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20x08 - Hard Day's Night

Posted: 11/08/23 09:36
by bunniefuu
I'll be lucky to get my hands on a patient by the end of this rotation,

then clinically I'll be way behind everyone else.

As if you'd ever be behind any of us.

You turned up like the cavalry, and you saved the day.

Is it true that you're leaving?

I wrote this before.

Why do you put up with this?

Nobody else will do it. You scared everyone else away.

But not you.

Not yet.

Until there's space on HCOP, you'll have to stay here.

It's hardly a thrill a minute, is it?

Sacrificing the blood vessel

has inadvertently caused more damage to his memory.


..butchered me.

I'd rather be dead than live like this.

Somewhere in this hospital,

there is proof that you are innocent, and I'm going to find it.

What are you doing?


And whatever she's having.











SHE SIGHS Where are you?

Where are YOU?


On-call room. I think.

I need your help. Seriously, I...

I just woke up here, and I have no idea...





What the hell?

How did you get...?

What happened?

I...don't know.

I should just leave you here.

Hey, why are you in such a mood?

You don't remember?

Breaking news, OK? The entire universe doesn't revolve around you!

Just stop being such a spoiled little princess!

Remember what?





I'm going to be late for my shift.

I thought we were on nights?


Well, unless I've slept the entire day,

can you just stay and talk to me?


I turn around, and the keeper's standing there, and he says,

"No, sir, this is the porcupine enclosure."


- Oh, hello!

So, long story short,

it's Theo's turn to choose what we do on Saturday, so...

he chose that, so we're going back.

Yeah, Jonny and I used to take Emma there. She loves it.

It's got the, erm... The thing with the slide and the...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should come with us.

- Really?
- Yeah, why not? Be a laugh.

- All right, yeah.
- It's a date.

- Do you want any more?
- No, I'm done.


Jac Naylor's phone.

Well, actually, she was just about to leave. Is it important?

One minute.

Organ donation.



Yeah, I'll take it. Who's on retrieval?

No, no, not them. Petrenko's here overnight - she can do it.

She'll need an on-call theatre team for Keller,

and I'm going to need one for Darwin.

OK, thank you.

Sounds like a late night ahead. You all right to carry on?

- Sleep's for wimps.
- Hm!

Well, Theo and Ella should be asleep,

- so I reckon it's safe for me to go home and tackle this.
- Night. - Night.

Ah! So, how was last night's junior doctors' networking evening?

I trust a memorable time was had by all?

- Mm.
- Of course, in my day, these things used to go on

till two, three o'clock in the morning.

- Really?
- Oh, yes, yeah.

No, you lot are far more sensible.

I dare say you were tucked up in bed by ten o'clock

with one of your textbooks.

Mm. You know me!

How are you feeling about flying solo tonight?

I don't think you've got anything to worry about.

You've already proven yourself capable.

In fact, you know, I have been very impressed.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

Now, obviously, there'll be a floating registrar for support

if you need it, but he's new to Holby, so...

Oh, look, here he is now.

Mr Duval, meet Dr Nicky McKendrick. Dr McKendrick, this is...

It's all right. We met last night.

Oh, and there was me thinking these networking events

were just an excuse to get hammered.

- Well, it's not contraindicated.

Right, well, any problems, I'm on call, so...

I'm sure we'll manage.

I'm sure you will.

Right, well, goodnight.


How's your head?


It's fine. HE CHUCKLES

I doubt that.

You know, for a tiny thing, you can really put it away.

We were talking at the bar, right?


He's years older than you! THEY LAUGH


After we left?

Hey, if it was anything like that, believe me, you'd remember.


Tell me you at least remember my name.

Of course I do. Erm...Mr Duval, right?

Ms Campbell just told you that. What's my first name?



It's Xavier.

And for the record, I had nothing to do with those handcuffs

you're trying to hide up your sleeve.

My bleep number's on the desk when you want a grown-up.


- Ah, Donna. I need a word with you.
- You've spoken to Professor Gaskell,

- haven't you?
- There's a gap on the nursing rota.

What? Er, no, Professor Gaskell's in Zurich.

He's not due back for another week.

Yes, of course.

Sorry. I thought that...

Erm... It doesn't matter.

I'll, erm... I'll check the nursing rota for you.

- Thank you.
- OK.

Night, Ms Campbell.

Nicky. There's a transfer from the ED. Abdo pain.

Erm... Mr... The registrar, he just...

He's covering half the hospital. You only call him if you need backup.

Oh. Yeah. Course.


Welcome to the night shift.


Hmm...Mr Bones the Butcher.

That's Mr Pots the Painter.

Well, he's got a knife.

It's a paintbrush.

HE SIGHS The cards are creased.

It was all they had in the relatives' room.

I don't want to play any more.

- It's just a game, Ollie.
- Yes, for children.

And I'm tired, and I've got a headache.


Mm. Duty calls, anyway.

Do you need any more pain relief?

See you later, then.

- Temper, temper!

You're that doctor that got shot in the head, aren't you?

My grandson told me about you.

Well, you may know him by his silly nickname. What is it? Erm...


Well...can you talk?

Go away.

Oh, shot your manners out, I see.

You know what you need?

You need a bit of perspective.


"My Buttocks Exploded in the Supermarket."


And you think you've got problems!

"It had been six months since I'd had my buttock implants..."

Buttock implants?

Is that a thing now?

Hi. The nurses are all in handover - is there anything I can do?

Would you please take her away for me?

Mrs Chiltern, what are you doing?

Reading to him.

I don't think he wants you to.

Why don't you come back to your own bed?

We all know what happened last time you wandered off.

I did not "wander off."

Please, will you go away?


Sit here and stew.

I was only trying to help. Thank you. I'm not an invalid.




Well, how has that happened?

They've literally got a heart transplant patient

on their way in now, and it can't be delayed.

No, cos Jac'll just...

- Do you know what? Leave it with me. I'll sort it.

Hello. Are the kids asleep?

Great. do you feel about doing a bit of overtime?

So you were diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome in...?


And you had a coil fitted five years ago. Did that help?

Until now.

Are you sexually active?

Bless you. No.

And what are your periods like?

Oh, all over the place. But they've been really light for the last...

almost a year?


- Sorry.
- That's OK.

When the pain comes, is it like a stabbing pain, or...?


It's kind of like a period pain, in a wave, but worse.

Maybe I'm just gearing up for a big one.

And this started today?

- A few niggles over the last week or so, but not like this.


OK, just let me know if this hurts.



Can you think of any other symptoms you haven't mentioned?

Not really. Just been really tired. Bit run down, you know?

OK, well, we'll take some bloods and do an X-ray,

and see if we can't see what's going on, all right?

FBCs, U&Es, clotting, amylase, and a CRP group and save,

and let's do an abdominal X-ray, as well.

Sure, no worries.


How was that? Was that OK?

Never mind.

There's a problem with the on-call nursing rota.

- You scared me!

Look, it's nobody's fault - it's just a computer thing.

So it's IT's fault.

Well, Essie's on her way back in. She's going to join Keller,

and I thought I'd stay and join Darwin.

When are you going to stop doing everyone else's jobs?

Alternatively, you can just wait for an agency nurse.

- Oh...!
- Yeah, exactly.

Look, I'd rather do it myself than have you go into a big operation

with a team you're not % confident in.

- Fine. Stay if you want.
- No, I think the words you're looking for are...

- Thank you, Mr Fletcher. You're a kind and generous soul.

There you are.

Er... You've, some...


Erm...I need to get changed.

Me too.


You know, usually I like to see a girl in handcuffs,

but this is just pathetic.

I know I've made a bad first impression,

but I'm not what you think.

- Really?
- Yes.

So if we could just pretend this is the first time we've met, and put...

whatever I did or said last night behind us, I would appreciate it.


if you know where these came from, or where the keys are,

that would be really helpful.

- Why don't you just call Meena

- and tell her you're locked out?
- Oh! And give her the satisfaction?

No chance.




I don't know where they came from.

Melissa's X-ray's back.



- He's just being brought up for the preliminary analysis.

- Right, I'll get changed.

- The co-ordinator is yet to...
- Frieda?

..Jac has a patient coming in for assessment, all right?

Hey, old lady!


My friends call me Sheilagh...

..but you can call me Mrs Chiltern.

Look, I'm sorry if I was rude to you before.

Yeah. Now that you need something, hmm?


Well, at least you're honest.

Could you go to the vending machine for me?

What vending machine?

There's one just down the corridor.

You go yourself, you lazy beggar!

Forget it. I'll ask someone else.

Don't you think they've got enough to do

without fetching and carrying for you all day?

- It's their job.
- It is not!

My grandson works his socks off

without running around up and down to vending machines night and day.

I can hardly go myself, can I?

Have you even tried?

So, we found out what's causing the pain, and...

Well, it's not bad news, exactly,

- but...
- OK. But...?

But it might come as a bit of a shock...


well... So, you...

- Spit it out, girl!
- You're pregnant.



Here's the baby's spine.

Arms. Legs.


Is this a wind-up?

- No.
- Then this isn't my X-ray. It's not possible.

I can't get pregnant - I've got a coil, and I haven't had sex in...

About nine months?

It's extremely rare to get pregnant when fitted with a coil,

but it's not impossible.

No. Let me see.

I would have known.

Wouldn't I?

I mean, how could I not have known?

- How long will it...?
- Tonight.

Melissa, you're in labour.

- Doors opening. Lift going down.


Yeah, take a load off.

No news yet, but as soon as we hear anything...

- I came prepared.
- Blimey!

Don't think we'll be waiting that long!

I saw this article, " Books to Read Before you Die."

If I'm lucky, I might just get through this one.

Well, hopefully we'll be able to give you an extension tonight, eh?

Routine bloods and a CRP, please. Can you fast-track them?

If the organ's viable, I want to be able to go straight away.

- No problem.
- I'll be back.


She's proper freaking out, you know.

Wouldn't you?

How we doing, girls?

SHE SIGHS Actually, we prefer Nurse Jackson and Dr McKendrick.

What's this?

You X-rayed a full-term pregnancy?

I didn't know she was pregnant.

Well, did you ask?

Or did you forget?

She didn't know, either.

Well, that's ridiculous. How could she not know? Is she really fat?

Well, the head's engaged - she must be ready to...

Please tell me you didn't use an X-ray to diagnose labour.


wasn't an obvious possibility.

Well, what were her symptoms?

Cramping stomach pain coming in waves every...

Transfer her to Maternity.

- That's what I'm doing.
- I don't do babies.

And no-one asked you to!

In fact, I don't remember calling you down here at all,

so why don't you go and bother someone else?

Mate, what was that?

NICKY SIGHS I don't know, it just...came out.

I thought you'd want to make a good impression - new registrar.

Ah! Yes, Maternity.

You do know maternity's closed to new admissions?

- What?
- They're at capacity - it was on the bulletin thingy.

Do you not check it?



I'll ring round the trust, see who's free.

- Oh, thank you.
- Mm.

They'll want to know how close she is. The baby comes at ten.

Ten centimetres.

You'll have to examine her.

Yes, obviously.

Babe, what is wrong with you tonight?

Nothing, I'm...

Massively hungover?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I don't even want to know. Just...go do what you have to do.


- You got someone meeting you here?
- Nah. Wife stayed home with the kids.

I'll call her if anything actually happens.

- I'm guessing this isn't your first time.
- Twice.

- No dice.
- Well,

third time's a charm, then, eh?

Listen, if this is viable, then it's going to happen quite quickly,

so it might be a good idea if you see her just in case.

She'll just have to wake the kids up, pack them a bag,

take them to my mum's.

No point everybody getting over-excited

until we know it's worth it.

Yeah, you're right.

Better to know where you stand before you bring the kids into it.




I think, erm...


I'm still having a baby?

Please tell me you know what you're doing, cos I haven't got a clue.

Try not to worry.

We'll have you transferred to a maternity unit any minute now, OK?

Erm... I'll be back in just a moment, all right?

Ah, Lou? Would you nip in? Thank you.

Hang on. Erm...

- You're not serious?
- Well, it's a little hard to tell just by...

- say six.
- Hello, yes.

Er...right. OK.

That explains it. All right, thanks. Bye-bye.

It doesn't matter, anyway. Everywhere is shut.

There were no maternity beds available anywhere?

- In the whole trust?
- No.

Do you want me to page Mr Duval?

No. Erm... Let's move her to the side room,

and we'll keep in touch with the guys upstairs.

Hopefully we can get her a bed before...

She has a ways to go yet. It'll be fine.


I'll be right back.


Thank you.


What's going on in there?

How should I know?

Oh, there's been all sorts of comings and goings.

They brought a young man out just now,

and he was plugged into all these machines.

I've never seen anything like it.

Is that why you're sitting out here? To have a nose?

I'm here to change my magazine.



You can't go in there!

Do you want to know or not?


- How's it looking in there?

External appearance is normal. No inotropes.

Did you do a bronchoscopy?

All clear, no secretions.


Heart is normal.



Exploding buttocks are fine, but this beautiful, delicate

miracle of nature, this grosses you out?

You can't be here.

Oh, we were just, er... wondering what was going on.

I can't tell you, and you need to go.


This is inappropriate.

I told him we shouldn't come in here.

Don't make me call someone, please.

Fine. We're leaving.

- Yeah, sounds good.

OK, start her on ten milligrams, and I'll be straight up.

Er...hey. Hi. Erm, just - update on Melissa Saunders.

Oh, don't tell me you can't find a bed for her.


So, what do you want me to do about it?

Well, nothing.

She's at six centimetres, so we've got time.


I told you I don't want to deliver a baby.

It's like watching your favourite pub burn down.


Just keep phoning around until you can find somewhere

that can take her.

Nicky, I think you'd better come quick.

You know, you really don't have to sit out here with me.

I don't know why you are.

I think you'll find I was here first,

so you're sitting out here with me.

What happened when you wandered off?

I did not "wander."

It's nothing.

Just a hairline fracture on my pinkie, and a split lip.

Did you lose your balance?

No, I did not!

- You're as bad as the others.

What are you two doing out here?

I just went to the vending machine.

Go through - I'll be right there.

Do you know what time it is?

You should really be in bed.

Don't talk to us as if we're toddlers!

We'll go to bed when we're good and ready.


OK, just...keep it down. Other patients are trying to sleep.


Oh, I don't know how you can eat after seeing that.

Still, I suppose you couldn't be a surgeon if you were that squeamish.

Mm. The old me was a surgeon. I don't know who I am any more.

I don't know anything.

- Fancy a game of something?
- No.

Why does everyone ask me if I want to play games all the time?

It's not all about you, you know. I'm bored too.

What do you have in mind?


All right, Melissa, you've jumped from six to ten centimetres

much quicker than expected.

Can you call St James and see if there's an update?

- It's too late for that now - it's coming.
- I need to push!

- Not yet!
- Not yet!

In a minute, sweetheart, OK? Just do some deep breathing for me.

Er...what do we need? Erm...

A midwife and a delivery kit.

You cannot deliver a baby one-handed.

Don't worry, Melissa. There's not long to go now.

You're...doing really well.

- If you're calling to apologise...
- I need your help.

Right now. This is not a drill.

How are we doing in here?

About to be bored to death by this book.

And I don't even think you can save me.

I prefer Grisham. There, I said it.

Good for you.

Well, the good news is the organ is viable.

However, your HB is a bit low.

It's not a massive problem.

We'll give you a unit of blood,

and then I think we should be good to go.

It... It's happening?

It's happening.


Sorry, I just...

I didn't...think it would, really.

- Do you want to give your wife a call?
- Yeah.


OK. I'll be back in a minute.

- Can you order that blood straight away?
- Yeah, I'm on it.

Yeah, it's Naylor. We have a slight delay here.

How are things going down there?

BP's dropping. He's becoming unstable.

He needs increased support.

I don't want to damage the heart.

OK, how long are you going to be?

We have other patients waiting for the organs.

Er...give him a dopamine infusion

in to milligrams of dextrose, one to two mls per hour.

You don't want adrenaline?

No. Er...give fluids to increase the CVP.

OK, but it's...

We'll be as quick as we can.

It is rammed up there, but they sent us this.

Is a midwife coming?

They're all with high-risk patients or emergencies,

but they will send someone as soon as they can.

OK, Melissa... You ready to have this baby?

- No!
- OK, erm...

- Deep breaths...
- Whoa! Where is your reg? - Shh.

Trust me, we are better off without him.


- I need you to be my hands.
- What?

Infection control.

Why have you still got them on?

Cos they're stuck! I've tried - they won't come off.

OK. Tell me what to do.


I need to push!

All right, Melissa. Let's push.

OK, this is it. So big deep breaths.

In your face. Ha!

- Ah-ha!
- How? How are you doing that?

That is quid you're in for.

- Double or quits?
- No. I'm all done.

Oh, come on, Valentine. What are you, a man or a moose?

- Moose.
- Fine. Quit while I'm ahead.

I feel like a kite nap, anyway.

Ooh...go on. Show me where the mettle is.

Push, push, push! That's it!


Wait, wait, stop!

We have shoulder dystocia.

What's happening?

It means the baby's shoulder's stuck.

It'll be all right. Just have some more of this.

- What do I do?
- OK, er, it's the HELPER mnemonic. Er, so...

H - call for help.

Crash call to obstetrics, paediatrics, NICU,

- the on-call anaesthetist, and Mr Duval.
- OK.

Erm... E - evaluate for episiotomy.

Can you get a hand in under the baby?

OK, great, erm... L is...lift the legs.

OK, Melissa, we are going to bring your legs up to your tummy,

all right?

- OK.
- OK. Right...

And we do the McRoberts manoeuvre, OK, so, leg...


OK, and P - apply suprapubic pressure.

So, adopt a CPR hand position... MELISSA SCREAMS

..and apply pressure to the posterior aspect

of the anterior shoulder...

MELISSA SCREAMS..and rock hand back and forth.

So, I'm trying to move the baby anteriorly on the thorax,

- decreasing the bia...
- Can you just talk normally?

- I need to say it how I read it.
- Well, it's not working.

OK, E, erm...enter manoeuvres.

Maybe we should just wait for backup?

No, the baby's in distress.

We're risking oxygen deprivation, nerve damage to the neck, damage...

- All right, just tell me.
- OK.

Get two fingers behind the anterior shoulder,

and try and rotate the baby forward through the pelvis.


OK, er, last thing is R - remove the arm.

If this doesn't work you need to feel for the...

I know, I know!

Humerus, antecubital fossa.


sweep, and rotate.

I got it!

It's a girl!


You did it!

You did it. Well done.

We had shoulder dystocia, but she's free.

Well done.

You were amazing.

I'm sorry, we can't wait any longer, or we risk losing the organ.

Can't we...just two more minutes?

How many of these have you done?

This will be my th cardio and-or thoracic transplant.

What happens when you get to ?

You win a set of steak knives?


I'm sorry. I'm here.


It's all right.


my favourite person.

You know that?

You and the kids, you're the best part of my day.

Every day.

If I cark it in there...

..I'm going to come back every day and haunt you.

- Oh!
- I mean it.

Just as you're about to wake, I'm going to...

stand at the end of the bed, and...

go like this.


So that's what you'll see, first thing every morning.


Go on - you can have him.

I'll be here

when you wake up.


Thank you.

We'll let you know as soon as we can.


Let's get started.

I should get back upstairs.

Thank you for coming. You were...amazing.

- YOU were amazing.
- Look...

Whatever I said last night...

Forget it.

You didn't mean it.

Your little friend came to help you. That's nice.

- No, she was just...
- Whatever.

At least you made up.

Would you like to meet your new daughter, Melissa?

We'll have to get her some clothes.


I haven't got anything. I don't even...

Don't worry about any of that now. Just have a little cuddle.

No, I... I don't want to.

- It's OK.
- I can't do this.

Please take it away.

Er...why don't we let you get some rest,

and I'll bring her back later, OK?

Er...Rachel, maybe we could take her upstairs

and sort her out with a babygro and some nappies.

I'll give her that.

This is the oxytocin we mentioned.


Do you need a hug?

Come here.

- Pucks?
- Eh?

Ah. Here are.

For sevens' hake!

It's not me, it's you.


Sit down.

- What?
- Sit down.

What are you two...? You shouldn't be in here.

- She's having a stroke.
- Are you? - No!

She is.

She had a stroke. Well, a mini-stroke, a TIA.

Yeah, and now she's having a bigger one. Go and get a wheelchair!

Mr Valentine, are you feeling all right?

- Which shoulder am I touching?
- The left.

I'll get a wheelchair.

Let her look at you. Trust me.

We're nearly ready here, Frieda.

Preparing the cross clamp.

- Clamping the aorta.
- Cross-clamping.

We're cooling the patient.

Commencing the retrieval.

Donor heart removed.

Going into cold saline.

- Quick as you can.
- OK.

It's on its way.

Ah. Has she delivered the placenta?

Not yet.

Did you remember to give her oxytocin?

Yes, I remembered.

Well, let me see the file.

You should have told me. Could mean a retained placenta.

Have you requested a gynae consult?

I was just about to call.




Hi. I'm Mr Duval.

I'm the on-call registrar tonight.

I'm sorry to wake you. I know you're tired,

but I need to examine you, OK?

So, we need the placenta to deliver,

so I'm just going to try and encourage it, OK?

This might feel a bit strange.


OK, thank you.

What are you...?

Hi, this is Xavier Duval, registrar.

Yeah, I need an urgent gynae consult on AAU

for an emergency hysteroscopy and possible manual placenta evacuation.


OK, well, I've got a situation here, so...

OK, thank you.

All the consultants are in theatre, but someone'll be down ASAP.

Ridiculous. Is this place always like this?

Consent her and get her prepped. I'll take her to theatre.

Hang on, aren't you going to wait for...

No, you had your time in charge, but an adult needs to take over now, OK?


Good luck. you mind if I stay and watch?

I was transplant co-ordinator on his first two attempts,

so it'd be nice to see it through.

Yeah, course.

How's she doing?

Er...yeah, you know, long day, but...

You're keeping an eye on her?

- Is there something I should know?
- Well, I only know what you know.

But if I'd handed my notice in, and then what happened happened...

You didn't know.

Well, she's obviously changed her mind, so...

Are you coming, Fletch?

We are kind of in the middle of something here.

It's perfect. Let's continue.


I'm glad I got to do this and meet you before I get booted out of here.


I know! It's my own fault.

- I did something very, very silly.

And I knew it was wrong.

I was trying to do right by a friend.


It's a long story, but the point is...

Where would I find Ms Campbell's phone number?

- Why do you want that?
- We need to call her in.

- Why?
- I don't have time to explain.

Well, there's an address book in the drawer,

but if you call her in, it is a really big deal.


I'm going to put her on speakerphone.

Don't drag me into this - I don't know what's going on.

Jason, I've only been gone three minutes,

and I told you, a clear discharge is nothing for Greta to worry about.

- Ms Campbell, it's Nicky McKendrick.
- Oh.

- Everything OK?

Mr Duval needs you in theatre.

Oh, all right. Well, I need to pop home and change, and then I'll...

It really is urgent. He's going into theatre right now.


- I'm on my way.
- Thank you.

I hope you're sure about this, mate.

We can use his valves, so let's make sure they go to the tissue lab.

OK, let's start the transplant.

You sure you don't want to take a break before we get into this bit?



It's just that you've been on your feet for a long time.

Just saying.

Right. A word.


If you need to step out, say so.

But don't make it look like I'm the one who needs to stop,

and don't undermine me in front of my team.

- I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I was...
- What is the matter?

- Nothing.

No, no, no - you are clearly distracted,

and you're not going back in my theatre until you tell me why.

Is it true you were going to quit?

Who told you that?

And the thing is... makes perfect sense.

So much so that I don't really know what you're doing here.

And that worries me. It worries me if you're not OK.

We're in the middle of surgery.

- I know the timing is terrible, but...
- Go home.

- What?
- You are no use to me like this.

Essie, scrub in.


Ms Campbell, thank you for coming.


Well, there was no point getting dressed and going to Jason's,

- and you said it was urgent. What's going on?
- Thanks very much.

Ah! Ms Campbell. Everything all right?

You're not in the middle of a crisis?

We had a retained placenta, so I took the patient to theatre,

and then we were joined shortly afterwards by an obs consultant.


Oh! From one baby-related non-emergency to another.

If you need to shout, can you do it quietly,

cos she really needs to get some sleep.

She's not the only one.

I... I thought he was going in on his own.

Well, you were standing next to me when I called upstairs.

Though, for the record, this wasn't my first retained placenta,

- so even if I had been...
- Where's the patient now?

She's in recovery. She's fine.

No need to panic.

I thought you had your head screwed on. What happened?

It's my fault.

I'm the senior member of staff. I take full responsibility.

Well, that's very noble of you, Mr Duval,

and if this were a clinical issue, I'd be inclined to agree,

but as it is...

Yeah, but I should have sent her home at the start of the shift.

I knew she was hungover -

she'd been out drinking till eight in the morning.

Excuse me, please.

First of all, I very much doubt it was eight o' clock.

You don't remember?

I suppose you don't remember where you left the key

to those handcuffs, either?

Take responsibility for your actions, Dr McKendrick.

If you can't even do that...

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

Right. Well, luckily, I have a change of clothes in the office,

as there's not much point in going home now.

I'll be in the on-call room

if there are any other "can't wait" catastrophes.



It's all right. So far, so good.


We knew this was his only chance. It...

It's just such an all-or-nothing thing, you know?

They can't exactly put his old heart back in if it doesn't work.


It's OK.


- It's all right.

Look, do you want a cup of tea?


Come on.

Harry always puts such a brave face on everything.

Cracking stupid jokes and making light.

Yeah, I'd noticed.

I know he thinks he's helping, trying to make us all feel better,

or protecting us somehow, and maybe in front of the kids, then, yeah.

But it's not easy being with someone who bottles everything up.

It's not healthy, either.

No, it's not.

Here we go.


What...? Oh, for heaven's sake!


Picture the mountains.

Picture the lake.

- Picture the cool, calm...
- Ms Campbell? - What?

Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump.

What have you done?

It wasn't me! It was like that when I... What do you want?

- I need to tell you something.
- Can't it wait?

No. No, it can't.

All right. Come in.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realise that he didn't know.

He's overly sensitive to the prospect of change.

Well, he's had a lot of change to deal with lately.

We all have.

How's it going with Gaskell?

Any luck finding a new guinea pig for him to play with?

Well, it's just narrowing it down to one - that's the tricky bit.


What are you doing here? Is Ollie OK?

Mrs Chiltern had a silent stroke. Echo confirmed it.

I've started thrombolysing.

Oh! Well spotted, Dr Chowdhury.


I spotted it.

- You fabricated evidence?
- No...!

You wrote a fraudulent, backdated prescription,

and were about to fake Ric's signature.

- OK, yes. But...
- Do you have any idea how serious this is?

- I mean, what were you thinking?
- I know, I know.

I wish you hadn't told me.

It's what you said earlier

about taking responsibility for your own actions.

That's what I need to do.

But don't you see that's exactly what Ric's doing?

It's not fair, what's happening to Ric.

He is a good man, and a good doctor,

and wherever he was that day, I'm sure he had a good reason.

I was just trying to help.

How much trouble am I in?

Has Professor Gaskell told anyone else about this?

I don't know. I don't think so.

All right. Leave it with me.

Aren't you angry?

Well, how's that going to help the situation?

Look, I'll speak to the professor when he gets back.

In the meantime, try not to commit any more sackable offences.


- Do you want a hand with the...?
- No. Thank you.

Go on, get back to work.


If I'd just gone to the doctor

instead of thinking it was part of my PCOS, or...

a stomach upset, or a hangover...

I've been drinking the entire time I was pregnant. What if...

She's been checked out by the paediatrician.

There's nothing to indicate that anything's wrong.


Do you have a support network?

Any family? Friends?

The father?

- I'll have to tell him.

A friend of a friend.

A stupid, embarrassing, drunken mistake.


A stupid, embarrassing, drunken mistake

is waking up handcuffed to a bed in the on-call room

with no idea how you got there or where the keys are.


Yep. And then having no idea what you did or said.

Your thing - getting pregnant...

OK, so it wasn't planned.

But it doesn't have to mean it's a mistake.

Might even be the best thing that ever happened to you.

You don't have to make any big decisions now.

It's a lot to get your head around - I...can't even imagine.

So, you know...

baby steps.

Ah. Bed four - I've written him up a PCA,

and the girls are sorting it now, but if you can keep an eye on him?


You know,

you didn't need to throw Nicky under the bus like that.

I tried to get her off the hook.

No, you didn't.

I took full responsibility.

It was a passive-aggressive move

that made you look good and Nicky look like an idiot.

And you know it.



I don't want to get off on the wrong foot here.

I know better than to upset the nurses.

I'm not as bad as you think.


Let me prove it to you?

What happens now? Does this change anything, treatment-wise?

I don't know yet.

I think we need to be cautious about reading too much into it.

- If can diagnose a...
- Let's not jump to any conclusions.

Why are you being so negative?!

All I'm saying is let's not get carried away.

We don't know anything yet. But we can try and find out.

And we will.



We'll keep him sedated for the next four to six hours,

and see how he goes.

But he's being transferred to ITU now, so if you'd like to join him...

- Thank you.
- I'll walk you down there.


So, you think I should quit.

I didn't mean it like that.

You don't think I should be here.

Of course I do. I mean, I don't want you to go anywhere.

Look, I just...

I just think you need to do what's best for you.

And you think you know what that is?

No, I don't.

Cos you don't want to tell me anything.


Look, I've tried to be there for you...

as a colleague, as a friend, and...

Well, you just don't want to talk to me. So...

What do you want to know?

- I don't know...
- No, come on.

Clearly you think I owe you some sort of...

No, I don't think you owe me anything.

You can't have it both ways.

All right, then.

What are you doing here?

If you WERE going to leave...

..then getting shot was the perfect out.

So what changed your mind?

Who are you doing this for?

You know, is it Hanssen? Raf? Valentine? Yourself? I mean...

..I don't know.

I don't understand what you want from me, Fletch.

I know.



I think we should put a pin it.

Just keep this professional.

You found her a hat.

Nurse Jackson did.


There you go.


She's got her own little tag and everything.

"Baby Girl Saunders."

It's just her name for the computer system.


One more thing she hasn't got.

There's no rush.

Special delivery!

What's this?

Just a few things to get Baby Saunders up and running.

It is all from the -hour supermarket, I'm afraid,

but I got the most expensive stuff they had, because...

it was on Mr Duval.

And I'll be changing the PIN on that.


- Why?
- I don't trust her.

- I meant...
- Honestly, mate.

Just take it.

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Good luck.

He's all right, really.

Teddy bear!



You may have wrapped Ms Campbell

and even Donna round your little finger, but I know men like you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

And whatever she's having.

You're an F, right?

So I'm guessing you have enough debt to keep you going for a while.

Thanks. That's, er...

really nice of you.

Clearly you feel you have something to prove,

so if you want to trample over me to get ahead, fine.

There's nothing I can do about it.

- That's not...
- And no.

I don't remember every single detail of last night.

And apparently I've wounded your pride by not remembering you.

But maybe there's a reason for that.

Maybe I blocked it out because you are, hands down,

the single worst person I have ever met in my life.

I have a very comfortable bed at mine.

Just saying.

What are you doing?

Sleeping with a registrar would not be a good career move.

Whoa! I wasn't suggesting...

I don't need you to like me. I don't want you to like me.

I'm just glad this shift is nearly over,

and we won't have to work together again.

Well, actually, I'll mainly be based on AAU... you'll be working directly under me.

But good to know where we stand.



I'm so sorry.

Did you speak to her?




..everything's as it should be.





Seriously, I'm going to have to cut these off.

With what, though? I mean, they're pretty solid.

Yeah, well, I can't keep them on forever.

NICKY SIGHS They're hurting now.

Don't ask me why they were in my locker...

..and I won't ask you why you broke in and stole them.


Hey. Can I buy you breakfast?

Are you kidding?

Wasn't talking to you.

Hey...! What are you doing?

A rich, handsome doctor is asking me out.

Somewhere, my mother's head just exploded.