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20x03 - There by the Grace of...

Posted: 11/08/23 09:31
by bunniefuu
What is Ric going to think when I don't show up?

Don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll understand.

You will send him my love, though, won't you?

He should have the kind of legacy that he truly deserves.

I would like to make a donation to your project in his name.

I would be honoured.

It's all right, Oliver.

I've just signed off on the next stage of your security operation.

Knife arch. Corridor lockdown.

I'm in need of a surgically-trained nurse.

Some might call that fate. See you in ten.



But the queue's this way.

You ain't getting in without a pass, Lofty.



- Have you heard from Ric?
- Why? What's happened?

He's in the prison infirmary.

Kofi and Darla have had their appointments cancelled,

and mine too as well, apparently.

- Did they say what was wrong with him?
- No, that's my mission for today.

Whoa, whoa! One sec!

Why cut us all off like this?

Listen, you're reading too much into it.

You were the last person to see him. How was he?

Like I said, you know, as well as could be expected

in a place like that.

I just feel so useless.

I've just told you, I haven't ordered anything and if I had,

why on earth would I have it delivered to a hospital?

Look, I don't care if it's already on the wagon...

What do you mean quid for a depot return?

Mate, you should be wearing a mask.

You'd better not be wasting my time, that's all!

Late-night internet shopping?

I've got no idea what it is, but it's a secure delivery

- and I've got to sign for it.
- What's with the workmen?

It took me half an hour to get in today.

You'll thank me when the weapons' arch is installed -

better protection and speedier service.

Lofty! Where's your ID?

I must have left it at home.

You'd better jump on the bus and go and get it, then.

Ah, come on, Fletch!

Don't even go there. You know why we're doing this.

How did you even get past security, anyway?!

My infectious smile.

Was that really necessary?

I mean, who gets to decide if Ric has visitors or not?

Surely, if he's poorly, a friendly face would be a good thing?

He probably just needs rest. It'll be man flu or something.

Well, let's take the guesswork out of it, shall we?

I'm going to get Kofi on the case.


Do you know where you are?

Of course I do.

Which is?

The Empire State Building.

Well, he hasn't lost his sense of humour.


It's good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

Hello, mate!

What are you doing down here? Requested a transfer?

- Donna...
- That's right.

- Come on, let's go.

I think a change of scenery could really help his memory.

Keep him rested and I'll let Mr Hanssen know he's here.

He may want access for a consultation.

OK. I'll keep you posted.



I'm going up the prison after work. Are you coming?

Do you know, it's not your responsibility,

and he would hate to think you're worrying about him.

I don't know what else to do.

Right, look, I'm going to ring the prison infirmary and see what I can do.

In the meantime, just spend some time with Ollie.


I understand this procedure can cause sexual dysfunction in a man?

Hormonal changes can occur after bypass surgery, but at your age...

I wouldn't worry about that.

I suffer from several paraphilias,

and that's why I volunteer in the hospital -

it's part of my therapy.

Er, what are you doing?

I'm putting my gown on. I need to get on with this ASAP.

I know I spend a lot of time reading to the patients,

but I never thought I'd be one.

- Let's have an FBC, ECG.
- Mm-hmm.

Now, if you don't mind, I could do with a little privacy.

I'd like to get my chakra together before the ordeal ahead,

so to speak!

He's a...character.

Ugh. You could say that.

What's this? I never took you for a vinyl man.

Er...I'm not.

PP Arnold... The Small Faces...

That is some ancient stuff.

I want this junk off my ward.

Well, where's somewhere safe for me to put it?

I don't know. I don't care.

The patient's name is Anita Warner.

Mr Levy performed a sigmoid colectomy for a colovesical fistula

two days ago.

Mm-hmm. What's the problem?


Her temperature's raised. She's slightly tachycardic.

Her blood pressure's on the low side.

Right. Have you done the usual white blood cell count?

Yeah, FBC, U&E, CRP - the usual.

So what's the panic?

I assisted on her surgery,

and now she's not recovering as well as she should be.

What if I messed up?

Are you for real?

Look, come with me.

No, you don't understand. Mr Levy let me do some of the stapling...

Do you really think Sacha would have let you do it

if he didn't think you were capable?

Minor infections happen all the time after surgery, OK?

It's nothing that a course of antibiotics

doesn't usually sort out.

Come on.

We're meant to be having a dress-fitting later.

So sorry to interrupt,

but Dr McKendrick would like to examine you.

I'll go give them a call now. We'll reschedule. Hmm?

Having the operation this close to the wedding

has proper messed with her head.

Oh, bless...

This is the last thing we need at the moment, you know?

We've had enough grief over getting married.

I'm guessing not everyone's LGBTQ-friendly?

- Understatement of the year.
- Right.

I won't bore you with the details.

Grief can lead people to sometimes making rash decisions.

This is why you wanted to see me?

It's just it's been playing on my mind.

You think I've wasted Raf's money on Petri dishes and test tubes?

No, I think that he left you that money

so you could live comfortably and debt-free, I imagine.

Look, I understand that you'd feel better about

giving the money away...

It's not going to bring him back, Sacha.

Sorry. It's your call, after all.

No, no. No, no, not at all...


I've had my doubts, to be honest.

What's on your mind?

Raf was all about the patients -

helping people who some might think were even beyond help.

Gaskell is potentially dealing in a fantasy off the back of a miracle.

Raf brought us the ECMO,

and Professor Hope created the Herzig.

Both were considered witchcraft and now they're standard practice.

Yeah, that's true, I suppose.

This is all about giving patients hope,

and Raf can still make a difference here.

IF the gene therapy works.

But this money is a drop in the ocean to Gaskell -

but it's a big deal for you.

Don't worry, I fully intend on seeing how that money is spent.

I can't see Raf's money wasted.

What if you're not happy?

Then I am pulling the plug.

Fleur De Lys, - Mud In Your Eye.

B side, I've Been Trying.

These are all from the pre-mod era,

long before the scene got started.


Do you know, you can tell a lot about a person

from a collection like this?

Well, I don't even know if it is a collection...

A friend of mine left it to me, so...

There's everyone from The Who to Brenda Holloway here.

I'm still not with you.

You would be if you did your research,

but there's more to this little lot than cash.

This is someone's guilty pleasure -

a statement of personality and character.


Sorry, we need to get you back to your bed, so we can get you sorted.

All these boxes have been marked by year -

otherwise, they're not collated, not even alphabetised.


Someone's left you unfinished business there.

John, I know you're busy,

but I really could do with some of your time.

I am fully at your disposal, as I need you with me today.

For what?

Well, I'm looking - well, hopefully, we are looking -

at the first batches of candidates for the proposed trials.


I know you're used to hard choices, difficult decisions.

You want me to process the trial candidates?

Will that be a problem?

Is this because of my donation?

Well, how could it be? I'm not interested in donor flattery.

As a former transplant coordinator,

I thought you'd be perfect for the task.


She's become increasingly tachycardic

and her blood pressure's dropped to /.

That's why I paged you.

I feel fine. I just want to get out of here.


All near normal.

Slightly raised white blood cell count and CRP's not back yet.

I hear you're getting married, Anita?

So, when's the big day?

sleeps left.

Oh, it sounds wonderful.

Can we get an ABG, and an abdominal CT scan as well?


You're doing great.

Do you think it's some kind of infection, then?

Her symptoms suggest sepsis.

Most likely cause being the join in the colon

leaking faecal matter - entering the abdominal cavity.

And if the CT scan shows that's the case?

Then I'm afraid she might need an emergency operation

and possibly a stoma bag.

For how long?

About six months.


Hey, look, this happens, Nicky.

Yeah. It just had to be me, didn't it?

I mean, it's not going to be the first or last time

you're in this situation, but what I want you to do

is follow all this through and learn from it.


You will take no personal responsibility for this at all, OK?

As your consultant, the buck stops with me, OK?

- OK.
- Good.

Patient must suffer from a primary neurodegenerative condition.

No other major comorbidities.

The age range is to .

Fit and well for general anaesthetic.

The criteria to be considered a candidate will be strict,

no grey areas.

What sort of conditions are we looking for?

MND, Huntington's, lysosomal storage disorders... Should I go on?

Good start, Essie.

Well, the problem is everyone seems to be a deserving cause

and fits your criteria.

Then we need to be clinical as well as ethical about our choices.

It's been hard enough whittling down thousands

- into just a few hundred.
- Yes, I can imagine...

And we need immediate success if we're going to get a chance to

wheel out the technique on a bigger scale.

Emotion can play no part in the selection process.



New here?


I don't know you.

I'm Nicky. Can I help you with something?

Talking to yourself?

Oh, yeah... Yeah, that was nothing that would interest you.


I can keep this up all day.

I've been involved in a surgery that has potentially

failed the patient,

and now I have to tell her that she might need a stoma.

HE SIGHS It all of us.

What would you do?

Keep to the facts.



She's waiting on an abdominal CT?

Mr Levy seems pretty sold on an anastomotic leak.


That's his...



Well, she's getting married in a couple of months, so I didn't...

Tell her the stoma's not permanent. She could make a full recovery.

Here endeth the lesson.

What were you just doing in there?

Oh. Mr Valentine pressed his button and you weren't around.

What did he need?

Just a bit of company, I think.

- I can trust you, yeah?
- Of course.

OK, Roxanna thought that having Ollie brought down here might

help him, but I don't want you any more involved than that, all right?

- Minimum stimulus until further notice.
- But...

No buts. You've had your heads-up.

- OK?
- OK.

- Good. was he with you?

He was really helpful, actually.

I was just... I was asking him about Anita's case.

Well, you should be focusing on Anita's care,

not discussing it with other patients.

Have you chased up her CT scan yet?

Right, well, get a wriggle on before Mr Levy hangs you out to dry!

- OK.
- OK.


I don't recall giving you permission to turn my office

into an obstacle course.

Writing your resignation letter because of all of

the complaints about your ridiculous security measures?

It's from Raf.

What's it say?

Sorry, it's not my business.

I don't know what to do with it all.

Larry said that a record collection can give you

the personality of a person,

so this could be all I've got left of Raf.

You should take it home.

He started to collate it all but he hasn't finished the job.

I want it all gone by the end of play, Fletch.

Oh, come on, Jac. I need to organise safe passage for this.

Look, I can't just chuck it all in the boot of my car.

Gone, Fletch.

Where's your ID?

- I must have left it in my scrubs.
- Well, go and get it.

You know it's a security breech to lose your pass.

Don't talk to me like that.

Misplaced, not lost.

Mr Simpson, good to see you again.

Hello, Josie. I'll be over to see you soon.

OK, that's all good.

Right, I'm going to organise your tests

and then I'm going to come back and take a history, OK?

I knew you'd take to this.

Well, I'm interested seeing where my money is spent.

I'm sure what you see today will convince you.

Why don't we let today decide?

Who do you have next?

Charlie Lafferty - he's got mucopolysaccharidosis III.

From my neck of the woods. A character.

-, get in! That's another quid you owe me.

Oh, yeah? Yeah, I'll put it in your swear jar, shall I?

I've just been doing -minute obs on Anita.

She has been telling me about a history of high blood pressure

and diabetes in her family.

I think both are under control, according to her notes.

Well, I'm just wondering if maybe we're looking at something else.

One second.

So, what do you mean?

Well, her symptoms could be indicative of a cardiac event.

Well, it's true that we can't rule anything out,

but it's most likely a leak to the repair.

Couldn't we look at both? Maybe order an ECG?

You know that I hold you in the highest esteem, OK?

And I hear you,

but it's my call and I have decided that identifying the sepsis

is the best course of action.

Have you called the infirmary yet?

Just keep her on -minute obs and report the changes, OK?

- Essie?

- Sorry. Sorry, Fletch.

Look, this is just going to be there for a minute,

- while I get everything up from the wet lab.
- Oh, forget about it.

Did you get that letter that I found?


Why did Raf want me to have his record collection?

No idea.

I just don't understand.

I know how you feel.

Yeah, there was, you know, a lot of vinyl in the house,

but, well, me and the kids were told on pain of death

not to go anywhere near it!

Well, maybe he wanted to see you popping some moves

to his groovy tunes?

It's a mystery.

Well, you know Raf - he'd have had his reasons.

Maybe it was just a little something to remind you of him.

You reckon?

Why don't we get a bottle of wine later and we can play some?

That is a fantastic idea... but I do have a problem.

You need a record player?

Yeah, I've got to go shopping.


You think Sacha's wrong?

I think he's going with what he knows and not covering all angles.

She's lost a lot of weight recently. How?

It's not really my place to ask.

You've run her bloods, though?


Why would we do that?

I had a case where I treated a woman for...


She was taking slimming pills.

Vanity...nearly k*lled her.

Well, I wouldn't really put Anita in that bracket.

She seems pretty comfortable in her own skin.

Although, she is getting married in a few weeks.

So, do you agree with me - this could be a cardiac event?

It could be. You'll need to run an echo and an ECG

and toxicology to prove it,

and you're going over Sacha's head.

Yeah. It's going to be embarrassing if I get it wrong.

More embarrassing for Mr Levy if you're right.

Has Mr Hanssen been down yet?

No, I don't think so.

How are you getting on?

PP Arnold, , Everything's Going To Be All Right.

Gold sleeve LP.

Worth a meagre £.

You could have a golden goose amongst these sleeves.

Well, it's not about the money.

Oh, there you are.

Mr O'Shea, I have your test results.

The echo shows you have a very poor left ventricular output.

The normal ejection function is and yours is .

What's she talking about?

You may need a heart transplant.

Do I...

Do I have options?

Well, we can proceed with the bypass as planned,

but the procedure now carries additional significant risk -

a risk that may well be worth taking.

You could live a relatively normal life

if the bypass is successful and we can improve your output.

And that's it?

I could die today... if I don't choose to go ahead?

I'm going to give you some time to make your decision, OK?


It's not a call that you can make lightly.

Not that I'll be missed.

No family?

Truth be known, I have no-one, Fletch.

I have stoically shunned society all my life,

in favour of collecting inanimate objects -

they come without issues, you see.

I was going to ask you about your friend.

He, er...

He was k*lled in the sh**ting.

Mr Di Lucca.

Did you know him?

Only to say hello to.

What a tragic waste of life.

Mr Di Lucca died while saving lives to the end, so I hear.

That he did.

Then, like him, I shall be brave today.

I'm going to go ahead with the operation.

Are you sure?

Now, let's sort out this little lot before the op.

You're not exactly savvy when it comes to vinyl.


It's like she waits for me to come across the corner

and then she's just sick everywhere.

It's pretty di...

Are you even listening to me?

Sorry. Sorry, I'm miles away. It's been one of those days.

Did you actually get to talk to him, then?

What's the reason for moving him down to AAU?

No idea. Seemed to know Donna really well, though.

You have to talk to him.

I've been warned off.

Oh, come on, Nicky. Do it for the sisterhood.

Aren't you desperate to know what Mr Valentine's really like?!

Here we are.

I hope that scanner wasn't too scary for you.

No biggie, I've had loads of them.

Me and Dad virtually live at the hossie.

Do you and your dad get much help at home?

Thirsty. I need a drink.

Stupid hand won't work!

It's OK. I can do it.

There you go.


So, you were telling me how you and your dad manage?

It's nice having him around all the time,

but he had to quit his job.

I didn't really want that but he wouldn't have it any other way.

What did he do?

He drew cartoons and things.

So, how's school going?

I have a lady in class who helps me with my work,

and I like writing stories.

Dad keeps them in a book.

He says he's going to get them published one day.

He's been drawing all the pictures for me.

Which one's your favourite?

Charlie Lafferty: Stilton Boy,

where I eat some disgusting mouldy cheese

and get silly, cheesy superpowers!

Me-me and Dad play a game - most-most useless superheroes.

Why don't you have a go? I bet I can top it.


Well, OK...

Hmm... How about Dish Towel Girl?

You can still dry the dishes really fast!

OK, your turn.

Wet Toilet Paper Guy.

- You win.

Dad made him up...

He's totally useless.

- Are you tired?
- Yeah.

Come on, lie down.

- Oh, he's out for the count.
- Yeah.

It's been such a long day for him.

Does this happen a lot - the slurred speech, right-sided weakness?

How have his energy levels been?

He's normally full of beans, to be honest.

He likes to get out and about, you know,

and makes videos with his drone.

He's got his own YouTube channel.

He has over , followers now.

And he sounds like he's got a zest for life.

Oh, well, is that a gold star for us, then?

Chris, you know we can't promise you anything,

and I think I need to speak to Gaskell about these new symptoms.

Do you really think the problem's with her heart, and not sepsis?

Well, we owe it to our patient to at least rule it out.

I just don't understand why we have to go over Sacha's head.

Look, he's got a lot on his plate at the moment.

We're just covering his back, all right?

It's this kind of thing that could escalate.

Oh, I'm sorry, what's happening? She still hasn't had her scan done.

We'll get her in for a scan as soon as we can but, in the meantime,

Dr McKendrick is going to do some precautionary tests.

I, er... I'll be back in a minute.

Are you OK?


Oh, I made contact with the guy from the prison infirmary.

What's wrong with Ric?

It's just...

He's just... He's not feeling very well.

He's had a chest infection and he needs time to recover.

That's it?

He says he's going to try and call you later.

Don't worry, we're keeping obs on him

until we get the results of the scan.

How much do you know about MPS III?

Well, that it's pretty rare,

and sometimes known as Sanfilippo syndrome.

It affects mental and physical growth

and gradually destroys the nervous system.

And did you know that both parents had to carry the dormant gene

for Charlie to be affected?

I thought that Charlie was an IVF baby?

They didn't test for genetic disorders back then,

and Charlie presented pretty late, at age seven.

We had no idea what lay ahead of us.

And his mum?

She died...suddenly of an aneurysm.

Here one minute and gone the next.

At least she had eight good years with him.

That's what keeps me going.

We tried so hard to have him.

I can't just give up on Charlie now...

This is our chance -

none of the other docs can do anything for him.

I've tried everything on top of the pills, from...

Well, you name it, from homeopathy to psychic surgery.

I know, but it's no more, really,

than this miracle Gaskell's offering us.

Well, we're hoping that the gene therapy treatment can

stop the MPS III in its tracks,

and reverse and repair the nerve damage.

And what if it doesn't?

I know that one day I'm going to have to bury Charlie, too.

Ah, don't listen to this sad sack.

It's not fair of me to be putting all this on you.

I have to be realistic.

I'm sure Charlie's not the only deserving case you've seen today.

Oliver isn't progressing in the way I'd have hoped for.

So that's why you're here?

Fear of failure. You want a second opinion.

Hanssen's locked himself away. I'm next the best thing, right?

It's not like that.

Rox, you are the most gifted, innovative neurosurgeon

I've ever met.

If anybody can help him, it's you. Why the crisis of confidence?

I need to make this right, John.

Oh, well, at least you're doing something about it.

You're not hiding yourself away.

It's good to have something to focus on, cathartic even...

You've seen no improvement in Mr Valentine?

A little. It comes and goes.

Well, then you're already winning.

That's all we can ask for, right?

Patient is in VT.

No, sorry...

Slight ST depression.

Possible cardiac event.

Are you sure you're OK, Ollie? Cos if you're tired...

I'm good.

- Toxicology?
- You know they take forever.

CT scan?

She's with radiology right now.

Look, why don't I just leave you to it?

Cardiac bloods will help back up your theory.

You'll need a doctor to authorise them, though.

I know just the girl.


Lucky for Larry, his coronary arteries are still graftable.

Looks like we have company.

- Hello. Can you hear me?

Bit busy, here, Fletch.

Yeah, I know.

Look, I just wanted to wish you luck

cos, you know, I really need him in one piece.

We will do our best.

I know.

He's just been telling me all about early mod culture,

and, well, I just can't imagine Raf whizzing about on a scooter

in his fishtail parka.


OK, I'll shut up.

Is he always like this?

OK. Ready to come off bypass.



OK, he's fibrillating. Let's have the paddles.

Charge to , please.



No. Charge to , please.




No. Let's get him back on bypass, quickly, please.


Dr McKendrick, a word?

I need you to order cardiac bloods for Anita, pronto.

Are you sure that's necessary?

I can't overrule a consultant, but I can go to him

with concrete proof that he's made a bad call.

Donna, I've already gone behind Mr Levy's back today.

You're going to have to count me out of this one.

If Anita is suffering from a cardiac event, it means that you weren't the one to mess up.

- How long has he been like this?
- Been like what?

The symptoms. Charlie, wake up! Wake up! Charlie!

Whoa, what's the problem here? Just let him sleep!

Your son's MRI shows an abscess on the brain, just above the left ear,

which explains the slurred speech, the right-sided weakness

that Nurse Di Lucca told me of. Has he been feeling dizzy recently?

Er, a little bit, but this is a recent thing.

The GP's had him on antibiotics for an ear infection.

Why didn't you tell us?

I-I didn't think it was that big a deal.

- I thought it was under control.
- Get him prepped for emergency theatre.

Um, hi?

So, why is it taking so long for her to get her scan done?

Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

She should be back soon.

It's just...

Been through so much to get here. You know?

Anita only came out to her parents six months ago.

Wow. How did they take the news?

Badly! I don't want to take her from her family.

I've been trying for the last few months

to bring her folks round, on the QT.

Anita hasn't got a clue.

That's really sweet.

They're coming to the wedding.

That's great! So, it's all been worth it, right?

Yeah, it's meant to be a big surprise for Anita.

But everything I've worked so hard for is going to be ruined

if we have to cancel.

Why don't we just focus on getting Anita well, for now?

Well, obviously.

Do Anita's parents know about her procedure?

We didn't want to worry them.

Why don't you call them in?

You can do the big reveal here and the wedding can wait, if necessary.

Oh, my God, I didn't even think about that!

We will fix this.

You're learning, my girl!

Yeah, the hard way.

Let's get those bloods ordered.

Thank you.

Ric's going to call you shortly.

- You can take it in my office.
- OK.

I'm afraid this little issue

will almost certainly exclude Charlie from the trials.


The gene therapy can affect his immune system,

and with an infection on board, the treatment could prove fatal.

Surely with antibiotics he'll be infection-free within the week?

If the abscess doesn't re-establish itself.

Could be months before he gets the all-clear.

I was going to put him forward for the short list.

On what grounds?

His youth, positive attitude, the slow progression of his illness.

All of them good reasons,

but would you really want me to risk his life?

I think when there's a desire to proceed, they should be given a fighting chance.

You want my heart to rule my head?

I think they match all other criteria,

and the choice to proceed or not should be theirs,

once they are given the additional risks.

- Chris would understand.
- No, he won't.

He'll blame himself for making the wrong call.

Believe me, it's better the decision is taken away from him.

Give him somebody else to blame.

Time to close.

Ric, it's a virus.

What's the worst that can happen, I take a few days off sick?

I don't want to be responsible for you taking time off work.

Besides, you've got the kids to think about.

Those little germ smugglers bring everything home from school!

Well, really, I'm just not feeling up to any visitors right now.

Well, I'm coming in and you can't stop me, so...

Yes, I can, and I have.

No more visitors until further notice.

Look, Kofi and Darla, I can understand,

but you know what I have to deal with every day.

I can handle this, Ric!

Donna, I don't want you here, OK?

Is it me...


You have to believe me, I really didn't think it was that big a deal.

Chris, it's all right, I've drained the abscess.

- The operation was a success.
- But this rules him out of the trial?

Given this complication, I think the procedure would come with considerable risk.

I think it would be foolhardy, unethical, even, of me

to offer Charlie the procedure at this time.

Please, just mull it over. Just, if there's any way...

We'll keep him monitored. It's the best we can do at present.

I'll look in on him later, I promise you.


If we get him over this hurdle and relatively healthy,

is there really no other opportunity to reconsider?

I want to show you something. Come on.

How's your patient?

Still waiting on tests.


I hope you don't mind, but I know who you are.

And who might that be?

You're the doctor who took a b*llet for...

I'm sorry, I...

..I can't imagine what you've been through,

what you're going through, even. I...

..I thought it might help if you knew what people were saying.

How brave you are for helping your colleagues like that...

Anita's cardiac bloods are back.

Ollie, sorry, but we're kind of up against it here.

- Have you seen these results?
- No.

Then why the hell are you blathering nonsense at me

when you should be focusing on your patient and chasing up these bloods?

Anita has significant levels of troponin, suggesting...?

A cardiac event.

So, we've got a result, right?

Not by a long way. This is only half the job.

Chase up the abdominal CT, to be sure.

Don't just stand there! Get to Radiology!

Bang some heads together, if you want to help your patient!

Ollie, Ollie, it's OK.

She's a good kid.

There's no need to speak to her like that.

You have to understand the magnitude of the task in hand.

Talking numbers is one thing, actually seeing faces...

This is when things get a little bit daunting, to say the least.

I've got Charlies here.

Harsh as it sounds, right now, this is about survival of the fittest.

Perhaps in a couple of years, when the treatment's rolled out

across the country, then we can look for corners we can safely cut.

He'll have degenerated beyond even your help by then, and you know it.

Wouldn't you rather give him the time,

the quality of life, rather than run the risk of...

Do you know the circumstances of how he lost his mum?

Do you understand the psychological pressure that Chris is under?

I know everything about both of them.

One of the reasons they've made it so far.

But this abscess is a game-changer,

the sooner you understand that, the better.

Look, it's only natural a parent is going to want their child to grow

up to be a fit, healthy adult.

Sadly, in this case, it cannot be.

Only because you say so.

Do you think this is easy for me?

I know these people, I've spent time with them.

Far more than you have today.

Let me put it another way.

You break the rules for this one patient,

all of these candidates may miss out on the opportunity of a cure.

You would willingly sacrifice their chances

for the sake of one boy?


Right, I've seen enough.

Let's get her under and get her prepped for emergency surgery.

Please, take a look at this before you make a hasty decision.

- What are these? I didn't order these.
- Um...

This changes nothing. She still has an anastomotic leak.

Got the abdominal CT scan results at last!

Change of plan.

Let's get her to Darwin, ASAP. She needs a cardiac intervention.


I'm sorry, but you have to look at the positives.

If that abscess had been left unchecked...

What's an abscess?

Think of a big, gooey spot, but it was on the inside of your head.

That sounds well serious!

It could have been, but now it's gone.

We'll keep you in for a few days, just make sure there's no more spots.

Your speech is already improving. How's your right side?

Cheap shot!

You snooze, you lose.

Would I have died if you didn't find it?

Well, we did find it.

And that's the most important thing.

I know you're disappointed about the trial, but if you hadn't been here,

we wouldn't have found the abscess and things might have turned out a lot differently.

Don't think I'm not grateful. But if there's going to be

any chance of a second phase, we'd like to be part of it.

If Charlie's condition persists, if he deteriorates further...

If we can make this trial successful, then who knows what's possible?

Maybe we can roll out the treatment to further candidates.

- Then you'd possibly reconsider?
- Well, I'd like to see Charlie again.


You gave Ms Naylor quite a fright in there.

But she pulled you through.


You all right there, mate?

I'm here.

I'm eternally grateful.


..I'm anonymous in this building.

I visit a ward, sit by a bedside...

..and no-one so much as notices me.

But that is a skill in itself.

I get pestered from the moment my alarm clock goes off!

I hear...

..what people are saying about you.

I bet it's not, "That young, dashing Director of Nursing can park

"his shoes at the end of my bed any night of the week he wants."


OK. All right. Take it easy. You need to just take it easy.

Do you really think Raf would want you...

..banging heads about lost IDs and jammed-open doors?

The man who k*lled your friend...

..was also a medic, I understand.

So, who could have stopped him?

Do you think that Raf would want you acting like this?

You've helped me out a lot today.

With the records and with... Well...

Actually, very weirdly...

..I've enjoyed your company.

Maybe...I should get out more!


Mr Levy, can I ask you something?

- You said I needed to learn...
- Of course, yeah, fire away.

Why were you still going to perform the emergency surgery on Anita

when you knew about the cardiac problem?

The anaesthesia could have k*lled her, right?

Sometimes, Nicky, as surgeons, we have to take risks.

If we hadn't have looked for the sepsis and it was there,

then that would have k*lled her for certain.

Then you turned up like the cavalry

and you saved the day!

I'm really sorry for going behind your back.

Out of interest, why did you?


- ..Donna...
- It's all right.

It's all right.

There are some consultants

who would have had you hung, drawn and quartered

for what you did.

But I like to chalk it up to experience,

and maybe we could both learn from it.


Anita is stable and in recovery.

Thank you.

I'm guessing this was your work.

I'm so sorry. I couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Listen, thank heavens you did.

Because if you hadn't...


..thank you.

The pressure we're all under - you, Ric, all of us -

it's not fair.

You know there have to be protocols in place for the protection of patients.

And who protects us?

Just ourselves, I'm afraid.

Do you think my master plan's working?

If I had any idea what you were talking about, I'd answer you.

I was hoping that Raf's record collection would help him

reconnect with what Raf was all about.

You know, get him talking about him and...

You sent them?

After the sh**ting, I'm concerned about him emotionally.

I'm concerned about him mentally!

I think we're all dealing with what happened in different ways.

What's your secret?

I wear a lot of waterproof mascara.


Excuse me. No rest for the wicked. I need to be elsewhere.

You might be on to something with the records.

- Essie?
- Mm-hm?

I know I'm not the caring, sharing kind,

but if you ever need to rant, get anything off your chest...

- I'll speak to Fletch.
- Good idea. I'm really bad at that stuff.

What did you do to upset Oliver?

My curiosity, I think.

We'd been getting on, up until that point.

He's really helped us out today.


You wanted to see me?

Mr Levy's looking for you.

What are your thoughts on what happened with Ollie?

We got some really good stuff out of him today.

So, he actively engaged with a junior doctor on a diagnosis?

Yeah. He helped Nicky and Nicky helped me.

So, Ollie had memory issues?

"Had" is an interesting choice of word.

Well, he remembered a tachycardia case where a patient had taken

slimming pills that had given her a heart issue.

Turned out our patient had done the same thing.

These are supposed to be gone.

You won't even notice they were here by the time you grace us with your presence in the morning.

If I can get past security. Will it be strip searches tomorrow?

Yeah, I've reigned it in a bit.

I've ditched the weapons' arch and the corridor in lockdown.

See you've found your ID, though.

So, what are you going to do with this little lot?

Well, I was going to keep it all,

but then I realised that's probably not why Raf wanted me to have it.

He said in his letter that I'd know what to do with them.

- Which is?
- Finish what he started.

Larry...seems to think this could be a full compilation

of the Mod scene in the 's - before it got big!

Good for Larry.

And it'll be worth a fortune if it is.

You're going to cash them in? That's a bit mercenary.

Not if it's going to Raf's favourite charity, it's not.

I just hope, fingers crossed, that it's all there.

Every man needs a hobby.

We'll get season tickets.

Go to every game we can, home and away.

And as soon as we get back, I'm booking Rome, too.

We'll do the Coliseum together, just like we always planned.

Life starts here, mate.

- You and me.

Cardio have done their thing

and as long as you stay off the diet pills,

there's no reason why you shouldn't make a full recovery.

Stupid of me.

I just wanted everything to be perfect for Mel.

Why would you want to be anything different?

It's pretty obvious what you two have is kind of special.

Been looking everywhere for you! I went up to Darwin,

they said you weren't there. What happened to you?

All you need to know is that we fixed her.

I've-I've got some visitors for you...

Oh, no way, why have you brought them here? They'll just...

Anita, listen to me.

- I've fixed this.
- How?

I just refused to give up on them.

Like I refused to give up on you.


You didn't tell me ALL about your day.

You solved a medical case here on AAU?

I didn't think you'd approve.

You recalled a previous patient that helped them resolve the issue.

Ollie, this is real progress.

Are you proud of me?

Very. I believe your brain is beginning to remap.

Maybe being around some familiar faces has been good for you today.

The doctor...I shouted at...

..should I apologise?

Do you remember her name?


Ric's refusing to see me.

He must have his reasons.

I don't care what he says.

I've let him down, that's the reason he's in this mess.

No, that's not true. That's never been the case.

He needs to know he has our full support.

We're doing everything we can.

He's scared, Sacha.

I heard it in his voice.

So, he needs to know that I will never give up on him.

You don't think you were being overly optimistic

- about a quick roll-out?
- They believe in you.

You're the last-stop cafe for them.

Essie, didn't I make it clear emotion has no place in this room?

I need staff with realistic expectations.

With all due respect,

positivity is a key ingredient to patient recovery,

and a cornerstone of my practice.

If we don't believe, then what are they meant to think?

You're a determined woman.

I've read your papers.

And you come with some reputation, John,

but forgive me if I need to see things with my own eyes,

to see what you can do, especially after today's experience...

Essie, I know your heart's in the right place,

but all you've given them is smoke and mirrors.

OK, let me ask you this.

Would you even be here

if you didn't believe you could help them?

I've given a dying boy and his father hope of a future.

One that you realistically could give them, given the circumstances.

Do you want them to walk away with nothing?

I know you care,

but I'm sorry, your philosophy is wrong.

You have brought a minor miracle to this hospital,

and now you're scared to use it.

This has been a lonely journey for me so far.

I think I could use some of your forthright company

on the next, most treacherous, of legs.

Well, I'm glad you feel that way.

You haven't just got my money.

You've got my mind, heart and soul.

I fully believe in what you're trying to achieve,

but I don't just want to save a few lives -

I think, together, you and I could change all these people's lives,

and more.