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20x09 - Ache

Posted: 11/08/23 09:36
by bunniefuu
Your discomfort is due to the formation of scar tissue.

Well, maybe next time you're actually going to listen

when everybody's telling you to take it easy.

You know, your bedside manner really leaves a lot to be desired.

I took some steps to help.

You wrote a fraudulent back-dated prescription

and were about to fake Ric's signature.

Has Professor Gaskell told anyone else about this?

I don't know. I don't think so.

The memories are there, Ollie, they're just obscured.

We will get there.

She's having a stroke.

- Are you?
- No! - She is.

Does this change anything, treatment wise?

I think we need to be cautious about reading too much into it.

- If I can diagnose it...
- Let's not jump to any conclusions.

Nurse Jackson.

- We need a conversation.
- Do we?

- What do you know about TMS?
- What?

Actually, I'm running a bit late, so...

Transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Ah. Magic magnets.

Carefully targeted electromagnetic pulses

from a water-cooled figure-of-eight focal coil.

It has some advocates for the treatment of pain

and chronic depression.

I was reading a paper last night - TMS and traumatic brain injury.

You mean to treat Oliver Valentine?

Has to be worth a try.

Not if it's only marginally more effective than crystal healing!

If Ollie's ever going to be a doctor again,

it'll be down to a treatment that hasn't been proven yet.

- A doctor?
- He diagnosed a stroke.

A few days ago. It's all in there, we just have to unlock it.

I think Bill Lewenstein's running something in Albuquerque...

No, no. I'm talking about setting up a programme here.

- You want to approach the board for funding?
- I do, yes.

I can't say I'd be enthusiastic.

You don't think I can do this?

It's Oliver Valentine I'm thinking about.

Ms Naylor will be along soon, she's just been delayed with something...


Hey, are you in charge here?

Define "in charge".

I've been sat here since ..

Cheryl Sutcliffe, yes, yes, we're still waiting to clear a bed.

Only I know I'm supposed to be on a diet and everything...

- But you're starting to dream about bacon sandwiches.
- Yeah.

Bowls of muesli!

You might think that's funny, but the room's starting to spin!

We will get to you, I promise, but would you mind?

Thank you.

Is there a doctor in the house?

- What?
- Her ladyship.

She's normally here by now giving us all earache.

That is very rude.

- Me? Rude about Jac Naylor? Heaven forbid.
- No.

The implication that I am somehow not a doctor.

You are most definitely a doctor.

- Just not THE doctor.
- Still rude.

Trying to run a hospital, not a charm school!

What's happening?

I am bidding you farewell, Mr Copeland.

Was it something I said?

Sheilagh's going for a cerebral angiogram

and then she's being transferred to AAU.

Where am I going?

You're going down to where

Benjamin's working today, on the ground floor.

Easier for my escape.

Why wasn't I told about this?

Serena called first thing.

OK, well, does it not make more sense for Sheila to be

somewhere where Neuro can keep an eye on her?

Then who's going to keep an eye on Benjamin?

- See ya.

OK, so why did Lofty not, A, tell me,

B, come and collect her himself,

and C...

..tell me?

Are you feeling a little bit paranoid?

It's only paranoia if it isn't true.

Look, he's just working on AAU this week.

Always with the details.

Look, for all you know, he might be thinking the same thing about you.

Shut the door, Petrenko.

- Are you in pain?
- No.

mg gabapentin tells me different.

Well, I took two so I'm not.

You're still on the floor.

I'm waiting for it to kick in.

On a scale of one to ten?

I'm not a patient, so don't talk to me like one.

I assume I'm needed on the ward.

What if I said, "No, not in this state"?

I'd tell you to get out of my way.

I came here to learn from you.

I'm sick of having to pick you up and put you back together.

Nobody's asking you to!

Go home.

I'll cancel your lists.

Remember who you're talking to.

Rest and morphine - mg - just to take the edge off.

Give your body a chance to heal.

Yeah, and watch Darwin get chewed into little bits

while I become a drug-addled wreck.

It's pain relief.

You're the only pain I need relief from right now.


- Marvin, you OK?
- The oxygen, it isn't...

OK, just stay there. Ms Macmillan!

OK, Marvin, we need to get that oxygen mask on you...

Try to keep your eyes open.

Deep, regular breaths.

Marvin, I'm going to give you some sumatriptan.

So that's what a cluster headache looks like.

- Oliver...
- I'm glad I don't have those.

Oliver, could you give Mr Copsey some privacy, please?

You swear to me that this VN thing you're putting in me...

Vagal nerve stimulation.

It's going to stop this?

It's going to work, please tell me it's going to work!

- It will.
- Hang on a minute. Are you sure?

Mr Valentine, those are confidential.

I'm a doctor, apparently.

You're not Mr Copsey's doctor.

- The only label I have for myself.
- I understand, but...

You've got a history of cardiac arrhythmia. VNS,

that's the electrical pulse...

..thing you're thinking of sticking inside your chest,

and wiring up to the nerve - the vagus nerve,

the very same nerve that sends control signals from your brain

- to your heart...
- Oliver, enough.

What's he saying?

- Essie...
- Come on. - We talked about this.

The risks are very, very slim.

- You have to be honest with patients!
- Ollie!

Sorted now, Mrs Sutcliffe?

I was telling Ms Naylor about my diet.

- I've lost three stone.
- Please.

I went to the smoking clinic, like you said.



- What?
- LFT results.

Is there a problem?

- Ms Naylor?
- Sorry?

You are doing it, aren't you?

- What?
- My bypass.

Yes. Of course I'm doing it.

Have to wait a bit longer for that muesli, then.

Is there a reason you're still in here, Mr Fletcher?

I did have a ciggie last week.

But it was just the one, I promise.

- Been a bit stressful lately...
- Excuse me.

Shall I order a chest CT, then?

Do you really have to ask?

I'm here, I'm here.

- Sorry I'm late, the meeting ran over.
- Ms Campbell...

Yes, it's an impossible situation.

- Two hats, one head.
- Can I speak to you in private?

I don't have time for "private",

Donna, you'll have to make do with sotto voce.

- It's Professor Gaskell...
- What about him? - He's back.

- Did he say anything to you?
- He tried to.

- What do you mean, he tried to?
- Like, sort of...ran away. - Oh.

- What if he comes to find me?
- It's not you I'm worried about.

You think I don't know that?

I don't want to make this worse for Ric than it already is!

- Do you know there's a letter for you?
- I'm just having a word...

I think it's from the CPS.

It says so on the envelope. Just seems odd they've sent it here.

Yeah. I didn't know if I was still going to be at Ric's...

- Gran.
- Put her in the side room, please.

- It's better that she's here.
- You sure?

Yes, yes, it'll be easier to concentrate with her nearby.

I'm sorry. I haven't been myself at all.

Don't worry, when my mother was in, I could barely think.

It made my life a lot simpler to have her here, in AAU.

It'll be reassuring for Sheilagh, too.

The real issue is, what happens next?

I'm not happy with her being on her own at all.

Have you said that to her?

I'm not sure she's ready for that conversation yet.

Well, she won't be going anywhere

until we get a full neuro assessment.

BEEPER BEEPS Oh, I don't believe it.

Right! Excuse me.

I'm putting an end to this nonsense.

The meds are just taking a while. Give me half an hour, I'll be fine.

Triamcinolone mg - with a sniff of bupivacaine -

it'll knock that out for weeks.

You can continue your work unhindered.

I am not "hindered", thank you.

Cheryl Sutcliffe has only just made her target weight.

She as much as admitted she is still smoking.

Not to mention her raised LFTs.

Which are still within reasonable parameters.

A pain-free Jac Naylor would have torn her to pieces

until she begged to confess all of her mortal sins.


- OK, let's do it.
- Good decision.

- Wait stop.
- What?

- Where did you get it?
- Pharmacy.

- You wrote a prescription?
- Of course. - With my name on it?

I used my initiative.

You wrote a script with someone else's name?

It'll be our secret.

That a consultant encouraged her junior

to fabricate a bogus prescription.

I am trying to help you.

I don't want it.

You can barely stand, let alone walk.

How do you think this is going to work?

Just do all the pre-surgical prep and then report to me here.

What if I say no?

Don't forget who has to sign off your permanent

placement on Darwin following the merger staff review.

You're in theatre in a few hours.

Keep Fletch out of this room.

Do you think you can manage that?

Why would he even want to come in after you were so rude to him?

I wasn't rude. DOOR SLAMS


I've explained to Mr Copsey that you were trying to be helpful.

He's still a little bit upset.

The other night, with Sheilagh, it felt like...

..tumblers were falling into place.

- You saved her life.
- For a moment, I knew who I was,

and then it's slipped through my fingers again.

These things take time.

- Arghhhh!
- Ollie?

If anyone says that "time" thing again, I will k*ll them!

And with my brain injury, I'd probably get away with it.

If it's never coming back, tell me.

I can accept it!

I am not about to do that.

And I'm not going to spend the next months and years

trying to fix something that can't be fixed.

You've made fantastic progress.

Don't scream!

Everyone tells me what a great doctor I was,

but maybe I should be focusing on who I am now.

And that's what we're going to do,

- but that doesn't mean we forget about who you were.
- But I'm...


I'm just picking up bits of myself off the floor.

Aren't I?

Look me in the eye and tell me it's ever been anything more than that.

There is...

- ..something.
- Something?

It's called transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS.

Now we've got the b*llet out of your skull,

I'm going to set up a research programme.

- With me as your guinea pig?
- It's non invasive.

It's administered via water-cooled electromagnets.


- Oh, you're serious?
- Absolutely.


It sounds a bit mad.

I wouldn't suggest it if it wasn't a realistic course of treatment.

- You'd suggest anything that made me feel better.
- No.

No! Don't say that. Don't even think it!

This is a serious option.

Do you hear me, Ollie?


All right, Mr Molinari's aortic valve?

Says he's been waiting for a decision since yesterday.

We had to postpone the MDT.

Well, he's threatening to make a complaint.

Jac has rescheduled it for first thing in the morning.

Is she in her office? Cos this is ridiculous.

Pakaslaw Ripinski.

Sorry, is that supposed to mean something?

Yeah, visiting plastics.

Jac had to talk through the chest wall reconstruction

of the advanced atrial myxoma excision.

He's flying to New York, so she had to grab him before he left.

OK, but why have I got to wait to hear it from you?

You know, I really thought I was starting to get somewhere with her.

But then you remind yourself how much she's been through.

I know, and maybe this is a sign that she's not coping.

Oh, don't let Jac hear you say that.

Which is why I'm talking to you.

You think she listens to me?

Well, she's not interested in anything I've got to say!

Like earlier, with Cheryl Sutcliffe, Jac was barely in the room.

Cheryl Sutcliffe?

Yeah. Sorry, are you a relative?

- Devon?
- Mum!

- What are you doing here?
- I got to your house.

The neighbour said you were in hospital.

You should be at work.

You never said you were ill.

- I didn't know I was!
- I thought you were dead, or something.

And then I didn't have money for the bus.

You don't need to be here. I can give you change to get back.

No, it's all right, I'll stay.

You're going to sort her out, yeah?

My proper doc's Miss Naylor.

This one's just, like, the assistant.

Isn't that right?

Yeah. That's right.

He's a friend.

Any funding proposal I support is subject to extraordinary scrutiny.

I'm hardly a disinterested party.

He was shot in this building,

the hospital owes it to Ollie to fund his treatment.

We owe it to Ollie to offer the maximum help to the maximum

number of people, and that means making impossible decisions.

Ollie, the great doctor that he was,

understood that better than most.

"Was"? You've given up on him.

No. You're right.

I'm being unfair.

- Thank you, Serena, thank you.
- What? No, no, no.

What I have to say about this really isn't relevant.

I'm sorry?

I'm acting CEO, and a rather reluctant one at that.

With any luck, Henrik will be back in the building soon

and I suggest you have this conversation with him.

No, Serena, that's impossible,

Henrik is in no fit state to deal with something like this.

My decision stands. Until Henrik's back in the building,

I really don't think we can take this any further.



Was there anything else?


Thank you.

Blue folder?

A bit more specific?

Surgical site infection report.

Holiday reading?

I thought I might have left it... Ah! I remember.

- I left it with you-know-who.
- Fletch! Wait.

There's something you should know

about Jac...

Hold that thought.

- Looking for this?
- You're back.

How was the meeting?

Oh, you know, it was just a meeting.

I don't know this Ripinski fella.

You don't want to, he's an idiot.

Was there anything else?

I don't know what's going on, and I don't care.

There's a whole hospital that needs looking after.

She's all yours.

Shut the door.

The one thing I asked you to do...

Believe it or not, he actually cares about you.

The pain's bad enough, but Adrian Fletcher's pity?

No, that's taking things too far.

Let me make something very clear.

I'm prepared to help you but threats or no threats,

I am not lying for you any more.

Do you understand?

Cheryl Sutcliffe's CT...

It's in your terminal already.

Then get her a pre-op ECG. Now!

- Oh.
- It's a bit more than "oh".

It can't be a total surprise.

They said they were going to read my statement out in court.

They didn't say anything about taking the stand

and being a witness for the prosecution!

- Just tell the truth.
- That's what I've been doing!

A fat lot of good it's done Ric so far.

He's never going to forgive me for this.

He'll understand.

Maybe if the prof tells them I've been trying to fiddle with

the evidence, they won't want me as their witness. I'm serious!

No, Donna, that really won't help.

Well, we have to find out what he's going to do!


- Not you again.
- No, please, hear me out.

- I owe you an apology.
- If you don't mind...

Someone shot me in the head.

Oh. Right.

- You're...
- Don't worry. The b*llet's out now. - Great.

- Must be a relief?
- I'm learning how to do stuff again.

- Excellent.
- Talk. Walk.

Not go through someone's personal medical file.

Not scare someone witless.

Forget it. Over and done with.

Ancient history.

I'm actually feeling pretty good about this procedure I'm having.

Electronic magnetic treatments, they're real game-changers.

I'm thinking about having something like that myself.

- Control, alt, delete.
- What? - Hm?

Resetting a computer.

- Everything OK?
- I just apologised.

- We all good?
- Yeah.

I suppose we're both dealing with stuff.

Looking forward to getting my life back on track.

Once I know I'm not going to be banging my head against the wall,

there's someone at work - Karen...

- And then there's my novel.
- Your novel?

Yes, about an astronaut who suddenly gets a cluster headache.

- Yes, that's something I do remember.
- What? - People always going on

about changing their lives after they've been ill, but they never do.

They just trundle on like before, wasting what time they have left.

So all I'm saying is, don't beat yourself up

if you never get round to it. You probably won't.

- Oliver!
- What?

What were you doing at mine, anyway?

Shouldn't you be at work? What?

Supervisor was on my case.

Tough boss? I feel your pain.

Yeah, but I was a LAC.

If you tell your boss to shove it, you don't get sanctioned

by the social and kicked out the flat the council gave you.

Oh, Devon, you didn't?

Um, a LAC?


Looked-after child?

Mum only tracked me down a couple weeks ago.


Keep still.

Something wrong?

Your heartbeat's a little irregular.

- What?
- Don't worry, we'll fix it.

mg amiodarone IV.

It's not good to overdo it with the inhaler.

OK, I'll just suffocate, then.

Oi, what are you doing?

- That is an elevated heart rate.
- So?


When people are giving me all this!

You don't want to be getting sanctioned.

How are you going to live?

But if I stay with you, I can look after you.

Yeah, I suppose...

If you're sure.

Cheryl might already have an after-care plan in place.

It's an important part of preparing for an elective.

No. I don't have anything.

- I mean, it's a piece of luck, really.
- Excuse me.

The clot's still there, but it's at the edge of the blood supply.

We can't remove it, but hopefully it won't cause any further damage.

Further damage?

All I want to know is, when can I go home?

There is a risk of further clots.

So I'll drop down dead in my own kitchen.


Has the social worker been to talk to you?

If they had, I'd have told them where to go.

I believe you were with the therapy team yesterday.

Gran, you never said anything.

They told me to make a cup of tea!

What did you want? An invitation?

They are concerned about your safety performing daily tasks.

It was perfectly drinkable.

You'll need to talk to the social worker

about your best options going forward.

That's code for sticking me in a home.

Whatever happens, it will be your choice.

In that case, I choose for you to keep your opinions to yourself.


I don't care what kind of professor you are, you can go

and profess somewhere else!

You're not the first to challenge my credentials.

If you're not careful, I may be your last!

How about we talk things through once Professor Gaskell's gone?

I'm not talking to him.

And I'm not talking to you.

Now shoo, the both of you, just go!

I'm sorry about that.

- It's better than giving up on the world.
- John...

Could we borrow you for a minute, please?

Excuse me.

I was summoned.

What's this?

Cheryl needs a triple bypass, not a double.

- I think you'll find it's a double.
- Because of the right ostial lesion.

What right ostial lesion?

That right ostial lesion.

Which you didn't think to mention?

I thought you noticed, but under the circumstances...

The phrase you're looking for is, "Sorry, Ms Naylor, I'll keep

"you informed of any new developments with your patient."

OK, she has a long-lost son who overdoses on salbutamol...

If I want to play a game of "let's be literal",

I have a four-year-old daughter for that pleasure. Thank you.

I did an ECG, Cheryl has an atrial fibrillation

for which I administered mg amiodarone.

IV mg bisoprolol, surely.

Have you checked her electrolytes?

You can either let me get on with it, or you can double-check

everything I do. Be my guest. Please.

Show me the ECG.


She needs an echocardiogram - bring it to me this time.

I'm not sure if I should be saying something.

So you're in on this as well.

Not a phrase I would choose.

Ms Campbell didn't do anything.

Failure to report an attempt to pervert the course of justice?

The same could be said of you.

You're assuming I haven't.

I couldn't do anything with it, anyway.

Donna's been called to testify for the prosecution.

Are you going to say anything?

Because I could be questioned about this in court!


- No.
- Thank goodness for that.

I've read all the relevant paperwork.

Whatever interventions Mr Griffin did or didn't make,

the sepsis would have proved deadly.

Ric deserves a fair hearing at least. Without complications,

- however well-intentioned.
- A fair hearing?

The patient was unlikely to survive, whatever Ric did.

That's brilliant! You can testify for the defence, right?

We've already got an expert witness.

Michael Donohue?

You're not keen?

He ran into trouble on a case in Aberdeen.

And you think you can find someone better?

Well, if he can, we're not going to say no, are we?

I'll make some calls.

And I'll find out who the prosecution have got lined up.


These are all things that you can relearn.

Even if I could remember how to put this thing together,

I'm offending people, and I don't even know why!

And that frightens me much more than some stupid model.

It has to become a conscious process rather than an empathetic reflex.

Alternatively, I could become some sociopathic Bond villain.

You are absolutely not sociopathic.

A mildly rude Bond villain, complete with electromagnets.

I need to talk to you about that.

The rudeness or the magnets?

I went to see Serena.

She's not sure she has the authority to support a bid for the TMS.

- Not with Henrik off sick.
- So take it up with Hanssen.

- He can OK it for her.
- I don't think that's a good idea.

- Well, call him. I'll call him right now.
- No, Ollie, stop.

You said this was a serious option.

He might be a little wary after the memorial.


Mr Hanssen understands that you might hold him responsible.


Well, I don't blame Hanssen.

- That'd be stupid. He's not the one that pulled that trigger.
- No.

Of course.

- What?
- No.

Forget it.

Leave it with me.

I'll go and talk to him, I promise.


You didn't say anything about moving your gran down to AAU.

It just seemed easier, if she was... You know.

Is there a problem?

Where to start?


She had an assessment and they don't think it's safe

for her to be on her own any more.


I see.

I kind of knew it was coming, but now the reality of it...

I'm really sorry.

I've been looking into residential care, anywhere half decent...

Do you know how much these places cost?

Can't say I've ever had to book.

Gran doesn't have a house to sell,

and it's not like I've got any spare cash knocking around so...

- You don't need to listen to this.
- No, I do. I do.

It's just that, for some stupid reason,

- I thought you were in a mood with me.
- With you?

Yeah. Didn't you know? Everything's about me.

Is this because you snogged me?

You snogged me back.

And who says "snogged" these days?

Yes, Dom, that question is right at the top of my agenda today.

Hey, I'm sorry. Look, seriously...

What does Sheilagh say about all this?

She told Professor Gaskell to get lost.

I would quite like to have seen that.

It wasn't funny.

It was, but... she won't talk to me

and she won't even let me in the room.

Do you want me to have a go?

- What?
- Well, I'm famous for my diplomatic skills.

Hey, look, you know, Sheilagh and I seem to get on pretty well,

and if she wants to shout at me, she can.

- Maybe that'll get it out of her system.
- OK...

And then, hopefully, I can get her into a place where you

- and her can at least have some sort of civil conversation.
- Dom,

- I said yes. Do it.
- OK.

Hey, you, I don't know your name.

- Ms Petrenko.
- Yeah, yeah, whatever.

- Can I help you?
- About Mum.

She said it was, like, an emergency thing.

- I heard.
- But you said something about it being elective.

You should talk to her.

So it's a lie?

Your mum hasn't given me

permission to share her medical situation with you.

I'm , and people are still lying to me!


I'm not sure where I fit into this.

I've made a terrible mistake.

I told Ollie about the possibilities of TMS before I had any idea

- I could get funding.
- Yes, that was unwise.

Ollie's brain is remapping itself as we speak.

TMS may not be effective once those new pathways have consolidated

themselves. He needs this now.

But as far as the board are concerned,

I am not currently in post.

I can't simply sign a decree and make the money appear from nowhere.

But if you spoke to Serena, reassured her...

What about John?

He's not really on board.

Oh. I understand.

So come back.

For a day. For a few hours.

I could take you through the proposal.

You could talk to Oliver and then we could find Serena.

You want me to talk to Mr Valentine?

He doesn't blame you.

He sees you as his last hope.

And the fact that he's forgotten how distressed he was...

Well, it's not a good development,

it makes this treatment all the more urgent.

I know I'm asking a lot.

All right. This afternoon.

Before I change my mind.



Put it out.

- You'll set every alarm in the building off.
- What?

- What are you doing?
- Meditating.

Looks like you've been crying.

You shouldn't be in here.

I had a social worker who used to make me do this thing where

she'd moved her finger from side to side and made me look at it.

- What?

Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing.

They use it in pain relief too.

I used to call it "the finger thing".

Did it work?

She said it calmed me down.

I thought she was mental.

Why the shouting?

Oh. You know. My mum.

It's more common than you'd think.

I ain't seen her since I was six.

She turns up all, "I've sorted my life out, can you forgive me?"

I mean, it's good, you know?

And now she's ill.

Some big dramatic emergency.

- You don't believe her?
- It doesn't matter.

What are you doing?


A minute ago you were lighting a cigarette.

Not you as well. And just when I was getting to like you.

- When's the last time you had an asthma check-up?
- I don't know.

It never makes any difference.

Smoking's not going to help.

Yeah, well, my lungs are knackered anyway.

If you want to k*ll yourself, go and do it outside.

All right, then, I will.



You didn't see me in here, OK?

Oh, I see...

Skiver! I like it.

May I come in?

- As long as you don't mention the C-word.
- Cancer?


- That word shall not pass my lips.
- Hmm.

- He's sent you to soften me up, has he?
- No.

No, I volunteered.

Are you in love with him, or is it just a sex thing?


All right, I will confess everything if you promise not to throw me out.

You're very confident, he isn't.

It frightens him.

Confident and frightening? Me?

It shouldn't be making you unhappy.

Lofty never makes me unhappy.


Maybe you perhaps don't need to try so hard.

Anyway, this isn't about me.

I'm not going to talk about it.

Lofty, Ben...

The last thing he wants is for you to lose your independence.

Where else will it end?


After you.

Elderly care?

Yeah, it's for Lofty's gran.

You do have patients up here, you know.

Yes, I know,

but Sheilagh is terrified she's going to be stuck somewhere...

..not good.

- Can she afford that?
- No, but I can help them. - Them?

Yes, Sheilagh and Lofty.

Look, Sheilagh's just...

Well, she's very special.

Tread carefully.

People can be very proud.

The thought of handing David's care over to anyone used to

make my blood run cold.

But we never got that far. PHONE BEEPS

Oh, great.


Did you do it?

Are we going to play "hunt the consultant" all day?


Cheryl Sutcliffe's echocardiogram.

I wasn't trying to undermine you back there.

You think I feel threatened by you?

This job requires us to be razor sharp,

and I can help you with that and I want to help you...

I have neuropathic back pain, not an intellectual deficit.

You've had a b*llet in your back.

Nobody is going to think less of you for that.

You don't know that!

What are you afraid of? Come on, name it.

That boy.

- What?
- You said Cheryl Sutcliffe has a son who keeps using his inhaler.

- You're changing the subject.
- What if he's not asthmatic?

What's this got to do with anything?

He's pumping his body full of salbutamol.

So his heart is racing. It's giving him headaches. And?

Have you checked his fingers? His fingers,

are they cyanotic? Do they show signs of circulatory disorder?

No, I haven't checked Devon Sutcliffe's fingers.

Sounds like classic Eisenmenger's syndrome to me.

It's not classic anything.

How can you know? You haven't even met him.

Because even lying here, I am ten times the doctor you will ever be.


Perhaps he should be.

I don't think I can do this today.

I'll tell Oliver.

Hopefully he'll understand.

I wasn't coming to see Oliver.

Or Serena, for that matter.

Now I don't understand.

I was coming to see John.

He's the person who can push this through.

John's made his feelings about TMS clear.

I don't need his help.

I think you do, but I've realised I can't make this happen for you.

I don't know. Perhaps he's right.

Perhaps it's a stupid idea.

Perhaps I'm promising Ollie something that's impossible

because I can't bear to think that David died...

..for nothing.

He will listen to you - if you believe, he will listen.

Don't overdo it, Henrik.

- I never lied!
- You knew you were having this operation

- before you tracked me down!
- What's the difference?

- What's the difference?!
- Put that away. - Get off me!

Do as I say.

- How long has Mum's operation been planned?
- Don't tell him.

That's a big giveaway, isn't it?

"I'm having a big heart operation, I wonder who can look after me."

- You're the one who suggested it!
- And you were the one who didn't say

anything when you turned up out of nowhere after years!

I came to find you because I thought I was going to die.

I need to listen to your chest.

Come on.

He's not ill - he's just doing the nonstop screaming ab-dabs

- like he when he was two.
- Shh!

I will have to admit you.

Admit me? As a patient?

We need to run some tests.

Look, I'm fine.

- Just like Mum said, I've just got anger-management problems.
- No.

You have something wrong with your heart.

I should never have said anything to Ollie.

I'll find him after this.

So you don't think TMS is a goer?

No, no, I do.

But I was wrong to think Henrik was in any position to push it through,

and now I'm further away from making it happen than I was this morning.

Let's concentrate on Mr Copsey.

At least I didn't promise him a treatment I couldn't deliver.

It's OK, Roxanna, you're allowed to make mistakes.

But it's not just my mistakes.

This is about Ollie and the rest of his life.

What about the rest of my life? What are you talking about?

Eisenmenger's. You were right.

You make it sound like it was unexpected.

He has a significant ventricular septal defect.

He has a bi-directional shunt, but there's still time.

I'm amazed he's still standing with a hole in his heart.

I suppose if your entire life is a struggle,

you just accept what it throws at you without questioning it.

Only if you're weak and not very smart.

- We could fit him in next week.
- No.

We'll bump the mum. Devon's the priority.

- We'll do it now.
- Jac...

Look, any delay makes the chance of a successful VSD repair less likely.

You are in no condition to operate on anybody.

Well, I have the stool you got me.

No! This is a matter of patient safety.

- You said you'd help me.
- I said wouldn't lie for you any more.

I'm sorry, Ms Naylor.

- I'm calling it.
- Stop!

You do not want to do this.

I don't care about your threats.

I have to put the patient first.

Which you can do if you lead the operation.


If that's how you want to see it.

You're more than capable, we both know that.

And like you said...

..I need your help.

I saw Hanssen.

He walked away!

I've come up against a few obstacles. Retract here?

It doesn't mean you can't get treatment elsewhere.

Someone'll be running a programme.

Why isn't Hanssen coming?

The point is, we need to be realistic.

Nerve sling, please.

He doesn't think the treatment will work, does he?

I told you it's experimental, and we're asking for major funding...

- And I'm not worth it?
- Oliver,

I am trying to attach a fine metal electrode to Marvin's vagus nerve,

and it's a little bit fiddly.

So he can spend the next years not writing a book

that no-one wants to read anyway!

- Do you want me to get somebody?
- It's fine.

Let's test electrode impedance.

He's arrested.

.mg of atropine stat.

What he said.

- It's a PEA.
- Resetting...


hertz, and here we go.

He's back in sinus.

Well, Ollie,

feel free to say, "I told you so."

Why would I do that?

What you said to Marvin earlier.

About his arrhythmia?

What did I say? I don't... I can't...

They're still going to sanction me.

- Sanction?
- Stop my benefits.

I've made myself unemployed.

You're seriously ill.

Yeah, well, I quit my job before I knew that.

The cyanosis in your fingers will have made your apprenticeship

very challenging. Refer them to me.

- What's going on?!
- Mrs Sutcliffe...

- The nurse said I'm being discharged.
- That's right. - Mum...

Is he having my operation?

Your condition is stable.

Your procedure is elective and you can have it in a few weeks.

- You will be fine.
- He wasn't even ill a few hours ago!

If Devon doesn't have this right now,

his only option becomes a full heart-lung transplant.

I've been waiting for six weeks!

Have you any idea what it's like?

Apparently very stressful.

What if I die?

- I thought you cared about me.
- I do.

You know what, it doesn't matter if you die,

because you're a rubbish mum.

Everything they said about you was true!

Is there anyone else we can call for you?

I'll see you in theatre.

How did it go?

Well, she doesn't want to go into a home.

- I knew that.
- And you don't want to put her in one.

I knew that as well.

And the stroke has significantly impaired her cognitive functions.

- She needs specific things.
- Again, stating the obvious.

She needs familiarity.

How's that even possible?

Well, she needs somewhere that is comfortable,

somewhere that's dignified and, above all, affordable.

In an ideal world, yes.

- I have a flat.
- What?

I have a big flat.

I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Maybe Sheilagh could come live with me!

Hold on, with you as well, obviously.

I mean, your nan just living with me would be a bit weird.

But it kind of solves everything!

- What?
- That's literally the funniest thing I've heard in weeks.

- It's a serious offer.
- We haven't even been out on a date,

and you ask me to move in, with my grandmother?

Anyway, they're both yelling at each other,

he accuses her of lying, she walks out.

And now neither of them has anyone to take care of them,

so I'll have to talk to the social worker - if we don't want them

occupying valuable bed space on Darwin for the next few weeks.

Irony is that I think she really did want to be there for him,

and he definitely wanted his mum to hold his hand.

But, hey, some people become their own worst enemy,

assuming that the people they need the most have malign intentions.

Where's the stool?

Nick Morris in Osteo is using it.

Well, get another one.

That would be easy.

But do you think it would fix this?

- Do you want to lead this operation or not?
- It's not about me.

Get me the stool!

Stool or no stool, you will not be able get through a VSD repair.

I will not be told what I can and cannot do.

Or what? What happens next?

Please just get me the stool.

What happens next, Ms Naylor?


Do you still have the triamcinolone?

Nurse Jackson said you asked to see me?

Piglet's just told me about your idea for a menage a trois.


Well, it's not exactly a...

I don't want to be in anyone's flat or house

or garden or attic.

I DON'T want to go into a home - I can't stand old people!

I don't want to be taken care of - cooked for and spoken to

as if I'm some kind of idiot!

Well, which is why...

And I certainly don't want to end my days as a gooseberry.

I have enough problems dealing with facial hair as it is.

We get on, don't we, you and I?


I would do anything for Lofty,

and I really want to help you in some way, if only you'll let me.


I thought you'd gone for the night. I got a message from Donna,

she said Gran wanted me for something?

Right, OK.

Well, I think we've been set up.

Ask him out... Talk to each other!

But please, please just let me go home.

Actually, I'm going to go.

Because I think that you and Lofty need to have a very serious

conversation about what "going home" actually means to you now.

And if I can help in any way, you know you only need to ask.

Millions of people around the world would sell their birthright

to have the kind of pain relief that you have available

at the click of your fingers, and yet...

..I have to play silly games to get you to have a simple injection.

You think you made me do this?


I had to play along far enough to get you into the position where

you couldn't say no.

Wasn't too hard, really.

Simultaneously patronising, insulting,

arrogant and extremely ill-judged.

What is it that you are trying to prove, Jac?

That I have nothing to prove.

Let's do this.

Does it help, being in here?

It did when I thought it was the one place you wouldn't look.

One of the HCAs saw you.

Unfortunately, I haven't found God in a blast of light.

- But you have retained your medical knowledge.
- Oh!

It's coming back day by day. You don't have command of it yet.

I can't remember something I said a couple of hours ago!

But you will.

There's nothing to say the information isn't there.

We just have to help your brain access it again.

And if you can't?

No-one's giving up on you.

I am not giving up on you.

Why is this so important to you?


- Because...
- It's all right.

You don't have to say anything.

You're right. I have to trust you.

I you.

Sorry for the delay, everyone.

Let's crack on.

Prep the right-angle sternal saw, please.

Dacron patch at the ready. Let's go with the heparin.

Is something the matter, Ms Petrenko?

What role would you like me to play in this operation, Ms Naylor?

Let's hand Ms Petrenko the Yankauer suction tip, please.

- What?
- Suction.

I was feeling a little under the weather earlier on,

but now I feel fine.

All work and no play makes John a dull boy.

Lebanese cabernet.

What are you trying to say?

Does there have to be a subtext?

There's always a subtext.

The TMS... I know you don't think I can help Ollie, but...

I didn't say that.

Well, I'm telling you I can.

I know it's a long shot.

But it's the only chance Ollie has.

It's like he's in the room.

- Oliver?
- David.

Equally unsubtle.

Except his tipple of choice was -year-old malt.

And then you'd find out what he really wanted.

I miss him.

Yeah, I miss him too.

And if David were here...

..what would he say to convince you?

He'd probably say, "Get your act together.

"Help out a friend."

Are you going to pour that?

- Will you take it to the board?
- Of course.

You just had to ask.



Hello, love.

I thought I told you to clear off.

The doc rang me.

Gave me a right earful.

- What?
- She said that I'm...

..I'm scared of the responsibility of having a proper relationship.

Yes, I lied to you.

It's because I keep lying to myself.

She said that I'm scared of facing up to the mistakes I've made

because of what it's done to you.

Anyway, she told me to come back here...

..and be a proper mum for once in my life.

Hey, you.

Ms Petrenko.

Yeah, Petrenko.

I think there's rules against saying that sort of thing to patients.

Has nothing to do with me.

No, it weren't her.

Who was it, then?


The lady from the cupboard?

What did you say?

She was in the cupboard, lying down on the floor,


Yeah, had a right old natter.

It was Ms Naylor who did your operation.

Everyone says she's brilliant.

Isn't that right, Doc?

Yes. Ten times better than me.

Dom? What my gran said...

Look, Lofty, it really doesn't matter.

It does.

You know what, I keep thinking I've got my head around all of this

- and then suddenly...
- I've been an idiot as much as you have.

So, Dom...

Shall we...

Do you f...

Would it make it easier if I just asked you out?

What are you doing now?


Shall we go back to mine, get takeaway?

We can have a look online

to check out more options for your gran's care.

Is that your idea of being romantic?

I am saving my A-game for date number two.

So there's going to be a second date, is there?

- Is that a yes?
- Yeah.

All right, well, then. Ooh, I've got a couple of

Mary Berrys we can watch tonight as well.


The tragedy, Petrenko, is, if you'd given me the injection and kept your

mouth shut, you'd have had a nice little VSD repair

to add to your portfolio but, no,

you just had to tell me how clever you were being.

Well, I thought you were starting to understand.

I was...

..happy for you.

That script for triamcinolone?

It was in my name. There's no paper trail.

What do you want, a Blue Peter badge?

- Why would you do that?
- What?

Humiliate me in theatre.

What do you gain from it?

My unshakeable authority, upon which this department depends,

g*nsh*t wound or no g*nsh*t wound.

Well, the injury hasn't gone away,

and that injection is going to wear off in a couple of weeks.

And you know what?

I just might not be as willing to help out.

Don't worry, Petrenko, I won't trouble you again.