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Come Fly with Me (2023)

Posted: 11/07/23 20:14
by bunniefuu
Good morning.

Yes, it is.

Howdy, everybody!

- Mornin'.

- Morning.

I trust

you've all had an opportunity

to look over the ops manual.

Before we dive in,

I just want to take

this opportunity

to officially welcome

the newest members of our team--

"Hawk" Gilbert

and "Blitz" Fitzgerald.

Welcome, guys.


as our training gets underway,

we're gonna be working

in two teams--

the four-aircraft

"Diamond" formation, led by me.

Our goal is to demonstrate

the training and precision

of Air Force pilots.

And the "Solos"--

you two

are expected to highlight

the maximum capabilities

of the F-16.

And, together,

the Diamond and the Solos...

will give us

the Delta Formation.

Now, all right.

Let's get to it.

The Thunderbirds

are ambassadors

to the United States Air Force.

Our precision flying demonstrations

and our involvement with

communities across the country

support our mission

to inspire others

to excellence.

It's also our job to put on

one heck of an air show!

Thunderbird 6

cleared for takeoff.

Runway 3, left.

Thunderbird 6, maintain 8,500.

Now at departure,

Thunderbird 6

is passing 3,000 feet

for 8,500.

Lu, your mom's home.

Hey, kiddo!

What are you doing up?

Just wanted to see you.

Oh. Do you want

a warm drink before bed?



- Oh!

- Uh-huh.

Grandma's specialty.

Look at that.

That's true.

I remember my grandma would

make me a cup of warm milk

if I couldn't sleep.

I was about Lucy's age.

Grandmas are the best.

Yes, they are.

All right, let's get you

to bed, sleepy-head.


Thanks, Mom.

I looked up that bird

we saw last week,

and you owe me an ice cream.

Oh? Was I wrong?


It was an osprey,

not a hawk.

Okay, smartie.

Well, one ice cream

for winning that bet.

Hey, have you, uh...?

Have you seen my keys?

Here you go.

How'd they get in there?

What would you do without me?

I'd definitely be lost.

Yeah, and so would your keys.

Yeah. Where are we

flying to today?

I have some ideas.

Okay, Captain.

Morning, Aiesha.

Paul! Payroll is all done.

Just waiting

for you to sign off.

I don't know

what I would do without you.

You'd be late with payroll.


Uh, thank you for the bonus.

It was unexpected.

I appreciate it.

I appreciate you.

Time to take that vacation.

Are you still planning

on going on that camping trip

with your family?

Yes. Everyone

is getting excited

about trying

some new rock-climbing routes.

The employee discount

really helped

with getting all the gear.

Thank you.

Anytime. You deserve it.

I'm taking Alice

to her doctor's appointment

today after school.

I'll remind you at two.

- Oh, and Aiesha?

- Hmm?

Please let Ricky know

I love what he did

with this display.

Of course.

Afternoon, Carol.


How is my favorite future pilot?

Uh, training's going well.

My ground crew could use

a little work, though.

Yeah, she's definitely

keeping her dad in line.

Alice, I'd like you to meet

my granddaughter, Lucy.

She just moved here from Japan

with her mom.

Oh, my gosh!

You know the Pilot Girls?


you have the limited-edition

aviation Pilot Girls backpack?

Where did you get that?

I got it in Japan.

I also have a lot of

their other stuff, too.

Didn't see that coming.

Wait till she finds out

Lucy's mom

is a Thunderbird pilot.

Your mom's a Thunderbird?


Newest recruit on the team.

That's amazing! So--

It's just wonderful

having them home.

Lucy's mostly been overseas

since she was born.

- Hmm.

- How's Alice doing?

She's good.

Well, she's pretty good.

She transferred

to Jones Middle School.

Most of her friends are still

at Hastings Elementary,

so it's taking her

a little bit to adjust.

Lucy's going there as well.

That's where

I'm going to school, too.


Looks like Dr. Yvonne

is ready for you.

I'll be right back.


Come on, kiddo.

All right.

How you doing?

Just trying

to let it all sink in.

Well, please,

don't hesitate to call

if you have any questions,

about anything.

Thank you.

Oh. Excuse me.


Is everything okay?

Oh, no. Yeah.

No, it-- it slipped my mind.

Um... Okay, of course.

No, I am honored.

Um, I'll be there before close.

Uh, Carol?

I donated a scholarship

to a few kids

that just graduated high school.

I still need to pick up

the certified checks.

So, uh...

I hate to break this up,

but we gotta go.

Paul, we're almost done

for the day.

Lucy and I

are just gonna head home.

Why don't

we take Alice home with us

and you can pick her up

when you're done with work?

Please, Dad?


Well, I know better than

to mess with the Pilot Girls.

Hey, Mom.

Hi, honey.

How you doing today?

Oh, I'm tired.

Who's Lucy's playdate?

That's Alice.

She's been a patient

at the office

since she was a baby.

I introduced

the two of them today.

Her father had

something come up,

so I offered

to bring her home with us.

Those two are getting along

like two peas in a pod.

And they're gonna be

going to the same school!


I can't believe

I was so busy

I missed when my daughter

made a new friend.

Oh, a new job,

a new town?

That's a lot

to take in all at once!

Of course, you're gonna

feel overwhelmed.

It is my dream job.

I just...

I hope that now that I have it,

I can pull it off.

All you've ever wanted

since you were a little girl

is to fly

and be a Thunderbird.

You made that happen.

You have been

beating expectations

and pushing the envelope

your whole life.

Now you can do this, too.

Hey, Mom.

Um, this is Alice.

She knows anime,

she goes to the same school,

and she wants to be a pilot,

just like you.

What's it like,

being a real pilot?

Do you... Do you ever feel

like you're floating?

Or have you ever ejected?

Oh! What's your call sign?

Uh, well, that last part

is classified, but...

have a seat.


- Hi.

- Hi.

Can I help you?

I'm Paul.

I'm here for my daughter, Alice?

Dark hair.

Blue eyes.



Come in! Come in!

We've just finished dinner.

That must be Carol.

Uh, yeah. Come in.

Paul, this is

my daughter, Emma.

Hi. Sorry.

It's been a long day.

I can relate.

Why don't you have a seat?

We're just about

to have dessert.

Girls, help me clear the table.

I've got treats.

I've got mochi!

Oh. My favorite.

Uh, so, Mom tells me

that you have an outdoor store?

Mm-hmm. Everything you need

to enjoy the great outdoors.

Camping, fishing,

rock climbing--

you name it.


I don't enjoy

the great outdoors.

It's turned on me before.

Okay, what are you

talking about?

I was a Junior Girl Scout

and had a run-in with a raccoon,

so, I prefer to stay

in the sky now.

Well, I bet

we could change your mind.

I mean-- the store

could change your mind.


I do love a good challenge.

Your mom, she told me

that you're a Thunderbird.


Now, that sounds

pretty exciting.

- Yeah.

- What position do you play?

I fly "Opposing Solo".

Ah, well, that sounds lonely.

Oh, it's not. It's not.

Especially when

you're flying 500 miles per hour

straight at another jet,

and they're going

the same speed.

Okay, I stand corrected.

That sounds terrifying.

It can be, yeah.

Were you talking about

one of the opposing passes?

"Inverted" or "Calypso"?

'Cause my favorite

is definitely "Knife's Edge".

Oh! Impressive.

You know your maneuvers.

Get ready.

It's gonna be all about

airplanes now.

Don't I know.

Dad, Emma's call sign

is "Blitz".

Isn't that cool?

Oh, that's a great name.

How'd you get it?

Uh, it's classified.


you can call me "Blitz".

You have to earn the right

to know what it means.

It's between us pilots.

She told you?

You know already?

She likes me!

Girl's not wrong.

So, when do you think

I can come see your plane?

Oh, sweetheart, I'm sure

there's lots of rules.

Oh, yeah, there are,

but Alice has someone

on the inside now.

So, I'll put the request in,

and it shouldn't take

too long to clear.

Really? Like, what?

Like, a week?

It's classified.

I'll let Alice know.


All right. Well,

I see I'm outnumbered here.

Carol... delicious.

This was a huge help today.

Thank you for everything.

Oh, our pleasure.

Come on, kiddo.

Let's fly.

Do you want to come

to the store tomorrow?

Mom, can I?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.


It's the Pilot Girls'

secret handshake.

You must earn the right to know.

That's right.

It's classified.

And I know it.


I'm gonna find out

what your call sign means.


May I be excused?

Yes, of course. Of course.

Thank you.


he certainly

got your attention.

Ohh. Mom.

I barely have time

for you and Lucy,

let alone dating.

I need to stay focused.

I'm just saying

that he is a very sweet guy,

and an amazing dad.

Yeah, I got that.

I just-- I still have

so many challenges at work,

and I need to master

my maneuvers.

Thank you so much

for dinner.

Love you.

Love you.

All right, let's review

the Opposing Knife Edge pass.

Now I'll be constant,

down the center

of the show line,

and call the marks.

Your job is to see me

and adjust your timing

for us to cross

at the show center safely.

Now, timing is critical.


No room to be late

on the moves...

not like Hawk over here.

Hey, I'm on time in the air--

where it counts.

Right. Any questions?

Do you always start out

on this maneuver?

I've seen

your combat record, Blitz.

You can handle it.

- Just jump in.

- Trust your instincts.

Stay in the zone.

You know, there's a reason

why they get Frost here

to run this exercise.

Yeah? Why's that?

Because of the "frost"

you will get

if anything goes sideways.

Blitz, time to work

on our first maneuver--

Knife Edge.

Setting up

for the Knife Edge.

Hang on.

Keep it tight.

Coming at you.

On my mark...


Okay, one more time.

Don't hesitate.

Got it.


...hit it!


How'd you feel out there?

Well, I'd rather not be late.

You pushed it a little close.

Remember, you can't half-commit,

or wait for my call.

You'll have to anticipate,

or you'll be late.


"Anticipate, don't hesitate."

That's what the solos

are about--

knowing when to make

the call yourself.

Gotta trust my instincts.

This training

has a steep learning curve.

You've got the skills.

You wouldn't be here

if you didn't.

Trust me.

You're doing great.

So? How'd it go?

Well, there's...

a little room for improvement.

Ah. Sounds a lot like

Hawk's day over here.

Hey, we're talking

about Blitz here.

I feel like

I should be getting this.

Nah. You'll be leaving us

in the dust in no time--

calling me out

for sloppy formations.

Yeah, that's the truth.

You know, it takes time

to get used to flying

with a new team.

We shouldn't be

so hard on ourselves.

We'll get there.

We'll get it.

This system's gonna work.

Lucy, can you help me

with these boxes?

Sure. Where?

Okay. There are colors

and dots and stars.

The pinks go over here

with the dots.

The blues

go with the stars.

And then, the greens

go over there with the lions.

The lions?

I ran out of hearts.

This is fun.

It's like "Go Fish".

What's that?

Oh. It's my scar.

From what?

When I was little,

I had to have operations

on my heart.


It starts here...

and it goes down to about...


What happened?

When I was born,

one side of my heart was lazy.

It still doesn't pump blood

like it's supposed to.

Dr. Yvonne says

the problem's progressing,

and I might need a new one.

Are you scared?

Not really.

I mean, I'm more worried

about my dad.


he tries

to be brave about it, but...

I can always tell

when he's scared.

That's why I keep him organized.

One less thing to worry about.



to Outdoor Supply Company.

Can I help you?

Hi. I'm Emma.

I'm Lucy's mom.

I'm here to pick her up.

Oh, nice to meet you.

I'm Aiesha.

Lucy's been so much fun

to have around.

Good little worker, too.

Oh! That's very nice to hear.

Thank you.


What do you think?

Very impressive. Yeah.

I'll let the girls know

you're here.

I wanted to say thank you

for saving me this week.


Yeah. With Mom and I

both working,

it's been really difficult

to figure out

what to do with Lucy

after school.

It's so different being here

than on base.

How so?

Well, the base in Japan

is like a community.

So, you have a military I.D.

to get on,

and then, once you're there,

there are plenty of safe spaces

for kids to play together.

And if we were on base,

I didn't really worry

about where Lucy was.

Yeah, that is very different.

Yeah. Here,

everything's so spread out.

Gotta drive everywhere, and...

anyway, thank you.

No problem.

It's been fun having both girls.

Alice likes to keep

everything organized

and Lucy has been right there,

happily helping.


Those two are great together.


Lucy's been an absolute joy

to have around.

Hey, uh, check this out, huh?

Who doesn't need this?

It's great for camping

or for walking the dog at night.

Keeps you warm... and safe.

I think I need one.

You're, uh, quite the salesman.

Come on.

Let me take you on a tour.


Hiking and outdoor supplies.

Camping, to the left.


right here to your right.

RVs, outside.

We even have

a climbing wall.


Only thing

you're missing is a lake.

Oh, no.

We have that covered, too.

There's a small pond

by the campers in the back.

You're joking.


What made you decide

to open an outdoor store?

I was raised by my grandma.

You know, she was always

taking me on adventures.

Summers were the best.

We'd pack up the RV,

then we would go cross-country.

You know, camping, fishing...

hiking in Wyoming.

Pick peaches in Georgia.

We even drove through

New York City.

That sounds wonderful.

- Yeah.

- When did you open the store?

Oh, no.

That was all Grandma.

She started a neighborhood store

when I was in high school.

Yeah. She knew exactly

what to stock,

and the place took off.

I stayed close.

I went to UNLB Business School,

and we built

this place together.

One more thing--

the kids' section.

Oh... very cool.


I have one for you.



Hey, Dad.

Hey, Mom.

Nice raccoon.

Oh, no, no.

That one's just for you.

But where there's one...

there's usually more.

Here, Lucy. This one's for you.

I love it.

Thank you so much.

I've always been

wanting to pet one.

Well, we'd better be going.

Grandma is making dinner.

Come on.

Hey, Blitz.

Any hints

on what that call sign means?

Not a chance.

Dad... you're not ready yet.

It was worth a shot.

So, what did you do today?

Alice's dad helped us

with our homework,

then me and Alice

organized the store.

I liked it.

It was fun.

Well, I'm not

gonna complain about that!

How 'bout you?



Sorry. I was just...

looking at the maneuvers.


Alice told me today

about her heart.

She said if it gets any worse,

she's gonna have to go on a list

to get a new one.

Alice is gonna be okay.

Dr. Yvonne is the best.

She's gonna take

great care of her...

and so will I.


Thanks, Grandma.

Mom, can I go watch

Pilot Girls now?

Yes. Yeah, sure, honey.

Go ahead.

I had no idea

it was that bad.


with her diagnosis,

they can go along

living their version of normal,

and then something

will change.

Poor Paul.

I can't imagine

what he must be going through.

It's been a long road

for him.


What happened to her mom?

Alice's mom died

when she was two.

Paul has been mom and dad

ever since.

He loves that girl

more than anything.


I just couldn't

get rid of the Cessna.

We've had it

since Whit was a baby.

MaryAna and I flew it here

from Texas

with two kids

and a chihuahua.

Sounds like one of

those old Vacation movies.

Yeah, well,

it was quite an adventure.

MaryAna said, next time,

I can take the kids,

and she will fly first-class.

Oh. Excuse me.

How's Diamond practice going?

Ah, one day,

I feel like I got it,

the next day,

it's like I've never done

the maneuver before.

I feel the same with Solo.

It's like playing whack-a-mole.

Frost says everyone

feels like that

their first year.

That's what Rocker said.

I guess we should believe them,

but some days...

Briefing room.

Everybody, come take a seat.

So, up until this point,

we've been practicing

as two teams--

the Diamonds and Solos.

And today's the big day--

Delta Day,

where we bring the two together.

Cruising as one perfect unit.

Unless someone messes up.

That's not gonna happen.

Yes, sir.

Isn't it our job

to merge with the Diamonds?

But it's also on us

to adjust for the Solos.

Well, it's about teamwork.

It's about adapting

to each other

and to new environments.

We'll make it happen, sir.

Good. Let's get started.

Good to see you--

and your new hairdo.

Why, thank you.

It's all in the name of fun.

Those rollers are a little big

for your short hair,

aren't they?

It's never too late

to try new things.

Mom, it's

the new TikTok challenge.

It's a 90-second makeover.

You're next, Blitz.

That's right.

Your chair awaits.

Come on, Mom. Sit.

What are you

getting me into?




You've got 90 seconds.

I see you guys do

lots of outdoorsy stuff.


Camping's good for the soul.

Says who?

How was school today, sweetheart?

Zoe Curran invited us

to her birthday party.

- Ah.

- She's so nice.

Uh, Zoe's dad flies

with the Aggressor Squadron

at Nellis.

Have you met him?

Uh... Major Patrick Curran.

He was a Thunderbird,

like, a year ago.

Oh. Um, not yet.

Close your eyes.

Zoe's party's

gonna be at the store.

At the store, huh?

Well, there should be plenty

of adult supervision then.


we just let them run wild.

Well, that sounds fun

for the girls.

You should come, Mom.

Oh, I've gotta study, honey.

So, Lucy's been telling us

all the places you've lived.

That sounds inspiring.

Oh, it can be.

It's also kind of exhausting.

Air Force tours for officers

are three years overseas

and two years stateside.

We move a lot.

20 seconds left.

Does-- Does that mean

you're moving in two years?

Unfortunately, yes.

Sometimes, they make exceptions,

but it's rare,

and mostly luck.

Focus, girls.

We're running out of time.

- Um, we need more black.

- Yeah.

Ooh, definitely more black.

Five seconds.

That's better.

Time's up. Brushes down.

- Done.

- Done.



What's wrong?

Nothing. Um...

...absolutely nothing.

Nice work, ladies.

I can't stop thinking

about you moving.

One year, 11 months,

and counting.

It just doesn't seem fair.

I know, right?

I finally found a place

where I really want to stay.

There has to be a way.

Nope. I've tried

everything before.

Promised to get better grades,

do more chores...

I even faked being sick.

That one kind of backfired.

I got it!

Wouldn't it be great

if my dad liked your mom?

How great would it be

if we were sisters?

We need something

that gets them together...


That's gonna be hard.

My mom's really busy

with her training stuff.

My dad's busy, too.

I don't think

he's ever dated before.

Same with my mom.

Okay, we're gonna need

to teach them how to date.

We need to get your mom

and my dad

to Zoe's birthday party.

That could work.



You got us.


It is a good hiding place.

Do we have to go now?


Gotta finish our homework.

See you later, Fred.

Hoo! Hoo!

What are you

feeling like today, huh?

Um, not sure.


or the daily special?

Surprise me.


I kind of feel sorry

for Blitz.


Well, she just moved here

and she doesn't really

have any friends.

Well, she's busy

with the Thunderbirds.

I'm sure she's friends

with all of them.

Dad, you know work friends

are different.

Okay, when did you turn 30?

I'm just saying!

Like, I don't know...

I was thinking

maybe you could invite her

to help you

at Zoe's birthday party.

I don't think Emma

would be very excited

about going

to a kid's birthday party

at an outdoors store.

Okay, but lots of

the other kids' parents

are gonna be there.

She could make some friends.

It's a good point.

Hadn't thought of that.

Syrup or berries?

Uh... berries, please.

You got it.

Yes, please.

Maybe both.

Ahem. Hi, sweetheart.

How you doing?

I'm okay.

How long was I out?

'Bout an hour.

You were snoring.

Was not.

Was too.

You did not!


Oh, I miss these snuggles.

Me too, Mom.

Sorry I've been so busy.

I know I haven't been

around for you much.

It's okay

now that Alice is my friend.

Well, I know

this must be hard on you,

and I appreciate

you being such a trooper.

Do you still have

to study Saturday?

It's Zoe's birthday party.

It'll only be a couple of hours.

I really want you to come.

I miss being with you.

You're gonna play that card?


How can I say "no"

to that face?


I'm so excited.

Alice said

this is the only place

to get Zoe's birthday gift.

I love it.

Yeah, those are pretty cool.

Come on.

Let's see what else they have.

Mom, can we look

at these first?


Plants? Okay.

Girls name them,

like pets.

They're cute.




This is great.

Now we can look together.

Uh, yeah... let me show you

where the good stuff is.

Can we go on our own?

Sure, yeah.

Call if you need us.

We'll be fine.

Yeah. And we'll probably take

a long time.

You don't think that they...?

Seems that way.


Of course.

Those two always

conveniently find each other.


You want to join me at the cafe

while they're busy?

Sure, yeah.

Good idea.

They have

the best iced tea here.

Whenever I pass through

this part of town, I stop.

So you mean whenever

you have to make

a mandatory stop

at the Girl's Boutique?

Yeah, that sounds about right.

It's nice that you do

stuff like this with Alice.

And that's great

that she has a dad

who is not afraid

of wild animals,

and also isn't

afraid of girly things.

Ah, it's part of the gig,

and I enjoy it all.

So, aside from your gig

as an awesome dad,

what part of your other job

do you enjoy the most?

You know, that's tough.

I love the team atmosphere

we've created at the store,

but I think

the most rewarding part

is when our advice

or our gear

helps someone get outdoors

to create

their own memorable experience.

Hmm. That's nice.

That's a good way

to connect with people.

I've had some of my most

profound life experiences


It's the only place I feel like

I can really clear my mind

and be fully present.

Thank you.


Anyway, enough about me.

How's training?

Oh, it's great.

I'm really feeling it.

Every muscle in my body hurts

from pulling Gs.

Oof. What are they

doing to you?

Well, we started

Delta Formation this week,

which is really exciting,

but the maneuvers are tight,

so my hand went numb

from holding the position.

It'll get better,

but just don't expect me

to text for a couple days.

Alice has

the Delta poster in her room.

It looks like your wings

are almost touching.

They almost are.

At times, we fly about

18 inches away from each other.

Wow. That's close.

Yeah. Yeah.

It's definitely different

from how I'm used to flying.

Yeah, but you're doing it.

I've only known you

for a short time,

but I feel like

you can do anything.

- Hmm.

- I mean it.

I-I really believe that.

Thank you.

Thanks. I wouldn't trade

this experience for anything.

I really love what I do.

I love challenging myself,

being a part of a team.

It really is

a dream come true.

You light up

when you talk about flying.

Alice does

the exact same thing.

I remember being her age,

and just having this desire

to get in the sky.

I know

exactly how she feels.

My little girl

never ceases to amaze me.



It surprises me sometimes

how much she's aware of.

I feel

the same way about Lucy.

We're gonna have to keep

our eye on those two.

They're up to something.

Oh, you can count on it.

Have you thought about

coming to the birthday party?

I am looking for an assistant.

Oh. For what?

Well, I decided to put together

this friendly competition

to see who can set up a tent

the fastest.


Well, I haven't

set up a tent in years.

I don't think I'd be much help.

That's okay.

The kids'll feel better

if you're setting your tent up


Oh. Well, at least

my inexperience

can help the children

feel better about themselves.

You know, on second thought,

you might want

to show up early to practice,

so you're not too terrible.

I'll help you.

What do you say?

Okay, I'll come.

"Hometown Hero" nominee

is Paul Wagner.

He owns The Outdoor Store

in Henderson.

I know that guy.

"The Hometown Hero"?

Yeah. Hometown Hero

is someone

who goes above and beyond

for the community.

This guy had

the most nominations we've seen

in a long time.

He does a lot.

This guy custom-made

a piece of outdoor equipment

for a friend of mine

with a disability.

Didn't even charge him.

And, last year,

when that flash flood

hit the homes in Henderson,

he loaned out RVs, campers,

and supplies to the community

to help get those displaced

back on their feet.

And there's a lot more here.

Plus, he's got a daughter

who wants to be a pilot.

Just proof

she's being raised right.

We give the Hometown Heroes

a true Thunderbird experience--

a flight in an F-16--

which is scheduled for...


and we still need someone

to pick up the ride.

We have a Diamond practice

scheduled that day.


Ah, well, I can do it.

I know him.

His daughter and mine

are best friends, actually.

He's been good to us.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Well, thanks for stepping up.

Public Affairs

is reaching out to him today

to confirm.

They'll send you protocol.

So make sure you clear it

with Boss.


Nice work, Paul.

You made it through

your ejection-seat training

and your flight-suit fitting.

You look good.


I didn't realize so much prep

goes into

just taking a ride in a jet.

Well, we try not to hurt

our Hometown Heroes.

Just "try"?

I gotta admit,

the possibility of passing out

and getting airsick--

it did k*ll the buzz a bit.

Oh, you'll be fine.

Your G-suit will help

with the passing out.

Only you can

control the other thing.

I'll do my best.

I would appreciate that.

I'll be talking to you

throughout the entire process

so that you know

what's going on.

When I get the plane airborne,

I'll pull the gear up,

and then we'll accelerate

to about 450 knots.

That's over 500 miles an hour!

All right.

Let's head out

to the practice field

for your ride.

Carol, Alice, and Lucy

will be waiting for us

when we touch down.

We'll be flying the F-16

"D" model today.

Can I fly this thing

from the backseat?

You can...

but you won't.

Yeah, I had no idea

what you do.

This is incredible!

Mm-hmm. Best job in the world.

When did you know

you wanted to become a pilot?

Mm. Always.

My Uncle Joe--

my mom's brother--

used to take me up in his Cessna

when I was a kid,

and when I was

about Alice's age,

he let me hold the controls--

I was hooked.

Huh. Lucky girl.

And then what happened next?

What do you mean?

Well, how'd you go

from flying a Cessna

to a... a Thunderbird?

Oh! Ha.

You want my resume.

Student pilot license at 14,

solo at 16,

Air Force Academy,

pilot training,

fighter slot...

assignments here and there.

So when you go in,

you go all-in.

I like that.

That's enough about me.

What about you?

You don't seem

very nervous right now.

I trust you.

So, you gonna let me know

how you got

that call sign, Blitz?

Absolutely not.

You haven't earned it... yet.

Oh, ho, ho. Okay.

Let's get our G-suits on.

All right!

Ready back there?

Go for it.

You feel that kick?

Oh, yeah.

All right, hang on!

Hanging on.


Whoa, yeah, baby! Whoo!


All right,

now we're gonna pull some Gs!

Go for it!

Here we go!

You okay back there?

Oh, yeah!

Yeah, I'm okay!


Whoa! That was awesome!

Whoa! Oh, yeah!


You all right?

It felt like my face

was gonna slide off!

Yeah. That was a full loop.

You passed through 15,000 feet

of air on that maneuver.


Ohh, I'm just so happy

I didn't throw up.

Yeah, that's the first test.

It felt like

a roller coaster off the rails.

All right.

Well, we can do it again.

Yeah? How about a-a--

how about a sunset flight?

Next time.


That's a maybe!

That was amazing!

So, how did it feel?

Were you scared?

Or did you feel sick?

All of the above.

How many Gs did you pull?

Did you do a loop?

You know, I have to say,

I'm very impressed.

After aileron rolls,

a full loop,

and pulling almost nine Gs,

he still made it down the ladder

on his own.

I did not know that.

Nine Gs? Dad, you did so well!

Thank you.

Did you girls have fun?

Yeah. The crew chiefs

gave us ice cream.

Oh, that's nice.

You need some ice cream?

I think I might.

- Can I frame it?

- Yeah.

I'm sure your dad

can help you with that.

There you go, Alice.

All right, it's official--

you're an honorary member

of the Thunderbirds.

Thanks, guys.

All right.

I know that look.

Thinking about flying, huh?

What's it like

when you're up there?

Well, I love the...

the challenge, the speed...

It's quiet.

Like another world.


when it's just me--

no training maneuvers

or missions--

I feel... as a bird



at the same time.

It's just me and the sky.

Nothing else matters.

That sounds like

I always hoped it would be.

I know

my heart

will probably prevent me

from ever being

a real pilot...

...but I'll keep dreaming.

You never know.

Lots of ways to fly.

They're so adorable together.

Mm-hmm. Thanks.

That meant a lot

to Alice today.

Oh, I'm so glad I could

do something special for her.

Do you mind if she comes home

with Lucy and I later?

That's perfect.

I'll pick her up

after I lock up at the store.

All right.

The girls will be so excited.

See you.

I should be there around seven.

Hey! You're right on time.

It's cupcake night.

Ooh, impeccable timing!

Don't forget to add sprinkles.

That was so funny.

Mom thought we said

we couldn't find "the monkeys".

We were talking about car keys.

They're ganging up on me!

That is funny.

Lately, I feel like

my brain just doesn't function

past 6:00 p.m.

Well, that's because

you're always studying

and you don't take breaks.

You need to relax.

You can't keep this tempo up.

I'm afraid if I stop,

I won't start again.

You know, I have

just the thing for that.

Let's go camping

this weekend, huh?

Oh, I... I don't need

another challenge.

Come on, Mom.

All the sunshine,

fresh air...


Lu, I've already got so much

to do this weekend.

We could go to Ruby Lake.

It's gorgeous.

Yeah! We'll go out Saturday.

You'll be back Sunday.

I want to go.



Look, we'll even

go easy on you.

It's your first time, right?

So we'll go glamping.

It's almost like a hotel.

Trust me.

It'll clear your mind.

You'll feel much better.


Okay. But there better not

be any raccoons!

Scout's honor.

It's so luxurious.

Yeah, my dad started me

this way, too.

But now we just use

sleeping bags under the stars.

Oh, right. Well, let's not

get ahead of ourselves.

Is everyone ready

for some adventure?

I am!

Good. Alice?

What's on the schedule?

Okay, we have...


light hike,

doubles canoe, fire pit,

hopefully, cook fish...


and stargazing.

That's a lot.

Well, let's get started.

The fun isn't gonna

happen on its own.


I caught one!

Wait, wait, wait.


There we go. Nice catch.

Oh! I think I got one too!

Oh, you got one, too?

Okay, okay, yeah.

Not too quick.

Not too quick. Not too quick.

There you go.

There we go!

Uh... Paul?

Okay, nice and easy.

Nice and easy, you got this.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Good, good, good, good, good!

Lost it.

Can't catch 'em.

Are you having one of

your thingies again?

Um, it'll be over in a minute.

Hey, kiddo.

Another one?

It's fine, Dad.

It's almost over.

I think we should take it easy

for the rest of the day.

Dad, canoeing's

next on the list.

You have to take them.

You know...

I've done time in a canoe,

and I'm okay

staying on land.

I'll stay.

Dad, please take Lucy.

She's never been.

I'm fine. Really.

I-I can stay with Blitz.

You sure you're okay?


Do you want to go?

Can I, Mom?

Of course. Yeah.

I'll be right back.


Thank you.


Here's the deal, though...

we have to carry it all the way

down to the water.

Oh, no.

You okay with that?

Sure, I can do it.

That's it. That's it.

A little deeper.

- Good!

- Got it!

There you go.

You're a natural.

Hey, why don't

you just pull your paddle up

and just rest it on the canoe?


It's nice just to slow down

and be in the moment.

"In the moment"?


That way, you can take in

the whole experience.

What do you see?

Well, I see water,

trees, mountains...

lots of trees!

Wish I had my phone

so I could take a picture.

Can I teach you a trick?

When I want

to remember a moment,

I just stop...

and I close my eyes.

Why don't you give it try?

You ready?

Can you still

see the mountain?

Uh... yeah.

I guess.

What do you hear?

I hear the water making noise

on the boat.


Oh, and there's a bird, too.

Good job!

You're getting it.

Oh, I think

I see the mountain now.

There's a lot of trees on it.

You hear that fish?


Whoa, there's another one!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Okay, okay, okay.

I give up.

You win.

Do you want to go check out

that beaver dam?

Ooh! Yeah.


Feeling better?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good.

I just needed a rest.


You know...

I think we pilots

are a lot alike.

Training for Thunderbirds

is really, really hard,

and, sometimes...

...I wonder if I'm ever gonna be

as good as I need to be.


And I get frustrated a lot.

I know everything's

going to be all right, but...

that doesn't mean

I don't get scared

on the inside.

I... I couldn't tell.

That's 'cause I hide it.

And that's not

always a good thing.

It prevents people

from being there for me.

I'm a little scared.

It's okay to be scared.

I just don't want my dad

to worry any more

than he already does.


Don't be concerned

about your dad. Okay?

Your father is going to worry

the perfect amount.

I've learned a lot

from you lately.

Like what?


you're the one that got me

to stop working,

come out here...


and spend some time

together this weekend.

Thank you for that.

I don't know about camping, but...

Dinner was delicious.

Camp cuisine has come a long way

since Junior Girl Scouts.

Well, I can't

just serve you hot dogs.

We want you coming back.

It's working.

I'm really enjoying myself.

Very relaxed.

That's good.

Girls! Bedtime!

Thank you for all of this,

and for playing with Lucy.

I have not seen her so happy and...



The one-on-one was nice.

I really like

spending time with her.

Yeah. Well, she doesn't get

a lot of rough-and-tumble time.

She never knew her dad, so.

May I ask why?

Yeah. Um...

...Stephen and I met

during pilot training...


at the start

of the second year,

we got married,

and at the end of that year,

there was...

there was an accident

on a rejoin-formation practice.

I didn't know yet

that I was pregnant with Lucy.


I am so sorry. I...

Lucy looks a lot like him.

Well, we have that to hold onto,

at least.


Um, Alice looks a lot

like her mom, too.

There is something

comforting about that.


Mom said she passed

when Alice was two?

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, she had a--

a heart condition.

The first year without her

was the hardest.

Being a single dad

to a daughter

is different than anything

I could have ever imagined.

You know, I'm the one

who has to teach Alice

all the big stuff in life.

You know.


I'm really not

looking forward

to some of

these future conversations.

Terrifies me, at times.


You are the best "girl dad"

I've ever met.

Thank you.

I just want to get it right.

Me too.

next to the purchase orders

or under the counter?

Yeah, that'll work.

Dad? You doing okay?

I'm fine.

You know...

if something's on your mind,

then the best thing to do

is to talk about it.

How would you feel

about me asking Emma

on a date, hmm?


Yeah. You like her, huh?

Yeah. I really do.

Well, then you should

definitely ask her out.

I don't know.

She just seems so busy.

Dad, she went camping.

You gotta think positive.

Well, yeah, but her schedule,

and her studying, and--

Wait. You need to take breaks

when you're studying.

You tell me that

all the time.

Besides, you'll be helping her.

You think so?

Dad, you gotta take a chance.

Get out of your comfort zone.

So, have you thought about

where you're gonna take her?

I was thinking

about maybe taking her

to a really great

Italian restaurant.

Okay. Boring.

She's a fighter pilot.

It has to be something fun.

Fun, like an activity?



That's good.

Yeah, let me think on this. Uh...

You're gonna do great, Dad.

How did you get to be

so wise, huh?

Good parenting?



- That went well.

- Yeah, it felt better.

You've got the Solo maneuvers.

You just need to work

a little more

on your Delta rejoin

with the rest of the team.

Aw, come on.

Let's go ten.

What'd you

get up to this weekend?

Oh, I went camping.

You went camping?


Paul took, uh,

his daughter, Alice,

and Lucy and I.

It was really nice, actually.

Wait! The Hometown Hero?

It's that, uh,

outdoor rugged look.

And those eyes.

Maybe it's the hair.

All right, guys, come on.

He seems great, Blitz.

Hey, we're heading out

for a night of "team building".

Guess who got to pick

the venue?

Oh... Hawk. Karaoke?

No. Please, please don't

do that to us again.

Guys. It's my calling.

You're an amazing pilot,

but you can't sing.

She has a point.

I have plans.

I'll take a raincheck.


Thank you.

I cannot remember

the last time I was in a place

just for adults.


No more singing mice

or sticking to your seat.

I find myself

thanking you a lot.

You always, uh,

come to the rescue,

make me laugh.

I'm enjoying

every minute of it.

We've been prepping so hard

for this run-through.

It's a friends-and-family

practice airshow,

and it's coming up soon.

It's... It's a lot,

so, I appreciate it.


I wanted to ask you, um,

what's it feel like

to be the newest member

of the squadron?

They treating you okay?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it's great.

The guys are like brothers.

Always joking and--

but serious about what matters.

You know?

They really have my back,

and that's very important.



You're unlike anyone

I've ever met before.

I admire how much

you put into your work.

I really do.

Oh. I guess

I'm just proud of it.

Doesn't seem to be

much time for just you, though,

and I think

that we better change that.


this is a good start.

Do you have a... a bucket list?

Mm. Mm-hmm.

It probably needs an update.

Oh... good.

'Cause there are plenty

of places I'd like to show you.

Las Vegas isn't just casinos.

Us locals--

we know all the hidden gems.

There's this place

that's just outside the city,

has the most incredible view

of a sunset.

I like that idea.

And there just so happens to be

a small airstrip there.

You've thought of everything.

Well, actually,

Alice was the one who found it,

but I think

you're gonna love it.

So, have I watched

too many movies,

or do all you pilots

play pool, huh?

Only one way to find out.

Oh. Okay.

I'll take it easy on you.

Uh, you probably shouldn't.

I used to play at a bar

just like this at the academy.


Here's to healthy sportsmanship.


I'll take it easy on you.

You can go first.

You probably shouldn't do that.

Nice one.

This should be fun.

...Got an open sky

I got you by my side...

Yeah, I...

I got a big old heart

I got a big blue sky

I got you by my side

Everybody's waiting

Worried about their problems

Except you and I

Are gonna skip the line

Good game.

Very good game.

But I like this song.

Come on.

Dancing is not

going to save you

from losing the next game.

I don't know about that.

...If you need hope

If you feel low...

It's been a while, sorry.

That's okay.

...Can't take my eyes

off of you...

How's this, huh?

I like it.

I like it, too.

So... what about you?

Have you dated?

No, not really.

There's a lot of

great women out there,

but Alice and I--

we come as a package deal.

She's gotta be the right one.

I have to really be feeling it.


Lucy and I are the same.

Plus, um...

it's really hard to find a guy

that can handle

the moving

and what I do.

He's gonna

have to be very strong


comfortable with himself. without you

And the things that you do

If you need heart

If you need soul

If you need

anything at all

Can't take

my eyes off of you

Can't take my eyes

off of you...

You ready for another game?

In a moment.

...When it shines on you

Can't take my eyes

off of you

Airshow run-throughs

can be challenging.

I will admit,

I'm a little nervous.

Well, I'd be worried

if you weren't.

Now remember,

you would not be here

if you weren't already

an amazing pilot.

Time to work

on the Calypso Pass.

Gotcha, Five.

Smoke on.

Ready now.

Set 150.

You got it.

Calypso complete.

Blitz, prepare to rejoin Delta.

Joining formation.

Coming up on the left side.

Tighten up.

Push forward.

Push forward--

you're a little late.

Got it.

That's it.

Commit and go!

Come on, Blitz.

You were amazing.

It doesn't matter

how you got there.

You got into formation.

I was late.

That's why we train--

so we can improve.

Besides, no one gets it perfect

the first time.

Well, I did.

He didn't.

And unlike the rest of us,

you get worse with practice.

Good one!

Hey, keep doing

what you're doing.

Thanks, guys.

I appreciate it.

You weren't serious

about that, were you?

Ah, maybe a little.

Hey, Blitz.

We'll be performing

a full practice airshow soon

in front of family

and some press.

Now, that means

every component

needs to be tight.

You've been a little delayed

on the rejoin for the Delta.

You're doing great

once you're in--

nice and smooth.

You just need to fly the jet

more aggressively

to join the formation.

Just get into position

on time.


You know...

flying with the Thunderbirds

is different than anything

you've ever done

with any other squadron.

Stay aggressive,

but relax.


Got it.

Mom, my head is spinning.

I thought about Stephen

and his accident, and then--

Well, that makes sense with

all the maneuvers you're doing.

I mean,

you're only being human.

And then I thought about Paul.

I can't think about

anyone or anything

other than training right now.

That's the way I would go.

Oh, would you

excuse me a minute?

Mom, I gotta go.



Is, uh, is Lucy ready?

Uh, no, I don't think so.

You're a little bit early.

Um, but I can go

track the girls down.


Rough day, or what?

Yeah, you could say that.

How about you?

Yeah, same as usual.

I've just been chasing our girls

around everywhere.


What's going on?

Paul, this thing,

between us...'s just happening too fast.

Oh... okay.

I'll reel it back.

Slow it down.

I just need to concentrate

on my training.

I agree.

I-Is there anything

that I can do to help?

No, it's not that.

You do everything to help.

Emma, what we have between us,

it-it's a good thing.

I just moved across the world

with my daughter.

Okay? My job

is so much more difficult

than I ever

could have imagined and...

if I make one mistake

when I am training,

it could have

serious consequences.

I understand.

It's just too much.

I'm sorry.


So am I.

I'll let Lucy know you're here.

Ladies and gentlemen--

It's my pleasure

to offer you a warm welcome

to the Nellis Air Force Base

friends-and-family airshow



Should've known

Alice would get here early!

She's been waiting for this

all week.

No one got any sleep

last night.

Dad, is it okay

if me and Lucy go closer?

I want to show her

the upside-down number

on Five's plane.

I've been meaning to ask you--

why is the number

on Frost's plane upside down?


everybody knows it's 'cause

Five does most of his flying

upside down.

I didn't.

Okay, go ahead.

Lucy, you got your phone?


Okay. Be careful, girls.

I'm glad you're here.

I am, too.

And, Paul,

I'm sorry about Emma.


Carol, it's all good.

She's just under

a lot of pressure right now.

I understand.

She needs to concentrate

on her training.

She cares a lot

about you and Alice.

We care for her, too.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome

our two Solo pilots--

our Lead Solo,

Thunderbird 5--

Major Robert "Frost" Nelson.

And Thunderbird 6--

flying Opposing Solo,

Captain Emma "Blitz" Fitzgerald.

It's starting. There's Blitz!

There's my mom.

Hi, Mom.

We've got

some spectacular maneuvers

planned for today,

so, everyone, buckle up

and watch

America's Team in action.

This is so cool!


Do you remember

any of the maneuvers?

Are you okay?

Hey, what's going on, Alice?

I'm fine.

Are you sure?

We can go now if you--


No. I-I can't miss this.

I'm fine.

I just... choked on my drink.

...that every Air Force pilot

must perform...

And now...

the moment

you've all been waiting for--

sit back and relax...

because it's showtime.

Watch as Thunderbird 1,

known to the team as "Boss",

brings the team from takeoff

into the iconic

Diamond formation.

There she goes!

At times,

the team flies

a mere 18 inches apart.


They're coming up

on Knife's Edge.

That sounds scary.

It only looks scary.

Just wait.

Gotcha, Frost.

Solos ready...

hit it!

Six is really

on her game today!

That was close.

She was right on time!

Blitz, that's it.

Crisp and clean.


Now, look to your right

as Captain "Blitz" Fitzgerald

performs four consecutive

aileron rolls.


I told you

it would be like this!

And now,

one of my all-time favorites--

the Calypso Pass,

featuring our pilots,

"Frost" Nelson

and "Blitz" Fitzgerald.

Gotcha, Five.

My mom is so cool.

I know. I love it.

Nice one, Blitz.


That was a blast.

Look high,

and to the right,

as Thunderbird 1, "Boss,"

repositions the Delta

for the Delta Burst.

Nice work, team!

This is so cool.

We are proud to represent

the 66,000 Air men and women

who are deployed

around the world.

Mom! I'm so proud of you.

Oh, thanks, honey.

That was the best airshow

I've ever seen.

Congratulations, Emma.

Just like the announcer said--


Thank you very much.

Next year, Blitz'll be

taking over Number 5.

Oh, yeah! Then you'll be

the one flying upside-down.

I'm looking forward to it.

Did you get orders

for next year?

I'll be flying with

the Aggressor Squadron

here at Nellis.

You're able to stay

here in Vegas?

For two more years.

These slots do open up.

Anything's possible.



- Hey--

- Dad, this one's different.

Okay, I got you.

I got you.

It's her heart.

Call an ambulance. No sirens.

- I don't want to scare her.

- Yeah.

It's okay, honey.

It's okay.

They're on their way.

- Grandma, is she okay?

- Not now.

It's okay.

You're gonna be okay.

They've moved her up

on the transplant list.

It shouldn't be much longer.

Thank you for being here...

and for bringing Lucy by

after school.

It's made a difference

for both of us.

We know

it's been a long week for you.

Mr. Wagner?

I have news.

It is a miracle

to happen this fast.

We found a match.

Once the preparations

are complete,

the surgeon and I will come back

and speak with you

about all the details. Okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

How is this even possible?

I thought

everything was ready to go.

I-- I don't understand.

There was a mechanical issue

with the transport plane.

The team can't get out.

It's a remote airport.

We've tried everything.

Well, where is it?

Just outside

Kingman, Arizona.

It's about an hour by air

each way,

and there's

the possibility of bad weather.

We have under four hours.

What about a Medevac from here?

That's not

what Medevac does.

It's a completely different

service and protocol.

Isn't there another hospital

in Vegas that can help?

That's not how this works.

Contracts, liabilities--

i-it would take weeks

to get approval.

And time is of the essence.

Is there any special equipment

needed on the plane?

No, not really.

I think I have an idea.

Let me make a couple calls.

She's a pilot.

Frost? Hi, I need a favor.

I need to borrow the Cessna.

Great. I'll meet you there.

Frost says

I can take the plane.

I'll call Boss on the way.

I will alert the team.

They're already at the airport.

They can meet you at the plane,

and then I will arrange

for an emergency vehicle

to meet you

when you land back here.

Give her my information.

Text me everything

I need to know.



Got it.

Emma Fitzgerald...

It's getting late.

I'm gonna take Lucy home.

You gonna be okay

on your own?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll let you know

as soon as Emma lands.

Okay. Okay.

Here we go.

We'll say a prayer

for you tonight.

See you soon, okay?

Come on.

Come on.

Just five more minutes. Please.

There you are!

Kingman Airport Traffic--

Cessna 7-2-0-Alpha-Golf

five miles north

for a straight-in

to runway 1-7.

Full stop, Kingman.


clear visual approach,

runway 1-7.

Okay, okay.

That is it.

You are good to go.

Hey, thanks

for saving us here.

You looked at the weather yet?

I was just about to.

Multiple lightning strikes

reported near Nelson.

Just route west of there,

and you should be safe.

Should only add about 10 minutes

to your flight plan.

It's almost an hour there,

now an extra 10.

This is gonna be close.

Yeah, you've gotta leave now.

You've only got a small window

to get out of here


you are not going anywhere.

All right. I'm out.

- Okay.

- Thank you very much.

Come on.

Wheels up in five,

on my way back.

I love you so much, baby girl.

Oh, please.

Las Vegas approach

in Cessna 7-2-0-Alpha-Golf

requesting a heading

to deviate around weather.


are you medical support?

Affirmative. I am carrying

a heart for transplant.


I'll notify the authorities.


the police escort upon arrival

and notifying

the transplant team.

All right, we're good.

Hey. Thank you.

On the move!

You made it.

You're just in time.

They-- they're prepping her

for surgery right now.

Alice, she--

she always trusts me

to make everything okay,

to make everything safe.

I-I have never felt

so helpless in my life.

Hey. Hey, hey.

They're doing everything

that can be done for her.

She's gonna be all right.


Orderly, look into room 302,


Orderly, look into

room 302, please.

Nurse Franklin, please...

Nurse Franklin to Admitting.

Mr. Wagner?

How is she?

She is doing great.

When can we see her?

Let the nurses

get her settled in I.C.U.

It won't be long.

And what happens next?

She'll be in hospital

for a couple of weeks,

and then home.

Alice is a brave girl.

You should be

very proud of her.

I sure am.

Um... when you see fit...

can you please give this letter

to the donor's family from us?

Of course.

Thank you.

I should be going.

I'll, um, give Mom and Lucy

the good news.




Thank you.

so I'll be gone that Thursday

through Monday.

That's the same weekend

Dr. Yvonne is taking

the entire office

to the convention

in Hawaii.

Ohh. I totally forgot.

What am I gonna do?

You still haven't spoken to him

since the hospital?

It's been weeks!

Just a couple of texts.

Emma, you can do

better than that.

Do you miss him?

Very much.

I have seen you two together.

You haven't been the same

since the two of you

stopped seeing each other.

Go talk to him.

Ask him to keep Lucy

for the weekend,

and tell him

how you feel.

What if he doesn't

feel the same way,

after how I ended things?

I wouldn't even know

what to say to him.

Don't worry about the details.

Just go talk to him.

Tell him how you feel,

and trust that everything

will work out.

I'm gonna keep working

on the lettering...

Okay, I'm gonna get

these edges over here.

Good idea.

- You got that?

- Yeah.

Alice, how are you doing?

Oh, I'm good.



It's good to see you.

You too.

- I wanted to--

- I wanted to--

Um, you go first.


I have a favor to ask.

The weekend of the 19th,

I have a flyover,

and Mom is also working.



Say no more.

Of course, we'd love

her to stay with us.

Are you sure?

I know you have your hands full

with Alice already.

It's not a problem.

Happy to help.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Everything okay?


I wanted to apologize

for the way that I handled

things between us.

I feel terrible about it.

I-I was overwhelmed.

With the new schedule

kicking in,

I'm still not sure

how I'm gonna divide my time

with everything, and...

You don't have

to divide your time.

I'm worried.

With the upcoming season,

how I'm gonna take care of Lucy,

and do all the work--

- Emma.

- ...And studying, and...

I love you.

We can do this together.

I'll cover for you

when you need,

and you can do

the same for me.

We already know

we can do that.

I would've never made it

through Alice's surgery

if it wasn't for you.

I wouldn't have been

anywhere else.

And I love you, too.

You are an amazing woman...

in everything you do.

I really don't want

to be without you.

I feel the same way.

Are you sure

you're gonna be okay

with the two of them

without me?

Girls' night?

Of course.

I've been wanting to try

that Thunderbird-blue

nail polish.

It's all over TikTok.


you have enriched my life

in ways that I didn't even know

that I needed.

Your kindness...

...your vulnerability,

your strength,

and your perseverance...

they're an inspiration to me.

Lucy and I

cannot imagine our lives

without you and Alice

along for the ride.

I vow to be your wife today

and for

the rest of our lives.


you add to every moment

and make it better.

I was struck by you

the second you opened

your mother's door.

I am honored

to be joining our lives,

and to grow our family.

Alice and Lucy--

they brought us together.

Who would have thought?

We did!

You three

bring me the purest joy.


...I vow

to be your husband...

...and for the rest

of our lives.


I think it's time you know

what my call sign means.


That's what "Blitz" means?

I earned it.

Are you ready

to become a pilot for real?

Do you mean

you're gonna let me fly?


Just like we practiced

on the simulator.

I'm ready!

Me too.

This is the best.



So, Blitz...

I'm ready

for our next flight.

All right.

Let's take that ride.