Nine Ball (2023)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Nine Ball (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Nine ball.

That was it for us back then.

That was our game.

Game, hell, it was a religion.

Yeah, we lived for Friday-

- Friday nights

at Lucky's Tavern.

Doug's Uncle Frank owned the place.

He'd let us come in after hours,

and we would sh**t

pool till the next morning.

with drinks on the-

- With drinks on the house.

Shit, all we had to do was

clean things up a little bit,

and the place was ours.

That was the life, all right.

Back then, things were simple.

You start out-

- With the one ball,

and you work your way up.

See, that was the great

thing about nine ball.

Everybody knew the rules up front,

so you took your shot.

That was it.

- That was it.

There was no regrets,

no f*cking apologies.

Good or bad, you lived

with it 'cause sometimes

it's your night-

- Sometimes it's your night.

Sometimes it's not.

Hey, old man.

Did you know this

is private property?

Yeah, d'you lose something?

Fess up, old man.


- Whoa, he's got it going on.

- Oh-ho.

Stop being funny, come on.

Come on, baby.

Oh, man, the way that

looked, it gotta hurt.

Ah, you m*therf*cker,

you got popped.

- I need a drink.

Okay, one bottle of

bourbon coming up.

- So, where are we?

- What, you don't remember?

- Yes, I f*cking remember, Doug.

I just wanna know where

you're starting this time, huh?

You're always changing things on me.

You have to do that?

- Hey, you gotta keep

the shelve stocked,

Uncle Frank's orders.

- With what, broken empty bottles?

Place has been closed

how many years?

Closed? Oh, this place'll never close,

not as long as you're around

to open it up every night.

Look, we should be getting

started here, don't you think?

- Why don't we, give it a rest, huh?

I could use a break, you know.

- I can't do it.

Why not?

- Because you might forget.

- Yeah, well maybe I wanna forget.

- Well, what happened to

no regrets and no apologies?

- Okay, fine, fine,

let's just get it over with.

- All right, fair enough.

It's just after 2:00.

I'm behind the counter

wiping things down.

No, your stupid then.

Tell a better joke.

- Bobby and Cooper just showed

up about 10 minutes ago,

and they're in the

middle of a warmup game.

Mother said

no thanks to sex.

- And you're not here yet.

- Where am I?

I imagine you're headed

down the middle of Sixth Avenue

just after terrorizing that

poor guy in his caddy.

You're jumping ahead.


You don't get it, do you?

What about George?

We'll get to George later.

You guys need a beer?

- Several.

- Bob?

Whatever's on tap.

- Bob, one more time, slowly.

Hank's son, Wilbur,

pulls the hose out the bull's ass.

- He was too old to blow

hard enough, so he gave up.

- But see, you're missing the point.

- So, what is the point?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey.

What game are we playing?

Because that was a definite miss.

- Call it, Doug.

- Ball in hand on a miss or a scratch.

Do it on the nine, and you're gone.

- The point is Wilbur

would've rather blown

on the end of the hose

that was in the bull's ass

than the end Hank was blowing on .

- But that doesn't

make any sense at all.

- Of course not,

and that's what makes it funny.


- I never got that one either.

- Are you kidding me?

I love that f*cking joke.

- Hey, here's to good old Uncle Frank.

- He's talking about selling the place.

Oh, he's not serious, is he?

- It's been pretty f*cking slow.

- Oh, it's slow all over, baby.

Probably just the weather, huh?

- Oh, it's the whether all right,

whether you go out at

night and have a good time,

or you, uh,

got money to pay your rent.

If it wasn't for this place once a week,

I wouldn't have a nightlife.

- I don't know if I'd

call this a nightlife.

- Are you serious, man?

An an open pool table,

all the booze you can guzzle,

you can't ask for a

better deal than this.

All I got to say is

thank you Uncle Frank

and thank God it's Friday .

Mm, that's good.

- So, Dougie, how's a little woman?

- Great, she's actually

starting to feel things.

- Kicks?

- Uh, it's more like flutters.

That is cool, man.

How much longer?

- Four months.

- No shit?

Hey, it gets better.

Just wait till you start seeing

elbows and shit

moving around in there .

- But what the hell

would you know about it?

- I got a pregnant cousin.

- More like you got

a cousin pregnant.

- Hello, first off, Cooper,

we don't do cousins.

We leave that shit

to you white trash, in-breeding,

Alabama m*therf*ckers.

- It's Mississippi.

- Same thing.

- Like hell it is.

- Oh, see that proves it right there.

Proves what?

- "Like hell it is."

Only two kind of people

use that expression,

Alabamans and Mississippians .

- How 'bout the

expression suck my d*ck?

- Oh, no, my brother.

See that one, it's universal .

- Oh, God.

Hey, Doug.

Was Jerry in here tonight?

- I sent him home

about an hour ago, why?

Well, I don't think he quite made it.

- Somebody better get that boy

a cab or something, damn .

- You all right there, Jerry?

- Frank, is that you, Frank?

No, it's Doug.

- Yeah, well, this is Frank's bar.

Where's Frank?

- Frank's got the night off.

- Speaking of drunks,

anyone hurt from Nicky?

- He called earlier, said he'd be here.

- How's he doing?

- So far so good, I guess.

Says he hasn't had a drop

since the night we got into it.

- Three weeks?

Good for him.

- Don't suppose either one

of you want to gimme a hand.

Oh, yes.

- Oh, very cute, guys.

- It's a good thing he

lives across the street.

- Hold the fort down.

I'll be back in a few.

- Don't forget to kiss him goodnight.

- You know, it'll be

good to see Nicky again.

- assh*le.

- Man, he was just

f*cked up, all right?

- I get f*cked up all the time.

Don't mean I beat the

hell out of my best friend.

- What the hell do you know about it?

- You have a different

recollection of that night?

- Let's you and me get something

straight here, Doug, okay?

I may be a drunk, but I'm not senile.

I got my memories.

If I didn't-

- I wouldn't be here.

Point well taken.

But then again,

a picture's worth 1,000 words.

Humor me a minute, will ya?

Okay, it's three weeks earlier.

We're about to get

into it, and as usual,

Cooper's telling one

of his lame jokes.

- And a Wilbur looks up

and says, "Well, shit, daddy,

I ain't gonna blow on

the same end you did ."

- I don't get it.

- You wouldn't.

Oh, shit.

I must confess I am

redneck joke illiterate.

- Wait a minute.

- What?

I thought you said you

were hitting the seven.

I did.

- Yeah, so where's the five?

- I don't know.

Maybe you hit it in on the last shot.

No, I didn't hit the

f*cking five in, Doug.

I'd remember.

- Well, somebody did.

- Or, maybe it just jumped

off the f*cking table

when nobody was looking.

- That could happen.

- You calling me a f*cking liar?

- No, Nicky, but I am

calling you an assh*le.

Take your shot.

- Oh, so now I'm a f*cking assh*le

'cause I wanna know

where the five went.

Is that it?

- Look, you've had

way too much to drink.

Now, take your f*cking shot,

or I'm starting a new

game with somebody else.


Fair enough.

Ready to take it from

where we left off?

Like I have a choice.

- How the hell you

expect me to hit that?

Very carefully .


- What'd you say that guy today?


This morning at the garage.

- Oh, the brother with the Ferrari.

- Right.


Just curious.

- Sure you are.

- That assh*le comes up to

me while I'm changing his oil,

interrupts me and asks me,

do I know how to change

oil in a car like that?

- Right.

- Well, can you believe that shit?

- What'd you say to him?

- I said, "No, sir,

all I know how to work on is

VW buses and Chevy trucks,

but I always wanted to

work on the car like these."

- You said that?

- Damn straight I did.

And it must have worked

because he didn't ask me

any more dumb questions.

Damn, foam.

- f*cking assh*le,

man, I shoulda taken

his f*cking head off

right there in the street.

Unbelievable the

nerve some people got.

That's all I got to say.

What a f*cking night.

- Want a cold beer?

- Give a soda or something.

- Is Doug around?

- Ah, he's walking Jerry home.

- Hey, you want a can,

because the fountain's out?

Yeah, whatever.

- All right, there you go,

Nicky, my man.

- So, what happened?

All right, here it is.

I'm on my way over,

and I'm heading down Sixth Avenue,

and there's some traffic.

I mean it's after 2:00,

but it is Friday night,

bar rush, whatever, you know.

And I'm splitting

the lanes, no big deal

until this little cocksucker

in his '79 DeVille

opens his f*cking door.

No shit?

I hope you took it off for him.

- Ugh, I wanted to.

I wanted to take off

that f*cking door.

We're talking about a Caddy here.

I mean Toyota or Datsun,

completely different story.

So, I introduced myself.

I said, What the f*ck are you

doing with this door open?

- I was gonna check my taillight.

- In the middle of

Sixth f*cking Avenue,

and you're gonna get out

and check the g*dd*mn tail?

Middle of Sixth f*cking

Avenue on a Friday night,

he decides to check

his f*cking taillight?

- So, the guy was an assh*le.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

It gets better, all right?

After I tell him what he

can do with his taillight, I'm,

you could k*ll somebody.


Wake up next time.

- You f*cking hippie m*therf*cker.

If you had've stayed in

your own g*dd*mn lane,

this shit wouldn't've happened.

Get the f*ck out.

- Swear to God.

- So, what'd you do?

- Well, let's just say I familiarized him

with the ways of proper

motorcycle etiquette.

f*cking get outta

your f*cking car, bitch.

Don't f*ck with me, all right?

I still shoulda taken

his f*cking head off.

- Damn.

- Tell me that wasn't the nine.

- He wish he could.

Bye, Coop, and thanks

for warming me up.

- So, where is, uh, little man?

- George?

I don't know.

I was wondering that myself.

- He came by the

station the other day,

said he might not make it,

something 'bout a new job.

- What is he this time?

- I don't think it really

matters to George

long as he gets to wear a uniform.

- One of my personal favorites was

the Burger Ben outfit .

- Hey, no, how about

that traffic controller

for the elementary school?

- Ah, close second.

- Wasn't he a UPS

driver for about a day?

- No, two, but it wasn't that bad.

Had that in-the-army look about it .

- Could you see little

Georgie in the military?

Now, that's a scary thought.

- I don't think we have to worry.

They got height requirements.

- Yeah, you know anything's possible.

They made you my

boss at the garage.

- That's 'cause I'm white.

- Nick, uh, why don't

you take this game,

because this guy's wearing me out?

He's playing that good?

- No, man, it's just being

around him all day is wearing me out.


- Rack 'em,

It's root beer, alright?

- Who asked?

- So, how's Sally?

- Good, how are you?

- Going strong.

Can I get you another root beer?

- All right, anybody else?

- No, I'm fine.

- Got mine.

- Okay, let's do it.

First up.

I already called it.

- When?

- While I was walking Jerry home.

- Sounds fair.

- What about little Georgie?

He still might show.

- I'll take it for him.

- Oh, sorry, George,

looks like it's the can tonight.

- Unless he doesn't show,

then it's all yours.

- He shows, or he's a dead man.

- Look at that.


It's beautiful.

- What, you been

practicing, Doug, huh?

I mean, I knew we shouldn't've

left you with the table.

- Hold the phone.

The night's still young.

Shit, I guess we could

put the phone down now .

Crash and burn.

Looks like old Nick's got the

number two spot clenched.

- Number two, are you kidding?

I could beat that now.

- Well, it won't take much.

You guys really should

get in here more often.

- All right, lagging

don't make the game.

- Yeah, but it keeps you

from cleaning the toilets.

- George, where are you?

I'll k*ll him.

Come on you, you m*therf*cker.

- Go ahead, Nick,

scare it past its mark.

- No, just blow on it.

- That's all you guys got?

Looks like I'm sweeping again.

- I'll mop.

- You're second up,

and you take the mop?

- Sure, it gives me and, uh,

Doug a chance for a quick game

while you're wiping off those tables.

- Hold on, now.

I was in on the easy third.

Ain't no way I'm

restocking that shit again.

Oh, man, restocking and the can?

Coop, looks like you're

not gonna have time

to play much pool at all tonight.

- I ain't cleaning that can.


- Nice uniform, George.

Wait a minute.

You mean somebody's paying

you money to protect people?

- Campus security, started tonight.

Pretty cool, huh?

It's definitely you,

George, nice colors.

Works well with your

eyes and everything.

- So, you get to tell people

what to do, enforce curfew,

um, give new students

directions, and all that shit?

It's kinda like a dream

come true for ya, huh?

- Yeah, and that's not

even the best part.


What's the best part?

- Armed security.

Somebody gave you a g*n?

- That's right.

- Get the f*ck out.

Lemme see that thing.

Nah, you had this thing made

or something, didn't you?

- No, it's official.

- Come on.

Stop pulling our dicks and

tell us the truth, George.

- You see that ID number?

That's my special code.

It's on file with the government

and all that official shit.

- So, where's the g*n?

- Out in the truck.

- Sure it is, Georgie.

- It is.

What's it doing in the truck?

I mean, what the hell good's

an armed security guard

with his g*n in the truck?

- I'm off duty.

- So, go get it.

- Nicky, I can't carry that

shit around off duty, man,

major violation.

I just want to see it, George.

It's not like I'm gonna sh**t anybody.

- I said I can't, not off duty.

I, I can get fired for

even showing it to you.

Like I want to get

fired on my first day.

- Why not?

It's happened before.

- All right, forget about it then.

Let's all get down to business

so we can get a little

nine-ball action going here.

What do you say?

Oh, you better roll

up those pretty new

sleeves, though, Georgie,

'cause you're cleaning the toilet.

- But I haven't even shot my lag yet.

- No need, Cooper shot it for you.

Gave it his best shot, too.

I tried, George, honest.

Oh, no, you don't.

I'm not cleaning the toilet

on someone else's lousy lag.

I can make my own.

- That's the truth.

He makes his own

lousy lag every week.

- And he still ends up on his

hands and knees in the john.

What's the difference?

George is right.

He should at least get his own shot.

He is here.

- Yeah, day late and a

dollar short he's here.

Look, we already handed

out cleaning duties, George.

I'm sorry you weren't around.

Look, we don't have

time for this, Dougie.

He cleans the can, or he don't play.

- Sounds fair to me.

- Rags are in the cabinet.

- All right, fine,

but I got the first game.

- No, you don't, George.

You get the last game.

See, that's the way it works.

Worst lag gets last

pick and last game.


- You know you really

should go easier on him.

- Ah, get the f*ck out.

- Tell me something, Doug.

You ever gonna make it

outta this place or what?

- Shit no.

I mean, I've been working

here since high school.

Might as well stay in the

same rut till the day I die.

Seems to be working for you.

- Hey, it's great to be here.

- f*ck that.

I finish up my bachelor's,

and I'm outta that

f*cking garage so fast

you won't see me wave goodbye.

- This may be a mere technicality,

but don't you have to be enrolled

in a college to get a degree?

- I'm going back.

- Since when?

- Since five years ago when

he dropped outta college

in the middle of his first semester.

- Well, excuse me for being

such a loser, Mr. Brain Surgeon.

- I thought you were a mechanic.

- Same thing.

- Missed it by that much, huh?

- You know, what I do is a skill.

So's is jacking off.

- Yeah, but I haven't figured

out how to get paid for that yet.

- Well, you be sure and let me know.

And I am going back, assh*le.

- Yeah, we believe ya,

Cooper, you lying sack of shit.

- It's weird.

- Did you lose something?

- Uh, cigarettes, coulda

swore I had a pack in here.

- There's a open

carton behind the bar.

- No, that's all right.

I got a couple packs in the car.

- It's no big deal, Bob.

Just grab a pack.

No, I drink enough of

your poor uncle's booze

every Friday night.

Besides, I gotta make

way for floor control.

- Guess that's our cue, Nick.

- Look, let's get the

evening chores out the way,

and then we can get down

to what we came here for.

- Besides, your ass is mine

tonight, Dougie boy, all mine.

- Yeah, I love it when you talk dirty.

- So, less than four

months to go, huh?

- Yeah, can you believe it?

- And it's Papa Doug.

It's gotta be some kinda high.

- It's changed my life, you know?

It's given me a reason

to get up in the morning.

It's even made it easier to

show up in this lousy hole

five nights a week.

- Jealous, Dougie, I am.

- So, do it.

- Do what?

- Cindy, ask her to marry you.

Oh, that's a f*cking joke.

- What, did something

happen between you two?

- Trust me, Dougie,

you don't even wanna know.

- All right, how long have

we known each other?

- Since the sixth grade,

and I know what you're gonna say.

What the hell happened to us, Doug,

I mean, to the people we used to be?

Man, I was so sure that

we were gonna make it

out of this f*cking town

away from all these losers,

find a way to really do something,

you know, to be somebody.

- Dreams change.

- Yeah, well mine haven't.

Just now, that's all they are, dreams.

- What's going on, Nick?

Talk to me.

- There's nothing

to talk about, Doug.

My life's a joke.

What the hell happened?

- Look, forget about it, all right?

g*dd*mn you, Cooper.

Had to spoil our f*cking

moment, didn't ya?


Oh, you fucker.

Shit, that hurt.

- Oh, come on.

My hands are still

swollen from last week.

Got you pretty good, though, huh?

- Just remember, payback's

a real but bitch around here.

- Is that a challenge?

- Later.

- You're on.

Maybe George will wanna join in.

- I doubt he's got any

feeling left in either hand

as many times as he's lost.


Where's Bob?

- He went out to the

car for cigarettes.

- Oh, shit

I forgot to put 'em back.

Don't tell him.

He's got a thing about that,

people getting in his shit.

- Well, then why'd you take 'em?

Because he's a f*cking thief.

I'm bumming 'em off him all the time.

Funny thing is he's

always trying to keep track.

Drives him nuts that

his count's always off.

Doug, I need some advice.

- Quit smoking.

No, f*ck the cigarettes, man.

This is some serious shit.

Something wrong?

- They fired him today.


- Yeah.

- Well, he's taking it

pretty f*cking well, isn't he?

- That's the thing.

He doesn't know.

- You fired him,

and you didn't tell him?

- I didn't fire him.

- Well, I thought you were the man.

- The owner fired him.

- What for?

- Said he didn't like his attitude.

I think it had something

to do with this customer

that was in today.

Besides, he's never really

liked him for some reason.

- Maybe it's a Black thing.

- Who knows?

The point is-

- Look, the point is they

told you to let him go,

and you haven't done it yet.

- I keep trying.

I don't know what to say.

- How 'bout, "See ya"?

- Thanks, Nick.

- You gotta tell him, Coop.

- I know, and before he goes

in tomorrow morning, f*ck.

- It's f*cking weird, man.

I coulda swore I had a pack.

- Be right back.

- That's it.

Stock them shelves, boy,

'cause that beer stuff

is okay for a warmup,

but I need something

that's gonna put

some hair on this chest.

- They don't make

anything that strong.

- Hey, it's great to be here.

- Name your poison.

- It really doesn't matter

this early in the game,

a little whiskey, vodka,

tequila, mix and match.

Hell, I don't care.

Just gimme something

that's gonna make me forget

the troubles of this world.

- Better make it a double.

- Just go a little easy tonight, huh?

I'm not into carrying

anybody else home.

Jerry was enough.

- Just relax, Dougie boy.

As they say, there are some of those

who can handle their drink,

and then there's those who can't,

and I, my friend,

am definitely one who can .

So, tell me about your

troubles of the world.

- Oh, shit, I, I, I guess I

really can't complain.

Sure you can.

- All right, if you insist,

Nick, uh, no woman.

That's old news.

Yeah, ancient.

- And for the financial part of it,

a funnier joke you're not gonna hear.

- Speaking of jokes,

how was last Saturday night?

- Wasn't.

Never happened.

- Are you saying she

stood you up after all that?

- No, what I'm saying

is I'm trying very hard

to put this whole thing behind me.

What the hell's this?

We really don't need

to hear this story again.

It's bad enough we have to listen

to Cooper explain his jokes.

But I love Cooper's jokes,

and this is a great story.

Yes, and we both know it by heart.

Bob takes a blind date to dinner.

She orders two meals, has the

waiter wrap one of them to go,


- Hold it.

Damn it, Doug,

would you wait a second?


You could skip the rest,

but at least let me see the end,

makes me laugh every time.

For you, Nick, anything.

Yeah, right.

- So, did you end up

paying for all three meals?

- Oh, what kinda

question is that, Doug?

Of course, he's gonna cover it.

- Well, actually, that's

when things start to get fun.

I knew I didn't have

enough cash on me.

- No.

- What about plastic then?

- Against my code.

I never even applied.

- So, you're f*cked.

Yes, I am.

- You hit her up for the difference.

- Also against my code.

See, the only saving

grace of the evening was

I knew in advance that I was screwed.

So, I take a little trip to the facilities.

I call Cooper, have him come down

and discreetly slip

100 on the manager .

That's very smooth.

You bet your ass, Bobby.

You were one smooth m*therf*cker.

- I don't know.

If it was me, I'da asked the

woman to cough up a little.

- Ah, it's not the same, Dougie.

You're married.

I mean, it's a whole

different set of rules.

- So, did you ask her

about the extra meal?

- I had to.

- And?

- She said her

and her roommate Lorraine

always eats together,

and she knew she would

be getting hungry, okay?

No, shit.

So, when's the next date?

- No, thank you.

- Oh, come on.

Give her one more chance.

Think of them, um, titties.

- Tits or no tits, I can't afford

to feed both of them b*tches.

Nick all right?

- Hey, you mind if I

warm 'em up on a few?

I feel like getting the old kinks out.

Well, knock yourself out.

They're all yours.

- Great.

- The f*ck are you doing, George?

That's my shot.

Who the f*ck told

you to take my shot?

I, I was just,

Bobby said I could.

I, I, I was just-

- Relax, George.

I'm just f*cking with you, all right?

Somebody buy this boy a

beer or something, huh?

Everybody ready for first round?

- I got first round tonight.

Just stand back now.

You might learn something.

Go for it.

Will you be joining us, Nick?

Nah, thanks, I'm fine.

Damn right I'll join ya.

I'll drink y'all under the f*cking table.

- But what the hell

are you doing, boy?

- Trust me.

- I've done that

before and regretted it.

- What the hell kind of drink is that?

Oh, just a little something

I picked up back home.

- In that case, I think you

better wash your hands

before you start making mine.

Oh, I can't watch this.

The question is,

are you man enough to drink it?

As long as you go first.

Bottoms up.


- Your turn.

- Get the f*ck out.

I'm not drinking that shit.

- You said mix and match.

To a point, yeah.

- Come on, Bob, it'll make you forget

about the troubles of the world.

- Of course, it will.

I'll be dead.

- But you'll die a man.

- Call me nuts.

- You're nuts.

- But I'm in.

Me too.

- Oh, I gotta see this.

- Not without downing one with us.

- Nah, no, I said I'm

not drinking that shit.

Gimme a real drink and no problem.

You got it.

You are crazy, Cooper.

- Here's to the bartender.

- And here's to

replacing the bartender.

Bottoms up.

You're fired, Cooper .

Want a beer?

- I'll take a beer.

- And I'll go for another shot.

Attaboy, George.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, be careful, man.

Just pace, okay?

Just take your time.

- Pace is for pussies.

- That's right, Cooper,

you keep drinking

these nightmare concoctions,

and we'll be taking

you out tonight in a body bag.

- But he'll die a man.

- You ready?

- Sure.

All right, somebody call it.

- Nine ball.

- No kidding?

What the f*ck else is there?

Well, let's see.

There, there's eight ball.

There's rotation.

- Chicago.

- Straight pool.

- Get the f*ck out.

- Just giving you some options.

- Look, you wanna switch to one

of them f*cking pansy games,

you can count me out.

Ain't nothing wrong with rotation .

Oh, nothing except we

don't play rotation here.

We play nine ball.

Jesus, I can't even believe

we're f*cking talking about this.

- It was a joke, all right?

- All right, I, I didn't get it.

All right, Jesus, Nick,

would you lighten

up a little here, huh?

You know, we're

supposed to be having fun.

Somebody gonna

call this thing or what?

- Same as before, a ball in

hand on a miss or a scratch.

- Do it on the nine, and you're gone.

- Best two outta three?

- That works for me.

- All right.

Someone wanna hit that overhead?

It's too f*cking bright

in here to see anything.

- Well, that makes sense.

- Shit, wait, I almost forgot.

Hold the lights a second.

You guys aren't gonna believe this.

Bob, the switch on the far right?


- Okay, grab onto it,

but don't hit it yet.


- Okay, now turn off all four switches.

Ooh, nice effect.

Now what?

Hit the other switch.

I hate that f*cking thing.

What the f*ck is that?

A strobe.

No shit, Cooper,

what the f*ck's it doing in here?

Are you ready for this?

It's Frank's idea to try

and boost business.

Every Tuesday and Thursday

starting next week,

he's gonna have dancing in here.

All right, all right.

Oh, yeah.

- Jesus Christ.

- Whoo, whoo.

Whoo, whoo.

The stupidest f*cking

thing I ever seen.

What the hell is that, Cooper?

That's the white man's boogie-

- All right.

- self-taught.

Turn that f*cking thing off, all right?


- All right.

All right already.

- Turn that f*cking thing off.

All right, man.

Whoo, I'm outta shape.

- Hey, wait a minute.

- What?

- Don't you think it's a little early

for your second bottle?

- I was thirsty, all right?

- Yeah, but booze

doesn't quench your thirst.

It just keeps you wanting more.

Haven't you at least

learned that by now?

- Save the sermon, Doug.

You're not my f*cking-

- Oh, I'm not your f*cking mother.

Oh, now where have

I heard that before?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm jumping ahead

again now, aren't I?

- Just leave me alone, will ya?

- Never.

Not until you get it.

- Get what?

- Can't tell ya.

- Georgie Porgie, pudding pie,

so what's shaking, baby, huh?

So, tell me about that

amazing new job of yours.

- What's there tell you?

He rented the uniform,

paid somebody 10 bucks

for a phony ID card, huh?

- It's not a phony ID, Nicky.

- Prove it.

- Prove that it is.

- Oh, well, that's easy.

Who in their right f*cking

mind is gonna hire him

for a legit security job,

least of all involving a g*n?

- That's a point.

- I don't know.

There's a lot of crazy

people in this world.

Hey, and there's one

for the other team .

Look at this f*cking uniform, man.

This is too new looking.

It ain't the real thing.

- What, they don't make

new security guard uniforms?

- What are you busting

my chops here for, Doug?

- I just think you need to

lighten up on him a little.

- What are you, my mother?

- What?

- I said, are you my f*cking mother?

- No, Nicky, I'm not

your f*cking mother.

Pay attention.

This is important.

- And stop telling me

to f*cking lighten up.

- Whatever.

- We all can't make a living

pounding nails into boards.

- Excuse me?

- George, you don't-

- Somebody's gotta

protect all those boards.

- Down, George.

- What the f*ck have

you been smoking?

- I don't do that, Nicky.

dr*gs are for weak people.

- I see.

Are you looking

to have your head taken off?

- Nick.

- What?

- Take your shot.

Hey, it's great to be here.

- Hey, George, what do

you say we pass the time

with a game of bloody knuckles?


- Come on, I'll even let you

win the first couple times.

Okay, how about slap hands?

- I'm happy just to sit here,

and watch, and wait my turn.

- No, you can't wait for the

action to come to you, George.

You gotta make it

happen for yourself.

Come on, one game.

I'll give you five misses.

- How's that work?

Simple, you get to swing at me

till you miss five times.

- That's nuts, man.

You can take a guy's hands

off before you miss five times.

- A chance I'll have to take.

- Better make his a double.

- Can I get the same deal?

- Sorry, this is a one-time only offer.

- Five misses?

In a row.

Maybe later.

Now or never George.

- I'm gonna pass.


- 10 misses.

- Get the f*ck out.

- Take it, George.

- Okay, you're on.


Now, you know how

this works, right?

- Sure, I swing at you

till I miss 10 times.

- Right, but only once.

After that one miss,

and it's my turn again.

And there's no stopping

or turning back once

you take that first swing.

- Right.

- I mean it.

That's the most important rule.

There's no stopping

unless they stop it.

- I got it. Can you start?

- Go for it, Georgie.

- Ow, Jesus, Cooper,

do you like pain, is that it?

- Turns me on.

Ooh, again.

- See, I tried to tell you that boy

done lost it.

- Jesus, Cooper.

- Okay, that one hurt.

- What's a matter?

You starting to feel it?

No, just switching gears.

- Time for phase two.

- Phase two.

I love this part.

- That's one.

- Shit.

- Two.




That's six, George.

Four more.

- Stay f*cking still.

- Seven.


Only two more, George.

Better relax and take your time.

- Breathe, Georgie, breathe.

Come on, Georgie.

You're almost there.

You got him shaking in his shoes.

Nine. Ten.

My turn.

Oh, you didn't, George.

- What?

- You flinched.

You know the rule about flinching.

- What rule?

- Put 'em up now.

Don't move 'em.

- What?

- Don't move your hands.

I get a free shot.

- What, are you high?

- That's the rule.

Oh, I know that rule.

I mean, he f*cked me up

many a times on that one.

- Dougie.

- He's right.

- f*ck.

- Attaboy, put 'em back up.

Put 'em up, now.

Don't move 'em.

It's still my turn.

Want another drink?


- f*ck me.

- Here on the table?

Or, you want we should

go in the back room?

- Ball in hand on the eight, Doug?

Nobody told me it was Christmas,

not that it's gonna do

you any good, but, uh, call a pocket.

- All right.

Three cushion, corner.

- Three cushion, corner.

All right, no problem.

- Yeah, right, maybe next time, Nick.

- Come on, I got ya, Nick.

Admit it.

No way you're gonna make that shot.

- Just watch.

What are you doing?

You don't seriously think this

is gonna change anything?

- Well, let's see.

If I remember right, I lose this game.

I take over slap hands

with Cooper over here.

He makes some crack about

Cindy, and we go from there.

How am I doing, huh?

Not bad.

- So, what happens if I don't lose?

- Something else'll set you off.

- You sure about that?

- You can't change the past, Nick.

- Weren't you watching?

I just did.

- So, you helped

yourself cheat, big deal.

- Yeah, well, we'll see.


- f*ck, I can't believe he made that.

- Did you see that?

- Whoo.

- Did you f*cking see that?

Oh, is this my night or what?

I love this game.

Get ready to rack 'em, Bob.

- Hey, um, wait a minute,

Nick, um, nature calls again.

- Take a break, George.

It's my turn.

- It ain't over until the fat lady sings.

Ooh, you chicken?

- The fat lady just sung.

Nice game, George.

Go have a drink on me.

- Ooh.

- Can you believe it's August already?

- Speaking of time,

where the f*ck did that come from?

- I paid my rent the

other day, August.

Christmas was the

day before yesterday.

- Christmas is the 31st of July now?

When did they change it?

- Nobody told me.

- I know what you're saying, George.

Time is flying.

Ow, you fucker.

- Come on, Bob.

What the f*ck are

you doing back there?

I don't think we wanna know.

f*ck it.

- Yeah, guys, August.

Hey, guess what's

just around the corner.

- Easter?

You mean they changed that, too?

- It ain't till Monday,

but seeing that

we're all here tonight-

- Doug, shut the f*ck

up about it, all right?

- Sorry, it's too late.

Make a wish, Nick.

And then blow.

It's a lot of candles, Nicky.

Yeah, I'll clap to that.

- Hey, so how old are you really?

- Well, now that you mention it-

- Doug, I ain't fooling around here.

Thanks for the cake and all,

but just shut the f*ck

up about it, all right?

- He's 30.

- Get the f*ck out.

No kidding?

That's the end from what I hear.

- Are you playing pool,

or are you just trying to piss me off?

- Hey, I can't do a damn

thing till you miss one.

- How long you and

Cindy been together?

- I told you, there it is.

- We'll see.

- 10 years.

10 years with the same woman?

That's a long time .

- Come on, Nick.

You mean to tell us you've

been with her for 10 years,

you're turning the big 3-0,

and you still haven't made

an honest woman out of her?

What the hell's the matter with you?

Excuse me?

- I said you've been-

- No, I heard what you said.

How about I take this cue

and shove it lengthwise

up your f*cking ass?

- Let's don't make

promises you can't keep.

Oh, you want a promise?

All right, how 'bout we step outside?

'Cause I promise you

won't f*cking walk away.

- Nick.

- No, you stay

outta this, Doug.

Come on.

Let's go, come on.


Nick, Nick, hey.

- Let's go.

Bro, what the f*ck is wrong with you?

- Off me.

- Man, something wrong.

Man, hey, come on,

this ain't Nick, all right?

- You all right?

- Come on, look.

I didn't mean to come

off like that, all right?

- f*ck you, Nick.

- I'm trying to apologize here.

Would you give me a break?

- And I don't f*cking wanna hear it.

It's always something

with you, isn't it, Nick?

Last time, Doug was cheating.

The time before that-

- I had a bad f*cking week.

- I didn't ask.

- Fine.


You wanna know what,

know what's wrong with me?

I come home last week

after a f*cking long day

of pounding nails into boards

a little earlier than usual

to find my loving girlfriend

in our bed f*cking my

construction foreman.

- Oh, my God, Nick.

- Nick, I didn't mean.

- Tom, Cindy.

No wonder you punched

out at a half day, huh, Tom?

You had something else

you were waiting to punch?

m*therf*cker's lucky they

found all the pieces in time

to keep him alive,

or on top of everything else,

I'd be up on m*rder charges.

- Nicky, do you hear me?

You're gonna k*ll him.

I swear, if you don't

shut your f*cking mouth-

- You'll what?

You'll hit me, too?

Go ahead, Nicky.

Slap, and punch,

and kick the shit outta me

if it makes you feel any better.

But hey, this way,

it's just as*ault and battery,

no more construction job,

no more girlfriend,

no money, no f*cking life,

possible, but only possible

jail time of up to five years.

But no problem 'cause,

hey, I've been on the wagon

for three weeks now,

and it really seems

to be helping me turn things around.

So, gimme another root beer.

It really seems to be doing the trick.

- Little warm for a fire, isn't it?

How can I help, Nick.

- Know any good lawyers?

You remember back in high school

when my old man kicked

me outta the house

'cause I wouldn't let him beat

the crap outta me anymore?

- Yeah, you slept in

that blue Bonneville

of yours for, like, a week

till my parents convinced

you to move in with us.

- That's where I wanna start.

- Start what?

- My life, man,

I wanna start over from there.

- What are you talking

all crazy for, Nick?

- No, didn't you ever think that?

I mean, if there was one point

that you could, you could go back to,

you could find your way,

that that was where you got lost.

- That was 13 years ago.

- You still look up to me, Doug?

- What?

- Man, everybody

used to look up to me.

- Well, sure.

I mean, you know,

people still look up to you.

I mean, shit, George is always-

- f*ck George, all right?

I'm talking about you, you and me.

And why can't we just

take off someplace,

just, just start all over again?

- That's not gonna happen, Nick.

And running away

from it isn't the answer.

Right now, life sucks,

big f*cking deal.

The important thing is

that you've already started

to turn things around.

- Yeah, right.

- What, you don't think

I know how hard it is?

I am so f*cking proud of you, man.

Don't let this shit that

happened f*ck you up.

I am your friend, and I promise

I'm gonna help you through

this no matter what it takes.

- You are my friend,

aren't you, Dougie?

- Man, till doom cracks.

- Even after, you know, what

happened, um, three weeks ago?

- That wasn't you.

That was the booze.

You got me pretty good, though.

Gotta admit that.

Almost broke my f*cking jaw.

- Yeah, well, you know, you got

a couple lucky sucker

sh*ts in yourself.

- Oh, yeah?

Come on, let's go in and,

come on, let's go inside

and sh**t some pool.

- Nine ball.

Take your shot.

You only got one, no regrets,

no f*cking apologies.

So, I scratched, what the hell?

It's funny 'cause that's the only time

I feel like I'm myself

anymore, you know, is

when I'm running the table.

I feel like I'm everywhere

all at once, you know,

like I can do no wrong.


- Yeah?

- Do you really want to help me out?

You just name it.

- I want a drink.

- Nick, you know how-

- No, no, no, just save the

f*cking sermon, all right?

And no, it ain't the answer,

but I just want a break

from all this m*therf*cking pain,

all right, just for tonight.

- Yeah, and what about

tomorrow night, huh,

and the night after that?

Because it's not gonna

get any better, Nick,

not until you decide

that you want it to.

- You said to name it, and I did.

- Yeah, but I'm not gonna stand here

and watch you k*ll yourself.

- You don't know what it's

like to be inside of here, Doug.

- Fine, it's your life.

Are you sure?

Bravo, what a performance.

I don't think I could ever get

tired of watching that part.

We're right back on

track now, aren't we?

- Sure, Doug, sure.

Don't think I didn't catch that.

- What?

- You gave me the bottle.

- Hey, you didn't exactly

make it easy on me.

- What, I twisted your arm?

You had to give in, huh?

- Oh, poor Nick,

still trying to change things

and still looking for

someone else to blame.

Look, let's continue, shall we?

- What for, huh?

What's the f*cking point?

We keep going over

this again and again.

It never ends, and it never changes.

- You're getting warm.

What do you say we skip ahead a bit,

finish a little early for a change.

Who knows?

Maybe we'll even have

time for a game of nine ball.

- There ain't a table.

- We'll work something out.

You ready?

- Sure, Doug, whatever.

Knock yourself out.

- All right, let's see.

It's a few hours later.

Everyone's been drinking a lot,

especially you and Coop.

You want to cue us in?

Everybody okay?

Everybody but you.

Haven't you had about enough?

Hell, no, I ain't even

seeing double yet.

- Make me one of those,

whatever the hell it is

you're drinking here.

- Sure thing, Nick.

So, tell me something, Nicky boy.

You thought about California lately?

- No, why?

- Now might be a good

time to give it a shot.

- What, you trying to get rid me?

- No, but with everything

that's happened, why not?

The weather's good this time of year.

- What, in August?

- Sure, it's nice and sunny.

- I thought it was

always sunny out there.

- I thought about moving

to California for a while.

- Get the f*ck out.

I'm serious.

- When?

- Right outta high school,

right about the same

time you started talking

about going to

California to be discovered.

- Nah, I never said discovered, Doug.

I just wanted to give it a shot.

- No shit?

You wanted to be

an actor, too, Doug?

- No, it was nothing like that.

I just wanted to go there for the sun,

and the babes, and,

and just hang out with Nick.

- Ah, why the hell

didn't you ever tell me?

- I don't know.

Maybe I was, I was just like you,

just too scared to actually

ever go through with it.

- No, I was never scared, Doug,

and you know it, all right?

Just things just always

seemed to come up.

That's all.

- So, why don't you go now?

- Why don't you?

- I'm married.

It's a whole different set of rules.

- Ah, shit, you don't wanna

go to California, Nick,

not LA anyway.

- Why not?

- He's a tit man.

Am I right?

It's a fact.

There ain't no real titties

in that whole damn town

worth putting your hands on.

I've been there, baby.

I mean, they got some amazing

f*cking women out there.

I give 'em that,

but as for bankable breasts,

you got the real McCoy out here.

You better off staying

where you live at .

- Thanks for the tip.

Keep it in your mind .

- He couldn't go even if he wanted to.

- But why is that?

- The law.

- Shut up, George.

- But it's true.

There's no way they're

gonna let someone

who's up on felony

charges out of the state,

not even if-


George, come here.

Here, George, come on, boy.

George, I said get the

f*ck over here, George.


Now, Georgie, there's

something you're not getting here.

See, I've had a really f*cked up week.

I'm not in a good mood,

and I've been drinking a lot,

so I don't think I'm the guy

you wanna f*ck with right now.

Now, I know I f*ck with you,

but that's different.

I can, but you can't

f*ck with me, George.

I mean, you can if

you really wanted to,

but I just don't think

it's such a good idea.

So, why don't you just go

back in your little corner over there

and throw little sharp

objects against the wall,

and stay the f*ck outta my face.

That way, you won't piss me off,

I won't hate you so much,

and nobody will get hurt, all right?

First, what do you say

you just get a broom

and sweep all this shit up, all right?

Jesus, George,

look what you made me do?

My turn to pay.

- g*dd*mn, that early-morning shift

at the garage is kicking my ass.

Can you believe I gotta be

there at 6:30 in the morning?

You know, honestly,

if it wasn't for the free booze

and the love of this game,

6:30 in the morning.

Can you believe that?

- Maybe they'll give you

the day off tomorrow.

- Nah, no chance, man.

Ain't gonna find somebody else

to come in that early in the morning.

I ain't even gonna

waste my time asking.

- Yeah, well, you might not have to.

- Nick.

- What?

Somebody's gotta tell him, Doug.

What the f*ck?

I mean, there's no sense in

losing sleep over nothing.

Am I right?

- Tell me what?

- Nothing.

Well, am I right, or am I wrong?

- You are not involved.

- Not involved?

No, of course, I'm involved.

Bob's my friend.

That makes me, well,

you are my friend, aren't you, Bob?

Honestly, I don't know what the f*ck

you talking about, Nicky.

Whatever you say, man.

- So, you're my friend?

Your my best friend in

the whole world, man .

- They fired you at work.

- Jesus Christ, Nicky.

- What?

Don't you f*ck with me

about something like that now.

Please tell me you're

f*cking with me, Nicky.

You almost had me going

there for a minute, Nicky.

Don't you do that shit to me, man.

f*cking Nicky, man .

Hey, Cooper, my man.

Everything come out all

right for you back there?

- Oh, shit, that reminds me of a joke.

- Oh, you got a joke?

I don't believe it.

- Well, it's not exactly a joke.

It is, though, sort of.

- Either it's a joke, or it's not a joke.

- Down, George.

It's something funny that happened.

So, tell us the story.

- Remember Diane?

Oh, Diane, that's a joke right there .

- Well, one night,

I was over at her place.

- So, uh, is this gonna

be a long story or what?

- And we were getting

ready to go out,

and she was in the can putting

on makeup and everything.

- Wait.

Do you call it a can

if a woman's using it?

- No.

- It's the lady's room.

- Or the powder room, man.

That's it.

- Whatever.

The point is she coulda

taken hours in there.

The f*cking house could have

burned down to the ground.

Got the picture?

We're with you, baby.

- So, I come over, and I'm

hanging out waiting for her,

and I realize I gotta take a shit.


- No, there's no problem.

Just kick her outta the f*cking can.

- The powder room.

- All right, so kick her outta

the f*cking powder room.

- I can't.

It's against my code.

You guys and your codes.

- So, I'm thinking.

Do I go back home and take a shit

and take a chance of

missing the early show?

Or, do I drive around looking

for a gas station

that'll let me use theirs,

which can make me late?

And I could miss the show

or at least the previews.

I hate missing previews .

- So, you hold it till

you get to the theater.

- No, that's impossible at this point.

It ain't happening.

So, I'm trying to decide.

And then, I see her cat

run across the room .

And then, I get this idea.

- What idea?

- I used his.

- Get the f*ck out.

You didn't.

- You took a in the cat box?

Hell, yeah.

- Why?

- And this just wasn't any shit.

I'd been saving this up for days.

I laid a line of pipe like

you've never seen before,

and you, you'll never see again.

Oh, shit.

I'm sorry I missed.

- And it fit?

- Barely.

- How did you wipe?

Hey, good question, George .

- No need.

It was all one solid piece,

perfectly formed.

Sweeped it away with a whisk broom.

Yeah, thanks for sharing.

We get the picture.

Is there a point to this shit?

Here it comes.

So, about 15 minutes later,

Diane finally comes

out of the bathroom,

and before she could say anything,

I asked her what the f*ck

that was that I was smelling?

"Gee, Diane, what the

f*ck is that smell in here?"

And she says,

"It must be the cat litter box.

I just haven't changed it."


Oh, shit .

- So, I casually walk

over to the litter box,

and I say, "Jesus Christ, Diane."

What the f*ck?

You got a mountain lion living here?"

- That's f*cking brilliant.


- I got a joke.

- Uh, that's nice, Georgie.

- Okay.

- What the f*ck do you

think you're doing, Cooper?

- Oh, shit.

Sorry, Bob.

- Sorry?

You take one of my

cigarettes right in front of me,

right out the pack

like it ain't nothing?

- It was an accident, dude, so sue me.

I, I f*cked up.

- I guess you did.

But the question is,

how often does it happen?

It doesn't happen.

- How many cigarettes have

you accidentally ripped off

in, let's say, the last month?

- That was a one-shot deal.

I, I swear.

- Oh, yeah, sure.

I believe you.

So, where's your jacket, huh?

- What?

- Ah, nevermind, uh,

I'll just, uh, this it?

- Jesus, come on, Bob.

- Come on, what, man?

I, hold the phone.

What have we here, huh?

It's funny, isn't it, how you

think you know somebody,

and all this time,

I never knew we smoked

the same brand of cigarettes.

We even open the box the same way,

and I thought I was the

only one that did that.

I was gonna put 'em back, all right?

I forgot.

Can we get back to the game?

- Oh, yeah, sure, no problem.

Look, um, why don't you let

me light that for you, huh?

Or, maybe you want

me to put my lighter

down on the table and turn my back

so you can add that to

your collection too, huh?

- Take it easy, man.

- Nah, just get away

from me, man, huh,

you lying, thieving m*therf*cker,

before I f*ck you up for real.

- Jesus, Bob,

he didn't f*ck your sister.

It was a g*dd*mn

cigarette for Christ's sakes.

- Don't start on me, Nicky.

You almost k*lled a guy for

checking his taillight earlier.

It wasn't a cigarette.

It was a full pack.

Man, have you priced

those things lately?

I'm not made of money, man.

- Especially now.

Ain't that right, Cooper?

- f*ck me.

You're standing here crying

about a pack of smokes?

You owe me a hundred bucks.

- It was a loan.

Thank you very much,

and I appreciated it.

But where I come from,

friends don't steal from friends,

plain and simple.

- Or lie.

- Oh, shit, what?

- Withholding information and shit,

ain't that the same as lying?

- Yeah, whatever you say,

Nicky, but the point is, man-

- The point is I wasn't

f*cking with you before, Bob.

Ask your buddy Cooper here.

He'll tell ya all about it.

- You f*cking assh*le.

- Wanna f*cking go with that?

'Cause I still ain't through

with you from before.

Why do you keep interrupting?

It's just starting to get good.

I'm afraid you're not

getting the point.

- What point?

- Well, you tell me.

- Hey, all right.

I got a little outta of

control that night.

Uh, everybody did.

- Oh, I see, and is that what

you call what's coming up,

a little out of control?

- I was provoked.

- Oh, action, reaction.

- What?

- Nevermind, Nick, all right?

Have it your way,

no more interruptions.

- What's he talking about, Coop huh?

He said I lost my job.

- I was trying to find

a good time to tell ya.

I see.

Well, f*ck you, Cooper, man.

- Roger just told me today.

I'm sorry.

- You're sorry?

I'm sorry.

- I'm out of a pack of cigarettes, a job,

and any kind of self-respect

that I might have left,

and you're sorry?


Doug, the bartender.

Why don't you buy me a drink, huh,

so I can tell you my problems,

and they can just

magically disappear?

Thanks, but tell you what.

I'll take a rain check, okay?

So, I wanna thank everyone

and all for a great evening,

and I think I just get the f*ck out.

- Come on. Don't do this.

Just finish your game,

and let me make you another drink.

- I said no, thank you, all right?

Just gimme my shirt, Doug, all right?

- Come on, you're not leaving.

And if you ever call me

Doug the bartender again,

I promise I'll piss in your

beer when you're not looking.

Name your poison.

- Tequila.

And everything's okay, fine .

But I'm not playing pool

with your sorry ass, Cooper .

- Hey, I was hoping for a little

more of a challenge anyway.

- So, rack those babies

up and get ready to lose.

- You're on.

I just need to sit down for a little bit.

- Hey, wait a minute.

- Yeah?

- This is my game.

- Really?

I didn't see your name on the list.

Where's the list?

Let me see it.

- There isn't any list,

Nicky, but this is my game.

- What, you got a hearing problem

or just a death wish, George?

- This isn't fair.

I shoulda never had

last game to begin with.

I cleaned the can.

I waited for everyone else to play.

Now, it's my turn.

- I never got to play a full game.

- It's not my fault.

You forfeited.

You let him go, Nick.

You hear me?

You let him go.

- All right, fine,

anything you say, Dougie boy.

But I ain't playing him.

I'm not wasting my f*cking time.

- How long could it take

to kick George's in

a game of nine ball?

Come on, Nick.

Come on, Nicky,

one game, you and me.

- Okay, fine, rack 'em.

Stay away from me, all right?

Just take your f*cking sh*ts

and stay the f*ck away from me.

And it's my break.

- Thought we lagged for it.

Hey, Doug, that last concoction

of yours just knocked

me out for the night.

Don't even bother calling

me a cab or nothing,

because I plan on

spending night right here.

- Can I get you anything?

- Oh, yeah, a pillow would be nice.

Oh, thanks, man.

- So what are you gonna do?

- f*ck you think I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna hit the f*cking three in.

- No, I mean about Cindy.

- Doug, will you please tell him

to shut the f*ck up and play?

- George, would you please

just shut the f*ck up and play?

- It's not my shot.

- It's not his shot, Nick.

- Hey, make me something, will ya?

What do you want?

- I don't care, anything.

Make me one of them special

f*cking froo-froo drinks

like all those preppies order.

- George?

- I'll have the same

thing Nicky's having.

- The f*ck you will, George.

- Why not?

- Why not?

'Cause that's my f*cking

drink, my special drink

that he's making for me and me only.

That's why not.

Why do you gotta be

such a f*cking pain in

the ass all the time, huh?

Can you tell me that?

- I'm just trying to fit in.

Well, you don't, all right?

You don't f*cking fit in

around here, and you never will.

So, why don't you just stop trying

so f*cking hard and

pissing everybody off?


- Doug, just shut

the f*ck up, all right?

Just butt the f*ck out.

I mean it.

It's between me and George.

We're having a little

man-to-man talk here.

Isn't that right, George?

- Sure, Nicky.

- What are you doing?

Don't do, Jesus, George.

What the f*ck are you doing?

I'm trying to hit the three in.

- Well, you can't hit it like

that straight in like that.

What the f*ck's the matter with you?

Oh, man.

The f*ck is this?

- My last-call special.

Two of them?

- Yeah, good addition, Nick.

I'm going to the john.

- Oh, f*ck.

- Are you okay?

- I'm gonna blow some chunks, man.

- Well, you're gonna have to fight it

'cause Nicky just went back there.

- You're sh1tting me.

That's not good.

The sink, let me use the sink.

- Oh, no you don't.

I scrubbed that thing

out for half an hour

last time you lost it.

- Come on, Doug.

I'm gonna blow, man.


Okay, focus, concentrate, don't puke.

Don't puke.

Do not puke.

You're not gonna puke.

Everything's cool.

Just don't puke.

- Hey, man, you don't look so good.

- I can't help it, Bob.

We're gonna blow.

- Hey, hey, hey,

get the hell outta here, man.

Uh, uh, first of all,

you, you steal from me,

you lie to me, you fire me.

Now, you want to puke

all over my Black ass?

Get the hell outta here.

- Shit.

What are friends for?

- Shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.

Oh, shit .

Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.

- George, for your sake,

I hope he made it.

- There's no way I'm cleaning that up.

It's all part of the job, Georgie.

Better get that mop ready

'cause I plan on

finishing you off right now.

- But it's still my shot.

- Where's the three ball?

- I hit it in the side pocket.

The f*ck you did, George.

Where is it?

- I hit it in the side pocket,

straight in like you said, easy shot.

Now, the tough part's

gonna be the four.

- Did anybody see him

hit in the three ball?

Nobody saw you hit it in, George.

- That doesn't mean anything.

- Sure, it does.

It means, on top of being

a low-life, f*cking

pain-in-the-ass prick,

you're also a liar and a cheat.

- Nick.

- Shut up, Doug.

Shut the f*ck up before I throw you

through that f*cking wall, all right?

Now, what are we gonna

do about this, George?

I can't let you just cheat

and get away with it.

- I didn't cheat.

Don't you lie to me, George.

Don't you lie to me, man.

Don't you stand there in a $10

phony college cop's costume

and lie to me, George.

- I'm not lying.

I hit it in, straight in.

If you don't believe me, you could go-

- What?


I, I can go, what, George?

- You can go f*ck yourself.

Goddammit, guys.

Shut up, shut up, okay?

This is between me and, uh,

I can go do what to myself?

- You heard me, Nicky.

I'm sick of you.

You think you're so

much better than me?

You're the loser.

You walk around here,

and you treat everybody like shit,

and then you expect

people to feel sorry for you.

No one even wants you

around here anymore.

And you wanna know why?

It's because they're tired of you.

And let me tell you something else.

The only person I ever saw

cheating around here was you.

Except I was always too

scared to say anything.

- That's good, George.

I'm glad, um, you're not

scared of me anymore.

I tell you what.

Just for being so brave,

I'll give you the first shot.

- Game's over.

- That's right, George,

no more games.

One free shot, and then it's my turn.

Leave me alone.

- Hit me, George.

I said hit me.

Come on, hit me.

- I don't want to fight you, Nicky.

- Well, it's a little f*cking

late to back out now,

don't you think, George?

You're not going home till

you hit me, just one swing.

Come on, m*therf*cker.

Hit me.

Hit me, George.

Come on, go for it.

Go for it.

Hit me, George.

Hit me so I can

f*cking k*ll you, George.

Hit me.

Come on.

Get off me.

Jesus Christ, Nick.

f*cking let me go.

Let go.

- Jesus Christ, Nicky, what the f*ck?

You coulda k*lled him,

you know that?

Is that what you wanted?

A soul wasn't enough, huh?

Gotta go that extra mile.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

He's your friend.

Okay, Doug, it's over.

Let's, let's play one more game.

- What?

- One last game.

- Don't you think we

should go look for George?

- He'll be back.

If not, he made it home.

Coop's right.

I need something to

come down from that.

- No lie, I'm still shaking.

- I still think we

should go look for him.

- Give him 15 minutes.

If he's not back,

we'll all go find him, all right?

- All right, 15 minutes.

I'll break.

Doug, that's enough.

- You're shot, Dougie boy.

- I don't wanna see anymore, man.

I don't wanna see anymore.

- All right, one off the seven.

- That's an awful lot of real estate.

Nothing to it.

- Yeah, we'll see.

- I could do it blindfolded.

- Please, man, please.

- Wanna bet?

- Never bet last game.

It's bad luck.

- You're damn right it is.

It is.

- 10 Bucks says you miss.

- You're on.

Doug, didn't you hear me?

I've had enough, man.

Don't take that shot,

don't take that shot.

- Wait a minute.

Where's the blindfold?

- Sorry, I left it at home.

- Well, check it out, baby.

I got your blindfold for ya.

- Don't touch that strobe, man.

Jesus, get away from

that f*cking thing.

- Oh, f*ck, thanks, Bob.

- My pleasure.

- That'll do.

Come on, Doug.

Let's see that straightforward shot.

- Piece of cake.


- It's your break.

Very nice.

- God, I love this game.

Oh, me too.

I think it's one of the

things I miss the most,

simple cause and effect.

The sh**t hits a ball,

that ball hits another,

and the laws of physics take over.

The thing is you can only

play what's on the table

at any given moment.

- What the hell are you talking about?

- Well, you're always saying

that life is just like nine ball,

no regrets and no apologies.

- Yeah, you take your shot.

You only got one.

- How many sh*ts did

you have that night, Nick?

- What?

- How many chances did you

have to turn things around?

- Christ, I knew you couldn't

shut up and sh**t pool.

- You had 1,000 chances, Nick,

and you blew every one of them.

- Just let it go, Doug, huh?

Just let it go.

- Oh, is that what you think?

And you think I'm holding you here?

You think we enjoy going

through this night after night?

- Then, leave me the f*ck alone.

We can't.

You won't let us.

- What's it gonna take?

- You'll know.


Who's the sh**t?

What do you say we take it

again from the same place?

Hey, it's my dad.

Hey, old man.

Did you know this

is private property?

Oh, man, the way that

looked, it gotta hurt.
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