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20x06 - Not Your Home Now

Posted: 11/08/23 09:34
by bunniefuu
I'm not sure I have anything worthwhile

- to speak with a councillor about.
- We need to talk about Fredrik.

You need to speak about your son.

We don't need to be on the wrong side of each other.

Be seeing you.

If you're in danger, you have to say something.

- I've got a girlfriend.
- Hi, I'm Lola. Jason told me all about you.

We haven't got any money.

Jay said you might be able to help us out?

I suppose I am gonna need your help

if I'm gonna be back to work next week.

Aren't you supposed to be on light duties between your physio sessions?


His head. His head.

We weren't able to remove the b*llet.


You're a hard person to track down.

I understand why.

What you needed to do.

The journey you wanted to go on.

If there were any other way,

any other person I thought I could turn to...

Henrik, stop.

You only had to ask. You only ever have to ask.

So, you got my briefing notes, did you?

I did.

Then you'll understand, therefore,

that this is not a crisis of your making.

I only ask that you steady the ship, provide leadership until...

..some other arrangements can be made.

"Other arrangements"? When are you coming back?

You are planning on coming back?


I'll give you as long as I can.

- I understand.
- But I can't stay.

- I know.
- I have...other priorities now.

How is Ms Wolfe?

She's good. Setting up a trauma unit in Nairobi.

I'm joining her there, once...

Thank you.

Henrik, why now?

The truth.

Large clot, I think. Yes, bifurcation of the pulmonary artery.

Lucky to catch this one before it disappears entirely.

OK, I'm sucking it through.

- It's time.
- No, I've got this.

Let's close the pulmonary artery. Let's come off bypass, please.

Mr Valentine. It's time.

No. I can do this. I can save him.


I can save you.


It's time.



It's time to wake up.

I was just dreaming.

Nice ones?

- The best.
- How so?

- Or shouldn't I ask?
- I was standing. On my own two feet.


- It's time for physio.
- Ah.

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking for the clinical lead.

- I'm afraid he's busy at the moment, but...
- Busy doing what?

Preparing for a conference.

Perhaps there's something I could help you with?

OK, well, you can start by explaining

why bed appears to be wandering off to Lord knows where

still attached to her drip!

More importantly, why is the theatre list not fully utilised?

And why is the emergency theatre being used for elective caesareans,

leaving the ward dangerously exposed in the event of a major trauma?

Well, there isn't a trauma unit here any more.

Yes, I am fully aware of that short-sighted piece of folly,

but AAU must be prepared for anything - at any time.

Firstly, we have one consultant, and he's going to a conference.

Secondly, I can have that theatre ready within minutes

for any life and limb surgery -

and thirdly, who do you think you are, Bossy Britches?


Oh, wow. You're a sight for sore eyes.

And you're the cause for sore ribs.


Sorry. Sorry. Introductions.

Right, Nurse Donna Jackson, Dr Nicky McKendrick,

this is Ms Serena Campbell.

Our new boss!

Er, temporary boss.

So... You're Donna Jackson?

I might be.

OK. Well, I will take over Mr Levy's list for today.

You sort out the electives. Then come and see me.

We've got things to discuss.

Guess we have new powers that be.

So, conference?

Yes, sorry about that.

It's all right.

- We'll catch up later?
- Yeah.

So, is there anything you need?

Henrik left me detailed notes.

Is he...?

Working things through.

I've reassigned those electives for you.

You wanted to see me?

Yes, I understand you're close to Ric Griffin.

- That's right.
- I've got an appointment

to see him this afternoon.

On behalf of the hospital?

On behalf of myself.

How is he?

I don't really know.

He says he's fine, but he won't really talk about prison, so...

He assured me he was fine,

but he doesn't want anyone to worry about him.

Hm. He would say that, wouldn't he?

Exactly! I keep making appointments to see him

and he keeps finding a way to put me off.

Well, he won't put me off.

Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms Campbell?

Oliver Valentine...

That's it, Ollie. Two more.

Give me two more. You can do it, bae.

- Don't call me that.
- What? - Bae!

Give me two more and I will.

I can't...

Course you can! Big strong lad like you.


- It hurts.
- That's how we know it's working! Two more.


One more.

- Hey, very good.
- I did it!


I don't even know what that means!

It means you get a lollipop.

- Same time tomorrow?
- Great.

No. Let's keep going.

I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Doc's right, Ollie. You're exhausted.

I'm exhausted just watching you.

Hot, short of breath - and that's not just your blue eyes.

I'm fine, honest.


This is my physio. My recovery plan.

My decision. Let's go again.

Well, well, well. The Prodigal Sapphist returns.

Hello, Jac. Anyway, my visit's only temporary. I'm just...

..steadying the ship in Henrik's absence.

Where is Hanssen?

Taking some time.

How much time?

As much as he needs.

So when you say "temporary", you mean "indefinite".

For God's sake, Jac -

I haven't spent the last year travelling the world

to try and find myself only to return

to where I lost me in the first place

to do a job I stopped wanting to do long before that.

No. I have better things to do with my life.

You've been away a long time. Things have changed.

So have I.

I noticed. Buddha?

You've gone full hippie, Campbell.

You never go full hippie.

Yes, well, after France, I spent some time at a Nepalese retreat...

Why am I explaining myself?

I do not have to explain myself to you.

No. I guess you don't.


I'm fine.

- Is it your back?
- I said I'm fine.

Some things haven't changed. You're as stubborn as ever.

- Here.
- What's this? Something you picked up on your summer of love?

It's incense. You burn it. Meditate. It helps.

- Helps what?
- Manage pain.

Both kinds.

- You never go full hippie, Campbell.
- Jac...

About Jasmine...

I got the flowers. Thank you.

I am so sorry.

This place has been through a lot.

"Steadying the ship" is going to take more than flowers and incense.


You might want to think about that

if you have better things to do with your life.


That's it, Ollie. Two more.

- Ollie...
- I'm fine.

No, you're not. You're about to collapse!

Stop mothering me. No-one is about to...

- Collapse?
- Ms Colter? Becky?

Hello, Jason. Working the early shift?

Auntie Serena? You're here!

I'm sorry, love, I know I should have called.

It all happened rather quickly.

That's OK. I'm just glad to see you're back.

- And you're working.
- Yep. - Does this mean you're all better in the head?

Well, I'm certainly better than I was.

Good. I'm glad.

I've so much to tell you.

And me you. But now I'm working.

- Oh, right.
- How is Ms Wolfe?

Very well. She sends her love to you.

Doesn't she need it for you?

I think she's got some to spare.

Will she be coming back too?

No. At least not here. Not yet, anyway.

No, Bernie's got a new hospital. In Nairobi...

..where I'll be joining her.

- You're not staying?
- Not long-term, no.


That's it? "OK"?


There... There are reasons...

This isn't your home now.

No... I'm not sure that it is.

- Look...
- Ms Campbell...

Not now, Nurse Jackson.

It's Mr Griffin.

- What about him?
- He's here.

Serena Campbell.

Long time no see.

What are you doing?

Go away.

What is this smell? Is that...?

Oh, it's incense.

Are you meditating?

Do I look like a hippie?

Everybody is going bonkers today. Must be full moon.

What do you want?

I want to lead Mr Friedkin's aortic valve replacement procedure.

Maybe. We'll talk about it next week.

- Then it will be too late.
- Too late for what?

Mr Friedkin. His surgery is today.

No, I postponed all my electives.

He's not an elective. It's urgent.

His surgery is happening today.

- That's impossible.
- Well, check the rota yourself.

Is there a problem?

Erm, I just have better things to do.

Clearly. You might want to talk to Fletch. He's gone...loco.

- Can't you do it?
- I have a consult on Keller -

and then I'm going to come back

and we're going to talk about Mr Friedkin's theatre plan.



I need full bloods, cannula, and colloids going, please.

BP, temperature and pulse?

It hasn't gone in too deep.

About an inch and a half, I'd guess.

I'm not about to decompensate.

It missed the aorta, cava and I'm pretty sure the liver's safe.

What's left of it.

Who did this to you?

No-one. It was an accident.

What the hell are you people doing in there?

You were supposed to protect him...

BP, temperature and pulse, Nurse Jackson.

Don't make me ask again.

/. . .

BP's strong. Might have got lucky.


Nurse Jackson, a word, please.

I need you to stand down. You're emotionally involved...

Too right, I'm emotionally involved -

and what I don't understand is, why are you so calm?

It's my job,

and right now, you're getting in the way of me doing it.

Well, I see that you've met Donna?

Briefly. I only got back last night.

Yes, exactly...

Look at it this way -

I can think of at least one person who's having a worse day than you!

Book a theatre, please.

It's not impacting anything internally,

so we'll take it out under local.

In the meantime, dress with surgi-pad and tape -

and don't let him tell you how to do your job.

Go easy on Donna. She's a good nurse.

Maybe a little...excitable.


She just knows a pack of lies when she hears it.

- As do I.

Serena Campbell, I presume?

What can I do for you, Professor Gaskell?

You know me?

By reputation - and what Hanssen told me.

You've spoken to Henrik?

- I have.
- We're old friends. Is he OK?

He will be.

Are you OK?

Oh, just a tough first day back, that's all.

Then I'll let you get on. Thank you.

For telling me Henrik's OK...

..and for relieving him of some of his burden.

I'm just filling in...

If you know Henrik, you know how important this place is to him.

The fact that he can trust you with it tells me all I need to know.

Thanks. Thank you.



Ah, there you are.

I apologise for being unprofessional,

but Ric is lying. Someone att*cked him -

and he's too scared or noble to do anything about it.

- We have to help him.
- I completely agree.

The question is - what can we do?

We can't exactly bust him out of jail, can we?

I used to know a guy who knows a guy...

No. No, we can't.

So, we need to ensure he doesn't stay in jail

for a second longer than he has to.

I want you to tell me everything you know about the CPS

case against him and his likely defence.

- Dizzy?
- Dizzy, short of breath, palpitations...

I get those all the time,

after a K run or a spin class. It's normal, right?

To be fair, I had all of those when training for the Fun Run.

Have you ever fainted before?

- No.
- There you go.

At least, not like that

Like what, then?

Two weeks ago, I blacked out after binge-watching Davina's exercises.

Then I've fainted after strenuous exercise. Today, I wasn't.

I was watching him exercise.

I'd like to try some more of those photo recognition...

I run two miles a day. Avoid salt, fat, sugar.

Drink protein shakes instead of eating red meat.

Kale smoothies instead of...

..I don't know...something nice. I have done everything right.

There can't be anything wrong with my heart.

- Mitral valve prolapse!
- What?

- You have mitral valve prolapse.
- Oliver? How do you know that?

- The monitor. Isn't it obvious?
- Not necessarily. How do you know?

The left ventricle is thicker. The aortic valve is...normal...

I know because I remember...

I remember.

Is he right about the diagnosis?

Way too early to tell.

Would it be your diagnosis, if you were forced to guess?

No. I don't think it is mitral valve prolapse. There's no regurgitation.

You need to do a trans... A trans...


If you do a TOE,

that'll show you what you need to know.

It's possible...

..but what I do know is that she needs to come to Darwin.

So, more photo recognition tests?

No, I've got something else in mind.

Look, if I wanted the Small Faces version of the song,

Sorry She's Mine, I would have asked for it, wouldn't I?

But no... I clearly stated I wanted an original,

first pressing of the Jimmy Winston & His Reflections version -

but that's not what you sent me, is it?

But that is what I paid for. Do you know what that is, mate?

It's fraud - and you, you and your...


He hung up on me!

Oh, people these days...

- The cheek of it.
- Frieda said you'd gone loco.

This is about that missing record, isn't it?

This isn't just any record, Jac, right, it's...

Yes, it's the missing piece to Raf's vinyl collection

that he left to you from beyond the grave

and, once complete, will be worth a mint. That record, right?

This isn't about the money, Jac. OK, this is stuff,

OK? You wouldn't understand.

What? You're the one that encouraged me to go and find it!

Yes, because I thought you needed a distraction. A hobby...

..but this is getting ridiculous.

Look, if I can find this missing record,

will you promise to give us all some peace and quiet?

If you can find this record, I will kiss you!

I was looking for a reward,

not a potentially fatal encounter with your halitosis.

Peace and quiet?

Peace and quiet.

"Man stuff. You wouldn't understand!"

Oh, come on, Naylor, think.

What would you say to Emma in this situation?

"Where were you the last time you had it?"

I was with...Emma!

I was with Emma!

Yes, I was with Emma.

OK. Aha, aha!

Oh, no. Oh, no! No, no, no!

Is everything all right?

- Yeah, fine. Why?
- I thought I heard you cry out?


"No!" Like that.

- What do you want?
- You are needed on the ward.

I'll be right there.


Prescribing blood thinning agents for an ischemic leg is...

Well, it's standard practice.

Very odd that Ric could forget something so simple.

Well, he's sure he didn't. He's sure he ordered warfarin.

Just not with you...

..and you have no idea why he thought he had?

I can only assume that he assumed. We've worked together for so long,

we have a kind of shorthand... We really needed it that day.

That's the bit I don't get.

If it was so busy, what was he doing

having a "prolonged absence from the ward"?

He is allowed.

A consultant being off-site isn't in and of itself negligent.

Unless you fail to prescribe proper medication

and then fail to follow up on your most urgent patient.

This isn't Ric. This is someone who is distracted.

- His mind's elsewhere.
- It wasn't like that.

We were under the cosh...

..but we were focused.

He was focused...

That's not the picture the prosecution will paint,

though, is it?

All he'll say is that he was dealing with a family emergency - but...


I've spoken to Kofi.

He and Darla were in St Catherine's Hospital, York,

for a routine follow-up procedure.

It's miles away.

If it was a family emergency, it didn't involve them.


So...what exactly are we trying to achieve with this?

Memory is like a muscle.

Exercise it - stimulate it - and it can grow stronger.

So if watching Ms Petrenko do the echo sparked old memories,

maybe following Dom's patients can spark more?

- It's worth a try.
- This one.

OK... Well, this one is actually quite a difficult one.

Three months ago, Isla Winters was on tour

when a car accident crushed her left forearm.

She's undergone multiple bypass graft operations

to restore the blood supply, only to then develop a rare bone infection.


By the time she got to us, suppurating wounds had opened up.

To avoid further risk, we have now scheduled a below-elbow amputation.

You said she was on tour. What does she do?

That's what makes this one so difficult...

She's a violinist...for the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

One of the bright shining young stars of classical music.

Or, at least, she was.

She's not just losing her arm,

she's losing what she does and who she is, forever.

I can't begin to imagine what that must be like.

- Dinner?
- No thanks, Jason. I'm not hungry.

I meant, would you like dinner tonight?

You can explain why you don't feel this is home any more.

I'd love to.

Good. I'll send you the address.

Wait. What address? Aren't you living at mine?

- Sometimes. Not always.
- Where else do you live?


- Who's Greta?
- My girlfriend.

You have a girlfriend? Wow. How long's this been going on?

Seven months, three weeks, four days and... hours.

You've had a girlfriend for seven months?!

Seven months, three weeks...

Y-Yes, OK. Um...

..why didn't you tell me?

You didn't ask.

- Mr Griffin's ready in theatre.
- Thanks.

- : OK?
- Yes, lovely. :.


Ah, there she is. The woman of the hour.

Provider of rare and original recordings...

You know what you were saying about money not being the point...?

Jacky Naylor? Is that you, bae?

Becky Colter? What's she doing here?

She's your new patient.

Jacky! I thought it was you.

You guys know each other?

Yeah, all our kids go to the hospital creche together.

My daughter, Bella, lovely little Theo - and naughty scamp Emms!

It's quite the community.

It's really not - and it's Emma, not "Emms".

- She hates being called Emms.
- No, she doesn't.

My Bella and Emms are locked in this fierce passion play

over little Theo. It's so cute. Right, Jac?

Emms has got a little crush on Theo?

- No. It's the first I've heard of it.
- Sorry!

What I'd do to get my hands on those glutes...!

The echo shows enough to be concerned. Let's do a CMR ASAP.

We don't want you here any longer than absolutely necessary.

- What about the TOE?
- What TOE?

Oliver watched me do the echo. He diagnosed MVP.

And he thought that a TOE will show it.

He seemed very sure of himself.

Well, at least he's trying. That's all that matters.

- There must be something you can do.
- We are.

- Cutting her arm off?
- To save her life

Music is her life. You lose that...

- No, there must be something else.
- We've looked at every option...


Revascularisation. I...remember that.

We've got an expert here. Griffin. Ric Griffin.

Why are you looking at me like that? I remember.

Firstly, Mr Griffin is... incapacitated.

As for revascularisation...

It's a non-starter, Ollie.

The osteomyelitis is far too widespread

and if we don't act now, it could be fatal.


Damn, damn, DAMN!



- Calm down, it's OK.
- I told her...I promised.


You promised Isla? You promised Isla what?

I thought...

I need to sort this.


I thought I remembered.

You shouldn't be in prison.

I wouldn't be, if I hadn't thumped Jeremy Warren. It's a mess...

..but I've made my bed and I'm going to have to lie in it.

Where were you? You were gone for three hours.

- Where?
- It doesn't matter. Family emergency.

Where I was and what I was doing

had no effect on my care of Elaine Warren. That's the truth.

And that's the end of it.


OK, I'm going to remove the blade now.

I'll have to take a closer look.

Oh, how long have I yearned to hear those words?!

Stop it...

I can do that.

It's fine. I need you to order a CT scan ASAP.

Has the blade caused internal...?

Now, please, Dr McKendrick.

Lot of bruising there.

So...Jason's got a new girlfriend.

Really? Is he happy?

- Seems to be.
- Good.

He deserves to be.


Remember a few months ago, when I rang you from Nepal

and asked you to help Jason out...?

Yes, it was nothing. All sorted.

Ms Campbell. Keller needs you. Something about Mr Valentine?


You changed Mr Friedkin's surgery to a robotics procedure.

Oh. That. It's a long procedure. So I thought it would make it easier.

Yeah, maybe for you -

but I'm not qualified to lead a robotics procedure.

Whoops. Sorry.

- "Whoops"?
- You can do the next one.

I'm doing this one.

You're not robotics trained.

And this procedure is not robotics suitable.


There is aortic regurgitation,

so it will be very, very difficult to cardioplege.

I thought you weren't qualified?

I know the theory and I'm worried that you don't.

- I know it.
- Then, act like it.

OK, I made a mistake. Just move on!

- OK. Then I lead?
- Yes!

And you will assist and stand by my side?

Yes! Was there anything else?

Yes, Becky Colter's CMR results.

See you on the dance floor.

It's good to see you.

Back cracking the whip, like the old days.

Not so much cracking the whip as lending a little support.

- How's Bernie?
- She's good. In Nairobi.

- Nice!
- I know. I'm joining her there in a couple of weeks.

You're leaving again so soon?

Once things are running smoothly here.

So...what's the problem?

There's not a problem as such...

New rules.

If a member of staff or patient is violent in any way,

we go straight to the top -

and that's you.

Sorry, so Oliver was violent? Who to?


I should never have raised your hopes. I'm sorry.

Do you think I'm getting better?

One step at a time.

Ms MacMillan? I'm Serena Campbell.

You were called because of the recent security protocols...

Yes, that's been explained, thank you. Oliver?


Do I know you?

You did - and you will again. Please.

Erm, Mr Hanssen has made it clear

that the hospital is to put its full resources

at Ms MacMillan's disposal to ensure your recovery.

We'll do whatever it takes to get you home

and prepared for your new life.

New life?

Whatever you need...

I don't need a "new" life.

I need my old one back again. As a surgeon.


I was told that your injuries...

My injuries?

What? You don't think I'm coming back from this, do you?

- It's not like that, Oliver...


One step at a time?

- OK, so you need to stand with your legs apart, not too far apart.
- Mm.

Knees over big toes, OK? Suck it all in...

..and then bend back and stick your bottom right out!

Seriously, it's really good for your core.

Great for your legs, great for your glutes...

..and it will help out that lower back pain.

Oh, right. OK!

Seriously, you've got to try it. So, remember...

Ms Colter...

Come on, Jacky, we're all friends here.

Actually, we're not, but even so...

Listen... About that record, there's a chance I can...

Oh, you should tell her what you just told me.

- My Bella's father...
- Yes, your ex-husband...


Anyway, his cousin owns a second-hand music store -

- and guess what!
- What?

There's an original, first-pressing vinyl of Sorry She's Mine

heading here as we speak!


How incredible is that, eh?! Well done.


Listen, sorry to be a Debbie Downer, Becky,

but your CMR shows that you have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM.

It's a genetic condition where the muscular wall of the heart -

the myocardium - becomes thickened.

It's serious enough to require surgery,

so you've been provisionally booked for October.

Your GP will be in touch with any further details.

OK, what was that?

Me doing my job.

You could have been a bit nicer about it.

Ugh, have we met?

Come on, Becky needs your help.

Look, I diagnosed her. I gave her a treatment plan.

What more does she need?

Sorry, what's the matter with you? She's terrified.

So what?! We're all terrified. Right? All of us.

You're terrified of letting go of Raf,

so you obsess over some stupid record collection.

Frieda's terrified she won't live up to Elliot's expectations,

so she latches onto me, knowing I will hold her back.

Serena's terrified to commit to this place

because she knows she'll have to fully confront her daughter's death,

and Hanssen...

Hanssen's so terrified that he's responsible

for his son being a maniac that he's gone AWOL!

So, we are all terrified. What do we do?

We cry and weep? No. We just get on with it.

That's what normal people do.

What are you terrified of, Jac?

That this tedious conversation will never end.

They ask for help.


People. When they're scared. They ask for help.

That's what normal people do.


You're not well.

Hello, Jason.

I had a bit of an accident...

- ..but I'll be fine.
- You don't look fine. You look tired.

Old. Sick.


Well, if it quacks like a duck...

I heard you're in prison. Why?

I...did something wrong. I hurt someone.

Did you k*ll them?

No. I didn't k*ll anyone.

I don't understand. You're a good man.

It doesn't seem fair.

Thank you, Jason.

If I were you, I'd be angry. Aren't you angry?



Did Serena ever ask you anything about what happened...

- you know, a few months ago?
- No.

And you never said anything to her?

Like you said, "Only if asked," right?

- Right.
- Goodbye, Mr Griffin.

Goodbye, Jason.


One step at a time.


Excuse me. I need to speak to my patient in private.

You can stand over there

but I'm afraid you can't be privy to this conversation.

Thank you.


Ric, I never did get to the bottom of what was upsetting Jason

when I called you.

He texted me the next day, saying everything was fine,

so I didn't think about it again.

- Until today...
- Serena...

I called you at am on the nd of October.

You were treating Elaine Warren.

You left the ward at : and didn't return for three hours.

You weren't dealing with your family emergency, were you?

You were dealing with mine.

Lucky to catch this one before it disappears entirely.

Looks intact.

OK. I'm sucking it through.

Mr Valentine...

No, I've got this. I can save him.

I can save you.

Wake up, Ollie! Ollie, wake up, mate.

Talk to me, Ollie. Get Ms MacMillan now!

Ollie, everything's going to be OK, all right. I've got you.

What happened?

- I fell... Hurts. Can't...breathe.
- Stay with me, OK?

Page CT!

Ollie? Ollie?! Ollie?!

It was never meant to become a big secret.

It was just something that had to be dealt with.

So I dealt with it.

I don't know the whole history,

but I gathered that Jason had let a friend come and stay

for a few days...

..and this friend had taken advantage...


Food, money, lodging... I don't know...

..but on the morning that Jason called you - something happened.

Jason caught this person stealing something of yours,

- breaking something.
- Right, I'm going to get him

and we're going to have this out...

No. Let me explain...

What's to explain? Jason lets some scumbag into my home,

without ever breathing a word of it to me.

He couldn't!

He was in a really bad way.

He said that you knew this person.

That you would be very angry with him for being so stupid

and that you would never trust him again.

So...I told him that he didn't have to mention it.

That if you didn't ask, he didn't have to tell...

..but...there had been an altercation.

What? Was Jason hurt?

Not as badly as the other person.

- Who was this person?
- An ex-girlfriend called Lola...

Lola Winston. Jason hurt Lola?

It was an accident...

How badly was she hurt?


Bad enough.

- Hey, you rang. What's wrong?
- It's Ric. He's been admitted.

- He's here?
- He's been att*cked in prison.

What, again? How bad is it?

Bad enough... What do you mean, "again"?


It's Ric. We should go.

I still don't understand.

If you'd taken them to the ED,

then there'd be some record of them being admitted -

which would explain where you'd been...

We never made it to the ED.

I treated them in the car park.

- What?!
- I...had my reasons.

In the circumstances, it was...

..better not to involve the police. I did what I had to.

You did that for Jason?

I didn't do it for Jason...


Ric? Ric! Ric! Some help here, please!


BP's /. Dropping fast.

- Haematoma.
- From an uncontained renal injury.

It's not the first time he's been att*cked, is it, Mr Levy?

Oh, God.

Haemorrhaging internally. We need to get to theatre.

Sacha? Sacha? Theatre now.

Hello, sleepyhead.

I was just dreaming. I was in surgery, in my dream.

I was in surgery and it felt right. Normal. I'm in control.

Who I'm meant to be... and then I woke up...

..and all of that certainty.

That sense of self - just...

..floats away.

Like something's been amputated... Cut away...

..and all that's left is a...

..phantom Oliver. A memory.

Broken. Is something amusing you?

Yeah, I like the idea of the two Olivers.

The old Oliver and the new Oliver.

You know, in your dream, the... confident one, in control,

is the new Oliver, to me.

The old Oliver...?

Mm, he was...naive - lacked self-belief.

Sometimes sly and cowardly.

Oh, he sounds... a prat...

But you overcame those things. You grew. Became a better Oliver.

Oliver ..

Maybe you can do all those things again?

I seem to remember you fancied the pants off of old Oliver.

I've always had bad taste in men.


Besides, you are not old Oliver any more.

No, but I don't remember new Oliver,

so maybe if you kissed me, I can...

..piece the memories together.

Oh, like, I'm the princess and you're the toad?

Something like that.

- Well, in the interests of medical research...
- Mmm.


Mm, no, still a toad. Maybe try again...

Even the old Oliver knew not to push his luck.

- Becky Colter? Was it a mitral valve prolapse?
- No...

..but she will be OK - and so will you.

He's fine. At least, his heart and lungs are.

It's his head I'm worried about.

Sounds like the Oliver I used to know.

I'm confused. Which Oliver am I now?

It's whoever you wish to be.


Packs, please. I need an additional sucker.

- Sacha, the packs!
- Sorry.

Packs, please, thank you.

How did it get so bad? He's clearly suffered repeated renal damage.

Previously it's been contained.

Whatever happened today...

..straw, camel's back.

I should have stopped this... I should have done something.

- I've found the source of the bleed. Can you apply pressure?
- Yep.

BP stabilising.

Good. He's going to be OK.

For now...

Jac, we were supposed to scrub-in minutes ago...

Oh, you silly, silly woman.




..I wanted to apologise for being brusque earlier.

It's OK...

No. It's not.

You had a big shock and I should have communicated better.


I'm not good at the touchy-feely language -

but if you're concerned or you're scared, then I'm here to help.

Were you scared?


I got shot in the back. I didn't have time to be scared...

I meant after, when you were lying in one of these beds,

wondering if you were going to be OK.

If you were ever going to be the same again?

Yes. I was scared.

Did you have someone to help you?

Yes, I did.

So, you and Fletch...!

What about me and Fletch?

Anything going on there?

No. No, why would you say that? Why would you even think that?

Why wouldn't you? He's, like, super-hot.


It's just - I was throwing him some pretty heavy hints earlier,

if you know what I mean.


And nothing. Big fat zilch.

All he wanted to talk about was how a good surgeon you are.



No, there's nothing going on there.

Probably didn't help that I messed up his rare record.

Turns out the bloke had a Small Faces version

instead of the Jimmy Winston one.

Oh, that's a shame.

I thought we were having dinner with Greta?

- Greta cancelled.
- Oh. - Maybe another day.


Jason...what happened with Lola?

I saw her at a soup kitchen. She needed help.

Gave her food and money. Then I caught her stealing.

We had an argument. She got hurt.

Mr Griffin fixed us both up,

said some things to Lola and she went away forever.

Jason, did you hurt her?

She was stealing. I had to stop her...

You should have just let her have the money...

She wasn't stealing money. I gave her money.

She was taking Elinor's stuff.

I went to get it back.

She fell. Hit her head. She didn't want to go to hospital.

Said she was fine...but I remembered Elinor. So I called you...

..and you called Mr Griffin and he fixed everything.

Oh, love, I'm so sorry that this happened. That I wasn't here -

and that you felt you couldn't tell me.

I could tell you... Mr Griffin and I decided not to.

Because you were happy.

Far away from all the bad stuff in your head.

At first, I worried...


..and then Mr Di Lucca was k*lled,

Mr Valentine and Ms Naylor were shot...

..and you still didn't come back.

Your new home must be wonderful.

Yes, is...

..but this is home, too.

I know I'm late. There's no need to glower.

I am not "glowering".


Well, there were just a few things I needed to do first, OK?

- I completely understand.
- You do?

I was in your office earlier.

I couldn't help but notice the new kit you're trying out.

Knowing how much you hate standing and baby-sitting me,

I took some steps to help.

Also, I know some people who deal with rare records.

If that is the kind of thing that may be of use to you.

OK, you got lucky, very lucky.

The CT scan shows no new bleed or movement of the b*llet...


..but it could so easily have done. You need to be more careful.

Any head pain or symptoms, you tell someone straight away.

Your mood swings and personality fluctuations

have been in the red zone today.


I can't help YOU if you don't help yourself.

- What are you doing?
- Helping myself.

- What is that?
- A coin trick.

A top surgeon once taught me

that if you can roll this coin across your knuckles like this,

you can achieve anything you want.

And what do you want to achieve?

Oliver ..

Thank you.

What for?

Saving him.

I'd feel better if I didn't have this horrible feeling

that I'm partly responsible for him being here in the first place.

Join the club.

Yeah, the club sucks. No offence.


Would love to, but I...I need to talk to some people.


A change of plan.

Yes...bifurcation of the pulmonary artery.





I can save you.


I'll save you!



Are you OK?

Yeah. Just, er, dreams.

Nice ones?

Oh, the best.

Oh, it's about what you'd expect. Yes, that bad.

Erm, look, Bernie,

I'm afraid I'm going to have to put Nairobi on hold...


Well, this home needs me.

I knew you'd understand. Yep, I love you, too.

OK, bye. Bye, bye, bye...

Thank you.

I know what sacrifices you're making.

People seem to have been doing that for me quite a lot lately.

Very sorry to hear about Ric.

Between you and Ric, there's barely enough martyrdom to go round.

People aren't "making sacrifices".

They're helping because they care about you...

..and the hospital.

Well, you have my gratitude, nonetheless.

Ric will be found innocent.

Oliver will recover.

The hospital will heal...

..and so will you.


That hole... That emptiness you're feeling.

It will start to fade.


When you're ready.