Fabric of Christmas, The (2023)

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Fabric of Christmas, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Think he makes house calls?

- That's all he does, sweetie.

- Hmm.

- But your house has to be on fire first.

- Right.


I'm so sorry.

- I was working.

- Then you got distracted?

- Oh, sometimes I just... .

- Lose time? We know.

I come bearing gifts.

We have the book for you.

- Ooh.

- And for you, this is the

fabric we were talking about.

- Ooh.

- Sorry, who is, uh...

Right, so this gorgeous

fireman just showed up and...

what... what is it?

- Oh, my God, it's here already.

- Not the art fellowship?

I thought you said they weren't announcing

the finals until next week.

- I guess they're early.

- It's not gonna open itself!

- We're dying here.

- Um...

I am officially one of the four finalists

of the Cassatt Art Fellowship!

I told you your portfolio

would blow them away.

So, what happens now

that you're a finalist?

Um, I have to submit an art

piece to the judging panel,

and then,

I guess they choose a winner!

- Oh, my God.

- You deserve this.

Thank you.



do you still need me

to help you with that tear?

I think it's beyond saving.


Never say never.

Okay, let's see.

Oh, okay.

Oh, Piper, we can definitely fix this.

Some iron on interfacing.

Excuse me, can one of you tell me where

I can find a, uh... Amy Walker?

- That's me.

- Oh.

Oh, gosh.

Sorry about that.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Sorry, do you, uh...

can I help you with something?

Uh yeah, my name is Liam


uh, from the fire department.

I just completed your annual

fire code inspection.

Oh, uh, yeah. Do you need me

to sign something?

Are you aware that all of your fire extinguishers

are past their expiration date?

They have expiration dates?

They also shouldn't be covered in...

Christmas decorations.

Your sprinkler system appears to be shot.

You have several fire exits

blocked by piles of junk.

- Junk?

- You... junk.

Oh, no, that's not junk.

That's our Easter decorations,

Halloween, 4th of July.

Emergency exits need to be

kept clear... for emergencies.

Not the best idea to block them.

Well, we didn't have anywhere

else to put them, so um...

do you want us to keep them

hanging all year round?

- That would also be a fire hazard.

- Yeah, that was a joke.

But uh... we get it!

You don't like boxes.

So, we will move them!

Problem solved.

You have 30 days to rectify

all of these issues,

otherwise the building will be

deemed unsafe for public use.


You can't do that.

Well, it's not me, it's the County.

The community needs this center.

I mean, hundreds of people meet here.

Dozens of groups.

Us, we meet here.

I'm sorry, but the law is the law.

Okay, look, Christmas community

dinner here happens every year.

The children's pageant.

I mean, in the spirit of the season,

can't we just fix all the problems you

mentioned and not make it all official?

You have 30 days.

Where can I send this paperwork to?


my uh, email's on my card.


- I'll fire it off this afternoon.

- Can't wait.


What are we gonna do?

I'll make some calls.

We'll figure this out.

Don't worry.

Hey, how'd the inspection go?

Uh, that center's a nightmare.

- I had to issue a 30-day notice.

- Ouch!

It's a bad time of year for that.

Yeah, probably throwing darts

at my face right now.

Can't blame 'em.

Ooh, you missed a spot!

The job's all yours if you want it.

Oh, I wouldn't dream of laying

a finger on your truck, Frank.

Do you have a second?



Do you want a coffee?

I don't know, it might be hard holding

a cup with this on my hand.


Oh, congrats, Lulu!

Thank you!

I'm so happy!

Jack knows it has to be

a Christmas wedding, right?

Of course.

It's the Sullivan family tradition. Duh!

So, we have a whole year

to plan everything out.

Well played!

Yeah... about that.

Um... you know how Jack was up

for the big promotion?

- Yeah.

- He got it.

Except the company wants him

to do the job in Rome.

Rome... I-Italy?

That Rome?

And they need him there in five weeks.

So, we were thinking of having the

wedding this Christmas, instead.

- Oh.

- I know, I know,

it's-it's so fast, but it's the

only way that I can go with him

and not break our family tradition

of having a Christmas wedding.

Obviously, we won't do

the whole Christmas quilt thing.

It'll be small.

Hey, you don't have to convince me, Lulu.

If that's what you want,

that's what we'll do.


Thank you.

I know it's-it's a big rush

and a lot of new beginnings all at once

but maybe this is your chance

to get a fresh start, too.


This has been sitting

on your bookshelf for 10 years.

There's no reason for you

not to go on this trip.

Nothing and nobody

holding you back, right?

It's a thought.

Okay, well,

I have to go, but promise me

you'll at least open the map?

- Don't make me make you!

- All right!

Love you!

Yeah, love you.


I thought we should celebrate

your good news properly,

instead of worrying about

what the hot fireman said.

- You shouldn't have.

- You are already drooling.


This is so good!

I know!

I'm amazing.

This fellowship could change

everything for you, Ames.

I mean, a monthly stipend

for a whole year.

And then, your own

nationally promoted solo show?

I know!


I could finally stop hustling

to keep the lights on.

Could cut back on commissions,

really concentrate on my art.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'm just a finalist so,

I don't wanna get carried away.

Well, is there anything

I can do to help?

No, my submission is supposed

to represent who I am

as an artist, so I think

this is a solo mission.

That's fair.

Ooh, I hope this is

the County getting back to me

about those stupid code violations.

- Oh...

- What's wrong?

They've already allocated

this year's budget.

So, uh... what does that mean?

We're... we're just on our own?

No, we'll work something out.


So, I spoke with the sprinkler

company earlier, and um...

they want $15,000

to replace the system at the center.

You're kidding.

We're gonna lose the center, aren't we?

And just before Christmas.

No. Okay?

No way.

I promise you, we'll figure something out.

Hey, man, everything okay with Lauren?

She and Jack are getting married.

Jack's company is sending him

to Italy in five weeks,

so they wanna get it done

before Christmas.

That's great.

Wait... you're not happy?

But wait, I know, I know

it's a bit of a rush,

- but you like Jack, right?

- Yeah, no, Jack's a great guy.

It's just...

part of my family's tradition

of having a Christmas wedding

is that the mother makes a Christmas

quilt and gives it as a wedding gift

- to the new couple.

- Lauren wouldn't be expecting that.

I mean, with your folks

being gone and everything.

She just said she knows it's not

gonna happen before the wedding,

so it's obviously on her mind.

I don't want her to miss out.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you...

you're not thinking about

making this yourself, are you?

Why not?

Because you're about to be

knee-deep in wedding plans.

Not to mention, you don't know

the difference

between a sewing machine and a submarine.

- I'll figure it out.

- Okay.

Buy her a quilt.

A really nice one.

She'll understand.

It wouldn't be the same.


I just think you're setting yourself up

for an impossible mission here.

That's it.

All right?

You better not eat that cake for dinner.

Oh, dinner and breakfast.

Why do you I feel like you're not joking?

- 'Cause I'm not.

- Oh.


Hi, I'm not sure if you remember me but--

- Yeah, I remember.

- Mm-hmm.


Um, your business card

has your address on it

and it uh, says that you teach quilting?

I'm sorta looking for a beginner's class.

That's my cue to bow out.

Good luck!



I have a beginner's course

that starts next month.

Sign-up's on the website.

Uh, I actually need to make

a Christmas-themed quilt

in time for my sister's wedding,

in five weeks.

Well, then it sounds like that class

is not gonna work for you.

Sorry about that.

Um, do you offer private lessons?

I'm... I'm happy to pay for it.

- Not normally, no.

- I'm kinda desperate here.

You know, I would love to help,

but um... I've got a big

deadline of my own coming up

and um... then there'sthe

community center to get up to...

this code of yours before Christmas.

And I've got all my other classes,

and then, the community center

- to get up to your code.

- My code?

Whoever's code.

If only there was someone

who knows about this stuff

that was willing to pitch in and uh,

help solve the problem

he created in the first place.

What if I helped out

with the community center?

What a great idea.

What would that look like, exactly?

Well, I could take a look

at the list of violations,

see if we could figure out

some workarounds.

Most of your issues are just maintenance.

- A handyman could do it.

- Hmm.

If only we knew some handy men.


Uh, I will fix what I can in my downtime.


In exchange for a crash

course in quilting.

So tempting.

If only we had the funds

to pay for materials,

and all of those new

extinguishers we need.

Sorry, quilters don't often

get this kind of power,

and that center makes a difference

in a lot of people's lives.

Okay, okay, my final offer,

I will help with the repairs,

I will try and find some deals

on the equipment you need,

and I will figure out a way to

raise funds. We do a lot of it.


- Fireman calendar.

- Hmm, a craft auction, you say?

Well, that could also work.


Great deal.

You're a terrible negotiator, by the way.

Yeah, well.

Um, so when can we get started?

I have some time free tomorrow,

if that works for you.

That soon?

Well, like I said, my sister's

wedding's in five weeks

- and I've never sewn anything

before in my life.

- Right.

- Ever.

- Yes, um, you're right,

we should get started as soon as possible.

- Um... should we say 2:00 tomorrow?

- Great.


Um, sometimes I don't hear

the door when I'm working

so just let yourself in when you get here.

- Will do.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Okay.

So, Liam's gonna do what he can

but we still need

$20,000 to cover repairs.


We need to start thinking about what

we can sell at this craft auction.

- I can't believe you talked him

into helping us.

- Well.

She looks harmless, but underneath that

Santa hat is the mind of an evil genius.

Um, so I was thinking

I would donate one of my quilts.

- Hmm.

- Something like that work for you guys?

Yeah, I'm almost done working

on my hourglass block quilt.

Oh, perfect!

- Mm-hmm.

- What about you?

What if I donated materials and lessons

for someone who wants

to learn how to quilt?

- Like a starter's pack?

- Yeah!

Um... but I think one of your quilts

would probably go for more.

No one wants one of those

raggedy old things.

Piper, your quilts are beautiful.

My quilts are for me.

There's no need to inflict them

on anyone else.

You're crazy, okay?

Your quilts are amazing,

and people will love whatever you donate.

And I am gonna have

a t-shirt printed that says,

"I told you so" on it.

End of story.

See what I mean?

Evil genius.

No, you're on your own.

I want one too.


Pack of three.

Yep, come on in!

Oh... careful there.


I'm two feet off the ground.

Yeah, on a ladder that hasn't

been properly opened.

Misuse of ladders is a major cause

of accidents around the home.

- You must be fun at parties.

- Yeah.

When they're up to code, I am.


No, it's okay.

Thank you. I got it.


And uh, for the record,

I do know how to use a ladder properly,

I just didn't check it this time.

Uh... I'll take your word for it.

Degree of difficulty 9.7.

And look!

I'm still in one piece!

Oh, is this yours?

Oh, that's uh, my mom's.

She got it from her mother

on her wedding day,

who got one from her mother.

You get the picture.

And you're continuing

the tradition for your sister.

Pretty much, yeah.

Can I...

Oh, of course.

Wow, I love old quilts.

They have so much personality.

You could just feel the memories

they've soaked up.

This one hasn't just been stored

in a cupboard, has it?

No, Mom put it out

on the couch every year,

on the first day of snow.

Well, it's such

a beautiful Christmas design,

and it's so soft.

The colors have mellowed so beautifully.

You can just feel it's been loved. Hmm.

Do you wanna make a quilt like this?

Oh, it doesn't have to be

an exact replica of this,

but it does have to be a Christmas quilt.

That's part of the family tradition.

Okay, well, Christmas is

a pretty broad category.

- It means...

- Mm-hmm.

... different things to different people.

Um, would be great if we could personalize

the quilt for your sister somehow.


So, is she... a traditional

Christmas person

or more into Rudolph and elves?

Uh, honestly, I think she likes all of it.

Okay, what are her decorations

like at home?

Uh... you know, it...

it's not really something

I've noticed.

- She has a lot of them, though.

- Okay.

Sorry, this isn't really

exactly my area of expertise.

Yeah, no.

Um... what if we come at this

from a different direction.

Um, if I asked you to think

of Christmas and Lauren,

what's the first thing

that comes to your mind?

Um... our neighbor's farm.

We used to walk over there on Christmas

morning to feed the animals.

Lauren looked forward to it every year.


Here's what we're gonna do.

Um, these books both have

holiday themed sections.

Take a look.

See if any designs jump out at you,

and then, you're gonna go

to the farm for inspiration.


- Mm-hmm.

- Cool.

You have no idea what

I'm talking about, do you?

Yeah, yeah, no, it's um... nope.

Um... you know what?

I have a few hours free

before my next class.

Let's go.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.


So, tell me more about uh, Christmas.

Uh, my mom would usually have

a stash of apples and carrots

for the... for us to feed to the ponies.

Uh, there was usually

a thermos of hot chocolate.

And of course,

the inevitable snowball fight.

That's a great tradition.

God, there's so much color

and inspiration here.

I mean, look at the way

the trees contrast with the sky.

It's like, the more you look at each detail,

the more beautiful it becomes.

And the way the white contrasts

with the dark green.

I mean, you could replicate that

in stitching.


I wonder if we could...

- Amy?

- Hmm.

We should get more sh*ts

of the tree line before we go.

Uh... where'd you go just there?

You disappeared for a few seconds.

Oh, sometimes

I get lost in my own head.

Oh, don't apologize.

It's uh... it's cool to see

how the other half lives.

Other half?

Yeah, the creative people.

- Well, everyone's creative.

- Nope.

Can't sing, can't dance,

can't play a musical instrument, can't draw,

can't paint, can't write.

- No.

- Did I miss anything?

Everyone is creative!

You make it sound like a threat.

Well, maybe it is.

How long have you been in Bakerville?

Uh, six years.

A local artist, Miriam,

had a workshop, and I um...

came for the weekend,

and was so inspired I decided to

pick up my life and move here.


Must've been some workshop.

Yeah, it was more that Miriam showed me

I could make a living as an artist.

My parents are farmers and very practical,

so they don't really get

the fiber artist thing.

Oh, that must be hard.

Yeah, well, you gotta live

your own life, right?

- Yeah.

- What about you?

Do your parents love that you run into

burning buildings for a living?

- Well, we usually try to put 'em out first.

- Right.

And uh, I lost my parents in a car

crash about 10 years ago, so.

Oh, um... I'm so sorry.

Yeah, it was...

it was a long time ago now.

That's why you're making your

sister's wedding quilt, right?

'Cause your mom isn't around to do it?

I, uh...

I don't want Lauren to miss out.

I thought you were just a...

uptight guy with a clipboard.

I don't know how many times I need to say it,

but I-I was just doing my job.

I'll let you know when we get there.


- Yes.

- Okay.

It's that time of year

When Santa comes to bring that cheer

He ain't comin' by boat or plane

He's loaded down with candy canes

I only hope he keeps one open seat

Oh yeah

Come on, Santa

The only thing I need

Come on, Santa

Is my baby on Christmas Eve

- Hey.

- I heard the sirens.

- Everything okay?

- Yeah.

Just some old guy tinkering with

a gas can and a workshop went up.

No one was injured.

Just a big singed.

Okay, good!

Just wanted to check.

I know, I'm fine.

All right.

I'll stop fussing.

I love you.


- Yeah?

- Life is short.

Take the trip!

Take the trip!

Oh, hi. Come on in.

Yeah, I'm just finishing up.

"American Idol" audition?

Oh, uh, no.

So close.

- It's a how-to video for my website.

- Hmm.

For the community center.

I was thinking we could sell it

as a chance to buy

homemade Christmas presents.

- Christmas craft fair. I love that.

- Mm-hmm.

I already set up an online catalog so you

can see what's available in advance.

All you need to do is

populate it with auction lots.

Okay, a four-page action plan

and a website?

Where have you been all my life?

Well, wait until you've read

it before you get too excited.

Oh, my God.

Um... is this for one of your quilts?

Oh, yeah!

I do traditional quilts for commissions,

but um, my own work is more

organically inspired.

This one's for an art fellowship.


Is it gonna be round?

At the moment.

I'm not exactly sure

what I wanna do yet but um,

a lot of my recent work has been circular.


Oh, wait, th-these are all yours?


Oh, wow!


- Um, do you mind?

- No. Yeah.

Wow, I... I didn't know

you could do this with fabric.

It's incredible. The details.


What are you gonna do

when you win the fellowship?


It's a national prize and I have no

idea who else has been shortlisted,

so I am not counting my chickens.

It's an honor just to get this far.

Oh, people always say that.

Where's your k*ller instinct?

k*ller instinct's not really

a thing in fiber arts.

- No?

- No.

Um, did you get a chance to look

at those books I gave you?

Oh yeah.

Um... I got to thinking

about Lauren and Christmas

when I got home,

and I remembered she used to love putting

the star at the top of the tree.

That was like, her big thing, you know?

And then, I saw... this.


Now, if you think this is

too much for a rookie, I get it.

I just saw it, and it said Lauren.

- I-I don't know why.

- No, this is a great pattern.

And I thought that we could use the colors

from some of the pictures we took

the other day as inspiration.

Yes, definitely.

This is a lovely homage

to Lauren's Christmas star love.

Look at you, being creative.

Oh, total fluke.

I swear.

Okay, let me see.

Well, nothing too scary here.

We're gonna need a few yards

of backing fabric.

This is gonna be fun.

It's time to go fabric shopping.

- Welcome to heaven.

- Huh.

Don't you wanna just take

it all home with you?

Uh, I'd settle for enough

to make one quilt.

Oh, I might have to take a couple

of yards of this for myself.

Um, come on, the Christmas

section's right here.



- Oh, yeah.

- For you.

- Okay.

Sure, yeah.

Oh, and we need white.


So much fun!


You're going a little crazy.

Is the rest of this

all for your fellowship quilt?

It's for my fabric stash

for future projects.

- Oh.

- What?

Oh, it's just like when I buy

a new power drill,

even though the old one's perfectly fine.

No, it isn't.


Okay, it is a little.

But some of these fabrics

are limited edition,

and if I don't grab them now,

it would be a tragedy.

You're laughing at me.

Yeah, I-I've just never met anyone

so passionate about fabric before.

Passion makes the world go 'round.

Couldn't agree more.


- How are you?

- Miriam!


Of course, I find you here.

Well, where else?

I uh... emptied the place out.

There's nothing left.

- Oh, for the stash, of course.

- Mm-hmm.

Uh, oh this is the fiber artist I was

telling you about, Miriam Hayes.

Uh, I'm teaching Liam how to quilt.

- Oh.

- It's a... uphill battle.

Don't say that.

You're doing really well.

Well, you can't go wrong with Amy.


I'm not supposed to say anything

until they make a formal

announcement but of all people,

you are the few people

who will really understand.


I have been shortlisted

for the Cassatt Art Fellowship.

Oh, Miriam.

That's... wow!

That's wonderful!


I um... I'm not supposed

to say anything either,

but um, I've been shortlisted, too. Ha!

- Oh! I see!

- Yeah.

Well, I guess congratulations

are in order all around then.

Yeah, I... had no idea

I'd be up against you.

- Oh.

- Might as well not bother

finishing my submission.

Oh, don't be silly.

Well, I... must keep moving,

but uh... that's really wonderful news, Amy.


Uh... just a heads up,

that's where that k*ller

instinct we were talking about

- would've really come in handy.

- Sorry?

"I shouldn't even bother

finishing my submission?"

Uh, Miriam is my mentor.

She's the reason I moved to Bakerville.

She's the reason I even thought it

was possible to make life in art.

But that doesn't mean you need to concede

the fight before it's even started.

That's not what I was do--


why am I defending myself to you?


Didn't take you long.

Does this mean what I think it means?

What do you think it means?

You're the worst, you know that?

Are you going, or not?

Yeah, I'm going.

I'm so glad!

Oh, this is gonna be so amazing!

Why are you so excited about this?

Because you gave up so much for me.

This is the one thing you can still have.

I don't see it that way.

Of course, you don't.

- That's because you're you and...

- And?

And I'll be away,

and there'll be no one to call you after

a fire to make sure you're all right.

So, if you're on holiday for a few months,

I won't have my heart in my mouth.

So, when are you going?

What are you gonna do about work?

- Is the camper up to it?

- Um... I don't know yet.

I need to talk to work.

And... the camper's perfect.

Dad and I did a good job.

Of course, you did.

Two perfectionists, one camper van.

It's a miracle this thing isn't

capable of interstellar travel.

You got time for a coffee?

I actually came by to borrow your pruning

saw, but I can do a coffee.

Uh, yeah, you can use it.

- Cool! Thanks.

- What do you need it for?

The tree in my yard dropped a branch.

Oh, I can swing by

and take care of that tomorrow.

It's okay.

I can handle it.

No, I don't mind. Keeps me off the

mean streets during my downtime.


Oh, hey!

Um... okay,

I know we have a lot to get

through today, but first up...

- Ta-dah!

- Oh, wow!

I um, dug it out of storage.

I know you said you have

a machine you can borrow,

but this is a great starter model.

- Idiot proof?

- Hopefully.

I mean, nothing's guaranteed.

Oh, thanks for sugar coating it.

Well, you're not the sugar-coating type.

- I'm not?

- No, you're like the

give it to me straight kind of a guy.


What about you?

Um, I don't mind a little

sugar every now and then.


Um, anyway, I'll just turn this

on and give you a demonstration.

Um, so the trick is really

to use the guides

on the needle plate here.

Precision is the key to a great quilt.

Right up your clipboard-loving

alley, Mr. Sullivan.

Use one little clipboard.

So, what you wanna do is you

wanna line up the fabric edge

with the quarter-inch guide,

which is the only seam allowance

you're gonna need in quilting,

and then, nice and gently,

fingers outta the way,

and just wanna press nice and gently.

This is not the Grand Prix.


Easy, right?

Your turn.


Yes. Yep.

Yes. Good!


I'm just gonna move your...


Yeah, I'm gonna get some water.

Uh, what's all this thread doing?

Oh yeah, you just wanna pull that back

- so it doesn't get into the...

- Oh.

- ... the new seam.

- Okay.


Did you...

did you blow out my candle?

You can't have a naked flame around

a pile of textiles and fabric.

No, it's-it's in a jar.

Do you have any idea how many

housefires start with a candle?

Do you just see danger everywhere?

Well, it is my job.

Is-is this bothering you?

No, it's fine.

Right. So, it just wouldn't matter if I...

just, I'll just put it right here.

- That's fine?

- Okay, see?

- Not bothered.

- Mm-hmm.

Um, is there anything else you wanna check

- before we get back to it?

- You know what?

I'd like to check the batteries

in your smoke alarm.


You-you're serious?

Hmm. When was the last time

you actually checked them?

- Um...

- Okay, yep. I'm checkin' 'em.



Oh, um...


I should probably get this.

You, um... do your thing.

Uh, Miriam, hi.


I'm holding a little seasonal

soiree tonight.

A bit impromptu.

I'd love you to come.

Uh... y-yeah, sounds great.

I thought we could raise a glass together,

- since we're both finalists.

- Sure.


Bring a friend, if you like.


Looks good.

- Thank you for checking.

- Thanks for letting me check.


I had an idea for your quilt.

Some people like to incorporate

clothing from loved ones.

So, I was wondering

if maybe you had something of your

parents you wanted to use?

If you think

Lauren would like that.

- Yeah, yeah, Lauren would love that.

- Okay.

I think I have some...

some old boxes in my spare room.

I-I have no idea

what's in them, but I can look.


Well, if there are clothes,

I would look for cottons, or linens.

Denim would also be good.

I mean, we can even make velvet

and corduroy work.


about the other day at the fabric store,

I... I should've minded my own business.

- That whole k*ller instinct thing.

- Oh, that's okay.

I mean, you're not wrong.

I could probably stand to be a little

more confident about my work.

But um...

I don't know,

Miriam's so talented, you know,

and she's taught me so much...

- I'm doing it again, aren't I?

- Little bit.

Oh. Well, I um...

just agreed to go have drinks

at her place tonight,

so uh, I guess I'll have a

chance to uh, work on that.

You don't wanna go?

I mean, I'm happy for her,

but I don't know,

she has a lot of very fancy friends and

she'd be the only person I know there.

Plus, she was a little,

I don't know,

standoffish about the fact

that we were both shortlisted.

But, I don't know, maybe that

was just in my imagination.

Um, would you...

like me to go with you?



I mean, if you think it would help.

You're bending over backwards for me.

Um, yeah.


Thank you.

That would be amazing.

Thank you.

You already said that.

Well, this quilt's not gonna sew itself.

- And how are we coming

with the online catalog?

- Getting there.

We thought it would make sense to combine taking

all the photos with the working bee.

Oh yeah, great idea.

Um, do you guys need

any help with your quilts?

All good!

At least, as good as it gets.

Just don't blame me when we have to pay

someone to buy mine off our... hands.

I hate it when you talk like that.

- You're an amazing quilter.

- Oh!


Oh, oh, nothing.

Um, Piper here is just

objectifying your new student.


Please don't pretend

you haven't noticed that.

As well as being adorably committed

to making his sister happy,

your fireman is also ridiculously hot.

He's not my fireman.

He is my student.

Hey, ladies.

Hey, I'm just heading out.

What time did you want me

to pick you up tonight?

Are you two going out?

Oh, no, it's a work thing.

Liam's just helping me out.

Um... 7:00?


Great color combination, by the way.

Oh, thanks.

She's blushing!

Okay, um, for the record, I

said that exact thing last week.

But it was the way he said it.

With his lips.


Hey, yourself.

You look, uh...


Oh, here.



So wonderful you could come.

You uh, remember my friend,

Liam, from the other day?


Nice to see you.

Welcome. Make yourself at home.

Grab a drink!

Sorry, there was a bit

of a bottleneck at the bar.

- Oh, good place for one.

- Oh. True.




I love me a good buffet.

Oh well, I guess everything's

better bite sized.

Oh, I sense you are wise in the

way of the buffets, Amy Walker.

Oh, I know my way around a table.

First rule of a buffet: avoid the dips.

Oh, hospital-grade biohazard.

Uh, second rule,

don't get suckered

into anything with a skewer.

And get stuck hanging on

to a greasy stick all night?

- Oh, rookie mistake.

- Hmm.

Let's eat all the shrimp

before anyone else gets here.


See what she does

with shapes and textures?

It's modern and traditional

at the same time.

God, she's so good!


It's nice!


Okay, look, um,

I don't want to alarm you,

but there is a candle

on the table over there.


There's also three in the

hallway, one in the bathroom,

and a lantern on the front porch.

I have a map of all of them

in my back pocket.

- For a second...

- Yes, you did.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Amy?

Oh, hi.

I want to introduce you to Nicole Fleming.

The Nicole Fleming?

Mm. I've been telling her all about you.

Uh, I'll track us down a new drink.

Okay, thank you.

- Nicole.

- Mm-hmm.

This is Amy.


It's a pleasure to meet you.

Miriam has been telling me that you

are one of her best students.

Oh, I bet Miriam's a great teacher.

- Oh.

- She was.

Uh, is.

I um, I haven't been a student

of hers for some time now.

Oh, I guess it has been a couple of years.

Amy has also been shortlisted

for the Cassatt Fellowship.

Which, I guess, I should take

as a compliment to my teaching.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

Do you work with traditional

quilting techniques like Miriam?

Oh, Amy's work is very niche.

I mean, some people don't even

really call it quilting.

How fascinating.

Yeah, Amy's work is always

very interesting.

I mean, real conversation starters.



Do you have something for your headache?


Um, sorry about having

to leave the party early.

Oh, not a problem.

We can postpone looking through

boxes tomorrow, if you like?

Um, no, I'll be fine by tomorrow.

Um, I might be a little late.

Um, Piper's using my car

so I'm gonna take the bus.

I'll swing by and pick you up.

It's okay.

The bus is fine.

I'll be here at 9:00.

Okay, thank you.

I'll be ready.

Um... see you then.

Yeah, good night.


- Morning.

- Hey.

Let me just get my stuff and I'm ready.

- How's the headache?

- Uh, yeah, all better.

Thanks for uh, coming to pick me up.

Really appreciate it.


Yeah, of course.


More snow gear.

You could outfit the Winter Olympic team.

I don't know why I hung on

to all of this stuff.

Um, candy cane?

Hmm, too early for me, thanks.

Oh, it's never too early for a candy cane.

Okay, I'm obsessed with them.

I have to ration myself to three a day.

- Hmm, sounds painful.

- And yet, somehow I endure.

You going uh, to Kansas for Christmas?

Uh, no, not this year.

My um, parents sold their farm

and are going on a cruise.

Oh, they must be pretty excited that

you're a finalist for the fellowship.

Uh, yeah, they were happy for me.

I don't think they're ever

gonna be 100% comfortable

that I don't have a normal job, though.

They've seen your work, though, right?


It's okay.


I... I don't need them

to be my cheerleaders.

They're good people.

We're just... different.

Oh, hold the front page, we have a winner.

Hmm, it's my mom's favorite dress.

- It's beautiful.

- Mm-hmm.


Oh, Dad's lucky bowling shirt.

Wow, this is a lovely cotton.

Both of these would be great

in your quilt.

Yeah, I... I can see that.

What is this?

Mom made that scarf for Dad when

she was learning how to knit.

- Wow, it's just...

- Oh.

Let's see.

- Oh yeah, definitely you.

- Hmm.


I... I can't believe he actually

wore this out in public.

That's so sweet.

God, he must have loved your mom, a lot.

Yeah, he did.

Um, do you mind talking about them?

I... just tell me

to shut up if it's too much.

No, it...

it was 10 years ago.

I mean, I still miss them but

it's... just a fact of life now.

Must've been tough having all that responsibility

land on you so suddenly.

Yeah, it was a learning curve.

Lauren still gives me a hard time

about how I grilled her prom date.

But this guy shows up in this

ridiculous souped-up Camaro

and there was no way I'm letting

my sister get into that thing

until he swore he was gonna

stick to the speed limit.



That's why you're always on danger patrol.

You're so used to worrying about Lauren,

you just wanna make the world safe.

I never really thought about it like that.

It's gonna be very strange for

you when she's gone, isn't it?

She's my best friend, as well

as being my sister, so uh...

You're a good human,

Liam Sullivan.

- These are both great.

- Yeah.

Um, maybe just um...

just give 'em a quick wash and iron

and then we can start cutting.

Ooh, I have to admit I'm...

I'm kinda dreading that part.

No, no, no, no,

you're gonna love it, okay?

Cutting is all about precision.

Right up your alley.

I'll throw these in the washer.

Okay, yeah.

It's just me!

Oh, hi!

Sorry, I didn't realize.

- I was just looking for my brother.

- Oh um, yeah, he just um...

- Lulu, hey!

- Hi!

- I can come back.

- No, it's-it's okay.

This is just Amy.

We're, um...

I'm helping her with the craft auction

at the community center.

Hi, Just Amy.

Okay, I didn't mean just.

She's awesome.

Hi, Awesome Amy.

Could we just...

- Hi, Lauren.

- Thank you.

I came by because

you didn't answer my text.

- Oh.

- Have you done it yet?

Tendered and accepted yesterday.


: Yes!

I'm so happy.

There's no turning back now.

What, uh...

Oh, sorry uh, brother-sister stuff.

Um, Liam has just resigned

so that he can go

on a tour of South America!

It'll be like "The Motorcycle Diaries"

except in an old camper van

he and our dad restored.

W... wow, that...

sounds incredible.

Oh, I uh... I have

to get back to work in 10.

Do you mind helping me get

the decorations from my car?

- I'm not in any rush.

- Won't be long.

Come on.

So, Amy seems nice.

You talked to her for two seconds.

So, she's not nice?

No, she's great.

Everybody loves her.

Okay, you're very clever.

- Congratulations.

- Are you guys dating?

We're just friends, Lu.

I-I'm helping her out with the

community center, that's it.

She didn't know

you were going away, did she?

I hadn't gotten around

to mentioning it yet.


You look like your dad.

- Huh, yeah. Even I can see that now.

- Hmm.

- I should get you back.

- Yeah.

You um...

you never mentioned your trip.

It all just came together pretty quickly.

It was actually supposed

to happen 10 years ago.

Uh, my dad and I restored the camper van

and Mom was researching campgrounds.

I was about to head out

when... the accident happened.


So uh, when do you leave?

After the wedding.

So, you'll spend Christmas

on the road somewhere?

Sounds like the adventure of a lifetime.


Bad day?

This prize could literally change my life.

I mean, it could change my art.

But I'm so blocked

I just...

don't even know what to do anymore.

Is it something about the design?

I don't know.

You need to get outta your own head.


Wouldn't that be nice.

I got an idea.

Come on.


It'll be fun!

Trust me. Come on!

How cool is this guy?

Ugh, great idea, by the way.

Oh, should we make him like,

a little snow puppy?

What's the problem with your submission?


It's too contrived.

I'm overthinking

and second-guessing myself.

Very sneaky.

- Also good. Ah!

- Why are you trying too hard?

Uh... at Miriam's,

she said that my work was niche

and a conversation starter.

What does that mean?

It means she doesn't respect what I do

and doesn't think there's a market for it.

I admire her so much.

Hearing that...

yeah, I don't know, I think I

was trying to prove her wrong

by making my submission

more like her work.

Amy, your art is insane.

You're... you're like a fabric whisperer.

I'm gonna steal that.

She's just...

sees you as competition

and she can't bear to lose

to her former student,

so she's trying to psych you out.

Yeah, either that,

or she just doesn't like my art.

Look, don't let her get

inside your head, Walker.

A very smart woman I know once said

you have to live your own life.

Don't let somebody else choose

who you're supposed to be.

You're right.

Well, technically you are,

but I'll take it.

Yeah, my-my work is about

how I see the world.

It's not niche, it's...

it's about life, you know,

and how we all need each other.

There you go.

I love making traditional quilts.

I... I love that my quilts are

a part of people's lives.

But the work that I do for myself is...

why I love fiber art so much.

It's... the ideas I want to explore,

the things I wanna learn,

the things I wanna share with people.

Good, you should do all of that.

My work is about connection.

Earth to sky, tree to soil.

Water to rock.

It's about the bonds we all share.

And I think that's what people respond to.

I think that's what the judges responded

to when they made me a finalist.

Even I could see that.

Go get 'em, tiger.


There ya go, bud.

Oh, oh, got to get to you now

I need you somehow


Oh, oh, you're my blue heaven

I need you right now

To make it okay

Ah, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ah, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Oh, you're my blue heaven


Ah, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ah, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Oh, you're my blue heaven

- Can you grab me the extender?

- Yeah. Okay.

This is a good look for you.

Blink twice if you need an

extrication team, Jack.

Oh, no, I'm good.

I happen to like this hostage situation.


Why do we have records

from the 2005 bingo tournament?

Uh, '05, a glorious year for bingo.

Oh, sorry, I got caught up.

Dig in! There's plenty

of fun for everyone.

Um, one sec.

There's just something

I gotta do first.

- Uh, hey.

- Oh, hey.

- Everything okay?

- Uh, yeah.

I just um... I just wanted to thank you

for what you said yesterday.

I had a huge breakthrough.

I've been working on my quilt all night.

- I didn't really say much.

- Yeah, you did.

You're a great listener and good friend.

Thank you for being there for me.


I should, uh...

I have...

some papers to sort.

Yeah, yeah I uh, I have a...

a valve to um...

Hey, Liam, this print is tiny, man.

I can't even make out a single word.

Yeah, it's uh...

it's upside down, Frank.

Oh yeah!

Look at that.

Look at you go!

I'm proud of you!

Uh, no, it's not what you think.

You're telling me

that you two didn't just enjoy

the most unplatonic hug

in the history of hugs?

He's going away, Deenie.


He's going on this big trip

around South America

after his sister's wedding.

He was supposed to do it when he was

younger and now's his big chance.

Are you okay?

It's not like anything

really happened between us.

- Oh, I'll grab those.

- Thanks, I got it.

Look, come on, you're half my size.

- So? I can do it.

- I wasn't saying you couldn't.

You don't need to actually say anything.

You're always swooping down

and doing everything for me

as if you don't think I'm

capable of doing it myself.

I was just trying to help.

You don't need to do

everything for me, Liam!

What happens when you're not around?

I can't be dependent on you or anyone.

- I know that.

- Do you?

I'm a strong, independent person.

I just... I just wish

you could see me that way, too.



Oh, hey.

I saw you and Lauren just now.

Pretty intense.

Yeah, apparently I'm suffocating

her because I wanted to help.

You're a great brother,


You know, look at her.

She's... incredible.

You've done an amazing job raising her.


Well, what did she say?

I don't know, um, let her do it.

I mean, there must have been 30

pounds of garbage in that bag.

Maybe she wanted the exercise.

Or maybe it's time to let go?

You've been her everything for so long.

Maybe she's just trying to tell you

that you don't have to make

everything right all the time,

for everyone.

Sometimes it's okay

if the glass is

a little close to the edge.

Amy, I was hoping to find you here.



- Do you have a moment?

- To be honest...

Oh, you're upset with me.

As you should be.

What I said at the party...

it's been keeping me awake at night.

What you heard the other night was the

scared jealousy of an insecure artist.

Miriam, you have nothing

to be insecure or jealous about.

Your art is incredible, inspiring.

Please, forgive me for being so...

nasty and ungenerous.

Of course.

Thank you.

And I want you to know, I'm telling everyone

I know to come to your auction.


I know how much this center means to you.


Thank you.

What did she want?

To apologize and um...

tell me she thinks my art is wonderful.

Who cares what she thinks?

It's okay, really.

She kinda did me a favor.

Made me examine what I do.

With a...

With a little help from you.

I don't know about that

color combination, man.

Amy approved it.

That's good enough for me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Okay, look, you need to be consistent

with the pedal pressure.


My mom was a seamstress.

Where's my favorite fire crew?



What's up?

Um, Jack and I just got some news.

Don't freak.

They need him in Rome

a week earlier than planned.

You need to move the wedding up.

Yeah. I know we're already

cutting it close as it is,

but I was thinking if we just, or-or I mean,

I could even just maybe--

Don't-don't stress.

We'll uh, we'll work it out.

- Really?

- Yeah!

Yeah, I'll just rope these clowns

into helping set everything up.

It'll be fine.

Thank you.

About what I said at the

working bee, I-I didn't mean--

I-I know what you meant.

You are your own person.

It's not that I don't

love it when you help me.

You're an amazing brother,

I just...

I don't need your help all the time.

Memo received.

I promise.

Thank you.

Okay, um... I'm gonna go.

- You have a good one, Lauren.

- You too.

- Bye!

- Bye.

Buddy, you are not gonna

finish that quilt in time now.

What are you gonna do?

Helpful. That's very helpful.

Thank you.

- Yikes.

- I got it, I got it.

This is so incredible, Amy.

If you don't win,

I'm eating this sweater.

Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves,

and also, that sweater looks

a little hard to digest.

Okay, don't deflect.

This is a moment.

Piper is right.

This quilt is a game changer.

Well, I hope you are both right

because this is happening.

Amy, Amy.

- Lauren and Jack

moved the wedding up a week.

- No!

Yes, so if you have any tricks up your

sleeve, now is the time to tell me.

I'll help you. We'll get the

quilt finished, I promise.

Okay, but I'm not distracting

you from your fellowship quilt.

- Oh, no.

- Okay, that's not happening.

It's already done. I was getting

ready to send it off.

- You finished it?

- Yeah.

- How'd it turn out?

- It's the best thing I've ever done.

So, don't worry about any of that.

I am yours until Lauren's

quilt is finished.

I can help too,

if you need the extra hands.

Me too.

Happy to help pitch in.


Between all of us,

we'll get finished. I promise.

Yeah, come on in.

Hi, Deenie, you could

just set up right here.

We've got food to feed the sewing army.

Oh, amazing.

Oh, maybe just not near the fabrics.

Thank you!

And I made us a candle

to help us concentrate.

It has orange blossom, rosemary,

and just the tiniest bit of...

- But I was going to--

- Over my dead body.



Start with this one.

I can't thank you ladies enough

for helping me out like this.

It's for a good cause.

Plus, you're helping us save the center.

After condemning it.

Still holding that against me, huh?

I'm so sorry, but I have to go.

I promised my nieces I'd take

them shopping for presents.

Oh yeah! God, you guys, we're almost done.

You guys have been so helpful.

Yeah, I've gotta bail too.

Sorry. I've got a date.

- Sorry, a date?

- Where are you going?

- Who is he?

- Yeah, is this the first date?

- How'd we not know about this?

Okay, because I knew

it would be like this.

Okay, full report tomorrow, please!

- Ha! You wish!

- I do!

You're... no!

Thank you guys.

So much.

: Bye.


I can't believe we got it done in time.

Did you really think we wouldn't?

I would never let that happen.

You know, when you win that fellowship,

things are really gonna take off for you.

You ready for that?

Oh, I should uh, record you saying that

and listen to it as a daily affirmation.

Oh, you'd get sick of the sounds

of my voice pretty quickly.


You should come to the wedding.

You should be there

when I give Lauren the quilt.


You sure?

Will you come?

I'd love to.

- 'K.

- Hmm.

I'm gonna find a bow for this.

Bow. Yep!

Come on in.

I thought these might go with your dress.

Oh, my God, they're beautiful!

Okay, I only have a few minutes.

You look so gorgeous, Amy.

That dress is divine.

Yes, it is, but we actually

don't have time for that.

When are you going to tell Liam

how you feel?

I don't have feelings for Liam.

Oh, Amy!

Sweetie... you are

a really, really bad actor.

And you're gonna really, really regret it

if you let him go without saying anything.

Okay. Yes.

I have feelings for Liam.

But that is exactly why I am

never gonna say anything.

Are you crazy?

Why not?

Because the man is doing

something for himself

after 10 years of living for his sister.

I'm not stepping on that dream!

And I know what you're gonna say,

he's an adult, he can make his own decisions.

You know, is it really fair

for me to decide for him?

I should just tell him how I feel

and let him decide for himself.

But what if he does have feelings, okay,

and then, he goes anyway?

I don't wanna ruin his trip.

Or am I really just telling myself that

because I'm scared of rejection?

Are you done?

Okay, fine.

I'll do it.

If the right moment happens,

I'll just put it all out there.


I'm so glad that we had this little chat.

Our work here is done.

- Bye.

- Have fun!

Just tell him how I feel.


Ooh, I'll take some of that.

Hey, do you know where the extra

chairs are, in case we need them?

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Okay, I think it's gonna be okay.


You look um...

your suit is uh...

I like your pocket square.

You look great, too.

Uh, I still have a few small

things I have to handle

but I'll get you a drink

and I'll hook you up with

my friend Frank, from my crew.

Right, yes, I met him the other day.

Yeah, no, he promises

to be on his best behavior,

so I apologize in advance.


thank you for teaching me

what real happiness feels like.

I can't wait to see where

this adventure takes us next.

With you, everything makes sense.

And when I'm with you,

nothing else matters.

They look so happy.


I love it when people

write their own vows.


You okay there, big guy?

Frank's about to stop the music

so I can give Lauren the quilt.

Liam, you put so much love

into that quilt.

Lauren's gonna know that

the moment she sees it.

This is supposed to be something

that Mom would've done.

I... I don't wanna upset her by bringing

up sad memories, you know?

I... I don't know, maybe I should

just do it privately?

Congratulations to the happy couple.


And now--

- Here, wait.

- ... the brother of the bride

will say a few words.

You got this.

Uh, hi everyone.

Um, I promise to make this short.

If I could just get everyone's

attention for a minute or two?

Now, most of you don't know

that we have a longstanding

family tradition,

that as well as getting married

around Christmas,

the mother always blesses

the marriage with a quilt.

Our parents couldn't be here today,

but I wanted to keep this tradition

going for Lauren and Jack.

I know it's not the same

as having Mom and Dad here,

but hopefully this can become

part of the fabric

of your family's Christmases

for years to come.

I don't know what to say.


It's so beautiful!

Some of Mom and Dad's clothes

are in it, and um,

I thought you'd like

the Christmas star theme.


you've made everything so perfect.

But how... how did you even make this?

Oh, Awesome Amy.

You have done so much for me.

Given up so much for me.

Don't brush it off, it's true.

You've been my rock

and I'm continuously humbled

by the generosity of your love.

You'll never know how happy I am

knowing you're going off

on an adventure of your own.

You deserve happiness

more than anyone I know.

Thank you.

Of course.

You're heading out?


Um, thanks for inviting me.

Lauren's face, when she saw

the quilt, was everything.


Yeah, worth every second, right?

Thanks for making that possible.

By uh, charitable extortion?

My pleasure.

So, uh, when do you leave?

Uh, Monday.

You better send me a postcard

from somewhere exotic.

As long as you promise to let me

know when you win the fellowship.

Did they say when you'd hear?

Uh, before Christmas, so soon, I guess.

I should go.

Oh uh, I'll walk you out.

No, I... that's okay.

I really hope it is

the adventure of a lifetime.

: Bye.



I just wanted to check in.

Make sure you were okay.

I know you think I'm a very big coward

for not telling him how I felt.

- No.

- But I couldn't do it, Deenie.

I couldn't.

I like him too much to hold him back.

I had to let him go.

No, I get it.

I get it.

I know, sweetheart, it's okay.

Broken hearts aren't the end of the world.

Right? It's like, people

survive them all the time.

Yeah, they do.

And I have the fellowship,

and the craft auction.

And me.

- You have me.

- Yeah.

- Yeah!

Life goes on.

You're so sneaky, leaving before me.

I figured it would be easier this way.

- I'm gonna miss you so much.

- Me too.

But you have a whole new country

to explore.

Not to mention a new language to learn.

I'll look after her.

I promise.

I can look after myself.

Okay, but Jack can help.

I love you.


Hmm. Oh?

Uh, Amy Walker speaking.

Oh, um, hi!

Yes, of course

I know who you are.

Oh... wow!


- This is so exciting!

- I'm in a dream.

Oh, well, wake up, sweetie,

'cause this is real!

Okay, okay,

to the winner of

the Cassatt Art Fellowship.

Amy, no one deserves this more than you.

Okay, I don't know if

that's true, but I will take it!





He told me to text him about

the fellowship, so I did.

Go on, then!

Pick it up.

Go, go.

Liam, hi!

I knew you were gonna win.

Ha, yeah.

You did predict it.

It's true.

I know more about art

than everyone else thinks.

Well, you were the only one who

didn't think you knew anything.


how's uh, life on the road?

Is it everything you thought it would be?


Yeah, it's great.

I'm following your posts.

It looks really beautiful.

It is.

It is.

Uh, well, I should uh, probably get going.

Deenie and Piper are here to celebrate.


Yeah, yeah, say hi for me.

And um, congratulations, Amy.

Thanks, Liam.

Stay safe.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Okay, let's do this.


Any change?

Stuck at $12,000.

Well, we still have the live auction.

That could get people excited.

I'll do my best but $8,000

is a lot of excitement.

I just checked and we're still only at 12.

I know, we know.

Can we get an extension on the 30 days

if we don't raise enough money?

- Um...

- Excuse me, ladies.

Frank. Sorry, uh, can we get an

extension on the 30-day warning?

Ooh, um, I'm sorry, Amy.

The County's really cracking down

on code violations this year.

Is there a problem?

Uh, yeah, we don't think

we're gonna hit our target.

We have to do something. We can't

let them close this place down!

It means too much to too many people.

I wish I could help. But once it's with

the County, it's out of our hands.

Hold down the fort.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Uh, but I'm about to start the auction.

It's okay!

You've got this!

I have 300.

Do I have 310?

Do I have 320?

320, got it.

- Pinch me. Is this real?

- Amazing.

Do not let this beautiful

heirloom quilt go to waste.

Give it to your loved one for Christmas

and watch their faces just light up.

Ah, 350, there it is!

Do I hear 360?

Anything else?

Okay, 360 going once,

360 going twice, and sold

to the lady in red for 360!

What did I miss?

- People were fighting over my quilt. 360!

- See? I told you!

- Are we over 20 yet?

- Sixteen.

- Where did you go?

- Oh, I just had to go home

and get something.

Yours is up next, we still might make it.

Now, our next and final piece is by our very

talented, local artist named Amy Walker.

She is the recent recipient of the

prestigious Cassatt Art Fellowship,

and it is such an honor.

Congratulations, Amy.


Now this is an amazing--

: Wow.

No, Amy, you can't.

Not your fellowship quilt.

Yes, I can.

I want to.

You said it was the best thing

you've ever made.

There'll be other bests.

Okay. Well, it looks like someone

here is going home tonight

with a real collector's item, so

get ready to dig deep, folks.

An opportunity like this comes

along once in a lifetime.

I can't believe you.

I don't need to tell you

that this is a special piece

for a very special cause.

So, let's start with an opening bid.

Do I hear 400?


Do I hear 500?


Do I hear 600?

Do not let this piece get away, folks.

Don't be shy.

Do I have 600?




Straight to 900.

- Do I hear 1,000?

- Four thousand dollars.

Do we have a challenger?

Okay, then here we go,

4,000 going once, twice,

and sold to the fireman who knows

how to make an entrance.

What happened to your trip?

Are you okay,

crazy, bidding that much on my quilt?

- Which question

do you want me to answer first?

- I don't know.

After our call, I was sitting by the fire

and it hit me,

touring around South America,

that's a 20-year-old's dream.

I'm not that person anymore.

I don't wanna let

this moment pass and lose you.

I love you, Amy.

I'm sorry I didn't say it before I left.

I love you too.

So much.

I'm so glad you came back

but I'm not scared of us

missing this moment.

I am way too crazy

about you, Liam Sullivan.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,

ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,

ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh


Got me wishin' we were home right now

Look at what we have together

Look at what we've made together

Look at what we've got together

Got me wishin' we were home right now

Look at what we have together

Look at what we've made together

Look at what we've got together

Ooh, ooh, ooh
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