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34x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 11/08/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Casualty...
Please, I need an ambulance!

I want to go home with you, Dad.

Welcome to the Hide.

I've got your test results back,
and...It was another TIA,

wasn't it?Very likely, I'm afraid.

Find out if she's in the group
taking the drug, or I'll report you

for letting your personal feelings
with Effie go too far.

We need to focus, be a team.

Mason, you don't know the meaning of
the word "team".

The key to your bike lock.
Thank you.

Just...make sure you know
what you're doing, yeah?

Yeah, well, you don't need to worry
because, as of today, it's over.

Full stop, the end.

MUSIC: Got That Thing by Phil Panton

# No, I'm not going anywhere

# She's got that thing that I love

# She might be from up above

# I won't back down
Can you see?

# She's got that thing that I love

# Recognise these hazy eyes... #


# ..see you going by... #


# No, I'm not going anywhere... #



Rosa, can I talk to you about...

You know the other day
when we was talking...?

Come on, you've got judo!

Well, I was going to ring Mum...
Come on, we're going to be late!

Sorry, did I...
Did I just miss something? What...?




I told you -
we're not talking weddings again

until we finish
taking that wall down.


Hi, Duffy.

Hi, Duffy. How are you, Charlie?


So, this is our new
hospital volunteer.

I think you might just
recognise her face.

Thank you, Charlie.

Hello, Duffy.Dylan.

Oh, er, one new hospital volunteer.

I think you...
I'm sure Dylan remembers.

I've just had St James'
on the phone.

They've had their "surprise"
CQC inspection.

Our records seem to be
substantially incomplete,

and I appear to be missing half
the staff for tonight's night shift,

so you'll forgive me if
I don't stop for high tea.

You get on.


Right, where do you want me?

Did you not read
the job description?

Oh, so you've got patients to see
and I've got coffees to make, yeah?


Ethan, have you, er,
had a chance to look at the rota?

Schedule somebody in for the night
shift?I haven't had a moment.

OK, if you could make yourself
a moment, yeah?

Rota yourself in a moment?


12 o'clock. Yep, that's great.
I'll bring cake.


Cake? "Oh, yeah, I'll bring cake"?

"Want a bit of cake?"
Yeah, all right! All right!

Is anyone planning to work?

Yeah, we were just going to.

Ethan, I've made an appointment
to see my educational supervisor

at 12:00, so if...Today perhaps?

Come on, come on. Ollie.
Ollie, quick as you can, yeah?

Hey, don't forget your kit, Ollie!

Morning, Ollie!Ollie, wait!
Ol, wait! Your kit!

Ollie, your kit! What...? Oh.

Is everything OK?Hormones.

Lucky me.

Teenagers and conversation...
Sorry, what are you doing?

To give him his kit!
What...? Don't...!

One minute...
No, we're going to be late!


I haven't even had breakfast.

We don't all have your
natural reserves, eh?

I still don't get why we have
to get everything finished.

You are not carrying me
over the threshold

until everything is perfect!

I'm sorry, darling. It's jet lag.

You, erm, want me to sort out
your stress for you?


Still got your tummy bug?

It's been a week
since your dodgy tacos...

Would you just knock that wall down?


We are not getting the builders in!

We're saving for
the wedding of the year!

This room's going to be enormous!

When I asked you to marry me...
Not that I'm a size queen.

..this wasn't exactly what I had
in mind.It's called nesting!


I thought we'd just get a bus
to the registry office.
Oh! Who said romance is dead?

It was finding the perfect house...
Which we did... I did.

Thank you, Micky.Now it's making
the perfect house INTO
the perfect house.

Hammer thing!The perfect venue,
the perfect suits...

We were putting today aside...
Perfect reception, the perfect song,
the perfect rings...

Fine. if that's your attitude...
I just don't get what
we're waiting for!

I'll go and grab those builders
working across the road.
Yeah, I bet you will.

Pay them a small fortune to come
and do it.Micky!I mean,
who needs bridesmaids? Or flowers?

Or food? Or even suits?

Micky!I thought you wanted this.
Yeah, I do want this!

You know I want this! I'm not
the one who keeps delaying things.

Pulled a muscle now! Thank you.
We were doing it ourselves...

Just come back inside. we could get married soon.

But if that's not your priority,

if you would rather have
a hulk in a hard hat...

Don't you dare turn this back on me!
A few more hours on your
precious dumbbells...

Well, maybe if you didn't spend
so much time in Mexico, we'd have
more time to get things done.

I don't spend "so much time
in Mexico"!You're there
every other month.

The trips are getting longer.
I work! And for work, I travel.

Someone's got to pay for
this wedding!

Yeah, OK.

You're not the only one that works.


OK. OK, goodbye. Yep.

Ethan, when you're finished
whatever you're doing,

could you dig me out the quarterly
figures for the sepsis QIP?

I'm still trying to find cover
for the night shift!

Is there no-one else
who can do that?

Well, I've got three patients
struggling in Resus,

I've got the board breathing down
my neck about this

proposed CQC inspection,

I've got cubicles that are full -
and apparently there's a patient

in the car park for whom we can't
even find a wheelchair!

So the short answer is no.

Did you see what Gem posted?
Her and that hot guy?

What, Gem? She's only
been on her own a month!

Come on, it's been like

Probably just a friend.

A gay best friend?
A hot gay best friend?

Incoming sn*per fire. Helmets on.

Dad! I'm at work. What is it?

How do you lose
a death certificate?!

Rash, there's a patient
in the car park

that needs a wheelchair, apparently.

Can you keep an eye on Mason?Yeah.

I told you we needed multiple
copies. Why didn't you get them?

SCOFFS:Dad, you don't listen!

That was my letter!Well, that's
not really the point, is it?

My private letter!

I'm sorry... Rosa, could you
get a wheelchair, please?

There's a patient in the car park.
Yeah, of course.

OK, rusty Spanish or not -

"David, David, David,
Rosa and David, love heart"?


I'm sorry.

I just want you and me here!

I just want everything
to be perfect.







It's my mother. She worries.

She's just a crazy woman!Right,
clearly runs in the family, then.

She doesn't like me
being here on my own.

Well, you're not on your own,
are you?

You've got all those Davids, with
their lovely little love hearts.

She's on the phone all the time -
it's message, e-mail, texts,

every appy thing!
It's just on and on and on!

OK, so hang on.
So you told her...

I told her I have a boyfriend.

Everything my mother
would want for me -

passionate, successful.

I said he swept me off my feet.

I just thought it would
keep her quiet.

OK, OK, so, erm...
Let me get this right.

You told her... was you and me?

No! You're not David!
Well, not THE David.


She was on the phone and she wanted
to know every single detail.

It was the first name
I could think of.

Now she thinks we're together -
me and David. The other David.

The David who doesn't exist!
So tell her it didn't work out.Ah!

Your Spanish snooping clearly
didn't go to the end of the letter.

Er, no.She doesn't even
like travel! She hates it!

Sorry for the wait.
But now she's getting on a plane!

She's scared of planes -

but in three weeks' time,
she's going to be here.

She's buying a new coat.A...

A coat? What, to...?

To meet David!

Delivery for Nurse Hide!

Ollie?Hang on.Oscar,
can you take Mrs Ajayi, please?

What happened?Teach some kids,
it's supposed to be fun.

Yeah. Erm, she dislocated her arm.

Yeah. Not getting thrown around
by some hormonal teenagers

who can't control their tempers.

I couldn't just leave him there.

Can you never just get here
on the bus like normal people?

Normal people?

She's had Entonox,
1mg IV paracetamol, 10mg morphine -

and, about an hour ago,
some pickled onion crisps.

OK. Look, you go and get yourself
something to eat - healthy, yeah?

And we'll get you more comfortable.
Come on.

Go on, then. Make yourself busy.

How long does it take?Look,
no-one goes in until it's safe, OK?

Why can't we just pick up
that stuff?

So do it, then!
Not until they're ready.

Why isn't he moving?

They have checked - he is breathing.

Why don't they just...?
OK, Lev, when we get in there,

you're straight on
maintaining C spine, OK?

We're in.

Right, what's his name?Ade.

Hello, Ade, I'm Lev.
Can you hear me?

Right, OK, we've got a strong pulse.

I can't really do anything
until you've got this off him.

If you could do that,
that would be great. Thank you.

Ready when you are.
Ready, brace, lift!

All right, Ade, all right!

Rash, if you've finished,
can you take this one, please?

Ethan's meant to be here. I've got
my education supervisor meeting...

No, no, no, he's doing
a sepsis audit for me.

Then after that, I think he's trying
to sort the night shift...
We've got it, we've gotit.

Excuse me.Right, this is
Adrian Roger. He's 35.

All right, are we all set?
OK. Does he need looking at too?

It'll be plaster dust.
And my asthma.

Three, two, one, move.

OK, Marty, let's get him admitted.
See if he needs a nebuliser.

OK, 55 minutes ago, a ceiling fell
from the height of about

three metres and landed on him.

Aw! You really don't have to!
It's easier with two.

Right. How many sugars?

Honestly, Duffy, you don't have to.

One, please.OK.

Thank you.OK.


So tell me about this David who
your mother thinks you're courting.

Don't mind me!

Well, he's tall.Oh, tall!

Handsome.Handsome? Hm!

Oh, yeah, I told her - so handsome.

Oh, so your mother
likes them handsome?

Everyone likes them handsome.

I just take them with a pulse -
not that I have a single moment.

And he writes poetry.Poetry?

Oh, and he plays the piano.

If he wants to teach judo, then,
believe me, he's very welcome.

Remind me, when exactly is your...?
Oh! And horses.

He rides horses.

Mama loves a man who rides a horse.

And now I'm going to have to
tell her that I made it all up!

Dr Hudson will look at your elbow
and I will be back in a while.

Have you injured this arm before?

15 years of judo?
What do you think?

Your mother will be arriving
in three weeks' time!

Yes, thank you for pointing
that out!May I also therefore
take this opportunity...?

Or maybe she'll see the plane
and get too scared

and decide not to...
Miss Cadenas, calm.

Now, you're a big girl.
You're calling me fat?

What I'm trying to say is that
you do not have to have your life

dictated to by your mother!

Oh! Working that look!

How's the asthma? Any better?

Right, well, he's back
from X-ray and CT.

There's no evidence of any internal
injury, no spinal fracture.

Just a tib and fib. The shin.

Shall we get this off you, then?

So I hear that you two
are getting married.

That's like #RelationshipGoals.
You think?

Yeah. I mean, listen. I'd settle
just for a guy to go out with

and a smile from my dad.
Plus, your guy's hot.

Those muscles! Not that you're
not... I mean, you're both...


So, are you two...?

Is everything...?Everything's fine.

Must've been really scary earlier,

thinking you could've,
you know, lost him.Yeah.

You just look after him.

Each other. Easy!

And keep him away from the DIY.

Otherwise you're never
going to get a ring on it!

Can you stop talking about me
in front of patients?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on!
I'm not the one who was...

Talking about my mother...

So why do you let her?

Look, I know Ollie's mum's a bit,
you know, with the letting go thing.

But come on - he's still a child!

Oh, so now you're calling me old?

Why does it mean so much
what she thinks?

I have work.

OK, look, I understand,
yeah, when a lie goes wrong.

Look, I had a child...


And I had a man and we were happy.

And I had a baby,

a little boy.

My mother, she loved him very much.

We all did.

And for eight years, we were happy.
Very happy.

And then one night, my son...

..he got hot.

And in the morning...

..he was gone.

Erm, I'm...

I'm so sorry.
His father left. I think...

I think the pain got too much.
I... I was too much.

I put my son in the ground.

He was eight years old.

And I got back into my bed
and I pulled up the covers

and I stayed there.

You know, sometimes...
Yeah, for three years?

You just think, and you think,
and you think, and you think,

and then you can't think.

You can't think,
and so you just don't think.

And my mother,
she just watched it all.

Yeah, she couldn't do anything.

She lost the grandson
that she loved so much.

And then she lost me too.

What was his name?

Your little boy?


So I came here to forget it all.

But, yeah, no, she just...

She just wants me to, you know,
meet a man and make a family

and never, ever...

..go back to that dark place again.


That'll stop you running out on me!

If this ruins our wedding...

Two years, he's kept me waiting.
It was just a joke.

Well, maybe now's not
the best time for jokes.


There's always some excuse.
Some reason to put it off.

I'll be right back.

We've had the house to sort.

I'm just a simple window cleaner.

You're a big fancy marketing guy.

GROANS:You earn more in a day
than I earn in a week!

Is that what this is?
What this is about?


Am I not good enough?

Not perfect enough?

What is it? Is it your leg?
It's burning, it's tingling!

OK, erm, can you feel that?

What about this?

Duffy got them. She'll be pulling
rabbits from hats next.

Honestly, Charlie,
she's been amazing.

She's not an invalid, Jade.

She does look exhausted, though.

No, she doesn't.

I'm just thinking that if
she needs a bit of a break...

If she needed a break,
she would take a break.

In fact, she'd ask me for a break.

We're on her side here, Charlie.

She doesn't need sides.

She just needs to carry on
doing something that she loves.

Nobody's saying that she can't...

Something that she's been doing a
long time before you were even born.

When did she last see
her consultant?

She's doing fine!

She may be a bit fragile
because of the TIA but...

All I'm saying is that...
We're coping, all right?

I'm the one who said
do everything ourselves.

Look, that's not important now.

Is it compartment syndrome?
Well, I'm not getting a pulse.

The pressure device over there.
Let's give that a go, shall we?

I wanted the perfect house,
money for a perfect wedding...

OK, you should feel
just a little scratch.

Ow! Ow!

OK, all done.

Thank you.

And a moment to settle.

All right. It's just... That's 8
on the pressure gauge. That's fine.

So is it not compartment syndrome?

So I'm going to be OK?Well,
I think the pain and the swelling

are probably just associated
with the fracture,

so let's give him some of
the good stuff. Shall we?

All right? You'll be up
and about on your pins.

Ready to walk down the aisle.

She's going to give me those eyes.
Are you still going on about this?

The disappointed eyes.She probably
won't notice he's not there.

Oh, she'll notice!

You'd be surprised how many people
don't see what's in front of them.

Hm?The boy who threw me?
Who couldn't control his emotions?

Who was so angry, he couldn't
wait for me to be ready?Ollie?

I'm always putting others
before myself.

For some stupid reason,
I was protecting his pride.

..this is information that
you really ought to know.Dylan...

Sorry, one second.
Enthusiasm, that's a good thing.

But, please, keep an eye on him.
OK, have you got the sepsis figures?

Yes, that's what I wanted to...

OK, cos I want you to have a quick
look at ambulance times for me...

He could say,
"Sorry you missed your meeting.

"Thanks for looking
after my mentee, again."

Let's set a date,
once you're out of here.

I'm going to call Orthopaedics
and get you a bed.

Next month. Next week.

You haven't answered my question.
No more waiting around, yeah?

You haven't touched me
since you got back last week.

For months,
every time I come near you...

You go and extend your last trip.

Are you seeing someone out there?

Are you having an affair?


Yeah, I am.

That's exactly what I'm doing.


Er, Mason, can you get
that wheelchair, please?

OK, have a seat, have a seat.

OK. Let me listen to your chest.
I'm fine. I'm fine!

Just... Just breathe in for me.
And out.

Air entry sounds normal.

Why is he...?
Could be the plaster dust.

I just want to check. Let's get
him gowned and into X-ray.

Oh! Oh! I'm sorry.

Oh, I should be...
It's all right. You need a break.

You've had a long morning.


New jobs, eh?

It's tiring.


Actually, could you call me a cab?

You're a cab.

Well, can you not send me a copy?

My father had it and now
he can't find it,

and my mum's bank are asking for...

No, no, no! Please don't
put me on hold again!

Ethan, you knew I had a meeting
with my educational supervisor...

Does Dr Keogh know how much time
you're spending on your phone today?

My dad lost my mum's
death certificate...

OK, I've somehow managed to finish
the night shifts,

the sepsis QIP and the stats
on pain relief...

..and all her bank accounts
are frozen...

..but I could do with some help with
the ambulance handover times...

And I'm the only one
that can help...

..if it doesn't interfere
too much with looking after

your family commitments?
Who are you looking after, Dr Hardy?

What did you say?

I have a patient.

Hey, how was that?

It's my... My chest.

OK, let's get him into Resus.

There's blood in his sputum.

Marty, let's get some monitoring
back on him.What's happening?
This isn't plaster dust or asthma.

I... I can't breathe.
His lips are blue!What's happening?

That's what we're
going to find out, OK?

Let's do a full work up ECG, bloods,
trop and D-dimer, an ABG

and let's get some high flow oxygen.

He's sweating.OK, Marty - Sats?

90%.Could be a blood clot
on his lungs.

A pulmonary embolism? How?
He was limping earlier.

We'll need a CT angiogram.BP 70/45.

OK, let's give some sub-cut
heparin and thrombolysis.

He's tachycardic.


Mel told you, didn't she?

Yeah, because she's worried
about you.

I've got it, haven't I?
I've got what Dad has.

Is that what you wanted to speak
to me about this morning?

Losing it like that, it's proof...

It's proof that I'm bipolar.

No! It's proof that when someone
has something important to tell

a person, that person should listen.

Sometimes people get caught up in
things that really don't matter

and they miss the things that do.

Then that person, who wants to be
listened to, they get angry

and then someone
ends up in hospital.

Look, I don't know the answer.

But I think today is proof that

you are really worried
about BEING bipolar.

And if it's really worrying you,

I think you have to tell
your father.

Sorry, if... If what's really
worrying you?


Ol? What is it?

Very odd. Have we got X-rays?They
haven't come through on the system.

I'm going to call now.
He's increasingly tachy.

Hypertensive, as well.

Have you got IV access, Rash?
Rash, have you got IV access?

Yes, yes. 16-gauge cannula.
Then let's get a second line

and chase up the X-rays, please.

OK, he's lost output. He's in PEA,

so let's start CPR, please.
What's going on?

He's in cardiac arrest.

Stand by to intubate
after the first cycle.

I think this is a massive PE.

Let's stand by with 1mg
of adrenaline, then, please,

and 50 of alteplase, as well.
Six, seven...

I put my instructor in hospital.
No, you threw her, she fell. And?


No, I mean...I mean,
you threw her badly, but...

David, he is really worried.

Could you just give us five minutes?

No, I want her here, please.

I would like to talk to my son.

Look, um...

OK. Er...

I... I think I'm...

I think I'm...

He's scared he might be bipolar.

Well, thank you!

Thank you so much for telling me
what MY son is worrying about!


OK, um...

Ollie, you've had
these fears before, right?

Yeah, but that was like,
"Is it hereditary?"

or, "Is there a chance of me
getting it at some point?"

And... And now?


Today, it was like I didn't care.

I just really wanted
to hurt someone.

Right, right, but that isn't
necessarily a symptom of bipolar.

You're worried. I mean,
has this been for a while?

Look, I've been telling him
he should tell you.

But...wait, but you didn't think it
was necessary to tell me yourself?

Right. Do you know, you are full
of surprises today!

Dad, it doesn't matter now.

I should leave you both to talk.

No, no. No, no. Please.

Ollie, you're OK.

Your father's here.

23, 24, 25, 26,

27, 28, 29, 30.

Check pulse, then, please. Mason!
Mason, pulse check, please.

Nothing.Right. OK.
Resume compressions.

In fact, Mason, you take over this.
..eight, nine, ten.

Let's intubate. Somebody time
the cycle, please. Two minutes.

Thank you very much.

OK, stop compressions, then.

OK, resume compressions.

I'm happy with that tube position.

Check breath sounds there,
please, Rash.Yes.

OK. Good bilateral air entry.

Yes, fogging the tube.

Yes, end tidal is good.

Please.They're doing everything
that they can, OK?

Just don't let him die, please.

It wasn't Rosa's fault.

She's been great.

Now, this...

..what you're feeling, yeah?
Everyone gets angry, right?

It's not about getting angry.

Especially teenagers.

I mean, they get angry about
everything - everything.Dad...

Maybe you are bipolar.

Maybe you're not.

But just getting angry isn't proof.

Look, what I do know is...

..if you are bipolar...

..we'll deal with it...together.

I am here.

Hey, come on.



OK, how many cycles is that?

So that's 11.Right.

Nice and loud with the countdown
to pulse check.

Five, four,

three, two, one.

All right. Pulse check,
then, please.

There's an output.

Is there?

Wait, has somebody called ITU?

There is.


I thought you might need a coffee.

Oh, thank you.

That's very kind.

Have you any idea how many phone
calls I've just made on this thing?

Her GP and her consultant have put
her on every available waiting list.

Have you any idea how many years
Duffy has given to the NHS?

I'm sure if there was a way, then...

All those late finishes,
early starts, double shifts,

messed-up Christmases, and this
is what they're giving her back.

They're failing her.
They've let her down!

I'll chase ITU.
See when they can get him up.

What just happened?

How was that missed?

Ethan, we just saved
a man's life in there!

Yeah, a man whose life should
never have been in danger.

You haven't been here!

I have been busy. Rash, I thought
you were a capable junior doctor!

I AM capable!

Then how come a man has come
in from a ceiling collapse

and nearly died from blood clots
that nobody noticed?

You know PE is known as
the silent k*ller!

Did he come in with broken bones?

No. Were his lungs
likely to be full of...

He was coughing up blood
in the middle of the department.

Mason, tell him!

Do you know what? This isn't
even the first time, is it?

Do you need me to spell out
how many mistakes you've made

in the past few weeks?What?!
Rash, you are becoming a liability.

I just saved his life!

Right, I need you to finish these
ambulance handover times...

I wasn't even meant to be there!
You can stay in cubicles until

the end of your shift and run
every treatment plan past me

until I know exactly what's
happened.I was meant to be

with my educational supervisor
You know I was meant to be.

If I found out that you've been
negligent...I don't believe this! any way, there is no way I can
sign you off for this placement.

I've printed off some information
about a private dementia clinic.

They've got support groups
and treatment options.

How much would that cost?

Just take a look at it.

Look, I know you're trying -
and thank you -

but we could never
afford any of that.

What was all that about?

What? He's my mentor.

So what am I? Nobody?

Marty, where are
Mr Pratchett's? X-rays?

Right, all your info's in there.

Thank you.Take care.

I just wanted to say I'm very sorry.

Oh, I got you something.

Do you know how hard it is to find
pickled onion crisps in a hospital?

Apology accepted.

Thank you.I'm quitting teaching.

I'm going to set up
a dog-walking business.

Not because of today, I hope?

When they get a bit lively, you
only have to chuck them a ball.

I'm going to leave the moody
teenagers to the professionals.

Sure, thanks.

Come on. Let's get you home.

Dad, just one more thing.

When we had our chat, I phoned Mum.

I've been going through Micky's...
Talk to your mentor.

Look - what's this, on the X-ray?

Charlie, I want you to have
some money I've saved.

It's only a couple of thousand,
but still...

You can't do that.

I'm not really saving it
for anything special.

No, no, Robyn, you need that
money for Charlotte.Please!

No, you can't afford it!

WE can't afford it! We just have
to place our trust in the NHS

and carry on.

And every now and then...

..somebody offers something
that's so kind... really makes things easier.

Oh, come here!

Sorry, Ade?

Sorry, could you tell us when Micky
had his gastric band fitted?

What gastric band?

Was it...?

You didn't know.

Hey.As soon as I find somewhere
else to live, I'm off.

What? What? No.I get it.
You're angry, David.

I'm not angry!He tells me things
and I don't tell you.

Listen, I...But you know what?

He asked me not to because
he was worried about you.

Sorry, would you just...Maybe
I did right, maybe I did wrong.

I don't know, you know,
but his happiness,

that is what really matters.
That's what's important!

He called his mum.Yeah? She
probably hates me now, too, huh?

You know what? I don't care.

You probably think I'm lying anyway
because that's what I do, isn't it?

I lie about my boyfriends.
I have a fake life.

Who's to say what I say about
your son isn't...Nobody is saying

anything of the sort.
You know, what I feel about him

and this family... real.

I have to pack.

Er, wait! No, hang on!

So are you with anyone?

Me? No. Not even close.

No-one tells you it's all so hard.

Look, when you came in this
morning, he was so scared

he was going to lose you.

I've been scared he'd
trade me up for years.

What?! No, he loves you!So, why
do I find it so hard to believe?

Maybe... Maybe growing up gay.

I mean, we all spend so much
of our lives feeling...

..feeling alone.

I wrote my vows two years ago,

when I first asked him.
Yeah? What did they say?

"I promise to love you,

"to stand beside you and to hold
your hand, so you can walk tall

"and proud."That's beautiful.

Yeah. So, why haven't
we done that yet?

Look, whatever he's done,

I'm sure that it has absolutely
nothing to do with you.


The guy he was with before me,

he really messed with Micky's head.

Always putting him down,

picking at the way he looked,
cheating on him.

I mean, I couldn't even
hear the guy's name.

It made me so angry to think
that someone could do that

to the man I loved,
and yet here I am.

But that's not you, though.
Isn't it?

The way that you look at him,

the fear when you thought
you might lose him,

if I had someone that looked at me
that way...Yeah, but if I've never

managed to make him
feel beautiful...

..or enough?

Wait, wait, I am NOT angry!

Yeah, I'm just a crazy fake woman!

Looking out for us, for Ollie.

You know, helping him to talk to me,

telling me what he was
scared of - that...

Look, that was brilliant.

You are a brilliant mum.

I am not his mum.

You are a brilliant fake mum.

Look, if you go...
Then I'm coming with you.

Oh, you are?

Yeah. I mean I've spoke to Mum
and that's what I want, so...

He's moving in. Full-time.

Well, if you think I'm doing
all the cleaning...

No, you scratch my back,
I scratch yours.

I don't want my back scratched.
I don't want any funny business.

No, no. It's just an expression.

I'll do it.

I'll be...David.

I mean, you know,
the...the other David.

What other David?Don't.

I will be your fake boyfriend.

When my mother comes?

Yes, when your mother comes.

Now, I can't promise I'll
be up on a horse by then,

but I'll do my best.

Thank you!Yeah, thank you.

I mean, even his boyfriend
didn't know.

Why would he not tell him he'd had
an op?And then stay sat down

on a long-haul flight
that soon right after.

Rash! I thought I said cubicles?!

Here he is.



There never was a man in Mexico,
was there?

You didn't want me
perfect for the wedding.

You didn't want the house.

It was you, wasn't it?

Seven years. I...

..keep trying to prove
that I'm not your ex...

..and all I've done is
make you feel like he did.

I've been so wrapped up thinking
I'm not some fancy professional...

Come here.

You're perfect.

You've always been perfect to me.

It wasn't my fault!
We were just...celebrating.

Give the man a break, yeah?
Celebrating?Ethan, come on.

This is ridiculous.No, no.
Hang on. A man nearly died today

and you were celebrating?
The guy had a gastric band

no-one knew about.I was only on
that case because you weren't there.

Excuse me!Mason was only on it
because once again you dumped

the junior doctor you're supposed
to be mentoring on to me.

No, no, no. If you had been
listening and not spending

so much time on your phone...
If you stopped off-loading

all of your workload onto me, I
wouldn't be in that situation.Rash!

OK, look, we were all sympathetic

when your mum passed away...What?!

No, no, don't bring
my mum into this!

..and when you and Gem split up...
You tried to jeopardise my job!

You can't keep bringing
your personal problems into work.

I was trying to see my supervisor
to talk about all of this.

You have to find a way
to move on from your grief.