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20x07 - Precipice

Posted: 11/08/23 09:35
by bunniefuu
We are all terrified. What do we do? Cry and weep?

No, we just get on with it! That's what normal people do.

What are you so afraid of, Jac?

- Who did this to you?
- No-one.

It was an accident.

I should have stopped this.

- I should have done something.
- BP stabilising.

- Good.
- He's going to be OK.

For now.

- Aren't you living at mine?
- Sometimes, not always.

Where else do you live?


Who's Greta?

My girlfriend.

Bernie, I'm afraid I'm going to have to put Nairobi on hold.



Oh, it hurts!

That's how we know it's working. Two more.



Oh! Is that for me?

Have you been here all night?

No, no, I, er...

..just woke up early, and...

..thought I'd make a head start with things.

So it wasn't you that ordered the pizza?

Rox, you have to look after yourself.

Oi, this came after you left.

Well, anything for me?

- You were actually bricking it there, weren't you?
- As if.

It's just I've never not had a card before.

- Seriously? Every year?
- Well, ever since I was six.

- So, come on! Who's it from?
- Hey! Open your own!

No! I'm saving it for later.

Zarady Boha.

Sorry! Didn't mean to be insensitive.


Well, you know, no post.

Oh, please. I'm holding the pain inside.

Something might come tomorrow.


Valentine's is for -year-old girls,

florists, and wives whose husbands are cheating behind their backs.

Come on, you must have had loads in the past. You're gorgeous!

If I hear about Valentine's Day one more time,

I am going to buy that pet tarantula.

All right, all right! But you must have had cards, I mean, before.


Where are you going?

To cut my ears off.

Well done, Meena. Good job!

Can't I see something gross?

It's half term. You said this would be fun.

Yeah, and it will be, all right?

But we're up on Darwin, this isn't AAU.

So it's a little bit more sedate up here, love.

So you're not going to see a boil being lanced or a parasite removed.


- Mr Fletcher.
- Ah.

- It's all right. I need the loo, anyway.
- Just...

I thought you might have already left for your meeting.


She just wanted to see me in action.

You know, now I'm the DON.

Mm, Of course she does.

What -year-old girl wouldn't want to spend her entire day

on a cardiothoracic ward?

All right, I wanted to bring her in because she's got a date.


I read one of her texts.

So if she's in here with me, she can't be outside with him.

You're reading her messages?

Don't tell me you're not going to do the same

when Emma gets her first boyfriend.

Ah, see, you hadn't thought of that, had you?

- No, from now on I'm taking a leaf out of your book.
- My book?

Well, you're the one that told me

to get her a mobile phone for Christmas, and you know what?

It's the best thing I ever did, cos now I know exactly what's going on.

No, it's just prep work today for the VR project I developed on David.

Just going through some old photos, and...

seeing what memories we can trigger.


..if you need me...

Well, it's hardly a challenging day, but thank you.

Well! Look what arrived for me!

Seems I have a secret admirer, and...

..he's a feeder!

Right, well, I was going to share them around,

but seeing as you have no enthusiasm,

I will just take them home and eat them all.

Rather you than me.

Refined sugar in your s...

..that's brave.

If they're from a stranger, there could be anything in them.

- You should be careful.
- Lofty, they're cupcakes.

You don't know. There could be Rohypnol in them, or something.

- Calm down, calm down. You need to step back.
- You see what he did?

- Just...
- See what he did? - Step away, sir.

It is like living with a Barbie, yes.

Well, she would paint the walls pink if she could.

OK, I'll call you later. Bye.



The memories are there, Ollie.

They're just...


Hidden in a fog. We will get there.


You remember her?

Mo took this photograph.

We hadn't got any together, so Mo insisted.

This was our first.

Anything else?

This was a karaoke night. We sang.

- What did you sing?
- Don't Stop Me Now.


We can definitely use this.

Can we talk about my going home?

I've been improving every day.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


I've been here for weeks. I'm going insane.


- Earth to Donna!
- Look at him.

He looks like he's given up.

How can we discharge him like this?

Well, we're not discharging him just yet.

We still need to repeat bloods and do regular obs.

To make sure he's stable enough to go and get beaten up again?

As part of your treatment plan, we should visit some familiar places.

If I arrange a day's leave, how does that sound?


I know it's not the same thing as being discharged, but...

How long will it take to build the programme?

Not long.

The template's already established.

I just need to replace some existing content, that's all.

You mean David's pictures?


Must be difficult.

Deleting all hopes you have for his recovery.

I try not to look at it that way.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

It's fine.


Oliver's results.

His reticulocytes are low.

His bone marrow's suppressed.

OK, let's call the consultant haematologist,

get him sent straight for a CT scan.

OK, I'll ask nurse Chiltern if he can do hourly obs

from now on as the risk of infection is a lot higher.

Thank you, Mr Copeland.

Suppressed? I don't understand it.

He wasn't presenting any symptoms.

- I promise I'll look after it.
- Good.

Cos it's come all the way from Nepal.

You know, in a certain light, it's got a look of your father.

How very dare you!

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but the boy in bay two says there is a man acting strange on the ward.

What man?

He's wearing a motorbike outfit, and he has a bag around his shoulder.

I think I saw him earlier.

Security says he hasn't passed them, so to contact you.

So he made it on to the ward without getting his bag checked?

Right, can you keep an eye on her for a bit?

Yes. Yes, sure.

Dad, I'm fine.

No, no. You stay on AAU.


This better be in perfect condition,

considering the ridiculous amount it's costing.

- What's that?
- Your thumbprint.

I don't mean to be rude,

it's just you touched it when you took it out of the sleeve.

- If there are any scratches on this...
- There aren't, I promise.

Scout's honour.

What... What are you doing?

- I know I said I'd pay you online, but you're here now.
- No, I...

I only deal in bank transfers. I get muddled otherwise.

That's why I wanted to send it in the post, see.

Plus, I got mugged recently, so...

OK, give me the details.

Well, a couple of teenagers, and... they were watching me, then they...

- Bank details.
- Oh!

Right, of course. Erm...

..I'll e-mail you. I've damaged my hand.

- You've damaged your hand?
- Yeah.

In the mugging.


Had any nausea or headaches?


Naturally, I'd tell you if I had.

Not if you wanted to be discharged.

Ollie, if I'm going to treat you, you need to be honest with me.

- How long have you been in pain?
- I keep telling you, I'm not in pain.

You're just exhausted.


Try to get some rest.

Mr Copeland, can you chase up the metallurgical analysis

of the b*llet from the forensic report, please?

Of course.

He seems quite agitated.

There's concerns the b*llet may be migrating through his brain.

And if it has, we need to move quickly,

before it blocks the ventricular outflow.

If it hasn't already.


A date. How exciting!

But I need to meet him later now,

so I was thinking, if I Skyped him...

Ah. Now, should I be worried?

No, I promise.

OK. Laptop's in my office.

Thank you.

Serena? Erm...

Dr McKendrick was looking for you.

Thought you should know who's in bed one.

Don't worry, he's on his way.



Apparently, that's his girlfriend.

Really? Oh...OK.

Thank you. Thank you.

Greta. Hi.

Lovely to meet you.

Greta's been having trouble breathing for the past hour.

She's got chest pain and tachycardia,

- and I'm just about to do an ECG.
- Good, thank you.

Can I also get FBC, U&Es, LFT and a beta HCG test, please?, Greta, I'm Serena, Jason's aunt.

- You're Jason's aunt?
- Yes.

Yes, sorry, I would have introduced myself properly,

but I could see that you were busy.

Anyway, I've been so looking forward to us meeting.

I mean, not like this, obviously.

She shouldn't be treating me.

- Sorry?
- I'm your nephew's girlfriend.

That's hardly professional.

Four minutes, he waited outside. Four minutes.

For all we know, that fight could have been staged.

Whatever's in his bag, he didn't want it searched, so...

That's him there. Get him! Go on.

Oi! You! Stay where you are!

What's in the bag?

- What's in the bag?
- Nothing, it's just sandwiches. - No, go on.

- What's in here?
- No, it's just my lunch!


All right, careful. Mind his head. Mind his head.

No, he's not breathing. Go and get some help.

I've just heard back from the metallurgical report.

Apparently the b*ll*ts were repurposed.

Part lead, but there was also traces of manganese inside.


So we know it's not ferromagnetic.

I'll order an MRI.

Do you think it could be manganese poisoning?

Let's not jump to any more conclusions.

I thought he was improving.

So did I.

- Patient's hypertensive.
- What the hell were they doing?

- Just restraining him.
- Yeah, with what, a bus?

ECG, CT scan, and a chest X-ray.

I need to know if I'm dealing with a pneumothorax or a heart attack.

Patch line.

Serena, the girl has a point.

Now, if Jason had spoken those words,

then you wouldn't be taking offence.

Jason hasn't avoided meeting me for the past week.

Three times I've had to reschedule dinner, and each time, she's busy.

I've got a fridge full of gluten-free desserts.

Well, maybe she had plans

which would have been too stressful to change.

Come on, you know how Asperger's works.

This is hardly virgin territory.


Well...surely you knew.

That's how they found each other.

Through the social group.

What social group?

Jason is part of an autistic social group.

Didn't you ask how they met?

- He said they met at the cinema.
- Ah.

So he didn't mention that it was a group outing.

Every question I've asked him about Greta,

he's given me the bare minimum.

That's why I was so frustrated when she kept cancelling.

I was starting to convince myself we had another Lola situation.

Sorry. Sorry, I shouldn't be putting this on you,

- not with everything you're going through.
- No, no, no, no, come on.

Any distraction is welcome.

Look, perhaps she'd be better off in a side room.

Less stress.

Go back over.


She has made it very clear she does not want me treating her.

Not as a doctor.

As a friend.

Where is she?

Why aren't you with her?


Can I see that again?

OK, carry on. Thank you.

It's leaking out, isn't it?

He hasn't got long.

What Ms Macmillan means is, without intervention, he'll die.

Can you book the next available slot in theatre, please, Mr Copeland?

You're going to try and remove it again?

Is that wise?

Just book the slot, Mr Copeland.

How am I supposed to tell him?

I'll break the news if you want me to.

No, no.

He's my responsibility.

BP stable. over .

Aortic dissection. He'll need theatre.


Don't move. You need to stay calm.


You were the one that told those men to attack me.

Why would you do that?

You were being strange, acting weird, like, you were...

..stalking the ward.

Stalking the ward? What are you talking about?

- What are you doing here?
- Delivering a package.

- I'm a courier.
- Yeah, OK.

Who are you delivering to?

One of your surgeons.


Jac Naylor.


This isn't really necessary, is it?

I wouldn't be doing it otherwise.

It's just a couple of extra days' observation.

Which aren't really necessary.

Donna, I appreciate what you and Ms Campbell are trying to do, but...

I am not letting you go back to that place.

There is proof.

Somewhere in this hospital, there is proof that you are innocent,

- and I'm going to find it.
- Donna...

lets just face the facts.

Let it go.

Greta, why don't you put the phone down just for one second?

You shouldn't be so rude.

Jason, I wasn't suggesting that Greta was rude.

You're telling her what to do.

He's right. I'm not a six-year-old.

- Any news?

Kind of.

Greta, can you tell me when your last period was?

That's personal.

I can't remember.


Greta, Dr McKendrick is asking because...'re pregnant.

- Pregnant?

- That's right.
- You mean...

..I'm going to be a dad?


- Apparently so.
- Greta...

- Greta!
- OK, let's get her into the side room.

We'll give her some oxygen there. Come on, love, easy does it.

There you go. That's it, well done.


On my brain, again?

Are you insane?

It's the only way to stop the manganese

from leaking into your system.


No. Not going to happen.

- Please, Ollie...
- I said no!

You think I haven't been through enough?

I'm not going to be left paralysed, as well.

The chances of that are minimal. %.

Or left like some sort of vegetable.

The area in which the b*llet is lodged is already damaged.

It's unlikely that removing it will cause any further injury.

- It's the only way.
- No.

No, it isn't.

You could pass a needle into the area where the b*llet is.

- Sorry?
- Insert some sort of...

A tissue glue.

That would isolate the b*llet from the surrounding tissue.


It would stop the manganese leaching into the brain.

- I can't do that, Ollie.
- Of course you can. Why not?

- It wouldn't be the appropriate course of action.

- What you need...
- Don't you dare tell me what I need!

I'll tell you what I need - to go back in time

so that you can take this b*llet!

This should be in YOUR head! Not mine, yours!

- Ollie...
- You do not control me.

Get me Gaskell.

If you're too incompetent to do this procedure, then he will.

Why is she getting worse?

The news probably hasn't helped her stress levels.

- We need to make sure this isn't a pulmonary embolism.
- Embolism?

It's a blockage.

Dr McKendrick just needs to check

- the baby isn't pressing on your veins.
- Could I lose the baby? - No!

That's not going to happen.

- Tell her!
- Try not to worry, Jason.

We just need to do some tests.

OK, so I'm just going to check your oxygen saturation levels,

so I'm going to clip this monitor over your finger.

Follow with arterial blood gas and a VQ scan.

Of course.


Ms Macmillan has already made an informed decision

as to your treatment.

How can it be informed?

The woman has an unhealthy obsession with me.

Last night, I woke up at four o'clock in the morning

to find her watching me sleeping.

What, you think I didn't know you were there?

I've done exactly the same with my patients when their breathing

- has been laboured or...
- Shallow. His breathing was shallow.

Oh, this is ludicrous. You know as well as I do what this is all about.

I'm not your husband!


If that's how you feel, I think perhaps

Professor Gaskell should be your consultant.

I'm not having an operation!

If you don't, you could suffer from internal bleeding,

organ failure, and possibly a stroke.

A lot of people have a fear of going under the knife,

but there's absolutely no way

that you're just going to be able to walk out of here.

Look at the state you're in.


- Are you listening to me, mate?
- I said no!

Isolating the b*llet will be far less invasive.

Oliver, the procedure you're proposing,

there's no guarantee it will isolate the b*llet. What's more...

..there's a risk that the needle will cause bleeding on entry.

- It's not viable, you know that.
- You're wrong.


I understand the trauma that this operation poses,

but if you don't have it...

..the manganese will continue to drip poison into your brain.

- Your vomiting, your fever, will rapidly worsen.
- I can handle that.

But can you handle psychiatric disturbances?

Possible hallucinations? Further tremor?

Neurological deficits akin to Parkinson's?

Make no mistake - if you don't have this operation, you will die.

Two, three more could be facing permanent damage.

But, of course, the decision is yours.

- I want you to do it.
- You want me in theatre, fine, I'll be there.

- But it'll be alongside Ms Macmillan.
- No.

No deal. She's far too emotionally involved.

Oh, I've just heard that your temperature's coming back down,

so I think we're back on track.

Go and get some rest.

Erm...did you get through to him?

So what are we going to do?

We're going to give him his discharge forms

- when he comes back from the toilet.
- Eh?

Oh, come on, it's not like he's got enough strength to walk out

even if he signs them.



OK, we're on. Ten minutes, scrubbing in.

- He agreed?
- In the end.

I mean me being in theatre.

After everything he said, wouldn't it be better if someone else...

I'm going to do it without you. I told him. Ten minutes.

One, two, three, four, five.

- One, two...
- Curtis? - ..three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

I think I might know why you don't want to have the operation.

Has it got anything to do with a three-month residential stay

in Harbourne House?

Look, I know that you've got severe OCD.

So is it that you're... You're not scared of knives?

You're scared of germs?

Look, you need to sit down.


Why didn't you just tell me?

What, and have you look at me like I've got three heads?

No-one's going to do that.

Everybody does that.

People think I'm funny. They find it a joke, and they're right.

I am a joke.

There might be things that we could do to help.

You know, things that'll make it easier for you.

Can you imagine how difficult it is to avoid touching things in here?

Blood, vomit, every bodily discharge known to man.

If you're that scared, why come here?

My benefits have been cut.

The only way I get to eat this week

is if I sell and bike and courier stuff.


Couldn't you have put whatever it was in the post?

You think your Ms Naylor would have accepted that?

I tried.


- This looks like it's my fault, really.
- No.

No, it isn't.

Look, just leave me, yeah?

- Curtis...

- You need to rest, OK?
- Oh.. - You need to rest. - No!

No! No, I need to finish.

Curtis, come on, mate.


- Try and relax.

Try and relax. Try and relax.

Can I get some help in here, please?

I think my SATs are good enough to operate.

Never hurts to double check.

There. Fine.



- If anything was to happen...
- It won't.

Yes, but if anything did...'ve been amazing.


You need a hug?


Make it quick.

I'm meant to be hard, remember?


OK. Erm...

I'll see you later.

- I hope so.
- No hope, no.

I WILL see you later.


Hey. Here we go. Hmm.

Who puts glitter on cupcakes?

Oh, it's Dom's secret admirer.

He's meeting them for a drink later.

He should be careful. He could be an axe m*rder*r for all we know.

I don't think so.

His attempt at disguising his handwriting is very poor.

Look at that "G".

- What?
- Inflated lower loop.

Very rare. Indicative of obsession with X-rated material.

My grandmother taught me how to read palms, tea leaves, and...

- Dominic's written this?
- Oh, most definitely.

He also has a manic "K," which, again, is obsession with, er...

- Oh...

OK, so everything's looking good.

A nice, healthy heartbeat.

What's the heart rate?


That's low. The average is .

Anywhere between and is normal.

There's nothing to worry about.

Would you like to know the sex?

Let me have a look.

- It's a girl.
- Impressive!

Most people need to be told.

Oh, that's a shame.

I'd have preferred a boy.

Looking at this, I'd say she's about weeks,

so she'll be stretching and flexing now.

From this, I'd say...

..she's about g.

That's not very specific.

She's the size of a melon.

Yeah. A medium-sized baby.

Greta, how did you know the average heart rate of a baby?

You knew you were pregnant, didn't you?


- And you didn't think to tell Jason?

Look, if you two are going to have a baby,

then you are going to have to share information with each other.

Auntie Serena's right.

Why didn't you tell me?

I only took the test this morning.

This morning?


And is that when you started having difficulty breathing?


- How's he doing?

His aorta is leaking.

OK, Dacron graft is stitched in place. Removing the clamp.


What's happening? Is he bleeding from the back of the graft?

I can't see. Suction!

Get him back on bypass. We need to stop this bleed.


His breathing was shallow.

I never doubted it wasn't.

His sudden change of mind -

I'm presuming the caveat was your attendance in theatre?

Not quite.


What did you say to him?

It must have been remarkably persuasive.

I told him he was right.

You ARE obsessed.

Neurosurgery requires an obsession.

An unwavering single-mindedness. You're obsessed about his recovery.

I wouldn't describe it as an obsession.

Well, perhaps you should.

It might make you feel uncomfortable,

but it's what makes you brilliant.

A panic attack? Are you sure?

Well, hormones will affect stress.

Ric, if she has to be admitted to hospital

just cos she finds out she's pregnant,

how is she going to deal with the delivery?

With croup? Colic? Sleepless nights?

She has Jason.


Believe me, I hate even thinking this, but come on...

How are they going to cope as parents?


Yes, there are difficulties.

Yes, they could struggle...

..if they didn't have a strong support network.

But with Auntie Serena at hand...

Oh, I have tried to help, believe me. Today.

And every time, she rebuffs me.

I mean, you saw that - she turns and walks away.

Serena, you're judging the girl

on the day that she's had a panic attack.

I'm guessing that you must have envisaged

the day that you'd become a grandmother.

You've just been given a second chance.

- I'll tell you what I need - to go back in time

so that you can take this b*llet!

This should be in YOUR head! Not mine. Yours!

Ms Macmillan?

- Sorry.
- You've got this.

But Oliver is...

He's fully aware you'll be leading this operation.

- It's in a very tricky position.
- Yes, it is.

It's so close to the artery.

It's deeply embedded.


- Suction.
- BP is dropping.

What's happening?

Traumatic aneurysm. It's ruptured.



- Curtis...
- Please don't.

There's a mark on that curtain. You touched it.

Well, it's just a scuff mark.

Could be anything - you don't know that.

Well, you're not going to catch anything from...

It's not about catching things!

it's about feeling contaminated, polluted.

Why can't you understand? Why can't anyone understand that?

I do.

I do. Er...


It cripples you.

You know, it never leaves you alone.

I've got a...touch of the OCD myself.

You know, I always have to triple check I've locked the front door

- even when I know that I have. It's like...
- That's it, is it?

That's your big understanding. One thing.

One thing that takes seconds out of your day,

and suddenly you've got OCD?

No. That's not what I meant.

You ever held your bladder for six hours

cos you couldn't use a public toilet?

Or sat in a bath for a whole day?

Or sterilised a bike?

Or shaved your head because you thought someone dirty

had brushed past you?

You done that, have you?

No, I thought not.

My OCD, it's not about being a clean freak.

I have to do everything to a count of five

to stop members of my family dying.

I have ruminations, rituals that... can't even begin to imagine.

I don't have a life.

So, please...

..don't tell me you understand.

- Can you see where it's coming from?
- There's too much blood.


BP still dropping. Want to swap?

I've got it. The aneurysm.


It can't be secured.

I need to sacrifice the vessel.


Don't congratulate me. Not yet.

We don't know what deficit he'll be left with.


Do you want me to have an abortion?

- What?
- I said, do you want me to have an abortion?

No! No. Why on earth would you think that?

Cos you think I'd be a bad mum.

Well, I don't know what gave you that impression.

Well, isn't that what you were saying to Ric?

You looked guilty when you turned around.

You look like that now.

- Greta...

You think I can't tell when someone's talking about me?

- You think I'm stupid, incapable...
- No, no, I don't. I...

Oh, Greta, could you just look at me, please, just for one second?

And that's the other thing.

- You think my phone means more to me than my child.
- Of course I don't.

I don't. I... OK, look, I find it frustrating.

I mean, you're on it now!

What could you possibly find so fascinating that you...


OK, Greta, please, please don't tell me

that you've been researching pregnancy all this time.


But apparently that makes me a bad mum.

No, I never thought that. I never thought that.

I was just concerned about whether you would be able to cope.

- So I'm not capable of having this child?
- I didn't say that!

Auntie Serena!

I think you should leave.

Ollie? Ollie?

- I can't see... Why...can't I see?
- Try not to panic.

It's just from the operation.

Probably some temporary swelling of the brain.

Operation? No. No...


Where's Zosia?

I'm afraid Zosia's not here at the moment.

I want Zosia. I don't want you.

I don't even know who you are.

I'm Ms Macmillan.

I'm the surgeon who operated on you.

You...did this to me?

Try not to be alarmed.

You've just undergone a major operation.

Your sight will come back.

Ollie...can you try and raise your right arm for me?

Just hold it in the air.

Now try and lift your left leg.

And your right one.

What's happening to me?

What's happening...?

Have you seen my dad?

I've been waiting for him for, like, hours.



My dad, have you seen him?


You might want to look in the locker room.



I'm sorry, I can't go out with you.

You're years old and I have boots that are the same age.

But the card was



Don't bother, all right, cos nothing you can say can make me feel any worse.

Oh, I can and I will.

Hacking your child's phone is one thing.

- But...
- You hacked my phone?

I wouldn't say hacked but...

..but I did read a couple of your messages.

- That's why you bought me into work?
- I'm just trying to keep you safe.

This bloke you're dating... Evie, please don't walk away.

- I need to explain...
- Don't follow me...

I can't even look at you.

Sacrificing the blood vessel has inadvertently caused more

damage to his memory.

How bad is it?

He thinks he's still engaged to Zosia.

Presumably you told him.

He's in a very delicate state.

- I know, but...
- There's only so much the human brain can cope with.

He can't see. His motor function has been compromised...

- Yes, but he deserves to know.
- Mr Copeland.

- I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to...
- I will inform Mr Valentine.

No, no, no. Please may I? I've known him the longest.

I'm much better equipped to fill in the gaps.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

What's happening?

- We're moving you. More privacy, less stress.
- Wait!

OK. We can go.


Thank Mr Fletcher, the move was his idea.

Peace offering.

If it wasn't for him, you could have been dead by now.

Yeah, well... I was fine this morning.

You were a ticking time b*mb.

You could have had a heart attack at any moment.

Maybe on your bike? You could have k*lled somebody.

That's ridiculous.

As ridiculous as being afraid of a brown mark?

Look, I respect your mental health.

But you need to respect your physical.


I understand phobias and I understand OCD.

But the body.

You can't reason with it.

If you don't have treatment, you die.


So you can't blame Mr Fletcher for that.

Greta...I owe you a huge, huge apology.

I made basic assumptions and misjudged the whole situation.

And in doing so...

..I didn't get to know you.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I would be a bad mum.

No! See what you've done.


..bad mothers don't know the average heartbeat of a baby

and they certainly don't spend all day researching foetal development.

Look, I have seen more children pass through AAU due to neglect

than I ever thought humanely possible.

If I thought for one moment that your child was in any danger of that...

..well, we'd be having a very different conversation.

I think that you're both going to make wonderful parents.

Thank you.

However... is likely that you are going to need some help.

Maybe a little.

Maybe a lot.

And that's what I'm here for.

But only if that's what you both want.

We'd like that.

Thank you.

I'm sorry. I'm a coward. I just couldn't face it.

Breaking bad news again.

It's fine, completely understandable.

You're not a coward.

I thought that man had done all the damage he could, but it's endless.

We've gone right back to the beginning.

His sight is coming back.

And the weakness?

Early days.

So why didn't you tell me about this P kid?

Because it's private.

I don't ask you about women you fancy.

That's because there isn't any.

Not even Jac?

Jac? Really?

Well, you're always talking about her.

Me and Jac...

..we've been through some dark times recently.

And she's been there for me.

Doesn't mean to say I fancy her, does it?

I mean, she's brilliant, talented, loyal,

but she's still a scary Rottweiler.

So, this P kid... he in your class?


- He is at school, though, right?
- Of course he's at school!

See, this is why I didn't want to tell you.

Because I knew you'd be think I'd be dating some...


- You've got to trust me.
- I do trust you.

So if I tell you,

you've got to promise me not to go mad.

All right,

I won't go mad.

P is...


Quiff boy?

You're dating Pete the quiff?

- Don't call him that.
- I'm sorry, love.

It's just... Well, it's almost a beehive.

I'm sure he's a nice lad.

So you're OK with it?

Well, you can't bring him home.

Well, I don't want him moulting on the carpet, do I?

What's happening?

No, you can't take him anywhere. He's undergoing tests.

Let it go, Donna. I'm being discharged.

Discharged? Does Ms Campbell know about this?

Professor Gaskell authorised it.

- Just...say goodbye to everyone for me, would you?
- No...

What are you doing?

Just need to do your obs, if that's OK?

- These are disposable, so you know.
- I know.


That's all right.

I mean the room... It helps.

Um...I was looking into your mental health unit.

- I don't have one any more.
- Eh?


My psychiatrist said I was intractable.

Told me there's nothing more they can offer me...

Told me not to come back.

What? They actually told you that?

That's completely unprofessional.

Have you been dealing with this on your own?

Since , yeah.

You need to be reassessed.

What's the point? I'm the same now as I was then.

Worse, even.

If you went back now, you wouldn't have the same psychiatrist.

- Doesn't mean the results would be any different.
- There's always trials.

New treatments. Eight years is a lifetime when it comes to treating people. Trust me.

It'll just be the same CBT.

But with a different psychiatrist - one that had faith in you - it might just work.

Curtis, mate, come on - don't give up on yourself. You deserve another shot.

Look, I'll give them a call.

Good man.

No promises.

It means a lot.

Someone believing in me...

It's been a while.

Your delivery - what was it?

- I was trying to get some water.
- Let me get that for you.

- stay away.
- Sorry?

Why didn't you tell me?

I thought Zosia was coming.

You'd just been through a traumatic operation, I didn't want to jeopardise...

You've...butchered me.

I'd rather be dead than live like this.

Just go.


No, I'm going to get you a drink of water first.

I understand how you must be feeling.

But I promise I will fix you.

And I'm not giving up on you.

That's disgusting.

You didn't meet your man, then?


..I did.

He's just gone, actually.

Then what happened?

Nothing - it's just he was bit much.


You know, he was just too...


How can someone be too perfect?

Gym bunny.

Goes every night.

No carbs after six.

It just never would have worked...

Don't drink them.

They're disgusting.

It's called a "buttery nipple" or something.

You were right.

I don't want to hear any more about this stupid day.

Well, at least you got a voucher.

That's good, right?

Are you joking? Dominic's got some guy sending him cupcakes!

Dominic is sending cupcakes to himself.

To make Lofty jealous.

Well... two still got one.

Yeah. Mine was from a -year-old patient of mine.

Mine was from my mum.

No. You're just saying that.

No. She sends them every year.

- Why do you think I hid it?
- So no-one got a real card?

Excuse me! Mine was very, very real.

I mean from an actual man.

Oh, OK. the baby.

To baby Guinevere.

- Guinevere?
- How about Florence?

After Nightingale.

The greatest female statistician.

Are you a statistician, then, Greta?

Well, I think Florence is a lovely name.

And it's relatively unusual.

Relatively? That's not good.

Greta says our baby needs to have an unusual name so she can have

a strong e-mail address.

Preferably just her first name.

We need to check what the options are before we commit.

Have you been crying?

No, no, of course not.

See, I'm not just a terrible surgeon.

I'm a terrible person, too.

Who keeps their husband's ashes in a filing cabinet?

Grief is unique to all of us.

You've just got to do whatever helps you get through.

Normal people find comfort from ashes.

Why is it I can't even bear to look at them?

Because its isn't him, is it? It isn't David.

- Rox, are you sleeping here?
- I just...

..can't go back there.

Can't stay in that house... our bed...

I don't think I can ever go back there.

Two things. First of all, pack a bag, you're staying at mine.

- No, No, I couldn't...
- No arguments! Secondly...

..we scatter the ashes tonight.

I can't.

You've got to free yourself from this guilt.

You know what happens when you don't look after yourself.

I wouldn't know where to put them.

- We never discussed places or...
- Outside the church you got married in.

It was the happiest day of his life.

- I don't know if I can do it... Empty it.
- Then I'll do it...

You want me to?

Oh, don't mind me.

What are you doing lurking in my office?

Mr Lee needs his catheter changing.


Well, anything to stop your incessant whining.

- I don't whine.
- Oh, come on.

You've been like a dog who's had its toy stolen.

This must have cost you a fortune.

- Well, it's all relative, isn't it?
- Be nice.

I'm trying to say thank you...

I could kiss you...

..but I won't...

Well, I...

..didn't buy it for you, I bought it for Raf.

Well, in that case, you won't mind a little dance for Raf, then, will ya?

What are you doing?

Well, seeing as we haven't got a record player lying about...

That's the one.


You seriously think I'm going to dance? In here, with you?

Come on, you know you want to.

Confession! There was no date.

I sent the cupcakes to myself.

I know.

- What do you mean, you know?
- Apparently you have inflated lower loops.

I beg your pardon?

Your Ks and your Gs are manic.

You recognised my handwriting?

Not exactly. Apparently it means you're addicted to...

- Come on.
- Someone's had a bit too much to drink.

Look at you being all chivalrous.

You don't need to.

Goodnight, Dominic.

Oh, Lofty.

Look, I...

Goodnight, Curly Sue.


Handover took longer than I expected.

Hello, Roxanna.


I hope you don't mind me accompanying you.

I thought it appropriate.

The four of us all together again.

I'm glad you're here.

It would feel incomplete without you.

I'm guessing you could use some company.