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06x06 - Devil's Night

Posted: 10/29/10 21:20
by bunniefuu
Marvin Gaye: ♪ I've come of heart, baby ♪
♪ but now it's cool ♪
♪ I didn't make it, surely playin' by the rules ♪
♪ I've come of heart baby, but then I'm fine ♪
♪ I'm checkin' trouble, sure, movin' down the line ♪
♪ I've come of heart, baby, but that's ok ♪
♪ 'cause trouble man don't get in the way ♪
♪ I come of heart ♪



No, don't do this!

Don't do it!

No! No! No!

No! Why are you doing this?!

Get me out of here!

Where'd you go?

Why are you doing this to me?!

Please don't do this, man.


No, please!

Can't somebody help me?

Help me!



[Shouting indistinctly]



[Continues screaming]


Hey, Jack, are you ready?

We gotta go.

Hey, where's the costume?

It's itchy.

Did you try the long sleeves on underneath?

I don't want to be Spider-man anymore.

Why not?

I don't know.

Ok. Well, you have to make up your mind by tomorrow, ok?



You did a good job on the cookies.

Teamwork, right?

Teamwork, right.

Can I have one?

You want a cookie?

Can I have a cookie?

What do you want, black cat or a pumpkin?

Black cat.

Black cat. Good choice.

The cool thing about Halloween is that it's a uniquely American holiday.

I mean, despite it's obvious origins in the Celtic Festival of Samhain and the Christian All Saints Day, it really is a melting pot of various immigrants' traditions and beliefs.

It became a little more commercialized in the 1950s with trick-or-treat, and today it rivals only Christmas in terms of popularity.

All I asked was what he was doing this weekend.

I'm toying with the notion of either going to the Edgar Allan Poe Shadow Puppet T or the reenactment of the 19th century Phantasmagoria.

I don't want to know.

Oh, yeah, you do.

Phantasmagorias are these amazing pre-cinema projected ghost shows invented in France, where the showman attempted to spook the audience using science magic.

And it just so happens that I have an extra ticket.


Guys, I wouldn't have to worry about losing my feminine curves if you all paid more attention to all the trees we're consuming around here.

When did you become an eco-freak?

Baby, I was born green.

We're going to Detroit.

It's Halloween weekend.

Arson investigators have noticed a 3-year trend in the days leading up to Halloween.

Devil's Night.

This unsub is k*lling only these 3 days out of the year.

How's he doing it?

He's burning his victims alive.

He's abducting seemingly random people and dumping their bodies in abandoned parts of town.

He struck again last night.

Yeah. Tony Torrell, 40.

He lives in the suburbs, but he was found 20 miles away in the Rivertown District.

He's attacking the city at its most vulnerable time.

Reid: What does he do during the rest of the year?

He's dormant.

You know, arsonists are typically white males between 17 and 25 who can't stay away from fire.

Yeah, they're addicted to it and there's no rehab.

And they target dwellings, not people.

So you're saying he burns his victims alive but he's not an arsonist?

Fire is simply his w*apon.

And Devil's Night gives him the perfect cover to k*ll.

Then we've got 48 hours before he disappears again.

Well, his last victim was athletic.

He wouldn't be easy to subdue.

The offender must be just as strong or might have an upper hand if he's younger.

Still, how does he transport his victims across the city and get them inside buildings without being noticed?

♪ Criminal Minds 6x06 ♪

Devil's Night
Original air date on October 27, 2010

Hotch: Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, "if an injury has to be done to a man, "it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."

Now, I thought Devil's Night was Halloween Eve.

The moniker "Devil's Night" is somewhat deceiving.

In Detroit, it's actually a 3-day citywide cultural phenomenon, complete with masks, chaos, and costumes.

Say that 3 times fast.

Yeah, a violent one.

Sounds like Mardi Gras.

Vandals and amateur arsonists literally set hundreds of fires.

Who burns their own city?

It started as pranks in the 1930s but escalated in the 1970s with disenfranchised youth.

Well, given today's economy, it must be a free-for-all.

They've got record-breaking unemployment and foreclosures, leaving a lot of displaced, desperate people.

And every single one of these victims suffered unimaginable pain.

I'm sure that's what gets him off, watching them burn.

It gives him power and control.

The top of the whodunit list is first responders.

Firefighters, arson investigators, cops, and paramedics.

Civil servants with a hero complex.

All of whom will be helping us.

Prentiss: This guy's angry.

Aren't they all?

Not like this.

Have you seen these?

Reid: Extreme anger usually manifests from a quick temper, but this guy's patient.

I'm gonna ask Garcia to notify us the minute that someone's reported missing.

Rossi: Burns 3 people annually.

It's like his Christmas.

And the rest of the year he just plans-- targeting his victims and then choosing the buildings he wants to k*ll them in.

There's a flaw in his plan.

We know about it.

We're stretched as it is, but we've set up a joint task force with the Detroit P. D.

To catch this guy.

It's pretty extensive.

I'd say don't profile me, but you're in a roomful of suspects, right?

Hotch: A city full.

Reid: Victims abducted across every socioeconomic divide.

And this son of a bitch is about to burn a few of them alive.

Problem is, we've gotta catch up.

And we know he's gonna be watching.

Well, we're gonna bust him this year.

We've got two agents on the way to last night's crime scene.


I'll meet them there.

I hope we find something soon.

It gets dark early this time of year.

And we'll head to the morgue.

Hope you have a strong stomach.

Gasoline was the accelerant?

Gas vapors collect in a low, enclosed space.

When he ignited, those vapors b*rned down to his bone.

We call this a fourth-degree burn.

There's a fracture on the back of his skull.

That's right.

Was that postmortem?

No, it was antemortem bruising.

He was struck from behind.

Blitz att*ck.

What's this on her face?

Charred fabric.

All of the victims have the same material on them.

The fire fused the original garment to his flesh, then b*rned away, leaving behind these remains.

He's covering their faces?

That's my best guess, yes.

He doesn't want his victims looking at him, even though we wants to watch them die.

It could be a sign of guilt or inadequacy.

Now, wouldn't a guy like this want to see the terror in their eyes?

Instead, he keeps them in the dark.

He's covering their faces and setting them on fire.

It's an execution.

Prentiss: It's easy to see why he sets fires down here.

It's completely isolated.

He can b*at, t*rture, or burn somebody and nobody would hear it.

I never thought the FBI would be here for our fine city's tradition.

I'm Al Garner with the DFD.

Agents Morgan and Prentiss.

I guess Devil's Night keeps you pretty busy, huh?

Not as much as it did in the eighties.

Used to get up to 600, 700 fires back then.

In 3 days?

Down to 115 last year.

It still takes everything we got, but fortunately we've had some help.

Have the police increased their patrols in the Rivertown District?

I wish they could, but the city's reeling from budget cuts.

No. Detroit's finest is a community group with over a thousand volunteers.

Prentiss: A thousand volunteers?

Well, that just added another thousand names to Garcia's list.

Do you think he's one of them?

Can't rule anyone out.

What is this place?

It's an old engine factory.

It's massive.

And medieval.

From the industrial age, when this city was pumping out more cars and hit songs than anyplace else in the world.

This is where we found Tony's charred remains.

The char pattern tracks back to here.

That's where he stood when he started the fire.

Not the best vantage point.

There's your escape exit.

Yeah, except he didn't want that.

He needs to watch the show.

This is the moment he's been waiting for all year.

One where he doesn't feel inadequate or rejected.

So he watches as long as he can.

Yeah, but fire's unpredictable.

Every second in here he's putting his own life at risk.

And this guy's obviously confident that he can get out of here before it's too late.

But there was a fire alarm.

My men were here in 5 minutes.


And he knew it.

This unsub doesn't leave anything to chance.

He knows exactly how long he's got with his victims.

He probably knows response times or at least listens to them.

Police dispatcher: All units, be advised of a robbery in progress at 9760 East Mills.

Radio DJ: This is your man DJ Cutz with an instant blast.

The feds are in town cracking down on this year's Devil's Night.

So I'd advise everyone to stay off of the streets and keep them radios locked to FM 99 Detroit.

[Indistinct rap song playing]

Reid: The first time I looked at these victims on the map, none of it made sense.

7 different victims, various ages, sex, and ethnicity.

What do you see now?

The first victim...

Often tells us the most.

Tommy Proctor.

Well, his rap sheet is longer than the Nile.

It looks like he's always walked on the dark side.

The first k*ll inspired him.

What's different about it?

Two things. First of all, his body wasn't found for days.

He was buried deep in the building.

That often tells us that they know each other.

Not to mention it took many botched attempts to burn them.

Because the unsub didn't realize how difficult it is to actually burn a human body.

Or it's overkill.

He wanted Proctor to suffer the most.

Which definitely makes it personal.

If he knew the first victim, it's a good chance he knew them all.

We just have to find out how.

We can start by talking to Tony Torrell's wife.

How you doing?

Uh... I'm fine.

Uh, I'm here to see Agent Rossi.

He's going to be with you in just a few minutes.

I'm Agent Prentiss.

Oh, I'm Kiersten Torrell.

Uh... My husband Tony was k*lled last night.

I know.

And I'm very sorry.

May I sit down?

Oh, yeah.

Are--are you working on his case?

Yes, I am.


Is there a picture of him in your folder?

I want to see him.

Kiersten, uh, your husband was very badly b*rned.

I don't think that's a good idea.

What do you mean, he was burnt?

The person who did this uses fire as a w*apon.

Was Tony set on fire alive?

We don't know that--

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, this can't be happening.

Ohh... Next week was our anniversary.

I'm so sorry.

Are you married?

No, I'm not, and I can't imagine what you're going through.

But everything you tell us can help us find the person who did this to Tony.

I know this is hard, but I want you to try to remember that when you're talking to Agent Rossi.


Now, I'd like you to close your eyes and relax.

I want to walk you through an exercise that's going to help you recall everything that happened last night.

No, no, no.

What, like hypnosis?

Not at all.

Now, just close your eyes and do the best that you can. Ok?

All right.

Think about last night.

You and Tony, you went to the Halloween FItestival in Greektown.

What time was it?

Uh, around 9:30.



Uh, there were drums and loud music, some people wore costumes.

Tony and I went to the festival every year.

We actually met there when we were in high school.

But this year we decided not to dress up.

[Music playing]



What is it?

A kid dressed in a mask jumped out, scared me.

It made Tony laugh.

Where's his mama?

Rossi: What type of mask?

Uh, round, like a baby.

Ok. What do you see next?


They were grilling lamb, and, uh, people were cheering.

All right. It was a Greek restaurant.

Baby, me and gyros?

No, thanks.


I'm gonna go check out this Mexican food.

Oh, baby, no.

Baby, I'm be right back.

All right.

I'll come and get you.

All right.

Now, do you remember anyone in the crowd, anyone that didn't fit in?


But to be honest, I was already looking at the menu.

All right, that's good.

Now, don't look up from the menu.

Just listen to me.

When you love someone and they step away, there's an instinctive response to glance up to make sure that they're still there.

Now, you did that last night even if you don't remember.

Ok. You're getting ready to place an order.

I already know what I'm getting.

I'm getting the gyro.

Kiersten, where's Tony?

He's at the Mexican restaurant.

Is someone around him?


Uh, but I can't really make out his face.

What about his body?

Is it young? Is it old?

Uh...25 maybe.


He's wearing a mask.

Like the kid?

No, no, no, no, no.

It only covers one side of his face.

His ear is gone.

And, um...

What do you see?

It's a black guy.

He's black.

You make him sound like he's Freddy Krueger or something.

No, but I do think he's severely b*rned.

It explains why he chooses this time of the year.

He doesn't have to hide his scars.

What about his victims?

He's punishing them for wronging him.

Wronging him?

What about his second victim?

Have you looked at Josephine Davis' life?

She was the nicest woman in the world.

How did she wrong this guy?

He's had interactions with all of his victims, some more personal than others.

So he's acting out of revenge.

Kiersten and Tony didn't even speak to him.

Maybe not that night, but at some point in the past.

Now, wait a minute.

Josephine was abducted from her husband.

Tony was abducted from his wife.

You think these couples represent the happiness he covets?

Morgan: Or something he lost.

He's a young guy with a deformity.

Major insecurities come with that.

A trauma like that would be devastating for him and anyone in his life.

Man: ♪ he's got the whole wide world ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world ♪
♪ in his hands ♪

[child joins in]

♪ he's got the whole world ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world in his hands ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the father and the daughter ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the father and the daughter ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the father and the daughter ♪
♪ in his hands ♪
♪ he's got the whole world in his hands ♪




Please, please, daddy!




Daddy, please!

Do you know how rare it is for an arsonist to be a burn victim?

Less than 3.5%.

This guy's not an arsonist.

He's a serial k*ller who uses fire.

And that choice of w*apon tells us that he's aggressive, driven, and destructive, just like fire itself.

But why would someone so controlling choose the most unpredictable w*apon?

This juxtaposition tells us there's more going on with him than we realize.

He's probably experienced some kind of loss these past few years that started him down this path.

We should look at accidents where couples were b*rned.

We're talking about hundreds of fires.

Focusing on ones where gasoline was the accelerant.

[Cell phone rings]

Leaving his victims in the heart of Rivertown, in the center of these buildings themselves, may be subconscious on his part, but it says that this affected his very core.

Morgan: All right, hold on.

Somebody else has just been abducted.

How do we know this is our guy?

Because his daughter said a monster took her daddy away.

[Bars clanking]

Kaman, come on, man.

What are you doing?

My little girl's back there.

You gotta let me go.

Garcia: The victim's name is Christopher Edwards.

He's 35.

He lives in the suburbs.

Garcia: Birmingham.

Garner: What part?

How far is that from the Rivertown District?

Not more than 40 minutes.

He might already be inside.

Let's lock it down.

We'll trap him.

Hotch: I'll go with you.

I'm going down there.

Garcia, have Detroit P. D. set up roadblocks.

Got it.

Chris Edwards is a husband, he's a father, he's a general contractor.

Morgan: I would check any subcontractors who've worked with him.

Ok, that is a humungous list.

What do you want me to do with it?

Anything that requires flames--plumbers, electricians, welders.

Did he fire a welder recently?

Ok. Uh, he's been using Vinnie's Welding and Fence, but he hasn't hired them back in months.

List of employees coming up.

It's still a lofty handful.

Ok, we think he's been following the investigation.

Look at volunteers with Detroit's finest.

Ok, I'm crossing employees with volunteers.


Come on, baby girl, keep checking.

There's gotta be a connection here.

Ok, I'm gonna long-sh*t it and I'm gonna cross the Michigan Business Directory with the payroll company and see if I still got what it takes to find stuff.

And I do.

His name's Kaman Scott.

I'm working on that.

You got an address?


Kaman, come on, man.

Kaman, you gotta let me go.

Please, let me go.

What do you want?

I'll give you anything you want.

You want money?

You want a job?

Just don't do anything stupid, man, all right?

Damn it, come on, man!

Garcia: Ok, from the look of Kaman Scott's early years, he was on a fast track to be some kind of hoodlum bad boy super convict, but something happened in 2004 that made him change his evil tune, 'cause then there's no arrests, there's no suspicions, there's no sign of rehab, but he totally cleaned up.

Maybe that's when he met someone.

Has he ever been arrested with a man named Tommy Proctor?

Yeah, once, uh, 2002...

Yikes, and then they collided again in 2005, like literally collided.

Kaman was in an accident and his car blew up.

Well, there's your gas accelerant.

Garcia: He was hit by that guy, Tommy Proctor.

There's your revenge.

Twist of fate. The life he left behind came back to haunt him.

So Tommy walks away without a scratch and Kaman suffers a ton of third-degree burns, had a boatload of skin grafts, was in a coma for a couple of months, lost his apartment.

Oh, and then there's that guy-- his landlord was Tony Torrell.

So we were right.

He does have a revenge list.

What about family, friends, acquaintances?

No, that Kaman is a lone wolf.

And his address just came up.

Big bad lives at 5923 Mills.

[Door creaks]

Clear here.


It's like a cave.

This guy hides out all year long.

With burns like that, he's probably sensitive to light.

And his own skin.

When you look around, there's not a mirror in sight.

This guy doesn't want any reminder of what he looks like.

There's nothing personal in here.

Well, we said he'd have nothing to live for.

For a planner like Kaman, tonight's abduction was irrational.

He went on private property and took Chris Edwards with a witness present.

Maybe he's finally starting to feel the pressure and he's reactive.

More than that, he's meticulous.

He'd have a plan if he got cornered.

He'd have an endgame.

Well, he already k*lled the man he blames for his accident.

The other victims are slights compared to that.

And now he needs to hurt the person that hurt him the most.

The one who drives all of this.

The one who broke his heart.

Yeah, but who the hell is that?

I swear I won't tell anybody about this.

Aah! Aah! Son of a bitch!

Oh, God!

I'm sorry, man.

I'm so sorry.

It wasn't my call.

No! What are you doing?!

What are you doing?!


No, Kaman, please, no!

Oh, God! Let me go!


[Tires screeching]

[Tires screeching]

Kaman Scott worked for Chris Edwards.

He was fired 7 months ago.

Garner: Why did he k*ll him here?

Roadblocks forced him out of his comfort zone.

Anything in the van?

Welding equipment, cans of gasoline.

And a cage.

I'm getting everyone in the city down here on this.

Without his car, he's going to lie in wait until he can't anymore.

Then he's gonna lash out again.


[Train whistle blows]


I think I found something.

What do you got?

A girl.

There's two more of the same girl in here.

Oh, jeez, we gotta find out who she is.

If this guy's feeling cornered, all bets are off.

Tonight's his last chance to get revenge on anyone who's ever wronged him.

She's most likely his next target.

[Dialing cell phone]

Garcia, we're gonna send you some photographs.

What do you want me to do with them?

Blow up the background, see if you can find anything that tells us who this girl is.

I'll hit you back.

Uh-uh! We're closed!

No, you not.

Not to me.

Boy, what's wrong with you?

Get out.

Not tonight.

Where is she?

Where is Tracy?

Kaman, I said...

Get out.

I can't.

I can't do that tonight.

They comin' after me.

What have you done?

I just need to see her.

I told you, don't come back in here.

It's over.


You need to get some help.

Don't you do it, old man!


Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah!


Where is she?!

You go to hell!

You gonna burn.


Friends, we're on 3-way.

What's going on?

Hotch, we found some pictures of Kaman's girlfriend at his apartment.

So I blew up those pictures.

In one of them she appears to be in a restaurant, so I zoomed in on the sign that says "o" apostrophe "s, " cross-checked that with restaurants in the area, and there are 5 diners.

3 are in the suburbs, 2 are in Highland Park, and one is in Rivertown.


What's the name?

And this appears to be Kaman's and that girl's favorite place 'cause all the pictures were taken there.

Have you heard of Jay-Mo's?

It's a few blocks from here.

Good work, Garcia.

We're on the way.

You're sick, Kaman.

We done talkin'.

This ain't the way.

You tell me where she is.

She ain't with you, I know where she is.

Don't do it.

Leave Tracy alone.


It's too late for her.

And it's too late for you.


Garcia: Hotch, a fire alert just went out, it's at Jay-Mo's diner.



[Tires screeching]

Backup's on the way.

There isn't time.

All units, 565 East Jefferson.

I repeat, all units, 565 East Jefferson.

This is Lieutenant Al Garner, requesting available Fire and EMS Units.

We got a man inside.

Requesting additional alarms.

Repeat, all units, 565 East Jefferson.

BP's 84 over 36.

Garner: The owner's car was stolen.

I need to ask him some questions.

He's in and out of consciousness.

I'm with the FBI.

Can you give me a thumbs-up for yes and a thumbs-down for no?

Did Kaman Scott do this to you?

We have 15 minutes to get him to the hospital.

Do you know this girl?

Tracy. Tracy.

Don't let him.

Please stop him.

Is Tracy nearby?

Go, go. [Gasping] Yes.

Yes. Get him.

Ok, let's move.


Hotch, you ran into a burning building?

I didn't have a choice.

Her name's Tracy.

Kaman's trying to find her.

That man put his life on the line to protect her.

So she means something to him.

She means everything.


Ooh. Hey.

Got to finish the dishes.

All right, well, hurry up.

Garcia: Jay-Mo's real name is James Morris.

He was married to Loretta Butler.

Does he have any children?

Yes, they has one daughter.

Her name is Tracy Anderson.

She was born in 1987.

Why does she have a different last name?

When James' wife d*ed, his sister Susan Anderson adopted Tracy.

And where is she now?

She currently lives in Ohio.

No, he says she's nearby.

Where do the Andersons live?

Uh, Indian Village.

That's 3 miles away.

Let's go.

Here you go, hon.

I found a few more glasses for you.


Oh, my God, Tom!

[Tom groaning]

Where is Tracy?

Sorry. I keep trying the Anderson house, but the line's busy.

Garner: He must already be there.

Garcia, have any fires been reported in the area?

Negative, but medics and fire suppression are on the way.


Tell them to stand by.

Roger that. Sir, there's one more thing I gotta tell you.

What is it?


Now let's just get honest with each other.

Where's Tracy?

She's not here.

You're lying.

I know she's back.

Tracy's going to medical school in Ohio.

I don't believe a damn word come out your mouth.

We have no reason to lie.

It's been 5 years, Kaman.

She's moved on with her life.

Why can't you just accept that?

Shut up!


Garner: I'm calling backup.

If anybody moves, we're in trouble.

We need a sh**t.

We're here.

Your man wants everyone to hold their position.

We need a single r*fle.

I say again, all units, hold your position.

Copy that.

This is the street.

Hotch is going inside.

And he's on his own.

Reid: Hotch won't do anything to spin him.

It's not Kaman I'm worried about.

This isn't his first time at the dance.

We gotta trust him on this.

Kaman, why are you doing this?

We never did anything to you.

You kept Tracy away from me.

Tom: Look what you've done.

What you're about to do now.

I wasn't always like this.

People don't change, Kaman.

This is all your fault.

Baby, you can't keep blaming the world for what happened to you.

Baby, look at me.

Look at me.



What is going on?

I needed to see you.

And this is how you do it?

You abandoned me.

You walked away from me when I needed you the most.

That's not good enough!

I'm sorry.

After the accident, I had to get my life together.

And what about my damn life?

It took me 2 years to get back on my feet.

You were the only thing that kept me going.


What happened to you?

What do you think happened to me?


Who else is here?

Mommy, what's wrong?

That's my sister's son.

Uh, go back upstairs, baby.

Go back upstairs.

Wait, wait, wait.

He said mama.

The boy's confused, Kaman.

Is that your son?

No, Kaman.

Don't you stand in front of me and lie to my face.

Kaman, drop it.

You sh**t me, I drop this and they burn. Then what?

You move, you die.

I'm already dead.

I ain't got nothin' else to live for.

Tracy, you need to tell him.

Tell me what?

What the hell's going on here?

He needs to know.


While you were in a coma, I found out I was pregnant.


I didn't know what to do.

I thought you were gonna die.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

You're telling me...

That's my son?

Hotch: Kaman, you don't want to do this in front of your son.

Put it down.

Baby, if you don't do it for me, do it for him.

Don't you want to know his name?

What's your name?

Daniel Kaman Anderson.

Hotch: Thomas Kemp wrote, "love feels no burden, "thinks nothing of its trouble, "attempts what is above its strength, "pleads no excuse for impossibility, "for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible."

Dad, don't look at me.

I'm not looking.

Are you almost ready?


Do you need any help?



Whoa. That is definitely not Spider-man.

He's not a real superhero.

He's not?

Ok, I give up.

Who are you supposed to be?

I'm you, daddy.

Come here, buddy.


Let's go get some candy, my little G-man.