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34x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 11/08/23 09:49
by bunniefuu

Allahu Akbar.


Allahu Akbar.

Sami'a Allaahu liman hamidah.

Allahu Akbar.


Abu, it's OK.

It's OK.



Oh, OK, OK.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!



You've just got to stay
in control...



..and focused... all times.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ah, ha! Oooooh...

How was that?


That was...that was fun.


Proper emergency stop.Yeah.

Right. Your go - Tallulah.

We're sticking with that
nickname, then, are we?

Not the worst I've ever had, but...



Good to go?


I thought it was a*t*matic.

Not changed that much
since your last stint.

No. OK.

So, this is designed to go fast.

Yeah, well, it's not our car, but...

I don't think they'll mind!

I think they'll be a little
concerned about tyre wear.

No, OK...speed.

Speed it is.



Er... Good.

Thanks for coming... my little show.

Ready to be entranced.

Since the, um...

SLOWLY:Since the beginning
of the year,

every NHS Trust and, um, CCG,

er, have been, um, obliged

to agree organisation-level
operational plans.




Um...cost effectiveness

of the whole system,
rather than, um,

cost shifting between organisations.

Yes, young man? How can I...?

Oh, hi, Ollie!
I thought you were in Spain?

Yeah, not any more.
I'm here to see my dad.

Is he expecting you?



Phone's ringing. It might be urgent.
Oh! Right.

Hello, Holby ED.

Still no sign?

The official line is "leave of
absence due to personal reasons".

Rehab then?

Sounds all right to me -
I could do with a rest.

Do you have anything to eat?


Something's happening?

Yeah, well, hospitals for you.

There's always something.

Right, item 10,

as discussed at every meeting
since the beginning of time...

..projected targets.


Shall we see?

Oh! Sorry.



Mashallah you got to say goodbye.

You know, it was good that
the last person she saw was you,

and that you were strong for her.


Abu, what did he say?

Big accident, emergency.

We should go sit with her now.

Maybe I should get to the ED.

Today, you're a son, not a doctor.

No, no. No, no, no, no, Dad.

Stay here, Rashid. I'm telling you.

Abu, it's bad. They'll need all
the help they can get at the ED.

But it's your mother's funeral!

Look, the men are talking.
They're worried it's t*rrorists.

If it is, it's not safe for you.
You're better off in here -

grieving for your mother.

Dad, I'm sorry.

Sorry, everybody, if I could have
your attention just for a minute?

We have had to declare
a major incident,

which means that we are expecting
a large number of casualties

to come through those doors
very soon,

along with a lot of
seriously injured people.

So for those of you
with minor injuries,

you'll find directions to the
Minor Injuries Unit at the exit.

For those of you who are
emergencies, or immobile,

you will not be forced out.
But I have to make you aware

that there will be
a very long waiting time.


Thank you.

Thanks, doing a great job.

Cheers, much appreciated.

Thank you.
Keep checking the website, please.

Good work, good work.
What news?

Well, St James' have declared
as well. So, sounds big.

Well, let's just get prepared
and stick to procedure.

Well, I mean, I've got a full resus.

I've tried to clear
a couple of beds but...

I have to give you this...

Oh, lovely...and one of these.
OK.And let's delegate, shall we?

Yeah, well, have we got any staff
locally that we can call in?

Robyn's on that.OK, all right.
We should... You've...

Who's this guy? Has he been triaged?

Haven't a clue.

Looks like he's expecting treatment.

Seems a shame not to have
a completely clear reception?

Hello, sir. Can I help you?

Paid my stamp all my life. Paid
for all sorts to get treated here.

Now it's my turn.OK.

What, may I ask, is wrong?

Bleeding oven chips.

OK. Go home.

It hurts!
I might be scarred for life!

ON RADIO:Sitrep please, over.

Yes, this is Bronze Commander.

The ED is in the presence
of being cleared.

Teams and areas are prepped
for receiving.

Well, if you stick around, then
you can see how we spend your money.

The report's saying
possible terror attack?

There's our first point of contact.
I'll find out.

What have we got?It's not good!

Somebody's driven a heavy goods
vehicle into the market.

Keep it clear!
We've got ambulances coming out!

Where's...?Did you hear that?Yep.

I'll get the kit.OK.
Er, is it straight through?Yeah.




Wake up!



Yeah, sure, I'll sort that.

Dr Keogh, ITU have no beds
at the moment

and no patients they can move.

They're waiting on staff
for the recovery rooms.

OK, fantastic, fantastic.

Oh, are you here to work?Yeah.

I need these two patients
from outside resus, please.

And Charlie will get you
one of these smashing bibs.OK.

All right, Rash?

Good to have you back, mate!
Looking smart!

What have we got?
I'm all right here, mate.

I think Ethan needs
some help, though.

Ethan! Anything?

They're still triaging and moving
the walking wounded. Nearly there.

What about the driver?
Someone's assessing.

Or are you asking
if he looked like mujahaddin?

Hang on! I'll move that
for you lads.


Is he all right?Yeah, I think so.

I'm going to put him on
the ambulance.

His dad's in here somewhere.

Listen, Ruby needs you
by the coffee van.

Right, I'll be back in a minute.OK.


Over here!

OK, so Jenny and Andy Grifith.

Andy is Jenny's father. He's caught
under the back of this truck.

OK.So Fire Service think we can
get them both out at the same time

by lifting and pulling
the truck out.

Right, good. Good. That's good.
Ethan, I need you to make the call -

who comes on my ambulance, who waits
for the next one - all right?

OK, but that will depend on
the extent of the crush injuries.

All right, come with me.

Right, this is Andy.


Hello, Andy? I'm Dr Hardy.
Can you hear me all right?

Yeah. Get Jenny out first.
Don't worry about me.

We're going to get you both out.

Can you tell me
how much pain you're in?

I'm telling you all now to
get my daughter away from here.

I'm going to check his pedal pulse.

Mr Grifith, all right,
I know this is your concern,

but if you can stay calm,
we have to assess you both.

Don't tell me she's fine again.
I know she's fine.

I want her away from here,
quick as possible.

I've read about these situations.

There's secondary att*cks
to get the police and the army.

Nobody's saying that this is
a terror attack.Oh, yeah?

You often pop to the market in
a ten-tonne truck, do you?


OK, I'm just going to go and
check on your daughter.Please!

Minor neuro deficit?

I'm pretty confident that
it's stemming any bleed.OK.

Do you get a lot of stick
for being called Dr Hardy?


Yeah, but luckily,
there's plenty of other things

for them to pick on as well.
How are you feeling, Jenny?

All right, sorry.

Sit tight. We're going to get you
out of here, mate.

Reduced circulation in
both his ankles.

It's poor cap refill.

I want more IV pain relief

before we even think about
moving her.

Get my dad out in the meantime!



What was that?

Oi! What was that?

Are you new?

No, no, I've been travelling.

What brings you back?

I can't find my phone.

Sorry, lovey -
I was just looking for my phone.

I'll check where you were.

Does... Does anyone know
you're here?

Yeah, my husband, but I sent him off
cos he kept fussing over me.

He's a fuss pot.

I know the type.

The thing is,
I sent him off on an errand,

for stuff we don't even need.

OK, well, we can tell him
where you've been moved to.

No. I sent him to the market.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
OK, OK, thanks. Yeah.

Your mum had no idea.

I wanted to see you.

Yeah, but we're going to meet
tomorrow, aren't we?

Now, Ollie, look.

You know... You know on any other
day, I'd love to see you,

but this is a big emergency, yeah?

You are going to have to stay
in here - no leaving this room,

unless you need to go to the toilet.

No, no, seriously! And then...

Even then, you have to come
straight back, OK?

Your mum will come and pick you up
as soon as she can.

Look, I've got to take this, OK?

Yes? Don't move!

Have they said who did it?

No, the guys at the mosque
were worried.

I bet they were.

I mean, I mean that
in the right way.

I mean, you're just getting on
with life

and people are committing
atrocities in your name.

Good news.

Ooh! That's a first. Thank you.

"All fine,
I went to the bookies instead"?

I'll m*rder him.

Right, here's your lift.

That's me done.

It was nice meeting you.And you.

Enjoy the new view, Mrs Part.

And don't let them get you down.

I'll try not to.

Yeah, I think he's my
biggest concern of the two.

He's got poor circulation
in both ankles,

he's complaining of back pain,
numbness below the waist.

So if it's going to take...

Ten minutes?

..ten minutes,
ten minutes to secure the wall,

then I think we extract him now
and her when it's safe to do so.

cause more damage?

Maybe, but not as much as all that
metal falling on top of her.

Did you say you need to
raise it slightly?Yeah.

OK, I'll give her ketamine
and keep an eye on the impalement.

Fine, we just need a patient.Yeah.

Yeah, OK. Let's get them out then,

I'm seeing another side
to you, Grandma.


Better than Tallulah, I suppose.

Hi, Ollie? Rosa.

Your father asked me
to bring you some food.

I can't eat this.Why?

It's not vegan.

Are you hungry?
Because I haven't got time for this.

A little.

Is it over yet?Huh?

I really want to see my dad.

I'm going to find you
something vegan, OK?



NOEL:Archie? Are you OK?

Charlie, shall we do
a quick status update?


OK, so bed 1 back from CT -
that's good.

Who's got the results of that scan?

I should have them
in the next few minutes.

Great, OK. Well, we'll formulate
a care plan once we've got those.

Now, bed two is critical.

The anaesthetist did
the intubation there.

How's it going, Jacob.
You all right?I'm on it.

Well, you give us a shout
if you need anything, OK?Will do.

No bed in ITU. ITU is still full.

Right, OK. Our crash victim.

Robyn, how's the relocation going?

Yeah, I'm struggling.
But we're nearly there, I think.

All right, OK.
Well, brains, not brawn?

Four is still Mr Wilson.Isn't it?

We've tried every trick in the book
to get him a move.

OK, well, that's less than helpful.
Just so everybody knows, OK,

we've got an open femur fracture,
suspected pelvic fracture,

and a head injury coming in, so...

OK, bed four, Mr Wilson,
can we get him to a General ward?

You can take him to obs and gynae
as far as I'm concerned

as long as it's safe and clean.
OK, well, General have a bed free.

Surprising source.
Well, let's get him out of here.

Are you sure you're OK, Jacob?
Yep. All good.

Good, good. All good for now.

All right, Andy. Take some nice
deep breaths on that for me, mate.

We're nearly there.We'll get you
out of here, mate, all right?

This is the plan, OK?

It's all right, OK?

They're just using these little
jacks to lift the van up, OK?

How long, please?

Nearly there.

OK, we're nearly there.
Go see to him.

No, no, he's being looked after, and
you're my priority at the moment.

God, it's my fault!

Come on.

I don't think you drive a...

..ten-tonne lorry, do you?

His blood pressure was high,
so I'm making him walk everywhere

and eat fresh food.
Jenny, this is not your fault.

I wanted to pay for him to go
on holiday, somewhere chilled out.

I guess that'll go on physio?

We're going to do everything
we can to prevent that.


Ready to move.
He saw the lorry.

He pushed me out of the way and
started shouting for others to move.

The cars were like pinballs.

So were the people.

Ready, steady, lift.


It's OK.

Ready, brace, slide.



Two seconds.


You said you'd get her first.

All right, we're going to get her
now, OK? She'll be right behind you.

Nice deep breaths, Andy.
Well done, mate.



Right, this lady, she's going to be
your lift, all right?

Hello, my lovely.

Now, we'll have you out of here
in no time at all.

Does anyone know what happened?


We've got an indication here.
Everybody out!

What's happening?


Sir, ma'am, I need you to leave.

What's happening?
It's just a precaution.

Sir, I need you to leave.
Yeah, OK. I can't leave my patient.

Sir, come with me.Doctor!
Sir, come with me!Doctor! Ethan!

Doctor!I can't leave my patient.


WHISPERS:They've found a device.

I can't leave her.You have to.


What's happening?

OK, Jenny, I'm coming back.

OK, it's just a precaution. OK?




expl*si*n ECHOES

What have we got?OK, this is Andy.
He's 38.

Approximately 45 minutes ago,
he was trapped under a vehicle...

Resus, please, mate.


Hey, mate. Gem's fine, by the way.

Don't worry about that.

Your mum?

I'm just helping out.

You been to the funeral today?

It's not quite like that.
There's a few days of things.

Yeah, but you shouldn't be at work,
mate.I'm fine. Who's this?

Erm, we thought best to bring him in
while we locate his dad.

OK, erm, well,
why don't I check you over,

and I can find somewhere
for you to wait?

I-I don't think English
is his first language.

Cool name, though - Zinedin.

Zinedin, this is Rash.

OK, we'll go this way.

I'll see you later, OK?


There's been an expl*si*n
at the site.

They're saying it was a device.

Zinedin, how's your English?

English? Do you speak English?

A little? A little. OK, that's...
That's good.

I'll try and get an interpreter
for us when it gets quiet.

Erm, so this...

This, it's... It's good, OK?
There's no serious damage.

OK, it's good.

This number, is it...
Is this your mum?


Your dad? It's your dad.

Right, good.

Good boy -
I can hardly remember my own number.










Al? Al?

I thought I'd lost you.


I can't move.


Sit tight, eh?

So, that's Dr Massum at Holby ED.
Zinedin, he's safe and well.

Please give me a call
on this number.

Ah, sorry, you're needed.

OK. Can you get Zinedin to
the family room?

Hold on, I can do better than that.
Leave him with me.


Hey. OK, I have to work.

I'll look for your dad.


Yeah, Abu.

You, you stay with Noel.

Allah hafiz.

Allah hafiz.

Where is everyone?


Could be more devices.


Yeah. Yeah. Are you OK?
Are you injured?


But it hurts like hell.

Well, we'll have to just sit tight,
as you say.


Jenny! Where's Jenny?

Jenny, who...?
She's my daughter.

She was behind us,
she was being brought in behind us.

I'm sure she'll be fine, Andy.

It could be that she was brought to
a different hospital or something.

There was a lot of people injured.

No, he promised.
The doctor, he promised.

OK, well, if he promised,

then we can expect her
any minute, then, can't we?

For now, though,
we need to get you better.

Will you let us do that, Andy?


Ethan? Don't stop talking.

Er, just trying to get my phone.

Ring us a pizza, will you?
I'm starving.



It'll get the taste of blood
out of my mouth.

I think I'm hurt pretty badly.

Yeah. Yeah, me as well.

Let's go out shouting, eh?

Make some noise?





Come on, Al.



Come on, man, you're...
You're the one with the voice!

Al, please! Al!

Under here!

Can you clear the way, please?

Unknown male from major incident.

Multiple trauma injuries,

obvious head injury with frontal
swelling and a big scalp lac.

Airway pressures began to rise
in the last few minutes -

suspected bilateral

Jade, with me, please.
Rigid abdomen

and query fractured pelvis
and bilateral femurs.

RSI'd at scene,
GCS 8 prior to sedation.

Size 8 tube, 22 at the teeth.
Right, when we're all ready, please.

Across on lift. Ready, brace, lift.


His tachy at 130.
Hypotensive. 90 systolic.

Bilateral large bore cannulae with
second unit of O-neg going in now.

Pelvic binder
and traction splints in situ.

He's had a gram of TXA, a litre
of fluid and ketamine on induction.

Right. Thanks, Iain. OK, let's start
the primary survey, then, please.

Can we get the rapid infuser
as quickly as we can,

and let's activate the major
haemorrhage protocol?

He's obviously lost a lot of blood.

Yeah, one on the floor,
plus four more.

Jade, cross match
and ROTEM sample, please.

Let's get it back into him
as a priority, please.

Try and keep him warm.

Need another four hands in here!

How does the chest sound?

Reduced air entry on both sides -
query bilateral haemopneumothoraces.

Do you think it needs an X-ray?

Heart rate 140, No, I don't think
he's stable enough.

OK, let's do the chest drains here.
Jacob, can you do that side?Yep.

OK, bloods are up and running.

Whoa! Dylan! He's bleeding out!
Same my side!

OK, well, let's concentrate on
pumping the blood back to him, then.

Jade, can we run 1 to 1
FFP to red cells, please,

and let's get a gram of TXA as well.
I'm keeping the pressure on here,

but the priority is
the chest bleeds, OK?

He looks dead. There's no output.

Hypovolemic arrest.
OK, let's start compressions, then.

A gram of adrenaline, please.

Let's get those drains in
and secured, OK?

So doctors really do make
the worst patients.

Are you sure about this?

Well, you need a bed
and I need a change of scenery.

Who's in...?

Who's running the department?

It's not Connie,
if that's what you're fishing for.

We have got a major incident now.

Let's just take it one day
at a time, all right?

And where was you?


And your dad?

Right, I have an apple and some
kind of oat bar - apparently vegan.

You can take my word for it.

Oh! Are you multiplying
to make fun of me?

I suppose you're hungry too? You.

Hungry? Hm!

I'll be back.

And your dad?


Yeah, where was your dad?


OK, let's pause CPR.
Do a pulse check, please.

OK, rumour has it that
we have the perpetrator here.

OK, well, we're not acting
on rumours.

There's something. Is it?

Let's not celebrate just yet.

OK, so let's get him stabilised.

Should we send him to theatre?No,
he's not out of our hands just yet.

Robyn, can you grab a good hand
full of arterial clamps, please?

Thank you.
If you could open them up for me...

Yeah, keep them coming,
keep them coming.Mm-hm.

OK, a finger there, please, Robyn.

Yeah, that's a lot better, isn't it?

Great, OK. Now, let's stabilise him
and get him to theatre.

Thank you.

Is that him?Abu?

No, out, out, out, out!

Jade, can you call security, please?

Oi, stop filming!

This is him - the t*rror1st!

He was in the lorry, his kid said.

OK, I'm not going to ask again.
Leave now, please.

This is the geezer what done it.

His boy said he was at the lorry.


Everybody, shut up, please!




Al? Al!

Ethan, it's Jan. We've got you.


Ethan, can you hear me?

Ready, brace, slide.

Ready, brace, lift.

Have you... Have you got him out?

Get him on the trolley, please.

Jan?You need to stay
as still as possible.

I've got to check you out.

Jan, I thought we were dying.

We were dying.

I need you to stay as still
as possible, love.



He was on top of you.

He bled out.

He was caught by the full force.

They're taking him to St James's.

I need you to get
checked out at Holby, OK?

What did the police say?

They rang an interpreter.

His dad was trying to get onto
the lorry, to grab the wheel.

Wow! Your dad's a brave man.

The driver was DOA at St James's.

I'll see what's going on.

OK, just one minute.

Draw something nice?

Yeah, it's still here.

OK, thank you very much.

Theatres are ready for him now.

Erm, Dylan... Dylan said
he could say hello.

A very brief hello.

I've spoken to Iain. You all right?


Erm... Rash, he can come through now
if he wants to.

Inshallah, little man.

Erm, Charlie?
I think I'm going to...

Yeah. Go. Don't worry. Listen, I...

I think it was brilliant
what you did.

I'm sure she'd be very proud of you.


Oh, can you take Zinedin after?
His mum's on her way.


Ah, you know that patient
we took up, Mrs Part?Yeah?

They can't find her transfer papers.

Yeah, I put them under the trolley.
I'll go find them.

OK, thanks.




Oh, thank you.

A friend of mine that I thought
might have been caught up,

but he was just at the cinema!

Sorry, Ethan, that was...

Erm, the gentleman that got
brought in first,

he said that his daughter
was following?

No. She's dead.

I'm going to go and, er,

see if there's someone that can
come and sit with you.

I think you need somebody
more qualified

than I am to talk with, OK?

Just stay here, OK?



Ollie, Ollie! We can talk now.
I've been stood down.

We've got to get home.
I've got work to catch up on.

Come on. Just... I don't know,
just a couple of minutes?

Ollie's caused enough inconvenience
for one day, don't you think?

Er...Dad, I'm sorry if I got you
into trouble.

What, you get...?

I'm always in trouble.

Say thank you to Rosa for me.

Who's Rosa?

Er, just a porter.

Hey, you look great.

Thanks.So do you.

Go and wait in the car.

Did you encourage him to do this?

Oh, yeah - it was Invite Your Child
to a Major Incident Day today.

Don't be flippant!
Don't ask stupid questions.

It's just, you seem...wired.

Well, you deal with what we did
today and you would seem wired.

Tell him to call me!

Excuse me, Mrs Part, I...

What happened?She arrested.

I'll go notify the next of kin.



ANDY'S VOICE:Get Jenny out first.
Don't worry about me.

Get my daughter away from here!

JENNY'S VOICE:Doctor! Ethan!



Erm, I believe

there is a clinical fellowship
position that requires filling,

if you've done wandering?

There's the small issue
of my girlfriend

a few thousand miles away.

Good. That's not a no.

It's not.No, it's not. Er...

I heard about your mum, by the way.
I'm sorry about that.

It was very commendable of you
to come in today,

but you were invaluable.

A good member of the team.

So, it's good to have you back.


Oh, my God.

There was...

..a second incident.

It went off before
we could get Jenny out.

It would have been instant.

You promised me.

Yeah, I know.
You should have got her out first.

Andy?Just don't.

You were in greater need
of treatment, and...

..I tried.Get out.

Get out!

If you knew what this feels like,
you'd have got her out.

My beautiful girl.

If you knew what it feels like
to lose everything you love...

I do know.

Noel, that's for you,
and that's for you.

Thank goodness.

Thanks, Dr Keogh.

Right, we've come off alert.

So, technically, I can treat you.

I'm going to go home.

I just wanted to apologise.

I heard what the bloke actually did.


Come on, let's have a look.

OK, Noel, can you find me a nurse?

This will need an antibiotic cream,
and it will need dressing as well.


Why are you helping me?

We treat all sorts in here, mate.

Did anybody invite the porters
and the domestic staff?

I'll go get them.Well done.

Marty, so you know,
we are - at least theoretically -

still on divert for
the next half hour or so.

Got plenty of credit on the news.

Jacket was outside your office.

Oh, thank you.

Erm, I...

I should say as well that,
you know, I think... the absolute worst of
circumstances today,

this department showed...

..well, everything
that it should be,

and I hope that you're
all proud of yourself.

Everything all right, David?
Er, fine. Yes...

It's nothing.

It doesn't look like nothing.

It's just a... No...

It's just a silly joke.
It's not the time.

Come on, I could use a silly joke
right about now.

Come on!

It's obviously very amusing to you.

It is.

May I get a chance to see
this precious material,

whatever it might be?

They've sent you.
OK, thank you. Erm...

Oh, it's just a bad drawing of me
going "Blah, blah, blah!"

Well, come on.
It's not a BAD drawing.

No, I think it's a really good one.
It's good, it's very good.

I don't think it is very good.
I don't go, "Blah, blah, blah."

I'd say it's more of a drone
than a blah, really.

Yeah, don't... Don't help...
Don't help me, guys.

I'd say it's more like white noise.

I find it helps me to get to sleep
some nights.


"Well, I think you've all done
rather well under my authority!"

Is that me? I think
I prefer "Blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah!Blah, blah...



Wa Alaikum Salaam.

Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just on my way back.

Dad, can we sit with her?


..can I get my old room back?

OK, I'll see you in a bit.