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Field Day (2023)

Posted: 11/07/23 20:15
by bunniefuu
Isabelle, come down!

Did you finish your breakfast?

We need to leave enough time

for the first day

of school photo.

Oh, I haven't unpacked my tween

to English dictionary yet.

I'm just gonna assume

"ugh" means I'll be right there.

Hey! Language!

Uh... okay.

Oh, look at you.

Do you have everything?


- You got your backpack?

- Yes.

- Your binder?

- Yes.

This is your lunch.

I'm not worried.

As soon as that creep

realizes we found

his deleted social media post,

I guarantee he settles

out of court.


Sweetie, let's go outside

for a picture.

No, Carl.

On what planet do I call

my paralegal sweetie?

Maybe in the south?

Five minutes in the car?


I will talk to you

when I get into the office.

No, around 9:00 AM.

I'm taking Lucy to school

and then I have that PTO thing.

I thought Dad was gonna

do that.

This is your last year

of elementary school.

I don't wanna miss a beat.


Oh, you look great.

Hi everyone.

Good morning.

Uh... Kell, do we have any

half and half in here?

It's in there.

I promise.

I don't see it.

Okay Jordan, are you ready

for our annual

first day of school selfie?

Hi everyone.

It's BMF Kelly with some

first day of school pic tips.

What's a BMF?

It means best mom friend.

Sweetie, do we really have

to post everything in our lives?

And I can assure you, there

is no half and half in here.

It's not everything.

It's just what I think other

moms might find helpful.

Like... how to get

your husband

to look behind the mayo when

he's trying to find the creamer.

I could've put mayo

in my coffee.

Now that would've

been content worthy.

That's disgusting.

I mean, there's

an audience for it.

Okay guys,

talk to you soon. Muah!

- You got your lunch?

- Yes.

- Do you have your confidence?

- No.

Oh, wait! We need our first day

of school photo.

Um, you know the drill.

We gotta get a good one

for the grandparents

and a silly one for us. Okay?

It was a tradition with you,

me and Dad at our old house.

It's not the same here.

Honey, I know it's not.

But in a way, your dad,

he is here with us because

this is where he grew up.

This is where your

grandparents live.

It's what we planned on.

This is where your dad

wanted us to be.

What if no one likes me?

Well, that's just impossible.

You're the coolest kid I know.

And even if you weren't my kid,

I would wanna hang out with you.

Yeah, 'cause you're

not cool, so...

That's true, I'm not cool.

You have a point there.


we're running late.

Alright, one big smile, sweetheart.


It's perfect, I love it!

Let's go.

Why are you still

in your pajama pants?

Well, no one's gonna see them.

I'm not getting out of the car.


Here we go.


Have a great day, sweetheart.

Oh, I love you so much.

I love you too.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Isabelle! Isabelle!

Isabelle! Your lunch!

Your lunch!


I am, uh, so sorry!


You can't park here.

No, I understand... okay.


Okay, here we go.

Just conference me in, okay?

I can't miss this PTO thing.

Yes, Tim usually does it.

Just get Wallace on the phone

so I'm not late.

Last thing I need is to get

stuck doing Field Day.

Hi! Um...

- Oh, hi.

- Hi.

I have a... um...

I just need to get through the...

Hey! Still me.

Uh, I have lunch,

it's my daughter's lunch.

She's wearing headphones.

Oh! Sorry. I...

Can we buzz her in?


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I'm back.

The door, it closed.

I didn't get to it in time.

Hello! Hello! Uh...


Oh, hi.

Thank you.

Happy to help.

I like those pants.

I did not think I would be

getting out of the car.

Well, don't be embarrassed,

I have seen worse.

Trust me, I have seen things.

I guess I should get

in there

and give the office

my daughter's lunch.

Actually, you don't have to.

Oh, so I didn't need to...


Oh. What can I say?

I'm new.

Hi New, I'm Dan.

Oh, no... did you just

dad joke me?

I did, sorry. It's kind of

a force of a habit.

The, uh, the kids hate it.

How many kids do you have?

About 150.

Yeah, you know,

give or take.

Well, that's my cue.

It was nice to meet you...

- Jen.

- Jen. Right.

Oh... sorry.

I'm still Ben.

- Bye!

- Thank you.

What do you mean

Wallace isn't answering?

Just try his backup,

backup cell.

Um, excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean

to interrupt.

No, you're not.

Actually, I'm just waiting

for a conference call to start

and I'm evidently

gonna be waiting

until the PTO meeting's over.

That's where everyone's going.

I thought that was next week.

No, it's today.

I'm actually heading there too

if you want to follow me.

Are you coming?

I can't go like this.

You were running late

and didn't think

you'd be getting out

of the car?


We've all been there,

no one's gonna care.

I just can't meet

a bunch of moms

for the first time dressed

like this.

Just get in there,

sign up for what you want,

and then make your escape.

We really need to get in there

otherwise we're

gonna get stuck...

Yes! Hello, Mister Wallace.

Yes, we just need a quick

statement from you.

Stuck with what?

Oh... hello.

Kelly and I wanted to start

by telling you how happy we are

that you all came out

this morning.


If everyone could, uh,

please take their seats.

Thank you.

Now, the individual

event committee meetings

should take place one month

prior to the date...


Not happening.

Uh... Marissa, if you could

please just sign up

for an event and take a seat.

Uh-uh... I'm not doing

Field Day.

Now Marissa, you know

that every committee event

is equally important.

- Hmm.

Besides, I'm sure your daughter

will be so happy

to know you're getting involved

this year.

There you go.

So, Field Day

is what you didn't want

to get stuck with.

How'd you guess?

- Thank you.

- Mmhmm.

Oh... wow.

It is wonderful to see how much

school spirit you all have.

I can already tell that this is

going to be a great year.


But I see that we only have

two names for Field Day.

- That's us?

- That's us.

Well, I'm sure we can

find someone

who missed the meeting to do it.

That being said, it is only

a month away,

so we'll need someone

with experience

in planning school events.

- Mmhmm.

Ah! Is Tim available?


- Who's Tim?

- Husband.


Now, we definitely

should have someone

on the Field Day committee who

we can trust to get things done.

You should do it, Kelly.


Oh... no, no, no.

No, I didn't mean me.

Oh, I did.

That's why I told you,

you should do it.

Well, I'm in charge of

Trunk or Treat.

I know, and you would do

an amazing,

absolutely amazing job.

But I really need you on this, Kelly.

I mean, you'd be doing me

and the kids a huge favor.

No problem.

What are friends for?


So, we're all set then. Wonderful.

Shall we move onto

the next item?


So, you're new to the school, right?

Yes, I am. We moved here

this summer.

I'm Jen, Jen Davis.

Well, welcome.

I'm Kelly Stewart.

This is Marissa Morris.

Yes, we met this morning.

I would not have known today

was the PTO meeting without her.

I am so sorry.

Can I just ask what is so bad

about Field Day?

Isn't it just relay races

and games?


Um... who... who was in charge

of Field Day last year?

- Michelle Grant.

- Hmm.

- She homeschools now.

- Mmhmm.

Maybe that's how it was,

but it...

Excuse me.

But it's not gonna be

how it is.

Not with me in charge.

Those moms are gonna wish

they were us.

I bet you wish you stayed

in the car.

You have no idea.

So, Izzy, did you make a lot

of new friends today?

Yeah, a few.

Um... this one girl Jordan,

she's really nice.


Why didn't you tell me

that when I asked you?

Grandma pays for information.

Here you go, sweetie.

I'll take that bribe.

Okay then...

Did you meet any new friends

at school today?

I met a few other PTO moms.


- That is it.

- Names?


Do you want the chocolate

or not?

Um... Kelly and Marissa.

We're on the Field Day

planning committee together.

Are they nice?

You should invite them

for brunch.

Oh, but don't make that eggplant

casserole thing.

It's not for everybody.

I'm not sure I'm ready for

the whole mom group thing yet.

Plus, I don't think either

of them are my friend type.

You mean like your friends

in Maine.

Just give her a chance

to get settled in. Hmm?

I'm sure you made a great

first impression.

I was wearing my breakfast

pajama pants the entire time.

Thank you.

Yup. Yes, absolutely.

As soon as I get back

in the office

I will make up the time

on the back end.

Go to text only

for the next hour, Carl.

You can't focus on Field Day

if you're on your phone, Marissa.

You literally just

videoed yourself

doing a pumpkin spiced

latte dance.

Yes, but that was before

the FDPC meeting started.

What's the FDPC?

The Field Day

Planning Committee.

That's what I'm calling us.

Not the suckers?

By the way, you don't follow me

on social.

It's @Kellyyourmombestfriend.

All one word.

Great, I will be sure to.


- Oh, you mean, like, right now?

- Mmhmm.

Yeah, just do it.

She's not gonna let it go.

Okay. What kinda stuff do

you post about?

Oh, you know, mom life,

school, uh kids, cooking...


Fashion, skin care, hair,

TV shows, marriage stuff...


Oh, you saw that post?

Oh, I was just joking.

You know which one

I did see though?

The one where you talked about

how you felt sorry

for all the kids whose moms had

to work full time.

I... I don't remember saying

anything of the sort.


Maybe we should just

get back to Field Day.

Great idea.

By the way, what do you

do Jen?

I'm a web designer.

I work full time.

But I make my own hours

from home

so, I guess, it's

a happy medium.

That's lucky.

How about your husband?

He passed, actually.

A little over two years ago.

Oh... I'm so sorry.

I can't imagine.

Your poor daughter.

Is she okay?

It's a struggle.

But, yeah, she's doing

really well.

It must be hard to move away

from home,

leave all your friends.

It is. But we wanted

to be closer to family.

My parents live here.

Nate's parents are

a few hours south.

So, it was... it was really

the right move.

Um... Let's see.

Kelly. Here we go.

Five PTO meeting don'ts.

I was running late.

I didn't say you.

I... I didn't mean you.

I, um...

You know what?

Let's just start this meeting.

Okay, first thing...

first thing we need is,

uh, we need someone to go

over to the school gym

to check inventory

for the storage closet.

We need to know what

we're working with.

Cones, mats, tables, chairs.

Jen? You can tackle this.

Oh, I can go right now.


No time like the present

and no present like time.

Did you come up with that?

Georgia Byng did.


I... I didn't see that.

Alright. I'll see

you ladies later.

- Bye!

- Bye.

- I didn't see that.

- Okay.

Okay... see what we got

in here.

Come on, get outta there.

Who's in there?

Oh. Sorry.

I'm, uh, taking inventory

for the PTO.

Jen... with the breakfast pants.

I am taking those pants and I

am burning them in a fire pit.

- What's that?

- What?

- What?

- Nothing.

No, no. What did you say?

I'm just wondering how

a seemingly innocuous

fashion decision can haunt

a person for her entire life.

Ah, so if I'm hearing

this right,

you'd prefer me not to mention

the breakfast pants.

If you don't mind.

Never to be spoken again.

Sorry for yelling at you,

it's just that the students like

to hide in here

to get out of running laps.


Oh! I should, um...


Okay! You play.

I used to. But, um, I got

injured so that was that.

Right. Yeah, I had

a complete ACL tear.

Kind of ended my

football career.

Achilles rupture,

two surgeries.

Thought I was gonna play

in college

but that didn't work out.

Well, I should get back to it.

Right. Hey, so, uh... what are

you taking inventory for?

If you don't mind me asking.

I mean, it is my closet

after all.

Field Day.

I'm on the planning committee.

Oh. How'd you get roped

into that nightmare?

I was 10 minutes late

to the PTO meeting.

And I missed the late night

email from the Department Chair

which is why you're looking

at the staff advisor

for the aforementioned nightmare.


That's what I said but in a

slightly more... colorful way.

Well listen, if you need

any help, just... let me know.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

Hey kiddo!

I know you're back there.

Let's go.

Let's get to class.

Here we go.

Teacher's intuition.


Have a good one.

Kelly, you do realize

we cannot bring everyone

to this mountain retreat

on Field Day, right?

The owner has a mobile

adventure course

for fundraisers and schools.

And he's giving us a discount

if we post about it online.

And, of course, I'm gonna

post about it

for all of my followers.

How many followers

do you have?

About 10,000 and growing.

Hey! Maybe you can help me

design my website.

Sure. I would love to.

I just have to warn you

my rates are quite high.

Oh, well I thought

we could barter.

For what?


Run away!

I think we should talk about

this after Field Day.

I like your optimism.

That I can design her

a web site?

That we're actually gonna

make it to Field Day.

Hey Lucy, hold on.

I'm still going over

the liability waiver.

Excuse me.

Are you Marcus?

I am. Welcome

to Jericho Hill.

What can I do for you?

I have an issue with

the arbitration clause.

I'm sorry ma'am, but

that's not negotiable.

Everything's negotiable.

Not if you want your kid to do

the course today it isn't.

Mom, come on.

Everybody's already

up the ladder.

Ah... it's okay.

There's always a way around

the waiver if something happens.

Nothing's going to happen.

He's right.

They're actually quite safe.

Nate and I used to do them

all the time in Maine.

What she said.

Now... let's get your gear on, ladies.

Oh... no, no, no.

It's okay.

We just wanted the kids

to try it

to make sure it made sense

for our event.

You sure?

I found that both kids

and parents find the course

very empowering.

It's a safe way to conquer

their fears.

Oh, it's not fear.

I'm just not dressed for it.

You're wearing workout clothes.

Well you very well know that

this isn't for actual exercise.

Ah, think of all the content

if you did get up there.


Okay, yeah. I'm in.

You coming Jen?

Yeah. I'll... I'll be right

behind you.


Alright. Who's ready

for a mountain adventure?

Let's go.

Stay safe.

- Hey.

- Hi.

You okay?

Piper, why don't you go meet me

at the checkin, okay?


Piper, that's a beautiful name.

Is she your daughter?


You didn't answer

the question.

What was the question?

Are you okay?

I'm great.

Yeah, just... enjoying

the mountain air.

You don't wanna

join them up there?

Bum Achilles. Remember?

If you're scared of heights

I'll go up there with you.

It's not a heights thing.

I used to do stuff like that

all the time.

It's, uh... it's a 'what happens

to my daughter

if something happens

to me' thing.


- Hi Mom.

- Hi.

Um, can I get some water, please?

Of course, I'll go with you.

The course is so fun.

It is, huh?

I thought you'd like it.

Off you go!

You got this!

That's so nice.

I love that Isabelle and Piper,

they're rock climbing together.

Yeah, it's so cute.

I just hope they're

both careful.

Ah, they'll be fine.

Isabelle is strong.

She's had to be since

her dad passed.

I'm so sorry, I had no idea.

Yeah. I try not to lead with it

when I meet new people

because everything changes.

I'm no longer just Jen.

I'm Jen,

the one whose husband died.

It was nice being just Jen

while it lasted.

Right. Or Jen with

the breakfast pants.

Oh no. No.

That's too soon.

Sorry. I just couldn't help

myself there.

Well, I should probably let

you get up to the ropes course.

No... I mean, once

you've climbed Everest,

you know, zip-lines are... yawn.

- You've climbed Everest?

- Yeah.


You don't believe me?

Pics or it didn't happen.


Oh... wait, my camera froze

'cause it's so cold up there.

Yeah, I bet.

Mmhmm. Hey listen,

do you want...

- Cider?

- Cider, yeah.

Ooh. Do you think they have

hot cider?

I don't know.

I'm just gonna see

what I can do here for us.

You really love being

a teacher, don't you?

I do.

What I really love

is teaching them a new sport.

And showing them, you know,

that they can do something that

they didn't think they could.

See, for me it would be

having the absolute power

of the whistle.

Oh no, it's that too,

'cause that's the elementary

school's mjlnir.

And after school everyone's


You said my dad joke was bad.

That was funny.

I thought that was funny.

Admit it, you're probably

gonna use it tomorrow.

I'll admit nothing

and I probably will 'cause

it was actually pretty funny.

Well, I should, um...

I should probably go check

on Isabelle.

Right, yeah. Of course.

I will... see you...

in the storage room.

Thanks for the cider.

You're welcome.

Hey guys.

What were we just looking at?

I was looking at trees.

Oh, come on, you know what

she was talking about.

You were just flirting

with Dan Aldridge.

No, I wasn't.

Then why are you blushing?

I'm drinking hot cider!

Oh, there is nothing to be

embarrassed to be about.

There have been plenty of

single moms at the school

who have tried to get

some physical education

from Dan Aldridge.

Okay, you can stop.

Until they found out

that he has a rule

against dating anyone

whose kid goes to the school.

I thought you were married.

Not for me!

Okay. Well, rules are rules,

so, there's nothing

to talk about.

Are you saying there would've

been something to talk about

if he didn't have

that rule?

Okay, you're a scary lawyer, lady.

Thank you.

- You guys want some cider?

- I'd love some.

No. I stay away.

I don't ever remember you

ever working on a Sunday.

I know. I'm so behind

on my web gigs.

I've been spending so much time

working on Field Day.

The PTO's like a second job.

Which is why I'm here

to help you keep unpacking.

Doesn't seem like you've

done much yourself

since the last time.

Well like I said, I have

a lot going on, Mom.

Don't you think it sends

the wrong message to Isabelle?

Like you're not all in

on this fresh start?

I'm just not there yet.

Which drawer do you want to put

the serving utensils in?

The middle drawer... no...

back, back drawer?

I don't know.

I can't decide.

Why not?

Because I don't want to pick

the wrong drawer

and then a year from now we just

have to start all over again.



One thing I can tell you

for certain is

you're never gonna feel like

you're home

until you make it one.

You have to start somewhere.

Hi Mom.

Are we going

to the fall fair today?

Oh... Izz, I've got so much work

to catch up on.

But everyone's going.

Think of it like another spoon

in the drawer.

Okay. We can go.

Thank you.


What time did you wake up

this morning?

Oh, I wanted to get

all my work done

so that I could come to

the fall fair with you two.

We'd love that.

But only if you're really

with us.

You can't be on your phone

all the time.

I know, which is why I'm going

to be unreachable.

- Really?

- Yes, really.

I'm going to leave my phone

at home and my laptop.

And my watch.


- Let's do this.

- Let's do it.



Kell. We've been waiting for you

for 10 minutes.

By the time you're ready

it's gonna be winter festival.

I know, okay?

I'm sorry. I'm ready.

Oh... unless... unless you think

I should wear my other boots.

If my life depended upon it,

I could not identify one name

brand that you're wearing.

But I think you're beautiful and

I think you would be beautiful

if you were wearing

a burlap sack.


Is it a designer burlap sack?

If it's yours... obviously.

Come on, let's go. Let's go.

Okay, okay.

Don't underestimate me.

You know, you know

I'll just do it.

You know what?

While we wait, I think

I might try to rustle up

some more volunteers

for Field Day.

- Sure.

- Okay.


Hi, I'm Jen.

I'm on your wife's committee.

Jen. Yes. Pajama pant Jen.

- Yeah.

- Of course.

- Mmhmm.

- Good to meet you.

Dad, can I go to

face painting?


Can I go too?

Sure. You guys have fun.


Oh wait, Lucy. I thought

we were getting donuts.

Can't I go with Isabelle

and Jordan?

Of course you can.

Jen, hi.

This is my husband Tim.

- Oh, hi.

- Nice to meet you.

Very nice to meet you.

And this is Kevin,

Kelly's husband.

- Good to meet you.

- Yeah.

Is Kelly here too?

Yeah, she's rounding up

some volunteers for Field Day.

Oh, and here we thought we had

one day off from all of that.

I hope she's having more luck

than I've had.

Everyone I ask,

they just look at me

like I'm asking them

to help me move.

Hey, any luck?

Well we have three for sure.


Not including us.

You've gotta be kidding.

We need help, Kell.

I know. Okay?

It's gonna be fine.

It's fine!

You know there's a hard

cider truck a few carts down.

- You're reading my mind.

- Excellent.


I know you didn't wanna be

in charge of Field Day

but this is your committee.

You gotta figure it out, Kell.

You know what?

We didn't actually come here

for a Field Day meeting.

We came here to enjoy

the fall festival,

so that's what I'm gonna do.

We should probably go

after her.

Oh really?

I was thinking that the hard

cider sounded good.

- Come on.

- Okay.


Here we go.




Woo hoo!

I will pay you $100

to show me the way out.

She's kidding. Come on.

Hey there.


Uh... I'm not lost, if that's,

you know, what you're thinking.

It is. And you totally are.

I am not.

Shh! Don't let the kids

find out.

They'll never let me

live this down.

I'm not gonna let you

live it down either.

Marissa and I are lost too.


Great. Now I have to find

Kelly and Marissa.

This maze is nothing

but dead ends.

You know, I have this theory

that no one really likes

corn mazes.

Maybe 'cause they're too much

like real life.

How so?

You just stumble around

not sure where you're going,

praying you're on

the right path,

and just as soon as you think

you've got it all figured out...

Bam! Wall of corn!

Wall of corn, that's a really

good band name.

I was just gonna say that.


I think I'm gonna backtrack,

try to find Marissa.

You can come with me

if you want.

No, I think I should go

this way.

You know, my pride

is on the line here.

So why don't I meet you

out there?

- Suit yourself.

- Great.

Good luck!

Yes, absolutely.

I will get back to you tonight.

Alright, thank you.

Here you go.

Thank you so much.

Oh... hi! Hi.

Please, don't tell Tim

that you saw me on the phone.


Because I promised him and Lucy

that I would not work today

and here I am begging a complete

stranger to borrow their phone

just so that I could check in

at work.

What is wrong with me?


You're just trying

to find balance

and you're very lucky

that Tim is there for you.

Yeah, he's the best.

I don't know what I would do

if something happened to him.

Oh... I'm... so sorry.

I didn't... mean, um...

No, it's okay.

I worry about something

happening to me too.

Okay. The way you're looking

at me right now...

that's why it wasn't hard for me

to leave my friends in Maine.

Because they had all

already left me.

They couldn't imagine what

happened to me happening to them

and every time they saw me

they did.

So they just...

they all faded away.

It doesn't sound like they were

very good friends.


That's the worst part.

I didn't see it coming,

any of it, and I...

I don't wanna feel like

that again.

Hey. There you are.

We were looking for you.

Why? To tell me what a terrible

committee chair I am?

We're gonna find people, Kelly.

And if we can't then I will get

my interns to do it.


Yes. Sometimes I use my scary

lady lawyer powers for good.

Alright. Let's get outta here.

Wait, I have to pick up

one straggler.

One straggler.

Come on!

Oh, man.

Let's go, Aldridge!

Yes. Oh, thank you.

I was about to send up

a flare.

Do you know how

to get outta here?

Nope. He does.

Top of the hour, shift change,

he's outta here.

Come on!




- Whoo! We did it!

- Freedom!

I owe you one.

Maybe we should just forget

about PTO stuff today

and enjoy being

with our families.

That is your best idea yet.

- This way.

- No, I think it's this way.

- Definitely this way.

- Is it this way?

- Do you know where you're going?

- No!

- It's this way.

- Okay...

It's very important

that we have all this lined up.

Do you understand?


- Hi!

- Hi.

Are you ladies here

for the pumpkin bake?


What exactly is

a pumpkin bake?

Oh, it's like Iron Chef

except the secret ingredient

is always pumpkin.

So, it's not actually

a secret then?

We are excited to be bringing

the golden pie tin

back to Rock Oak

for another year.

Oh, you seem so

confident there.

We are.

Hey Suzanne. Suzanne. Suzanne.

So, I heard that you have

almost 20 people

on your Trunk or Treat

committee, is that right?

Yes, it's a very popular event.

Very interesting,

because we actually...

we still need 20 people

to volunteer on Field Day.

Oh. I heard.

Um... anything I can do to help?

Well, you are PTO president, Suzanne.

You could get people to help

if you wanted to.

Well, unfortunately

I can't force anyone

to do anything, so...

So, I had this idea.

What if our team wins this whole

pumpkin bake-off thing?

You could send all of your Trunk

or Treat committee

to help us volunteer

on Field Day.

And when you don't win?

We will volunteer at every

other PTO event this year.

- Oh, I don't know that I...

- Oh, uh, I actually feel like...

I would love to take you

up on that

but unfortunately all of

the tables are full.

That... that table's actually,

that's not full.

That's an empty table.

Can we...?

Yeah, one of the teams

didn't show.

So, can we have that table?

She can't have that spot!

There was an official

sign-up sheet.

What is it with her

and the sign-up sheets?

This isn't a TV show and I'm

not being paid for any of this.

Take the spot.

Thank you!

So we have a deal?

Works for me.

Why did you do that?

Because she is awful!

And she's not even helping

her own PTO

and now we can poach

her volunteers.

So, what? You have a can't miss

pumpkin recipe or something?

I do. My mom's

pumpkin cheesecake.

I'll just, I'll text her

for the recipe.

Uh, actually

that's not allowed.

There's no recipes.

Wait, what? Why?

Why... why are there

no recipes?

I don't know.

Because baking's supposed

to come from the heart

or something.

I don't know.

I don't make the rules.

Okay. I don't know...

I... I... don't know how to bake

from the heart.

I know how to follow

a very specific recipe.

So, what about you?

You post about baking

all the time.

What've you got?

Right, and when I do post about

all of my baking, I... I...

Buy it from the store,

put it in a dish

and pretend that you made it, right?

How did you know that?

Oh, no.

Please, I invented

the pastry pass-off.

I have never felt closer

to you.

So we've got nothing.

- Kinda seems that way.

- Yeah.

Pumpkin bake teams...

please make your way

to the tables.

What have I done?


Okay, so now we need eggs

and we need baking powder.

Izzy, it was four cups

of flour.

Does that sound right?

Yeah, it was four.

Okay, let's do

four cups of flour.

What's this?

That's baking soda.

Put in some baking soda, okay?

- Two eggs?

- Just a little-

- Just two?

- Oh no! No!


Yes, we need butter. Butter!

Oh, and milk. Milk!

I'll get the milk.

- Okay.

- I can get that out.

Um... so we have decided

that this is a loaf, right?

It cannot be a loaf,

it has to be a cake.

Which is just a circular loaf.

It's a different density.

I think there was

more eggs.

Are we really bringing

math into this?

Why don't you go see

what Suzanne's doing?

That might help.

- I'm gonna add some milk.

- Okay.

- I think milk is great.

- She said two more eggs?

Woo-hoo! Good to go!

Don't touch that.

That's not the pumpkin.

How do you open this?

We don't have a can opener.

Hi. Oh, yay.

What are they doing?

Uh... laughing and dancing?

Like in a baking montage?

But what are they making?

Oh, uh... cookies, I think.


- We should make cookies too.

- No. No, no, no.

Why do you wanna be like her?

We have to beat her.

We're making a cake!

This is a cake!

It's gonna be a cake.

Here we go.


- Oh, no!

- Oh!

Well, that just defies

the laws of physics.

Okay, we have one more.

We have one more.


Make room for the...


Okay, so it's a single

layer cake.

- Uh-huh.

- Yeah.

Ten minutes 'till judging!

Quick! Frost it.

How come no one

else made cake?

Because there

isn't enough time

for the cake to cool down

before you... frost it.

Nailed it!

That's why no one's

making cake.

Oh boy.

Well, um...


Uh... look at this.

Hashtag fail fair.

Hashtag caketastrophe.

We're gonna go viral!

Isn't that what you wanted?

Not like this.

You guys are obviously

gonna win.


What are you gonna call it?

I think just... it.

What are we gonna do?

Anyone wanna check out

the pumpkin patch?

Don't you wanna wait

'till they announce?


And look at Suzanne's face

when we lose?

No, thank you.


For the record,

I'm not following you.

It's just, Piper went and

joined the other kids, so...

Guess you're stuck

with us then.

Guess so.

Plus you might get lost

in a pumpkin patch

and need someone

to rescue you.

Right. Um... that's just

hurtful, so...

If you volunteer at Field Day

you can watch your daughter

have a blast on the

high-ropes course.

And all volunteer's kids get to

jump the line at the dunk t*nk.

And if you volunteer

we'll have a special

VIP section for your kids.

That's a thing?

It is now.

Guys, we have a problem.

The field's been swallowed up

by a giant sinkhole?

You wish!

We have to pick up

the trophies

for the winning color w*r

teams today, by noon.

I thought we could get

the trophies on the weekend.

We could but now he's going

leaf peeping in New Hampshire.

Not sure why he thought that

was important to share with me.

Well, the shop is only a few

blocks away from my office.

But I do have a hearing

'till at least 12:30.

Yes, we understand

you're busy.

I don't see you offering

to drive down there.

Well that's because

picking up trophies

is Jen's responsibility.

And getting volunteers

is yours, yet here I am.

Plus, with all the supplies,

my car's not big enough.

Well, Kelly's is.

- I have Pilates.

- Seriously?

Ugh! Okay fine.

But you're coming with me.

Field Day!

Step right up.

These trophies turned out great.

I know.

I wonder what's happening

over there.

No way.

No way!

What is it?

This is a Galwick Vodka

pop-up bar.


Their Bloody Mary's are huge

with influencers.

I can't believe our luck,

we have to go in.

It's noon...

on a weekday.

Well, we don't have

to drink anything.

I just want a couple

of photos.

Okay, I've really gotta

get home.

I've got work to do.

Oh, come on.

It'll be super quick.

You sure it'll be quick?



- Okay.

- Let's go.


So, I think we should...

Don't say it. We have

to get in there.

I just need a win, Jen.


I'm gonna go talk to the doorman

and see what I can do.

Good luck.

Hi there.

Just wondering

if I could just talk

to you for a second.

... Okay.

Any luck?

- We have to wait.

- How long?

An hour or two,

give or take.

Give or take how much?

Another hour.

Oh, my God...

I know it's ridiculous.

We can just go.

Wait, wait, wait!


Help is on the way.

You called Marissa?

I did. Her office is

just around the corner.

If anyone's gonna get us in,

it's Marissa.

Well, thank you for coming,

but I'm not quite sure

what you can do.

Well, lucky for you,

I am.

Hold tight.

I just love her confidence.

I know.

Hi there.

How are you doing?


After you.

What did you say to him?

I told them that they were

vulnerable to a lawsuit

if they didn't file

permit 926C with the City.

What's permit 926C?

It doesn't exist but they

don't have to know that.


Thank you.

Have fun.

Aren't you gonna

come in with us?

Yeah, we're just gonna take

some selfies.

It's gonna be super quick.

I was kinda curious

what's in there.

I guess I could spare

a few minutes.

Let's go.

I could cancel my lunch.

I can work tonight.

I didn't really have Pilates.

Oh, wow. Oh, my.

Thank you.

Thank you Galwick Vodka.

Cheers! Muah!

Thank you Galwick Vodka.


Thank you Galwick Vodka.



How was that?

The same as the other

seven takes.

Just pick one and move on.

You know, I did not think today

was going to involve

eating skewered bar food

out of a Bloody Mary.

Oh, I did.

This happens

all the time.

Does it make me sound old

if I say that I hate this music?

I was just thinking

the same thing.

I mean, who picks it?

It's on an app

so I think we do.


I'll give you 20 bucks

if you let me pick one.

And I promise I'll give it back

to you if your work calls.

I promise, I promise,

I promise.

It's okay, they can live

without me for an hour.


Are we dancing?

Step by step,

ooh, baby...

You picked a good one.

Gonna get to you, girl

Step by step, ooh, baby

Really want you

in my world


Hey girl,

in your eyes

I see a picture of me

all the time


and girl, when you smile

You got to know

that you drive me wild...

Step by step,

ooh, baby

You're always on my mind...

No, no, no!

No, no...

They're gonna post this!

Why do you care if they

post this or the cooking?

We're having a great time.

It's just not what

I wanna be known for.

What do you wanna be known for,

how many followers you have?

I mean, at least

that was the real you.

Yeah, it's nice seeing

the unfiltered Kelly.

On my camera?

On yourself.

You don't have to be liked

by everyone in the world.

You have a husband,

you have a daughter

that love you.

Isn't that enough?

You don't know how lucky

you really are.

You're gonna find

that again too.

That... that's not

what I meant.

I'm not looking

for that right now.

I think it's finding

you anyway.


It's Dan.

Oh, if that's not a sign

then I don't know what is.

Well, what does he want?

He wants to see if he can

call me tonight and ask me out.

Aww, asking to call.

That is so old school adorable.

It is, right?

Well, what about

Dan's dating rule?

I mean, there's a reason

for that, you know.

Everyone's gonna be talking

about you at school.

So, are you gonna

text him back?

I don't know.

But we should really get home

before the kids do.

So, I'll... I'm gonna call us

a car.

Well I'll drive.

Absolutely not,

we saw you dancing.

I actually didn't have

one sip.

Hey besties! Time to rank

my top five favorite foods...

See, aren't you glad

you came in?

I am.

I don't remember the last time

I did something like this.

You're finding balance.

It's what you wanted.

I'm really happy for you.

Thank you.

I'm happy for you too.

I don't know about me.

I haven't been on a date

in 15 years,

I don't know if I'm ready.

I think you are.

You just have your filter on.

Mom, you don't have to come

over every night

and help me unpack.

It's an excuse to spend time

with you.

I love that you're so close

to us now.

I do too.

I just... wish it were

under different circumstances.

I know, so do I.

But you're doing great.

I'm so proud of how far

you've come.

Nate would be too.

I'm not so sure.

What are you waiting for?

Text him back.

I don't know if I can.

Sweetheart... going on a date

doesn't mean you're

disrespecting Nate's memory.

It means you're respecting

his wishes.

He wanted you to go on living.

But what about Isabelle?

Maybe she's not ready either.

It's only dinner,

that's all.

Just get your feet wet,

see how you feel.

You owe yourself

at least that.


- Hello?

- Hello? Hey, hi.


Hope to see you there.


We absolutely would love

to have you there.

It's gonna be the event

of the year.

Do either of you have a pair

of black pants?

I can't find mine in boxes.

Oh, are you kidding me?

I have all the blank pants you

want; pleats, no pleats, suede?

I'm not done.

Chinos, linen, wool?

Ah, you forgot athleisure.

No, I didn't.

Well, why don't you narrow

it down for us.

What's the occasion?


See, I told you.

I don't have anything to wear.

Yes, you do.

You just need some help

putting everything together.

Thank you guys so much

for coming over.

What are friends for?

Wish me luck.

You got this.

Okay. What do you think

about this?

It makes me wanna dance.

I kinda like it.

- Ooh.

- Oh.

- Bit disco.

- Bit much.

Business casual.

Ah... bit too business.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

It's a bit vanilla.

What about this one?

- Not...

- No, no. It's just...


Not you! Not you. Next.


Is this the one?

Yes, you look perfect.

Doesn't she look perfect?

Mmm. You look perfect.

How are you so good at this?

I don't know.

I've just always been good

at styling people.

I would k*ll to do a before

and after right now...

but I won't.

I'm proud of you.

So, you ready?

No, I am not.

But I'm going anyway.

- Yeah.

- Yes, you are.

I can do this.

Did I tell you how great

you look this evening?

You have, multiple times.

But I won't stop you.

Okay good, because...

have I told you how great

you look this evening?

I was gonna wear my breakfast

pajama pants

and then I just thought,

you know what that might be

a little too dressy.

A little too dressy, yeah.

- Hi.

- Welcome.

Thank you so much.

There you are.

Can I start you all

with a drink?

I will have a soda water

with lime, please.

I was gonna get a glass

of the rainy day red

and I thought you might

want some.

Do you want a glass

of that?

Oh, I would, but I had too much

to drink yesterday. So...

Okay, so just the one.

Sounds good.

Coming right up.

Too much to drink

on a Monday?

The Field Day

planning committee

went day drinking downtown.


No, you didn't.

- Oh, we did.

- You didn't.

- It was something else.

- Wow.

So, the PTO is a lot of fun.

Mmhmm. Except that I'm starting

to realize that fun

actually just means it's gonna

take me a week to recover.

Speaking of, ah,

getting older...

I, uh, I k*lled my knees

teaching volleyball

this morning.

I have a great menthol

ointment for that.

I just said ointment

on a date.

You said it twice, actually.

You said ointment twice.

Oh, no. I don't know

how I did that.

- Oh, sorry.

- It's okay.

I normally have my phone

turned off.

Is everything alright?


My sister just wants to know

if I can take Piper

this weekend for her.

I think it's great you spend

that much time together.

I try to take her

as much as I can

just to kinda keep her mind

off her parents' divorce.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's been really hard

on all of them.

I know a couple people

who have been through that,

it's brutal.

They were so happy

at their wedding.

They were the last ones I ever

thought would split up.

I don't think anyone

goes in

thinking something

will go wrong.

No. But it always seems to.

It's like, everything's fine

and then, bam...

wall of corn.


Is that what happened to you?

Couple years ago.

Everything was perfect.

And then it was a week before

I was gonna propose and...

She broke my heart.

Her loss.

It didn't feel like it

at the time

but it's definitely

for the best.

You know, 'cause I don't think

I know anyone who's truly

happily married.

My parents are.

And I was.

Sorry, I don't know

why I said that. That was...

It's okay. I would rather

talk about it.

The avoiding... that's the part

I can't stand.

If you don't mind me asking...

how did he pass?

Uh... he had a headache

and we found out it was cancer

and a few weeks later...

he was gone.

Sometimes it feels like

it was yesterday

and other times like it was

a million years ago.

Wow. Talk about

being blindsided.

I can't imagine going

through that.

I hope you never have to.

It's scary to think about

opening myself up to

that kind of pain again.

Or at all.

Did we just talk ourselves out

of this being any kind of date?

I think we did.

In fact, I think we just

set the record

for the world's worst first date

ever on the planet of humans.

Oh no, how did we do that?

Oh, goodness.

Well, do we still eat?

Yes, we still eat.

- We can stay?

- We can stay.

I don't think they're gonna

kick us outta here, so...

So, how does one say

good night

at the end of the worst

first date ever?

Well, uh, we're still friends, right?

- I suppose so.

- Mmhmm.


Okay. So, how about a handshake

or high five?

What about as fist bump?

- Good night.

- Good night.

How was your date?

Well, turns out it wasn't

really a date after all?

What happened,

did he upset you?

Okay. Where does he live?

No Dad, it wasn't like that.

He's just... he's not ready

and neither am I.

You talked yourself out of it,

didn't you?

I started talking about Nate

and what happened

and I can't go through

that again.

So... it's easier this way.

I'm gonna go home and get it.

Hey Mom.

Did you forget something?


But... I have something

for you.

What is it?

You know those videos

Nate made for everybody

before he passed?

Of course.

There's one you

haven't seen yet.

What? Why?

He didn't want us to give it to

you unless you seemed... stuck.

I was just thinking that...

I wish I could talk

to him tonight.

Everything happens

for a reason, sweetheart.

I'll leave you to it.

And, um... open that after.


Hey Jenny.

Now I... I know you're

crying right now

but you don't have to, okay?

Heaven is awesome.

They got all you can eat sushi.

My dog Pepper from

when I was a kid is here.

I had hoped to hang out

with Shakespeare or Hemingway,

you know, but, uh...

you should see the line-ups.

Very popular.

Here's the thing.

I died. You didn't.

And I want you to live.

Laugh... and love.

I hate those signs.

I know how much

you hate those signs.

But that one's got a point.

You know?

It's okay to move on.

Do you hear me, Jen?

That's what I want for you.

I want you to be happy.

Not scared.

So, go... get out there.

Or I will haunt you.

Move your car keys

all around the house,

you'll never find them.



I hope that was a yes.

I love you so much.

I love you.

Live. Laugh. Love.

You don't have to put this up.

But I had to finish the joke.

Thank you.

Wait. So... last night you told

Dan you didn't wanna date him.

But now you do.


So what changed your mind?

Let's just say I got a sign.

But I'm not sure

I should tell him.

Why not?

Because he's not...

he's not really ready either.

Can I... can I just talk to you

for a second alone?


What's up?

Head's up!


That was a... that was

a lucky catch.

No, that was not lucky.

You're amazing and you're just

gonna have to deal with that.

Yeah, I don't know what kinda

dummy would talk himself

out of dating someone

like you, but...

Well, I think because I like

you so much I got nervous.

I like you too.

You like me?



Well... um... I wanted

to let you know,

if you wanted to try

a second first date,

I... I wouldn't say no.

You have no idea how happy

that makes me feel 'cause...


Did you give her kid

a bad grade or something?

No, I did not.

What was that about?

Suzanne asked me on

a date last year.

Did you go?

No, I didn't go.

She's... awful.

- Right?

- Yeah.

I know.

No, I told her that I have this

rule against dating parents.

Kelly mentioned that too.

Then you popped

into my life and I...

I threw that rule

right out the window.

You know, last night

you made this decision

really easy for me,

and now...

I just made it a lot

more complicated.

Yeah, you did,

really make it complicated.

I did do that.

You're new here,

you're making friends

and the last thing I want

is for you to get caught in

Suzanne's crosshairs, I mean...

look what happened

to Kelly.

- Ah, yes.

- Yeah.

What happened to Kelly?

You don't know?


Suzanne and Kelly

were best friends...

and then Suzanne's kid stole

something from another kid,

blamed Jordan, and of course

Kelly stood up for her daughter,

but Suzanne just, like...

dropped her from the circle.

She was instantly

an outsider.

I know what that feels like.

To get blindsided like that.

You know, maybe that's

why she's always trying to make

friends online.

She can't really get hurt.

She just doesn't

let people in.

...Okay, that's it there.

I think I've been doing that

a little bit here too

with friends and... with us.

So... now what?

Now, I help my friends

make this the best Field Day

this school has ever seen.


- And for the record...

- Yeah?

I'd rather deal with

a thousand Suzanne's

than wonder what

might've been... with us.

We only have two more

days left, ladies.

Maybe it's time I start

rounding up the interns.

Ugh. This is so embarrassing.

This is gonna be a disaster,

like always.

No, it's not.

We all need to forget about

what happened in the past.

What matters now is that

we find a way

to make this work together.

Oh... hi sweetheart.

Shouldn't you be going to class?

Yeah. But, uh, Mom,

they're making fun of Field Day.

Who is?

Excuse me, ladies.

Hi. Hi there.

Uh, quick discussion.

We're just about to start

our event committee meeting.

And we're about to have a Field

Day without any volunteers.

Are you really not gonna

help out with a PTO event

because someone here

has a problem with me?

This isn't about me.

This isn't about any of us.

This is about your kids.

I mean, what are we even

doing here?

We're supposed to be the adults

in the room

and you're all acting

like you're in middle school.

So grow up and help out.

Okay? Thank you.

That was amazing!

I am very impressed.

I... I probably just

made things worse.

Don't be so sure.

I don't believe it. Look!

You did it.

We did it!


Of course you made

a selfie station.

It's not for me.

It's for the kids.

I'm just there to supervise.

Guys, the tree top adventure

guy's been here for an hour.

Why isn't he set up yet?

Uh... I'm gonna

go talk to him.

Hi Marcus. Hi.

Um... why aren't you setting up?

There's rain in the forecast.

Can't set up until we're sure

of staying dry.

It's a liability thing.

Marcus, I checked the weather

app first thing this morning

and it says there's only

a 20 percent chance.

I mean, that's basically zero.

Mine says... 40 percent

- Oh, it does say that.

- Oh.

Okay, but the... it says

"slight" which is nothing.

- I gotta wait.

- It's nothing.

Okay, I'm gonna need

cotton candy now.

Nice work, ladies!

Hey there.


So, uh... guess what

teacher won the contest

to be in the dunk t*nk?

I hope it's not Mr. Carpenter.

His toupee is barely holding on.

You know, the key is to actually

use superglue.

It doesn't budge that way.

- Is that what you do?

- Yeah.

- That's your secret?

- That's my secret.

Don't tell anyone.

So what do we think,

is it gonna rain today?

It's not gonna rain.

It's not gonna rain!

It's not gonna rain!

It's not gonna rain!


Everyone! Call as many

people as you can

and get them to bring their

pop-up canopies to the field.

We can still salvage this.

That's a great idea.

Everyone has one of those.

I don't have one of those.

Oh, you will.

Everyone succumbs to the pop-up

peer pressure eventually.

If we can get enough,

it could actually work!

There's nothing

stopping us now!

Why are the sprinklers on?

No, no, no, no, no.

This can't be happening!

Someone turn off the sprinklers!

Well, I would if

I knew how.

Can you please find

the custodian?

Thank you so much.

It's just one thing

after another.

You know what we are?

We're cursed.

I don't know what to do.

Okay, everybody just

get everything off the field!

It's only water, people.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

It's just water.

It's 100 percent now.

We've got that, Marcus.

Understood, Marcus.

What do you mean you can't

turn off the sprinklers?

You're the guy with the keys.

Don't you have the 'zzz zzz'

thing on your belt?

I'm just the sub today.

My belt doesn't even 'zzz'.

I'm waiting to hear from Jimmy

about the key

for the main controller.

Why aren't the sprinklers

off yet?

I'm working on it,

okay lady?

I knew I should've

stayed retired.

Find something to do,

the wife said.

You can't just sit around

all day, she said.

- That's Jimmy.

- Ooh!

Just hang tight.

Okay. He'll be here in an hour

with the key.

An hour?

We don't have an hour.

Can't you just shut off the main

water supply to the school?

There's about a million reasons

why we can't do that, ma'am.

But it wouldn't...

What are we gonna do?

Maybe Dan has a key.

He's always using the field.

Great idea.

Still no keys.

How many stopwatches

does one man need?

Those are the PE

teachers' Rolex,

thank you very much.

This receipt is from

a different decade.

Okay, this is the kinda stuff

you're not really supposed

to see until we've been dating

for at least a year.

I like your optimism.


You've had so much upheaval

in your life and I just...

I don't wanna be

the cause of more.

We can't keep changing

our minds.

I know, I'm just...

Look, I'm really trying to do

what's best for you.

This isn't about me.

You've convinced yourself

that nothing like this

ever works out.

You're the one who said

no one ever thinks

anything goes wrong

but it always seems to.

And what if this is the same?

- I guess we'll never find out.

- Ok.

Nothing to see here, ladies.

Great job, guys.

Keep it up!

Hey. Did Dan have the keys?

Why did I go to

that PTO meeting?

If I had just gone

straight home,

none of this

would've happened.

Yeah, well nobody forced you

to put your name down

on that sign-up sheet.

I didn't really know

what I was signing up for.

I was on a call.

Really, Kelly?

We're still doing that.

I didn't say anything.

You didn't have to.

It's the same thing you did

when you guilted me

into staying on this committee

in the first place.

Guys, this is the worst.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Well, I'm sorry you both

have had a negative experience.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what

came over me.

Hey Kelly? We're sorry.

You did everything

you could.

It's just not fair,

we were so close.

I just can't believe

that I let Lucy down again.

It's not your fault.

I let everyone down,

including myself.

Okay no. No, no, no, no, no.

This is not happening.

Oh, clearly.

We've come too far

to just give up.

Look around, we can't do

anything out here.

Well then we'll just move it

all indoors.

We only have an hour, Jen.

That's impossible.

Not to mention that nothing

we planned works inside.

Then we're gonna find

something that will.

Come on!


Okay. So, this is

my inventory list

of all of the equipment

we have on hand.

We need to think of fun

activities we can do indoors

using only these things.

Oh fun, like an elementary

school Apollo 13.


I didn't see that movie.

Oh, you can come

and watch it with us.

Movie night.

Ooh! I'd like that.

Great. I'll get everything out

of the storage closet.


Okay. So... basketball.

Can I do the cake?

Can I do the cake?

- Yes, you can do the cake.

- Cake walk.

What about rope

for tug of w*r?

Who wants to be in-

- I could do that.

- Tug of w*r.

Oh wow, the sun's out.

Okay. I think this is

gonna work.

Kelly, do your thing.

Okay, everyone...

just pick one activity

and get it going.

Just pick a spot on Jen's floor

plan and make it happen.


Hey. Uh... did Dan say if

the dunk t*nk was still a go?

Uh, you or Marissa could ask?

Well, why not you?

What happened?

It's just not the right time.


I have never met someone

who's broken up twice

before even getting together.

Make up your mind.

I did. He's the one

who pulled back.

He saw how bad

the gossip could get.

Because of what Suzanne

did to me?

We just have to make sure

that none of the games...

He's a good man, Jen.

He's just trying to protect you.

Or he's trying

to protect himself.

You've already

flip-flopped twice.

Might as well go

for the hat trick.


- We need to focus on Field Day,

- Mmhmm.

We have a lot of work to do.

Oh! Kevin is on his way to help.

Why don't you call Tim?

No, no, no.

Absolutely not.


Because he already

does everything

when it comes to school.

This was supposed to be

my one thing with Lucy

and if he does this too then

what does that say about me?

It says you did everything

in your power

to do this on your own

and sometimes you have to do

the hardest thing

and admit you can't do it all.

None of us can.

And that's okay.

You know...

for someone who didn't want

to make any friends here,

you are doing a terrible job.

Thank you, thank you

very much.

I'm okay with that.

Hi babe, it's me.

Uh... I need a little help.

Looks like you might

actually pull this one off.

Looks like it.

And, uh... thank you

for all of your help.

Oh... I didn't... I didn't

really do anything.

Oh, I know.

You know, it's funny.

There's a rumor going around

that you're the one

who turned on the sprinklers.

What? I... I had nothing

to do with it!

Well, everyone's

talking about it.

Tell me where you heard it.

I really can't say.

It's not fun being on

the receiving end, is it?

Kell... look at this,

look at this.

Okay. All these posts that

you were so worried about?

People love them.

You have your own hashtag

right now.

It's humiliating.

No. It's real.

If you wanna be an influencer,

maybe this is what you're meant

to show people.

It's fine to be real and honest

and let yourself go and just...

be who you are.

After all, that's the woman

I fell in love with.

Wow. I kinda love her too.

And I love you.

Come here.

Oh, look who it is.


Hey you.

You having fun?

You having fun, yeah?

Listen. If you need me to take

over... I'm happy to.

Who said I'm going anywhere?

The office called the house

looking for you.

I'm assuming they found you?

I wouldn't know, I turned

my phone on silent.

Well, it sounded important.

Are you sure you don't need

to check in?

Not as important as this.


Hey. You guys did an incredible

job, seriously.

It looks wonderful in there.

Thank you. I'm very glad we got

to keep this dunk t*nk.

And, of course,

you're the first one in line

after... everything I did.

I'm not mad at you, Dan.

- No?

- No.

I know I can't talk

you into something that

you're not ready for.

But I am done being afraid

of what might happen.

If the past two years

have taught me anything

it's that all we have

is right now.

You're right.

I was trying to protect you

and sometimes I just get

in my own way

and I begin overthinking and...

I'm sorry that I pushed

you away.

We've been here twice before.

Third time's a charm?

Are you sure you're not worried

something's going to go wrong?

Nope. Never felt better.



We did it.

Field Day is a hit!

I can't believe that

we actually pulled it off.

I can. We're awesome.

Hey, you okay?

I just feel so terrible

that I ever made you feel

like you weren't as good

of a mom as anyone else

because you worked.

It wasn't fair.

I've never seen anyone

work harder for her family.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry that I made

fun of your social media.

I think you can actually

help people

if you do what Kevin said

and just keep being real.


But I think

I'm just gonna take a break

from being everyone's

best mom friend

and just try to be a good one

in real life.

So no more posts

about my pajama pants?

Well, if it weren't for those,

we would not all be

standing here.

That's true.

It's true.

You know, as happy as I am

that Field Day worked out...

being with the both of you...

it's been the best part.


This is the last thing

I thought I wanted

but turns out it's what

I needed the most.

I knew eventually Field Day

would make me cry.

So, we're still gonna

hang out after today, right?

Of course.

Yes. But we are not gonna talk

about the PTO, right?

Oh, do not worry ladies,

we are one and done.

We... we... that is it.

I don't know.

It was really fun hanging out

with Lucy at school.

Well, you could be a co-room

mom with me.

Job description?

Well, it does involve bringing

in a lot of store-baked goods.

Ooh, our specialty.

I'm in. Okay.

And what about you?

What are you gonna do

with all your spare time

now that Field Day's over?

Here you go. Okay.

Okay. Another shot.

Oh, there you go.

Can't get 'em all.

Let me show you how it's done.

I'm gonna unpack.

Oh... oh no.

What? No. No more

'oh no's'.

We are at our 'oh no' maximum

for this year.

What is wrong, Marissa?

I forgot one more thing that

I saved from the sprinklers.


Can't have a day like this

without taking a photo.




I, um... didn't have you pegged

as a selfie type.

- Really?

- Mmhmm.

Oh. Well, it's a big day,

you know,

I thought I'd make

an exception.

Field Day is a huge success.


But... that's not what

I'm talking about.

It's also the day I realized...

I'm falling in love.

Who's the lucky girl?

Her name is Jen.

Just Jen?

No nicknames?

No. Just...






Sexy... incredible...

It's kinda long.

Well, we got time

to figure it out.

You have to look at the camera,

you two.

Great timing you guys.

- Mom!

- Hi.

- You look so happy.

- I am.

Okay, everyone.

- Let's get everyone.

- Alright.

- We need a picture.

- Come on!


Alright, you ready?

Let's say... Field Day!

Field Day!