

They clearly don't understand
that people have jobs.

You can take short-notice
special leave.Nope, it's fine.

They said they can reschedule for
another time.Are you sure?

I can cover your hours.
Yes, I'm sure!

Thanks. Thank you, Jan.

What? Look, I am not just going to

drop everything and go running.

Right? I have been through this
so many times before.

Violette is not the centre of my
universe.She's an addict, Ruby.

She's ill.Yes, I understand
that she's ill, thank you,

I've heard it all before. Right,
she's so ill that she sh**t up

when her baby has meningitis.
Well, that's the illness.

RADIO:3006, this is Control, over.

3006, receiving, over.
su1c1de attempt,

Holby University campus,
police on way. 19-year-old male

on the other line now, taken
some pills, bit hazy. Over.Yeah.

Received and mobile, over.

Don't give me that look.



Family. Erm,

I'd like each of you to come up here

and put one positive thing
in this column,

and one negative thing in that

column, relating to that word.



Go on, you'll get brownie points.

Violette, would you
like to start us off?

Ruby is my sister.

I've put her in that column

because she's amazing,
and she's funny,

and she is really sorted. And

I've put her in that column
because she can also be...

super judgy, and I'm scared
of her because

right now...

..she has my baby,

and I think that...

..she hates me.

Faith, erm, look,
I'm so sorry to hear about...

Ahem...Look, if you
need anything...


Thank you.

Right, this is Ben Lawson,

he's 19.OK.
Seven hours ago, he took

a large amount of paracetamol
at his student residence...

Resus, please.....halls. It was
taken with alcohol and not vomited.

His airway's clear,
he has equal bilateral

air entry.
Resps are 16, his pulse is 60.

Bay Four, please.BP is now stable

at 90/60, after
initial hypertension.

We have managed to gain IV access
and he's had 500mls of saline.

Right, if we're all set...

Ready, brace, roll.

Ready, brace, slide.

OK. Good old paracetamol. Let's hope
he hasn't damaged his liver as well.

Can we check with Noel to see
whether he's attempted

anything like this before?
OK, on it.Please. All right.

Let's set up a NAC infusion. Erm,

obviously, let's get liver function
and paracetamol levels, but

U&Es...OK, great, thank you. Bye.

Oh, Lev, have you,
er, have you got a sec?

Yes.So, there's this...

parents' support group
for children with cancer.

5:30, upstairs.

What do you, what do you think?
Not for me.

Yes, I know. So, I'd rather spend

the time at home,
looking after Luka, than...

being miserable with a bunch of
people I don't know.It might not

be like that.No?
No, it's a support group.

And right now, I think we need
all the support we can get.

Look, to look after him,

we need to look after ourselves,
and this might help.

I think I'm the best person
to help myself.

I don't think you realise how...

hard this is going to be on...

on us, as well as him.

You can go, if you want.

I'm not stopping you.

This is Colin Kennedy, he had a fall
when he was roller skating.

He's got a small lac to the head,

is reported LOC at scene,
showing signs of concussion.

He's complaining of some blurred
vision and pain in his right eye.

There's no neck pain, though.
His obs are good,

except he's hypertensive. GCS is 15,

and he's had 1 gram of
IV paracetamol.Right, can I

get you just to jump up onto the
bed, please, Mr Kennedy?Agh...

I feel a bit... I don't want to
waste everybody's time.

I feel a bit daft.
You're not wasting MY time.

Those roller skates have made
my day!Bye, Colin.Thank you.

Tell me what happened.
Erm, roller-skate disco.

I was whizzing along and then...

bam! Hit the floor. Conked out.

Oh, dear.I know, but it was
a charity thing that the girlfriend

organised.Oh, good for you!


I'm just going to have a look
in your ears... Thank you.

Well, I say girlfriend,
it was our fourth date, so...

all a little bit hazy.


Good. Ears are clear,
there's no sign of blood.

Did anyone come with you today?
No. Like I said, Linz was running

the show, so she couldn't really
leave.OK. Do you have a headache?

Erm, sort of, yeah.Yeah?
And you were hypertensive.

Do you know if you normally have
high blood pressure?No, never.

OK. How many fingers
am I holding up?

Erm, three, but I haven't
got my glasses, so...

Do you know why you're closing just
the one eye?Since I met Linz,

I've started wearing contacts.

I'm not sure, but I think I might
have lost one when I conked out.

It's a little bit blurry.OK.
Can I get you to squeeze my hands?


That's fine.Must have been 12,
the last time I put on

the roller skates.Hmm!
But it's making a massive comeback.

Retro. Well, according to Linz.

She's an influencer.
Lifestyle blogger.

Finger on the pulse,
all that sort of thing.

Do you need to make a call?

Nah, nah. She'll call
when she has a minute.

OK, I'm going to run
some more tests,

just to look into what's happening.

I'll have a check of both your eyes.

The good news, is the blurred vision

seems to only be
affecting the one eye,

so it's unlikely to be a brain
injury. But I'll be back in a minute

to do a full neuro exam first.
I have to stay?

You do, I'm afraid, yes.
So, you might need to find

somewhere safe for them.

I'll pop them down here for you.

So, she's not coming today?

Well, let's just wait and see,
shall we?

But you know, you and I, we can make
really good use of the session.

Violette, listen,
you have been working so hard.

Don't let this set you back.

We'll talk later, OK?Yeah.

Told you. Teacher's pet, eh?

I wish!

He's just told me that my sister

isn't coming to the
family therapy session.


Oh! God, my back!I know.

Just breathe through it,
it'll go in a minute, OK?


What do they know about
what we go through?!

At least my dad told me upfront
he's never going to show up.

He'll foot the bill here,
but I can forget all about him

until I'm clean.

Good old Daddy!

Sod them, eh?

Right, er, pulled his records.
Nothing there.

Came from a grammar school,
first year at uni,

nothing to suggest he had any
struggles at all.

He's not on the mental health
team's radar either.

The warden from his halls of
residence is contacting his parents.

You know what they say, right?
Boys don't cry.

Or at least, they don't like to
admit they do.OK, can you contact

the Psych team and ask them to do

an assessment once
he's conscious?Sure.

OK, I'll chase the lab for
the paracetamol levels.OK.

You all right?Er, yes, I'm fine.

Shall I get that second bag of NAC?

OK, very deft diversionary tactic.
Very subtle.

It's OK, it's OK.
Takes one to know one.

It's just...

There's... There's nothing
to say, is there?

Well, OK, at the risk of saying
the wrong thing,

you know, you're not the
only one's going through this

There are other parents.
Yes, I know that.

I tried to drag Lev to
a parent support group tonight,

but not for him, apparently.
No, it isn't for everyone.

Yeah, I know that,

but I just think that he needs
something to...

I don't know, actually. I...

Most of the time,
I have no idea what I'm doing.


I don't know why they keep calling
me. I said that I would be in touch

with them.Just the session.

Your head is not here anyway,
and Jan said it was OK.Nope.

Why?It's pointless!

Look, there is no point in me going
there and hearing her say that

she's sorry, and that she'll change,
and that everything

will be different, because
it never is.You've got no choice.

She's your sister. You have to
deal with this.That is rich!


I heard you and Faith talking.

It doesn't sound like you're rushing
to talk about the things that

you have to deal with.
That's different.Really?Yes.

How? How is it different?How?

Because me sat there crying over my
kid, with a whole lot of strangers,

is going to make no difference
to how he is.

I can't do anything about
the cancer!

It's totally beyond my control.

But your sister,
you can do something about that.

You can make a real difference
by being there.

And I can tell you this for sure -
if you don't, you will regret it.

Right, how are we doing?

Er, yeah, obs are all fine.
BP's down to 145/90, and no nausea.

How's your headache?Oh, you know,

comes and goes. Disco doesn't
finish till four. Do you think

I could get back there?Do you still
have blurred vision?Sort of.

Desperate to get those roller skates
back on, aren't you?I just

don't want Linz to think
I'm a cop-out.Well, we

really need to find out what's
causing the blurred vision, OK?

Even if I did give you
the all-clear,

I really wouldn't recommend
roller skating.Listen,

I'm going to level with you.

Linzi is 26.

I'm 49.

OK.My Tinder age is 42.

I'm not following, sorry.
She works in this funky office.

Ping-pong tables, hammocks.
I don't know how anything gets done!

All the blokes have got
these stupid, big,

serial-k*ller Brixton beards.


I went over on my backside and...

when I came round, the first thing
I heard was someone saying,

"Linzi's dad's had a fall!"

Linzi's DAD!

Oh.I just feel if I don't get
straight back on the saddle,

she's going to think I'm a right old
saddo.But if I let you do that,

without finding out what's
going on, then, you know,

you could go back out there
and pass out again. And then what?

Egg all over my face.Exactly.

Look, I'll have a look at
your eye now, OK?

Hopefully, it won't take too long.
Can we prep HDC

and get a slit lamp sorted, please?
Yeah.I'll be right back.

Feel free to tell me if

you feel it's a lost cause.

Erm, not that you need
my permission, of course,

I'm sure you'd be the first
to tell me. But, erm,

if anyone can do this, it's...

Me, right. Yadda yadda.

Could you speed this up? Jeffers
is picking me up in three minutes.

OK, so, it's one of our new nurses.
Erm, well, actually,

it's her seven-year-old son,
he's got a brain tumour,

but it's a tricky one because
there's brain stem involvement.

And you want me to take a look
at it?Yeah. I mean, I know

it's a lot to ask...Yeah. Send me
the case notes and the scans,

and I will contact his team.

You will?Of course I will!

So, other news,
are you seeing anyone?

Er, no.

Oh, OK.

I'll call you later.

And I love you.

And, Dylan, I'm not
making any promises

about this, right?

Understood, understood. Thank you.

She's not coming, is she?

I tried to contact her,
but like she said, she's working.

I told you, she hates me.

There could be other reasons
why she's not here.

Maybe we could explore those.Or...

I could just crawl back into my bed
and pray I die in my sleep.

What about Harmony?
Isn't that the reason

that you want to get well,
to look after her?

And why your sister took her in?

Because that's what
we're all working towards.

Come in.


Hi, I'm Paul.

Good to meet you. Take a seat.

Look, I'm...

sorry about before.

It's fine.

But I, er...

I am going to go on my own,

so if you could get the kids'
dinners?Of course I will.Great.

What else is new?I'm sorry?Well,

I've more or less kept things
going on my own.Lev, come on,

it's not like I'm out partying.
I am doing research,

all the time.
What good will that do?!

What do you mean,
what good will it do?!

It's better to be the most
informed that we could...

Sorry, sorry.No, I'm just going.

Well, hang on a moment,
hang on a moment. Erm...

I wasn't going to mention anything
just yet, but I've made

contact with a woman called
Zsa Zsa Harper-Jenkinson.

She's, erm, one of the world's
most eminent neurosurgeons.

and a friend. Erm, she's going
to have a look at the case notes,

she's going to talk to Luka's
consultant. I hope you don't think

I'm overstepping the mark.
I just thought, were it my child,

I would want her involved.
I don't know what to say.

Thank you so much.

Let's see what she says.But
she did sound interested?Yeah,

is she going to come here
and see Luka?

Which hospital is she at?
Yeah, we...

She's actually based in America.
But if she decides to take the case,

I mean, it won't stop her.
It's just logistics. it wouldn't be

the first time she'd hopped on
a plane at a moment's notice.

I just thought, you know,
anything's worth a try.

Exactly! Even if she gives an
opinion. She might think of

something the others haven't yet.
I mean, if she's as good as

you say she is...Let's take it
one step at a time, but, er,

obviously, I'll let you know
if I hear anything.

OK, thanks.That's quite all right.

Why don't we start with you, Ruby?
Talk to us about

how you're feeling about
coming here today.

It's OK to have difficult feelings.

And it's OK for your sister
to hear about them.

I guess I've been wondering
what the point is, really.




..all this time, I really have
genuinely wanted to believe that,

erm, being there for Violette
and supporting her was...

was the solution,
but then I started

to think that
maybe I'm just enabling her,

maybe I'm allowing her to carry on
doing what she always does, because

nothing ever changes,
no matter how supportive I am.

What are you saying? Just say it!

Well, not every addict
wants to recover.

Violette, please.

Would it help if I told you that

Violette's one of our most
committed patients?

She's been to every session.

She's refusing methadone.

She's come to a decision that
she wants to go through this

whole thing completely cold turkey.

Is she actually clean?
We take samples every 48 hours.

All negative. The thing is,
we have to believe

that there's
the potential for change,

simply because
there's no other option.

You going to sort me out?
I said no.You promised!

I didn't.I asked you last week!

Oh, just drop it.You promised me!

No, I didn't.Yes, you did,
you promised me!Don't do that.

I need it!Raquel!You promised me!
You lied!Argh!

No!Get off me!

You promised you'd give it to me!

Eh!Get off!Nicky, Nicky!

Get off me!Nicky!

No, no!


You're bleeding!What's happened?

Ruby, she's injured!No! No!

Take her out.No! No!

Hiya, I'm a paramedic.
What happened?She just...

pulled the scissors on me.
Could you grab me

a first aid kit, please?Yeah.
Do you want to sit down? That's it.

Zsa Zsa.Dee Dee.

I've only got a minute.

Yes. Erm, did you get a chance
to have a look at the, erm...?

Yeah.Yeah.That is a one hell of a
tumour.Yeah, no, I know, I know.

Er, so?It's been a long time since
I've seen one that aggressive.

OK. So...?

So? You know me.

I love a challenge.

Good. Good.

All right.
Well, this looks superficial to me,

but I think you should come into A&E
to get it looked at properly.

No. No, I'm not going.
Don't even try.

Hospitals trigger me, big time.

Well, it might need antibiotics.

There's a nurse here.
I'll be fine.OK.


you're the sister?Yeah.

You know, if it wasn't for her,

it could have been much worse.

Right. Erm, just make sure
you keep that

nice and clean, and tell the nurse

that the dressing needs changing
in two days.

Good as new. Thanks.

No worries.

Owe you one.

Look, Vi, you did really well there.

I must say, I did think it would be
quite a bit safer here.Safer?

Ruby, it's a rehab centre.

People are on edge.
They cut themselves,

they soil themselves,
they just go off the rails.

Welcome to MY world.

Agh...What's wrong? Are you OK?

It's just my back.

We're going to need a few minutes
to clean up in here, I think.

If you two would like
a minute or two to talk,

my office is free.Yeah, thank you.

Look, I'm sorry.

What for?Well, you've been...

abstinent for ten days.

I should have said well done.
I'm sorry.I've still got

five more weeks in this hellhole.

Yeah, well, one day at a time.

You don't think I can do this,
do you?

Vi...You're angry at me.
Look, I know I messed up,

I know I let you down.Let's not do
this, please.I let Harmony down.

Please.But I love her,
I love her so much!

I know you do, I know.


Look, I've been thinking, do you
remember we used to go away in

the camper van?
We could do that again.

That was so much fun.Yeah.We could
do that, just the three of us,

you, me and Harmony.
They say, don't they,

the best thing is a complete break?

Just go somewhere totally different.
Yeah. Well, look, now you've got

something to look forward to for
when you come out.Let's just go!

Go now!No.What's keeping us here?

No, Violette!Please, I'll get
better so much quicker

if I'm with Harmony.It's too early.

Why are you being like this?!

I love her!I know you do!
She needs me!

She's MY daughter! I love her!
She needs ME!


Right, it's too soon!
You're not ready to see her yet!


So, she's coming?She is.That's...

I don't know what to say.Nothing.

You don't have to say a thing.
Erm, I should warn you,

she's a straight talker,
so she won't sugar-coat anything.

But that means that she must think
that there's a chance.

Otherwise, she wouldn't fly all
the way here, right?Yeah.Yeah.

I... Thank you.

Thank you so much. I...That's OK.
It's a pleasure. Pleasure.

Yeah, let's see what happens.

NO!Hey. Hey.No!What's going on?

Did it not go well with your sister?
She won't even let me see Harmony!

She won't bring her in!


I'm sorry, I bet
she's lovely to every lowlife

she picks off the street, but when
it comes to her own sister...

They haven't got a clue.
They can't handle it

when it gets REALLY tough,
they don't want to know. I know

what they say about
"never trust an addict".

You know what? The users I've met,

I'd trust them before I would
any member of my family.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised...

if she's set up an adoption order

with the Social, to keep your
little girl while you're here.

I've seen it happen so many times.

They come in here,
see the state we're in, panic...

Makes you wonder what the point
of all this suffering is.

I just need a break, Raquelle!

I just need a break!I know.



No judgment, OK?

You don't need to take
the whole thing. Just a little bit,

to make you feel more human.

Face another day.

Er, that one's on the house.

Told you that I owe you.


Have you, um, spoken to

Megan Harrison recently?
Erm, no, not really.

We exchanged a few e-mails.
Right, it's just...

I'm aware you're looking for
a new challenge

and I know you were passed over
for the consultant's post

recently, so I was thinking that

we could build for
the next opportunity.

Er, yeah, interesting
you should say that...

OK, good, because I was thinking

we could structure some
enhanced non-clinical hours

to increase your
management experience

and strengthen your portfolio and
your CV, and maybe

just approach it in
a more structured way,

because I'm determined to help
you get there.Oh, wow, yeah.

That, erm... Ahem. That sounds
good.Excellent. Because you're

a great asset to the department.


You were right, of course. You
can't bring the baby in to see her.

Of course she didn't like it, but...
RADIO:Control to 3006.

3006 receiving.

We have reports of an overdose
at Everglades rehab clinic.

29-year-old female.This is 3006,

received and mobile. Can we have the
patient's name now, please?


That's it. Let's see if we can find
that missing lens.


It's Linzi!

Oh, ye of little faith!


Sorry, could you...?

Oh, yes, of course.

Er, "Linz. Hi, Callum..."

Callum?I thought
Callum sounded younger.

"How are you?

Event went great.
Hope you haven't...

broken a hip, or anything serious!

LOL! Take care. Best, Linz."

Dumped, aren't I?



Rube!We've given her

400 mcg of Naloxone.

She's breathing.

Who gave it to her?!

Who gave her that?!We don't know.


Pinpoint pupils.

Thready pulse.

Resps, three.Give her Naloxone.

Try and find a vein.

It's going to be difficult.

Come on, Vi!

Come on! Don't do this.

My back!Your back? Aw!

Lev, I think she's getting a bit
more drowsy. I'm going to give

her more Naloxone.My back hurts!

Your back?Agh...


I want to go away.

You want to go away?
Yes, we can go away.

You and me...

and Harmony.
Yeah, we can do that, Vi.


sharp scratch now, Vi.Oh!

There we go.

You should start to feel more
with it any moment now, OK?Oh...

So tired.I know. I know you are.

I want to go to sleep.
You can't go to sleep, Vi.

You have to stay awake.

Oh!Vi, if we went away, where would
we go? Where could we go?

Oh...We could go to France,
couldn't we? Do you remember

when we went to Normandy?
Do you remember?

Or we could go somewhere warmer.
We could go to

the South of France,
would that be nice?Oh...Yeah?

Violette, stay with me, please.

Vi, stay with me.Oh...

Stay with me, Vi.
Please stay with me. That's it.

Look at me. And if you stay...

Violette. Violette, if you stay in
hospital tonight, I'll bring

Harmony to come and see you.

Would you do that for me?

Of course I would do that.

Of course I would.

Vi, stay with me.

Come on, Violette! Vi?

Violette? How long, Lev?

Right, let's have a look.

No. There's no lens in there,

but you do have
a nasty corneal abrasion.

It's a nuisance, but nothing some

antibiotic ointment won't sort out.

Sorry, Colin, are you...crying?

Don't be daft!Good.

I try not to upset
too many of my patients!

There's no fool
like an old fool, eh?

I've grown to realise
you can be a fool at any age.

And you're not old. In your prime!

50's the new 30, they say.
50?! You cheeky get!

I would probably retire your

roller skates, though.
They are lethal.

Right, coming through!

Get the doors.

Move the bed.
Violette Spark, she's 29.

Overdosed on heroin,
but was reversed with Naloxone.

She collapsed en route

and went into cardiac arrest.

We got a ROSC after one cycle of CPR

and Adrenaline.

Her airway's maintained
using an SGA,

but she's making
no respiratory effort. Erm,

she's on blood thinners

for a previous DVT and, erm...
Ruby, let us take over.

I don't know why
she's not responding!

Let's do our job. Thank you.
All right, well done.

Right, Dr Hudson, talk to me.
Violette's very pale and sweaty.

Her stomach is rigid and I can feel

a pulsatile mass.
Her cap refill's down.

Right, let's get the FAST scan.

She was complaining of
bad back pain.All right.

We'll look into it. OK?

She, erm...

She has a large aortic aneurysm.

What?I mean, this must have been

developing, or connected
to an infection, because...

mycotic aneurysm in
someone this age, it's...

It's the pain, the pain in her back.
We need to get her to theatre.

She... She kept saying
she was having

these sh**ting pains in her back,
but we thought it was just...

withdrawal symptoms.
I didn't think...

Why didn't I think?You couldn't.

She's lost output.
All right, start CPR.

1 mg of Adrenaline.


Hey. It's me again.

I haven't heard from you for ages.

Did you get my messages,
about the surgeon?

Amazing news, right? Anyway,
I am going into this meeting,

so I should be home about seven.

There's chicken Kievs in the
freezer. I don't normally feed those

to the kids, but they're
easy to make... OK.

Erm... I'll just get another round.

Oh, no, no, I can't. I have to go
meet my personal trainer at seven.

She works you hard.Nothing I can't
handle.What are you like?!

You know me. Will Noble.

The Man. The Myth.The wind bag!

What are you up to yourself?

Just the usual - Antiques Roadshow,
followed by a sad curry?


Ha-ha! Living the dream!Yep.

Sorry I actually don't
need these now.

That's OK.

I'll help you out with that.

Hello, again.



Er, yeah, cheers.

Pulse check?

She's in asystole.
That's not shockable.

Shouldn't she be
in theatre?We're...

We're just trying to get an output.

OK, let's stop.

We've been at this for over
half an hour...Well,

we have to keep going!..and she has

most likely a ruptured aneurysm.

And despite all the blood

products and inotropes,

we just can't get her back.

I'm so sorry.No!

No, look, I know you're all
really tired, I understand

you've been going for a very long
time, but...She is in asystole!

There is nothing...
Honestly, there's always a chance.

I'll do it! I can do it, I'll do it!

We have done everything we can.

Ruby, she has no vital signs.

I'm really so sorry,

but I'm going to have to call it.


Time of death, 17:45.

Come on!Right, so...
Can you please pay attention?

Yes, I am.Mm-hmm. Right,

you take a £10 note...OK.
..and put it

on the top, like this...I'm...

still waiting for the magic bit!

Then you take a 50p
and put it on top.



Yeah, so, why did you get kicked
out of the Magic Circle again?!Ha!

You CAN be funny!

Oh, thanks.I mean, one would
have to dig very deep behind

the perfect geeky exterior.
Thanks again, gosh!No worries.

Quite adorkable.Adorkable?
What on Earth is that?

An...adorable dork.

Oh. That's a compliment, isn't it?

If you like dorks.


Right, another drink?

Yes. Yes!


I guess I'm just so used to sorting
out other people's problems...

I'm, er, quite bossy,
at the best of times, but...

I think that's because
the structure, you know,

it comforts me, makes me feel safe.

But, er, right now,
I do not feel safe,

and I certainly don't want to admit
how...petrified I am.

So, I, er...

I throw myself into research
and books and anything practical,

trying to give me some
sense of control. You know?

It doesn't work. Nothing works.

I still want to curl up in a ball
and cry, but I, er, I can't.

I can't. It doesn't matter
how bad you feel,

or how much you want to
scream and smash stuff... goes on around you and

you have people who depend on you.

People who depend on you
to function.

So, that's what I'm doing, I'm...

I'm just functioning.


She's ready for you now,
if you'd like to come in?


OK... 40, in a minute.40?

No way, no!

Ha! How much do you want to bet?

I...Come on, put your money
where your mouth is.

I will, I will bet you, erm,


£20 sterling that you cannot,
cannot do that.

Right, ahem...

I shall now perform 40 press-ups

in 60 seconds.

Drum roll, please!

And so...

she takes her position.Yes.

The crowd waits

with bated breath...Oh, come on!

..for the gold medal.

Yeah, no, you're right, I can't!

Oh, no!I can't. Yep, yep.

I'm sorry.That's such a let-down!

Boo! Boo!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't, I can't.
You can't.


Honestly, if I'd known
this morning that...

What? That in the evening,
you'd be sat opposite

an attractive, funny...


Ha! ..young woman!

And where is she, sorry?!

Funny! Funny! Well done!

Actually, this is a pretty normal
night for me.Really?Yeah.

I'm a consultant,
so I have infinite sex appeal.

You do?

So, what do you do?

I'm a spy. Well, OK, not officially,

but I do consider myself to be

an international woman of mystery...

suspense. Of course.

Must be difficult, with your

boyfriend, or husband?Nope.

You?No. No.

Ha! Brilliant.

Ha!Get your coat on, then.



you've pulled! Let's roll.


Are you seriously saying
you don't fancy me?No.

No. Erm,




I'm sorry.