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01x01 - The Rules of Life

Posted: 11/07/23 19:56
by bunniefuu
[tense music playing]

[growls softly]

[Morgan Freeman] Two million years ago,

and our planet is a very different place.



A saber-toothed cat, the Smilodon.

[ominous music playing]


A fearsome predator of its age.

Standing in the way, a giant terror bird,

two meters tall.

[barks, roars]

[growls softly]

Both sides are armed

and prepared for a fight.



[dramatic music playing]

This is the story

of the great battles for survival

and the dynasties

that would take over the world.


This is the story of life.

[music intensifies, ends]

[rousing music playing]

[low growling]




[rousing music continues]


[wind howling]


[rousing music intensifies]

[music fades]

[tranquil music playing]

If you know where to look,

you can still find clues

to the origins of life on our planet.

This is not just a gathering

of marine predators.

It is a coming together

of ancient bloodlines.

Sharks, living fossils,

virtually unchanged

for hundreds of millions of years.

Dolphins, air-breathing mammals

whose ancestors once roamed on land.



Whales, bigger than any other animals

that have ever lived.



the last survivors of the dinosaurs

the world's greatest dynasty.

[dramatic music playing]

All predators,

all hunting the same prey,

but all with totally different origins.

There are more than ten million species

of plant and animals alive today.

[rousing music playing]

And yet, they are just 1%

of all species that have ever existed.

[birds chirping]

By traveling back in time,

we'll meet many of the 99%

that have gone extinct



to reveal

the most extraordinary story of all,

the story of life on our planet.




[music fades]

[thunder rumbles]

Life and all its incredible variety

had to start somewhere.

[thunder continues]

The first spark appeared

four billion years ago.

Perhaps uniquely,

our planet had just the right conditions.

Liquid water, energy from the Sun,

and the perfect chemistry

for life to take hold.

[dreamy music playing]

The exact process

is lost in the mists of time.

But what it produced

was a tiny single living cell.


the Last Universal Common Ancestor

from which all life,

everything, is descended.

[music ends]

From these humble beginnings,

life took billions more years

to develop real complexity.

A feat it first achieved in the oceans.


The earliest animals to attain supremacy

were simple life forms.

[water babbling]

These invertebrates,

animals without backbones,

ruled the seas for many millions of years.

Throughout history,

life has been waging an unending w*r.

One dynasty rising,

only to be vanquished by the next.

Plants were among the first

to conquer the land

creating conditions that, in time,

allowed the invertebrates to follow

and take over.


But the invertebrates

could not rule forever.

[ominous music playing]

A new dynasty would surpass them.

One that also came from the water.


The amphibians


whose novel body plan

of four limbs and a backbone

would prove

an enduring blueprint for success.


Their reach was limited

by their ties to water.

But they spawned another dynasty

with no such binds.

The reptiles.

[low growl]

Able to exploit even the driest regions,

their sprawling gait

carried them around the world.


For the first time in history,

there was a global power.

From these early reptiles

came the most iconic dynasty of them all.

[majestic music playing]

The dinosaurs.



They were to rule

for over 150 million years.



A group of astonishing variety,

whose absolute dominion

was only cut short by calamitous bad luck.



[wind howling]

Out of their shadows

rose the last great bloodline.

The mammals.

[low growling]

One of whom would go on

to change our planet

like nothing before.

[music ends]

[birds chirping]

The rise and fall of these dynasties,

over four billion years,

has not just been a matter of chance.

The whole journey,

from the beginning of life

to the infinite variety we know today,

has been driven

by certain fundamental principles.

The rules of life.

The first rule is the best adapted

will always win through.

Every one of these butterfly eggs

looks identical.

But each has

a different combination of genes

that makes them,

individually, completely unique.

[birds tweeting]

[tranquil music playing]

Some will have genetic qualities

that help them survive.

Qualities that will pass

from generation to generation

until eventually,

one will be so different

to its predecessors

that it becomes an entirely new species,

better adapted to its environment.

This is evolution.

- [rustling]

- [birds chirping]

[music intensifies]

But the caterpillars

aren't the only ones evolving.

[rustling, creaking]

Everything in this forest

is fighting for survival


including the plants.

Unchecked, the caterpillars

would strip them bare.


[dramatic music playing]

But this plant has evolved

its own adaptations for survival.

Poison in its leaves,

capable of k*lling

anything that eats them.

It's chemical warfare.

[ominous music playing]

Then a new species of caterpillar evolves

that can eat

the otherwise poisonous leaves,

along with any eggs that might be on them.

In response,

other butterflies adapt

to only lay on plants

that are free of eggs

[birds tweeting]

[serene music playing]

ensuring their young

have the best possible start.

But the plants retaliate

[sinister music playing]

forming growths on their leaves

that mimic butterfly eggs

deterring any females from laying there.

What's more, the fake eggs

produce a sweet nectar that attracts ants

that feed on caterpillars.

[sinister music continues]

The first rule of life,

that the best adapted will win through

[music ends]

has produced the huge diversity

that exists today.

[birds tweeting]

The next rule of life

is that competition drives adaptation.

And the most acute competition

comes from one's own kind.

[ominous music playing]

A male terror bird.

His territory is the lakeshore.

[growls, roars]

- [distant call]

- But he's not alone.


A younger male wants this prime spot.

- [distant call]

- [grunts]



The older one can't ignore the threat.

[tense music playing]



The youngster refuses to back down.

He needs a territory of his own.

[both roaring]

The two begin a ritual display.


Assessing the other's strength


while showing off their own.

Their coordinated moves

as formal as a dance.



Who will be the first to back down?

Or attack?

[tense music continues]

With nothing to separate them,

a fight is inevitable.



- [roaring]

- [tense music intensifies]

But they have company.

- [growling]

- [grunting]

The Smilodon's mammalian cunning

was one reason terror birds went extinct.


Competition, both within

and between species,

has always driven evolution.

But it's not just those doing battle

that are always changing.

So too is the b*ttlefield itself,

which leads to the third rule of life.

Earth never remains stable for long.

Sometimes that helps life.

Sometimes it hinders it.

[dramatic music playing]

Throughout history, volcanoes have been

one of the greatest agents of change.


[expl*sive crashing]

Eruptions lasting thousands of years

have repeatedly engulfed

vast swathes of our planet.

Pumping gases into the atmosphere,

changing the climate,

and, at worst


causing global mass extinction.

The world has rarely been stable.

At times, a realm of fire.

At times, a realm of ice.

[wind howling]

Our changing planet has created

so many challenges for life.

From toxic seas

[cracking, rumbling]

to global wastelands

and periods of almost endless rain.



[thunder crashing]

At four different times,

the planet has pushed life

to the very edge of existence.

Each time, more than three-quarters

of all species

were lost in mass extinctions.

- [thunder crashing]

- [wind howling]

Ours can be a brutal planet.

But there was one period

when Earth was stable

for 100 million years.

[tranquil music playing]

A period which allowed one group

to become the mightiest of dynasties.

This was the age of dinosaurs.


The long calm helped dinosaurs

to proliferate in huge numbers.

These are Maiasaura,

gentle plant eaters

that form herds many thousands strong.

[grunting, snorting]

This mass gathering provides safety,

and not just for the adults.

This rather cautious female

is keen to get back to her nest.


[growls softly]

Maiasaura means "good mother."

[growls softly]

Like the other females,

she has made her nest

in an enormous colony.

To reach it,

she must run the gauntlet

of defensive mothers

keen to protect their young.



[hissing growl]


In avoiding one aggressor,

she strays too close to the next.

- [snarls]

- [grunts]



[grunts, roars]

[grunts softly]

At last, she reaches her own nest.


- [mother grunts softly]

- [babies bleat]

She feeds her young

in a very bird-like way.


- [growls]

- [grunts]


She'll protect them in the nest

for many months,

until they are big enough

to join the rest of the herd.


Yet the planet didn't just support

large numbers of dinosaurs,

its stability also supported dinosaurs

of every shape and size.




Triceratops is very different

to the defenseless Maiasaura.

Weighing five tons

and boasting three horns,

she is heavily armored

adapted to a world

where the best form of defense is attack.

With the breeding season imminent,

she needs to be in peak condition.

And that means finding the best food

wherever she can.

But her search has taken her

far from the herd

and closer to the edge of the forest.


She's right to be nervous.

Triceratops aren't the only giants

in these woods.

[ominous music playing]

[quiet growl]

Tyrannosaurus rex.


The ultimate predator.

She has her two youngsters with her.

[growls quietly]

[hissing, snarling]

- [dramatic music playing]

- [roaring]

The siblings are faster than their mother.

- [Tyrannosaurus squeals]

- [Triceratops bellows]

They work as a team.

- [bellowing]

- [hissing]

The Triceratops

can hold off the youngsters,

but not the adult.

- [hissing]

- [roaring]

[Tyrannosaurs squealing, roaring]

Only the protection of the herd

can save her.

[Triceratops grunting]

They form a defensive wall.



Even the world's greatest predator

knows when she's beaten.

- [Tyrannosaurus snarling]

- [Triceratops roaring]


Unlike the young male.




Dinosaurs might still rule today

if conditions on Earth

had remained the same.

But everything was about to change,

and in just one day.

[expl*sive crash]


An asteroid the size of Mount Everest,

traveling 20 times faster than a b*llet,

smashed into the planet.

[dramatic music playing]

It blew a hole

20 kilometers deep and 180 wide

setting off

an earth-shattering chain of events.

Rising from the massive crater

came the real k*ller.

A wall of ash and debris

hundreds of kilometers thick

that enveloped the globe.


The cloud blocked out the sunlight,

leading to the death

of almost all dinosaurs

[melancholic music playing]

and three-quarters of life on Earth.

The annihilation was global.

It was the world's fifth mass extinction.

[melancholic music continues]

[music fades]

But there were survivors.

Survivors that would form the basis

of all species that exist today.

[peaceful music playing]

The birds were

the only remaining dinosaurs.

Today, they number

more than 10,000 species


occupying every habitat on Earth.

But the birds didn't have the planet

to themselves.

Another great dynasty

also rose from the ashes.

The mammals.

Under the dinosaurs,

they had been a mere footnote in history.

[grunting, snuffling]

Without the asteroid strike,

none of these survivors

would have had a chance to rule.

From the cataclysm of the mass extinction

came this new multitude of life

in all its wondrous variety

[uplifting music playing]

all perfectly adapted

to the challenges of life.

[birds trilling, chirping]

The struggle to protect

and raise one's young,

to find food,

and to breed.

The cast of characters may have changed,

but the essentials remain the same.

Water and the energy from the Sun

continue to support life,

just as they have for billions of years.


Even today, the rules of life still apply.

Only the best adapted will win through.

[tense music playing]

[birds squawking]

Competition drives evolution.

And a rapidly changing planet

causes chaos.



These rules of life

determine how dynasties will rise

and how they will fall.


Every single thing alive today

can trace its heritage back

four billion years.

This in the face of incredible odds.


[majestic music playing]

99% of all species that have ever existed

are now extinct.


Life today is the 1% that made it through.


This series will explore

the most important milestones

in the history of life.


From when mammals established themselves

as a global power

[heavy grunting]

to the ancestors of the birds

first taking to the air

[triumphant music playing]

to the evolution of hard-shelled eggs

that led to the rise

of the mighty dinosaurs.


And even the moment

when animals first came out of the water.


In the next chapter,

we go back to life's origins in the sea

and the very first fights for survival

on our extraordinary planet.

[ominous music playing]

[music intensifies, ends]

[rousing music playing]