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20x04 - Hanssen Is as Hanssen Does

Posted: 11/08/23 09:32
by bunniefuu
- I need you to stay strong for the others.

Fredrik, put the g*n down. You're not yourself.

That's the problem, I am myself and you're yourself.

- Fredrik, no!
- That's the problem.

- Fredrik!
- I'm here to end this! - Fredrik!


Get away from him. Fredrik!

Just admit it. You need me.

I believe your brain is beginning to remap.


- Don't point that at her.
- Oliver! Stop!

g*nsh*t No!





For God's sake...

What are you doing?

Don't sneak up on me like that.

I didn't...

You should really take the lift.

My mother's dead. You know that, don't you?

I'm sorry?

I'm not in the market for a replacement.

Newshounds are out in force.

- Yes.
- Only to be expected.

Thank you. Indeed.

A difficult day ahead.

For all of us, yes.

Some more than others.

Are you attending the memorial service?

Of course.


We're trying a new treatment with Ollie Valentine today.

- Really?
- Photo recognition.

- Right.
- Hoping to see some indication his brain is remapping itself.

Well, best of luck.

Any problems with the press, you come and find me. OK?

- See you at the memorial.
- Morning.

- Ready for the service?
- I believe so, yes.

I've already had the press sniffing around some of my nurses.

Surprise, surprise.

Dunno why they can't just leave us alone.

Well, hopefully they will after... PHONE RINGS

Sorry, got to take this.


This is James Gabriel, , suspected MI...

Mr Gabriel, how are you doing?

I could ask you the same question.

Could you?

Today of all days.

Excuse me?

I recognise you from the news.


One of the sh**ting victims, aren't you?

I should have that tattooed on my forehead.

What a nightmare.

I can barely recall.

It's the memorial service today, isn't it?

Anyway, back to you...

You can sense there's an atmosphere around the place.

- Mr Gabriel...
- We need to run some tests.

Subdued. That's the word.

Try and pay attention.

I'm all ears.

Just a second.

Where are you going?

There's a bloke over there who's ran out of water.

We have a team of low-paid, undervalued skivvies to do that.

You stay in bed.

Dehydration is a k*ller, you do know that, don't you?

Right, let's have a chest X-ray, angiogram,

ultrasound and some bloods, please.

Is she OK?

Absolutely fine.


Come in.

Hello, Henrik.


How are you?

Why are you here?

- That's a good question.
- Why didn't you call?

- I was invited.
- By whom?

Does it matter?

Were you seen coming into the hospital?

I have no idea.

- It's just that the press are...
- I've no idea about anything any more.

Well, that's understandable, you've lost your husband.

And your son.

Actually, I think we both lost him a long time ago.

And now we have got the rest of our lives to ask why.

Have you seen Maja?

- Not since the funeral.
- How was she?

She needed you to be there.

I really have to go, I'm afraid.

I have an urgent appointment.


I really can't be late.

Don't worry,

I'll still be here when you get back.

How's the pain?

Lingering like a tramp at a food bank.

What a charming image.

Agony brings out the poet in me.


I'm exaggerating for effect.

Tell me more.

Well, my chest gravitates between numbness and a burning sensation

that travels down to my legs if I stand or walk for prolonged periods.

So, why climb six flights of stairs this morning?

My spies are everywhere.

The lift was out.


I can't gauge my progress if I don't test myself.

You should leave the gauging to the experts.

I'm listening.

Your discomfort is due to the formation of scar tissue at the site

of the injury, which is initiating late-effect pain impulses.


An anti-neuropathic agent might help, but otherwise it's rest,

physiotherapy and time.

Stick to your programme.

Is that it?

We'll just have to see how you go.

That's your expert advice?

For the time being.

Neuropathy presents differently in every patient.

I'm aware of that.

The one consistent factor is how little a surgeon can actually

- do about it.
- Even one with a reputation for miracles?

If you want to jeopardise your chances of regaining full

fitness, feel free to ignore my advice.

And there's nothing else I can...?

You could ask for help when you need it.

What I don't need is counselling.

Fair enough.

Thanks for the honesty.

- Hello, lovely.
- Hello.

This is Sheilagh.

Winner of the most embarrassing patient of the week award.

- The what?
- Sheilagh fell on her shears in the garden.

I was overwintering my broad beans.

- Ouch.
- And they say that veg is good for you.

I'm going to be back in a minute, OK?

- So, how are you doing?
- I dunno. - Yeah.

I can't get Raf's face out of my mind.

You and me both.

- I guess he'd say that's the point of memorials though, right?
- Yeah.

- Can't say I'm looking forward to it, though.
- No.

But we'll get through it.

And then we'll get drunk, deal?


- Mr...
- Ah!

..Gabriel's results.

Will you stop doing that?

Cardiac enzymes are raised, ECG confirms an AMI.

OK, let's get him on the list for this afternoon.

- Is there time before the service?
- That's not an issue.

- You are going, aren't you?
- I don't know.

- Why not?
- I'm busy.

Me too.

- What?
- I have no time to remember the dead either.

Mr Gabriel, your test results confirm you've had

an anterior myocardial infarction.

That's a heart attack, yes?

I'm afraid so.


One of your arteries is blocked,

so we're going to book you into theatre for a bypass graft.

You're sure you can fit me in?


Surely you've got other priorities.


I don't mind waiting till tomorrow.

For potentially life-saving heart surgery?

If it helps.

Well, thank you for the offer but...

Do you want to borrow my stick?

- No, thank you.
- I can see you're limping.

I said, no.

Is it a pride thing?


I've been using a stick since I was in my late thirties.

I'm fine.

- It's nothing to be ashamed of.
- I'm sure it isn't.

Why don't you take it? Just in case she changes her mind.

You touch that stick and you'll find it inserted somewhere very dark

- and lonely.


I know all patients are special,

but some are more special than others, namely mine.

So if you could possibly see your way to fast-tracking that

prescription, I'll for ever be in your debt.

Thank you.




- Good to see you.
- And you.

I'm so sorry about Fredrik.

Thank you.

It must have been difficult.

It was difficult for the hospital as a whole.

But he was your son.

Anyway... are things in here?

I'm surviving.

No problems with your fellow guests?

Nothing I can't handle.

Well, as you might expect...

you are very much at the forefront of people's thoughts.

I'm sure that you've got more important things to worry about

than an old lag.

Not at all.

Has there been much fallout from the aftermath?

As you might expect.

Public outrage over security, press digging for dirt...

..boardroom in panic mode?

You may say that.

But you couldn't possibly comment?


Is the chairman offering much support?

Qualified at best.

Not asking for your head then.

Not quite yet.

Hang in there, Henrik, the storm will pass.

Yes, but the first sacrificial lamb is what's required.

Haven't you lost enough already?

That's not for me to answer.


the last thing the hospital needs is another martyr.

Let me help.

Tough day?

Er, yeah.

How are you coping?

- Fine.
- Really?

Well, I wasn't here when the sh**ting happened.

- Even so...
- I mean, I know it was terrible.

To kick-start your career in the shadow of that kind of trauma.

- Absolutely.
- It's not easy.

- I just take it one day at a time.
- And how's it going?

All right. Brilliant, really.


Great to be learning from the best.

- Mr Levy's a good man.
- I mean, all of you.

Any thoughts on a specialisation?

- What would you recommend?
- Neuro, obviously.

I wanted to say that but...

- You didn't want to sound sycophantic.
- Exactly.

So what's the attraction?

- The unknown.
- Yeah.

It's the area we've still got the most to discover.

That's how I think about it.

Which gives me the furthest to go.

How far do you think you can go?

To the top.

I'd better watch my back, then.

Right, listen up, folks.

Erm, AAU are short-handed,

so they need a F to go down there for the rest of the day.

Any volunteers?

I'll do it.

Great, Dr Chowdhury.

- When you're ready.
- Of course, sorry.

Are you comfortable?

- No.
- I'm sorry.

This thing hurts my head.

Please don't touch the cap.

Why are you doing this to me?

We're trying to rediscover your memories.

- But why?
- So that you can know exactly who you are again.

All set?

- Just about.
- How are you feeling, Ollie?

Er, tired.

This won't take long.

I hope not.

We're going to show you a sequence of faces,

some random, some you've met before.

- All you have to do is look at each one closely.
- What for? I'm tired.

So we can see what your brain makes of them.


- See that?
- Mm.

We're just going to go back over a few, Ollie.

And then I'm finished?

Soon. I promise.

From there.

I think that's probably enough now, Jac, for today.

My father got me into gardening.

- Really?
- Mmm.

He used to grow leeks the size of a horse's...

Hiya, cavalry's here.

- What?
- I'm the glamorous assistant for today.


Loving those shoes.

Yeah. I think they're cute.

The zip.



- Sorry, would you mind getting that?
- Sure.

It'll be my grandson, he works at the hospital too.

- Hello?
- Hello, Gran?

It's not your gran.

- Who is it?
- It's her doctor.

Her doctor?

Yes, she's currently in hospital.


She's had a bit of an accident.

An accident? Is she all right?

- Lofty, is that you?
- Dom.


- Piglet!
- Piglet?

Has there been much discussion of my case at boardroom level?


not in recent weeks, no.

That's understandable.

But I assure you, when the time comes, I will fight your corner.

- No need.
- I'd say there's every need.

I'm paying a lawyer a lot of money to defend me.

In court, yes, but what about in the public domain?

- You can't.
- I have to.

The knives are already out.

If you side with a consultant on a medical manslaughter charge,

they will finish you off.

So I simply throw you to the wolves, do I?

I can face whatever's coming with a clear conscience.

That's not the point.

You have a hospital to protect.

A hospital that will be all the better for your return.


Time's up.




How's Jac Naylor?

Not %, of course, but she's back at work.

And Valentine?

Ms Macmillan is handling his case.

But he's making progress?

Slowly, I believe.

You believe?

So I'm told, yes.

Sorry, I wasn't doubting...

No need to apologise.


..none of it was your fault.

You do understand that, don't you?

- Essie, have you got a minute?
- Yeah.

I've just seen Fredrik's wife in reception.

- Yeah?
- Hanssen's invited her to the service.

- Fletch...
- He's got no right.

- It wasn't Hanssen.
- Not without talking to you first. - It was me.

- What?
- She's lost her husband too.

Not after k*lling yours first.

It wasn't an easy decision.

I don't understand.

What's the alternative?

Bile and bitterness?

Raf would hate that.

She's here.

Hey, Essie.

How are you?

Not great.

Seen Hanssen?


It's you.


Are you all right there, Ol?

No, I'm in this wheelbarrow.

Right, thanks.

- That was wrong, wasn't it, wheelbarrow?
- Wheelchair.

I've got to go.

I've got a meeting with the head of security about the service,

but are you all right?

Maybe I should leave.

- No.
- If the staff are uncomfortable with me being here...



I was pushed by a very evil garden gnome.

Does it really matter how it happened?

Dr Chowdhury, focus.

- He's such a flapper.
- What do you expect?

You turn up here with a hole in your side.

Mrs Chiltern, can you feel anything?


Beautiful job.

My pleasure.

Gold star.

Now can you stitch the wound up, please?

I'll be over here if you need me.

I'll see you in a bit.

She's never had an accident like this before.

She's lucky it didn't go in deeper.

Can you check her out, make sure nothing dodgy is going on?

I have already ordered a CT scan and an echo.

Of course, sorry.

I'm sure she'll be fine...

- ..Piglet.


- Doors opening.

Lift going down.

You got my message?


Good. Do you want to come through?

Who are they for?

- They're for you.
- Really?

"To Ms Naylor, my thoughts and prayers are with you."

MAN SCREAMS Get away from me!

Oh, for the love of...

Just take it!

Mr Gab...

He's chucked up all over himself.

And you thought a naked su1c1de mission would help?

I just wanted him to have my gown.

We plug you to these monitors for a reason.

He needs it more than I do, he's an old man.

Fine, let's go. Come on.

I see the flowers came.


It does say who they're for, doesn't it?

Ms Naylor.

I should have got you both some.


I feel bad now.

Oh, don't be ridiculous!

What she means is that was very nice but there was no need.

There's every need.

Get back in bed.


You have to stop this.

Stop what?

Your notes said that you work for an insurance company.

I'm a partner in Horizon Life. Do you know them?

Do you give out money to your clients in the same way?

Funnily enough, I e-mailed my boss the other day to suggest

we reduce our premiums.

OK, rhetorical question.

I'm trying to help.

And we are trying to help you,

so please stay put.

I have had enough of the great British giveaway.

Handcuff him to the chair if you have to and get him a psych consult straight away.

Look at the graph.

That's Ollie's neurological reaction to the image,

and that's him viewing the picture.

No emotional distress, but unmistakable signs of recognition.

And this didn't occur with any other photograph?

Just yours.

- Did he remember my name?
- No.

Or anything about who I am?

No, but it's still progress of some description.

Yes, I suppose so.

Since the sh**ting, have you had any direct contact with him?

No, I felt that...

No need to explain.

Might you be willing to see him again today?

Well, I think he's still in a very delicate state, clearly.

We're all aware we're navigating some kind of emotional

and neurological minefield here.

I have to find some way of unlocking these missing memories.

Yes. I understand that.

Seeing you face-to-face could be the mnemonic trigger

- that helps remap his brain.
- Henrik, we appreciate the last few weeks

must have been difficult for you,

but Oliver is living a nightmare of confusion and pain.

We need to find a way to bring him back into the light.


Just for a few minutes, that's all we're asking.

A mini-stroke?

I'm afraid so.

Better than a maxi one, I suppose.

You've got to take this seriously, Gran.

I haven't seen Piglet this worried

since we smuggled him into Glastonbury

in a rucksack when he was a toddler.

Forget Glastonbury.

I don't feel as if I've had a stroke.

It was a mild one.

- We're going to need to take you up to the HCOP ward.
- The what?

Health Care for Older People.

How patronising is that!

You do qualify, I'm afraid.

Well, unless there's an actual medical reason for it,

why can't they leave us coffin-dodgers down here

with the rest of humanity?

We don't have time to rewrite NHS policy, I'm afraid.

Why can't I just go home later today?

Because you're still at risk of another TIA.

He's asleep.

OK. We'll try later.


Didn't mean to startle you.

I was...

Am I awake?


My head... Agh.

Do you know who this is, Ollie?


My name is Mr Hanssen.


I'm CEO of the hospital.

Were you in my dream?

What dream was that, Ollie?

I don't know.

We've worked together here for seven years.

Seven years?

On and off.

- What's your Chris name?
- Sorry, my...?

- Christian name.
- Ah. It's...

No, don't. Let me...

Is it...?

Ah, God, I can't.

- It doesn't matter.
- Of course it bloody matters!

- It's Henrik.
- What?

I'm Henrik Hanssen.

Henrik Hanssen.

Why don't I leave you two to talk?

Don't you need to be here?

You could tell him about your role here in the hospital

or about some of the ground-breaking surgery Oliver has been involved in.

Would you like that?

What do you think?

I suppose so.



Dr Chowdhury, are you on your break?

- Er, no.
- Well, then...

I have your gran's results.


How did it go?

Well, I talked about my work,

interesting cases here,

and his history at Holby.

What was his response?

It's as if he's trying to reach for something

just inches from his grasp.

The closer he gets, the more frustrating it must be.

The desire to remember is clearly overwhelming.

Well, it couldn't have been easy.

Thank you for coming.

I'm very glad I did.

See you at the service.


How do you think HE's coping?

With Henrik it's impossible to tell.

Post-surgery, we try to get you up and about as soon as possible.

Get me pounding the pavement?


Well, ready when you are.

What happened there, then?

I dislocated my hip playing cricket.

And you ended up on a stick?

Only got myself to blame.


Far too busy with the wonderful world of insurance

to bother with physio.

What is it you do?

I'm a surety bond underwriter by trade.

I'm not even going to pretend I know what that is.

Deeply boring.

Very lucrative.

So, the gown business earlier,

you thought that was perfectly normal behaviour?

I know I'm not much to look at.

It seemed a bit out of the ordinary to me.


I'd like you to talk to one of our psychiatric consultants about it.

I'll talk to anyone.


What time's your memorial service?

It's not my memorial. I'm still here.

Do you know if there's a fund I could donate to?

You're asking the wrong person.

- I'll get it.
- No, I'll do it.

- No, it's fine.
- Please.

I'm not an invalid.

Neither am I.


Petrenko! He's arresting.

We've got output.

OK, good.

Let's have some oxygen and get him to Theatre straightaway.

Thanks, Gareth.


b*llet's still in there.

- Very funny.
- No movement.

Nothing else to report.


Fancy one of our hospital tours?

Then, maybe later, we could go to the memorial service.

The what?

We talked about it yesterday.

All your colleagues are going.

They're unveiling a sculpture

and there'll be prayers and speeches.

Right, yes, of course.

What's the matter?

I've forgotten.


The doctor's name.


You said someone died?

- Yes.
- Yes. What's his name?

Raf. Raf Di Lucca.

Raf. Di Lucca?

Raf Di Lucca.

- Raf...
- Would you like to go?

To what?

- The memorial service.
- Look, I don't know!

It's a chance for you to pay your respects.

And see your friends.


What do you think I should do?

It's up to you.

I wish I'd had the chance to stop him.

None of us could, I'm afraid.

All he ever said he wanted to do was heal people.

I know.

Do you think he meant it?

I prefer to believe that was the case.

Now this is his only legacy.

I have something for you.

- It's...
- I know what it is.

It belongs to you now.

Don't you want it?

I'd rather you passed it on to Oskar, please.


I just thought...

He'd want a souvenir?

- No.
- A keepsake of his father, the m*rder*r?

- No, I'm sorry, I...
- One day, I'll have to tell him the truth.

When that day comes, I hope you'll allow me to be at your side.

I don't know how I'm going to survive that.

You will.

For your son's sake if nothing else... will.

And what about you?


How will you survive?

Please take it.

Oskar's great-grandmother would have liked him to have it, I know.

Put him on bypass.


Let's have a look at one artery.

Good. OK, let's get on with this.


I'm not sure I'm going to make the memorial service.

- Why?
- I think I'm going to stay here with Gran.


I can't remember her being this sick before.

You two seem pretty close.

She practically raised me as a kid.

She's so full of life.

Seeing her in that bed is...

Well, it's only a TIA.

It's like she got old and I didn't notice.

Happens to us all.

Well, most of us.

Thanks for looking after her today.

You're welcome.

I haven't even asked you how you are.

It's fine.

I know how hard it must be, coming in to work today.

Sheilagh cheered me up.

I think I will come, actually.


Yeah. It's only an hour.

OK, well, I'll let Donna know.

We can all go together.


Let's be ready to come off bypass when this graft is in.


Is everything OK?



Right, let's come off bypass.


Would you like me to close up?

If you like.

Hmm. Pericardial stitch, please.

I'll leave you to it.

Beautiful flowers.


This is very peaceful.

Could you just give me a few minutes to myself?

- Yeah, I'm sorry.
- Oh, for God's sake! Why did you come?

Because you invited me.

But you didn't have to show up.

Why did you ask me here if that's how you feel?

To do the right thing, to be the better person.

I just wish you'd stayed away.

This is too hard.

Yeah, I know.

You don't have to go.

I promised I wouldn't do this.

What did you love most about him?

His passion for medicine.

He was very driven.

Yeah. Fredrik too.

Don't say his name.

His work was all he loved.

Myself and Oskar were just two minor characters in a world

that revolved around one man.

I knew that a long time ago and yet I stood by.

I let him destroy our lives.

- Why?
- Who wants to admit they chose to marry a sociopath?

You couldn't have guessed it was going to turn out this way.

I thought it would end in divorce.

You know? Not...

I reckon me and Raf would have lasted the course.

Did you plan to have children?

He would have made a great dad.

You're a brave woman.

- No, I'm not.
- To ask me here today.

But it was for him.

He would be very proud of you.

He'd be the first person to say,

you can't spend the rest of your life blaming yourself.

You've got someone to love, someone to live for.

A son.

And that means you've got a future.

- Sorry.
- What for?

I can tell I'm really getting on your nerves.

You're not.

I know I'm a bit Marmite.

I'm just a little preoccupied at the moment.

Are you sure?


Thank you though, I appreciate it.

Actually, Meena.

For the record,

I thought you were really great with Sheilagh earlier. Well done.

Ready to go?

- I have to open his chest.

- Let's just not move and wait for the trolley. OK?
- All right.

I reviewed his GP notes

and there's definitely been a marked change in his behaviour.

He seems to have developed this pathological generosity.


OK, well, I'll order an MRI and speak to someone in Neuro. Thanks.

So, this is where you're hiding.

I'm not hiding.

I've come to collect you.

- For?
- The service.

Sorry, I can't make it.

Yes, I thought you might say that.

- I'm busy.
- Yes, I thought you might say that too.

Oh, God.

- What?
- You're having one of your irritatingly persistent days.

No, I'm having one of my "I'm not going without you" days, actually.

- I've got more important things to do.
- This is important.

Not for me. Not right now.

Hanssen's making a speech.

- It can't be easy for him.
- It's his choice.

- Have you two actually spoken since...?
- No.

What, not at all?

- Everyone is struggling.
- Really?

The nights I've spent soul-searching,

trying to fathom why I didn't see the signs.

- You're not telepathic.
- All I'm saying is,

there's so many people with so many battles to fight.

Well, no-one else's battle means trying to get through

an hour of surgery without your leg collapsing from underneath you.

When did this happen?

- Or your wound bursting open mid-operation.
- What?!

I thought you were on the road to recovery.

You have got to take time off work.

And do what?


What's your gut telling you?

It's taken a vow of silence.

Listen, you've just got to do whatever you can to get through.

It's just so exhausting, Sacha.

- Come on.
- Oh, God.

- Come on.
- Oh... - Come on.

Let's give you a Sacha special.


Come in.

- Zero hour.
- Indeed. - I thought we could arrive together.

- All right, fine.
- Show a united front. - Absolutely.

How's the speech?

I've kept it very simple.

- Best thing.
- Yes, I thought so.

Roxanna has decided to bring Ollie Valentine along.


She thinks it'll help his recovery.

- OK.
- Shall we? - Right.

- What are you doing?
- Researching a case.

You can have it back later.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming.

After a few words from our CEO, Henrik Hanssen,

there'll be a minute's silence

and then the unveiling of the sculpture.

Friends and colleagues,

it is my great privilege to address you in my capacity

as CEO of Holby City Hospital.

Fredrik, put the g*n down. You're not yourself.


I would first like to talk about...

Are you all right?

I don't know.

Mr Copeland, get out of here now!

I would like to express my...

..heartfelt sympathies...

My heart...

I, uh...

My, erm, sincere...



I apologise. I'm sorry.

I'll get you out of here.

It's a pretty emotional day for all of us.

Perhaps now is a good time for that one minute's silence.

- John, would you mind doing the unveiling?
- Not at all.

Raf Di Lucca was a compassionate and caring human being

whose loss will be felt throughout this hospital for years to come.

So, to honour his memory properly,

we need to hold fast to our purpose... care...

..for all those who walk through our door -

the lost, the damaged

and the tortured.

We all came into work that day

and found that our lives were suddenly changed for ever.

But if we stand shoulder to shoulder and we believe in ourselves,

in healing...

..what this place actually stands for,

we'll survive.

For Raf.

And for ourselves.

Mr Gaskell?

Hey. How was AAU?


That speech was so moving.

Oh. Thank you.

A three-tissue job.

I'm sure I just said what we were all thinking.

Well, anyway, it was amazing.

Oh, listen...

I've got a major neuro trial in the pipeline.


Using stem cell gene therapy to combat degenerative conditions.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm looking to put a student on the team.


You know, the usual -

silly hours, lots of legwork.

All unpaid.

Most of us would pay just to be involved.

So, would you be up for it?

- You're asking me?
- Yeah. Fancy it?

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Thank you so, so much.

You're welcome.

You can't pretend nothing happened in the theatre.

I CAN pretend you're not here.

What if you were in the middle of the procedure

and there was nobody to take over?

It's none of your business.

I need you to stay in your job.


I want to learn from the best

and if you get fired, I'll be stuck with your replacement.



Come in.


I'm leaving for home.

- Right now?
- Yes.

I was hoping perhaps we could...

Mr Gaskell spoke very well in your absence.

Yes. Well, I'm sure he did. That's good.

I think you should have this back.

That was for Oskar.

Oskar and I have each other to remind us of Fredrik every day.

You need to hold on to the few memories you have of him.

You won't be seeing me again.


If your grandson is to have any chance of a normal life... cannot be in it.

- Please...
- Just take your coin, Henrik.

How was the service?


You've got to remember that death is a beautiful part of life.

Don't say that, Gran.

Don't panic.

- I plan on sticking around for a while yet.
- I hope so.

Despite heading for the old codgers' ward.

- There's no room up there.
- I get to go home?

Gran, you've had a flipping stroke.

Mini. Mini-mini.

OK, mini.

Sorry to interrupt.

Donna and I are going to grab a drink in Albie's,

so you're welcome to join if you'd like?

Yeah, maybe.

Lovely lad.


Nice-looking too.


you're going to be getting a lot of advice,

so you need to listen.

Stop talking to me like I'm .


You're such a sensitive soul.

Always so in touch with your feminine side.

What's that supposed to mean?

I mean, if you want to play A/C for a while

rather than D/C...

..that's absolutely fine by me.

I need to get back. See you soon, all right?

Love you.

I'm fully aware that's my primary asset,

but if I want to sell my house and donate the proceeds to charity

then that's my...

Hello. Who am I speaking to?

His accountant?


I'm Mr Gabriel's consultant.

I'm afraid he's currently suffering from a serious medical condition

which renders him unable to make rational decisions

about his financial future.

OK? Thank you.

Just cos I've had a heart attack doesn't mean...

It's more serious than that, I'm afraid, James.

It wasn't immediately obvious until I looked at your MRI,

but it would appear you've suffered a stroke.



We don't know,

but all this generosity -

the water, the gown, giving away your savings -

it's odd, to say the least.

Psych seem to think you have all your marbles,

so I showed your scans to Neuro,

and it turns out you're a one-in-a-million shot.

- Am I?
- Apparently, in very rare cases,

a stroke can strongly impact your behaviour.

That's why you're giving away everything you've got.

It's better than getting meaner.

In the meantime, we'll review your medication

in light of this new diagnosis.

Can I still make a donation to the memorial fund?

To dear friends.

To dear friends.